Weight loss in 30 days with Jillian Michaels. Principles of weight loss from Gillian Michaels

I looked at a few reviews and decided to start practicing. At that time I was not even registered here. And now I’m with you and I hasten to tell you everything!!!

A little about me...

I’ll say right away that I needed this program after giving birth.

Before pregnancy, I myself worked as a trainer. (this is not my main job, but more of a hobby).

I regained my shape with using nutrition(diet to speed up metabolism), keeping a food diary and of course exercise! But still it’s not so easy to motivate every day and I decided to look video lessons fitness that would inspire me and help me tighten my body!

And then I found this program that lasts only 30 days!

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About the video lessons themselves...

The program immediately interested me because of its unusual approach to business. I myself like to build for myself STEPS development. And there were just like this Difficulty levels. Like in the game

One video lesson lasts about 25 minutes. That is, you only need to study 25 minutes a day, which is not much at all! This was very important for me. I could have time to study at lunchtime while the child was sleeping.

The essence of the program is to complete 3 levels of video lessons for 30 days without interruption. Jillian Michaels.

Why no breaks? So that the body does not have time to wean itself off the stress (exceptions may occur on unfavorable women's days).

The first 10 days are the first lesson. Second 10 days - second. And the final stage of the last 10 days is the third lesson.

What they say about this program:

Make your body the one you've always dreamed of! Here is an effective 30-day course of exercises from fitness expert Jillian Michaels. This complex is specially prepared for people who do not constantly engage in sports, but want to lose weight. overweight. The exercises from it are simple and are performed according to the “3-2-1” scheme: three minutes are devoted to strength exercises, two minutes - cardio exercises and one minute - abdominal exercises. By performing these exercises consistently, you will be able to burn extra calories as efficiently as possible, strengthen your muscles, and get results in just 30 days.

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DIFFICULTY LEVEL 1 (first 10 days of training)

The video lesson begins with introducing the participants. Together with the coach Jill , two of her assistants are present. Natalie - She performs a more complex version of the exercises. AND Anita - for beginners, an easier option.

I constantly looked at Natalie because, after all, I preserved my muscles during pregnancy with the help of video lessons for pregnant women. But for those who are not prepared, I advise you to look at Anita.

To start training you need a mat (if you don’t have them, I recommend buying them. I’m delighted with them; in extreme cases, take bottles of water)

★ The lesson began as expected with warm-up. It is short in this program, this is its disadvantage - the muscles do not have time to warm up, and it is very simple. At first you think that the course is very easy. But this is only the first impression.

★ Then they go cardio - jumping (for me the only difficulty was not to wake up the child with my jumping. It was because of this that I jumped carefully and quietly on my toes)

★ Next - strength training. Push-ups! This is my favorite. I do push-ups without problems using socks, as Natalie shows, many times - about 20. But I understand that push-ups can be problematic for many. Therefore, I recommend doing push-ups from your knees, starting with 3 times and gradually increasing.

And exercises with dumbbells. Which are great for tightening your arms and strengthening your leg muscles.

★ Then - exercises for abdominals . At the first level, these exercises did not seem difficult to me. Although, again, I always rocked it. Even during pregnancy (it’s hard to describe - but everything was safe, there was a fitball on the ball)

★ At the end of the lesson, as in all fitness programs, there is a . It's short and simple, but you can't live without it. After the lesson, I continued stretching for another 5 minutes.

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After the first days of training, my whole body hurt! Yes, even a more or less trained person’s muscles hurt! But it goes away quickly. The main thing is not to stop.

After 3-5 days you get involved and do everything in one breath.

After 10 days, the result is noticeable both on the scale and visually. A noticeable press appears and the buttocks are tightened.

I was looking forward to level 2! Every day I crossed out days on the calendar. And now this day has come!

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DIFFICULTY LEVEL 2 (second 10 days of training)

★ Warm-up is similar to the first level

★ Cardio has also been made a little more difficult (appeared difficult jumps with raising the knees to the waist and jumping with emphasis on the hands)

★Strength training - very unusual! I liked the new hand push-ups and the more challenging dumbbells.

★ Abdominal exercises pleased me with their novelty. Although during the first LEVEL the abs had already pumped up so much that the exercises were not very complicated.

★ At the end there is stretching as usual. It’s nice to do it and be happy for yourself and for a job well done.

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The results were encouraging every day. The body tightened, the centimeters went away... The weight gradually decreased.

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DIFFICULTY LEVEL 3 (last 10 days of training):

★ A lot of exercises have appeared, combined from several at once, which were previously

★ I liked the new exercises on the elbows and my favorite “boat” for strengthening the back

boat exercise

★ I also liked the interesting jumps and the new exercise with dumbbells for all types of muscles.

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5. Now let's move on to the FINAL results

It may seem to many that I already had no heavy weight, but I can assure you that losing weight is much more difficult when there’s not much of it anyway! And here I am already guided not only by the readings of scales and centimeters, but also by my internal sensations and the presence of muscles.

I apologize in advance for the photo. When I started training, I didn’t think that I would register here and write a review. I took the photo for myself to visually evaluate the result. If I had known, I would have taken much better photographs and more detailed ones.

I can say that all my muscles have tightened, especially my legs, hips, and back. The press was pumped up well. My arms were already pumped up, but the exercises only benefited them. Weight decreased significantly by approximately 4 kg.

Of course, nutrition plays a big role. I tried not to eat after 18:00. I also sometimes practice banana-kefir diet.

In addition to the course, I twisted my favorite massage hoop!

Now I'm studying fitball and a bench for the abs and back.

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Are there any disadvantages to this program?

I can say that I would consider a short warm-up to be a minor disadvantage. Due to the fact that the warm-up was fast, my muscles did not warm up and at stage 2 I slightly injured my heel tendon. But I will not remove 1 star for this. After all, you can warm up before training on your own.

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6. Conclusions.

My only regret is that I didn’t find this program earlier!

Thank you Jillian Michaels for such wonderful exercises that help you be beautiful, slim and healthy!

I will periodically repeat this course to maintain good shape.

I recommend it to everyone!

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My VIDEO REVIEW of the program from Jillian Michaels (my opinion about these workouts):

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Let's take a closer look at what Gillian's weight loss system is based on, and how it helps women acquire the desired shape. Is it just about nutrition?

Gillian's problems began in childhood with a mental disorder. And in adolescence, the girl received another stress - her parents divorced. It was during this period that the girl actively began to gain weight. By the age of 12, Gillian’s weight reached 70 kg, despite the fact that her height was 150 cm. The teenager’s psychological state was aggravated by ridicule from her peers.

Gillian's mother did not remain indifferent to her daughter's problems. It was at her suggestion that the girl changed schools and was enrolled in karate. Playing sports helped Gillian understand that she is able to discipline herself and change her appearance and life for the better.

At the age of 17, Jillian Michaels committed another desperate act: she left home. She took full responsibility for her life. She worked as a bartender and dreamed of playing sports professionally. And in 2012, a step towards the dream was taken. Gillian and his companions open a fitness room and begin their career as a trainer. To date, there are several proprietary weight loss courses from Jillian. One of the most famous is called the “Lose Weight in 30 Days” course. One of the main points of this system is that in order to lose weight, you need to exercise regularly.

Like many other weight loss systems, this one is built on two principles: proper nutrition and proper physical activity.


First, let's figure out what's special about the nutrition that Michaels offers. The Jillian Michaels diet involves strict calorie counting. Jillian suggests reducing the number of calories so that their deficit will lead to weight loss. But this must be a very smart deficit, because if it is exaggerated, the body will begin to starve and the weight loss process will be blocked.

Another important point is that the “Lose Weight in 30 Days” system does not involve losing weight. large quantity extra pounds. No more than 10 kg. You can lose up to 10 kg in 30 days if you reduce the number of calories to a certain amount.

Authorized Products

The Lose Weight in 30 Days with Jillian Michaels program includes a list of specific foods that are particularly good at burning fat in the body. These include: seafood; lean types of meat and fish; grains, beans; cold pressed vegetable oils; citrus; vinegar; low-fat dairy products; vegetables; fruits; nuts; seeds; spices.

In addition, you need to drink at least two liters of pure water without sodium per day; it is this water that helps remove toxins from the body.

Prohibited Products

The menu of the program, which helps you lose weight in 30 days, excludes the following products: confectionery, baked goods, fast food, alcohol, caffeine, trans fats, store-bought juices and drinks, seasonings with flavor enhancers.

The menu of the 30-day weight loss program also highly recommends reducing to a minimum such products as: sausage, sausages, mayonnaise, ketchup, canned food, pickles.

Consider your metabolism

It is also important to consider your metabolic rate in your 30 day weight loss program.

If you have a slow metabolism, then complex carbohydrates should predominate in the menu. And if you have a fast metabolism, then you need to give preference to proteins.

Advantages of the diet

The main advantage of Gillian’s nutrition system is that it does not cause any harm to the body. A great figure is achieved in a completely healthy way. She represents healthy eating and there are no contraindications for it.

The only difficulty that might be difficult for some is a very light dinner, which is even more like a snack. But you can also get used to this, especially if the goal is a slim figure.

Here is an approximate daily menu for this diet:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, a cup of green tea.
  • Second breakfast: fruit salad.
  • Lunch: vegetables, grilled meat, tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with a spoonful of porridge or legumes.

You should also not take too long breaks from eating, no more than four hours. By following all the recommendations, you are guaranteed a slim figure in 30 days.

Physical activity

The second principle on which Jillian Michaels’ weight loss system is built is competent, and most importantly, regular physical activity.

The first ten days of the program you need to exercise every day for 30 minutes with dumbbells. It is during these first ten days that the weight will come off most quickly. The less active lifestyle you led before, the better results you will notice during this time. Your slim figure will already begin to show itself.

After this period, exercises with dumbbells will need to be supplemented with strength aerobics, Pilates and yoga. During this period, fat burning will not be as active - this is normal. But your endurance will increase, and the first muscles on your body will begin to appear.

30 Day Shred was my first program. Having downloaded it from my favorite root tracker and read the instructions for use, I set off on my further journey in the company of a slender 40-year-old bisexual woman. So, three workouts for ten days based on Gillian's 3-2-1 interval system: three minutes power load, two minutes of cardio and one minute of abs, warm-up and cool-down (stretching) and all this in 30 minutes.

My son's 2 kg dumbbells were confiscated, with which I began my journey at home. With Gillian, I did not change my habit, and continued to force myself in the same company.

Three levels “Slim figure in 30 days” kept the body in good shape for all 30 days. Cardio is intense everywhere, so it is very difficult for unprepared people to jump along with the mad woman on the screen.

I started, as expected, from the first level, and after a 30-minute workout, I wasn’t stuck to the floor from sweat. The next day both my legs and arms hurt. The pace set by the coach squeezed all my strength out of me. There is absolutely no monotony: strength, cardio and abs constantly replaced each other, without having time to get bored one bit. Working every second, without breaks, the body remembered that muscles were hidden behind a layer of fat. And the soft pats of the fat during jumps acted like lashes and made you jump with all your strength. The thought constantly flew through my head: “The aunt from the screen wants me dead, it’s not for nothing that she constantly rubs in something in English.”

First training “Slim figure in 30 days” It was very difficult, I had very little experience. I won’t hide it, I looked at my watch to determine how much longer the sadistic aunt would mock me. The most best moment There were minutes when, after 2 minutes of cardio, I plopped down on the floor to work out my abdominal muscles. On about the third day, I began to get used to the exercises, the pace, the load, and the constantly talking woman on the screen. Once I tried to work out without dumbbells (I really felt sorry for myself on the second day) - it wasn’t worth doing! It turned out that half of the training was in vain.

By the end of the level, after 10 days, I began to understand that the training was not so difficult, but then, like a bolt from the blue, the next level fell. And again swearing, swearing and drops of sweat under my feet.

After 10 days of intensive training with Jillian Michaels, I gained weight, both in weight and in volume. I noticed this thanks to my jeans, which for some reason I began to find it difficult to fit into again. The reason turned out to be banal and left me after another 10 days - swelling of untrained muscles.It was caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers (like a cut in the skin) that absorb fluid.

  • take potassium and magnesium, which are “responsible” for the opening of intercellular membranes
  • training in at least two different pairs of sneakers: the different work of different types of cushioning will load the leg muscles differently
  • massage and self-massage
  • sauna and bathhouse with a broom: a combination of thermal and massage effects on muscles

After two or three weeks, the body partially adapts to the load, which is what happened for me, the pain in the muscles disappeared, the swelling subsided.

There is another significant nuance in “ Slim figure in 30 days“You need to be careful and careful about your knees and ankles. There are a lot of jumps, and without following the technique you can damage them, which makes the training very dangerous. Due to my inexperience and lack of knowledge, I generally saw myself as a fitness guru and for about five days I managed to work out without sneakers (why make noise, the child is sleeping). Here is the result of my experiments:

A swollen ankle is the result of non-compliance with safety precautions during the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” workout

It was, of course, possible to avoid the state when I could barely walk. Then the ankle wouldn’t have suffered much, but I wanted to lose weight so quickly that I continued training with Jillian Michaels for a couple more days (albeit in sneakers). This is why you can't exercise without sneakers. The ointment saved Dikul and elastic bandage. After 2 days I was again jumping like a saiga.

In her videos, Jillian Michaels focuses on the correct technique for performing exercises. If you look carefully, you can see that she specifically shows what not to do. To avoid knee pain during exercise, you must do a warm-up. So, at least partially, the knees can be prepared for the upcoming load. Stretching also plays an important role. Gillian doesn’t have much stretching, so it’s advisable, of course, to add a cool-down of your own or take it for 8-10 minutes.

Imagining myself to be a hero who passed the first level by five points, when I moved to the second I realized that I was nothing! Jillian Michaels immediately showed me who was running the show and clearly explained that my level was just above the front door mat. There was no doubt leftThe second level is much more difficult than the first, and starting it, you understand that the real load is only ahead.

What can we say about the third level, when everything secret becomes clear.

Results “Slim figure in 30 days” become noticeable, indeed, very quickly, despite the short period of time allotted for them. In combination with proper nutrition, the body tightens up well in 30 days, especially if it resembles the outlines of Smeshariki from children's cartoons. Around the 20th day, the arms are drawn and the shoulders are rounded. The view from the back is most pleasing: the wings disappear behind the back at chest level, the waist and buttocks lose the appearance of a solid column. The body, of course, does not become a “magazine cover model” version, but it is well toned and overall well-being improves.

Results after passing “Slim figure in 30 days” Jillian Michaels

By the end of the 30-day course “Slim Figure in 30 Days,” I could no longer imagine my everyday life without training. Half an hour is not much; in a quiet hour, a child can easily have time to study, and during this time Gillian manages to get the most out of it, which is what attracts her. The results motivate, like no other, for further exploits.

In addition to her workouts, Jillian has released a book - Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You." You can download it on torrents, for example,

This girl became famous when a program was developed for her Jillian Michaels “Slim Figure in 30 Days”(Jillian Michaels “30 Day Shred”), which she successfully tested in her own experience. In her youth, the girl was dissatisfied with her curvaceous figures, and wanted to make her figure ideal, as well as open her own gym for strength and aerobic exercises.

After Jillian Michaels started training with her program, she lost weight. extra pounds, having become fit and slim figure. Jill began her coaching career at gym since 2012. She opened the gym with her own savings, and her companions also helped her. By doing the Jillian Michaels program, you can get fit (or toned) in just a month. Of course, if we are talking about losing a large number of extra pounds, then you will have to repeat the course several times until you achieve the desired figure. It is very important to train systematically, without missing a single workout, otherwise the results will not come so quickly. In addition to training, you also need to pay attention to your diet - exclude flour, sweets and fatty foods.

The program is aimed at beginners, as it helps to start training correctly without overtiring the body at first. During this time, a person does not become overtired, but only slightly tired. As you progress, you can perform both simplified and complicated versions of the exercises.

If you like the system of exercises for weight loss, as well as the results from the classes, then you can move on to a more difficult level to achieve maximum results. The complex course also lasts 30 days.

Please note: Jillian Michaels allows you to take a day off while changing levels so you can start training again the next day.

Each session lasts half an hour, during which time the metabolism accelerates, helping to burn fat even after training. The workout has three “levels” or “steps”, each lasting 10 days. A new level is a change in the training program. At each level, all muscle groups receive a load, but changing levels does not allow them to get used to the training regimen. The transition to a new level activates muscle work and fat burning in the body.

The weight loss system consists of several levels:

  • First level. At the first level, untrained people will begin to get tired and feel pain in all muscles. A massage or hot shower will help get rid of these sensations. Also, muscle pain means that you are doing all the exercises correctly. This level usually helps you lose 2-3 kilograms;
  • Second level. After completing the first level, your body will already get used to the stress, but you cannot stop. At the second level, classes become more difficult by acquiring new additions. The hands are now more heavily loaded than other parts of the body. pectoral muscles, since at the first level they were practically not affected;
  • Third level. This level is no more difficult than the second, rather the opposite. Classes become simpler (compared to the second level), since training is focused on consolidating the result, and not on increasing it.

After completing all levels, you can either continue training with the Jillian Michaels weight loss system of the first level, or begin training with another training program. To understand correct technique doing the exercises, you can watch Jillian Michaels’ video “Slim figure in 30 days” level 1 in Russian.

Diet Jillian Michaels

Without dietary control, you will not be able to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels. Jillian Michaels counts calories and encourages everyone who is losing weight to simply reduce their daily amount so that the body itself starts the process of burning fat. However, everything must be approached wisely, and even reducing the daily amount of calories should be done carefully. Lack of nutrients can lead to loss muscle mass and blocking fat burning.

Please note: The normal amount of calories for a woman during weight loss ranges from 1300 to 1500, depending on her height. Jill's diet system for weight loss will not help you get rid of 20 kilograms in a month. If you have a lot of extra pounds, then simply repeat the complex for another month.

Jill does not suggest completely giving up fats or carbohydrates; her nutrition is based on the consumption healthy products. They help the body fight fat reserves without reducing muscle mass. Michaels also advises drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water (not tea or compote) per day. This will help remove toxins and breakdown products of fat cells from the body.

While losing weight, you can eat:

  • Seeds and nuts;
  • Fruits and vegetables (especially citrus fruits);
  • Spices (especially garlic and pepper), vinegar;
  • Cereals and legumes;
  • Seafood, poultry, meat (preferably low fat);
  • Dairy products with low or medium fat content;
  • Vegetable oils, preferably cold pressed.

Try to cook interesting and interesting dishes from these products. delicious dishes, after all dietary food not as meager and insipid as it might seem at first glance.

Prohibited Products

The Jillian Michaels diet prohibits the consumption of certain foods. These include unhealthy, fatty and sweet foods that are instantly deposited on the thighs and stomach.

For at least a month you will have to stop using:

  • Fast food;
  • Store-bought juices (with the exception of freshly squeezed ones) and sweet soda;
  • Products with trans fats;
  • Baked goods and sweets;
  • Products containing flavor enhancers;
  • Alcohol and products with a large number caffeine

If you really want, for example, to add mayonnaise to a salad, then prepare it yourself. Homemade sauce will be much healthier, but only if you do not abuse it. Decide on the purpose of your training: if you want to build muscle mass, then your diet should be rich in proteins. If you want to lose weight, then eat a balanced diet. For those who lack imagination, Jill has prepared the perfect meal plan:

You need to have a snack every 4 hours to avoid getting too hungry. If you feel hungry between lunch and dinner, you can snack on fruit or low-fat yogurt. The main thing when following a diet is to calculate the optimal daily norm calories and follow it.

Yoga workouts

Regular yoga is not designed for weight loss, unlike a special complex developed by Jillian Michaels. Jill offers an interesting interpretation of yoga that combines strength and aerobic exercise. This complex is a two-level weight loss system, each level of which lasts half an hour. This complex is aimed at improving your stretching and coordination of movements, as well as gait. It enhances the effectiveness strength training, performed both in the hall and according to a specific system. Maximum quantity extra pounds, which helps you lose this method- ten. Remember that you need to study in a comfortable sportswear and shoes on a special mat, even if you train at home.

Important! Gil doesn't say exactly how long the first level should last. You can move on to the second, more difficult one when the loads cease to be tiring for you.

Jillian Michaels' exercises perfectly strengthen all muscle groups. Classes using this system of exercises will help you make your figure more prominent or lose more weight. The final result depends on the type of nutrition: with a calorie surplus and consuming large amounts of protein, muscles begin to increase, and with a diet with a predominance of complex carbohydrates, the process of weight loss begins. Jill advises either continuing to exercise to maintain your figure, or eating right. The main thing in achieving the goal is to exercise regularly and not eat harmful products, and that’s when you will find the figure of your dreams.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


A slim, fit figure is the cherished dream of every girl. According to reviews, losing weight with Jillian Michaels in 30 days helps to achieve impressive results, subject to strict adherence to the basic requirements of the program: proper balanced nutrition and a special training regimen. Find out how, by going through 3 levels of this universal technique, you can get perfect body.

Who is Jillian Michaels

This amazing woman is a successful fitness trainer. The experience of Jillian Michaels is valuable because she personally went through all the stages of losing weight and developed her own weight loss system. Her youthful passion for fitness eventually turned into a job. The coach is constantly improving and bringing something new to the program. 30 Days of Weight Loss with Jillian Michaels is guaranteed to help you shed those extra pounds. At the same time, with the help of training recordings you can save time and money, which is also important.

Jillian Michaels programs

The trainer claims that almost anyone can get an ideal body in 30 days. The only thing you need to determine is which Jillian Michaels program meets all your individual characteristics. Among the video courses for weight loss of this trainer you can find classes dedicated to yoga, Pilates, aerobics, gymnastics and other sports, which only confirms the high professional level Gillian.

It is important to note that on at the moment Michaels has developed several comprehensive weight loss programs designed for 30, 60 and 90 days, as well as many special courses aimed at correcting individual problem areas of the body - hips, abdomen, buttocks. The following video courses for weight loss are the most popular among supporters of Gillian's approach:

Slim figure in 30 days

Jill has a keen understanding of how the body functions, which is why she strongly encourages her followers to work hard. Getting a slim figure in 30 days is difficult, but everything is possible provided that the person is sufficiently motivated to lose weight. Having gone all the way from start to finish, Gillian, like no one else, is able to convey the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. The trainer's practice shows that proper motivation largely determines the success of a weight loss program.

Lose Weight in 30 Days with Jillian Michaels

This course includes a very successful combination of strength and cardio training. At the same time, losing weight with Jillian Michaels in 30 days is based on the use of fitness as the main tool for weight loss. The coach advises beginning athletes to prepare the body for future loads long before the main stage of the program. Jillian Michaels believes that losing weight in 30 days should occur in 3 stages lasting 10 days each.

Level 1

Followers of Jillian Michaels claim that the initial phase of the program is the most difficult. The first stage assumes that the body will prepare for subsequent physical activity and losing weight. According to the terms of the Jillian Michaels program, level 1 includes daily activities half an hour a day, and it does not matter what time of day or night they are performed. The workout consists of three approaches of 8 minutes, which involve performing a complex consisting of the following exercises:

  • weighted lunges;
  • push-ups;
  • squats;
  • jumping;
  • abdominal exercises

Level 2

Each subsequent stage of the weight loss program differs from the previous one only in the intensity of the training. According to Jillian Michaels, level 2 is designed to destroy excess fat in the body and prepare it for muscle gain. It is worth saying that at the second stage they intensify painful sensations after classes. However, by the end of this phase, the discomfort goes away, and the muscles begin to require more serious loads. At the second stage, the previously mentioned complex is supplemented with the “plank” exercise.

Level 3

The last phase of the program requires maximum endurance. According to Jillian Michaels, level 3 helps you completely get rid of your “previous body” and lifestyle. On last stage It becomes easier to do weight loss, which is explained by the approaching finale of the program. At the same time, the training is so exhausting that some even give up, despairing of completing the course. The third level complex includes the following exercises:

Menu by day of the Jillian Michaels diet

When creating a complete diet, it is important to consider your metabolic rate. For people with a slow metabolism, Gillian recommends for weight loss complex carbohydrates. Persons with rapid metabolic reactions should focus on protein foods. It should be taken into account that the need for calories and the speed of metabolic processes change during the course. For this reason, it makes no sense to create a menu for the entire period of losing weight. The author of the technique advises coming up with meal options for 3-5 days. Meanwhile, the abbreviated menu by day of the Jillian Michaels diet is reflected in the table below:

Program day

Snack (afternoon snack)

2 eggs of any kind, whole grain toast, green tea

Chicken salad with avocado and mango

Orange, almond

Homemade whole wheat pizza with feta cheese, tomatoes and red onion

Oatmeal with fruits and nuts, tea without sugar

Chickpea porridge

Banana-apple smoothie

Chicken sauté

Easy low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of berries

Grilled veal with corn as a side dish

Mozzarella cheese, pear

Chicken breast baked in lemon-honey sauce

Boiled chicken sausage with baked potatoes

Pita with mozzarella, red onion, tomato, spinach