Heart rate value during training. Pulse zones

Pulse is a very important informative indicator of a person’s health and fitness. The heart rate will immediately tell you whether the training load is too low, whether you are in a state of overtraining, whether your results from training are increasing, whether you are starting to get sick, etc. Let's talk about what pulse is considered normal, what a normal pulse is and what a pulse is in general.

What is pulse?

It is known that the human heart beats rhythmically several dozen times per minute and drives blood through the arteries. The pulse is a periodic, jerky expansion of the walls of the arteries, synchronous with the contractions of the heart. Each contraction of the heart spreads out in the form of a pressure wave through all major vessels almost instantly. This is felt like a pulse. When the heart beats, it creates a wave. And the pressure of this wave is called systolic. Cm. .

To feel the pulse, you need to place your finger in the indicated places. It is usually helpful to press your fingers against an artery in your wrist or neck.

How to count your pulse?

The pulse is usually counted for 1 minute. But some formulas and methods imply counting the pulse over a shorter or, conversely, longer time. For example, the pulse is counted in 15 seconds.

A person's heart rate depends on gender, age, weight, degree of fitness, stress level, emotional state, hunger, body temperature and ambient air.

The pulse usually increases even without physical activity, if the weather is hot, if the air humidity is high, if you are in the mountains, if the oxygen content in the air is below normal (stuffy, high altitude), if the environment is very noisy, if now critical days(in women) if you have significant overweight. Also, the pulse often accelerates after taking metabolism-stimulating medications, drinks (such as coffee, green and black tea), drugs sports nutrition containing stimulants (caffeine and others).

The normal pulse rate for a quietly sitting person is usually in the range of 60-80 beats per minute. In regularly training athletes (runners, swimmers, cyclists), the resting heart rate can be below 60-50 and even below 40 beats per minute. In athletes power types fitness (bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting), the pulse is usually at least 70 beats. This is explained by significant body weight and training characteristics. Specialization in strength training usually does not lead to an increase, and therefore the resting heart rate does not become lower.

The most important heart rate parameters

  • resting heart rate (should gradually decrease)
  • pulse immediately after exercise (should not exceed the corresponding load zone (see)
  • pulse during prolonged cardio exercise for more than 5 minutes (should not go beyond the aerobic zone)
  • dynamics of changes in resting heart rate and heart rate during training at the same load for a long time (it should gradually decrease)

Normal human heart rate

As training increases, resting heart rate decreases. This is due to the growth of the capabilities of the heart and the adaptation of the entire circulatory system. If this does not happen, you need to analyze your training, especially for cardio training and excessive power loads.

The heart rate reaches informative indicators only when the exercise lasts more than 3–5 minutes. During this time, activity intensifies cardiovascular system and fast sources of energy in the muscles are depleted (see). That is why during short-term work, for example when running short distances, performing acyclic exercises (high jumps, long jumps, lifting dumbbells or barbells, etc.), heart rate values ​​may be small or say nothing about real situation business

Slow recovery or decreased heart rate may indicate excessive physical activity during training or improper planning of this activity. If in two minutes of rest between approaches to the barbell your heart rate has not dropped to 100-110 beats, then you need to either reduce the weight of the barbell, or do fewer repetitions, or rest more between approaches. Normal heart rate during strength training - start the next set after the heart rate has dropped to 100 beats per minute or less. Except in cases where special physical training methods are used.

It is generally accepted that a load that causes an increase in heart rate to 120–160 beats/min is considered normal. Training at a heart rate above 160-165 beats per minute means forcing your heart to work harder. Especially if this pulse is maintained for a long time (5 or more minutes).

A good indicator of fitness is heart rate at rest. A resting pulse of 48–60 beats/min is considered excellent; 60–74 beats/min. - how good; 74–89 beats/min. – as satisfactory; more than 90 beats/min. – as unsatisfactory.

The maximum heart rate per minute allowed for your age can be calculated using the formula: 220 – age = heart rate max

As physical activity increases during training, heart rate increases rapidly in proportion to its intensity. It’s like playing catch-up: the load increases, and the heart tries to keep up with it, which pumps oxygenated blood through our body faster and faster, thus trying to compensate for all the body’s losses. The greater the load and the longer it is, the faster you approach your maximum heart rate.

The maximum heart rate is reached before the moment of extreme fatigue and at the stage of stabilization of the pulse. This is a very reliable indicator that remains constant from day to day and only changes with age, usually decreasing.

It is strictly not recommended to cross the threshold of the maximum heart rate for your age, much less stay in this mode for a long time. The body cannot withstand excessive stress and begins to fail. The first sign that you have crossed the limits of your capabilities is the appearance of shortness of breath, at first slight, then increasingly intensifying, and in the end more reminiscent of suffocation, when you can no longer utter a word. Rapid, painful heartbeat, tinnitus, dizziness. Spasm of cerebral vessels can cause sudden headache and unpleasant visions before the eyes - black spots, rainbow circles. Sometimes there is excessive dryness in the mouth and a blue face.

Such sensations may arise even before you reach maximum heart rate. Perhaps today you are tired, nervous, did not get enough sleep, feel unwell, or have gone too far at work with the number of cups of strong coffee you have drunk - then your workout should take place in a gentle, calm manner.

Never allow yourself to be drawn into training with such sensations (choking, lack of air, blue face). Yes, you need quite a high intensity to achieve noticeable results. However, you must be prepared by preliminary training for this intensity. A trainer who forces beginners to train this way is an illiterate criminal. You need to be especially careful when training using the CrossFit method, known for its crazy type of loads and competitive spirit. In CrossFit training, more than anywhere else, it is important to choose the right level of load, especially if you are a beginner.

For both beginners and experienced athletes, it is important to monitor your heart rate during training. Heart rate during and after physical activity is one of the indicators of health status and level of sports training person. Having information about pulse zones, you can, depending on your own goals, achieve the desired results in a short time.

How to measure heart rate?

Heart rate (heart rate) is the number of pulse waves, movements of the walls of large arteries, which are caused by the work of the heart muscle and the movement of blood through the vessels.

Pulse Characteristics:

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

  • frequency;
  • rhythm;
  • size;
  • voltage;
  • filling;
  • form.

Heart rate

Health care providers measure patients' heart rates when analyzing heart function to determine the effectiveness of treatment or make a diagnosis.

To measure the number of contractions, heart rate monitors are used, which consist of a sensor strap that is attached under the chest and a monitor (usually in the form of a bracelet on the wrist). You can also measure heart rate manually by placing your fingertips on one of the large arteries located close to the surface of the skin. It is most convenient to do this on the radial, carotid, temporal and inguinal arteries. Once you feel the rhythmic beats, you can begin the countdown. It is better to calculate the heart rhythm by the number of beats per minute, this way you get the most accurate result. However, there are also express methods according to which you can count the number of heart contractions in 10 seconds and multiply it by 6. Doctors recommend measuring this indicator immediately after sleep in the morning, while lying in bed.


To assess the pulse, it is important to know its rhythm. It is assessed by the intervals between contractions. For healthy adults and children, it is normal to have a rapid pulse when inhaling and slowing it down when exhaling. Other disturbances in the cyclicity of the heart rhythm can be caused by various types of arrhythmias and require consultation with a cardiologist.

Pulse rate: table

The heartbeat rhythm is individual for each person. In addition, there are age standards, where each time period of life corresponds to its own indicator. The table shows that the heartbeat rhythm of healthy newborns, children, young, mature and elderly people is significantly different from each other. The normal heart rate in infants under one month is 2 times higher than the maximum permissible for a person over 50 years of age.

Heart rate norms by age
Age, yearsMinimum valueMaximum valueAverage
0-1 month105 170 140
1 month - 1100 160 130
1-2 95 155 125
2-5 85 125 105
5-8 75 115 95
8-10 65 105 85
10-12 60 100 80
12-15 55 95 75
15-50 60 90 70
50-70 65 85 75
70-80 70 90 80

Heart rate efficiency during exercise

During training, intensity control is necessary, where the indicator is the pulse.

You need to train in such a way as to maintain your heart rate within acceptable limits during training. There is an approximate formula to determine a person’s maximum heart rate: 226 (for men 220) minus the number of years lived. Achieving the maximum through physical activity is not recommended, especially for beginners. You can calculate the minimum value that your heart rate should be during training for it to bring the desired effect by multiplying its maximum value by 0.6. Calculation optimal heart rate during sports - 70% of the maximum, maximum useful - 80%.

There are load intensity zones based on heart rate: For training in the fitness zone, a heart rate during training of about 70% of the maximum allowable (135-150 beats per minute) is suitable. This zone continues to train the heart, but more intensely than in the health regime. The combustion process begins subcutaneous fat. This occurs due to the fact that the body does not have enough energy from the outside, and it consumes it from internal reserves, breaking down fats. This pulse zone is also suitable for strength training. Duration 20-40 minutes.

Reading time: 21 minutes

A heart rate monitor is a measuring device that measures your heart rate. It is also called a heart rate monitor.

Heart rate monitor is used to monitor heart function, analyze loads, determine heart rate zones and go beyond these zones. Sold on the sports paraphernalia market large number various models for heart rate monitoring. Let's figure out what a heart rate monitor is for, what its advantages and benefits are, how to choose one, and also consider the most popular models of heart rate monitors on the market.

Heart rate monitor: what is it for and what are the advantages

If you need information about how your heart works during exercise, then a device like a heart rate monitor is a must-have. During training, the heart rate monitor helps maintain the desired heart rate, measures the number of calories burned and monitors heart function and workload. Most often, a heart rate monitor is used during interval and cardio training, but it will also come in handy during strength training. In addition, the heart rate monitor can be used during daytime activities to monitor heart function.

Who might need a heart rate monitor?

  • For those who do cardio training to lose weight or develop endurance.
  • For those who do high-intensity activities interval training(HIIT).
  • For those who have heart problems and need to control their heart rate.
  • For those who want to control the number of calories burned during training.
  • And also for those who want to regularly improve their results without harm to their health.

Why is it even necessary to measure your heart rate during exercise? Depending on your pulse or heart rate (abbreviated HR), your body will use different sources of energy. Based on this, there are several load zones that determine the effectiveness of your workout:

The indicated percentage is taken from the maximum heart rate value. To calculate it, we use the formula: Maximum heart rate = 220 – age.

Accordingly, for the body to use fatty acids as a source, it is enough to keep the pulse in the zone of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. For example, if your age is 30 years old, then the following calculations will be used to calculate the possible range of your heart rate:

  • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.6=114
  • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.7=133

With such a pulse (114-133 beats per minute) you can practice for a long time, maintaining a continuous pace. In this case, the exercise will be aerobic, that is, using oxygen. Such cardio workouts help burn fat and train the heart.

If you are doing high-intensity interval training (for example, training according to the Tabata protocol), then at the peak moments your heart rate should be in the anaerobic zone, i.e. 80-90% of maximum heart rate:

  • Lower threshold = (220-30)*0.8=152
  • Upper threshold = (220-30)*0.9=171

The heart rate monitor helps you monitor your heart rate and keep it in the zone that meets your requirements. If your heart rate monitor model allows it, you can set the heart rate zones you are interested in, and you will be notified when your heart rate leaves the specified zone.

Benefits of a heart rate monitor:

  • A heart rate monitor protects your heart from overload during exercise because you monitor your heart rate.
  • You will exercise in the heart rate zone you need - for fat burning or endurance, depending on your goals, and therefore train more effectively.
  • With a heart rate monitor it is easy to track your progress, analyze the level of load and its perception by the body.
  • You will know exactly how many calories you burned during your workout.
  • You can use the heart rate monitor during your normal daily activities to assess your body's performance or monitor your stress levels.
  • The heart rate monitor is indispensable while running or brisk walking outdoors when there are no other sources to determine the load level.

Many cardio machines already have a built-in heart rate monitor. But firstly, such heart rate monitors show inaccurate data, which is better not to rely on. Secondly, to record data you need to hold the handles while running or walking, which is not always convenient. Therefore, if you want to receive the most accurate data on heart rate and calories, it is better to purchase a heart rate monitor.

You can also use manual heart rate monitoring. To do this, you need to stop and count the beats, recording the resulting values. However, additional manipulations during training are not always convenient, and the obtained values ​​will have a strong error. In addition, constant stopping lowers your heart rate, which disrupts the rhythm of the activity. This is why a heart rate monitor is indispensable: it will record data instantly throughout the entire workout.

Main functions of the heart rate monitor:

  • Heart rate (HR) monitoring
  • Setting your heart rate zone
  • Notification of heart rate zone changes by sound or vibration
  • Calculation of average and maximum heart rate
  • Calorie counter
  • Time and date display
  • Stopwatch, timer

Some heart rate monitors have additional functions: GPS navigation, alarm clock, pedometer, training history, automatic calculation of training zones, fitness test, heart rate calculation for a single lap (useful for runners), synchronization with applications and computer. The more functions a device is equipped with, the more expensive it is.

Types of heart rate monitors

Heart rate monitors can be divided into 2 large groups: breastplates(using a chest strap) and carpals. Heart rate monitor with chest strap used O more popular among practitioners, but thanks to new technologies, models have appeared that allow you to accurately measure your pulse without a chest sensor.

A chest heart rate monitor is a sensor with electrodes that is worn under the chest and transmits data to a receiver watch or mobile application. There are two types of chest heart rate monitor models, which differ in configuration:

  • Heart rate monitor without watch receiver. In this case, the data is transferred to the smartphone via Bluetooth Smart technology. The sensor is synchronized with special applications on the smartphone, where all the necessary information about heart rate and calories burned is automatically stored. This is convenient for training analysis, since the application stores the entire data history. Most often, heart rate monitors are synchronized with applications on Android and iOS operating systems.
  • Heart rate monitor with watch receiver. In this case, the sensor sends data to the receiver watch, where it is processed and you can see it on the screen. Such models are more expensive, but also more convenient. You do not need to additionally use a smartphone; all information will be displayed on the watch. For example, it is more convenient to use such heart rate monitors outdoors.

If you purchase a heart rate monitor with a watch, then also pay attention to the type of data transmission. There are two types of data transfer from the chest strap to the watch:

  • Analog (uncoded) type of data transmission. May be subject to radio interference. It is considered less accurate, but if there is an error, it is very small. An analog heart rate monitor can synchronize with cardio equipment, picking up data about heart rate from your belt. But if someone in your immediate vicinity (within a meter) is using a heart rate monitor with the same type of data transmission, for example in a group training session, then interference may occur.
  • Digital (encoded) type of data transmission. A more expensive and accurate type of data transmission, not subject to interference. However, a digital heart rate monitor cannot be synchronized with exercise equipment.

Both analog and digital heart rate monitors are quite accurate, so The type of data transfer does not play a key role when choosing a heart rate monitor. There is no point in overpaying additionally for digital data transmission.

Wrist heart rate monitors

The convenience of wrist heart rate monitors is that you don't have to wear a chest strap with the sensor. To measure the data, you only need a watch that is worn on your wrist. However, this version of heart rate monitors also has a number of features and disadvantages, so despite the apparent convenience, wrist heart rate monitors are still less popular.

There are two types of wrist heart rate monitors, which differ in the principle of heart rate monitoring:

  • Pulse is measured upon contact of fingers and sensor on the front side of the device. You simply place the heart rate monitor on your wrist, touch it, and the device gives you your heart rate readings. The disadvantage of such monitoring is that you will not measure your pulse for a certain period of time, but on demand, only after contact of your fingers and electrodes on the body. This heart rate monitor is more suitable for tourism, mountaineering, or for those who, due to health restrictions, are forced to periodically monitor their heart rate zone.
  • Pulse is measured via tracking behind blood vessels. The principle of operation of such heart rate monitors is as follows: you put the bracelet on your hand, the LEDs shine through the skin, the optical sensor measures the narrowing of blood vessels and the sensor displays the obtained values ​​on the watch screen. But the disadvantages of such devices are also obvious. For data accuracy, the belt must be tightly tightened on the wrist, which is not always convenient during training. Additionally, heavy sweating or rainy weather may interfere with the sensor's performance.

Of course, a watch is a more common piece of equipment than a chest strap. Therefore, if you feel uncomfortable wearing a belt under your chest, we recommend purchasing a second version of a wrist heart rate monitor. But discomfort and inconvenience are perhaps the only argument in favor of a wrist heart rate monitor. Most trainees still opt for a heart rate monitor with a chest strap because of the convenience and accuracy of the data.

Prices for a heart rate monitor are determined by the following parameters:

  • Manufacturing company
  • Heart rate monitor type: chest or wrist
  • Contents: is there a watch receiver, replaceable straps, cases, etc.
  • Data transmission type: analog or digital
  • Moisture protection
  • Belt, its width, quality, ease of fastening
  • Quality of the watch receiver case
  • Availability of additional functions

Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models

We offer you a selection of heart rate monitor models with brief description, prices and pictures. Based on this review, you can choose the right heart rate monitor for yourself. Prices are indicated according to Yandex Market data as of September 2017 and may differ from the cost of the heart rate monitor in your store.

Sigma heart rate monitors

Popular models of Sigma heart rate monitors are developed by a Taiwanese manufacturer. Among heart rate monitors, Sigma is considered one of the market leaders; their models are almost ideal in terms of price and quality ratio. They mainly offer heart rate monitor models with a chest strap and a watch:

  • Sigma PC 3.11: the most primitive model with a basic heart rate counting function. There is no calorie counting.
  • Sigma PC 10.11: the optimal model with all the necessary basic functions, including calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
  • Sigma PC 15.11: This model is suitable for running enthusiasts, as it adds functions such as lap counter, average and maximum heart rate per lap, number of calories burned per lap, lap time.
  • Sigma PC 22.13: This heart rate monitor uses digital data transmission, so the price is a little more expensive. The model is offered in several body colors. Standard functions: calculation of average and maximum heart rate, calorie counter, zone indicator, sound signal when the target heart rate zone is violated.
  • Sigma PC 26.14: model similar to the previous one, but with the addition of new functions. For example, this device has a lap counter, an automated function for calculating the target zone, memory for 7 training sessions, totals per week.

Polar heart rate monitors

Polar is one of the most famous brands in the heart rate monitor market. Polar produces high-quality devices, but their prices are much higher. You can purchase a chest strap with a sensor that will transmit data to your smartphone, or a set of strap and watch receiver for easier data tracking.

Chest straps with sensor:

  • Polar H1: GymLink communication interface, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
  • Polar H7: GymLink and Blutooth Smart communication interfaces, Android and iOS support, moisture protection.
  • Polar H10: a new generation of heart rate sensors, replacing the H7, one of the popular heart rate monitor models.

Chest heart rate monitor with watch included:

  • Polar A300: in addition to the standard functions, this device also has many additional features: pedometer, sleep monitoring, reminder function, goal setting, accelerometer. It is also possible to connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth.
  • Polar FT60: this model includes a calorie counter function, as well as a number of auxiliary, but very convenient and useful functions, such as: alarm clock, second time zone, low battery indicator, locking buttons from accidental pressing.
  • Polar M430: Another very multifunctional gadget, waterproof, with GPS navigation and backlight. Added notification function about incoming calls, received messages and notifications from applications for social networks GPS.

Beurer heart rate monitors

This brand offers models of heart rate monitors with a chest strap and models in which you need to touch the sensor of the device to measure data. For training, we recommend choosing heart rate monitors with a chest strap; it is more convenient and practical.

  • Beurer PM25: a simple and convenient model, there are all the important functions, for example, a built-in calendar, clock, alarm clock, stopwatch, calorie counter, alert when leaving the training zone.
  • Beurer PM45: The set of functions is similar to the PM25 models, but adds interchangeable straps, a bike mount, and a storage case.
  • Beurer PM15: This is a wrist-based heart rate monitor with a touch sensor, the device monitors heart rates, alerts you when you go beyond the training zone, but does not count calories. Price: 3200 rubles.

Suunto heart rate monitors

Another well-known company in the sports equipment market that produces a series sports watches with the ability to measure pulse. Suunto offers chest straps and chest straps included with your watch:

  • Suunto Comfort Belt: Chest strap suitable for all T-series sports watches and computers that can be used as a heart rate monitor.
  • Suunto Smart Belt: Chest strap with Bluetooth Smart technology. Compatible with Suunto's Movescount app.
  • Suunto M2: a chest strap with a watch that has all the basic functions, including heart rate control, calorie counting, automatic selection of the desired heart rate zone.
  • Suunto M5: This heart rate monitor is equipped additional functions, which will help you determine the optimal training regimen based on your individual performance, as well as get reliable information about the speed and distance during your running training.

Sanitas heart rate monitors

Sanitas does not have many models, but they are notable for their low prices, so we also mention them.

  • Sanitas SPM22 and SPM25: Heart rate monitor with chest strap that includes all the basic functions and is perfect for regular use.
  • Sanitas SPM10: You don't need a chest strap to measure your heart rate with this model. You simply place the device on your wrist and touch the sensor on the front of the device with your finger. This device is suitable for people who do not want to wear a chest belt or, for example, for tourism.

Other models

  • Nexx HRM-02. Budget option chest strap with a sensor, which is suitable for those who are not ready to seriously spend money on fitness gadgets. The device has built-in Bluetooth Smart and is compatible with almost all mobile applications, supporting the function of transmitting data from a wireless heart rate monitor. Counts heart rate and calories burned.
  • Torneo H103. Chest strap with watch receiver. Equipped with all the basic functions: heart rate calculation, calorie counter, setting heart rate zones, measuring time in the target zone, stopwatch, calendar and alarm clock, water resistance.
  • Wahoo TICKR. Another option chest heart rate monitor, which transmits information via Bluetooth to a smartphone. In addition to heart rate, such characteristics as steps taken and calories burned are recorded.

Which heart rate monitor to choose:

  • If you want to buy a heart rate monitor with an optimal price-quality ratio, then buy the Sigma or Beurer models.
  • If you want to purchase the most reliable and accurate device, then buy Polar or Suunto models.
  • If you want to purchase the simplest and most inexpensive option for a heart rate monitor, you should pay attention to the models offered on the Aliexpress website (review below).

Heart rate monitors: a selection of the best models on Aliexpress

We offer you a selection of heart rate monitors that can be purchased on Aliexpress at an affordable price. All heart rate monitors have similar functions and are in approximately the same price range, so we suggest you focus on customer reviews, the average product rating and the total number of orders for this product.

Chest strap without watch

If you purchase a chest strap without a watch, your heart rate data will be sent to an app on your smartphone. Chest sensors Compatible with all devices with Bluetooth Smart (4.0) and ANT. The presented sensors are quite accurate in measuring heart rate.

We suggest you pay attention to the following chest sensors:

Pulse is one of the basic parameters affecting the effectiveness of training. Without taking it into account, you can do exercises very intensively and for a long time, achieving only minor results. And if you have a specific goal, losing weight or gaining muscle mass, then maintaining an optimal heart rate during training significantly improves results.

Pulse is the number of contractions of the heart per minute, it is determined by the number of contractions of the arteries, which are easy to palpate. The heart rate is determined by the current oxygen and nutritional needs, which in turn depend on the intensity of the exercise and the person’s overall fitness level. During intense exercise, working muscles need a lot of oxygen, so the brain increases the heart rate.

  • Exercises will help you develop excellent plasticity, grace, get rid of problems with the spine and lose weight. We offer methods and video lessons.
  • Beautiful shoulders will definitely emphasize your waist, due to perfect proportions, be irresistible, look at the complex simple exercises on the shoulders.

Most convenient to use heart rate monitor, this small device is worn on the wrist and automatically calculates your current heart rate. Therefore, to determine the pulse, you only need to look at the display, the cost of such devices starts from 1,000 rubles, you can buy a heart rate monitor at any sports store. There are both simple devices and heart rate monitors with a large number additional functions.

There is also an option that completely frees you from the need to measure your pulse - a simulator that responds to heart rate. It calculates your current heart rate and adjusts your exercise level to stay within your preset optimal heart rate.

The pulse can also be calculated manually. The arteries on the wrists are more convenient for measurement, although the pulse can also be felt in the neck or temples. Count the number of beats in 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to get your current heart rate. The measurement must be carried out immediately after the load. Keep in mind that if you have been doing sports for a long time, your heart rate returns to normal very quickly, so you need to measure it without delay.

The target heart rate zone in which the greatest effect from training is achieved depends on the goal you set. The normal resting heart rate of an average person is 60-90 beats per minute. But to determine the effectiveness of a workout, maximum heart rate is important. Subtract your age from 220 (women should subtract another 7) and get the maximum heart rate for your age category.

But it should be borne in mind that this value greatly depends on the person’s level of training, so if you came to the gym for the first time or started working out at home, the maximum heart rate can be lowered by another 20 beats.
  • 55-65% of maximum heart rate is an effective zone for long periods of time. aerobic training. In this zone, the amount of cholesterol decreases and the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems improves. It is better for beginners to start training with it.
  • 65-75% ideal heart rate for weight loss. On the one hand, it is safe for health and is well tolerated by an untrained body, on the other hand, it speeds up metabolic processes sufficiently for exercise to be effective. At this heart rate level, the body mainly obtains the necessary energy by breaking down fats.

At a low heart rate, fat is burned slowly, although the ratio of consumed fats to carbohydrates is up to 90 to 10. Therefore, what more intense workout, the more calories and fat the body will ultimately burn, despite the fact that carbohydrates will be consumed along with the fat. But it is safer to train at low heart rates.

  • 70-80% of maximum heart rate is the aerobic zone. Exercises at this heart rate improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the resting heart rate decreases, and the lung capacity increases. The percentage of fats and carbohydrates consumed to obtain energy is 50 to 50. This is already the heart rate zone for professionals; if you are just starting to play sports, it is better to stay at lower values.
  • 80-90% is a level that is strongly not recommended for amateurs to exceed. This heart rate value is suitable for heavy loads aimed at increasing muscle mass, performance, and sports results. But for an untrained person, such a heart rate can already be dangerous, so you should not approach it.
  • 90-100% is an extreme load; such heart rate values ​​can only be developed under the supervision of doctors. Interval specialized exercises occur in this zone.

Warm-up should be carried out in the lowest heart rate zone, this allows you to gradually increase the level of heart rate and prepare the muscles for the load.

The main part of the workout should take place with a heart rate value that corresponds to your goal. Some deviations should cause you to reduce the intensity or stop the exercise:

  • too high pulse, inadequate to the load. This may be a consequence of general lack of training, or it may also be a sign of illness;
  • irregular heartbeat rhythm, it can be determined by manual measurement or simply felt. In this case, you need to see a doctor: contraction rhythm healthy heart smooth;
  • The pulse should return to normal values ​​at rest within 3-5 minutes. If the heart “calms down” more slowly, this is a reason to reduce the intensity of the exercise or consult a doctor if the first does not help.

The cool-down should also be done at a low heart rate.

Pulse - very important indicator, but do not forget about the subjective feeling of “effort”. This is a simple, albeit unscientific indicator: try talking during the exercise. If you can clearly pronounce one or two words, after which your breathing becomes difficult, your body is completely and completely focused on performing the exercise. If you can talk on the phone during a workout, its effectiveness is not very high.

Measuring your pulse, in addition to its practical benefits, disciplines you and helps you concentrate on your workout. This is an excellent indicator of the effectiveness of the load and how well the body copes with it. Therefore, you should not neglect calculating your pulse. But keep in mind that all formulas for calculating heart rate give a very conditional result, which you can rely on, but which should not be taken as truth.

Normal heart rate values ​​strongly depend on your level of training, so if at a high level for your age you feel great and without tension, the “norm” should be increased.

Monitoring your own heart rate during exercise is one of the the best ways monitoring the intensity of the training performed. Most athletes train specifically with heart rate monitors, which is not mandatory. It is enough to use a simple stopwatch or monitor your heart rate with a watch. gym. What an athlete uses when measuring heart rate (HR) is not particularly important; what is much more important is what the pulse should be during training.

How to calculate a safe heart rate for sports?

The generally accepted calculation formula is to find the lower and upper limits of the heart rate. This means that training is effective when the pulse is within the boundaries of these two marks - heart rate indicators.

The lower limit is calculated as follows: the athlete’s age is subtracted from the number “200” and multiplied by the indicator “0.6”. If the training athlete is 25 years old, then there are 105 beats per minute. It is not recommended to exercise when your heart rate is below this value, since the benefits from the workout will be minimal.

The upper limit is calculated using a similar formula. The difference is that instead of “0.6” they use the coefficient “0.8”, that is, for a 25-year-old athlete, this figure is equal to 140 beats per minute. It is not recommended to go beyond the upper limit of the heart rate, as this leads to an increase in the load on the heart muscle.

Athletes do not always take into account the coefficients when finding the upper and lower limits, since they prefer to exercise to the maximum. They train to the limits of 170 and up to 180 beats per 60 seconds, even taking into account the fact that this is much higher if you subtract your own age from the maximum allowable indicator of 220. And if the heart rate reaches such limits, you should reduce the intensity of the workout. Otherwise, there is a possibility of harming your own health.

To make it easier to navigate without doing endless calculations, you can simply use the table below, using which you can easily control your heart rate at varying degrees of training intensity.

Measuring your heart rate using a stopwatch while running is an almost impossible task. And if an athlete is interested in cardio, then he should purchase a heart rate monitor for jogging on the street, use the ones built into exercise bikes and treadmills control devices.

When the goal of cardio is to burn body fat, your heart rate should be between 120 and up to 150 beats per minute. Bodybuilders should follow a slightly different regimen to preserve muscle. Cardio should be low-intensity, that is, within a session lasting 50-60 minutes, the pulse should be in the 120-130 beats mode.

Pulse during strength training

Experienced athletes do not recommend raising your heart rate to the upper limits. The ideal heart rate is considered to be a limit of 120-140 beats per minute, saved from the beginning to the end of the workout. It is necessary to avoid dropping the heart rate below the lower limit, which is why rest between approaches should not be done for more than a minute.

It is not recommended to lift the barbell at maximum heart rate. You must try to keep it within 130 beats throughout the training. This will strengthen the heart muscle, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of strength training.