Choosing a tennis racket. Racket selection

Updated: 02/14/2018 16:11:33

Tennis is very popular look a sport that is enjoyed not only by adults, but also by teenagers and even children. Spectacular, spectacular and extremely emotional - these are the features of modern tennis. In order for the game to bring maximum pleasure, a huge role must be given correct selection equipment and, first of all, a tennis racket. But if it’s easy for professionals to do this - all they need to do is pick up the racket, then choosing such an accessory for a beginner can take a lot of time.

The best manufacturers of tennis rackets - which company to choose

First of all, attention should be paid not to the design of the racket, but to the manufacturer of a particular model. By choosing branded accessories, everyone can be sure that their racket is perfectly suited for the game. In this regard, we can recommend products from the following manufacturers for purchase:

The second thing you need to do before purchasing is to read the reviews of tennis players who have dealt with this or that model and managed to try it out in practice. Close attention should be paid not only to the positive, but also to the negative.

Types of tennis rackets

The next step is to decide on the type of specific tennis racket. Depending on the specific functional purpose, all tennis rackets are divided into several main groups.

To some extent, they are considered universal and allow almost any style of play and execution of any striking technique. Among professionals they are known as tweener, which literally translates as mid-level models. The weight of such rackets is about 300 grams, and the surface area of ​​the head can vary from 500 to 650 square centimeters.



    Affordable cost;

    Universal balancing, suitable for any playing technique;


    A large head can be uncomfortable;

    They do not allow you to achieve high-speed and super-maneuverable play;

    Quite heavy;

Professional models

Rackets widely used in various tennis competitions. They are distinguished by significant weight (more than 300 grams), but the balance is shifted towards the handle, which provides excellent balancing and allows the use of any playing technique. The latter depends solely on the skills and physical strength of the tennis player.


    Convenient and maneuverable devices;

    High ergonomic indicators;

    Exceptionally high quality build;

    The right balance;

    Allows you to practice any playing technique;


    Quite expensive;

    Requires certain tennis skills and is not suitable for beginners;

As a rule, they are purchased as the second or third in the arsenal and are intended to improve own equipment games, practicing strokes and improving racket control. They are characterized by an impressive weight, about 300 grams, a balance shifted towards the head, as well as a head of increased area - about 700 square centimeters.


    Ergonomic and easy to use;


    The large head area reduces the risk of missing the ball to a minimum;

    Durable and durable;

    The balance shifted towards the head allows you to perform enough powerful blows;


    Due to the increased area, the mesh deforms quite quickly;

    Heavy weight;

    Low maneuverability;

The main criteria for choosing a tennis racket


One of the key characteristics that has a direct impact on the comfort of the game. If the racket is too light, the player will not be able to achieve sufficient control. Excessively heavy, on the contrary, can lead to rapid fatigue. The optimal weight of tennis rackets varies between 300 and 400 grams - these are the models that are popular among both beginners and experienced tennis players;

Racket length

Here, too, everything depends on the player’s experience. A beginner should prefer compact models, the length of which will be 63-65 centimeters. With their help, it is much easier to control the ball and make shots with various techniques. Professionals, on the contrary, look towards longer models - thanks to the longer “lever”, the likelihood of delivering a powerful and accurate blow increases many times over.

Racket balance

The introduction of special balancing elements into the design makes it possible to shift the balance both towards the handle and towards the head. It is selected, first of all, with an eye on your playing technique. So, those who prefer an attacking, daring style of play should prefer rackets whose center of gravity is shifted towards the head. On the contrary, a defensive, defensive style of play requires balance located in the handle.

Material from which the racket is made

    Aluminum is a very good option for a tennis racket entry level. It is distinguished by decent strength, low weight and proper balancing. Its disadvantage is its increased plasticity - if the technique is incorrect, it is very easy to bend an aluminum racket;

    Composite materials – fiberglass combined with graphite. Tough and easy to use material. The weight of most models is acceptable, and therefore composite rackets are currently considered one of the best;

    Titanium. An excellent alternative to graphite and aluminum. Lightweight, very durable and rigid material providing maximum performance. Disadvantage: extremely high cost;

    Carbon fiber. Or popularly carbon. Lightweight, durable and durable material at the moment is one of the best for making tennis rackets. The disadvantage is the same as that of titanium - high price;

Head form factor

Currently on sale you can find rackets with the following markings:

    Midsize. The smallest models, the area of ​​which is 450-500 cm2. Comfortable, maneuverable and practical. However, such rackets can only be recommended for purchase by more or less experienced tennis players, while beginners, due to their small size, will often miss;

    Midplus. Medium-sized rackets, which are often purchased by both beginners and experienced players. The head size of such models is 550-600 cm2;

    Oversize. Models with a fairly large head size (700-750 cm2), which are great for beginners. Such rackets resist vibrations very well and also allow you to make powerful hits while spinning the ball;

    SuperOversize. The largest rackets are the ones most often preferred by beginners. Thanks to the increased size of the canvas to 750-820 cm2, it is quite difficult to miss the ball, but the maneuverability of such rackets leaves much to be desired.

What should a tennis racket be like?

Racket for a child

For a little tennis player, you should prefer the most compact model, the dimensions and weight of which will not cause trouble for your child. The weight of such a racket should not exceed 200-250 grams, and in terms of size you can give preference to models shortened to 45-55 centimeters. Important role The balance also plays a role - it should be either neutral or shifted towards the handle - this is the easiest racket for a child to control.

Choosing a racket for a beginner

If you are a beginner and just getting acquainted with the wonderful world of tennis, it is best for you to choose an amateur racket. Its length should be about 60-65 centimeters, and its weight should not exceed 300-320 grams. Head size - oversize or super oversize - this is the easiest racket to hit the ball and not miss. The balance should also be towards the handle for maximum maneuverability and comfort.

Choosing a professional racket

It is inappropriate to advise a specific model for those who have decided and have extensive tennis experience, because the ideal model for each tennis player will probably be different, and their characteristics will often be directly opposite. The only thing you should pay attention to is that such rackets must be of a professional class and made by a well-known manufacturer with a worldwide reputation. The head size is usually either midsize or midplus. The balance may vary depending on what tactics the tennis player prefers. Well, of course, mandatory conditions is maximum strength and minimum weight, and therefore titanium or carbon rackets are the most popular.

Video on choosing a tennis racket

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.

Tennis is becoming an increasingly popular and accessible sport - people are interested in it even from a very young age. The quality of your game depends not so much on the court surface and shoes, but on rackets- the main tool of a tennis player.

It is very important to choose a racket that suits your playing style, and at the same time will be comfortable, safe to use and as ergonomic as possible. As in other sports, you also need to choose a racket depending on your level - beginner, advanced or professional.

In the next section we will talk about important technical specifications rackets for tennis, and then we will present to your attention several interesting models that can be purchased from stores in our catalog. It is worth noting that these are only general recommendations - ideally, it is better to follow the advice of professional trainers.

Key Features You Should Pay Attention To


The weight, size and construction materials of the racket clearly determine its purpose - for adult tennis players or for children and teenagers.

The latter are distinguished by lighter weight, a short handle and a large string surface area. As a result, it is easier for a child to control such a racket and hit the ball. You need to select such rackets depending on your age and height. It is best to purchase used ones, as children quickly outgrow them. For example, at the age of 3-4 years you need to buy a racket with a length of 100 cm, at the age of 5-7 years - from 115 to 130, from 8 to 10 and more - 135-150 cm.

Tennis rackets for adults are heavier and longer. They are used by athletes from approximately 13 years of age.

Frame material

The material of the racket frame directly affects most of its qualities, so a lot depends on it in the game. Most often on sale are models made of aluminum alloy, graphite, carbon and titanium.

Aluminum alloy is used in low-cost racquets for beginners. It is not very strong and durable, and is also quite heavy, but it will help in mastering tennis, since if something happens, the racket will simply bend and not break completely.

Graphite differs from aluminum in its lighter weight and greater strength. However, he experiences falls much worse. These rackets are a little more expensive.

Carbon is considered the best material for the frame of tennis rackets - it is used in professional models. Carbon is very light, very strong and much more expensive.

Titanium is not so popular, but it is also distinguished by its low weight and good level of rigidity. Often used in conjunction with graphite, which has similar properties.

String surface area

The larger the string surface area, the easier it is to hit the ball and increase the impact force, but also the more difficult it is to direct the ball exactly where it is needed. Because of this, racquets with a large area - 645 square centimeters and above - are mainly used by children and beginners.

String formula

Defines the string layout of a specific model. The first number indicates the number of longitudinal strings, and the second number indicates the number of transverse strings.

The thinner the racket strings, the easier it is for a tennis player to make a strong shot, but accuracy increases as their number increases. The most popular design for adult rackets is 16x19, and if you are confident in yourself, you can choose more serious models. Children's rackets have different designs: 16x17, 16x18 or even 16x16.


Different rackets may have a bias in different sides center of gravity - in the “head”, in the handle or neutral.

The first type feels heavier in the hands, and it becomes more difficult to strike accurately. At the same time, the power of the blows increases.

The second type allows you to perform less powerful, but more accurate shots - such a racket, for example, will perform better when playing close to the net. The best option for beginners.

Rackets with neutral balance are universal - they are suitable for those who have not yet decided on their playing style.

Handle size

With the correct grip of the racket handle, there should be a small distance between the fingers and the palm of the player - about index finger. For children and women with small hands, it is better to choose models with handle sizes 1-2, for adults - with sizes 3-4. If you are a very large man, then you may need a size 5 pen.


One of the most important parameters of a racket. It directly depends on the player’s height, and you can’t make a mistake in choosing here. It is believed that the optimal racket size for adults is 685.8 mm, and the maximum (for very tall people) is 736.6 mm.

Rackets for children are selected according to the child’s height. Up to 118 cm - 533 mm, 119-135 cm - 584 mm, height 136-150 cm - 635-660 mm, height 151 cm and above - 686 mm and above.

In general, the length of the racket affects the power and accuracy of the strike - the larger the racket, the higher the speed of the ball, but also the lower the likelihood that it will fly to the desired point.

Another very important parameter. It is difficult to give specific recommendations here, since a lot depends on the playing style and preferences of the player. You just need to know that heavier rackets send less vibrations into the hand after impact, but lighter models will provide greater speed and maneuverability. Often, heavier rackets are recommended for beginners, and lighter ones for advanced players.


A tennis racket, despite its apparent simplicity, is a rather complex instrument with large number various characteristics. What affects the quality of the game, ease and safety of use, and how to choose the right tennis racket for a child or adult player are described in this article.

The article is quite voluminous, contains a lot of information, and for those who cannot afford to go into technical details, we can recommend immediately turning to the Additional services section. But if you still find the strength to study the article, we will be very grateful to you.

Materials for the production of rackets

Aluminum is a material for the production of inexpensive rackets for beginners and children. Since soft metal is used in the production of rackets of this type, with intense play and heavy loads such rackets can lose their properties, become deformed or break. Therefore, the choice in favor of an aluminum racket is made, as a rule, when purchasing the first racket - an entry-level one for amateurs and children. The service life of an aluminum racket allows a beginner to gain basic tennis skills and move to the next level. Children outgrow the racket much faster before it becomes unusable.

A composite is a material consisting of many components with different characteristics. The composition of the composite can include various polymers, metal and ceramic components, changing the composition, quantity and ratio of which, as a result, you can obtain a material with the necessary characteristics. Rackets made of composite (composite) materials differ from aluminum ones in greater strength, rigidity, resistance to mechanical damage and dynamic loads. Composite rackets are recommended for amateurs and juniors who continue to improve their skills.

Graphite is a unique mineral that can be found in a huge number of states - from soft, layered and very plastic to incredibly hard and even capable of turning into diamond under high temperature and pressure. Due to these properties of graphite, there are practically no restrictions in the production of tennis rackets. Graphite tennis rackets are popular among advanced amateurs and junior athletes. Professional tennis players train and play with graphite rackets made using special technologies.

Tennis racket parts

Head - upper part oval-shaped rackets, which consist of a rim and strings stretched inside it through special plastic inserts called grommets. The strings intertwined in a special way form the playing surface of the racket. The playing characteristics of a racket are influenced by the number of longitudinal and transverse strings (string formula), the material and thickness of the strings, as well as their tension force. We will tell you more about strings in a separate article.

The racket handle has a special octagonal shape and a thickening at the base (boss), which serves for comfortable and correct grip rackets during the game. The racket handle has a base grip - an adhesive-based tape that is wound around the handle when the racket is made. When using a racket, an additional overgrip should be installed on the base grip. This is a thin tape without an adhesive layer, which serves to protect the main winding from wear and contamination, as well as for a comfortable feeling when playing. Overgrips have moisture-absorbing properties, do not slip in the hand, and are available in various colors. The top windings should be changed regularly as they become worn and dirty.

The neck is the central part of the racket that connects the handle and head. The shape of the neck affects the design features of a tennis racket, such as twist, vibration damping and weight distribution.

Tennis racket handle size

The size (thickness) of the handle is important when choosing a tennis racket. The size of the handle affects the control of the racket when performing shots with rotation - it is easier to perform such shots with a thinner handle, on the control of the racket in cases where the ball is not struck at the center of the string surface - it is easier to control the racket with a thicker handle, as well as on the feeling of weight Rackets - A racket with a thicker handle feels heavier.

There are two systems for measuring the size of tennis racket handles: European (in units) and American (in inches). The handle size is usually indicated on the end cap of the racket handle. You can select a racket with the correct handle by holding the racket in your hand (when you wrap your hand around the handle, the index finger of the other hand should be placed between the base of your palm and the fingers) or using a comparison table:

Tennis racket handle size chart:

Handle size
(American system)
Handle size
(European system)
4 0 children
4 1 /8 1 children
4 1/4 (4 2 /8) 2 children/women
4 3 /8 3 women/men
4 1/2 (4 4 /8) 4 men
4 5 /8 5 men

Tennis handle sizes larger than 5 are rare and are usually made to order.

Tennis racket head and dimensions

Another characteristic of a racket that affects the quality of the game is the size of the racket head or, in more professional language, the area of ​​the string surface. Ball control and impact power depend on this parameter.

Tennis racket head size chart.

Tennis racket balance

The balance of the racket can be neutral, as well as in the head or handle. To a greater extent, balance affects the accuracy of the strike and its power. It is possible to determine the balance of a racket visually, by feeling the advantage, or at certain points that indicate the number 1/8 between the middle of the racket and its center of gravity.

Racket weight

The average weight of a standard tennis racket is 290-300 grams. Of course, there are both heavier and lighter models. The ease of the swing and the power of the blow will depend on the weight of the racket.

Racket length

The length of the racket is chosen solely according to the height of the tennis player, therefore, as a rule, it only matters for children's rackets.

Tennis racket size chart.

Do right choice and you can purchase a racket that is ideal for your level of training and style of play only by being very well versed in all the features of this product, which cannot be included in one even such a voluminous article, or by trusting the experience of a specialist.

We help you choose and buy a racket that will fully meet all the necessary requirements, delight you and instill a sense of confidence in every training session and during the game.

A question that arises for those who want to master this type sports - how to choose tennis racket for tennis for adults? Tennis has become a popular sport, and the racket is the main sports equipment that plays a key role in learning new skills. Dignity of this sport- development physical training and maintaining a toned body.

When you just decide to start playing sports, you should pay attention that you should not buy a racket based on the price and manufacturer. Equipment from well-known manufacturers, made to a specific style, especially suitable for professional gaming. The optimal cost of this equipment is three thousand rubles. When making tennis rackets, composite and graphite are used.

How to choose the right tennis racket?

Tennis racket size for tennis

When choosing equipment, pay attention to the size of the tennis racket for tennis. It is this parameter that determines the nature of the game, and, consequently, the timing, how easily and quickly you will master professional skills.

Returning to the question: “how to choose a tennis racket for?” distinguished: weight, length, balance, head size (string surface) and product composition.

The main parameters of the equipment used are handle length and weight. For female representatives, the optimal weight is 245-275 grams ( best options– light), for males 245-300 grams. But if we talk about the size of the string surface, then it is in the range of 645-680 cm2. Thickness is divided into 7 groups:

  • 1-2 – children’s;
  • 3-7 for adults.

The balance is placed in the handle and in the center, and in order to practice accurate feeds, it is recommended to select its location in the head. You can determine experimentally by placing your index finger on the middle of the handle; the tilt side indicates the location.

When considering in detail the size of the handle of a tennis racket, we base it on our own feelings. When choosing a length, it should provide a strong grip with both hands. To determine parameters, two systems are used: European and American.

The parameters are divided into the following groups:

  • 1 and 2 for children, women or men with small palms;
  • 3 and 4 – for men with a normal palm;
  • 5 – intended for men with non-standard palms.

When choosing between two versions of equipment, preference is given to the smaller version, since it is this that allows strong blows and lack of discomfort.


Based on the above about how to choose a tennis racket, it can be noted that, first of all, you need to listen to your inner feelings. Optimal weight sports equipment should be small, and the length of the handle should allow for a strong grip, and the location of the balance should be the head.

In recent years, the entire tennis community has grown tremendously in understanding that in order to maximize progress, the game must be adapted for children. Previously, children were taught on the same size courts, the same size as adults and, on top of all this, they had to play with adult rackets that were too heavy and big for them.

Fortunately, thanks to research and the work of organizations such as the ITF (International Tennis Federation), children's tennis has made tremendous progress and has become more child-friendly. As a result of these changes, the likelihood of injury has been greatly reduced and, more importantly, the game has been made exciting and fun, which in turn has ensured continued growth of skills and maintenance of interest.

Along with the increased level of approach to children's tennis, parents now need to be even more careful when choosing a tennis racket for their child. In this article the command TennisHouse will examine this issue in detail so that you can choose the optimal racket for your future champion.

Tennis racket size chart for children

The choice is less complicated than choosing a racket for an adult, however, not everything is obvious here either. Every child is unique, so you need to take time to find the best racquet that will help avoid injury and promote skill development. In a word, there are certain rules that need to be followed when choosing a racket.

The following table shows the approximate sizes of racquets suitable for children of certain ages and heights. This will help you navigate at the initial stage. It is worth noting that for children who play a lot and have good technique and strength, you need to choose a longer racket. In addition, please note that our store has a unique test (link is on the right) that will select the right racket for you.

Children's racket length

Without a doubt the most important parameters when choosing a nursery, it is its length and the height of the child himself. The length of the racket is essentially the main change that manufacturers have made in order to adapt it to a child. The height of the child will allow you to determine the desired length.

At the moment, children's rackets have the following sizes in centimeters: 43.2, 48.3, 53.3, 58.4, 63.5 and 66.0. Although the table above will serve as a basic rule for choosing, there are also additional ways to understand whether you have chosen the right racket length.

Racket length testing

The basic most common method for testing racket length is as follows. Let the child stand up straight and place the racket next to him. The racket should touch the floor with its head, and the handle should point vertically upward.

Next, have your child place their palm on the top of the racket (the lowest part of the handle) like a cane. If the child's hand comfortably reaches the lid, then most likely you have chosen the right racket. On the other hand, if the child has to bend his arm in order to place it on the lid or his arm cannot reach it at all, then he needs to try a different size of racket.

Clue: As a parent, it is worth listening to your child and noticing certain things while he is playing. If, between plays, you see him shaking his arm or hand due to discomfort, or he complains of aching pain in his hand, then it may be worth reconsidering the choice of racket length.

Handle size for children

The size of the pen is its circumference and there are several children's sizes. By and large, specific models of children's rackets have only one handle size, so once you have chosen the length of the racket, you no longer have to choose the size of the handle. However, it never hurts to double-check whether the handle size is appropriate for your child in order to avoid wrist injury. This can be done using the same principle as choosing a racket handle for an adult. In we described in detail how to do this.

Sometimes (but very rarely) situations arise when you need to increase the size of the handle. The easiest way to do this is to wind an additional winding around the handle. Reducing it is a little more difficult, but in any case there are options. It is best to address this question to the instructor at your tennis club.

Racket composition

Currently, rackets for children are made of aluminum, graphite or a composite of these materials. Graphite is known to be used to make rackets for adult amateurs and professionals. It has excellent playing properties, power, perfectly conveys the feeling of the ball, significantly improves control, and so on. Aluminum is softer, weighs a little less and, accordingly, all its gaming characteristics are worse. It is more suitable for children who are just starting to play tennis, they have not yet developed physical strength and therefore lighter aluminum will be preferable for them. After the child has already developed a sense of the ball, stability and technique, you can switch to a graphite composite or a completely graphite racket.