Creatine monohydrate what is it

Hello dear readers. Continuing the theme of a healthy lifestyle, today I wanted to talk about sports nutrition. We have already discussed with you. Did you know that there is another effective remedy for keeping fit? So, what is creatine, benefits and harms, as well as reviews. It is suitable not only for gaining weight and increasing endurance. It is used effectively for weight loss.

It is a nitric amine/carboxylic acid containing nitrogen. This substance is found in all vertebrates. In nerve and muscle cells, it takes part in energy metabolism.

Nitrogen amine was isolated from skeletal muscles by a scientist from France, Chevreul. This happened in 1832. Much later, in 1926, it was experimentally proven that carboxylic acid stimulates the growth of muscle mass. It also promotes nitrogen retention in the body. This protects our muscles from dystrophy.

The direct effect of acid on the body was proven in 1980. The subjects consumed 20 g of creatine monohydrate for several days. As a result, the nitrogen amine content in their muscles increased by 20%. The research results became available only in 1992 after publication in a medical journal. Since then, the supplement has been actively used by athletes.

The effect of creatine on the body

It is found in muscle tissue and is necessary for energy metabolism. It is also necessary for movement. Creatine is as important for the body as BJU. Just do not confuse creatine with keratin - these are two completely different substances. The second is included in balms, masks, hair gels????

Nitrogen amine acts as an energy source. It increases endurance and gives us strength. Our muscles contain about 90-140 g of creatine. Its average consumption is 2 g per day

If a person is engaged in heavy physical labor or plays sports, the expense is higher. In the body, nitrogen amine combines with phosphate to form phosphocreatine. It is this substance that improves metabolism in muscle tissue.

Creatine accumulates slowly in the body. Usually it takes 5 to 14 days to reach the norm. This substance acts as a stimulant. Its effect is difficult to notice in everyday life. But during training, it is he who helps us:

  • cope with pain;
  • physical discomfort;
  • feel a surge of energy;
  • strengthen joints and tendons;
  • normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

In the body, carboxylic acid is synthesized by the kidneys, liver and pancreas. For its formation, the body needs protein. Or rather: methionine, glycine, arginine.

Why is creatine needed in sports?

Nitrogen amine may short-term enhance athletic performance. Moreover, this is a natural substance, not a dope. It will be effective for fast runs over short distances. And also for gaining weight in bodybuilding. During strength training, creatine will help you become more resilient.

This substance is especially effective in those sports where there are accelerations and short-term jerks. This is a quick source of energy. It helps you train more effectively and also withstand heavy loads.

The body obtains the necessary energy for a powerful jerk thanks to carboxylic acid. Those. it is responsible for quickly supplying energy to our body. But if it is not enough, the content of ammonium ions in the blood plasma will increase. This will lead to a slowdown in physical activity, which is not at all necessary for athletes.

The role of creatine in sports is explained very well in this video.

Creatine for girls

The effect of carboxylic acid on the female body has been studied quite recently. Observations were carried out on women with varying degrees of physical fitness.

Experiments have shown that acid increases the strength of women. But its effectiveness is less compared to the effect on the body of men. Presumably, the effect of acid is associated with high testosterone levels.

However, nitrogen amine is not contraindicated in women. This is especially true when losing weight. Thanks to it, you can increase the intensity of your workouts. This will lead to active fat burning. In addition, this supplement allows you to preserve muscles that are destroyed during weight loss. To maintain a beautiful female figure, using supplements with carboxylic acid will not be amiss.

What foods contain creatine?

Nitric amine can be obtained not only from a dietary supplement. It is found in foods of animal origin. On average, we get 1 gram of them per day. I will give you an example of products that contain this substance. Creatine per 1 kg of product:

If you try to increase the level of creatine in the body with foods, you can overload the organs. After all, with it we will get a huge dose of protein and fats. Just imagine how much pork you need to eat to get 100 g of nitrogen amine! This is why it makes sense to use sports nutrition - pure creatine.

Muscle tissue is capable of absorbing it in large doses. At the same time, there is no overload of other organs and systems. But this is only necessary if you lead a very active lifestyle. Or are you actively involved in sports for the purpose of losing weight?