Ski salon. Ski salon in Russia

18 The Moscow Ski Salon was traditionally held in Moscow in the Gostiny Dvor premises. Like me, the date of the exhibition was from October 21 to 23, 2011, the main initiator of the exhibition was the Erzog travel company.

First, the official data.

The salon offered visitors to get acquainted with:
  • developers and representatives of the ski industry - foreign and domestic;
  • tour operators offering winter holidays in the snow (although you could also find offers for holidays on the beach);
  • sellers of ammunition for winter species rest;
  • representatives of media sources dedicated to winter sports, extreme species sports, active travel and ammunition;
  • manufacturers of equipment for winter activities - foreign and domestic;
  • representatives winter resorts(both in Russia and outside);
  • commercial and non-profit organizations providing support services during winter recreation;
  • non-core commercial representatives (soap, wine).
As entertainment for adults and children one could find:
  • Children's playground with a variety of attractions.
  • Skate ramp.
  • Springboard.
  • Track for cross-country skiing (skating).
  • Representatives of gastronomy.
Separately, visitors were given the opportunity to:
  • Sit in the coliseum and watch jumping snowboarders and skiers.
  • Lie down in several areas on soft ottomans
  • Receive a relaxing massage in the Exclusive Leisure Area.
  • Participate in constant discussions going on non-stop in the "" zone.
Many stands offered various competitions, from stupid ones (“fill out a form - win a car”) to really complex ones (“find the “crazy beeper”).

Performance areas and loudspeaker sources:

  • Main stand.
  • Springboard with commentator.
  • Conference hall for representatives of ski bild expo in the center of the exhibition for 25 participants.
  • Conference platform "".
  • Two conference rooms for 40 and 20 participants.
  • A general loudspeaker system announcing the events of the exhibition.
The exhibition area was slightly less than 12,000 sq.m. Number of declared participants 280 companies and companies.

Number of visitors 40,000 people.

Official Press Release of the exhibition

And now my opinion about the salon and whether it was justified.

About the announced number of people - I am sure that there were fewer of them, although 8 thousand people at once on Saturday is solid!

Since people came unevenly, and on the first day there were fewer people, on the second day it was a “mush” after lunch.

And on the third day after the second day, it seemed that no one was there. But this is subjective.

Check out the people in the background at our stand "linguaXtrem and pisteandpowder"!

About the participants:

I visited this exhibition 3 times, two of them as a visitor. I can clearly say that there were much fewer non-core participants. This made me very happy!

I don’t classify the cognac stand as non-core, because... I had something to drink, and for criticizing the chocolate stand my wife was ready to tear it into pieces.

I agree with the opinion of the “representatives of Cuba” that it was illogical to make a closed area with VIP access to some participants the center of the exhibition.

Organization for visitors:

Everything was on top, misunderstandings were eliminated, non-core visitors - there was one homeless man and a couple of old women. That's why it's stupid to complain.

Many participants in the conversation were glad that finally there were no “fingered majors” - young representatives of the snowboard crowd with the absence of the concepts of “culture of communication and skating”.

The only thing is that the reception desk, as I understand it, was one - to the right of the passage with a metal detector. I understand, cutting costs, but at one counter the kids were “in the paddock” during peak hours.

Sore subject- air sellers at the entrance. Free passages for 100 rubles - what a profit. I just sympathize with the organizers that such a problem exists.

By organizing the place.

Criticism. I swear.

Why was it necessary to create a closed ski bild expo area if, anyway, some of the stands of manufacturers and builders stood outside! At least two participants in the closed zone were of interest to direct visitors.

I praise you.

Standing at stands without long “streets” is much more comfortable. The second half of the hall (further from the entrance) was very convenient for visiting.

I understand the idea of ​​a closed area - producers can communicate with each other and receive only specific visitors. Everything is calmer, advertising is not going out as quickly as usual, onlookers are excluded. But then the idea of ​​unification did not work out. The Neva dryers stood separately, not in the ski build expo area, but they had something to talk about with the CSA representatives sitting in the closed area.

I was very pleased with “Our answer to kaessbohrer” - it’s just some kind of fairy tale. But they were also standing outside.

Now I believe that Russian ingenuity will make it possible to make a snowcat from auxiliary materials.

Snowcat in Russian: A painted troika with bells pulls a harrow that cuts “corduroy” and then one bull pulls a roller made of twisted old car tires as a snow compactor.

One more point about organizing performance venues:

Three stages in one place of the hall are a “circus”.

The main stage, behind it is a springboard with a commentator and a stand with a loudspeaker - it’s funny. In the area of ​​the “alpine industry” jeep on the first day one could hear:

The sexy presenter begins from the main stage: “And now we welcome the chairman of the Austrian Tourism Society” ... “who does a somersault and falls on his back” (her speech is picked up by the ski jumping commentator)…. “And then it will be very difficult to find him under an avalanche” (continues Sergey Vedenin from the ski ru stand.)

By the way, the conference room inside the ski build expo was in no way protected from loud sound from outside. Even with a microphone and speaker in the hall, it was difficult to hear the presenter.

We closed the topic of platforms. Even without me, the organizers know this situation. I will end their suffering.

General mood of the exhibition:

On the first day, the exhibition seemed a little hostile to me. However, after this, this business tension did not allow me to go into a free mode of work and kept me on my toes. I believe that this highlight of the Moscow salon - a business spirit - should be supported in every possible way! Helps great at work.

How the Moscow salon achieved this, I think it should be noted:

  • A clear layout of exhibition halls with “quarter placement of stands”: quarter G1, G2, G3, etc.
  • A clear time plan for the exhibition.
  • Availability of a negotiation platform for business discussions (inside the Ski Build Expo area).
  • The presence of an area separate from the main visitors. (ski build expo)
  • Strict and slightly intrusive monitoring of the salon through loudspeakers organized the process. Although I criticize the volume, I consider it a necessary element of organizing time.
  • The presence of a children's area made it possible to unwind the children for several hours.
  • Thematic grouping of stands.
  • Several food areas, incl. away from the sound.
  • Availability of working days and weekends during the exhibition. On weekdays - conversations with partners, on weekends - with direct clients.
  • The organization of the process, the openness of the organizers to questions from participants, attention to even minor problems in holding events - this is just some kind of holiday!
In the end 18 Moscow Ski Salon and I’m ready to name the ski build expo largest Russian business event 2011 in the field of the Ski industry and in the field of winter recreation both in Russia and for neighboring countries.

The salon was much better than last year's predecessor, both in terms of organization and composition of participants, I say this based on my personal experience(as a visitor to leasure-expo 2010, as a client at the 17th and 16th Moscow ski salons, as a participant in the exhibitions, 18th Moscow ski salon, etc.)

With great grief direct clients was the absence of a climbing wall, which had become almost a symbol of previous exhibitions.

The complexity of the interior I’ll name the loud merging music-sound from three standing nearby scenes It was difficult for visitors to understand something in this CACAphony.

Not a very good solution I think the emergence of a separate ski-bild-expo zone with participants who have fallen out of the general scope. I'm sure bobo-club could get more interested customers if they stood outside. In short, the idea itself has the right to life, but it must be resolved somehow differently. I don't know how yet. Maybe we shouldn’t make a circle in the center of the hall, but fence off one corner?

Best salon find- I consider the zone, where a tired traveler could relax and get a supply of “Cuban” positivity!

Ski salon is the annual leading exhibition for the winter sports and tourism industry in Russia. In 2009, the salon was held for the 16th time.

The organizers position the Ski Salon as a platform where dialogue takes place between amateurs sporty style life and representatives of global sports brands, tourism professionals, resorts and national tourism offices of more than 12 countries, Russian ski resorts and leading companies in the field of engineering of ski sports facilities.

The salon program consisted of two large sections: the professional part (conferences and round tables for instructors, travel companies, representatives of resorts, etc.) and the general part, which in turn consists of an exhibition and show program for a wide range of participants. According to the organizers, over three days of work, the Ski Salon was visited by more than 40,000 people.

Traditionally, among the salon participants the following were noticed:

  • manufacturers of clothing and equipment (Fisher, GORE-TEX, etc.);
  • travel companies (Ertsog, VKO, Vremya-tour, etc.);
  • retail sports stores and retail chains (Kant, SkaSki, Velo-Ski, etc.);
  • ski resorts (Austria, Bulgaria, Yakhroma, Volen, Sorochany, Kant near Moscow);
  • representatives of related sports and recreation (kite riding, surfing, etc.)

The show program consisted of several events, but I only caught the Big Air Championship (jumping from a large springboard on alpine skis, snowboards, roller skates, skateboards, bicycles and mountain bikes) and the junior rock climbing championship.

What I liked.

1. The atmosphere is upbeat. There was something to see, something to do, something to buy. Maybe wine and beer tasting helped the mood a little :)

2 . The Big Air Championship made an impression. As a novice resident of a metropolis, I have never seen how people jump on all kinds of vehicles onto a huge inflatable pillow, while showing unimaginable pirouettes. Some participants were just over 14 years old!

3. I really liked the stand Fischer company. Running and alpine skiing new season, as well as boots, ointments, etc. The consultants, which was nice, were aware of the company’s new products and were happy to talk about new technologies and models. Where else can you see a cross-section of a Fisher ski? Well, besides, the stand was simply the largest, as a result of which it was visible from all corners of the exhibition :)

4. Moscow and Moscow region ski resorts sold different types of ski passes with discounts and at last season's prices. Travel companies, sellers and equipment manufacturers handed out their catalogs for free. You could also get some magazines and newspapers for free. In general, there was a small piece of freebies :)

5 . Taking this opportunity, I signed up for a kite school. I've wanted it for a long time, but never got around to it. And they would never have gotten there...

6. Shoes Burger Shoes with Anti-ice soles. I liked it so much that I bought two pairs of boots so I could walk up the mountain.

7. The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) provided free legal and accounting consultations for travel agencies. It is clear that not everyone needs this, but it was useful for me.

What I didn't like.

1. In general, the ski salon is not much different from an ordinary tourism exhibition. I expected a slightly more sporty twist.

2. Not all managers at the stands were in the mood to communicate with visitors. Or maybe they just didn't know how to answer the questions. But what is the point of participating in the exhibition then?

3. The youth party smoked shamelessly, so much so that the smell of smoke spread throughout the entire Gostiny Dvor. Somehow it doesn't quite fit the spirit sporting event. And I wanted to bypass large campaigns smoking hookahs at windsurfer stands by a long way. Maybe I'm just getting old? 🙂

4. A common problem with exhibitions is the inappropriately high price in cafes. Standard coffee and a bun will cost 250 rubles. Well, these are the little things in life.

5. I expected that there would be some discounts or promotions in the stores of the so-called Duty Free off-trade zone. But no, the prices were no different from usual. This is probably why there wasn’t much activity at the shops.

To summarize what has been said, I would like to note that the Moscow International Ski Salon is certainly a necessary and useful event. Even from my small review it is clear that there are more advantages and they are more significant than the disadvantages. And I hope the organizers will prepare something new for skiers next year. At least for me, the question of whether to go to a ski salon in 2010 is not worth it.

The ski salon in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow, the most representative exhibition of ski products and services in Russia and the CIS countries, will celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Over the past 20 years, both the country and the organizers of the Ski Salon (as well as the exhibition itself) have come a long way. World-class ski resorts have appeared in our native mountains. No matter how we feel about the Olympics, this is outstanding sporting event. Every year we have new resorts - and not only in the “big mountains”, but wherever light lifts can be installed -

even on slopes with slight elevation differences.

All this suggests that the ski industry in our country has moved out of the category of “recreation for wealthy people” and has become a mass sport and recreation.

Over the past 20 years, from “just an exhibition” where one could get acquainted with ski products, the salon has become a community of professionals who not only exhibit new products for the coming season, but also discuss their pressing problems at round tables, participate in business programs, and find new contacts .

Ski salon today is three components. Tourism business (travel agencies, operators, airlines, resorts), sports cluster (equipment manufacturers and distributors) and, of course, Ski Build Expo - a zone that unites everyone involved in ski engineering, development and operation of resorts.

According to the Ski Salon team, Ski Build Expo is the most vibrant and growing segment of the exhibition, which acts as a real business driver. This is confirmed not only by the exhibition, which takes place three days a year, but by events throughout the season (including on-site sessions of Ski Build Expo in the Caucasus and Samara).

Also over the years, the salon has done a lot of work in the field of development active species sports and recreation.

People come to Gostiny Dvor to watch the highest-class competitions - championships and stages of the World Cup in rock climbing, skateboarding and cross-country skiing competitions, and a unique event that has no analogues in Russia - snowboarding competitions on an artificial structure with real snow!

The Autumn Ski Salon sets the vector of development for the whole season: tour operators meet their favorite clients, dealers meet buyers and wholesalers, athletes hold film presentations and share plans for the coming winter. We are waiting for you at the Ski Salon, where everyone can find a trip and equipment to their liking, learn about the latest equipment and plan a “dream trip”.

This is what we work for!

The essence

Over the years Ski salon from a modest exhibition has become an opening event new season and coordinating around them professionals in all areas of life and recreation in the mountains.

Ski salon- these are three segments of the exhibition: " Tourism ", " Sport" And " Construction of ski resorts". Ordinary visitors can choose their favorite tourist products and equipment, business representatives can get competent advice from specialists, and sports fans can look at sports competitions level of the Russian and Moscow championships.

But the format of professional communication is no less important for the Salon. Saturated business program gathers a wide circle of communication, during which a lot of pressing problems can be solved.

NewspaperSalonExpo - 65 thousand people read us!

The team of the Ski Salon in Gostiny Dvor and the online newspaper SalonExpo is pleased to announce that in July 2013 the total number of mailing addresses for the newspaper - the official newsletter of the salon and the ski industry of the world - amounted to 65 thousand people. We are read by 49 thousand Russian-speaking subscribers and 16 thousand English-speaking specialists!

We remind you that the SalonExpo newspaper is an excellent PR tool designed for journalists, professionals in the field of ski tourism and outdoor activities, engineering

The exhibition Ski Salon / Ski Build Expo 2017 is held from October 20 to 22 in Moscow, Russia.

You can see the exhibited products and sections of the exhibition below, in the block “ Additional information». Full list Participants of the Ski Salon / Ski Build Expo 2017 are posted on the official website of the exhibition and are constantly updated. You can also find exhibitors from the previous year there. The business program of the Ski Salon / Ski Build Expo 2017 is usually published closer to the beginning of the event.

Your personal calendar

Add the Ski Salon / Ski Build Expo 2017 exhibition to your calendar so as not to miss an important event. Create your own schedule of events.

Are you planning an independent trip to the Ski Salon / Ski Build Expo 2017?

We recommend during the exhibition period. How to get to the exhibition center VK "Gostiny Dvor" can be found in the catalog of places or on the official website of the site. Also use Google Maps, which allows you to build routes using public transport.Don't forget to check the location and dates of the exhibition on the official website and in the exhibition complex calendar. The event can be postponed, cancelled, or combined with a project of a similar theme. Please note thatExpomap is not the event organizer and is not responsible for inaccuracies in the information provided.

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