What to do in a fight. How to fight correctly: a complete guide to street self-defense from MH

Even if you former champion district, city, region, country, finally, in karate, judo, sambo and so on - this is not a guarantee of your victory in a fight on the street. Fight with hooligans and demonstration performances before the judges is heaven and earth. Hand-to-hand fighting on the street has no rules or laws. There is only one rule here: there must be a winner and there must be a loser.

As sad as it may be, none of us is immune from attack. Not only money, respect, health, but also life may be at stake. There will be no time to think about how to win a fight, there will only be a choice - win or lose.


1. Many people think that tactics, strength, and skills are important in a fight. In fact, this is not entirely true. All this is, of course, a necessary condition, but far from the main one. And this has always been and will be psychological readiness and fortitude.
How to win street fight? How to become psychologically prepared?

Here are some tips:
- keep an eye on everyone who is in and soberly assess a person’s ability to attack you. This way you will always be prepared. And the attack will not be sudden for you;
- if you feel a threat, do not panic, but rather mentally scroll through a plan of action in your head;
- Assess the situation immediately. Consider whether it is possible to get your opponents to talk;
- if a truce cannot be concluded, attack first. Your goal is to incapacitate your opponent in the first two hits.

Principles of winning in a street fight:
- the attack should be as tough as possible;
- use the most effective techniques from your arsenal. Hit the places that are most vulnerable and use protective equipment;
- your opponent must be defeated from the first or second blow;
- try to neutralize the attacker at all costs, otherwise, if he turns out to be the winner, you will not have to wait for mercy.

2. There is a special algorithm of actions that tells you how to win a fight: assessing the situation - developing a plan of action - seizing the initiative - striking - fleeing the battlefield.

3. Your attacker will always be stronger, otherwise he would be afraid to attack. How to win in a fight when the forces are unequal? A special training system will help you with this. It's better to exercise two to three times a week to stay in good shape.
Please note that you should never, under any circumstances, allow

Useful tips

If you want to win street fights, you need the following:
- constantly practice techniques. You can choose about five at first, but they must be honed to automaticity. In the future, you can learn new techniques;
- you should learn to use strikes in conjunction;
- include endurance exercises in your training;
- the exercises should be simple, but suitable only for you;
- it is better to train on simulators that imitate the figures of opponents;
- practice with friends or sign up for a hand-to-hand combat section.

Please note: physical strength And good shot- it's not the same thing. The blow must be placed correctly. Even an unremarkable person can have such a technique. In any strike, the main thing is the skill, which you need to work on, and physical fitness is simply included. If you want to know how to win a fight, you need to work on yourself and your body, then all questions will disappear.

But getting punched in the face out of the blue and unexpectedly giving back is still quite possible. We tried many times to find out from various experts the secret of winning a street fight, and they all agreed on one opinion: winning a fight means avoiding this very fight. Alas, this does not work for everyone and not every time. Some people have an irresistible habit of wandering around anywhere in the dark, others have been rewarded by fate with the character of a born fighter against injustice, and others simply end up like chickens being plucked, and without even noticing, word after word, hands on the table - a fight. Like it or not... but if everything has turned out this way, there is nothing to do - you will really have to win. And here a few tips will come in handy.

Why fight

That's it: this is the most main question. The entire editorial staff shares the confidence that you found yourself in such a situation not drunk, not foolishly, and not in order to take cash from a random passerby. This means that you just need to protect yourself or those around you from any attacks. You can protect yourself from the enemy in the following ways:

  1. Scare.
  2. Take flight.
  3. Physically neutralize or destroy.
  4. Detain the scoundrels and hand them over to the police.
  5. Leave the place of conflict with those who are in danger (that is, make your legs).
  6. Take some time and wait for help.

To achieve a goal in a violent conflict, it would be good to determine in advance what this goal is and whether it is achievable in a given situation. For example, you most likely will not be able to knock three armed thugs into the unconscious with a knockout blow, that is, in this case you will have to set more realistic goals for yourself (for example, confuse them, stun them with an unexpected rebuff, and then choose the moment to escape or call for help).

Code of Honor

This subtitle is designed to attract the attention of a reader obsessed with chivalric romanticism. So, many people learned from their school years and from the pages of books that they don’t hit someone who is lying down, and that blows below the belt do not correspond to the status of a gentleman. The sooner they forget about it, the better off they will be. A fight cannot be fair at all (simply because in a fight the one who is stronger and more desperate wins, and not the one who is right). Therefore, if the participants in the action have lost their conscience so much that it comes to assault, it is best to forget about all sorts of minor problems as quickly and reliably as possible. If you think you are wrong, apologize and leave, and if you are right, fight for your rightness by all means available, except criminally.

How to use the receiver

A black belt in taekwondo or a first rank in boxing has never hurt anyone in life - provided that the owner of these regalia has not fallen into self-confident recklessness. All experts agree that most sports techniques are completely inapplicable in real-life street situations. This is especially true for stances: boxing is bad because it leaves the stomach and groin open, while beautiful poses martial arts In general, it’s better to leave it for the movies. Ideally, your arms should be at the level of your abs or diaphragm, your legs should be slightly bent, one in front of the other. In a fight, very often everything is decided by the first blow or technique, so you need to act quickly. No, not just fast - very fast. Many are rightly afraid of snakes: the fact is that reptiles are capable of attacking instantly, so their actions cannot be predicted by small preparatory movements bodies.

In us mammals, movements are much more complex and, naturally, slower, because the mind is involved in them. The conclusion is simple: to win, you must act unpredictably, that is, instinctively. Complex techniques (especially those learned from a book) are not suitable. One or two simple movements, practiced until the reflexes are completely automatic, are much more useful. And don’t forget about the position you will find yourself in after performing the technique. For example, the leader of the attackers lies on his shoulder blades, you lie on top, inhaling the smell of fumes from his mouth, and his friends politely bother you with an 8-kilogram chain along your spine: get up, they say, otherwise you’ll catch a cold.

How to win with the power of spirit

Easier than steamed turnips: just take into account the laws of psychology. It’s possible that the bandit knows how to fight better than you (after all, he’s a professional), but he almost certainly has problems with his head. This means that it doesn’t hurt to use this weakness and confuse him.

Shout. It is no coincidence that karatekas love to yell “Kiai!” during a strike. - it is known that an unexpected loud sound paralyzes for a split second nervous system enemy and causes a lack of coordination.

Speak. Confuse your enemy with an unexpected, calm question. The stupider and more incomprehensible, the better: for example, “Why do you have an amphibrachium on your knee?” Consciousness is designed in such a way that a person refrains from acting in conditions of uncertainty, and your question couldn’t be more uncertain. You have a couple of seconds left - act.

Whisper. Hearing slurred words, most people will reflexively move half a step closer to you in order to hear better. Take advantage of the shortening distance.

Pretend. Sometimes the stupidest tricks work: a frightened look behind the attacker, an expression of fear on the face, or the “mortally wounded pose” - bending over and clasping your stomach with your hands. Throwing a small object (or sand) in the face and shouting “Hold it!” works great. In general, any unexpected actions paralyze the enemy: his mind turns on, his brains creak, which means his movements slow down and coordination is impaired.

Choose your time. When a bandit begins to act, his adrenaline level (and therefore reaction speed, determination and physical tone) is at its maximum. But if you didn’t immediately fight back, but started fussing and emptying your pockets, the scoundrel will calm down. This is the time to go on the attack (the longer you wait, the more reliable it is). It is no coincidence that hostage-taking groups never begin an operation in the first hours of the incident: after a day or two, the villains become almost completely tame.

How to hurt

Painful techniques are used in many combat sports. If you are a soft-hearted person, take comfort in the fact that they are similar to a medical procedure (by restraining the villain from violence, you are acting in his interests, because otherwise you will have to kill him or send him to jail). The pain demoralizes the attacker, but often causes no lasting harm. The following treatment and prophylactic procedures are most effective:

  1. Rotation of joints in unexpected directions.
  2. A blow to the nose or pressure on it.
  3. Pressure on the eyeballs.
  4. Pressure on the interclavicular notch.
  5. For those who have overcome disgust in themselves - grabbing and twisting the genitals, as well as pulling back the corners of the mouth.

To the embrasure

If the enemy suddenly turns out to be armed, it's time to reconsider tactics or even give in to demands. This is not always possible. Then some advice for the worst case scenario. When running away from a person with a pistol or sawn-off shotgun, move in his field of vision from right to left. Only the best shooters are able to hit such a target with a short-barreled weapon. Unlike the heroes of Westerns, bandits rarely shoot and only when there is an immediate threat.

Even if you do not give in to their demands, but do not commit sudden actions, the shot most likely will not sound (the enemy is subconsciously waiting for a signal, but you are not giving it to him). Here it is wiser to avoid surprise and increase psychological pressure gradually. Still, it should be remembered that firearms kills for good, so it’s better not to enter into conflict with an armed person, and if something like that suddenly ends up in your hands, it’s advisable not to use it. Only for intimidation.

No criminality

By law, everyone has the right to fight to defend themselves, other people, or property. In this case, the means of protection must be proportionate to the danger. Namely: if your life is under real threat, you can do whatever you want with the enemy, and if he is only going to cripple you, leave him alive, but don’t worry about the bastard’s health. Use existing types of weapons only if the enemy is also armed. But do not forget that any item used for defense is considered by the court as a bladed weapon.

Landscape after the battle

Even absolute champions the world sometimes loses battles. So it is possible that one of your battles will also be lost. No luck. The spectators dispersed, and in the empty hall there was not a single paramedic remaining faithful to the Hippocratic Oath. Of course, no medical science will restore the advantage you lost in the second round, but competent advice could protect you from unpleasant consequences.

Got it in the gut Neither sigh nor groan. It's time to repel the attack, but if it doesn't work out, the oxygen has been cut off. Where did it go, this oxygen? Kick in solar plexus causes spasm of the diaphragm - the very muscle that is responsible for breathing. Don’t panic: besides the diaphragm, breathing is provided by dozens of other muscles and you won’t die from suffocation. Aperture function is usually restored within 15–20 seconds. Or even faster if you try to relax it by taking small, short breaths and long, slow exhales. That's it, on the count of seven the boxer jumps to his feet and knocks out the referee. But if the blow was so strong that a spasm of the diaphragm occurred, then a rib fracture or injury is possible internal organs. If, a few minutes after a blow to the chest or stomach, you feel a dull pain somewhere inside, contact a doctor, he will fix everything.

Dali on the sopatka It’s very painful and there’s a stream of blood gushing out. Apparently the fight is over. As soon as the alarming clouds above you clear, get to your feet and lean forward so as not to choke on blood. Close your nostrils with two fingers. The bleeding should stop within a maximum of five minutes. If you feel that your nose has acquired some kind of strange shape or when you press on the tip of your nose you hear a nasty slurping sound, which means it is most likely broken. The next day you need to go to the doctor, and the doctor will tell you what to do. In addition, after a particularly accurate hit, you may feel that it has become difficult to breathe. If this feeling does not leave you for several hours after the impact, immediately run to the emergency room. Your nasal septum may be damaged. And you may also need professional help if your nose is cut. Wounds to cartilage tissue become infected very easily, and only a professional can properly treat the wound to avoid severe inflammation.

Knocked out a tooth Those to whom this has not happened believe that it is very painful. In fact, in the heat of battle, tooth loss may not be noticed at all. It is quite possible that you will even win this fight, which is what we wish for you. But then, instead of resting on your laurels, you need to grab the fallen tooth and quickly run with it to the dentist. If you have time in a couple of hours, it is likely that the tooth will be able to be inserted back and it will take root. What if the tooth has not fallen out, but is simply loose? Then, perhaps, there is no need to rush, but you will still have to go to the dentist. He will take an x-ray and see if the tooth root is broken.

Hit below the belt Namely, twenty centimeters lower. It hurts and makes you sick. You'll have to leave the battlefield immediately - anyway, you can't even straighten up. Lie on your back and place something under your lower back to raise your genitals as high as possible. Some people benefit from a warm compress, some people benefit from a cold compress. Usually the pain lasts only a few minutes, in extreme cases - half an hour. But if the dull pain and nausea persist for more than an hour, you need to see a doctor. You may have a tear in the lining of the testicle, the tissue that protects it. This is being treated.

They beat me long and varied Immediately after the enemy accepts your surrender, lie down or sit for 20–30 minutes. If you experience sharp pain when trying to stand up, or if you experience a momentary loss of consciousness after a particularly successful blow, do not try to move on your own. Try asking someone for help. Now you need to get to the emergency room as quickly as possible and at the same time move as little as possible yourself. In the emergency room, you will have plenty of time to think about whether it’s worth looking for similar adventures in the future, or whether the fight performed by Jason Statham on the screen looks much more spectacular than in real life.

Every guy and man has situations in life when they need to get into a fight. Even if you sometimes train and have a good physical fitness, this does not guarantee victory. You must take advantage of the enemy's weak points and deal him crushing blows.

How to defeat your opponent in a fight?

Many guys are interested in this question, but if the chance to win strong opponent or should I give up right away? In fact, in a fight, it is not the one with the big fists or the biceps who wins, but the one who is braver, faster and smarter. Today we want to present you with a few simple tricks, using which you can become a winner and show your opponent what you are worth.

Here are the main secrets that will help you avoid an emergency call and a hospital bed:

Wake up! When someone threatens you, you must concentrate all your attention on the enemy and track all his movements. If you don't keep your eyes open, he will attack you and deal you a crushing blow. You also need to quickly look around and use your eyes to find objects that can be used instead of weapons. It doesn't hurt to find a way out where you can escape if necessary if there are several opponents.

Try to defuse the situation. How to defeat your opponent in a fight? Talk to the enemy and calm him down, no need to get into trouble. After all, your health and life are much more important than arguing with some stupid idiot. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are to blame for the current situation and apologizing. Your main goal is to avoid combat. Under no circumstances show the enemy that you are afraid of him.

Take a fighting stance. If a fight cannot be avoided, you must be alert. Never turn your back to your opponent, only your face. Use your hands to protect your stomach, jaw and chest, clench your fingers into fists, feet wider than shoulder width for stability. The goal is to maintain balance, you should not end up on the ground. Most often the jaw and ribs are damaged in a fight, so try not to give up.

Protect yourself. You must protect yourself from violence and unjustified aggression, so do not be afraid and strike. Hit those places that are not protected. If you have any object that can be used as a weapon, do it. It could be anything, like a chair or a bottle.

Knee to the groin.
No explanation is needed, you already know why it is effective. Kick to the groin, knee or stomach. They will incapacitate the attacker for a long time, and you will have time to escape. A punch to the face won't hurt either, you can do it with your forehead. Punch him in the nose, it's effective and painful.

Strike effectively. Don't waste your energy in vain and try to hit weak spots as accurately as possible. One good blow will replace 10 poor ones, but you will save your strength to continue the fight.

Battle cry. Don't be silent, you must tear and throw! Your battle roar should amaze the enemy and intimidate him. Many even the bravest men get scared when they hear a loud exclamation from their opponent, this is a sign that he is not afraid to get into a fight. Intimidate the enemy and distract him, this will give you a much better chance of getting away. Another reason is to attract attention; it is quite possible that one of the passers-by or local residents will hear you and call the police.

Run away. If you have used all the tips listed above, but they did not give the desired result, there is only one thing left - you must run from there as fast as you can! Don't ask for trouble and get away as quickly as possible.

You have imagined a fight a hundred times and even practiced your “fighting” grin in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Perhaps they even tried to show the reflection those three karate techniques that they took in the ninth grade. Cool. But none of this matters when you look into the bloodshot eyes of a freak pumped up on steroids, determined to show his friends at all costs how he will chop a random passerby. Do you want to get out of the situation with dignity? Here's what to do.

  • Watch your body language

    Try to put nervousness aside and concentrate on what is happening. Fine motor skills The enemy will be prompted for the next move, the main thing is to be able to notice the movement in time. Body tension, weight shifting to the front leg, lowered chin - now there will be a blow, get ready.

  • First strike

    Most often, a street fight does not last more than a couple of minutes. Here you don’t need to try to carefully fish out the enemy’s tactics, hit first and hit wisely. A well-placed blow to the jaw can end everything; a blow to the nose will blind and discourage the enemy. Besides, no need to play knight, hit him in the groin.

    Homegrown wrestlers

    With the rise in popularity of MMA, more and more guys are trying to use the techniques seen on TV in a fight. The most common is an attempt to crush the opponent with the body in a throw. Do not be afraid of this “locomotive of death” rushing towards you. Shift your weight slightly back leg and knee him in the face.

    Moment of Truth

    A street fight most often begins with a long warm-up. They will scare you and put pressure on your psyche. This is not at all similar to what happens in the ring, so you need to act differently. The only chance to win is to ignore the mental pressure. Fear paralyzes the victim and the aggressor knows this very well. Don’t give yourself a chance to get scared; prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you won’t be able to avoid a fight. Have you pulled yourself together? Strike, do not wait for the enemy to work himself up to the required condition.

There is always a chance to defeat a more technical and talented opponent. Very often in boxing strong boxers lose to the weak. These tips will help you defeat strong opponents.

How to defeat an opponent stronger than you?

Very often people ask the question, how to defeat a stronger opponent?

Honestly, there is only 1 way... Cheating!... It's a joke =). Never cheat. You may be unlucky, some boxer may use even more cunning tricks.

Many people think that boxing is a combination of hard work and talent. Those who lack talent must work. This makes it easier to understand the essence of the sport, but boxing is much more complex.

Skills and talent often predetermine victory in theory, but in practice everything is completely different. There are too many complexities in boxing, besides skill and talent, so that no one can determine the real outcome of the battle. I very often beat much more trained boxers, but also lost to less trained ones. Sometimes it is easier to defeat a more talented boxer.

“There is nothing more common in the world than unsuccessful, talented people.”

1. Best style

Most best way to defeat a more technical opponent - choose the most suitable one against him. Very often boxers say that “Style rules the fight!” There are “rock-paper-scissors” styles in boxing =)) Even if an amateur opponent is stronger than you, then your style can help you win. Professionals often change their styles to win.

…look at Joe Frazier. If you compare it with, then Fraser hardly had a chance.

By analogy, beginners can also fight. If you are lucky enough, you may have a style that is perfect against your opponent. Although, in other cases, you will have to study someone else's fighting style and learn to win it. Know that there are no invulnerable opponents!
Freddie Roach, one of boxing's greatest trainers, said in an interview: "I'm not looking for weakness, I'm looking for habits."

Opponents' weaknesses may not help, because boxers can quickly patch up vulnerabilities. If you want to defeat a strong opponent, don't expect him to make mistakes. Better look for his habits, especially “good” habits! Maybe he always jabs twice. Or he always dodges after a combination. There are different options, but you need to get the most out of each.

It doesn't matter if the technique is good or not, if you know what to do, you will win!

2. Automation

The second best way to defeat a stronger opponent is to fight automatically. Just fight, don't think, don't worry. Of course, you need to think, but it’s best to think longer during training.

When you fight, your body should fight automatically. You don't have to decide, your body just has to react. The better you fight, the less you think. Remember, be sure to do everything automatically during training, just like when you play a computer or basketball.

Even a person with poor technique can win if he fights automatically.

3. Physical training

If you are a worse boxer, then you need to pay more attention to training your body. This method is the most impressive method for winning as it helps you actually win with the worst technique. I think every child dreamed of Rocky style. In reality, this very rarely happens because physical fitness is very important. To improve physical training Of course you need to work out with a barbell or on machines, full catalog strength training equipment you can see .

If you are less technical, then you must be stronger.

4. Prepare mentally

Many greatest boxers won only because of their morals. For example, the fights of Ali against Foreman, against Hagler.

Win the battle mentally. Annoy your opponent, make him angry. The angrier the opponents, the easier it is to win the battle. Deceive him, show him that you are not capable of anything.

Scare him, get yourself into his head, make him think that you are much stronger than you really are. Hit only one hit at a time. And then suddenly open up and knock him out. Well, or at least make him fear you.

Scare him.

5. Heart

The hardest thing is to win with your heart. But this is the greatest way victories of the enemy stronger than you. Of course, this is incredibly difficult. You really need to have the heart of a champion. Many people don't even have the heart to survive in battle. Throughout the history of boxing, about 10% of boxers had the heart of a fighter, and only 10% of them had the heart of a champion. A fighter is one who wins morally. Even if he loses, in the faces of the fans he wins.

Fighters who have the heart of a champion are those who don't say no to defeat. There are very few who can actually reach the top. They never retreat, they always find a way to victory. These champions will always be able to choose the ideal victory option.

Most fighters don't have enough good hearts. They can lose with honor, but they cannot win with heart.

There is no need to completely exhaust yourself with training. You must have the strength to fight.

6. Luck

The craziest way to defeat a strong opponent. For example, you will win if your opponent is injured or the judges are bribed. You don't have to rely on luck, of course. You need to know that the Universe will help you if you work hard enough. If you're lucky once, make sure you don't get lucky next time.

Luck often helped me. Very often my opponents' noses started bleeding and they could not continue the fight. And it happened that the opponents’ glove fell off. Sometimes I even got knocked out after a blow to the body. Although, usually I consider myself a loser after this and train harder.

How to defeat a stronger opponent?

Remember, boxing is not just an ordinary fight. In boxing, it's not about who has the best jab or who has the best defense. In boxing, it's important who can fight, but not just throw combinations of punches and use different techniques. Just because someone is a better fighter or better trained doesn't necessarily mean they will beat YOU.

Eventually, you will have to face someone who is better than you. This is a very important part of learning and improving your abilities. Most likely, you will already be ready for this. Never forget about all your abilities and all the techniques above. Fight opponents using different styles. Train hard and love sports. Even when you have already been beaten very badly, think about something positive and go into the ring. An American friend of mine told me about a quote from a crazy Russian boxer =).