What program do you use at home to get pumped up?

Such a solution will not bring the desired result, since you can pump up at home from scratch and quickly only by working in all directions.

Taking the steps correctly

Many beginners, in an attempt to quickly pump up, try to independently select supplements, training programs, and special diets that would allow them to achieve the desired muscle definition. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, since professional bodybuilders have long developed recommendations, telling and showing how to pump up at home in a month.

Instructors tell beginners there are three simple steps to follow. Such actions are recommended not only for adult men, but also for girls and teenagers. The use of hardware and special training equipment is not the main condition. In order to quickly gain muscle mass you need to:

  • performing intense exercises with your own weight - push-ups, pull-ups, squats, bends, lifts and lunges;
  • using the possibilities of anaerobic exercise to get rid of fat;
  • eat right.

Following all the rules will allow you to quickly pump up and give your muscles definition, even when training at home from scratch. When performing anaerobic exercise, a lot depends on the goal. If you want to get rid of fat, low-intensity exercises are recommended, and fast running in the form of sprints or acceleration techniques allow you to burn calories more efficiently.

Proper nutrition is of great importance if you want to quickly pump up on your own at home. Instructors say that this factor ensures 85% success.

It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, which will reduce the feeling of hunger and significantly speed up metabolic processes. The quality of food consumed and its content are important.

Before and after each workout, it is necessary to include foods with a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet, and exclude salty, sweet and starchy foods. High protein content is found in meat, eggs, dairy products and fish. For an ordinary person, the amount of protein should be 0.5 grams per 1 kg of weight, and for those who want to pump up at home in just a month, they need to consume 1.5 protein per kilogram of weight.

Training program for men

Professionals answering the question of how to quickly pump up at home talk about the effectiveness of circular training on exercise machines. This program consists of only 7 exercises and allows you to quickly pump up all the muscles of the body. Classes in this program involve performing the complex 4 times a week. Recommended days for classes are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

How to pump up at home - consider the training program:

  • traditional pull-up - 10 repetitions;
  • explosive push-ups, in which a classic push-up is performed from the floor, but when reaching the bottom point, you need to sharply push up with force so that your palms come off the floor and touch each other in clap - 8 repetitions;
  • performing squats on one leg and throwing the second one onto a bench or chair - repetitions for each leg;
  • pull-ups using the reverse grip technique - 12 repetitions;
  • push-ups upside down on your hands, with your body resting on the surface of the wall - 5 repetitions;
  • push-ups on two spaced chairs - 12 repetitions;
  • hanging lower body raise - 12 reps.

Each exercise is performed at a fast pace and rhythm. When performing a circuit approach, there is no rest time between each exercise. After completing the first circle, take a break of several minutes. It is recommended to do 4 circular approaches as a minimum.

With each week, the complexity and load of the exercises performed should increase, which can be achieved by increasing the number of circles or the number of repeated exercises.

Features of ectomorph training

All existing human physiques can be conditionally divided into only three types, depending on which type a training and nutrition program should be selected. The most difficult type to gain mass is considered to be the ectomorph type. This body type resembles the figure of a teenager, as it is characterized by underdeveloped muscles and an almost complete absence of fat.

The most difficult thing for an ectomorph to gain weight is the very beginning of training. In order to achieve the desired results and pump up at home, they have to strictly adhere to a detailed training program and completely reconsider their diet.

The peculiarity of the ectomorph is that classes should be regular and not allow significant breaks. As soon as it stops working, the entire achieved result of training is reduced to nothing.

Rules for ectomorph:

  • eating every few hours;
  • food calorie content is at least 2,500 kcal;
  • inclusion in the diet of not only proteins, but a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • drawing up a program with rare but strength training with lifting iron.

Basic training program

Basic programs are recommended for gaining muscle for the etomorph. As a result of such training, during the first month you will gain only a few kilograms in the range of 5 to 7 kg or less. Despite the insignificant figure for an ectomorph, this value will be a serious achievement; it will strengthen and build muscle mass, providing the basis for the possibility of further development.

The training program consists of a set of 7 basic exercises performed with a small number of repetitions and heavy weight. This training promotes the growth of muscle fibers, making them more elastic and dense, due to which muscle mass is gained. There are two types of complex in total.

The lesson plan includes 3 workouts per week, with alternating sets of exercises. Before you begin the exercise, you need to warm up your muscles well with warm-up exercises. How to pump up an ectomorph at home:

  • to warm up all muscles - cardio for 5 minutes;
  • performing all 3 exercises of the current set of exercises in a circular mode with an average working weight of 10 repetitions.

Complex one:

  • bench press in a lying position - 3×4;
  • performing deadlifts - 1×4.

Complex two:

  • squats using a barbell - 3x4;
  • standing barbell press - 3×4;
  • barbell row to the waist - 3x

Rest between each set should not exceed 90 seconds. A sufficient break between exercises is considered to be 2 to 3 minutes. As training progresses, the number of repetitions can be increased to 6, and the number of approaches from 3 to 6. At least 48 hours must pass between each workout, otherwise the muscles will not have time to rest and recover.

Features of training for girls

Due to their anatomical features, it is much more difficult for girls to build muscle than for men. Girls usually do not like to understand iron, so such exercises are not often included in the training program. The training program should take into account the following features:

  • in the second half of the menstrual cycle, training is less effective; you cannot exercise 2 days before, during the cycle and 2 days after its start;
  • Girls have fewer muscle fibers, so their training program should consist of many approaches and repetitions;
  • the heart rate during cardio training should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  • the load and complexity of the exercises should be selected taking into account physical capabilities.

You don't need to have a special machine for training; regular dumbbells are enough. When practicing at home, a girl can use dumbbells weighing from 3 to 7 kg, as well as any available items - a chair, bed, sofa.

The training program is designed to perform a set of exercises 3 times a week. Each exercise is performed 10-15 times, the total number of approaches is from 3 to 4.

The first complex for girls:

  • semi twisting;
  • squats using dumbbells;
  • lunges in different directions, in which the arm from the dumbbells is bent at the elbow, and when returning, it is unbent;
  • lunges with dumbbells forward with alternate bending and extension of the arms;
  • bench push-ups;
  • dumbbell press up;
  • Single dumbbell row with a side tilt
  • dumbbell row with forward bend.

Classes according to such a program 3 times a week will allow the girl to significantly increase muscle tone, strengthen them and improve physical endurance.

You can quickly pump up at home, using the right set of exercises and not forgetting the importance of nutrition. It is not necessary to lift heavy weights; it is enough to follow the requirements of a training program for muscle growth, not forgetting about the rules of nutrition and lifestyle.