Ski racing - rules. Ski racing Basic rules for skiing competitions


1. General Provisions

1.1. Ski racing at 1,2,3,5 and 10 km are held in free or classic style, as indicated in the Regulations on the competition.

1.2. The competition route must have elevation changes, ascents, flat sections and descents that comply with the Rules.

1.3. There should be no sudden changes in direction of movement. Changes in direction should occur before the descents, not after them.

1.4. Slopes must be safe even at high speed and on icy tracks. Icy turns, sharp corners and narrow passages must be avoided.

It is important to comply with these requirements when preparing trails for children, women, and participants with insufficient training.

1.5. The width of the track should be 3-4 m for laying two ski tracks in a classic style and for passing snow-compacting machines. On the descent, the width of the tracks must be at least 4 m, and in places of turns on the slopes - at least 6 m.

1.6. A ski slope is considered compacted if there are no traces of a pedestrian’s shoes left on it. After compacting the snow to a width of 2.5 m on the track, two ski tracks are laid on the track using special machines. They should be located at a distance of 1 m - 1 m 20 cm from each other (measured from the middle of the ski track).

1.7. Two separate tracks of one ski track should be located at a distance of 17 - 25 cm from each other (measured from the middle of the ski track). The track depth for each ski is at least 2 - 3 cm.

1.8. For racing using skating, one ski track is laid on the right or left side of the track and the width of the track must be at least 4 - 6 m.

1.9. It is prohibited to lay routes through poorly frozen rivers, lakes and swamps, railway tracks, or highways with heavy traffic.

1.10. At air temperatures of -20°C for adult competitions -15°C for children's competitions and moderate wind (2-6 m/sec), the State Jury and the representative of the Organizing Committee must, together with team representatives, decide on the possibility and conditions of ski racing (reducing distances, postponement of the start, cancellation, etc.), taking into account the general impact of the cold factor on the participants, their physical and technical preparedness, hardening and equipment.

2. Measurement of traces

2.1. The course is measured with a steel tape measure, a 50 m long metal cord or a distance meter.

2.2. On measuring the tracks, a report is drawn up, which is signed by the official measurer of the competition (at level 2 competitions - an inspector), deputy chief judges for sports issues and cross-country skiing, the head of the tracks and his deputies. A diagram and profiles of the routes are attached to the act.

These documents are approved by the chief judge before the start of the competition.

3. Height difference

3.1. The height difference between the lowest and highest points of the distance should not exceed:

At a distance of 5 km (boys, women, older men) - 100 m;

At a distance of 10 km (for men 16-39 years old) - 200 m.

3.2. The height difference on a maximum climb of at least 200 m in length should not exceed 60 meters at a distance of 5 km, and 80 m at a distance of 10 km.

3.3. At level 1 competitions, the courses must consist of one-third climbs with a steepness of 8 -12° and short climbs with a steepness of up to 18°.

3.4. The required amount of elevation differences (MT) for the route to meet the classification requirements of level 1 competitions:

For women, for a distance of 3 km - 30 m, for a distance of 5 km - 150 m;

For men, the 5 km distance is 150 m, and the 10 km distance is 300 m.

3.5. Level 1 competitions must be held on trails that have a passport, trail layouts (scale 1:10000) and their profiles (1:50000 for length; 1:5000 for height), approved by the Russian Ski Racing Federation.

4. Trail equipment

4.1. The entire route is marked with flags. To mark descents and turns, it is recommended to hang garlands of flags. Checkboxes are checked with inside tracks at a distance of 1-1.5 m from it.

The route must be marked so that the participant has no doubt as to the direction of movement.

4.2. Ski markings, arrows, colored flags and garlands are used to mark the trails. The flags are placed at such a distance from one another that when passing a flag, a participant can see the next one. On average, there should be at least 30 flags per 1 km of the route. Flags on the course must be of different colors for different distances and gender of participants.

4.3. Starting from the start, at the end of each kilometer signs are placed 1,2,3.4 km, etc., and 500 and 200 m before the finish signs “500 m to the finish”, “200 m to the finish” (yellow signs, numbers on them black).

4.4. Before difficult descents and turns, clearly visible yellow flags or signs with an exclamation mark should be installed.

4.5. At level 1 competitions, communications equipment is installed on the course.

5. Start and finish equipment

5.1. The start and finish points must be located on the same level, no closer than 10 m and no further than 100 m from one another. The finishing place is located in such a way that the participant approaching it is visible at least 50 m away and that at the last

There were no descents for 50 m of the track.

5.2. At level 1 competitions, a place for marking skis is equipped before the start. After marking, the participant immediately goes to the start.

5.3. Starting protocols, diagrams and route profiles must be posted in the starting town, and a temperature board must be installed.

5.4. When conducting cross-country skiing, you must have:

Transport for the evacuation of injured participants (cart, snowmobile, ambulance);

Stretchers mounted on skis (“volokush”) and blankets;

Individual dressing bags (from the controllers).

5.5. It is necessary to inform the judges on the courses, participants and team representatives about the medical aid points and indicate their location on the circuit diagrams posted in the starting town.

The following types of starts are allowed at competitions:

Single (participants start one at a time with an interval of 30 seconds or 1 minute);

Doubles (participants start in twos with an interval of 30 seconds or 1 minute);

Group (participants start in groups (teams) of 3-5 people with an interval of at least 1 minute; the starting order is determined by drawing lots);

General, in which all participants start at the same time (the first stage of the relay);

a single start can be given at intervals that are multiples of the difference in points scored by participants in previous types of program; in this case there is no draw, the starting rules are the same as for a single start.

7. Start rules

7.1. Starting participants register immediately before the start.

7.2. A participant whose costume and number do not comply with the Rules, or (according to the start conditions) whose skis are not marked, is not allowed to start.

7.3. The participant starts at the time established by the start protocol. In case of absence or delay of one or more participants at the start, the start time of the remaining athletes does not change.

7.4. For single, double and group starts, the starter, being on the starting line on the side of the participant, 10 seconds before the start gives the command “10 seconds left!”, 5 seconds before the start raises the flag to the level of the participants’ chest or holds his hand on the participant’s shoulder and starts count: “5-4-3-2-1”, and then with the command “March!” gives a start. If the start is given according to an electric chronometer, an audible start signal (“Buzzer”) is given.

The starting clock must be installed in such a way that it can be seen by the starting competitors.

7.5. Before the starting command, the rider's feet (ski brackets) and poles must be in front of the start line.

7.6. A participant who starts prematurely must return behind the starting line at the command of the starter, only after which he can start again. In this case, it is considered that the participant started at the time established by the start protocol.

7.7. During the general start (relay races), the participants are on the preliminary formation line, 5 meters from the start line. After the commands “Take off your outerwear!”, “To the start!” Participants, having taken off their clothes, go to the start.

7.8. The starter gives the preparatory command “10 seconds left!” in 10 seconds, and the command “5 seconds left!” in 5 seconds. and raises a pistol or flag. After the time has expired, the start is given with a shot or the command “March!” while lowering the flag.

7.9. At the start of the first stage of the relay, after the starter raises the pistol or flag, the judges in front of the participants put their hands on the shoulders of the starters, and at the moment of the starting signal they raise their hands up.

7.10. During the general start of athletes who started prematurely,

return and give a new start for all participants. The participant who first violates the start rules is placed 1 m behind the other participants.

7.11. In a group and general start, the starting participants run the first 100 m of the distance in a classic style, each on their own track, after which they have the right to switch to a free style, and in the relay race over the next 100 m to switch to one of three general ski tracks.

7.12. A participant who is late to take the start at the time established by the protocol may start with the permission of the starter at any time, without interfering with other riders, but no later than the last participant in the competition takes the start. He must mark his skis, register at the start and start at the starter's command. In this case, it is considered that he started at the time established by the start protocol.

7.13. Judges must record the actual start time of a late competitor in case the main panel of judges decides that the delay was caused by extraordinary circumstances.

The judges of the finishing team record the end of the distance at the shin of the leg of the first one to cross the finish line at a height of 25 cm from the level of the ski track (with an accuracy of 1 second) and, after checking the finish protocols and timing by the senior judge at the finish, transfer the protocols to the Deputy Chief Secretary for skiing. If auto-timing is available, participants' time is measured to the nearest 0.01 second, with results rounded to the next whole second.

9. Relay handover area

9.1. The transfer of the baton is carried out in the relay transfer zone by touching any part of the body of the recipient with the hand of the transmitter.

9.2. The length of the transfer zone is 40 m (from the finish line forward), the width is 15 m.

9.3. The individual time of the participants is recorded at the start line of the transfer zone (at the finish line of the stage).

9.4. In the transfer area, participants must walk in a classic style.

9.5. A “100 m” sign is installed 100 m before the transmission zone.

10.Special rights and obligations of participants

10.1. The participant has the right:

In the last 200 m of the distance before the finish, do not give way to the ski track;

Change sticks;

In a relay race, change one ski;

Lubricate skis at a distance and repair equipment without anyone’s help;

Use heating devices when changing ointments, even if they are lit by another person;

Eat food;

Receive information about the time and order of passing sections of the distance by himself or other participants;

Receive medical care.

10.2. The participant is obliged:

Pass all checkpoints;

After the finish, present your skis to check the markings on them;

If the race is stopped, inform the controller judge and a representative of your team;

When walking behind another participant, maintain a distance of at least 1 m from the ends of his skis to the toes of his skis;

Going first, at the request of the catching up participant, give up the track to him, leaving it with both skis (except 200 m before the end of the distance).

Having discovered that an accident has occurred with one of the athletes at the distance, try to provide first aid and notify the first judge you meet about the accident.

10.3. The participant is prohibited from:

Receive any assistance from anyone other than that specified in clause 10.1;

Change one or (in a relay race) 2 skis;

Be led by members of your team (fans), or lead another participant (accompany him in front, behind or from the side) for more than 30 m in a row;

Disturb other participants from completing the course.

10.4. A participant who violates the Competition Rules while completing the distance is removed from the ski race.

The basic rules of cross-country skiing competitions are approved by the International Ski Federation. The organizers of individual competitions have the right to determine the disciplines presented at the competitions, the timing of their holding and other nuances that do not contradict the basic rules.

Route- a specially prepared area of ​​terrain at least 3 meters wide for the passage of special machines for compacting snow and cutting ski tracks.

Distance- distance on the tracks, determined by the Competition Rules.

  • · Cross-country skiing courses should be laid out so that they provide the best opportunity to evaluate the technical, tactical and physical fitness athletes.
  • · The level of difficulty must correspond to the level of competition, age and qualifications of the participants.
  • · The route should be laid out in such a way as to avoid monotony, have a hilly surface, and sections of ascent and descent.
  • · Where possible, the route should pass through the forest.
  • · The rhythm of the race should not be interrupted a large number sudden changes in direction or steep climbs.
  • · Downhill sections should be located so that athletes can pass each other. It is necessary that skiers with different speeds can simultaneously pass along the track without interfering with each other.
  • · Girls and boys younger age up to 14 up to 5/7.5 km
  • · Girls and boys of middle age 15 - 16 to 10/15 km
  • · Older girls and boys 17 - 18 to 15/30 km
  • · Juniors and juniors 19 -20 to 30/50 km
  • · Youth 21 - 23 No restrictions
  • · Women and men of basic age 24 and older No restrictions


  • · The following types of starts are used in competitions: separate, general, group and starts for the pursuit race. In time trials, intervals of 30 seconds are usually used.
  • · The starter gives a warning: “Attention” 10 seconds before the start. 5 seconds before the start, he begins the countdown: “5=4=3=2=1” (“five, four, three, two, one”), followed by the starting signal “March” (“Los”, or “ Allez", or "Go"). If electronic timing is used, an electronic signal sounds simultaneously with the start command. The start clock must be positioned so that the athlete can clearly see it.
  • · The athlete must place his feet before the start line and remain motionless until the start command is received. The poles must be stationary in front of the starting line and/or in front of the starting gate.
  • · If the time is recorded manually, the athlete who started early must be brought back to start again from the start line. In this case, his starting time is considered to be the time indicated in the start protocol.
  • · If the time is recorded by electronic means, the athlete may start at any time within 3 s before the start signal and 3 s after it. If he starts earlier than 3 seconds before the start, it is considered a false start. In this case, the athlete returns back, after which he must cross the extension of the starting line located outside the electronic starting gate. If the athlete starts later than 3 seconds after the start signal, the time from the start protocol is counted.
  • · An athlete who delays his start should not overlap in time with other athletes.
  • · If the jury considers that the delay in the start is caused by force majeure, the actual starting time may be counted when using both manual and electronic timing.
  • · In competitions with a general start, the positions of the participants are determined by their position in the current ranking
  • · The general start must be carried out according to the handicap system. This means that the athlete highest rating occupies the most advantageous starting position. The following starting positions are alternately occupied by athletes in order of deterioration of their rating.


  • · When using manual timing, the finishing time is recorded at the moment when the athlete's foot, which is in front, crosses the finish line.
  • · When using an electronic timing system, time is recorded when the contact of the electronic chronometer is interrupted (when any part of the body, ski or pole crosses it). The camera beam should be located at a height of 25 cm above the snow surface.
  • · At competitions, a photo finish should be used - two video cameras: one camera at the end of the finish line, the other should be located at an angle of 85° to the finish line, in front of the athlete (possibly on a bar). It is also recommended to additionally use a third video camera to film the starting numbers from behind. The photo finish camera must be positioned aligned with the front edge of the finish line.
  • · If several athletes undergo a photo finish at the same time, their distribution is carried out according to the sequence in which the feet of those in front
  • · legs joint
  • · competitors cross the vertical plane of the finish line. The width of the finish line should not exceed 10 cm.

Distance length

At official competitions, the length of the distance ranges from 800 m to 50 km. In this case, one distance can consist of several circles (for entertainment).

Format and rules of Olympic starts.

310 men and women take part in 12 Olympic starts. The maximum quota for a country is 20 participants. Moreover, it cannot contain more than 12 men or women. No more than 4 representatives from one country can participate in each individual race. In relay races, each country can be represented by one team.

Races are held on one day. In sprints, individual and team, the final races are preceded by qualifications.

To complete the tasks in this section, you must study the rules of cross-country skiing competitions, as well as use the theoretical information obtained in the classroom.

Purpose: To study the rules of cross-country skiing competitions.

Topic 3.1. Documents regulating competitions

Task 1. Develop regulations on the ski holiday.

1. Purpose:__________________________________________________________

2. Tasks: ______________________________________________________________


3. Venue ________________________________________________

4. Date of holiday ___________________________________________________

5. Management of the holiday (it is necessary to indicate which organization provides general management, organization, and conduct of the holiday)__________________________________________________________


6. Participating organizations and participants of the holiday ___________________


7. Applications and admission to participate in the holiday (you must indicate how many days in advance to submit a preliminary application, where to send it, address)____________________________________________________________


8. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators____________________

9. Insurance and admission of participants_________________________________


Task 2. Develop a ski holiday scenario.

Name of the holiday _______________________________________________

Venue __________________________________________________

Date of the holiday __________________________________________

Opening time of the holiday _________________________________________________

Competition start time __________________________________________

Time for the award ceremony, closing of the holiday__________

Compiled by student:_________________

Topic 3.2. Selection and preparation ski slope

Task 1. Draw a diagram of the starting area markings according to the teacher’s instructions (individual start in 30 seconds, mass start, relay race, sprint).

Compiled by student:_________________

Topic 3.3. Organization and holding of cross-country skiing competitions

To complete this task, it is necessary to draw lots for students in the study group.

Task 1. Draw up a protocol for the start of cross-country skiing competitions according to the instructions of the teacher (individual strata in 30 seconds, mass start, relay race, sprint).



(name of competition)

Venue Date

The start of the competition is ______ hour. ________ min.

Participant's starting number Last name, first name Year of birth Sports qualification Territory, FSO Time strat Exit mark from the start

Compiled by student:_________________

Grade _________________________

Task 2. Draw up a protocol of the official results of cross-country skiing competitions for your training group.


Venue Date

Group of participants Distance km Style

The start of the competition is ____hour. ________min. Characteristics of the route:

The end of the competition is ______hour. ________min altitude difference

Air temperature at the beginning of the race maximum rise

Air temperature at the end of the race is the sum of the elevation changes

Started:__________ Didn’t finish the distance _________

Finished the distance _____________ Did not start _______________

Compiled by student:_________________

Grade _________________________

Task 3. Make a list of violations of the rules of cross-country skiing competitions.


Compiled by student:_________________

Grade _________________________

1. Antonova, O.N. Ski training: Teaching methods: textbook. aid for students avg. ped. textbook establishments / O.N. Antonova, V.S. Kuznetsov. – M.: ACEDEMA, 1999. –208 p.

2. Brown, N. Preparation of skis. Complete Guide/ N. Brown. Per. from English A. Nemtsov. – Murmansk: 2004. – 168 p.

3. Butin, I.M. Skiing: textbook. for students education institutions prof. education / I.M. Butin. – M.: VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. – 192 p.

4. Skiing: a textbook for institutes physical culture/ ed. M.A. Agranovsky. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1980. – 368 p.

5. Manzhosov, V.N. Skiing: a textbook for universities / V.N. Manzhosov, I.G. Ogoltsov, G.A. Smirnov. – M.: Higher School, 1979. – 151 p.

6. Manzhosov, V.N. Training of cross-country skiers: essays on theory and methodology / V.N. Manzhosov. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1986. – 96 p.

7. Rules for cross-country skiing competitions. – Minsk: Printing Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2008. – 100 p.

8. Ramenskaya, T.I. Young skier: a popular educational book about long-term training of ski racers / T.I. Ramenskaya - M.: SportAcademPress, 2004. - 204 p.


EXPLANATORY NOTE. . . . . . . 3



Topic 1.1. Classification of exercises for cross-country skiers. . . 4

Topic 1.2. Methods of teaching skiing techniques. . 9



Topic 2.1. Means and methods of developing strength. . . . . 19

Topic 2.2. Means and methods for developing speed. . . . 20

Topic 2.3. Means and methods for developing endurance. . . . 21

Topic 2.4. Means and methods for developing coordination abilities. 22

SECTION III. Rules for cross-country skiing competitions

Topic 3.1. Documents regulating the holding of competitions. 25

Topic 3.2. Selection and preparation of a ski route. . . . . 28

Topic 3.3. Organization and holding of cross-country skiing competitions. 29

Classic style Technique of alternating and simultaneous moves, herringbone lift without a sliding phase, technique of descents and turns. Skating moves are not allowed. The turning technique involves steps and pushes to change direction. Performing a turn with a skating push-off is prohibited both with and without a cut ski track. The same rule applies to athletes walking on a turn without a cut ski track.

Course markings Course markings should be such that the athlete is in no doubt where to go next Kilometer markers should indicate the total distance covered on the course Forks and intersections on the course should be clearly marked and unused parts of the course should be fenced off

information Near the stadium there should be a board showing the temperature of the snow and air. These temperatures must be displayed 2 hours before the start, one hour before the start, half an hour before the start, during the start, half an hour after the start and one hour after the start. Temperature measurements must be carried out in the stadium and in areas of the track where extreme temperatures can be expected (low points, high points, windy, shady or sunny locations) Scoreboards should be used to display intermediate and unofficial results

Participants The Organizing Committee must receive a complete and final list of participants in the competition no later than 24 hours before the start of the first draw. It is prohibited to enter one athlete for more than one competition during the day. The distribution of competition participants into groups cannot change during the draw. Starting numbers within each group are determined. by drawing of lots All competition participants must be insured against accidents

Substitutes and late participants In competitions of the 2nd and 3rd categories, replacement is possible no later than 2 hours before the start. The starting position of the athlete after replacement is determined in a race with a general start at the end of the starting list of all participants, for a separate start - determined by the jury. In this case, the athlete puts on the start number of the person he is replacing. The jury may give permission to a late participant to start if there is a good reason. The starting time of participants admitted to the start cannot be set with any advantage over other participants. If two or more latecomers start, their numbers will be determined by drawing lots.

Drawing The drawing of lots can be carried out manually or computer-based. The drawing of lots by hand is carried out in groups using participant cards, using a random selection method. start groups were entered into the computer in advance

Split Start Split start (usually 30 sec intervals), the TD may approve the use of shorter or longer intervals to create the fairest conditions for all competitors. The starter gives a warning: “Attention” 10 sec before the start. 5 seconds before the start, he begins the countdown: “5 -4 -3 -2 -1”, followed by the starting signal “March”. If electronic timing is used, an electronic signal sounds simultaneously with the start command. The start clock must be positioned so that the athlete can clearly see it. The athlete must place his feet in front of the start line and remain stationary until the start command is received. The poles must be stationary in front of the starting line and/or in front of the starting gate.

Start time violation If the time is recorded manually, the athlete who started early must be brought back to start again from the start line. In this case, his starting time is considered to be the time specified in the start protocol. If the time is recorded by electronic means, the athlete can start at any time within 3 s before the start signal and 3 s after it. If he starts earlier than 3 seconds before the start, it is considered a false start. In this case, the athlete returns back, after which he must cross the extension of the starting line located outside the electronic starting gate. If an athlete starts later than 3 seconds after the start signal, the time from the start protocol is counted. An athlete who delays his start must not overlap in time with other athletes. If the jury considers that the delay in the start is caused by force majeure, the actual start time may be counted time when using both manual and electronic timing

General start The mass start is organized using an angled starting line (arrow-shaped). This means that the athlete with the 1st starting number is in the most advantageous position starting position, followed by athlete number 2, etc. All participants are located at a certain distance from each other. The first number is in the middle position, even numbers are on the right, and odd numbers are on the left. The ski track numbering is located on the right or in the middle. Starting procedures for the general start begin two minutes before the start signal. The last instruction invites athletes to take their positions at the start and announces “one minute until the start”. The next command is "30 seconds to start". When all athletes remain stationary and in their positions, the starting command, shot or signal follows. The starter must take a position so that all starters can clearly hear the starting signal, but cannot see the starter. In case of a false start, the assistant starter, standing 100 m after the starting line, reacts to the starter's signal, blocking the athletes' path, after which the starter prepares new start

RELAY The mass start procedure must be applied. At Category 1 competitions, the starting order is determined based on the placings of previous Category 1 competitions of similar status. For those teams that do not have results in these competitions, a draw is held. The relay handover area is a rectangle of sufficient length (about 30 m), wide enough, well marked, fenced, placed on a flat surface or a surface with a slight rise, located near the start and finish. different stages relay races should use starting numbers of different colors: 1st stage - red; Stage 2 - green; 3rd stage - yellow, 4th stage - blue Submission of an application to the chief secretary no later than 2 hours before the start, a list of athletes with their starting order (by stages) is submitted, which cannot be changed later. After this time, replacement can only be made in case of force majeure.

Transfer of the relay is carried out by touching with the palm of your hand any part of the body of the starting athlete of your team, while both athletes are in the relay transfer zone. In case of violation of the rules for handing over the relay, both athletes return to the area where the correct handover should occur, and only after that the starting athlete continues the relay. The starting athlete may only enter the transfer area when called upon. Pushing the starter in any form is prohibited.

Types of protests Against the admission of competitors or their equipment before the draw Against the course or its condition - no later than 15 minutes after the end of official training Against another competitor or official during the competition - within 15 minutes after the last athlete finishes Against the calculation of results - in within 15 minutes after the publication of the unofficial results report Against the decisions of the jury - within 15 minutes after the publication of the unofficial results report

Protest technology Place of submission - in the place indicated on the official notice board or at a meeting of team representatives. Form of protests - written, with detailed justification. Evidence must be provided, as well as any testimony. A protest may only be submitted: on behalf of the regional office of the FLGR or a team representative

Consideration of a protest The jury meets to consider protests at a certain place and at a certain time, which are announced in advance. Only members of the jury are allowed to vote on a protest. The TD manages the process of considering the protest. A transcript of the process of considering the protest must be recorded, after which the protocol is signed by all voting members of the jury.

Making a decision Making a decision requires the consent of all voting members of the jury, and not all those present. In the event of an equal number of votes, the vote of the TD is decisive. The decision must be published on the official notice board immediately indicating the time. The protest can be withdrawn by the protesting party before the publication of the jury's decision. It is not possible to withdraw a protest if the jury or a member of the jury makes a preliminary decision

    Skiing is one of the most dangerous sports sports types. In connection with this, special attention should be paid to observing safety precautions during practical skiing lessons.

    It is prohibited to go to practical classes in skiing in a state of illness, or in any other condition that can cause inhibition of reaction, deterioration of coordination of movements.

    During practical skiing lessons, it is advisable for students to have a cell phone with them so that in case of an emergency they can call the ski base.

2. Requirements for schoolchildren’s clothing during skiing lessons

    The student must be present for ski lessons sports uniform clothing appropriate to weather conditions and physical activity.

    The student's sportswear must meet the hygienic requirements for clothing during skiing classes.

    It is prohibited to go to practical skiing lessons wearing jeans, winter coats, sheepskin coats, or fur hats.

    It is prohibited to go to skiing lessons without hats, mittens and gloves.

3. Requirements for ski equipment

    Ski equipment includes skis, ski poles, ski bindings.

    It is prohibited to go to practical ski lessons with broken ski equipment, or with ski equipment that does not correspond to the student’s size, gender, or method of movement.

    The student is obliged to check the ski equipment before going out on the ski track; if the ski equipment does not suit him, he must exchange it for another one.

    When skiing, the student must lubricate the skis with grip ointments appropriate to the weather and sliding conditions.

    After practical lessons in skiing, the student must clean the ski equipment from snow and check the integrity of the skis, bindings, ski boots and sticks.

4. Requirements for student behavior on the training track

    During skiing classes and when traveling on skis, students are required to maintain a distance: on the slopes - at least 30 meters, on the plain - at least 5 meters and on the climbs - at least 2.5 meters. The interval between each other is at least 2 meters regardless of the terrain of the route.

    In the event of an unintentional fall of a student on a ski track, he is obliged to give way to the skiers following him.

    The student is obliged to give way to the ski track when moving along the distance if this is required by the skier following him.

    It is prohibited to climb steep slopes without the permission of the teacher.

    When overcoming descents, the student must wait for the concluding column after descending and only then proceed further.

    It is forbidden to overtake the leader in the column while moving to the training circles, lag behind the leader of the column, or leave the column without the permission of the teacher.