Which figure skater is a couple in life? Volosozhar with Trankov and five more real figure skating pairs

Pairs figure skating- a difficult, traumatic sport, but also one of the most beautiful.

In some of its elements it is similar to single skating, But requires from both athletes not only technique, but also coordination of actions.

It is in harmony, in the mutual understanding of the partner, that the highlight of this sport is what makes it the most spectacular.

Pairs figure skating requires that all sporting elements are not only technically correctly performed, but also combined with each other (for this connecting steps, grips and positions are used with full use of the rink surface) and were executed synchronously.

How did figure skating in pairs begin?

Place and date of birth figure skating can be called Edinburgh, 1742. It was opened here the first club for fans of this sport.

Ice dancing quickly gained popularity in America, new clubs were established, rules were improved, and new models of skates were created.

Already by the middle of the 19th century there were documents with a list of almost all existing mandatory figures and execution techniques.

But figure skating was not immediately recognized as a sport - only in 1871 at the Skating Congress. And more than ten years later, the first official championshipin 1896 in St. Petersburg. In 1908 For the first time, pair figure skating was included in the Winter Olympic Games in London. From 1897 to 1960 competitions were held V three options pair arrangements: a man and a woman, two men and two women. But only opposite-sex couples were allowed to participate in the World Championships and Olympics.

In 1924 at the first USSR championship the winners were Alexandra Bykovskaya and Yuri Zeldovich. The Soviet school of skating began to develop with the advent of famous couples: Raisa Novozhilova - Boris Gandelsman And Tatiana Granatkina (Tolmacheva) - Alexander Tolmachev. They competed in the free program.

What does the competition consist of?

The rules and structure of the competition have changed over the years. Now they are taking place in short and free programs.

And only twenty best couples based on the results of the short program are allowed to arbitrary.

Due to its risk of injury, pair figure skating has never been famous for its large number of participants, so it’s rare when people take to the ice more than 24 pairs (on average 15-16 at European championships and about 20 at world tournaments), and they all participate in both types of programs.

Important! Pairs figure skating organizational issues considered one of the toughest. Requirements are made not only for equipment, but also for clothing, musical accompaniment. For example, you can lose points because of a torn button or too revealing outfit.

Types of required elements

In their programs, couples include both elements from single skating and those exclusively unique to this sport. Abundance, diversity and complex technology make pairs figure skating such an exciting spectacle. Athletes are required requirements for fulfilling mandatory elements, which are the backbone of future judges' scores.

Synchronized rotation

Both partners rotate synchronously, independently of each other. Same as parallel rotation.

Experts advise each partner to study this element first, and not to start synchronized exercises until both athletes have mastered this technique.

With this rotation partners must maintain a certain “rigidity” of the body, but at the same time not look constrained. In addition to balance, for such elements you need to distribute body weight.

Reference. Number of revolutions: at stable positionfrom four to six. Center the axle on the lower tooth of the skate (only after this move to the front part). Skaters perform this element in a swallow, a top, and sometimes in an overhead pirouette. Other combinations are also possible: paired top or paired top.

Synchronized jump

This is nothing more than the execution of single elements in parallel, independently of each other. Skaters perform a synchronized jump together without touching their partner. The technique of this element depends on which jump is selected. According to the rules, jumps must be multi-rotation: six standard (salchow, loop, axel, toe loop, flip, lutz) and more several non-standard ones (valley, oiler).

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Path of steps

This combination of steps and turns(in different combinations), which the skaters do to the music, keeping the rhythm.

If in single skating steps are a connecting element, then in a pair they become a “qualifying” element, which is present in both the short and free program.

The step sequence may include decorative elements or body movements. Here the judges look at compliance with the rhythm (musicality, acting performance - important criterion in the assessment of such an element).

There are two types of “step sequences”: technical and choreographic. In the free program you can show both. Choreographic must contain a spiral. It is prohibited to combine steps with jumps and hops (more than half a revolution), and rotations (more than one turn). Cannot be used during support tracks. Stops are allowed if dictated by a musical phrase, as well as changing hands and positions of skaters.

Spiral: what is it?

The spiral is a mandatory element. It is understood as gliding on the clear edge of one skate in a constant position with the free leg raised.

After performing such an element, a smooth trace remains on the ice, changing its curvature. The judges evaluate the beauty and accuracy of the spiral execution.

Sometimes the well-known “swallow” is called a spiral: the torso is horizontal, sliding on one leg, the free leg is raised.

Spirals also include “boat” and “bauer”: sliding on two legs on the outer or inner ribs. But such elements are not given technical marks; they are considered connecting. The free program uses the “choreographic track” element (with a mandatory spiral).


This element means that partners rotate as one. There are "English" rotation" (sitting), "crocodile" (counter rope), pair rope. Rotation can be simple or with a change of foot. It is in the creation and execution of such an element that skaters can give free rein to their creativity - unconventional spins add points and beauty.

Important! Rotations on two skates recognized as educational, they do not earn points during the competition.


By performing such an element, The skater lifts the girl, holds her and then puts her on the ice.

At the same time, acrobatics and tricks in lifts are prohibited; the only thing the partner can do is change the position of her hands while performing the element. In sport skating, the support should be above the shoulders; in dance skating, on the contrary, this is prohibited. There are short support ( no more than six seconds) And long (no more than twelve).

Photo 1. Support in pairs figure skating. The partner holds his partner above his head at arm's length.

The elements are characterized by:

  • the position of the athletes to each other;
  • different grip in the initial stage;
  • various ways of pushing the girl away from the ice;
  • position in support;
  • methods of descending onto the ice;
  • number of turns.

To perform a lift successfully, the skater must make the jump correctly, and the athlete must lift it high enough and correctly. Technical skill also depends on how quickly and accurately the partner takes the position of the support, and on the coordination of movements. Initial stage of support: run-up, preparation for take-off, take-off and press, rotation of the skater in the air, lowering onto the ice, exiting the support.

What is prohibited in support

  • lie down, sit on a man's head;
  • sit, stand on the back or shoulders of a man;
  • splits upside down for a partner;
  • it is forbidden rotate the skater holding her by the skate or shoe with arms straight.


This is a mandatory and most dangerous element. According to statistics, of the total volume of injuries 33% - from emissions. During the execution of an element, the partner throws the skater into the air, tearing her away from him. Having made the jump, the athlete lands independently on the back outer rib.

Photo 2. Throwing out a partner in pairs figure skating. In the air, the skater rotates around her axis.

In these elements there are different ways push-offs, grips of the partner and there are different numbers of revolutions. All of these make throws different, making them harder, more technical, and giving skaters the opportunity to earn a higher score.

For the first time such an element was shown by brother and sister Kaufmann in 1960(single axel). The double axel was performed by athletes from the GDR, only after 10 years. Among the first performers were Soviet Julia and Ardo Rennik, Zhanna Ilyina and Alexander Vlasov. And only in 2007 Americans Tiffany Wise and Derek Trent made a quadruple ejection.


A twist differs from a throw in that the partner, throwing the athlete into the air, must then catch her by the waist and lower her onto the ice.

This is also a mandatory element in pairs figure skating. It is in the execution of the twist that the coordination of the partners’ actions should be maximally manifested.

The element is distinguished by the method of repelling the partner, by the number of revolutions (usually at two or three), according to the number of difficulty features (this includes the skater’s splits, the correct technique of the partner, a difficult take-off, steps preceding the take-off). Soviet figure skaters created a sensation with such an element Marina Cherkasova and Sergei Shakhrai. In 1977 they did quad twist.

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With this element, the skater holds the girl’s hand, and she describes a spiral (this is similar to the work of a compass). Both skaters must perform at least one revolution in full todes position(at bent knees from a partner). The body and head are close to the ice surface, but do not touch it, the weight of the body rests on the edge of the skate and on the partner’s hand.

Short program

This is the first part of the pairs figure skating competition. Its length no more than two minutes and fifty seconds. Points will be deducted for exceeding the limit.

IN short program The following elements must be present:

  • double or triple jump;
  • support;
  • double or triple twist;
  • double or triple ejection;
  • todes;
  • combined rotation with a change of leg (parallel or joint);
  • track steps.

Adult skaters can choose suitable elements, juniors can only choose the type of throw and lift approaches. From music they usually take 2-3 excerpts.

In ice dancing, with a given type of music, there must be a mandatory creative part. In such a dance, it is important to reflect the character of the music, to show mastery of technique through steps and movements.

Free program

The second part of the competition in pairs figure skating lasts no more than four minutes and thirty seconds. IN free program includes:

  • parallel jump;
  • cascade or combination of jumps;
  • two different from each other ejection;
  • three lifts and one twist;
  • todes;
  • parallel and pair rotation;
  • choreographic track(a spiral is required in it).

Free dance includes lifts, step sequences, dance spins, twizzles (special steps). In this program You can choose the style, musical direction, rhythm.

Prohibited elements

The rules of pairs figure skating strictly regulate which elements cannot be performed. Prohibited items include:

  • jump towards partner;
  • use of scenery and props;
  • promotion when a skater is capable lose contact with ice;
  • somersault;

Photo 3. Performing somersaults on ice. This element is considered prohibited in both singles and pairs figure skating.

  • cascades of four jumps or more;
  • lying on ice;
  • vertical flip figure skaters.

Attention! It is forbidden to abuse support; if such elements are in the program, then If they are too many, the overall score will be reduced.

Rating system

Athletes are graded nine judges. There is a chief judge, a technical controller and two technical specialists. Each program is assigned points. The winner is the one who scores the most in the short and free programs. Each jump has a base cost. In cascades, scores for individual jumps are summed up. Elements with a higher number of revolutions “cost” more.

The judges assign each element performed from -3 to +3 points. Minus one highest and one lowest score, the average score is calculated, multiplied by the element coefficient and added (or subtracted) to the base value of the jump.

Fall - minus one point. Synchronicity and artistry are assessed, and the technician assigns their “cost” to the elements and as they are completed, this amount is added to the total points.

Artistry is five points:

  • skate skills;
  • connecting elements;
  • beauty of execution;
  • program construction;
  • transmission of music and image.

Important! For performing a jump in the second half of the program, its basic “cost” is increases by 10%.

Difference between pair figure skating and ice dancing

Sports dancing is more about choreography than technique. Here there are no mandatory elements such as throws, jumps, tracks, spins.

They also lack complex acrobatic performances.

The couple strives to dance beautifully and gracefully on the ice, and figure skaters in pair skating are required to perform all the necessary elements technically accurate to conquer more points.

In pair skating, artistry is also important, but it in second place after correct control of the body and skate. In addition, in pair skating, skaters do not have to perform the program separately for a long time - synchronization is important here.

Features of pair figure skating in children

Children, before mastering pair skating, must undergo due preparation. It lasts at least a month, strengthens the body, develops agility, strength and endurance. Some schools accept children into pair skating groups who already have sports category. International tournaments for juniors set following rules:The age of the partner is under 19 years, the partner is under 21 years. Be the first!

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They have one task and one result for two. They are always together and therefore perceived as a single whole. We gathered famous sports couples participating in the First Channel project “Professionals Cup” and found out from them how comfortable they are working and living with each other

Maria Petrova and Alexey Tikhonov

This famous duo formed in the summer of 1998. This was the second attempt by Alexey and Masha to become a couple. Just seven months later they won their first gold medal

Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov in the project OK! exception. They have never been a couple on the ice, but in one of the episodes of the “Professionals Cup” project, Oksana and Roman are preparing to surprise everyone

In this project OK! It involves couples who not only work together, but are also a family. You and Oksana have never been a professional duet. While doing the same thing, you constantly communicated, so when did the relationship begin?

Roman: By the time we started our romance, we had really known each other for a very long time and during this time we got to know each other quite well.
Oksana: In our field it is simply impossible not to overlap. And we began to communicate closer in 2005.

And who started courting whom?

R.: Who is this? As expected, the man began to court the girl.

Oksana, did you give up right away?

No, not right away. I made fun of him for a month. As a girl, I needed to keep my distance. I resisted, and there were reasons for that.

And yet, despite everything, you are together now. Do you think your union is destiny or life just happened that way?

O.: You know, it seems to me that fate is when two people from different planets, with absolutely polar interests, unexpectedly met, and then fell in love with each other. This is fate!
R.: Each of us can think differently, but it seems to me that our union is a coincidence of circumstances. We said that we had known each other for a very long time, and then it turned out that in each of us there is something that catches and attracts the other. We just wanted to be together. We can say that internal attraction and common interests did their job.

Is it difficult to be close people and at the same time do one thing? Are you experiencing work-related conflicts?

R.: You know, thank God, we never skated together. We don’t spend 24 hours a day together both at home and at work. In this regard, everything is a little simpler for us. And so, of course, it is quite natural that people sometimes conflict when they live and work together. This is very difficult. It is important to have a strong character; you must be able to, after having a fight at work, come home and let go of all the negativity.
ABOUT.: Of course, it's important to get bored sometimes.

But it’s not so easy to exist at a distance. While preparing for the Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, Oksana lived in America. Was the separation difficult?

R.: Of course, it’s very difficult at a distance, especially at such a distance. You can’t just fly in two hours, it’s a ten hour flight. And work won't allow it. Previously, we communicated via SMS, then it became possible to communicate via Skype, which made our life much easier. Now technology allows us to reduce distances.

Roman, what were your first thoughts when Oksana and Maxim Shabalin became bronze medalists?

Then I felt joy and thought: finally she finished skating. ( Laughing.)

Have you been waiting for this moment?

Well, of course, I waited. I already wanted to start a family, I wanted children. At the end of her career...
ABOUT.:...we got what we wanted.
R.: Yes, now we have a wonderful daughter growing up. Unfortunately, today we rarely get to be together. But we are trying very hard, it’s just that being busy with projects takes a lot of time, and we also have a show with which we travel periodically. It's hard, of course. But still, Oksana tries to spend most of her time with her daughter, and my mother also helps us. Let's hope that after the end of the Professional Cup project it will become easier for us.

Are you planning to legalize your relationship?

R.: We'll wait and see.

You spent a lot of time in America, where the fashionable holiday of Valentine's Day came to us. How do you feel about him?

R.: To be honest, I am absolutely indifferent to him. Of course, if people want to arrange such a holiday for themselves, give gifts, flowers, do something nice - why not. And on ordinary days we surprise each other. You don’t have to wait for some holiday to make your loved one happy. Oksana and I celebrate Valentine's Day every day.

And what is the most memorable gift you gave each other?

A: We gave each other a daughter!
R.: This is the most expensive thing we have now. So there is absolutely no point in talking about any material gifts, phones, cars - this is all such nonsense. The most important gift for us is the birth of a daughter.

Margarita Drobyazko and Povilas Vanagas together they became Lithuanian champions thirteen times, twice bronze medalists at the European Championships and bronze medalists at the World Championships

You've been together for almost 12 years. What did you imagine your future family like in your youth? Can we say that expectations were met?

Povilas: Partly yes. And as for the future... You see, when you are 16–18 years old, everything happens at the level of emotions and desires, romanticism occupies a very important place in your worldview. Then I just wanted to be happy, I wanted to create something very pure and beautiful and for life to be real.
Margarita: And to be honest, I couldn’t imagine my family life - probably because of sports. My head was full of other things. But I imagined ideal man. In my imagination, I pictured my hero, whom I would like to meet.

Margarita, does Povilas look like such a man?

(Laughs.) Not similar at all! I had a completely different ideal: tall, black-haired, dark-eyed, temperamental. The complete opposite of my husband.

Povilas gives the impression of a very calm person.

M.: That's true. He is very balanced, and I am explosive. But after Lithuania he had to adapt to Moscow life - he had to defend himself. Previously, it was extremely rare to hear a rude word from him, but now, of course, it can escape. This is a protective reaction of the body. Now you can make him angry.

And you can piss him off?

M: This happens all the time. ( Laughs.) But I manage to anger him rather than piss him off. He doesn’t scream or wave his arms, but I immediately understand what kind of internal process is going on in him. He often just has to put up with my character.
Povilas, Margarita’s character was not a revelation for you, because when you started a relationship, you had known each other for ten years?
Believe me, after ten years of skating together, we knew each other like crazy: characters, weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses - better than people who live for five years together. Thanks to work, we were able to get to know each other very well, so that when we became a family, we did not find any unpleasant surprises.

Margarita, what qualities of a spouse do you value?

You know, Povilas never sits idle, he is very far from the image of such a man in sweatpants, with a newspaper, on the sofa. He is very economical and also calm, which is very important to me.

Tell me, why did you decide to get married? It wasn’t scary - it’s forever?

P.: I am a Christian and Rita is a Christian. We couldn't imagine our wedding any other way. You know, now weddings are becoming fashionable, many people go for it simply because the ceremony is beautiful. People don’t seem to understand that the vow of fidelity and love to a spouse, given in church, is the greatest responsibility, and not only to the spouse. The terrible troubles that happen in our society with morality and with families are a consequence of the fact that people have forgotten what it means to live like a Christian.

But still, a couple of years ago the press actively scammed you.

P.: Very often in interviews we talk about our attitude towards the yellow press, but for some reason this is always deleted by the editors. I feel very sorry for the people who write all this, having sold their souls for thirty pieces of silver. How to react? Calm down - another “great” author has appeared.

Margarita, you beautiful girl, I’m sure you get compliments all the time, and you had prominent partners in your projects. Is your spouse jealous?

Most of my partners were successfully married and we communicated well as families. But of course, all the partners, and not only married couples, experienced some kind of peculiar feeling of jealousy during the projects. There is a certain sense of ownership: you’ve been skating with him all your life, and then one day he’s skating with someone else. And if he also skates well... ( Laughs.)

Was there really a rivalry?

No, I'm joking, of course! We have been on the same side of the barricades all our lives. I never had any rivalry with Povilas. I wanted him to achieve good results. Generally in ice projects The word "rivalry" sounds funny. After the Olympics, everything else is perceived as a game. It is difficult to compete on these projects, especially with a loved one.

Elena Leonova and Andrey Khvalko. While performing in amateur sports, they skated with other partners and never took part in the World or European Championships. Coming to professional figure skating, they won two world championships

It is believed that it is easier for people who do the same thing to find a common language. But this is not the most important thing: many sports couples break up after their work together ends.

Elena: This is the secret of our strong marriage. Family relationships often begin when people communicate closely while working together in amateur sports. It's convenient. Very often people are united by a common cause, and not by love.
Andrey: Rather, it is friendship, camaraderie, partnership.
E.: Surely there is passion, after all, when young people begin to communicate closely, a spark often runs between them. It’s natural when people spend almost 24 hours together. But when athletes leave amateur sports, they often go their separate ways.

As practice shows, this happens in seventy percent of cases.

Your union is an exception: you skated separately and only got together when you started working together.

A.: Yes, in amateur sports we skated with other partners and got married only when we became professionals.
E.: We also started working together, but nothing obliged us to be together. We could create relationships with anyone. But we fell in love and started a family. And they created it because they wanted to create it, and not because it was convenient. It would probably be even easier to live separately and not see each other for 24 hours. But love was stronger. We lived for quite a long time simply for each other - we did not have children right away.
A.: This year it will be fifteen years since we have been officially married. Although we have known each other since childhood - we went to training camps together, performed together, just not with each other.

Do you remember your first date?

E.: Of course! We went to Lenkom to see Juno and Avos. Andrei invited me under the pretext that we (and we had just started skating together) needed to go for work. But it was a date, I remember very well. ( Laughs.)

You've been on the ice for many years. Previously, these were competitions, today you are touring with Ilya Averbukh and filming for a Channel One project. Many of your colleagues are trying to find themselves in other professions: Yagudin, Tikhonov, Slutskaya tried their hand at the stage, Anton Sikharulidze generally went into politics and became a deputy...

A.: I am sure that you need to change your profession when the trembling, jitters go away and when there is no adrenaline from what you are doing. If you no longer care, then you need to change your profession.
E.: We like to develop in our profession, we are constantly trying new elements, looking for new forms. Otherwise it's boring. If you are bored, that means the viewer will be bored too. You can never fool the public. If I'm in a bad mood and I go out on the ice with a corresponding face, then who will be impressed by my performance? Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova always told us that she didn’t care what happened in our personal lives. Even if you don’t want to see your partner, and you need to portray love with him on the ice, you must do it in such a way that the viewer thinks that you are having a passionate affair. Otherwise, there is no need to go on the ice at all.

But in family life the same thing: if you don’t develop relationships, very quickly it becomes all the same.

E.: Therefore, at some point there were three of us in the family, and then four. Andrey and I’s life has changed a lot since we had our daughters.

Lena, not all athletes decide to give birth to at least one child. Weren't you afraid of ruining your career?

I wasn’t afraid, although I understood that a child excludes you from the process for at least a year. Many then cannot get back into shape at all. But we both thought less about my career. And today we live life to the fullest, we have every minute scheduled: skating rink, school, taekwondo with our eldest daughter, kids club the youngest...

Andrey, it turns out that you have such a feminine kingdom?

(Laughs.) But can you imagine how much care they surround me with!
E.: I really like the tenderness with which our dad communicates with his daughters. As a woman, I am very pleased to watch their relationship.

Do you go on vacation with your children or have a romantic vacation?

E.: You know, we often go on tour - it’s also a change of scenery, when you can be just the two of us. Therefore, we prefer to relax with children, although this is sometimes a real test: they know how to fill everything with themselves. free time and space. ( Laughs.) But I consider all fifteen years of marriage the happiest time in my life. I hope that nothing will change in the future.

Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavisky They realized themselves not only in their profession, becoming world champions twice, but also in their personal lives. Their son was born last January

In 1996, you, a Russian figure skater, and Albena, a Bulgarian figure skater, became a couple. How did your duet come about?

Maxim: You know, in Bulgaria the formation of such a couple surprised everyone very much. But everything was quite simple: Albena separated from her partner in Bulgaria, and I separated from my partner in Russia. At some competitions, the wonderful coach Elena Chaikovskaya accidentally raised the question of partners. We thought: why not put us together? Albena sent me a cassette recording of her competitions, then came to Moscow. We had terrible weather: gray, wet, dirty. Albenka was in quiet horror.
Albena: I had to live with Maxim and his parents for about a month. It was very difficult for me. But the feeling of awkwardness quickly passed: Maxim’s family, and he himself, warmed me up, I began to feel almost at home.

When did the feelings arise?

M.: It seems to me that it was in 1998, during the tournament in Lazanne.

Who looked after whom?

M.: Of course, me! Who else?

At that time, your coach was Alexey Gorshkov. How did he react when he found out you were dating?

A.: Nobody informed him. This is our personal life, and we were no longer 12 years old. If it didn’t affect the training, why not. Alexey himself was young and understood everything perfectly.

But it’s so difficult to work together, live together and not mix one with the other!

M.: Of course, it’s difficult. We spend 24 hours a day. Honestly, I can’t say that we are so tired of each other. We are athletes: during the season, our heads are filled with programs and performances. Of course, it’s difficult to constantly think about it and discuss it at home. At some point, we came to the conclusion that in work disputes we should always try to find a compromise and bring less work issues home. Immediately life became easier.

A.: Over the years, we have become so accustomed to everything that, of course, we are very comfortable with each other - both on the ice and at home. Sometimes disagreements arise, you have to wait a day and cool down. Then everything returns to normal again.

And yet, over 15 years, have there been such moments when you had to be away from each other?

M.: This happened once when Albena was carrying Danyushka. I was supposed to work in Moscow, and she was in Bulgaria. Alben, how long have we not seen each other? Six months?
A.: What are you talking about? What six! We didn’t see each other for a month and a half, and then you came to us. But I really didn’t want to go anywhere, I wanted to spend this time calmly without flying.
M.: These meetings were so short. You see, for me, a month and a half stretched to six!

On January 30, your son turned one year old. Has your worldview changed in any way since you had a child?

M.: We realized that a child is a miracle, and everything that came before is forgotten. And everything you do now is only for the happiness of your family.

Do you manage to be alone?

M.: Now, unfortunately, this is very difficult. Albena is very worried about this. Of course, we both want to be with Danyushka all the time. But I try to approach this issue as realistically as possible: we came to the show, we work. So far it turns out that we cannot help but work. It turned out very fortunately that my parents live in the same house as us, but in a different entrance. So we have the opportunity to leave our son with loved ones. And we, of course, use every opportunity to take him home and be with him. Now, after filming, I will go to the ice, and Albena will go to her son.

Albena, who is the boss in your family?

Don't know. Maxim thinks it’s him, and I think it’s me. In the family, everyone is the boss in something.

You take part in many ice shows, you both had wonderful partners. But journalists never miss the opportunity to attribute new novels to the participants. How to react?

M.: You know, we have a huge number of yellow publications. Of course, we just try not to pay attention. There were situations when some participants were driven to the point of breakdown by this gossip. But Albena and I never gave anyone any reason to write something like that about us. No matter how wonderful our partners are, for me the most beautiful is my Albenka.

A new generation of young, but already very successful, has appeared in Russian figure skating sports couples. At three stages of the Grand Prix this season, they won two gold and two silver, while the former leaders of the team Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov managed to take only one bronze. Why domestic fans have the right to expect the same breakthrough that occurred in women's singles skating several years ago, and why they will have to wait a little longer - in the RT material.

While Russian figure skating fans admire the unprecedented successes of single skaters this fall, an equally important reason for pride may pass by. Over the past two years, pair skating in the country has taken the same path that women's skating once did. With each season, young people appear, bringing something new to their discipline, and now there are so many sports couples that we have to announce a competition for a place in the national team.

We can already talk about the fact that several strong world-class couples will soon appear in Russia. Confirmation of this appeared back in the 2018/19 season, when two duets who finished playing in juniors were able to immediately make themselves known. Daria Pavlyuchenko and Denis Khodykin immediately won two bronze medals at the Grand Prix stages and qualified for the finals, while Alexandra Boykova and Dmitry Kozlovsky won bronze at the European Championship.

This season, the Grand Prix series has just reached the equator, and young Russian couples have already achieved much more significant success. Pavlyuchenko and Khodykin won twice silver awards, Boykova and Kozlovsky won the stage in Canada, and the current world junior champions Anastasia Mishina and Alexander Gallyamov chalked up another gold. At the same time, the best results of all three pairs are in the top 4 both at all tournaments and at the Grand Prix stages.

In addition, we should not forget that there are other strong couples in Russia who now need to be wary of young rivals. Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov still remain the nominal leaders of the national team, but in the summer they changed their coach and training location. For now, the couple is rebuilding, and this continues to overlap with its usual autumn decline. So far, Marina Zueva’s students have only won bronze at the Grand Prix in Canada and will have to work hard to get to the finals.

Alisa Efimova and Alexander Korovin have not yet said their word. The champions of the Krasnoyarsk Universiade will perform at the Grand Prix stages in China and Japan and will try to climb onto the podium, which they have already achieved in previous seasons. Five Russian couples, led by Apollinaria Panfilova and Dmitry Rylov, another future superstars, qualified for the final of the Junior Grand Prix.

Finally, at the Moscow Rostelecom Cup tournament, Ksenia Stolbova’s debut with a new partner Andrey Novoselov is expected. For now they represent the biggest mystery in domestic pair skating, but you can give a lot of examples when an experienced partner and a lesser-known partner achieved unprecedented success on the ice.

The situation in Russian pair skating is reminiscent of the situation in women's figure skating. Young athletes coming off an assembly line push aside older ones, and they have to change something in themselves in order to slow down this process. There is only one difference - in pairs, development is still slower than in girls, and no one receives world records with championship titles immediately after reaching the adult level, unlike Evgenia Medvedeva, Alina Zagitova and Alexandra Trusova. But there have never been such impressive debuts as the new generation of Russian couples have now.

What else the current state of pair skating has in common with women’s skating is that the skaters have reached a new technical level. Boykova and Kozlovsky lead the world in average first marks in both the short program and the free program. They master complex throws, high-quality cascades, and progress in lifts.

The couple has been skating with adults for the second year now, and thanks to this they have gained a certain authority. Bronze medal European Championship, won partly due to the refusal of Natalya Zabiyako and Alexander Enbert to go to Minsk, as well as due to the mistakes of their opponents, now works for the students of Tamara Moskvina.

Mishina and Gallyamov can also be classified as couples whose technique is in perfect order. Their feature is ideal parallel jumps, single and in cascade. In the short program, they consistently jump triple Salchow, and ideally, you can expect a cascade of two jumps with an oiler from them - they still hold the record for this combination in terms of points, set in juniors.

Pavlyuchenko and Khodykin also try to keep up in the jumping part and try to perform a triple flip - on at the moment the most difficult jump for couples. They also have fourth-level twists in their arsenal. In general, the duet has no weak points, and it only needs to get into the right rhythm in order to perform all its achievements.

Of course, for now it is impossible to award gold medals to all Russian pairs, as was the case with singles from the first days of their adult careers. Although they are distinguished by individual elements, in pair skating, lifts are primarily valued. For their perfect execution, you can earn from nine to ten points (for jumps, throws and twists - from six to eight and a half), and they can be performed four times in two rentals. Panfilova and Rylov perform them best in Russia, but they have not yet competed with adults. This season, the trend for support is set by North American couples, and largely thanks to this, they are the closest rivals of the Russians.

Without elite support, Russian duets will not yet be able to compete with last year's world and European champions, who have not yet performed in front of the public this season. We are talking about the Chinese Sui Wenjing - Han Kun and the French Vanessa James - Morgan Cipres. They are still the main reference point for all pairs, but Russian skaters are getting closer and closer to them.

And although the leap that domestic duets are making is not as sharp as the one made by singles, they still have time until Olympic Games in Beijing. And whether those who are already losing to the young shoots will be able to stay in the saddle is another question.

We became the winners of the Moscow stage of the “Grand Prix” in the sports couples tournament, and took second place, the new sports couple became fifth.

Moscow. "Grand Prix". Rostelecom Cup. Couples. Free program
1. Alexandra Boykova/Dmitry Kozlovsky (Russia) - 149.34 points
2. Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov (Russia) - 139.96
3. Miriam Ziegler/Severin Kiefer (Austria) - 120.18
4. Minerva Hase/Nolan Segert (Germany) - 118.42
5. Ksenia Stolbova/Andrey Novoselov (Russia) - 108.77

Bottom line
1. Alexandra Boykova/Dmitry Kozlovsky (Russia) - 229.48
2. Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov (Russia) - 216.77
3. Minerva Hase/Nolan Segert (Germany) - 186.16
4. Miriam Ziegler/Severin Kiefer (Austria) - 182.02
5. Ksenia Stolbova/Andrey Novoselov (Russia) - 177.51

The competition between sports pairs at the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix, even before the duos entered the Megasport ice, was the most intriguing and enjoyable for Russian fans. Pleasant, because they had every chance of ending with a purely Russian pedestal, and intriguing, because our pairs could be arranged in any order.

Diligent, but not yet effective Novoselov

Both figure skating fans and she herself were waiting for Ksenia Stolbova's return to the ice - it was enough to see her look after the end of the short program. The look of a man who incredibly missed competing, spent a long time recovering and training to get back on the ice. Many are even inclined to draw parallels between her and, who, in a new pairing with Bruno Massot, reached Olympic gold at the end of her career.

Time will tell how promising Ksenia's duet with Andrei Novoselov will be in terms of medals, although so far the beginning is about the same - the charisma of the partner is visible, the stylish performances and the diligence of the partner, which sometimes fails. In the short program, Andrei doubled the sheepskin coat, and in the free program he completely made a mistake on both jumping elements, as well as two lifts, depriving the duo of a chance to enter the top three. The first official start for the couple ended in a not-so-pleasant fifth result, but the most important tournament this year for Stolbova and Novoselov will be the national championship in Krasnoyarsk. The competition there will be incredible not only for singles, but also for pairs.

Stylish but erroneous Tarasova and Morozov

The current vice-world champions and two-time European champions Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov are one of the most vivid impressions from the September test skates of the Russian national team. Stylish, confident and inspired by working with Marina Zueva. The first alarm bell sounded when Evgenia and Vladimir came second at the Challenger in Salt Lake City in September, practically ruining their free program. The second was at the Canadian Grand Prix stage, where the duo became third, having not completed any of the jumping elements in both programs.

In Moscow, in the short program the rotation suddenly failed, and in the free program there were still the same jumps. The pair took second place, and now their qualification to the Finals of the series will depend on the performances of other duos in Japan. The question is how to evaluate what is happening? Should it be considered a failure or just a transitional period when skaters learn to combine technique with flair on the ice?

Couples coach Marina Zueva noted that the skaters are simply adjusting to a new quality of work, and therefore there will be nothing terrible in their possible failure to make it to the Grand Prix Final.

Now this is not the most important thing for them, but for now we are not planning any additional performances, we will wait for the results of the Japanese stage and still count on a performance in Turin,” Zueva said. - This is really important, c style, choreographic component, without this you cannot get high marks for components.

Emotions and enthusiasm of the winners

But all these ups and downs in the careers of other duets had nothing to do with the winners - the lively, spontaneous and charming Alexandra Boykova and Dmitry Kozlovsky. One of the trainers is the great one. This season, Alexandra and Dmitry have already won one stage of the series in Canada, and last year they won bronze at the European Championship and entered the top six duets in the world. The strength of Sasha and Dima is in their youth, emotionality, which was sorely lacking in Russian pair skating before, but at the same time also in technique.

In the short program they have a more complex jump and throw, and in the free program they also have one of the throws. And this is not to mention the eye-catching clean, very parallel skating, filled with many different tricks. Now they are the best couple c a country that has already managed to make at least all the Megasport viewers fall in love with it. Boykova and Kozlovsky have a serious test of their leadership ambitions ahead - the series finale, and then main tournament year - Russian Championship.

Skaters who perform in pairs figure skating or ice dancing often become spouses in real life. This is not surprising, because athletes not only spend a lot of time together, but during performances they must show their feelings so that the judges and spectators believe in them. Sometimes couples break up not only on the ice, but also in life. However, some manage to maintain their feelings throughout their lives.

Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov

They were the pride Soviet sports and favorites of millions of fans. In ice dancing, Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov had no equal for 6 years. The skaters managed to win every conceivable award, and at the insistence of Lyudmila they went to the registry office only after receiving their first gold medals at the World Championships.

They left big sport at the peak of glory, remaining undefeated, and began to arrange their lives outside ice arenas. They were incredibly happy, raising a little daughter and making plans for the future. However, in 1979, two years after Yulia’s birth, Lyudmila Pakhomova was diagnosed with cancer. The athlete’s struggle for life continued for almost seven years. Alexander was always there, supporting, helping, and did not sleep at night. But they lost this battle, Lyudmila left in 1986.

Lyudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov

This couple was called legendary in every sense. They started skating quite late, already in their teens, and received their first gold medals at the USSR Championships when Oleg Protopopov was almost 30 years old, Lyudmila was 27. Having become a couple in 1954, three years later they started their family. And they carried the feelings throughout their lives.

They came up with many complex elements, which were later included in the compulsory program of figure skaters all over the world, won many awards and left the big sport when they began to lose to their rivals.

In 1979, they emigrated from the USSR during the Swiss tour of the Leningrad Ice Ballet, where they both worked. After this, their names were forgotten in their homeland. Only 24 years later they were able to come to Moscow again at the invitation of Vyacheslav Fetisov.

IN last time they took to the ice in 2015, when Oleg Alekseevich was already 83 years old, and Lyudmila Evgenievna was preparing to celebrate her 80th birthday. The couple lived together for 60 years and only death could separate them. In 2017, Lyudmila Belousova died from cancer. Oleg Protopopov is still on the ice. At 86 years old, he performs a dance dedicated to his wife.

Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov

This is probably one of the most touching and at the same time tragic love stories on ice. Ekaterina was barely 10 years old, Sergei was 14, when they were forced to be paired up. The results of the young figure skaters in single skating did not impress the coaches; the children were already being prepared to be classified as unpromising, but they decided to give them a chance to try working in pairs. But even in a duet they were not able to prove themselves right away. Little Katya’s persistence helped, as she always prescribed additional training sessions.

However, over time, this amazing couple conquered the ice, they won many medals at the World and European Championships, and became Olympic champions. But they both considered the happiest day when Sergei confessed his love to his future wife. However, there was no doubt about their mutual feelings: Ekaterina and Sergei simply beamed with happiness.

In 1991, the skaters became husband and wife, and a year later their daughter was born. Sergei dreamed of building a large, spacious house, but in 1995, during training, a heart attack took his life. Catherine was able to go on the ice only a year later, dedicating her first performance to her departed husband. They could live a whole life together, but history, unfortunately, does not know the subjunctive mood.

Irina Moiseeva and Andrey Minenkov

This duet originated in childhood. Irina herself chose Andrei from the proposed candidates, but could not answer the question why him. They almost immediately felt sympathy for each other, which could not but affect their training. Irina Moiseeva and Andrei Minenkov, having once become a couple on the ice, remained a couple for the rest of their lives.

By persistently and persistently training, we were able to achieve highest awards in ice dancing. They were the first students of Tatyana Tarasova, who went with her from beginner skaters to world champions. Together with the coach, they were able to find a unique style and image of the couple. The judges did not immediately accept their skating style, the couple was so unusual both on the ice and in life. They could be offended by each other, not talk for several days, but if the partner needed help, all misunderstandings were immediately forgotten.

Their path in sports was not easy; Irina Moiseeva and Andrei Minenkov were never able to become Olympic champions, but won gold medals at the World Championships twice. They left the sport in 1983, and in 1984 their daughter was born. When her daughter grew up, Irina went to coaching work, and Andrey graduated from the Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, defended his dissertation, and later went into business. Irina soon decided to devote herself entirely to her family.

Natalya Bestemyanova and Igor Bobrin are two world-class figures in figure skating. Each of his performances was a sensation, each performance in tandem with Andrei Bukin brought olympic medals. Everyone believed that Natalya and Andrey not only skate together, but are also life partners. so that their hearts beat in unison.