What happened to the locomotive hockey players. The tragic death of Lokomotiv hockey players in a plane crash (34 photos)

I visited Yaroslavl over the weekend. I got out to the village where I spent the whole summer. The weather was great. The mood was also great... it was... We're barbecuing. And suddenly the question comes: “Well, what are they saying in Moscow about the death of Lokomotiv?” I’m surprised: “What can I say? Everything seems clear. For some reason, the pilot did not stop the plane when it became clear that they would not take off.”

And then I find out about what everyone (or almost all) of Yaroslavl knows about and what the Internet is talking about under the heading “The truth about the death of Lokomotiv.”

So, as you probably know...

These days, an international political summit was taking place in Yaroslavl... Initially it was planned that it would be held in a new concert hall. But they didn’t have time to open it and it was decided to move it to Arena 2000, where Loko holds home matches. Therefore, the Yaroslavl team was forced to play the “home” match with Dynamo Minsk in Minsk...

One of the journalists filmed a report, but the story quickly disappeared. And headlines like " The whole truth about the death of Lokomotiv” was perceived as “nonsense by those dissatisfied with the authorities.” Next is a small quote from the Internet, which completely coincides with what I heard: “The small Yaroslavl airport that day was completely filled with planes of VIPs arriving for the summit. At the time of the takeoff of the crew with the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv team, half of the runway was closed, as it was being prepared to receive President Medvedev’s plane. The crew was forced to take off from the middle of the runway. Theoretically, according to calculations, such a maneuver was possible, since under standard conditions, with standard aircraft loading, standard weather conditions and standard engine operating parameters, the aircraft’s takeoff should have occurred just 200 meters before the end of the runway. And the flight over the antennas of the near drive of the airfield radio beacon is only 5-10 meters above them. But, at the same time, in the event of an emergency termination of the takeoff, the crew no longer had a chance to carry it out safely - the crew had only to take off. Such a takeoff is not only very difficult and requires beyond the skill of the crew, but also very risky, since emergency situation there was only one outcome - DEATH OF PASSENGERS AND CREW.»

But all this, I repeat, is in the nature of an unofficial (and therefore implausible) version. But if so, then why the next day all the employees of the Tunoshna airport who worked that day were sent south? We received free vouchers and were “expelled” from the city... I want to emphasize that I did not learn this information from the Internet...


In the Yaroslavl District Court during the trial of the plane crash with hockey team Lokomotiv defense witness first class test pilot Konstantin Malinin said that the official version of the causes of the disaster - braking during takeoff - does not stand up to criticism. According to a witness who has tested the Yak-42 since its creation, the investigation did not fulfill its task and was unable to answer the question of what happened on September 7, 2011 near the Yaroslavl Tunoshna airport.

From the blog

This is a very mysterious flight accident,” says test pilot Malinin. - The official version that exists is a throwaway version, it doesn’t work. There are a lot of assumptions: from the insanity of the commander and obstacles on the runway to problems with organizing the flight associated with the arrival in Yaroslavl for the summit large quantity high-ranking officials. Perhaps the organization of the flight was such that the plane was forced to take off from the middle of the runway. Many eyewitnesses say that the plane did not take off, but taxied along the runway. We must look for the real situation that occurred and carry out the investigation anew.

The witness believes that one of the critical issues, to which the investigation did not answer, why the plane rolled along the runway for 16 seconds with the engines operating at 74, that is, in fast taxiing mode. The norm for this mode is 3 seconds.

There is such a thing as means of objective control. According to them, the plane took off with a normal tendency to accelerate to a speed of about 190 kilometers per hour, explains the test pilot. - That is, at this stage there was no inhibition. 190 kilometers is the beginning of the rise of the front landing gear, that is, the beginning of the aircraft lifting off. For some reason, the objective controls recorded the engine operating mode at 74 for 16 seconds, although it should have operated at this mode for only 3 seconds. And on the voice informant, the pilots supposedly bring the engine to nominal mode, although the plane is running at this time in mode 74. The inconsistency is colossal. This can't happen, it's absurd. I’m not saying that the film was manipulated, although anything is possible... But it’s complete absurdity.

The witness also doubts the correctness of the alignment calculation. Since the team’s luggage was not weighed (many witnesses previously spoke about this), anything can be assumed. According to Malinin, he himself carried hockey players, in particular, the Riga Dynamo, on the same Yak-42 plane for three years, and he has a great idea of ​​how much luggage they carry with them.

“I know that when a team flies, the trunks are completely full,” the witness continues. - And completely filled trunks will not give an alignment of 8.5. There should have been a clear ten in terms of centering.

According to the pilot, who has mastered 30 types of aircraft, it is also impossible to transfer skills from one aircraft to another - from the Yak-40 to the Yak-42, which the investigation suspected one of the pilots of (“show me who’s saying this - I’ll look him in the eye.” ). He believes there is also no reason to talk about the unpreparedness and failure to fly the crew - the Yak-42 was initially prepared for two pilots, and the flight mechanic was subsequently assigned only supervisory functions, that is, he does not participate in the process of controlling the aircraft, he only monitors the instruments, and the pilots Solomentsev and The Zhevelovs flew together for a long time. The pilot called studying at the training center largely “crap and nonsense,” because the pilots “tell jokes there for 12 days, because they listen to the same thing year after year” (let us recall that the defendant Timofeev is accused of having poor control over attending these courses).

Witness Malinin suggested that some other plane could have interfered with the takeoff of the Yak-42 with the hockey players, since that day the airport was quite hectic in connection with the World Political Forum taking place in Yaroslavl, to which Russian and foreign political leaders had flown. According to the pilot, shortly after the incident, a pilot he knew, who was at Tunoshna at that moment (he had brought someone from the Poltik) called him and said that the crew and passengers of the Yak-42 were in a hurry to take off. Since the witness forgot his friend’s last name, the court did not take this part of the testimony into account.

Perhaps, on the circle (that is, in the sky - author) there was some kind of aircraft that urgently needed to land, the test pilot voiced one of the versions.

And the dispatcher could tell the crew commander: let’s taxi out. Although this team is not on air, there is silence. And then, estimating that the Yak-42 could take off in time, he gave it permission to take off. Will you make it? I'll make it. Very similar. But while the plane taxied for 16 seconds, it passed most of the runway, and only a very small part of it remained ahead of it. At the same time, for some reason the commander gave the nominal mode instead of the take-off mode, which was a big mistake. And then this chaos and panic began. If the flight mechanic had not spontaneously set the engines to idle, they would have taken off. If the engines had been set not to the nominal mode, but to the takeoff mode, the plane would also have taken off. We need to seriously understand this, because they took one version, not the best. But if you delve into it properly, to more structures, questions will arise. And the pilots are to blame, as always.

Let us recall that, according to Ari Novik, who worked as a senior dispatcher at Tunoshna in 2011, there were no deviations while the aircraft was taxiing along the runway. And the former general director of Tunoshna, Oleg Kochanov, told earlier in court that on September 7, 2011, it was not at all fussy at the airport.

“I saw that there were no overlaps or overlaps, and we could easily cope with the flow, especially after lunch,” said the former general director of the airport.

September 8, 2011 First class test pilot Konstantin Malinin in the “Let Them Talk” program.


The Yaroslavl District Court sentenced the person involved in the case of the crash of the Yak-42 plane with Lokomotiv hockey players - Deputy General Director for the organization of flight work of the Yak Service airline Vadim Timofeev - to five years of imprisonment in a penal colony and... immediately released him from serving a sentence - under an amnesty.

Earlier, the court found Timofeev guilty in the case of the death of Yaroslavl Lokomotiv hockey players. According to investigators, the defendant illegally allowed the crew to fly. He was responsible for training pilots and knew that they missed classes and made mistakes during flights. Investigators concluded that the cause of the disaster was the inexperience of the crew. Timofeev is charged with violating flight safety rules and operating air transport, which negligently resulted in the death of two or more persons.

From the blog

The plane crash near Yaroslavl occurred on September 7, 2011. During acceleration, the Yak-42 rolled off the runway and did not have time to gain the desired height, got caught in the localizer and crashed. There were 45 people on board: eight crew members and 37 passengers - players, coaches and doctors of HC Lokomotiv - flying to the game in Minsk. Only flight engineer Alexander Sizov managed to survive. Timofeev is the only defendant in the plane crash case. During the investigation, experts also made systematic conclusions about problems in civil aviation.

Neither the expert’s testimony in court, nor (naturally) the alternative report had the slightest influence on such an “Aesopian” court decision... Amnesty, damn it.

It's hard to remember this. But fate cannot be changed. Six years ago, at 16.00, a Yak-42D airliner crashed into the bank of the Tunoshonka River. This is how the Lokomotiv hockey team died.

I remember that day as if it were now.

The season opened in Ufa, where the match for the Opening Cup took place between Salavat Yulaev and Atlant. An hour before the game, a press conference was held by the KHL president and sponsors. Everyone was in high spirits, because we had gathered for the holiday.
A quarter of an hour before the throw-in, we went to our places. Headed over to the computers...
And suddenly the terrible news began to spread like spilled ink on a white sheet of paper.

-Have you seen it? The plane carrying Lokomotiv crashed...

- It can’t be! How…

— What if there’s a mistake? Did someone launch a duck?

- There are no such ducks...

- Call someone from the team!

But the phones were silent. And the news was falling. Details, facts. It was very painful.

“At 16.00 near Yaroslavl, during takeoff from Tunoshna airport...”

All this happened in the room where the commentators sit. And below on the ice there was a game going on. Salavat Yulaev defender Andrey Kuteikin fired a beautiful flick from the blue line and scored the first goal of the season.

There, behind the glass, life was still in full swing. It was hockey. Maybe we were played a ridiculous prank after all?
But a cold whisper had already spread through the stands. The match was stopped. A pale Alexander Medvedev appeared near the owners’ shop. I will never forget his speech. And I can’t imagine how difficult it was to announce this to the whole world.

“Today a terrible tragedy happened. A plane carrying Lokomotiv hockey players, administrators and coaches of the club crashed. Of the 37 people, only one survived. We will decide whether to continue the match or not during the break. I ask you to honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

Everything inside completely turned upside down and flew down somewhere. Many hockey players cried like children. They were taken to the locker rooms.

The Atlanta players went to church. Jan Marek, who competed in the final of last season, crashed. He moved to Lokomotiv so quickly that they did not have time to award him a silver medal.

The Swedes Fernholm, Zakrisson, Andersson cried - their friend Stefan Liv died. Slovakian Radivojevic lost Pavol Demitra. Alexey Kovalev was left without Alexander Karpovtsev and Igor Korolev. Konstantin Rudenko played for Lokomotiv, but in the off-season he moved to Mytishchi. This saved him...

It was terrible in Ufa, and Yaroslavl generally turned black from disaster. The torrential rain late at night was forever etched in the memory of the colleagues who found themselves there. And the flashing lights of cars near the morgue of the Solovyov hospital, where the charred bodies of the players who were taken out of the river were brought. Identification was underway...

And hills of flowers grew next to Arena 2000. Photos of the guys, burning candles. No amount of rain could extinguish them.

There was a glimmer of hope that Alexander Galimov would survive. He was terribly burned and doctors tried to save him. Transportation to Moscow. But the miracle did not happen. Sasha left five days later...

That plane crash affected everyone, split the lives of families and many people into a spreading crack. Citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Sweden, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, and Canada died on that plane. Nine countries. And everyone was united by a common grief.

We need to remember September 7th. That's it, in detail. Come to the Leontyevskoe cemetery in Yaroslavl. To other places where the guys found their final rest.

What can we give them now? Only memory. And respect. So, I can’t imagine why a school named after Ivan Tkachenko has not yet been built in Yaroslavl, over which the poor father of the Lokomotiv captain has been struggling for many years. The results of the investigation into why the plane crashed also raise questions. The tragedy was overgrown with rumors that turned into myths. But there is no clear answer...

Live for the sake of the living. And don’t forget the team that crashed on takeoff on that black Wednesday.

Eternal memory.

"Lokomotiv" -2011

Goalkeepers: Alexander Vyukhin, Stefan Liv.

Defenders: Vitaly Anikeenko, Mikhail Balandin, Robert Dietrich, Marat Kalimulin, Karel Rakhunek, Ruslan Salei, Karlis Skrastins, Pavel Trakhanov, Yuri Urychev, Maxim Shuvalov.

Forwards: Alexander Vasyunov, Josef Vashichek, Alexander Galimov, Pavol Demitra, Alexander Kalyanin, Andrey Kiryukhin, Nikita Klyukin, Jan Marek, Sergey Ostapchuk, Pavel Snurnitsyn, Daniil Sobchenko, Ivan Tkachenko, Gennady Churilov, Artem Yarchuk.

Trainers: Brad McCrimmon, Alexander Karpovtsev, Igor Korolev, Nikolai Krivonosov.

Staff: Yuri Bakhvalov, Alexander Belyaev, Andrey Zimin, Vyacheslav Kuznetsov, Evgeny Kunnov, Vladimir Piskunov, Evgeny Sidorov.

On September 7, 2011, Yaroslavl Lokomotiv was heading to Minsk for a match of the regular championship of the Continental hockey league with local Dynamo. The game, scheduled for September 8, was supposed to be the first for the Yaroslavl team in the new season.

The Yak-42 aircraft took off at Yaroslavl Tunoshna airport. The airliner was unable to reach a safe altitude (it rose 5-6 meters), crashed into a lighthouse antenna 435 meters from the runway and crashed to the ground. There were 45 people on board the plane, 43 died on the spot.

Among the dead were three Belarusians: hockey players Ruslan Salei And Sergey Ostapchuk and also a physical trainer Nikolay Krivonosov.

In September 2012, the Minsk publishing house Medisont published a book by sports journalist Sergei Olekhnovich about the Belarusian hockey player Ruslan Salei, “Simply the best. Simply the Best." True, its author did not live to see the publication of the work, leaving this world on July 27, 2012 at the age of 45. He managed to submit the book for printing and receive an advance copy.

On May 25, 2014, during the 2014 World Hockey Championship in Minsk, the former captain of the Belarusian national team Ruslan Salei was (IIHF).

Sergei Ostapchuk and Nikolai Krivonosov were buried on September 11, 2011 at the capital's Kalvariyskoe cemetery. In memory of Sergei Ostapchuk, a youth hockey tournament is held annually in his homeland in Novopolotsk.

Sitting in the back of the cabin were 26-year-old railway striker Alexander Galimov and aviation and radio-electronic equipment engineer Alexander Sizov. Both were not wearing seat belts, and during the crash they were thrown into the Tunoshonka River. When the athlete was found, he was conscious and was able to give his name to the police. He was hospitalized at the A.V. Vishnevsky Research Institute with burns to 90 percent of his body. Five days later he died.

Sizov was hospitalized with burns to 15 percent of his body, fractures of both hips, calvarium, ribs and injuries chest. On the day of the tragedy, he and Galimov were transported to Moscow on an Emergencies Ministry plane. At the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, the victim was put into medicated sleep to avoid shock. Sizov recovered and then worked as an aircraft technician at the Yakovlev Design Bureau in Zhukovsky.

Lokomotiv was forced to spend one season in the Major Hockey League (VHL), after which they returned to the KHL.

Five years ago, on September 7, 2011, the hockey Lokomotiv crashed. The official results of the investigation into the plane crash, which killed 44 people, were announced in October 2014. Deputy General Director of Yak-Service Airlines Vadim Timofeev was found guilty. Immediately after the verdict was announced, he was amnestied. Relatives of the victims believe that the true cause of the tragedy has not yet been established.

The pilot hit the brakes

The investigation lasted about a year. According to the findings of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), the aircraft commander or co-pilot unknowingly pressed the brake pedals during the takeoff run, and the speed during the final stage of takeoff was lower than necessary.

List of representatives of HC Lokomotiv killed in the plane crash

1. Vyukhin Alexander Evgenievich, 38 years old
2. Liv Stefan Daniel Patrick, 30 years old


3. Anikeenko Vitaly Sergeevich, 24 years old
4. Balandin Mikhail Yurievich, 31 years old
5. Dietrich Robert Genrikhovich, 25 years old
6. Kalimulin Marat Natfullovich, 23 years old
7. Rachunek Karel, 32 years old
8. Skrastins Karlis Martinovich, 37 years old
9. Trakhanov Pavel Sergeevich, 33 years old
10. Urychev Yuri Olegovich, 20 years old
11. Shuvalov Maxim Alekseevich, 18 years old
12. Saley Ruslan Albertovich, 36 years old


13. Vasyunov Alexander Sergeevich, 23 years old
14. Vasicek Josef, 30 years old
15. Demitra Pavol, 36 years old
16. Kalyanin Alexander Igorevich, 23 years old
17. Kiryukhin Andrey Anatolyevich, 24 years old
18. Klyukin Nikita Sergeevich, 21 years old
19. Marek Jan, 31 years old
20. Ostapchuk Sergey Igorevich, 21 years old
21. Snurnitsyn Pavel Sergeevich, 19 years old
22. Sobchenko Daniil Evgenievich, 20 years old
23. Tkachenko Ivan Leonidovich, 31 years old
24. Churilov Gennady Stanislavovich, 24 years old
25. Yarchuk Artem Nikolaevich, 21 years old
26. Galimov Alexander Saidgereevich, 26 years old

27. McCrimmon Brad Byron (head coach)
28. Igor Borisovich Korolev (senior coach)
29. Karpovtsev Alexander Georgievich (coach)
30. Nikolay Ivanovich Krivonosov (coach)
31. Sidorov Evgeniy Vladimirovich (trainer-methodologist)

Technical staff

32. Bakhvalov Yuri Alekseevich (technician)
33. Belyaev Alexander Vladimirovich (technician/massage therapist)
34. Zimin Andrey Valerievich (doctor)
35. Kunnov Evgeniy Gennadievich (masseur)
36. Kuznetsov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich (massage therapist)
37. Piskunov Vladimir Leonidovich (administrator)

Serious shortcomings in the retraining of crew members on the Yak-42 aircraft were indicated as concomitant reasons (in the emergency flight there was a negative transfer of Yak-40 control skills to the Yak-42 on takeoff, which resulted in incorrect position feet on the pedals during the take-off run); lack of control on the part of the airline over the level of crew training; errors and failure to follow technological procedures made by the crew during preparation and calculation of take-off parameters, as well as during the take-off run; uncoordinated, uncoordinated actions of the crew in the final phase of the take-off run.

In addition, phenobarbital, a sedative drug that is essentially a sleeping pill, was found in the blood of one of the pilots. Flights under the influence of this drug, as well as in the presence of diseases in the co-pilot (problems with sensitivity in the legs), noted based on the results of the analysis of medical documentation, are prohibited by Russian aviation legislation.

The only defendant in the case was Vadim Timofeev, who was the person in charge who controlled the crew’s admission to the flight. In particular, he was responsible for organizing flight work, maintaining the qualifications of flight personnel, improving their professional level, conducting training and testing of pilots.

Having studied all the circumstances and facts that preceded the tragedy, investigators established that it was Timofeev who allowed the crew to fly, who did not have the right to do so, since they had not completed retraining to fly the Yak-42. In addition, the ship's commander's clearance was issued on the basis of falsified documents.

The accused had previously violated safety rules - he did not monitor the professional training of pilots, regularly recalled them from training events and, despite the unfinished program, illegally allowed them to fly.

The investigation revealed that the commander who died in the plane crash had made serious mistakes during other flights. At the same time, according to the Investigative Committee, Timofeev practically did not analyze the data from the flight recorders that recorded these errors, and did not take any measures. In addition, the two pilots and the flight mechanic of the deceased crew were performing only their third flight together.

“The causes of the disaster have not been established”

In October, Timofeev was sentenced to five years in prison, but was given amnesty in the courtroom. He never admitted his guilt. “I believe that the main cause of the plane crash was a violation of alignment (the position of passengers and luggage - approx. "Tapes.ru"). The crew was highly qualified, but the situation was beyond them. I'm not sure that another crew would have handled this situation. The geography of these guys’ flights can be the envy of many professional pilots,” Timofeev said.

Timofeev rejects the explanation of the disaster as an involuntary pressing of the brake. "I don't believe the pilots slammed on the brakes for that long, and none of the pilots do," he says. According to him, the deceased crew was well trained and before the disaster the pilots had flown at least 60 hours on the same plane, making flights to Makhachkala, Tomsk, Riga, Aktyubinsk.

Relatives of those killed in the plane crash also consider Timofeev innocent and petitioned to send the case for further investigation. In September 2015, the mothers of deceased hockey players Artem Yarchuk, Alexander Vasyunov and Ivan Tkachenko announced their intention to seek justice. “The main case of the death of our children has not yet been completed by the Investigative Committee,” said Anzhelika Yarchuk. “We will apply for the appointment of new examinations, since, in our opinion, the causes of the disaster have not been established,” added Lyubov Vasyunova.

They demanded repeated examinations of the audio conversations of the deceased crew, video recordings at Tunoshna airport on September 7, 2011, examination of the runway in Yaroslavl and the front landing gear of the crashed Yak-42. They also don’t believe in the IAC version of involuntary pressing of the brakes. “So far, the Investigative Committee has not informed us about how the investigation is going and when it may be brought to court,” Yarchuk noted.

The victims did not receive adequate compensation. In December 2015, the Moscow City Court upheld the amount of insurance compensation for the relatives of the hockey team that died in the plane crash.

The bulk of the payments came from the Lexgarant insurance company, which insured the aircraft's comprehensive insurance and air carrier liability for approximately $1 million. Amount of payments for each to the deceased passenger amounted to 2 million rubles.

In addition, all hockey players were insured against accidents by the SOGAZ insurance company as part of the insurance of the Kontinental Hockey League teams. The total amount of payments under the package exceeded 90.5 million rubles. Additional accident insurance for the players of this team was provided by the UralSib company, the insured amount was 100 thousand rubles for each.

According to the results of an independent investigation into the causes of the plane crash, the tragedy was not caused by the actions of one of the pilots, but by design flaws of the crashed airliner and disruptions in the work of the Yak-Service airline. At the request of the relatives of the deceased hockey players and crew members, an analysis of the tragedy was carried out by test pilot, pilot 1st class Vladimir Gerasimov, leading Russian expert on air crashes Valentin Dudin and test pilot 1st class Alexander Akimenkov.

Experts came to the conclusion that the crash was caused by the design and aerodynamic shortcomings of the Yak-42 aircraft. According to experts, one of the pilots could indeed press the brake pedal, but the reason for this should be sought in the imperfect design of the pedals, as well as in the lack of recommendations for correct position the pilots' feet on the pedals of these airliners.

The authors of the investigation believe that since the pilots managed to lift the plane into the air, then initially there was no catastrophic or even emergency situation. Gerasimov stated that the immediate cause of the disaster was the lack of lateral control of the aircraft, that is, the Yak-42 simply fell on its side in the air.

Seven years have passed since the tragedy, which shocked not only Yaroslavl, but the whole world. On September 7, 2011, a plane with the Lokomotiv hockey team on board crashed. The plane crash claimed the lives of 44 people - guys from the main team, coaches, crew members. We cherish their memory to this day.

Mourning ribbon on new uniform

For the 2018-2019 season, Lokomotiv Yaroslavl has prepared a new uniform. Before that, it had not changed for eight years. It was presented on August 16 before the match with Cherepovets Severstal. Despite the updated design, the game jerseys still have the black mourning ribbon with the date of the tragedy.

Photo: official group of HC "Lokomotiv" on the VKontakte network.

Since the tragedy, no Kontinental Hockey League matches have been played since September 7. The upcoming 2018-2019 season will be the first time that teams will take to the ice on this day. The Yaroslavl club did not object to this decision of the league. But Lokomotiv itself will still not hold matches on this day.

Nevertheless, the KHL will not ignore the mournful date.

All six matches, which will take place on September 7, will begin with a minute of silence, says a message on the Kontinental Hockey League website. “Also, before these games, a video dedicated to the team that died seven years ago will be shown. All 12 teams will take to the ice tomorrow with special patches on their jerseys in memory of the tragic event.

In addition, the host teams supported the KHL’s proposal to allocate a memory sector in the stands. It will contain 44 scarves from the Yaroslavl club - according to the number of people killed in the plane crash. IN ice palaces will create memorial areas where fans can pay tribute Yaroslavl team and lay flowers. Even the meeting of the KHL Board of Directors on September 7 will begin with a minute of silence.

Film about the dead captain

At the beginning of August, filming of the documentary film “Captain Nemo”, dedicated to the captain of the legendary team, ended. The director of the film, Elena Mikheeva, told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the filming.

The idea to make a film about Ivan was born a long time ago, says Elena. “But we couldn’t get started.” We collected material for quite a long time. Ultimately, work on the painting itself began about a year and a half ago.

According to the director, everyone involved in the film willingly responded to the offer to participate in the project.

“I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who helped us during filming,” continues Elena. - For example, Nizhnekamsk Neftekhimik provided us with materials about Ivan dating back to 1998.

In fact, the entire film will be narrated by Ivan Tkachenko’s first coach, Alexander Vladimirovich Podmetalin. In addition, the former coach of Lokomotiv, who led the team to the championship, Vladimir Vuytek, and Alexander Ovechkin, and Andrei Malkin, also starred in the film. The premiere of the film will take place on September 7 at the Neft film club. The hockey player's father, Leonid Tkachenko, will come to the show. According to him, he himself has not yet seen the entire film. But he partly knows how the work went.

There they collected much more material than was included in the picture,” he told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Enough for three more films. Elena was cutting during editing and crying... It’s possible that we’ll do a second episode later.

“Captain Nemo” will be shown at Nefti until September 12. And on November 9, on Ivan’s birthday, the film should be released on the federal television channel.

Hockey school named after Ivan Tkachenko

And again let's remember Ivan Tkachenko. The hockey school in Bragino was his dream. After the death of the hockey player, his father Leonid Vladimirovich decided to bring his son’s idea to life. He planned to build a school on a vacant lot on Panina Street. But so far the building has not appeared here - there was not enough money. In addition, according to Tkachenko, there are influential people who simply do not want to give up their place in this niche.

But we are persistent, we will gradually achieve our goal! - Leonid Vladimirovich smiles sadly.

Actually, the hockey school named after Ivan Tkachenko already exists and operates. True, so far without its own premises: on rented ice and in gym School No. 11. There is only one group studying here - children from 3 to 10 years old. Teaching goes according to unique technique, developed by Tkachenko Sr. himself.

Its peculiarity is to develop not only physical qualities, but also the mind. Hockey players' thinking speed should be several times faster than that of ordinary people, because there is no time to make decisions. the right decision there is very little in the game. This can be achieved special exercises. This is what we practice. This is a technique that has already been tested, including on my son,” said Leonid Vladimirovich.

At the same time, this winter the father of the deceased hockey player plans to organize an outdoor skating rink on the land that he leased for the construction of a school, where his charges will practice.

On Friday, September 7, several commemorative events will be held to mark the anniversary of the tragedy. They will be organized at the Leontyevskoye cemetery, where the Lokomotiv hockey players are buried, and directly at the site of the tragedy, in Tunoshna. From 8.30 to 10.30 a liturgy will take place in the Assumption Cathedral in Yaroslavl. From 10.30 to 11.00 there is a memorial service for the dead. A memorial service and laying of flowers is planned at 12 o'clock on the territory of the memorial complex at Leontyevskoye Cemetery. At 13.20 there will be a laying of flowers at the Hockey Brotherhood memorial at Arena 2000. Locomotive". And at 15.50 commemorative events are planned on the territory of the memorial complex in the village of Tunoshna.

Let us remind you that the Yak-42, on board which was the main staff of Lokomotiv, coaches, and doctors, fell on September 7, 2011 during takeoff from Yaroslavl Tunoshna airport. Of the more than 40 people on board, only one survived - flight mechanic Alexander Sizov. But he doesn’t remember anything about what exactly happened. Investigators concluded that the cause of the crash was pilot error. Only one person was punished for the crash of the airliner - the deputy director of the YAK Service airline, which operated the crashed plane, Vadim Timofeev. He was responsible for the training of pilots and their regular training, but, according to investigators, he approached the matter carelessly. Last year, the Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia closed the case due to the death of the main suspects - the pilots.

A team of legends and guys from our backyard. What was that Lokomotiv like?

They could have brought the cup to Yaroslavl.

September 7, 2011 occurred terrible tragedy. On the banks of the Tunoshonka River, a plane carrying the Lokomotiv team, which was going to the first match of the season against Dynamo Minsk, crashed. Today we remember how events unfolded on that dark day in world sports.

September 7

15:58 (Moscow time). The plane began its takeoff run along the runway of the Yaroslavl Tunoshna airport. The aircraft rolled off the runway, but the flight lasted only a few seconds - the airliner had just begun to gain altitude when it collided with a radio beacon, after which it crashed into the ground on the bank of the Tunoshonka River.

16:30. The Yaroslavl news portal “Yarnovosti” was one of the first to report that a Yak-42 plane carrying the main squad of Lokomotiv, flying to Minsk for a match with the local Dynamo, crashed during takeoff at Tunoshna airport. There were a total of 45 people on board; early media reports spoke of only one survivor. As eyewitnesses reported, the plane turned into a pile of charred iron.

17:00. As a result of the plane crash near Yaroslavl, 36 people were killed and 1 was injured, RBC reported, citing a source in the Federal Air Transport Agency. Later it was clarified that 44 people died (36 passengers and 8 crew members).

17:22. TASS reported that three people survived the plane crash near Yaroslavl. The condition of the victims was assessed as serious. Later it became known that only two were hospitalized - an aviation and radio maintenance engineer Alexander Sizov and hockey player Alexander Galimov.

17:29. In Ufa at these very minutes the opening match of a new KHL season between Salavat Yulaev and Atlant. At the 17th minute of the first period the game was stopped and the KHL President came onto the ice Alexander Medvedev.

“We had a terrible tragedy today. While taking off from Yaroslavl for a match with Dynamo Minsk, a plane carrying players, coaches and administrators of the Lokomotiv team crashed. According to the data available now, out of 37 people, one survived. I propose to honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence...” said Alexander Ivanovich in a trembling voice, barely holding back tears.

After 15 minutes, the KHL President again spoke to the audience and announced the cancellation of the match.

17:35. A criminal case has been opened regarding the plane crash near Yaroslavl. Search and rescue operations continue at the crash site.

17:45. Chief physician of the hospital named after. Solovyov Alexander Degtyarev reported that two survivors had been transported to his facility. This is the striker hockey club“Lokomotiv” Alexander Galimov and aircraft technician Alexander Sizov.

18.00. The first photo from the plane crash site appeared in the press.

18:03. The cause of the crash of the Yak-42, in which the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv players were located, has been named. As ITAR-TASS reported with reference to the Federal Air Transport Agency, the plane was unable to gain a safe altitude during takeoff and collided with the lighthouse antenna. After the collision, the plane broke into pieces and fell.

18:18. There is still no complete data on the dead. According to unconfirmed information, the defender of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl Ruslan Salei was not with the team on board the Yak-42 aircraft. Presumably the hockey player was waiting for the team in Minsk. A few hours later it became known that Salei flew to the match with the team.

19:00 . Yaroslavl media reported that forward Alexander Galimov underwent surgery and 80 percent of his body was burned.

20:00. Lokomotiv fans gathered to honor the memory of the club's fallen players. About three thousand people came to Arena 2000. Many came with flowers and paraphernalia of their favorite team. On the streets of Yaroslavl you can see cars with flags and symbols of Lokomotiv. Some fans lit candles.

In addition, about 50 fans came directly to the site of the team’s death near the Yaroslavl airport. In memory of the dead hockey players, fans rang the bells of the church, which was located not far from the site of the plane crash.

“Before departure, the aircraft underwent an operational inspection form, all the main systems of the aircraft were checked, and no comments were identified. All the aircraft’s engines were serviceable and in serviceable condition,” the source noted.

According to the department, the plane had a valid airworthiness certificate.

September 8

9:00. The condition of striker Alexander Galimov and pilot Alexander Sizov, who survived the plane crash, has not changed. “Both are still serious,” said the resuscitation officer on duty.

9:30 . Captain of the Washington Alexander Ovechkin asked all those who sympathize with the death of the Lokomotiv team in a plane crash to mentally support striker Alexander Galimov, who continues to fight for his life in intensive care.

“Sashka Galimov, you must live! Hold on! We are all with you!!! We are praying for you! All our thoughts and strength should be with Alexander Galimov! Let’s all do it together,” Ovechkin wrote on his Twitter.

10:00. The KHL management decided to suspend the championship due to the plane crash. The tournament was resumed on September 12.

14:00. Attack Maxim Zyuzyakin told why he did not fly with Lokomotiv to the opening match of the season in Minsk.

“The previous day before the flight, I was told that I was staying in Yaroslavl. I was preparing to leave for Minsk, there was a certain composition, I trained during the day, and in the evening, the day before departure, they called me and said that it was better for me to stay here and play a game (with youth team"Loko")

I don’t consider myself lucky - I have other thoughts now. I don't have any plans right now before the funeral. I became a tragic hero. Parents worry about their children's relatives - this is a loss. When they found out about the tragedy, they started hugging me, thanks to the coach that this happened,” said Zyuzyakin, who now plays in the VHL for Rubin Tyumen.

18:00. The official website of Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, which stopped working on Wednesday due to the plane crash, resumed its work on Thursday. The site began to work in “memory book” mode, where every fan could leave a message with words of support.

September 10

About 100 thousand people came to say goodbye to the Lokomotiv players who died in the plane crash. After the farewell ceremony was over, people did not leave. On the square in front of Arena 2000, they applauded and shouted “Loko! Loco! Loco!”, locomotive whistles sounded from the speakers.

President of Yaroslavl Lokomotiv Yuri Yakovlev stated that the team will not participate in the current KHL championship.

“Our first task is to take care of the loved ones and families of the victims. The second task is to restore a team of the appropriate level. We have decided that the team will start playing in the KHL next season,” Yakovlev said.

The health condition of Alexander Galimov, who survived the plane crash, remains extremely serious, but stable.

September 12

Galimov died in the hospital. “On the morning of September 12, despite ongoing therapy using all possible modern treatment methods, Alexander Galimov died from burns incompatible with life at the burn center of the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery,” the administration of the Vishnevsky Research Institute said in a statement.

Thus, the only survivor of the plane crash was flight mechanic Alexander Sizov.

September 14

Galimov's funeral took place in Yaroslavl. All my sports career Alexander spent his time at his native club.

October 13

The NHL regular season match between Washington and Pittsburgh was dedicated to those killed in the plane crash. Before the start of the match Alexander Ovechkin, Evgeni Malkin and Mario Lemieux held a symbolic face-off. Players from both teams wore jerseys with commemorative patches, which were sold at a charity auction; bracelets with the inscription “Love for Lokomotiv” were also sold at the match. All proceeds went to help the families of the victims.

October 16

On the 40th day of the tragedy, a memorial ceremony was held at Arena 2000, which was attended by about 6,000 people.

November 2

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) published the final report of the investigation into the crash. According to the commission's findings, the immediate cause of the crash was the erroneous actions of the aircraft commander or co-pilot, who involuntarily pressed the brake pedals during the take-off run.

The IAC also notes that traces of phenobarbital were found in the co-pilot’s body, which has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. nervous system. Pilots taking this drug are not allowed to fly.

September 7, 2013

Near Yaroslavl sports complex"Arena-2000" the memorial "Hockey Brotherhood" was opened.

Every year on September 7th we all mentally travel back to 2011. We look at photographs of dead hockey players and coaches, read their latest interviews. Six years have passed, but the pain has not gone away. A lump forms in my throat, and tears well up in my eyes. We will never forget the team that left so tragically. Eternal memory to those killed in the plane crash.