Crosswords on a sports theme for elementary school. Message on the topic of sports On a sports topic

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bolotskaya secondary school"

Belevsky district, Tula region


on sports theme For primary school.

Prepared by:

teacher physical culture

Kapustkina Yu.A.



7. Type of winter sport.

8. Sports game with the ball.

10. Playing with a ball on the water.

11. People ride them down from the mountains in winter.

12. Skater shoes.


1. A sport in which a racket and shuttlecock are used.

2. Sports shoes.

3. Fight in the ring.

4. Playing with the ball on the field.

5. An item needed for playing hockey.

6. The type of sport required for defense.

9. Similar to skates for driving on asphalt.


Horizontal: 7. Skis. 8. Basketball. 10. Polo. 11. Sleigh. 12. Skates.

Vertical: 1. Badminton. 2. Sneakers. 3. Boxing. 4. Football. 5. Washer. 6. Fight. 9. Rollers.

1. To run very fast,

Take the bar “cleanly” all the time,

And of course to be the first,

Every day with friends he

Came to (stadium)

2. He is with you and with me

Walked in forest stitches.

Hiking friend behind you

On straps with fasteners (backpack)

3. If you pick up a stick, don’t be timid.

There is no better game than (hockey)

4.The audience is sitting here

And a lot of noise...

What is the name of the place?

5. When spring takes its toll,

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she through me (jump rope)

6. I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard, like stone (skates)

7. Backboard with a basket, ball on the floor...

We play (basketball)

8. He's not a player, but you can't argue with him,

Who whistles loudest? (judge)

9. When three sports are assembled,

They are called (eventing)

10. Friend pulled over - grip

One-handed wrestling (rope)

11. Eat carrots, salad, oranges,

An athlete needs (vitamins) for strength


1. Friend pulled over - grip

With one hand in the fight ______________

2. He's a rocker and a bed

It's good to lie on it.

He's in the garden or the forest

Will sway on the weight.

4. We kick the ball - football,

What about your hands? - _______________

6. Likes to walk in the forest,

Sleep in a tent

And light a fire.

7. Run, hit twenty

They strive for the goal,

Two people stand and create barriers.

They chose a green field for battle,

Usually the massacre lasts an hour and thirty.

8. I ride it until evening,

But my horse is lazy

Carries only from the mountain.

And always go up the hill by myself

I go on foot

And I lead my horse by the rope


3. We drive it across the ice with a stick

And we score into the goal.

5. There is a sports game

There are countless fans of her.

The ball flies and there is a net in the field,

And in our hands we have ____________

9. This, children, is not a tourist.

_______________ climbs up the mountain

10. A group of guys took to the ice,

The sticks clink loudly on the ice.

And the puck flies

We will shout: “Oh, okay!”

Games are no better than _________

11. The game is excellent football,

Already scored the first _________


2. Two belts hang on me,

There are pockets on the back,

If you'll go on a hike with me

I'll hang behind you.

4. I rule a horned horse.

If this horse

I won't put you up against the fence,

It will fall on me.

7. The river is flowing - we are lying,

Ice on the river - we are running.

10. If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan.

You will throw yourself on the ground -

It will begin to fly upward.


1. I twist it with my hand,

And on the neck and leg,

And I twist it at the waist,

And I don't want to drop it.

3. Small, remote

Screams loudly

Helps the judge

Doesn't know how tired he is.

5. Two new maples

Two-meter soles:

I put two feet on them

And run through the big snow.

6. Comma Stick

He kicks the ball in front of him.

8. We stood all summer,

Winter was expected.

The time has come

We rushed down the mountain.

9. This bird is not a tit,

Not an eagle or a cormorant.

This little bird

Called ________

11. What does Galochka have?

A thread on a stick

A thread in the water

Stick in hand.


1. It will lie all over your palm,

There are not clocks, but hands,

It will come in handy on the road

You won't get lost anywhere with him.

4. Through this obstacle

Have to jump over

Horses at the races.

5. Participate in competitions

Everyone is happy.

And they are waiting for commands from the judge:

“On __________.”

7. The wind blew into the sea

Swan wing.

The boy is on watch

He is a sailor on this __________.


2. On Sunday

Deserted at school

Running with the ball

Guys in ___________

3. And from the wind and from the heat,

It will protect you from the rain.

How sweet it is to sleep in it!

What is this? ______________

4. To swim

Learn faster

We need to go to _______.

6. There will be two brothers

Swim in the river:

They will surface together

They will dive together.

There is no place for the boat

They don't let you stand.

8. I’m not looking at the first row:

There are rooks at the edges,

I see horses nearby,

There is no figure more cunning than them,

Between the horses are concluded

Our brave elephants,

And there are two more fields,

And on them there is a king and ___________.

9. He goes hiking with a backpack,

He carries a warm home with him.

Cooking food over a fire

But not in a pan, but in a bucket.

10. He is standing at the gate,

Keeps them away from the ball.

1. We dream of scoring a ball in the basket,

But our opponent is stopping us.

The ball is dribbled with the hand on the floor

In the game known ____________.

2. I’m sitting under glass,

I look in all directions

You will climb into the forest with me -

You won't get lost along the way.

3. What kind of fellow is this?

____________ swims in the pool.

4. There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes

Dropped _________________.

5. From gate to gate

People are running briskly.

At these gates

Fishing nets.

6. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

You wouldn't interfere with the game.

You'd better go away

We play _______________.

7. Participate in competitions

Everyone is happy.

And they are waiting for commands from the judge:

“On _________________.”

8. Where Vanya goes, we go there.

We are fun in the days of winter.

And we're doing great today

Screwed to the shoes.

9. He's not a player, but he can argue

You can't do it with him!

Who whistles loudest?

10. Eat carrots, salad,


An athlete needs for strength


11. A white goose is swimming -

Wooden belly

The wing is linen.

1. Who sits at the patient’s bedside?

And he tells him how to treat it;

Who is sick -

He will offer to take drops,

To those who are healthy -

Allows you to take a walk.

2. This bird is not a tit,

Not a goldfinch or an eagle!

This little bird

It's called _____________.

3. He goes hiking with a backpack,

He carries a warm home with him.

Cooking food over a fire

But not in a pan, but in a bucket.

4. I take the racket in my hands

What a beauty.

Magic ball with feathers

Flies to the skies.

5. I only keep on going,

And if I do, I’ll fall.

6. We are your true friends,

And we must not be forgotten.

Let's save the kids from a sore throat,

Eat _________________ in winter.

7. Bent over the river -

Their agreement is this:

The river will exchange for her

Perch on a worm.

8. – Tell me about this:

How did you become a strongman?

Very simple. For many years

Every day, getting out of bed,

I lift ________________.

9. He keeps order on the field,

Helps the judge and shouts loudly.

But he doesn't need current

Because he is _____________.

10. This riddle is not easy,

I always write with two “Ks”

Hit both the ball and the puck with your stick,

And I'm called ______________.

11. In an open field near a birch tree

Stripes are visible on the snow.

The fox came closer:

Someone's _____________ were running here.


"Sports track"


    Ice platform. (Ice rink)

    Thick rope (Rope)

    Racket game (Tennis)

    Beginning of the competition (Start)

    Travel (Tourism)

    Indoor sports facility (Manege)

    Referee team (Jury)

    Football is... (Game)

    Climbing mountains (Mountaineering)

    Basketball players play with it (Ball)

    FIFA World Cup (Championship)

    Athlete's teacher (Trainer)

    Exercise before competition (Warm-up)


"Sports track"



From the very early age Every person must instill love and respect for sports, because it not only helps us maintain a healthy and fit body, but also cultivates in a person such character qualities that help him overcome many difficulties in life and become better. One way to enable a child to understand what sports is is through drawing. In preschool and school institutions, you can organize competitions of thematic sports paintings. Children will not only be curious, but also exciting, because they will be able to compete with each other. We have made a selection of drawings for our readers on sports theme. You can show these drawings to children before the competition as an example.

Drawings about sports, step by step

Option #1: Gymnast

  1. We draw several approximately identical circles on the sheet. They should be located in one line at a slight angle.
  2. We depict the contours of the gymnast’s body and the hands with which she holds the ball. Everything should look schematic at this stage:

  1. Now the contours need to be shaped:

  1. When all parts of the body are clearly marked, draw a bold pencil on the face, arms, legs and torso. We also draw the gymnast’s hair:

  1. Add shadows to the drawing and remove all unnecessary lines:

Option #2: Skier

  1. We make sketches of the geometric shapes of a person who is standing on skis in a “half-sitting” position:

  1. Next you need to draw the skier’s suit, his helmet with boots and, of course, his skis:

  1. Now on the costume you need to draw shading and other elements that you consider necessary:

  1. All that remains is to shade in the right places and the skier is ready:

Drawing a sport, step by step

Option #1: Snowboarding

  1. First we draw the snow itself. This is a regular board rounded at both edges. It should be slightly tilted to give the impression that the athlete is performing some kind of maneuver in the drawing. You need to immediately draw the head; it is located at the same level as the upper edge of the snowboard. Please note that the athlete’s legs should also be slightly visible.
  2. Draw the shins. The athlete’s legs will not be completely visible, since in the picture he is depicted in a “half-sitting” position.
  3. We round the knees and draw a helmet with a mask on the head.
  4. We sketch out the markings of how the shoulders and arms should be positioned. Notice that one hand is free, which will reflect how the athlete maintains balance, and with the other he holds on to the snowboard.
  5. We detail the drawing - add facial features and clothing elements.

Option #2: Speed ​​skating

  1. First, we draw the skater’s body using ordinary lines and simple geometric shapes.
  2. We add additional lines to the lines indicating the athlete’s body so that the arms and legs are clearly distinguished. At the same stage we draw the hat, nose and mouth.
  3. Add eyes to the face, draw ears, as well as lines on tracksuit the hero we portray. We also draw the skates with simple lines so that their frame is clearly visible.
  4. We detail the drawing with different elements, and then color it at our discretion.

Drawing about sports in pencil, step by step

Drawings about sports are not only images of sports attributes, they are also people who have achieved great success in sports. We invite you to draw a champion boxer:

  1. We sketch out the main elements in the figure - these are parts of the body:

  1. Draw the athlete's face. Here you need to remember the main rule - the person’s nose is drawn clearly in the center in relation to the eyebrow line and chin. In other words, the nose is the point of intersection of lines, the extreme points of which are the eyebrows and chin:

  1. After this, we begin drawing the lines of the body. Since this is an athlete, you need to draw every muscle and line in detail:

  1. Only shadows remain on the body. They are necessary so that, looking at the drawing, emotions are evoked:

Drawing of sports at school

Drawing sport is life

Drawing about sports in winter

Sports drawing competition

Every preschool institution can hold the following sports-themed drawing competition:

  • Children can draw on any material, whatever they like best on the topic of sports. There is no need to limit children in anything so as not to lose their interest.
  • The work may also contain some elements of arts and crafts.
  • From each child you can only accept one of the best, in his opinion, work.

When the drawings are ready, they need to be hung in the most visible place, but at the same time difficult for children to reach. Place a ballot box next to the drawings. Let everyone who comes to kindergarten, vote. To keep everything fair, do not sign the work on the front side.

Be sure to hold similar competitions in educational institutions in order to promote healthy image life, develop the creative abilities of children and form the correct model of behavior for each child. Don’t forget to lead by example so that results can be achieved quickly and efficiently!

Video: “Drawings about sports”

Sport for fun and sport for money. A person who plays sports only for pleasure is called an amateur. A person who is paid money to participate in a competition and earns his living from sports is called a professional.

Modern Olympic Games The Olympic Games are held every four years in different countries. Amateur athletes from all over the world participate in them. The Olympic flame is carried by runners from Athens in Greece to the opening ceremony of the games. It stays lit as long as the games last. Today, athletes - men and women - compete in more than twenty sports. Millions of people watch games on television. Each winner receives gold medal, the one who became second - silver, the third - bronze.

Our sports city Armavir is a sports city. It is home to many masters of sports, first-class athletes, champions and prize-winners. large quantity competitions of city, regional, republican and state scale. For sports fans there is a stadium, ice palace, ice skating rink, swimming pools, gyms, racing training tracks for go-karts. Tourism is widely developed. The main initiative in this is shown by young people. Tourists walked in the Caucasus and Elbrus mountains. The SLA (paragliding and hang gliding) section and mountaineering have received great development.

About us We are students of Municipal Educational Institution-Secondary School 14 who love sports very much. We participate in competitions all year round. Three years in a row in the All-Kuban Spartakiad " Sports hopes Kuban" our school is recruiting maximum quantity points. We become winners and prize-winners in sports such as volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, wrestling, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. And we do not regret that we made our choice FOR a healthy lifestyle!

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