Nutrition for gaining muscle mass Brin. Products for gaining muscle mass

A big and warm hello to everyone! There are few people who have no complaints about their figure. Some are trying with all their might to throw off extra pounds and get rid of a couple of centimeters in volume, others strive with all possible ways add weight. The second one is much more difficult to implement; it is important not to get body fat.

For those who are pursuing the goal of gaining muscle mass, it is worth paying attention to diet, which plays a huge role. But wanting to achieve efficient growth volumes, in addition to the meal schedule and the amount of food, do not forget about physical activity - training, as well as rest - the recovery period. These three factors constitute the secret of success in this difficult process, otherwise you will not achieve results.

Nutrition principles for gaining muscle mass

Physical strength training provokes the appearance of enormous loads that the muscle fibers experience, as a result they are destroyed and receive microtraumas. During the period of sleep and rest, the body restores damaged tissues, but with some reserve for the future, building them up. This process requires a huge amount of energy, which comes from food. Therefore, in order to increase muscle volume, they must first be damaged by training, then supplied with the necessary amount of energy and building materials.

The principles of the muscle building diet are suitable for both men and women, the only difference is in the portions. In order for muscles to begin to grow in volume, you need to follow the basic rules:

  • The body needs to receive more calories than it burns.

In other words, you need to adjust your diet so that your body receives more calories from food than it can expend. So the calorie content of food can give strength and energy to the athlete. From food, the body receives the necessary materials (carbohydrates, fats, microelements, vitamins), which are directly responsible for building muscles.

To determine daily requirement the body's weight in calories is worth at the moment in kilograms, multiply by 30. The resulting number approximately coincides with the required number of calories when the weight is maintained unchanged. If the athlete’s goal is to increase body size, then more energy will be expended; accordingly, men should add another 500 calories to the calculated figure, and 250 for girls.

Number extra calories depends on . If a person is thin, then you can safely add 1000 kcal, but if you have a heavy build, this amount should not exceed 500 kcal, otherwise, if you overdo it, the body will begin to accumulate fat.

Diet to increase muscle mass and fasting are incompatible things. During active power loads on an empty stomach, the body is forced to take reserves and burn proteins in order to compensate for energy loss. This process negatively affects the muscles, since protein is known to be an important “building material”.

Recommended 60 minutes before starting strength exercises eat foods containing fast, easily digestible carbohydrates. This will give your body the energy it needs for training. After physical activity, 40-60 minutes later, you must eat, otherwise there will be no resources to restore muscle tissue, and, therefore, there will be no weight gain.

  • The basis of the diet is high-calorie food.

About 70% of all foods should be high-calorie foods. If this principle is not observed, the digestive system is overloaded and the body’s ability to absorb nutrients is reduced.

  • Fractionality of nutrition.

With a muscle diet, eating up to 6-8 times a day is the optimal regimen. At the same time, 70% of the total amount of food should be eaten before 16.00. Such nutrition will help maintain the flow of nutrients into the blood throughout the day, saturating the muscles, speeding up metabolism, and improving food absorption. In the case of the usual three meals a day, there is a risk of fat deposits.

  • Drinking regime.

Without a sufficient amount of fluid entering the body, increasing volumes is impossible. The total amount of water per day should be at least 3-5 liters. This is to fill muscle tissue liquid, will increase productivity and endurance, and, therefore, progress.

  • The last snack is before bed.

This technique is important. Thus, the necessary beneficial compounds are supplied from the food received throughout sleep, and the body is constantly supplied with resources.

By following these basic principles, muscle mass gain will occur faster.

What foods to eat to gain muscle mass

The muscle diet is all about variety. High-calorie dishes and protein foods are the main components of the menu. Each person will be able to choose an individual diet.

Healthy eating for mass gain should have the following percentage:

  • 50-60% - carbohydrates;
  • 20-30% - proteins;
  • 10-20% - fats.

Such proportions will help rapid muscle growth and are optimal for the athlete’s health. It is worth considering separately the nutrients and the products containing them.


Carbohydrates are needed to provide energy for strength training. Per 1 kg of human weight there should be 3.5-4 g of the nutrient. All carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. The former are absorbed very quickly, cause a surge in insulin, and cause the transition of glucose into fat. These include sweets, jam, honey, pastries, chocolate, raisins. The category of simple carbohydrates is best consumed after training, which will have a positive effect on weight gain.

Complex carbohydrates have a higher amount of dietary fiber for longer absorption, which helps release energy gradually into the body.

Sources of healthy carbohydrates include:

  • potato;
  • buckwheat, rice and other cereals;
  • pasta and noodles from durum wheat;
  • bananas and some other fruits;
  • whole grain bread.

Buckwheat porridge is highly valued among those who want to properly gain muscle mass. It contains no large number essential fats, rich in healthy carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins.


Proteins are responsible for building muscle fibers and are the main building material for their increase. In order for them to fulfill their main function, it is ideal for a man to consume 1.6-3 g of the component per kilogram of weight daily, for a woman - 0.8-1.2 g.

Protein sources include:

  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • chicken proteins;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • meat fish;
  • beef;
  • nuts;
  • white meat chicken.

Only the intake of protein products into the body in the required quantity will ensure enhanced growth of muscle tissue. If it is impossible to consume the required amount of protein of natural origin, you can resort to sports nutrition to gain weight.


A diet for gaining muscle mass necessarily includes fats. When fats are completely excluded from the menu, fat metabolism is disrupted. This will stop the burning of fat under the muscle fibers.

There are two types of fats: saturated and unsaturated. The first includes lard, butter and margarine, they account for no more than ¼ of the total amount of fat per day. The second, unsaturated fats (fish, vegetable fats) make up the rest of the diet. At the same time, you need to try to eat more fish. The omega-3s it contains improve heart function and normalize metabolism.

Healthy fats include:

  • fish oil,
  • vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, sunflower),
  • nuts and seeds,
  • avocado.

A complete absence or lack of fat in the diet will cause health problems.

Particular attention should be paid to fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is worth not forgetting about the benefits of greens and herbs. Replace your usual side dishes with ones seasoned with olive oil. The fiber they contain in large quantities is beneficial for the body and promotes the absorption and digestion of animal proteins.

  • beets - the betaine contained in them stimulates strength gain and muscle growth;
  • eggs are one of the main sources of protein for athletes;
  • beef - contains protein, B vitamins and iron;
  • milk - casein in its composition is a “long-lasting” protein;
  • brown rice- this grain is slowly absorbed, thereby providing the body with the necessary energy during training;
  • spinach - glutamine in its composition is necessary for increasing muscles and endurance;
  • oranges - better to eat before strength training, promotes the development of strength and muscle fibers;
  • apples - contain polyphenols, which help the body recover after exercise, make it more resilient, and help build muscles;
  • cottage cheese - it is better to eat before bed, it is a long-term carbohydrate;
  • baked goods made from sprouted grains - these baked goods are a source of protein;
  • wheat germ - serves as an excellent snack between physical activities, rich in protein and slow carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, iron and potassium.

Only by adhering to the correct percentage of nutrients can you increase muscle mass gain. Without observing proportions, any physical exercise will not be able to achieve their cherished goal.

Sample menu for gaining muscle mass

The Ideal Meal Plan for Building Muscle:

08.00 Breakfast

  • Banana - 1 piece
  • Oatmeal with water (milk) - 100 g (dry)
  • Eggs - 1 whole and 2 whites
  • Whole grain bread

11.30 Second breakfast

  • Banana - 1 piece
  • Nuts - various 40 g
  • Yogurt - 350 g

14.00 Lunch

  • Turkey/chicken breast - 100-150 g
  • Brown rice/buckwheat -100g
  • Avocado/ seasonal vegetable - 150 g (half)
  • Whole grain bread - 1 slice

17.00 Snack

  • Banana - 1 piece
  • Rye bread - 3 slices

20.00 Dinner

  • Beef/chicken breast/fish - 150-200 g
  • Rice/potatoes - 100 g
  • Broccoli, other vegetables - 100 g

23.00 Late dinner

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 150-200 g.
  • Kefir (1% fat) - 100-150 ml

From rough plan nutrition needs to be based on, adjusting the diet individually for each person. The main thing is to comply with nutrient standards and count the calorie content of dishes.

How to train to gain muscle mass

Along with diet, physical activity is important for muscle growth. Before strength exercises, it is imperative to warm up. This will warm up the joints and ligaments. A ten-minute run on a treadmill at a medium pace will help with this. Then you need to stretch specific areas of the body.

The following exercises are suitable for the growth of muscle fibers:

  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • lifting the bar;
  • deadlift;
  • lying leg curl;
  • barbell squats;
  • barbell row;
  • seated dumbbell press.

To perform power loads correctly, you need to be under control. personal trainer or a fitness instructor. The conclusion of the workout is also stretching. Great option could be swimming in the pool.

What to eat after training

You need to understand that eating is very important after training. At correct drafting diet, it will replenish the energy spent in the gym precisely due to the carbohydrates that come with food. Muscle growth will continue.

It is advisable not to eat anything for the first 10-15 minutes, to allow the body to rest and cool down. After 15 minutes of intense strength training, you should eat simple carbohydrates. These could be sweet bars, freshly squeezed juice or fruit, a little natural chocolate, cereals (buckwheat or rice). You can drink a portion of protein. After one hour has passed after class, you can start eating a full meal. It should consist of complex carbohydrates and animal proteins. Here you can eat buckwheat, pasta, rice, oatmeal with dairy products, eggs, fish or meat.

It is important to drink a lot of clean water after the gym.

Thus, a balanced and nutritious diet, regular power loads and rest will speed up muscle gain. It is important not to neglect any of the components.

Every person dreams of having a beautiful and pumped up body. Everyone is attracted to the bulges of muscle that stick out from under a T-shirt. To have beautiful body, people start to diet or exercise. But fasting and lifting "iron" will lead to nothing. Nutrition for gaining muscle mass is as important as, for example, barbell exercises. Sometimes athletes do not attach much importance to this moment, after which they are disappointed in their results. Only by choosing the right menu for gaining muscle mass can you achieve success in bodybuilding.

50% of success is proper nutrition

It’s worth choosing a menu for building muscle mass only when your plans include getting pumped up. If a person goes to the gym just to keep himself in good shape and feel muscle tone, he does not need special food. The main key to actively gaining muscle mass is following a special diet.

Why you can’t live without food

You don’t need to look for the answer for long: when there is a large load on the muscles, a huge amount of energy is spent. Consequently, the same amount must be supplied to the body to restore it. The following question arises: “If you eat poorly, where will that same energy be found?” Nowhere! Nutrition for gaining muscle mass (menu) is primarily aimed at restoring the same energy spent during training and providing the body with new “building blocks” - proteins.

Proteins are the building material for our body

A person cannot grow and develop normally without a sufficient amount of proteins. These substances are found in muscles, organs and much more in the body. All enzymes that regulate the body’s activities also consist of protein. This is why it is so important to get enough protein foods. Its use gives building materials muscles that are so important when gaining weight.

Another point: in order to build something, you need to expend some amount of energy. That's why you shouldn't ignore foods high in carbohydrates. These substances are a quick source of energy, which is needed for muscle formation. As a result, it turns out that proteins serve as “bricks” for building beautiful and relief mounds, and carbohydrates bring them together.

The secret to proper and rapid muscle growth

The secret of the menu is simple: you need to eat more calories than you manage to burn. This is the only way, and not otherwise, to say in simple words, pump up. Nutrition needs to be given great attention. So, if you make mistakes in nutrition, all the extra calories will instantly turn into fat, and not where athletes need it. If you eat everything in a row, it will turn out as written above. Proper nutrition for muscle mass should not contain large amounts of fat.

Sports nutrition is best for building muscle. Reviews say that its main advantage is the absence of harmful fats and sugars, which is a good start in the process of gaining muscle mass.

Daily routine is the key to success

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass (see menu below) requires a precise daily routine so that the body can get used to eating food at certain times. Below is the most balanced meal plan for beginner bodybuilders.

08:00 - Get up. Can be done gymnastic exercises or go to morning jog. This procedure will help the body and muscles wake up and tone them.

08:30 - Breakfast. The first meal is very important. Under no circumstances should it be ignored. A future bodybuilder definitely needs a hearty breakfast.

11:00 - Lunch. Snacks are just as important as main meals. It is at this stage that a person stores up energy for the whole day, which is then quickly used up.

14:00 - Lunch. Also an important point in the meal routine. It is after lunch that all the most important things come into the body. important elements for building muscle mass.

16:00 - Pre-workout snack. This meal should not be heavy, as exercising on a heavy stomach is not very beneficial.

18:30 - Light snack.

19:00 - Dinner. You shouldn't eat a lot of heavy food for dinner.

21:00 - Snack before bed.

This simple eating routine will allow you to gain muscle mass in a short time.

How many times a day should you eat?

Let's start with the fact that the usual three meals a day of ordinary people will not suit a real athlete. Too much time passes between breakfast, lunch and dinner. A large pile of muscle will require regular fueling. This is why in-between snacks are so important. It is better to eat little, but more often.

When an athlete feels hungry, this is the first sign of an energy hunger strike, which will not lead to good. If your strength level drops, the hormone cortisol is produced. Its purpose is to convert accumulated reserves into energy. And it will first get into the muscles. That is, during hunger, muscle mass is burned due to the action of the hormone. Everything that was achieved with such difficulty in gyms, will disappear. Therefore, for an athlete gaining muscle mass, it is so important to remember the meal schedule and the role of nutrition for further pumping up the body.

Breakfast of a real bodybuilder

Breakfast is perhaps the most important of all meals. It is at this stage that the body needs fresh strength for the next working day. The first meal of a jock should consist of protein. For effective recruitment the body will need more muscle mass complex carbohydrates(ratio approximately 30% to 70%).

Ideally, breakfast should look something like this:

1. After getting up, immediately eat some fast carbohydrates. The best and healthiest option would be a glass of fresh juice. Is he not there? A cup of tea and bread and butter will also do.

2. If you are too lazy to do it morning exercises, then you can start preparing the main breakfast. At the second stage, they take proteins - fried eggs with bread.

3. There is little left - take complex carbohydrates. It’s better to eat a little, as there will be a snack ahead.

Fast carbohydrates

Breakfast must include fast carbohydrates. These substances are rapidly absorbed into the blood (the process begins in the mouth) and sharply increase sugar levels. Such food will help you quickly recover from sleep and awaken your body. Fast carbohydrates are found in baked goods, chocolate, ice cream, juice, fruit, jam and honey.

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates should be present in a bodybuilder's breakfast to maintain the same blood sugar levels for the long term. To avoid feeling hungry for several hours, you should eat porridge for breakfast. The best choice is oatmeal, which is very beneficial for the stomach and intestines.



There was so much talk: “Protein is a panacea for bodybuilders, muscles grow by leaps and bounds.” All these headlines were just good advertising. But what is protein? It's just protein. Protein is only included in the complex for building muscle mass, which involves exhausting training, healthy sleep and nutrition. Proteins for mass are useless without the above factors.

How to take protein

This protein should also be taken according to the method. If you eat your daily dose of protein in one sitting, no good will come of it. It should be taken throughout the day in moderate portions. Protein is included in sports nutrition. Reviews advise taking up to 2 grams of this substance per 1 kg of weight.

Even in the morning, in order to quickly get rid of the muscle-destroying hormone, you need to take a dose of fast whey protein, which will deliver the required amount of protein to the body.

If work or study does not allow you to eat 5-6 times a day, then taking the same fast protein will be mandatory for gaining muscle mass.

Do not forget about taking it before and after training, since it is at this time that the body needs additional strength.

Comprehensive protein intake with different levels absorption will constantly maintain the content of all necessary substances in the blood, which will certainly lead to a gain of muscle mass.

A word about water

Often, when we talk about training and sports nutrition, protein, meat, and so on pop up in our thoughts. In fact, no organism can function normally without water. Taking protein and carbohydrates will not pump up muscles if there is not enough water. Hidden dehydration is one of the main reasons for prolonged muscle growth. A bodybuilder is required to take about 3.5 liters of water per day, since a large amount of fluid is lost during training, and sometimes it is not enough for the normal functioning of the body.

How to find out if there is hidden dehydration in the body

The method is very simple: you need to drink three cups of water in a row; if after this amount of water a person does not go to the toilet for an hour and a half, then this is a clear sign of hidden dehydration.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass (the menu should be drawn up taking into account the above recommendations) is very important. Only with proper nutrition can a bodybuilder achieve success in his business.

So, you have come to the realization that you are not entirely happy with your body - you need to gain some weight, this muscle group is lagging behind, or appearance leaves much to be desired, and it would be nice to increase the “meat”.

Congratulations - this is already a good start! The goal has been set, and the way out is to gain muscle mass.

But here’s the problem: there isn’t much money. But I want a lot... However, you shouldn’t immediately lose heart and doom yourself to be a scumbag forever and ever. There is always an interchangeable alternative, which will be discussed in this nutrition program.

Main components of weight gain:

  • Eating for a calorie surplus (that is, more calories should be received than consumed during the day). Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates (buckwheat is the head of everything!), meat (beef, breast) and fish, dairy products (cottage cheese!), bananas and vegetables.
  • Competently composed training process. The number of repetitions should be 8-12 (read more). Also, don’t forget about periodization of loads (you can’t work only to increase weight all the time!). To do this, you can take a couple of personal training sessions (especially important if you are new to the gym and have not completely mastered the exercise technique - this will reduce the risk of injury, instead of the desired result).
  • You should pay attention to nutrition before and after training (you need to eat immediately after the training session)
  • Meals for the night - the best option will be consuming cottage cheese, since it contains 50% casein proteins, which will provide nutrition to the muscles for a longer time (that is, while you are regaining your strength)
  • Recovery and regimen.
  • Water balance. Sufficient intake of water into the body will have a positive effect on muscle mass gain.

If you are also an ectomorph, then you need to remember that:

  • Gaining muscle mass can be slow, so be patient. And food. Lots of food.
  • You should eat often, and you should not allow yourself to feel hungry.
  • A specific training scheme (training time should not exceed 60 minutes, number of repetitions 6-8)
  • You should categorically refuse cardio exercises (You don’t want to “waste” the necessary calories?)
  • And it’s better not to be nervous, to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Otherwise, there will be an increased production of the stress hormone - cortisol and all efforts, roughly speaking, will be down the drain.

Now let's look specifically at nutrition. So, what products will make up the “basic” set in a crisis?

  • Buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, oatmeal, pasta
  • Chicken breast, thighs
  • Cottage cheese, milk, kefir, Russian cheese
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli, green beans (as a source of fiber)

As you can see, all products are available and inexpensive. We will look at diet options below.

Regarding sports nutrition, then it is worth noting that this is not at all necessary. The same protein or gainer is used as a dietary supplement (!) to the main diet in case of a lack of any nutrients or calories. Therefore, spending on sports nutrition is not always necessary.

Anabolism and quality set to everyone!

It is impossible to achieve a powerful and pumped-up body without decent muscle mass, which requires a properly and well-formulated diet to gain. Training that shapes the muscles is also important, but they are useless if there is no “material” for the work.

Those who want to have good muscle mass should always start by building a carefully calibrated menu, which must completely coincide with the assigned tasks and goals. This can be done by having a clear understanding of the basics of nutrition for weight gain and exactly what foods should be included in such a diet.

Based on four basic principles. They give a clear idea of ​​what the menu should be for an athlete who wants to gain muscle.

Meal frequency

In order for muscle mass to grow, a person needs to eat. Together with products, a person receives energy and substances, thanks to which all vital metabolic processes are carried out, tissues receive material for development and expansion.

Gaining muscle mass occurs only when three essential nutrients are present in the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. If they are not supplied with food at a certain time, the muscles simply stop growing, which, of course, is a serious problem for the athlete.

For an ordinary person who is not trying to get bigger, it is enough to eat three times a day. This routine is not suitable for a bodybuilder, since long pauses between meals create a nutrient deficiency. He needs to eat with breaks of no more than 3 hours, that is, adhere to five or six meals a day.

This mode allows the body not only to digest food more easily, but also to receive all the necessary nutrients for uninterrupted work on building muscle tissue.

Calorie content of food

The fundamental principle of building good muscle mass is that you must always clearly know how many calories you consume per day. Otherwise, you will never be able to achieve your intended goal.

Muscles only grow when the body receives calories. Not all of them are used to build tissues. Only a certain part is spent on this process. Therefore, the energy value of incoming food should always exceed the number of calories burned.

Harmony of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

A carefully calibrated ratio of nutrients allows you to accurately build a diet for mass gain:

  • Squirrels. Their number varies between 30 and 35%.
  • Fats. Should make up 10-20% of the diet, with preference given walnut, sea ​​fish, fish oil, fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  • Carbohydrates. They make up the majority of the menu, varying between 50 and 60%.

The presence of a “window” of 5-10% implies that the exact ratio of BJU should be determined and adjusted individually, depending on the characteristics of the body and goals.

Water and its quantity

Gaining good muscle mass is impossible for those who do not pay attention to water - the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture in the body. A deficiency is fraught with a lack of progress in the task assigned to the athlete. Optimal daily norm for those who build muscle, it is considered from two to four liters. The exact amount is determined by the weight of the athlete.

You should not drink while eating. This creates an obstacle to the natural process of digestion and absorption of nutrients, preventing digestive system work one hundred percent. Water is best consumed between meals.

Before training starts

It is better not to eat before class, but at least two hours before it. Preference should be given to products that contain complex carbohydrates. They provide a great boost of energy to ensure an effective and efficient workout.

You can eat a portion of pasta, porridge, as well as vegetables and fruits. A protein-carbohydrate mixture will not cause any harm. You can drink it about half an hour before training.

After completing training

You should not neglect eating after exercise. This time is most favorable for the absorption of all nutrients necessary for building muscle mass, and in the greatest quantities.

Immediately after class, it is permissible to either consume a serving of gainer or eat two bananas. A full meal should be after 40 minutes and consist mainly of proteins and slow carbohydrates.

What foods should be included in the menu for muscle growth?

Nutrition should consist not only of foods that are well absorbed by the body, but also healthy products, which contain the necessary nutrients. Cereals such as semolina, buckwheat, rice, as well as oatmeal and potatoes are rich in carbohydrates. Mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon contain a lot of fat.

There is a clear gradation of products based on the high content of a particular nutrient:

Carbohydrate-rich foods

  • bread (black);
  • flakes;
  • noodles;
  • muesli;
  • porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat, millet, corn);
  • pasta;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • peanut;
  • potato;
  • apricot seeds.

Products containing protein

  • peas;
  • eggs;
  • walnuts;
  • beans;
  • boiled fish;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • poultry meat;
  • fried fish;
  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • caviar;
  • semolina porridge;
  • mutton;
  • sausages;
  • boiled sausage;
  • beans;
  • beef meat.

High fat foods

  • sardines;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon;
  • red meat;
  • ghee;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • chips;
  • cream;
  • salo;
  • walnuts;
  • crackers;
  • cake;
  • chocolate;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sausage;
  • bakery products;

Based on this information, creating a diet is not difficult. The main thing is to maintain the ratio of nutrients.

Building muscle mass: main stages

In order for muscles to increase in mass, it is necessary to understand that this process takes place in a certain sequence. If you follow each step exactly, the result will not take long to arrive:

  1. When starting to train, you must immediately take vitamins, amino acids, and microelements.
  2. Next, they introduce a variety of specialized nutritional supplements into their usual diet, and supplement the main dishes with protein.
  3. Then start drinking gainers. This needs to be done gradually. First, use a mixture with a small concentration of protein, and then increase it.
  4. After three months, gainers are replaced with carbohydrates and proteins.
  5. Once you have achieved a significant increase in muscle mass, you should start using fat burners. They are accepted within a few weeks.

Tips from experienced bodybuilders for building muscle mass

Experienced bodybuilders have extensive experience in how to build muscle. If we analyze what recommendations they give, then success in achieving the athlete’s goal of gaining good muscle mass is as follows:

  1. Good appetite. You need to eat a lot, but not everything. A correctly and competently designed strategy for increasing muscles is that it is necessary to eat much more than the athlete can spend during the day, including taking into account the fact that a certain number of calories are spent on normal metabolism.
  2. The best exercises. For training, it is recommended to choose only those that have proven themselves with positive side and bring real results - deadlift, squats, bench press, and curls with a barbell in hand.
  3. Progress. Staying at one weight for a long time, if you need to increase it, is not recommended. You should always strive for the desired weight by training a lot and hard, and eating right.
  4. Be careful with heavy lifting. In order not to get injured or harm the body, you need to take only the weight that you really can handle. Otherwise, you may be out of commission for several months.
  5. A complete and good rest. Lack of recovery slows down the process of gaining weight. The body should always be given a good rest, sleep is especially beneficial.
  6. Don't sit idle, but work in training. You shouldn't cut yourself any slack. IN gym you need to work hard and hard. Breaks between individual approaches should never exceed more than three minutes. This is quite enough to gain strength for the next set. When starting training, you need to be prepared for a fruitful and effective lesson.

Summing up

So, to build muscle mass, you should remember the following important points:

  • training only partially determines success;
  • a balanced diet is required;
  • you cannot neglect your own health in pursuit of a goal;
  • recovery and rest are an integral part of the muscle building process;
  • never be lazy in training.

If these points are met, then the result is guaranteed.


What diet to follow and how to choose foods when gaining muscle mass.

Growing muscles improves a person's appearance, which is why nutrition to gain muscle mass is becoming increasingly popular. Women, by building muscle, remain thin, but gain tone and elasticity. Men become stronger, bigger and more athletic.

Muscle cells (myocytes) actively participate in metabolism, improve insulin control, and help burn more calories. Mass training combined with proper nutrition protect against sarcopenia - loss of myocytes with age. With a sedentary lifestyle, muscle fibers break down and are replaced by fat.

How do muscles respond to calories? How many of them do you need?

When you reduce calories, you risk losing muscle mass and slowing your metabolism. The study found that non-workout diets burned the same amount of fat and muscle. As a result, the percentage of body fat may even increase.

To gain 0.5 kg of muscle you will need 2800 calories mainly due to protein, but taking into account physical activity. Contractile proteins and fluid (sarcoplasm) in muscle fibers fall apart and rebuild every 7-15 days. Training changes protein metabolism and affects the type and amount of fiber produced. But truly overworked muscles are able to grow even during fasting, drawing energy from fat reserves. Adequate nutrition for weight increases the body's response to stress.

Nutrition principles for muscle growth

The formation of new muscle fibers is based on foods high in proteins, carbohydrates and calories. However, the menu for the set should not include sausages, fast food and sweets.

For example, to prepare for a role, Hollywood actors base their diet on:

To gain lean mass, you need to understand that the body requires carbohydrates during exercise. If you go to the gym in the morning, you should eat starchy foods before and after training, and then reduce their consumption in the evening.

Low carbohydrate diet and high level Lean protein helps protect blood vessels with antioxidants, speeds up the rate of cell division, and reduces inflammation.

Glycogen is a form of storage of carbohydrates in muscle fibers, the amount of this energy reserve affects anabolism. Thus, it is necessary to eat more carbohydrates than are burned during the day's activity and training.

Protein should be 30-40% diet:

  • muscles consist of protein and water;
  • it promotes recovery after a hard workout;
  • daily consumption ranges from 100 to 300 g for a weight of 50-100 kg;
  • consuming excess protein (from 3 g per kg of weight) does not accelerate weight gain;
  • consuming less than 1.5 g per kilogram of body slows down muscle growth.

Carbohydrates should be 40-60% from caloric intake:

  • to grow, you need to increase the weight of the equipment during training, and carbohydrates are needed for energy;
  • if they are deficient, the body will burn incoming protein or muscle, which will make mass gain impossible;
  • reducing their amount in the menu causes lethargy, fatigue and reduces interest in training.

Fats should be 10-20% diet:

  • they are necessary for the production of hormones;
  • When eating lean meat and dairy products, fats must be added using vegetable oils.

The starting ratio of BJU in the diet should be 40/20/40 (for ectomorphs, a greater bias towards carbohydrates is possible), while the energy value will be in the range of 2000-4000 kcal.

However, there is no perfect formula, and adjustments discovered through experience must be used:

  • in the absence of a set, we increase calorie content by 10% due to protein and carbohydrates;
  • when gaining fat, you need to reduce the proportion of carbohydrates to 30% and fats to 10%;
  • if you lack energy, you can increase the amount of carbohydrates up to 60%, reducing the amount of proteins and fats.

It is necessary to constantly adjust the nutrition program to gain muscle mass, choosing a “working” ratio.

Product selection

Foods for gaining muscle mass include not only proteins:

  • Lean beef, chicken fillet, veal. Cattle meat contains a lot of conjugated linoleic acid, which helps burn fat and build muscle.
  • Beet acts as a source of betaine, which improves liver function and joint regeneration, increases strength and endurance, increasing the level of nitric oxide.
  • Buckwheat refers to slow carbohydrates, increases the level of growth hormone, promoting the gain of pure mass.
  • refers to fruits that help maintain acid-base balance in the body and ensure muscle growth.
  • Cottage cheese rich in casein, which nourishes muscles during sleep (if taken in the evening) and helps avoid severe hunger when burning fat.
  • Eggs stimulate muscle strength with the help of protein and yolk, the cholesterol in which, contrary to popular belief, is not associated with atherosclerosis.
  • Milk combines whey and casein, rich in glutamine. Whole milk (not store-bought) provides 70% more beneficial omega-3 acids.
  • Millet cereal contains up to 12 g of protein per 100 g, and also increases the level of insulin-like growth factor (igf-1), important for building strength, and protects against toxins. Pearl barley has antibacterial properties, improves metabolism. Both grains do not contain gluten, unlike oats.
  • Spinach is a source of glutamine for muscle growth.
  • Apples and cherries with the help of polyphenols they reduce muscle fatigue and sore throat.
  • Homemade yogurt without sugar contains up to 10 g of protein per 100 g and less carbohydrates, ideal for snacking.
  • Legumes(beans, chickpeas and lentils) contain vegetable protein, which replenishes amino acid reserves.
  • Sprouted wheat includes zinc, iron, selenium, potassium and B vitamins, fiber, arginine and glutamine.

Diet for gaining muscle mass

The key to growth - meals every 2-3 hours. You need to plan up to six meals per day, balanced in composition. For example:

  • First: 2 boiled eggs + 6 egg whites, oatmeal (buckwheat) - 100 g of cereal, a spoonful of honey, banana.
  • Second: 150 g boiled chicken fillet, 40 g low-fat cheese, cucumber and tomato, whole grain bread with peanut butter or a handful of nuts.
  • Third: durum wheat pasta (100 g), steamed cutlets (200 g), sauce based on tomatoes, garlic and herbs.
  • Fourth: stewed chicken fillet (150 g), lentils or beans (200 g), cabbage salad with cucumber.
  • Fifth (post-workout): protein powder shake, half a liter of milk, 1-2 bananas.
  • Sixth: baked fish, green beans and beet salad with garlic and walnuts.

Such a weight gain diet for men will provide a calorie content of around 3300 kcal due to 300 g of protein, 400 g of carbohydrates and 60 g of fat.

Is it possible to make mass gain more accessible?

  • Protein foods are more expensive than carbohydrate foods. The most affordable products for bodybuilding remain chicken, eggs and cottage cheese. For a day you will need approximately 500 g of chicken breasts, 400 g of homemade cottage cheese with a fat content of less than 5%, 10 eggs, 50 g of low-fat cheese.
  • Cabbage remains the cheapest source of fiber.
  • Beets are a healthy starchy carbohydrate with a low glycemic index in its raw form, organic acids and minerals.
  • Oatmeal is one of the cheapest sources of carbohydrates; it can be alternated with buckwheat and rice.
  • Nuts can be used as fats linseed oil and raw seeds.
  • Bananas and apples with added milk will become components of protein shakes.
  • You shouldn’t skimp on protein powders when choosing egg ones - they cost no less than fresh eggs, and the benefits are much higher.

In a budget diet for gaining muscle mass, it is worth including a complex protein in order to meet the missing protein requirement.