Creatine monohydrate method of application. Creatine Monohydrate (creatine): side effects, use, reviews

Let's look at what creatine monohydrate is. Creatine is a carboxylic acid that contains nitrogen. Creatine carries out energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. It is a substance of natural origin, therefore it does not pose any danger to the human body. It is actively used as a dietary supplement by many bodybuilders, weightlifters, and powerlifters. Creatine improves muscle growth and increases endurance during training.
For the natural synthesis of this substance, the body requires amino acids: glycine, methionine and arginine. The average amount of creatine contained in the human body is 120 grams. It is necessary for everyday physical activity. During the day, the body uses approximately 2 grams of the substance for its needs.

Remember the most important thing: creatine monohydrate will not help you gain weight, it will help you increase your strength in exercises, which in turn will lead to growth muscle mass
Physical activity and intense training increase the consumption of creatine, so its supply must be constantly replenished due to the internal synthesis of this substance and intake building material in the form of proteins in food.

Creatine monohydrate is a natural substance that is converted in the human body into creatine phosphate. Creatine phosphate helps produce the substance adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP supplies the energy needed for muscle contraction.

The human body can produce some creatine itself, and can also obtain creatine from foods (for example, red meat or fatty fish). But the creatine content in foods may decrease during cooking.
A creatine monohydrate supplement is a product that contains a very pure form of creatine and is often taken pre/post workout with other supplements like whey protein or on its own.

Creatine monohydrate is the most effective and popular form of creatine used by athletes to increase muscle mass, strength and endurance.

How does creatine monohydrate work?

To understand how creatine monohydrate works, you first need to know what ATP is and what this substance does. ATP is the immediate source of energy needed for muscle contractions. Muscle fibers contain reserves of ATP sufficient for only a couple of contractions; additional ATP is “drawn” from the body’s reserves. Creatine monohydrate is converted to creatine phosphate in the human body, maintaining ATP reserves in the body.
How does this manifest itself in real life? Having greater ATP stores can help you lift heavier weights and do more reps, providing your muscles with the amount of quickly converted energy they need for peak performance. You've heard about this often. This was called "explosive energy, explosive force."

ATP is a source of energy that is necessary for muscle contractions. Muscle fibers contain reserves of ATP sufficient only for a couple of contractions; the rest is drawn from the body's reserves.

How does creatine affect muscles?

Creatine retains water in the muscles, that is, it accumulates it. And since muscles are almost 75% water, with such accumulation they visually increase. Your biceps become voluminous and pumped.

As for protein, thanks to creatine it is synthesized faster and delivered to the muscles. In addition, creatine helps the human body recover better and faster after active training.

Creatine also prevents the process of catabolism - muscle breakdown at night, when the body is resting.
Interesting to know! A study was conducted at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada) where one group of people was given creatine and the other a placebo. Then the experiment participants were given the task: to train muscle group one hand separately 2 times a week. After 6 weeks, the scientists compared the results, and it turned out that in the group that took creatine, the size of the trained arm increased significantly, but the participants in the second group could boast of a barely noticeable result.

Positive influence

Achieving high results in sports (especially in power types) is impossible without an appropriate supply of energy to the body obtained from ATP (adenosine triphosphate). All sources of organic fuel are first converted into this compound, which, when broken down, supplies the body with energy. Creatine is a direct participant in the production of ATP.
This is why an athlete needs to involve additional creatine monohydrate in energy processes. Regular use of drugs containing creatine by athletes is accompanied by the following effects:

  1. Increased strength. For bodybuilders and powerlifters, the need for ATP during training increases hundreds of times. Muscle contractions in athletes occur at the peak of possible intensity, so the cells require additional sources of energy, which creatine provides them with.
  2. Increased muscle mass. Taking creatine monohydrate together with systematic training and special high-calorie sports nutrition can provide athletes with a weight gain of up to 5 kg monthly.
  3. Relief formation. Creatine monohydrate, stored in muscle tissue, attracts more liquids. Well hydrated muscle fibers look more rounded and embossed. This effect is especially noticeable in the abdominal muscles. In addition, creatine prevents protein breakdown and promotes its regeneration.
  4. Increased internal secretion of testosterone and somatotropin - anabolic hormones.
  5. Partial neutralization of lactic acid, which contributes to the rapid rehabilitation of athletes after intensive training and docks painful sensations in muscles after strength exercise.
  6. Anti-inflammatory effect in arthritis.
  7. Reduced risk of ischemic diseases due to improved oxygen supply.

Side effects of creatine monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is a generally safe substance that may cause side effects only in 4% of cases. All adverse reactions of creatine are reversible and are often caused not by the compound itself, but by the components included in creatine preparations.

Another reason for possible side effects may be the use of creatine in excessive amounts beyond the recommended amount.
Side effects of creatine include:

  • Swelling due to water retention in the muscles;
  • Dehydration associated with partial dehydration (the bulk of the fluid accumulates in the muscles, causing an outflow of water from other parts of the body);
  • Indigestion (gastrointestinal distress) - a reaction occurs when the dosage is increased;
  • Convulsions (occur very rarely).

Types of Creatine

  • Creatine monohydrate is popular among athletes who want to increase their muscle mass.
  • Crealkaline - a mixture of pure creatine and alkali, helps neutralize the acidic environment in the stomach.
  • Creatine ethyl ester is a combination of creatine and ester (creatine ethyl ester). Easily dissolves in fats thanks to the ester in the composition.
  • Creatine anhydrous is simple creatine from which water molecules have been separated.
  • Creatine phosphate - this form appeared at the same time as the substance creatine monohydrate. The right combination of creatine and phosphate molecules allows you to neutralize the effect of lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue.
  • Creatine citrate is a form in which citric acid molecules are added to creatine molecules. It perfectly saturates the muscles with energy.
  • Creatine tartrate is a form in which the molecules of creatine and tartaric acid interact.

On the modern market there are various types creatine: creatine monohydrate, crealkaline, creatine ethyl ester, creatine anhydrous, creatine phosphate, creatine citrate, creatine tartrate.

Not all types of creatine are listed here, but only the most popular ones. It is also worth noting that athletes most often use creatine monohydrate, as it is most effective in increasing endurance and increasing muscle mass.

Interesting to know! The sports nutrition market today offers about two dozen types of creatine, but monohydrate is the most optimal type among the rest. It is not destroyed in water or in the stomach, is well absorbed and settles directly in the muscles.


Let's figure out how to take creatine monohydrate.
Creatine can be taken on an ongoing basis, but it is more advisable to use it in the form of a course lasting 2 months and a recovery period lasting a month.
IN training days Creatine is recommended to be taken 5-10 g daily, before and after training, taken together protein shake or amino acids (in an amount of at least 5 g). On days without exercise, it is recommended to take the drug in the morning at the same dosage.

  • We take a jar of creatine, no matter what brand (you will find the rating below)
  • Pour plain water into a glass. Better, of course, not tap water, but something from a bottle.

Also, instead of water, you can take any drink with a high sugar content (Pepsi or Coca-Cola): sugar speeds up the absorption of creatine

  • Take 5-10 grams of creatine powder and pour into water
  • Mix thoroughly, very thoroughly.
  • And we drink. We do all this 15-20 minutes before training and immediately after

Taking creatine is quite simple, you just need to dilute the powder in water or a sweet drink and drink it.

Creatine dosage and administration methods

Method No. 1. With loading

In this method, creatine is taken in courses that consist of two periods/stages.
Loading period:
In the first week, 5 grams of keratin are taken in between meals (four times a day). On training days, one of the servings must be taken immediately after training (read below for the reasons for this).
Maintenance period:
The rest of the time, creatine is taken 5 g per day. On training days – at the end of training. And on rest days - in the morning.
An individual approach is also possible. If for some reason standard doses are not suitable for you, you can use the formula for calculating the dosage of creatine, which is as follows:

  • 300 mg/kg body weight during loading period
  • 30mg/kg body weight during maintenance period

Method No. 2. Without loading

In this technique, the emphasis is on a uniform, stable intake of creatine.
Creatine is taken once a day, 5-6 grams. As in the first method, on rest days it is recommended to take it in the morning, on an empty stomach, and on training days, immediately after training.
If you take creatine, then (when using any of the methods) it is recommended to dilute it with sweet juice, add creatine to your portion of a gainer, or other sports supplement that you take. This will help improve the absorption of creatine by your muscle tissue and enhance its effect.
If you prefer the capsulated form, simply take creatine capsules in the dosage corresponding to the method, washing it down the same way as powdered form - with juice, or take the capsules immediately after taking your sports supplements.

When is the best time to take creatine?

The time of taking any medicine or dietary supplement is, in most cases, very important nuance which has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the drug taken. Creatine is no exception.

When is the best time to take creatine, according to experts?

Training days
Despite popular recommendation, taking creatine immediately before exercise is far from optimal. This is due to the fact that:

  • the body before training is much less “predisposed” to transport creatine into muscle fibers, since the energy balance in them is already normal.
  • Creatine, due to the peculiarities of its principle of action, causes dehydration, that is, the removal of certain volumes of fluid from the body, which in no way contributes to high-quality training and harms, to a large extent, the cardiovascular system.

The same arguments make it inadvisable to take creatine during training.
The optimal, according to all studies and personal observations of athletes, is to take it immediately after training. At this time, the state of skeletal muscles contributes to the most complete absorption of the supplement.
Rest days
On rest days, taking creatine is not limited in time, but experts still recommend taking it in the first part of the day, and preferably in the morning.

Duration of the course

The course of taking the drug can last up to one and a half to two months, after which it is advisable to take a break.
This need is due to the fact that, despite the absence of any harmful effects, taking creatine on a regular basis does not bring benefits, and with long-term use of creatine without breaks, the body may become immune to the drug.
Relationship between creatine intake and food intake
Although creatine generally does not have any dietary antagonists, it is still worth taking between meals. This is due to the fact that creatine is usually taken in combination with the so-called “ transport systems» (this includes various types of sports nutrition, carbohydrate-containing drinks, etc.)

When and why should you not take creatine?

Creatine is considered one of the most harmless nutritional supplements sporting nature on the market. But in rare cases, its use can cause discomfort such as dizziness, diarrhea and nausea.
The restrictions on the audience for taking this drug are very minor:

  • Creatine, like most types of sports nutrition, is not recommended for children and pregnant women.
  • Also not recommended for allergy sufferers.
  • According to some reports, it can cause exacerbation of asthmatic syndrome, so it is not recommended for use by people with this disease.

Creatine is contraindicated for use by children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.

If you are absolutely healthy and are part of the creatine intake audience, but are experiencing any side effects– try experimenting with the dosage and release form, as well as varieties.
For any serious side effects, be sure to consult a physician.

Release forms and types of creatine

Creatine is available in two forms on the market: powder form and capsules.
Capsules are more expensive due to the extremely complex production technology, but they are also more convenient for taking outside the home.
Powder, on the contrary, is cheaper, but, as you understand, it must be dissolved before use, which is not always convenient (especially if you are away from home).
However, this is where the differences end. The principle of action for both forms is similar.


Today there are approximately 20 varieties of creatine. Despite this enormous abundance, the most popular forms of creatine are creatine monohydrate and creatine hydrochloride.
The leader in popularity on the market is creatine monohydrate. Its effectiveness and efficiency have long been proven and have many confirmations in the form of scientific research.

Creatine hydrochloride, in turn, is one of the newest developments that claims to have more high quality and efficiency. However, these data have not yet been confirmed by official studies.

In general, as with any sports supplement, you need to choose what best suits your body.

How to take creatine monohydrate?

How to take creatine powder correctly? Creatine monohydrate in powder form should be taken by diluting it in liquids.
Below is a sequential instruction:

  • Measure out the required dose of creatine using the included measuring container, or using a regular teaspoon (a heaped teaspoon holds approximately 5 grams of creatine powder, which is equal to a standard single dose)
  • Dilute a measured dose of keratin in one liter of liquid
  • Stir the liquid thoroughly until the creatine monohydrate crystals are completely dissolved. If the container allows, you can stir the liquid with repeated shaking.
  • Drink the resulting solution.

It’s easy to prepare the solution, but you shouldn’t stock it up, because... it is not characterized by long-term storage, it loses its properties.

A few additional tips:

  • Do not leave creatine in a diluted state for a long time - creatine begins to decompose already at the moment of preparing the solution, so it is important to prepare it immediately before taking it.
  • As a liquid for dissolving creatine monohydrate powder, you can use water, juice or an energy drink with dissolved electrolytes. You can also add creatine to multi-ingredient sports shakes.
  • Drink plenty of fluids after taking creatine. The effect of creatine is also associated with the absorption of liquids, so it is important to drink a large amount of liquid after taking the main solution.
  • You can, without any worries, eat your usual foods, since creatine, as proven by many studies, has no dietary antagonists.
  • To avoid unwanted effects, you should not drink strong coffee or alcohol after taking creatine.

How to take creatine capsules?

The principle of administration of creatine capsules is similar to creatine powder. The main difference is that it is significantly more convenient for reception outside the home. For example, taking a package of your favorite juice to the gym, you can drink a certain number of capsules (according to the dosage you choose) and immediately wash them down with the juice. Or take the capsules while taking your protein shake or gainer solution.

Instead of an afterword

Sports nutrition allows people of all age groups to stay in shape with a minimum of effort, but it is worth remembering that any medications, nutritional supplements and other substances coming from outside can harm our body.

You should always choose creatine responsibly. This is especially true for people who have any diseases and need constant medical support.
If you belong to this category of people, be sure to consult your doctor. This is necessary to determine the feasibility and safety of taking creatine in your particular case. And about the compatibility of this supplement with your medications. Your doctor will also help you determine the required dosage and regimen for taking creatine.
We should not forget about strict adherence to dosages, since any drug or dietary supplement in large doses ceases to be beneficial, and in most cases, even the opposite: it begins to cause harm to the body.

Creatine in capsules is just a convenient form of administration, you can always take it with you, but the main thing is to wash it down with enough water.

At what age can you take creatine?

It is worth noting that scientists have not conducted research on the effects of creatine on children’s and adolescents’ bodies, and every trainer should remember this. But in theory, creatine is a natural protein substance, so people can consume it at any age.
Even under the Soviet Union, children were given creatine from the age of 9, however young athletes 9-12 years old should take only half the adult dose. The introduction of creatine into a child's diet should be done with caution, since neither bones nor internal organs in children are not yet fully formed.
Athletes taking creatine receive an extra dose of energy to improve their performance. Older people who lead an active lifestyle, thanks to creatine, forget their biological age, as they feel younger.

Can diabetics, pregnant women and allergy sufferers take creatine?

As mentioned above, creatine is a food grade protein supplement, which can be used by almost everyone, without age restrictions.
Should people with diabetes worry? According to doctors, nutritionists and athletes themselves, creatine is completely harmless for diabetics, provided that it is consumed without glucose. Not long ago, scientists conducted research and proved that creatine stimulates the production of insulin, which means it can help patients with diabetes. You just need to regularly monitor your blood glucose levels, as it may happen that you have to reduce your insulin dose.
But doctors do not recommend that pregnant women take creatine. Although studies in this regard have not been conducted, experts argue their refusal by the fact that the kidneys of pregnant women are already subject to increased stress. Moreover, to the expectant mother Large physical exertion is prohibited, which means the need for creatine is reduced to zero.
Allergy sufferers are allowed to take creatine. There is only a small percentage of people who are allergic to creatine. As usual, people with allergies should avoid taking the supplement.

Which creatine is best to buy?

  1. SuperPump (manufactured by Gaspari Nutrition);
  2. naNo Vapor (manufactured by MuscleTech);
  3. NO-XPLODE Creatine (BSN);
  4. CM2 Alpha (from SAN manufacturer);
  5. Xpand (from Dymatize);
  6. Lava (from Universal Nutrition);
  7. Hardcore Musclebuilding Stack (manufactured by MuscleTech);
  8. GlycerGrow (manufactured by Controlled Labs);
  9. Storm (manufactured by Universal Nutrition);
  10. JetFUSE NOX (from German American Technologies).

The choice of a particular drug, the method of its use and dosage depend on the individual qualities of the athlete, his sports tasks and goals. Before using any drugs, it would be a good idea to consult with a trainer and a medical specialist.
Frequently Asked Questions

When creatine monohydrate was just gaining popularity as a sports supplement, many manufacturers recommended “loading” their product for 5-7 days in order to saturate the muscles with creatine and thereby accelerate the appearance of results. This theory has not been verified by any research and now most manufacturers recommend simply consuming 3-5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day.

What is Creapure® Creatine Monohydrate?

Creapure® is recognized as the “gold standard” among creatine monohydrate manufacturers. Creapure® is a branded creatine monohydrate manufactured in Germany and you can find it in hundreds of creatine products sold worldwide. Finding out if your powder or capsules contain Creapure® Creatine Monohydrate is easy - just search for “Creapure®” in the product description.

Creapure® is the gold standard among creatine monohydrate manufacturers.

What is Micronized Creatine Monohydrate?

As the name suggests, micronized creatine monohydrate is just regular creatine monohydrate, but micronized. Micronization is the process of grinding powder particles to ultra-fine sizes, such particles are usually 20 times smaller than ordinary powder particles. This means that creatine will dissolve in liquids faster and, in theory, be easier for the body to absorb. If you've ever tried non-micronized creatine, you know that there is quite a bit of "grit" left at the bottom of the glass or shaker. This is not dissolved creatine. The creatine that the body needs, that should have ended up in the body, not at the bottom of the cup.
Nowadays, the majority of creatine monohydrate produced is available in micronized form. It is recommended to use a micronized product for best results.

Does caffeine affect creatine?

According to Creapure, one of the most respected manufacturers of creatine monohydrate in Germany, large doses of caffeine can impair the results that could be achieved by consuming creatine. But small doses of caffeine, such as those found in coffee and many pre-workout blends, are fine. Here is a quote from their website:
“Consumption of large doses of caffeine (5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day) dampens the performance-enhancing effects of creatine. Small doses of caffeine (contained in 1-2 cups of coffee) have no visible effect on the effect of creatine."

Consuming large amounts of caffeine may impair the functionality of the supplement and reduce the expected results.

Everything you want to know about creatine monohydrate: what it is, how to take it, is it right for you personally, what are the benefits of taking creatine monohydrate and much more.

How does creatine monohydrate work?

To understand how creatine monohydrate works, you must first learn about ATP and its physiological function. ATP is a universal source of instant energy for muscle contraction. The ATP contained in muscle fibers is only enough for a couple of contractions; additional ATP must come from the body’s “reserves”. Creatine monohydrate is converted into creatine phosphate and replenishes strategic ATP reserves.

But what does this mean in practice? With unlimited access to ATP reserves, you can increase your weight and perform more reps. For maximum physical performance, muscles need sources of “fast” energy, and creatine provides them with this energy in full. You've probably heard of this as "explosive energy."

Beneficial properties of creatine monohydrate

Now that you understand how creatine monohydrate works, you can probably already see how taking this nutrient can benefit you. Below we list beneficial properties creatine for those who practice high intensity training (strength training) or engages in sports that require a colossal amount of instant energy (for example, sprinting).

  • Increases muscle mass and strength
  • Increases energy reserves of skeletal muscles
  • Boosts energy production (more sets and reps)
  • Promotes muscle gain
  • Accelerates after training

How to take creatine monohydrate?

The recommended dosage regimen for creatine monohydrate is 3-5 grams per day. There is no consolidated opinion regarding the optimal time of administration. Many people mix creatine with other food additives, for example, with whey protein, Creatine can also be diluted in warm water (this improves solubility), fruit juice or decaffeinated tea. It should be noted that creatine monohydrate must be prepared immediately before use, and creatine powder cannot be diluted in advance.

Long-term scientific studies of creatine monohydrate have not been conducted, and therefore it is usually recommended to take it in courses. For example, the period of taking creatine monohydrate can be 8 weeks followed by a break of 4 weeks.

Side effects

In general, creatine monohydrate is safe, especially when following the recommended dosage regimen, but remember that the rule of thumb with creatine is “less is more.” Increasing the dosage does not mean that the effectiveness of the drug will also increase. Once you replenish your ATP supply, the excess creatine begins to be eliminated (wasted) from the body. And since creatine attracts interstitial fluid into muscle cells, it is important to drink enough water while taking the drug.

People under 18 years of age are not recommended to take creatine. This is explained by the lack of research examining the effects of creatine on the teenage body.

Frequently asked questions

Is Creatine Loading Necessary?

When creatine monohydrate first began to gain popularity, many sports nutrition manufacturers recommended using a creatine “load” for 5-7 days to replenish the muscle with the nutrient and accelerate gains. However, this technique has not been confirmed in scientific works, and today most manufacturers recommend simply taking 3-5 grams of creatine on a daily basis.

What is Creapure® Creatine Monohydrate?

In the sports nutrition industry, Creapure® is considered the “gold standard” of creatine monohydrate supplements. Creapure® is a brand-name creatine monohydrate manufactured in Germany and found in hundreds of creatine products sold worldwide. To find out if your powder or capsules contain Creapure® creatine monohydrate, simply look for the Creapure® label on the product label.

What is micronized creatine monohydrate?

As the name suggests, micronized creatine monohydrate is regular creatine monohydrate powder that has been micronized. Micronization is the process of grinding powder into microscopic particles, the size of which is 20 times smaller than in standard powders. In this form, creatine dissolves much faster in liquids and, in theory, is more easily absorbed by the body. If you have ever used non-micronized creatine, then you know that after diluting the product, there may be some residue left at the bottom of the glass. large number small grains of sand. This is creatine that has not dissolved, and this creatine should be in your body, not at the bottom of the glass.

Today, most creatine supplements contain micronized creatine. We recommend that you always use a micronized product for maximum effectiveness.

Does caffeine affect the effectiveness of creatine monohydrate?

In relation to Creapure, a product of one of the most reputable manufacturers of creatine monohydrate in Germany, high doses may negatively affect the effectiveness of creatine in increasing physical performance. However, lower doses of caffeine found in coffee and pre-workout powders work well with creatine. Here is the information from the manufacturer's official website:

“Taking high doses of caffeine (5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day) neutralizes the ergogenic (performance enhancing) effect of creatine. On the other hand, low doses of caffeine (eg, 1-2 cups of coffee per day) did not have a negative effect on the effectiveness of creatine.

Creatine monohydrate at the moment is one of the most popular means used in bodybuilding. It's no secret that bringing muscles into perfect shape really, only by correctly combining physical activity and appropriate nutrition. Despite the current lack of a clear set of rules and principles for taking creatine, a huge number of athletes still use it, and many manage to achieve success. Let's consider how to use the product without harm to health.

How to take creatine correctly?

New forms of creatine are constantly appearing on the market, and it’s difficult to navigate making the right choice difficult even for an experienced bodybuilder. It is important to remember that taking this drug should not be taken carelessly. Otherwise, the use of creatine monohydrate can cause not only a lack of results in sports, but also health problems.

Regardless of the form of the drug (capsules, powder, solution) in sports nutrition There are two ways to use it:

  1. Creatine without loading. The most optimal method of application. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months.
  2. . Considered an extreme method of application. The intensive course of administration lasts 5-7 days, the remaining 2-3 weeks there is a gradual reduction in creatine use by 2 times.

When starting to take a product based on creatine monohydrate, read all the rules and principles of use.

Today, one of the most effective components of most sports supplements is creatine.

Reception without loading

The usual regimen involves taking 4-5 grams of creatine daily. On training days, the product is taken after exercise along with a protein/amino acid shake, gainer, or can be washed down with a drink with a high sugar content. On days without training, creatine is taken in the morning in the same amount, and washed down with the same means. The course of application is 1-2 months. Then a break is necessarily taken for three to four weeks.

Reception with loading

Taking creatine with loading is tough, however, together with a strict regimen, it is effective and provides high results. When taking a loading regimen, creatine use for the first five days is 5 grams 4 times a day. The product is used in between meals; on training days, one of the doses must take place after the visit. gym. It is advisable to consume creatine together with a protein/amino acid cocktail, as well as a gainer or liquid with a high sugar content.
After 6 days, the dose is reduced to 2 grams, taken once a day. On training days, the drug is taken after classes, and on all other days - in the morning. The course lasts a month. Then there is a break for three to four weeks.

The big plus of creatine monohydrate (and a number of other forms) is that it is completely natural, which is a guarantee of safety for health.

Creatine dosage schedule

According to numerous studies, on training days optimal time The period of use of the product is immediately after leaving the gym. It is then that maximum metabolism occurs, promoting absorption.

  • Taking creatine before training is not recommended. The effectiveness of the drug in this case will be significantly reduced, and, in addition, such a method may lead to difficulties in the form of violation water balance during the training itself;
  • It is also not recommended to use the product during exercise - it can lead to accelerated dehydration of the entire body;
  • On non-training days, the optimal time to consume creatine is in the morning. The point is not so much in the properties of the product, but in the abilities of our body - it is in the morning hours that maximum speed transportation of nutrients throughout the body, this contributes to high speed assimilation.

Before/after meals

It is unlikely that the instructions for use of creatine preparations in the “Method of administration and dosage” section will indicate the specifics of taking creatine in relation to food. There is a lot of controversy on this topic. According to a common misconception, the acidic environment of the stomach can destroy creatinine, and therefore it is better to take the drug before meals - the absorption rate will increase.

Creatine is a real helper in the growth of “lean” muscles

Modern research has confirmed that creatine is not destroyed in acidic environments, and therefore the use of the product is always allowed. Experts generally recommend taking the drug strictly between meals. However, if the rule is sometimes broken, there will be no negative effect.

Duration of taking creatine monohydrate

Creatine is an unusually stable substance and is able to remain in the human body for a long time. That is why, when loading with creatine, all experts advise limiting yourself to five to six days of taking 20 grams per day. Subsequently, subject to completion of a maintenance course high level substances in the muscles will remain for twelve weeks, and only then will they decline.

When taking creatine according to the standard regimen, experts advise limiting it to two months and taking a break. By the end of the period of use, a sufficient amount of the substance has accumulated in the muscles to maintain tone until the start of the next period of use. Even with a reserve.

How long can you take creatine?

Many modern manufacturers They say: “Our products can be used continuously and do not cause any harmful effects.” According to latest research, due to prolonged use of the drug, cellular transporters reduce activity, and as a result, muscles reduce sensitivity to this drug. That is why all athletes are recommended to take breaks of three to four weeks - they will be enough for a complete recovery of the body.

The result of taking creatine is a decrease in lactic acid production and an increase in the rate of muscle fiber recovery

Optimal dosages of creatine

The human body is capable of absorbing up to fifty milligrams of the drug per day. Therefore, taking this drug in quantities of more than seven grams per day is unproductive. The entire remainder of the product will be eliminated in the urine.

A huge number of athletes using the creatine loading method consume twenty grams per day. This dosage should be maintained for up to five days - then the muscles will be filled to capacity with creatine. Next, the drug is taken in small doses in order to maintain concentration.

Is downloading the most efficient? Definitely not. According to research, the end result in both cases will be the same. In the case of loading, the first changes will appear a little earlier, however, by the middle of the course, muscle growth rates in both cases level out.

What is the best way to take the product?

Simply taking creatine is not enough. If used incorrectly, most of the product will be lost and will not give any effect. The problem is the absorption stage - creatine enters muscle cells from plasma. This is best facilitated by the hormone insulin - it has a pronounced anabolic effect, and therefore the muscles under the influence of the drug will be able to accept almost everything without a trace.

The result that creatine provides makes the supplement truly useful and in demand.

Of course, you should not take insulin separately. For the absorption of creatine to be effective, it is enough to stimulate the body, and it will produce insulin in the correct quantities.

Don't forget to use:

  • fast carbohydrates in the amount of 10-20 grams during each meal. Juice and any liquid with sugar are ideal;
  • fast protein in the amount of 20-30 grams. It has similar effects to carbohydrates;
  • amino acids from 5 to 15 grams during each intake session.

Taking monohydrate when drying

Due to the fact that creatine affects water retention in the body, athletes are afraid to take the supplement if the goal is to form body contours. However, it has been established that creatine, when cut, does not increase swelling on the body and does not have a negative effect on muscle definition. Excess liquid comes out naturally after finishing the course of taking creatine.

Who should stop taking creatine?

By analogy with any other drug used by bodybuilders, creatine has an effect not only on the muscles, but on the entire body as a whole. In this regard, there are several categories of people for whom the use of the product is contraindicated.

These include:

  • people with intolerance to this drug, allergies and similar reactions;
  • athletes with chronic kidney disease;
  • athletes with asthma;
  • athletes with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • teenagers. In them, creatine can not only cause even more acne, but also cause improper development and formation of organs.

When purchasing a product based on creatine, you must familiarize yourself with the composition and find out if there are any substances that can cause allergies.

Bottom line

Creatine in capable hands and with the right approach is capable of producing simply amazing results. Remember: the principle “the more the merrier” does not always work, and creatine is clear proof of this. It is better if, at the beginning of the appointment, the client is accompanied and advised by an experienced specialist. The risk of making a mistake and causing a side effect is minimized.

Release creatine, which today leads the list of sports supplements, in powder and capsule form. It is incredibly popular among athletes who want to build muscle mass and increase strength, so in what form and how to take it remains a fairly pressing and pressing issue for many athletes.

The safety and effectiveness of creatine monohydrate has been confirmed by hundreds of in-depth scientific studies, to which entire works are devoted. No other supplement has received such close attention. This allows us to state with certainty that taking creatine to increase strength, mass, and performance of muscle tissue is absolutely harmless.

This is an organic substance synthesized in the liver from glycine, arginine, and methionine. No more than one gram of your own creatine is produced per day. It also enters the body with beef, pork, and salmon.

About 95% of the substance accumulates in muscle tissue, and then is consumed as a source of energy during anaerobic exercise, for example, during intensive strength training. Additional intake of creatine monohydrate is due to the substance’s ability to increase strength, which allows you to build a large amount of muscle mass.

The safety and effectiveness of this organic substance is beyond doubt. However, when taking a synthesized analogue, you need to know how to do it correctly in order to achieve consistently high and maximum performance.

Synthesized creatine: types and differences

Malate, citrate, monohydrate, ethyl ester, whey - these are all creatine, which performs the same function, but is presented differently by manufacturers. This has led to a wealth of information regarding how best to take it to get maximum effect. Most of this data is not reliable and does not have any precise scientific evidence base.

The next type of creatine that appears on sale is often presented as something incredible and superior in effectiveness to other supplements produced before it. Such advertising and hype have the sole purpose of selling as much of the product as possible.

There are no studies that can prove that any other form of creatine is better than monohydrate. The differences lie in the rate of dissolution and absorption of the substance. The principle of action and the result obtained from using the synthesized analogue, regardless of the type, are the same.

Monohydrate is safe, effective, helps build muscles and increase strength. And in order not to overpay for “newness,” it is best to opt for this time-tested and affordable supplement.

There are many supplement regimens, but greatest distribution received a “creatine load”. It is well studied and successfully used by athletes, accompanied by a subsequent maintenance phase.

The main purpose of using the supplement is to replenish creatine reserves in muscle tissue. And the best way to achieve this is by taking 20-25 g of the substance for 5-6 days. The daily dose is taken not at once, but in 4-5 doses, for example, five grams four times a day.

After five or six days of loading, the creatine supply is replenished, and you can move on to the maintenance phase. It involves consuming the substance in smaller quantities, that is, from 5 to 10 g.

Duration of taking creatine monohydrate

Long-term use of the substance, as many studies have shown, does not pose any danger to humans. You can take monohydrate for several months without any fear. The main thing is to have complete confidence in the quality of the product.

There are creatine with various additional additives, which contain impurities that are potentially harmful to humans. Therefore, it is better to take pure creatine monohydrate. You can be sure of absolute safety by purchasing brands such as Optimum Nutrition, in the production of which exclusively high quality raw materials are used.

Regarding the total duration of course use, most often it is two months.

IN first a week take 20 grams of the substance, which can be divided into 5 grams 4 times a day.

Second and subsequent weeks, including the eighth, consume no more than 5 grams of creatine every day.

There are no studies that have proven the negative effects of long-term use of creatine. And if the supplement is of high quality, use can be continued for a whole year, following the chosen dosage regimen. However, given that the characteristics of the body are different for each person, it is better to decide on long-term use of creatine after preliminary consultation with a specialist.

When and how to take creatine?

If you take 20 grams of creatine at one time, such a large dose can cause stomach upset. This can be avoided by crushing daily norm for 4 doses. You can drink 5 g of the substance during breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. There was no relationship between the time of use and the increase or decrease in the effectiveness of creatine.

There is a study that showed that the substance continues to work even after the end of cyclic creatine supplementation. The reserve that enters the body during the loading period remains stably high and available for energy for several more weeks. Consequently, there is no difference in exactly when the next portion will be consumed.

Even an experienced athlete does not always know how to take creatine monohydrate. The fact is that there are several options for using this supplement. We'll look at everything available methods, and you can choose the best one for yourself.

Creatine monohydrate is a natural substance that is produced in the body from amino acids. This component is the source of energy necessary for movement. In total, the body contains approximately 120 g of creatine, and about 2 g are consumed per day. Athletes are recommended to drink powder dissolved in liquid or dosed capsules to compensate for losses.

Creatine is safe for human health. Most often it is used by people who devote themselves to bodybuilding, weightlifting or triathlon. The main purpose of the intake is to gain muscle mass. However, the substance has no direct effect on this tissue. It increases endurance and strength, which leads to muscle building.

Creatine monohydrate is one of the participants in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate acid (ATP). When the latter molecule is broken down, a large amount of energy is released, which determines the quality of the workout. Therefore, it is important for athletes to take creatine supplements regularly.

They lead to this result:

  • Increased strength.
    Heavy weight athletes have an increased need for ATP, especially during training. Since muscle contractions occur at maximum effort, tissues need the additional energy assistance that creatine provides.
  • Muscle building.
    Systematic exercise, high-calorie nutrition and monohydrate supplementation ensure a monthly muscle gain of up to 5 kg.
  • Creation of volumetric relief.
    Creatine has the property of attracting water, which allows the formation of rounded muscle fibers. This is especially visible on the “cubes” of the press.
  • Increased production of testosterone and somatotropin.
    Without these anabolic hormones, muscle growth is impossible.
  • Breakdown of lactic acid.
    Creatine monohydrate partially neutralizes this substance, providing fast recovery muscles and the cessation of pain in them.

In addition to the indicated effects, the supplement has anti-inflammatory properties for arthritis. It also reduces the risk of ischemic diseases.

Why monohydrate?

Manufacturers produce creatine in different forms: monohydrate, cre-alkynes or liquid. There is a strong opinion among professionals that it is better to drink monohydrate. The powder quickly acts on the body, achieving the implementation of all the points indicated in the previous section. Other forms are not as effective, and they may contain useless additives, for which manufacturers often mark up the price.

Monohydrate is available in the form of capsules, powder and tablets. But the latter option is much less common. Various pre-workout complexes often contain creatine. Remember that this additive precipitates and does not dissolve in water.

Even after reading the instructions for the drug, you will have a question: “How to take creatine monohydrate?” The manufacturer does not always bother to paint detailed diagram. There are basically two of them - with and without loading.

Taking creatine monohydrate in equal doses

This method in sports circles is called “no loading”. That is, you take 5-6 g of powder every day. On training days, the specified amount of the substance is added to a protein shake, gainer, or mixed with amino acids (norm: 5-15 g) and consumed after strength training.

It is best to drink creatine dissolved in warm grape or cherry juice. Glucose promotes its rapid absorption and effective operation. The volume of liquid must be at least one glass.

On rest days, it is recommended to use the substance in the morning in combination with the above products. The duration of the course is 2 months, followed by a break of 3-4 weeks.

To prepare the “elixir of strength”, follow a few simple steps:

  • scoop up creatine powder with a teaspoon or a special measuring spoon (with a small slide), there will be about 5 g;
  • pour into a warm sweet drink;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • drink immediately after training.

Some people recommend drinking the solution before a workout, but a 2013 study showed that it's best to take creatine after a workout. physical activity. At this moment, metabolic changes are especially pronounced, and blood flow is increased, which contributes to the complete absorption of the substance.

Loading up with creatine in a short time

How to take creatine monohydrate with loading? The course is designed for 1 month, after which you need to take a break for 3-4 weeks. It is extremely necessary to take a break so that the body does not lose the ability to independently synthesize creatine and gain sensitivity to its intake.

In the first 4-6 days you need to drink 5 g of the substance 4 times a day. This should be done in between meals. It is important to dilute the powder in those liquids that we have already mentioned; no adjustments are made here. During this time, the concentration of creatine in the muscles increases, the cells are saturated to the limit. There is no point in continuing to take the supplement in such large doses.

A maintenance phase begins, which lasts from 2 to 5 weeks. It is necessary to reduce the weight of the monohydrate to 2 g - a single dose per day. Even 12 weeks after taking maintenance doses, the level of the substance remains the same high. But it’s better for you not to experiment like this and take a break after the designated period.

Controversial issues

Until now, among athletes there is no clear answer to the question of how best to take the supplement: with or without a loading phase. Many experiments have been conducted with animals and people.

There are results of a study of the daily release of creatine and its breakdown products. It turned out that no more than 50 mg/kg of monohydrate is absorbed per day, the rest is excreted from the body along with urine. This means that taking creatine in doses above 5-7 g/day is not advisable. It turns out that the loading phase is not necessary.

The result of scientific experiments is this: there is practically no difference between the methods. Taking 20 g per day for 6 days, and then a maintenance phase of 2-3 g lasting another 3 weeks will provide the same result as taking 3-5 g daily for a month. Three years after these findings were announced, information appeared that the unloaded phase was much more effective in increasing strength and muscle mass.

Alternative drug administration: cycles

Paul Krieb, head of research and development at AST Sports Science, believes that a large percentage of bodybuilders are not using creatine to its full potential. Traditional schemes with and without loading do not provide the required concentrations of the substance in the muscles at the time of the pause. The monohydrate quickly breaks down, returning the tissues to their former appearance.

The scientist gives many arguments refuting the effectiveness and long-term results. The main points are that a maintenance dose of creatine is not enough, since the substance is quickly depleted as a result of intense training. Therefore, even five grams is not enough.

Paul Krieb developed a cyclic dosing regimen for the drug. It consists of two steps:

  1. Daily dose – 15-25 g. Weight depends on the weight of the athlete. This amount must be divided several times. The first portion (5 g) should be taken after breakfast. The second 5 g are consumed before training, the third - after physical activity. The fourth and fifth servings should be drunk along with a protein-carbohydrate mixture throughout the day. The duration of the step is 3 days. If there are no workouts on a given day, continue taking it anyway.

For eight weeks, you must follow these instructions, taking the drug in mini-cycles. Then you should rest from training for 7 days, and in the last 3 days of the “vacation”, start using creatine monohydrate.

Disadvantages of cyclic schemes

Every concept has its opponents. The cyclic creatine regimen was no exception. Experts say that the expected decrease in concentration occurs not after 3 days, as planned, but after 4 weeks. The second point is that the activity of transporters that ensure the release of the effect of creatine is not suppressed even 4 months after daily intake of the supplement.

And one more fact that contradicts Paul Krieb’s statement is that the maintenance dose still maintains a sufficient concentration of creatine in muscle tissue. One conclusion emerges: cyclical schemes are not something grandiose.

Harm of creatine

The supplement is believed to be harmless to the body. But in 4% of cases side effects occur. This is mainly due to the presence of excipients.

All troubles are reversible. The harm consists of swelling, partial dehydration of the body (since a lot of water goes into the muscles), digestive disorders and, very rarely, cramps.