How to deal with the effect of social laziness? A period of stagnation in the process of losing weight.

In summer, this problem is especially relevant. How to get rid of the effect of quickly dirty hair once and for all? The most effective ways– in this article.

Wash your hair less often

It may seem strange, but if you change your shampooing routine, your hair will stay cleaner longer. Indeed, those who are accustomed to washing their hair every day only contribute to the active work of the sebaceous glands on the head, which leads to rapid contamination of the hair. Get over yourself and stop washing your hair frequently. The optimal rhythm is 2-3 times a week, no more often. You will notice the difference immediately.

Avoid head accessories

It is very easy for lovers to get rid of the unwanted effect of dirty hair in summer. It's enough to just give your hair freedom. Try giving up head accessories for at least a week: you will immediately see the results. The head will sweat less, which means your hair will stay clean longer. In addition, you will have the opportunity to experiment with different styling. Of course, while you were wearing a straw hat or bandana, this was out of the question: after all, hats and hairstyles are incompatible concepts. If you can’t live a day without your favorite cap or headscarf, try not to wear them tightly on your head so that your hair can breathe and not lose its natural volume.

Change hair care products

Radical, but very effective solution. If you have tried other methods but they have not been effective, we advise you to completely reconsider your hair care habits. Carry out a thorough check of the care products located on the shelves in your bathroom. Perhaps you are mistakenly using one that is not suitable for your hair type? Sometimes it is very useful to completely revamp your usual hair care products, which due to frequent use have ceased to benefit your hair. New beneficial components of nourishing shampoos like Mythic Oil will “wake up” your hair, making it more attractive, and will give it the opportunity to look great even a couple of days after washing your hair.

Answered by dermatologist-cosmetologist Irina Igorevna Milovskaya, beauty clinic “Academy” (St. Petersburg).

Remember the situation: ruler, 1st grade. Memorable photos with bows, gladioli and a row of girls in the front row with accordion-shaped pantyhose that hang hatefully. Nearby, touched grandmothers, echoing “with their accordions”, escorting the little ones to big world. I'm sure everyone has similar photos))

Yes, a lot has changed since then... Nowadays, grannies on their balconies hold bunches of onions in such elegant shapes that everyone would envy the tightness of modern lycra.

And your own imperfections can easily be hidden by underwear with compression and tightening. But is this necessary? That awkward moment when they timidly tell you to pull up your tights, but you realize that you’re not wearing them...

What is the “tights pulled down effect”?

At a certain period of life, everyone may notice that the skin above the knees begins to be less dense and elastic. There are many reasons leading to loss of skin tone and elasticity - these include hormonal fluctuations and sudden weight loss, age-related changes, primary dry skin and so on. Overstretched skin is not always capable of contraction, as a result of which we see folds in the knee area, hanging like a hood over the joint, we see excess tissue and atonic skin. There is a way out!

By all means it is necessary to maintain tissue tone - this is physical activity, (preferably there is a swimming pool), proper nutrition, sufficient water consumption, avoidance of sudden weight loss, regular use of professional cosmetics to properly cleanse and moisturize the skin. You can learn seaweed wrap at home or seek the help of specialists

As for professional procedures: make it a rule to take an LPG course of 10 sessions twice a year. This will get rid of uneven contours, stagnation, slagging of tissues and give skin tone by enhancing the synthesis of new collagen.

A non-ablative fractional laser will perfectly cope with local problems in the knee area, which will not cause tissue damage and will have minimal rehabilitation period, but will force your fibroblasts to actively work on the synthesis of collagen and elastin (the amount of which decreases with age), which will lead to tightening and thickening of the skin. After which it is possible to install reinforcing threads, which will also serve as a frame.

If you have ever tried to monitor your diet, or rather limit it in order to lose weight, then you have probably encountered a situation where the weight dropped, and then this process stopped and the scale arrow did not move for a long time. Those. You continue to follow the diet, but the process of losing weight has stopped. Congratulations! The “plateau effect” has overtaken you.

What is a weight loss plateau?

The plateau effect is, to put it mildly, very unpleasant situation when while on a diet, proper nutrition or simply a caloric deficit for the purpose of losing weight, weight suddenly stops decreasing over a fairly long period of time for no apparent reason.

It is worth clarifying that this almost always happens, regardless of what particular nutritional principle or diet you adhere to. If you turn out to be a “tough nut to crack” and hold on long enough (even three months may be enough), then at one point the weight loss will stop.

Usually we react to this quite sharply. This is understandable, because psychologically it is very difficult to accept the fact that you are trying as before, but there is no result. But the main thing is not to panic and understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Reasons for stopping weight loss:

1) going beyond calories

Yes, I'm not kidding. Sometimes we make mistakes in counting calories or forget to take certain things into account. Well, for example, perhaps your nutrition program says 150 boiled buckwheat for breakfast, but you cook 150 dry buckwheat and with a clear conscience eat half a kilogram of porridge for breakfast. I'm exaggerating, of course, but this also happens.

In fact, it’s enough to start adding a spoonful of honey to each cup of tea and within a day you can easily “get” the number of calories to your norm. And accordingly, weight will not decrease, because there is no deficit.

That is why it is better to make sure once again that you correctly calculate the calorie content and BJU of your diet.

2) too strict diet

If you maintain too large a caloric deficit, then the level of stress for the body begins to exceed the norm and the hormonal system changes its mode of operation, greatly reducing the “expenses” of calories for its activity.

3) fluid retention

Perhaps you have not stopped losing weight at all, but are faced with banal swelling. There can be many reasons for this, but the most common is the use large quantity salt and, oddly enough, a lack of clean drinking water in the diet.

4) mono-diets

Here the situation is approximately the same as in the previous paragraph. If you eat predominantly one product for a long time or with a clear excess of it, as, for example, on a buckwheat diet, then the body lacks the necessary nutrients and it imposes sanctions on you, slowing down your metabolism.

5) increase muscle mass

If you are actively involved in gym, then a very interesting effect often appears - the percentage of fat may decrease, but the weight does not. How is this possible?

In progress strength training Body composition may change within the same weight: there will be less fat tissue (because you are losing weight), and more muscle tissue (because you are training and developing it). But at the same time, visual changes are usually visible - you become more athletic and slender, and your clothing size and volume decrease even with the same weight.

How long can weight stay the same?

Here some people are more “lucky” and others less so. Typically, this process can last from several weeks to 2-3 months. But the good news is that sooner or later, this will end. To “get the weight off the ground,” you can try to take some actions that have worked well.

How to overcome a weight loss plateau

1. The most important thing is not to rush to extremes!

You shouldn’t cut your caloric intake to a minimum, just as you shouldn’t give up the idea of ​​getting in shape altogether. Just accept the fact that you will have to wait a bit before you see changes again.

2. Have a busy day

A slight relaxation in your diet for a day can trick your body and you will start losing weight again. I wrote a separate material about this called. Please read how to do it correctly.

3. Try changing the ratio of BZHU in your diet

The reason for stopping weight loss can be either a very long-term maintenance of a high amount of protein in the diet, or too low of its component.

Accordingly, if you have adhered to high protein diet, then increase the amount of carbohydrates while decreasing the amount of protein. If there was little protein in your diet, then on the contrary, increase it.

And don’t forget that regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not, your diet should always contain the required amount of healthy fats. This is 20% of daily calorie content. This is especially important for girls and women.

4. Gradually increase your caloric intake

Yes, that's right. But this is only if you were sitting very strict diet from the category of 800-1000 kilocalories. I described how to carry out this process correctly in the article “How to quit a diet and not gain weight.”

5. Change the type of workout

If you are into fitness, try changing the nature of your workouts. It has proven itself to be very good for accelerating weight loss processes. interval cardio and, in general, intensive training based on the principle of circular and interval training.

Accordingly, if you followed a diet but did not exercise, then the plateau is an excellent reason to include physical activity.

Here, perhaps, is all the information on this topic. I really hope that the material will help you and if you encounter a plateau effect, you will know how to overcome it. Well, if you know any other “tricky” methods, please share them in the comments. I'm sure this will help others!

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There are times when you know exactly why you're not seeing the results you'd like to see, such as if you've gone back to your old eating habits or been inconsistent with your diet (the key is to be honest with yourself).

But another situation happens when you try very hard, follow all the rules of your diet plan, spend a lot of time in the fitness club, and yet your progress has stopped. This means that you have reached a plateau, and the very first thing you need to do is stop getting upset and feeling disappointed. Encourage yourself to think that the plateau effect is just one of the stages on the way to your goal, a small stop before moving on. Let's try to understand why this happened to you?

You've chosen the wrong fitness plan

Despite good initial results, you may experience a plateau effect due to following the wrong training plan.

Perhaps you do exercises that are too light and don’t give you significant exercise, or you’ve completely excluded fitness from your weight loss plan for fear of becoming pumped up. This fear is completely unjustified. According to fitness consultant Olga Sago: “Using 2-3 kilogram dumbbells in exercises will not change your body. I would like to dispel the myth that you will become bigger and more muscular, even when using much heavier weights in exercises. Don't forget that muscle is the key to increasing your metabolic rate and burning calories."

Solution: Weight Training

Include weight training 2-3 times a week in your fitness plan.

Choose a weight that will allow you to perform 10-15 repetitions without feeling like you're at your limit. Do 2-3 sets of exercises for each major muscle group. To achieve best results Schedule a consultation with a personal fitness trainer. He will help you compose individual program workouts and choose exercises that are safe for your health.

Another problem may be that you have loaded yourself with all available types of aerobic activity, such as step, running, cycling, swimming, assuming that your weight will constantly and rapidly melt from such intensive training. We have to disappoint you! Having become accustomed to heavy loads, the body begins to spend much less calories on their implementation than it did at the beginning.

Solution: Add Other Types of Exercise to Your Fitness Plan

Go to interval training(in other words, alternate intervals of high and low intensity exercise), combined with simple cardio exercises such as jogging in place or jumping rope. After that, switch to exercises that use your own weight for strength training such as push-ups, yoga and Pilates.

You eat either too little or too much

Another reason for the plateau effect could be that you are eating too little or too much. According to nutritionist Marina Grafina: “Diet and caloric restriction are part of a plan for losing weight and burning fat reserves, but if you go to extremes, it can lead to the collapse of even the best endeavors and achievements. If you eat too little, the body, in defense, goes into mode and slows down the metabolism so as not to lose reserves. If you consume too much (and especially if your body has previously been in starvation mode), the body begins to actively store fat reserves “for a rainy day” in the thighs and abdomen.”

There is nothing worse than severely restricting your caloric intake and then, after making little progress in losing weight, binge eating. This leads the body to such stress that it is unable to forget.

We are designed very wisely, and all organs and systems work in such a way as to protect us as much as possible from any negative situation. As you can imagine, having had the unfortunate experience of starvation, your body will take every opportunity to put aside reserves just in case. Don't let him get to this point! Don't try to get rid of those pounds in a week that you gained over months or years. This not only threatens to cause health problems, but can also lead to you gaining more weight. more weight after some time.

Solution: Reduce calories gradually

The safest and effective diet- This is a long-term and gradual reduction in caloric intake. Reduce caloric intake little by little, by 100-150 kcal per day from the norm required for your current weight, set yourself a reasonable time frame to achieve the goal. Do you want it for summer? Start losing weight in winter. Another advantage of such a gradual transition to a new weight is that you will not feel constant hunger and discomfort, because reducing the calorie content of your diet by only 100-150 kcal per day does not cause almost any discomfort.

Many people who are losing weight have encountered a similar problem: at first, it seems that the weight is being rapidly lost, but after some time the scale needle literally “freezes” at a certain mark and that’s it - neither here nor there. Nutritionists have called this phenomenon the plateau effect in weight loss and know how to cope with the difficulties that arise, reports.

The plateau effect, or dietary plateau, is a completely normal reaction of the body to changed loads or diet. This is how the body’s ability to adapt manifests itself: in stressful situations, it changes its usual mode of activity in order to avoid threats to health and ensure survival.

For example, let's look at what happens if you dramatically reduce the number of calories you eat by going on a strict diet. Of course, at first the body will actively get rid of accumulated deposits, using them as an additional source of energy. But then, having reached a certain “critical point”, it will go into “economy mode” and simply slow down the metabolism. This is how the adaptation mechanism works.

What will you observe at this time? First, of course, you will notice the much-desired weight loss. However, with the onset of that very “saving mode”, you will see that the weight is “stuck” and no longer disappears. At this stage, the body has adapted to the changes and found a way to maintain a balance between incoming energy and energy expenditure.

This is the plateau effect. Everyone who is losing weight is susceptible to it to one degree or another, but it will be most noticeable for those who are trying to get rid of excess weight in too drastic ways, because the more drastic the changes in diet or physical activity, the more actively the body reacts to these changes and the stronger its “protection”.

How to deal with the plateau effect?

To cope with a seemingly eternal weight loss, you need to analyze what exactly led to it, and this will determine how to act in order to move the weight from the “dead point.” Typically, there are several situations characteristic of the appearance of a dietary plateau:

The diet is too strict and the amount of calories consumed is not enough even to ensure metabolism at rest, not to mention stress;

The diet is almost completely free of proteins and healthy fats;

The menu consists of only one product (mono-diet).

To combat the plateau effect of a strict diet, try first bringing your caloric intake to the required minimum by supplementing your diet exercise. And then change to short time a way to distribute calories throughout the day, for example, try the BEACH diet ( protein-carbohydrate alternation). Such a small “shake-up” will help restart the mechanisms of weight loss and “get off” the plateau.

If the plateau effect has occurred due to the lack of proteins and healthy fats in the diet, then you need to introduce them. Do not be afraid that you will gain weight: protein foods will help restore muscles, and healthy fats in the amount required by the body will be “burned” without the slightest risk to the waist or hips. At the same time, the metabolism will “swing” and the body will continue to get rid of extra pounds with new strength.

When it comes to a dietary plateau with a mono-diet, there is only one way to combat it - stop the mono-diet. Diets that involve consuming only one specific product should generally not last longer than a couple of days, or a week at most. If you stay on any apple, kefir or cucumber diet longer than required, gradually get out of it, and then choose a more balanced diet: even if you increase your weight slightly for a while, in the future the rate of weight loss will again become the same or will even increase.

When combining diets with training, the plateau effect can often be overcome by changing the training program or its intensity. It’s no secret that the body gets used to certain exercises and load levels, which means you need to change your usual activities a little in order to again feel the effectiveness of your training. So, try interval loads instead of classic ones or change your usual type of fitness, say, from yoga or Pilates to exercise on an exercise bike and vice versa.

The plateau effect in weight loss is a common phenomenon, however, as you can see, it is completely surmountable. And what you should never do if you notice that you have reached a plateau is to give up. Don’t let yourself be “deflated” by the fact that your efforts are temporarily not yielding results: continue to work on yourself and you will definitely achieve what you want!