Where was Emelianenko born? Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko (brothers): sporting achievements

Not much information is available about the younger brother of legendary Russian boxer Fedor Emelianenko. A well-known fact is that Ivan Emelianenko does not want to follow in the footsteps of his famous older brothers, despite his excellent physical abilities and capabilities.

Sports family

In a simple family, originally living in Ukrainian lands, the legendary boxer Fedor Emelianenko was born in 1976, who today is known for his skills and prowess throughout the world. Two years later, the Emelianenko family moved from Rubezhnoye to Stary Oskol.

The mother of the family worked as a teacher at a local school, the father as a welder. The first child in the family was an older sister, whose name was Marina. The eldest of the sons was Fedor, who achieved the highest peaks. Alexander was born next in order, and the youngest of the brothers was Ivan Emelianenko.

Living conditions for the family were initially almost deplorable; they got a tiny room in a communal apartment, the original purpose of which was to dry clothes.

Big Brother Example

At the age of ten, Fedor signed up for classes such as sambo and judo, which gave him moral satisfaction and a feeling of bliss, thereby setting an example for his younger brother.

After a year of hard training, he was appreciated as a pitcher high hopes the student was transferred to a stronger category. During his army service, the young man did not leave his favorite activity for a day, but, on the contrary, he went in for sports with even greater persistence, and in two years he increased muscle mass by 20 kilograms.

After graduating from college, he decided to enroll in physical education, which he successfully completed, defending his postgraduate dissertation.

Brother's fast career

After the army, Fedor devoted all his efforts to developing further physical abilities, participating in more professional competitions. Soon he became the winner of the Kursk tournament, which was of international importance, after which he was recognized as a master of sports in sambo and judo. In the same year, thanks to participation in the most serious international tournament, Fedor Emelianenko received the title of international master of sports, which only spurred him on to further achievements.

Further victories came one after another, bringing new titles and titles to the young man. Among them is the champion title in its weight category.

The end of the nineties brought Fedor a transition to MMA and the beginning of cooperation with the Japanese company Rings, with which he fruitfully collaborated over twelve fights. Of these, only one ended in defeat. The athlete’s further career became quite dizzying and rapid. On at the moment Fedor Emelianenko is the president of the Russian MMA Union.

Ivan Emelianenko: biography

The twelve-year difference between the brothers also influenced Ivan’s worldview, who chose a slightly different path in life than his famous relatives.

Fedor Emelianenko's younger brother Ivan was born in 1988. The young man did not have a strong zeal for science, so after graduating from school in 2005, he decided to enter the prestigious St. Petersburg University named after Lesgaft in one of the sports departments.

Throughout the entire period of study, as a student, Ivan continues to persistently engage in boxing and those sports that his older brothers were partial to. How a real man, the younger Emelianenko decided to do military service, like his eminent relatives.

Ivan's further life

Having achieved the title of master of sports in such areas as hand-to-hand combat and combat sambo, Ivan Emelianenko did not want to move in a more professional direction, conquer the heights of sports and follow in the footsteps of his brothers. Although all conditions were created for him, he was looked after best trainers in Russia, who are his close relatives.

At the amateur level, the young man continues to engage in boxing, but, unfortunately, ignores the offers of the brothers Alexander and Fedor, who want to see him in

The hopes of the older brothers for the successor of the sports dynasty

Repeatedly, Alexander and Fedor answered pointed questions from journalists about the reason for Ivan’s reluctance to build a professional boxing career.

For example, Alexander believes that Ivan Emelianenko has excellent natural abilities that need to be constantly developed. But he is a true lazy person who does not want to train and hone his skills. Thanks to an excellent base behind him and legendary brothers, he would not have to fight for his place in the sun in these sports. The brothers would easily tell you everything about all the sharp corners that are inevitable in a particular sport, and would provide assistance in reaching a higher level.

Fedor spoke somewhat softer about his brother. The following came from his lips: Ivan Emelianenko wants to do sports career in MMA, but, unfortunately, at the present stage he is not ready for this yet. Both on a physical and on a more serious moral level. And until Ivan develops this at all levels, he will not be allowed to participate in professional boxing matches. He has something to strive for, because thirty years of age is the most optimal for heavyweight fights, with proper preparation.

Ivan Emelianenko: fights

The year 2009 was productive for the youngest of the famous brothers, in which he won the match for the St. Petersburg hand-to-hand combat championship, thanks to which he was awarded the title of master of sports. This fight was quite simple for him from the fights that took place, two were won on points, and the last one was won by knockout.

The younger Ivan has repeatedly received offers from the Korean company FMS to participate in fights without rules, which consist of three five-minute rounds.

Modern activities beyond sports

Emelianenko’s younger brother, Ivan, today, in addition to sports hobbies, has a favorite activity that brings him income and great pleasure. The direction of his activity is the security path, without which he cannot imagine his life.

The men in this family are quite friendly. Not long ago, having buried their father, the Emelianenko brothers, Ivan being the youngest, continue to jointly take care of their mother. Each of them has an individual and complex character, which only helps them achieve their plans. Thanks to his strength and fortitude, Ivan also tries to achieve everything with the help of his work and not to use the help of his influential older brother.

champion families

Strength of spirit is the quality that unites all the brothers with the legendary surname Emelianenko. Despite the outward calm of Fyodor, the rebellious spirit of Alexander or the versatility of Ivan, each of them respects religion, believing that everything is done with God's help.

In this seemingly cruel sport, first of all, you need to respect your opponent, throwing away all your inner feelings and desires, say famous athletes. This principle is one of the keys to success.

Ivan Emelianenko, Fedor’s brother, in no way ignores universal human principles, unlike Alexander, who gives free rein to his aggression.

Scandalous example of the middle brother

Fedor, who achieved the greatest heights, is calm, reserved and humane by nature. Alexander was remembered by the general public not only due to his sporting potential, but rather due to his rebellious actions in society.

The rebellion of the middle brother Emelianenko consisted of brawls on board the plane and street fights.

In the previous year, he received a court decision on imprisonment for a period of 4.5 years as a result of violent acts committed against a housekeeper.

Finding himself in prison, Alexander did not lose heart at all; on the contrary, he decided to subjugate everyone to himself. A striking example of his strong-willed behavior in the colony was the smoking ban, failure to comply with which entailed a certain punishment; the implementation of the latter was an impossible task for many. Therefore, the only option was to agree to the athlete’s terms.

Public showdown famous fighters make it worse for everyone, including the family

Famous fighters mixed style, brothers Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko, entered into an open skirmish with numerous reproaches against each other. At first, the younger brother, in an interview with Soviet Sport, called those around the Last Emperor sycophants who were not able to tell him the truth to his face. To which Fedor responded with an open letter, where he stated that Alexander is a sycophant and a Judas and that he disrespects all the people who helped him many times throughout his career... A sports journalist for MK, who knows both brothers, dismantled the conflict to its bones.

The brothers are still together. Photo: facebook/Alex-Emelyanenko

Exactly a month ago, on September 27, early in the morning I went to Novogorsk, where Fedor Emelianenko’s martial arts school was opening. And that same evening he headed to Luzhniki, where Alexander Emelianenko fought his first fight after leaving prison. The brothers have had the same rhetoric in recent years: no comments regarding each other. Fedor supported this on the 27th, but Sasha said after the fight: he would like to train with the Last Emperor again. Then I began to feel hope: what if a truce is near? A month has passed. And further than the blood brothers were from each other, only the poles.

It so happened that Sasha gave the first detailed interview before the fight to me. There he told many stories from the past: how he and Fedor broke through the wall of misunderstanding between Russian spectators and mixed martial arts, how he received “sticks in the ass” from the coach for absenteeism and much more. A good half of these facts formed the basis of the Last Emperor's answer to his younger brother.

Fedor’s open letter, published in Soviet Sport, was so unexpected that even ordinary words in it were read with a sharp intonation. However, you are probably already aware of this yourself and know the main theses by heart.

I would like to talk a little about something else. True, a little later: after we analyze both sides a little.

There was no conflict as such between the Emelianenko brothers, as far as I know. The situation escalated systematically over the years. None of us held a candle to be 100% sure of what exactly happened inside the family, and I can only speak about my information (which, however, has not let me down before).

The final point on Fedor’s part was reached around the spring of 2014 - when his brother was put on the federal wanted list on charges of raping a housekeeper. Up to this point, Emelianenko Sr. had helped in a number of moments, but then his patience ran out.

What followed was a well-known case, and Alexander went to prison. Fyodor found out how he was doing there through his relatives, but not directly. When Sasha was released (November 2016), the only relatives he had were his wife Polina, whom he married in prison, his older brother, sister and mother. He visited relatives in Tambov and Stary Oskol, after which he returned to professional sports and did it successfully, winning by knockout.

Alexander Emelianenko with MK correspondent Alexei Safonov. Photo: Nikita Burchak

In the first months after his release, no one helped Alexander. And of the promotions that were ready to cooperate with him, only Akhmat turned out to be - the same one with whose leadership Fedor had a conflict a year ago against the backdrop of children’s fights in Grozny. But this story shouldn’t be dragged in here: this is a professional career, and the organization really provided Sasha with great conditions for training and the opportunity to perform. Very few people would do this.

For a long time, the brothers did not comment on what was happening. We limited ourselves to a short “no comment.” It was a shame because of the obvious discord, but what can you do?

I don’t know if anyone has made any attempts to contact last month, but suddenly everything suddenly became even worse. Apparently, when it became clear: peace was not expected in the near future. And mutual stories were told about each other, which is the saddest thing - in front of the public. None of us can even come close to knowing the whole truth: we are too far from it. And at the same time, we are too stupid because we pick up this dirt. It will not benefit anyone: neither Fedor, because his image was damaged, nor Alexander, because there are already too many scandals around his name in the eyes of the public.

I truly wish this would end. For now it’s just settled down. And then, over time, when emotions and mutual grievances would have been forgotten, the brothers made peace. Now each of them has every right to speak out and defend their truth. Believe me, they both have it and two loved ones cannot be radically different. But this is a family - and it must stick together. I would like the conflict to be resolved within her, and not at the Execution Ground.

At least they have the same relatives. I seriously doubt that they enjoy watching this horror. And as a maximum, everyone has their own heritage, both sports and public, but under the same name. Emelianenko.

The most famous Russian brothers in the world mixed martial arts, Fedor and have not communicated for ten years. On October 26, Fedor accused his brother of lying and published an open letter in which he dotted the i’s. - about the details of the conflict.

Fedor’s open letter was published by “ Soviet sport" This happened a few days after the publication of an interview with Emelianenko Jr. - the odious fighter won his first victory after his release from prison in a fight with the Brazilian Geronimo Dos Santos and opened up. He remembered a lot: about coming into sports, the dawn professional career, a common manager with Fedor and a sensational fight with the Croatian Mirko Cro Cop. In addition, Alexander talked about life in prison and religion, and also talked about the people from the circle of the Last Emperor.

Fedor does not like to wash dirty linen in public - so few people knew about the disagreements between the legendary fighter and his brother. They say they have not communicated for more than a decade. But this time, the always balanced Emelianenko Sr. could not stand it and burst into an angry tirade against his relative.

“Alexander, I’ll answer you first and last time. Firstly, for you and your entourage I am not Fedya, but . And now the most important thing is why I decided to make this open appeal to you: you called my loved ones sycophants. The sycophant is you, Judas,” said Emelianenko Sr.

What caused such a strong reaction from the Last Emperor?

Entourage of Fedor Emelianenko

Obviously, Fedor was offended by his brother’s words about Vadim Finkelstein. Finkelstein - former manager Emelianenko brothers. They began collaborating in 2003, when Alexander was taking his first steps in his career, and Fedor had already established a solid record and was considered an accomplished fighter. He and his brother joined the Red Devil Fighting Team created by Vadim (at that time the manager was involved in the Red Devil energy drink).

Together with Finkelstein The Last Emperor not only earned his proud nickname and won a series of victories unprecedented in duration, but also gained worldwide fame. Vadim, in turn, managed to found the M-1 Challenge promotion and the Russian MMA Union, holding the post of vice president in it. The organization was headed by Fedor himself. Their paths diverged in 2012 - the older brother peacefully ended his career, and the younger brother left M-1 with a scandal.

“I understand that Finkelstein used me for his own purposes. When Sasha was needed, he took me out of my pocket, and when he wasn’t needed, he worked with Fedya. I remember after the fight they called Fedya into the ring, Finkelstein jumped out with him, running towards me shouting “Sasha – well done...!” Well, I didn't push him away. I used to have a lot of people like him around me: they flatter you in your face, smile, and say nasty things behind your eyes.”

“Criticism towards Vadim Finkelshtein is unfounded. Vadim, like no one else, has done a lot for you. After the athletic commission banned you from fighting in America, it was Vadim who supported you and continued to fight. When, after some incidents, no promotion worked with you, it was Vadim who organized fights with Rimkevicius, Glukhov and Monson for you. Did Vadim make money from you? More like lost. He paid for your fees in Holland and Kislovodsk. Vadim also paid for your treatment.”

Fight with Cro Cop

In 2004, Alexander, who had just started his MMA career, went to fight the experienced Mirko Cro Cop (at that time he already had 15 fights to his name). The whole world was waiting for the meeting between the Croatian and Emelianenko Sr., but it had to be postponed. As expected, Cro Cop left Alexander no chance, knocking him out with a signature high kick in the first round.

At that time, relations between the brothers were still normal. You can verify this by watching a popular video on YouTube, where Fedor watches Alexander’s fight under the stands.

“I shouldn’t have fought him at all. It was the beginning of my career, I had no experience, nothing at all. The organizers wanted to bring Mirko under Fedya. They started to intimidate that if he didn’t fight with him, they would take the belt. Well, actually, I suggested that Fedya replace him. I understood perfectly well that I was going to the slaughter, I had nothing to catch against Cro Cop, I was not ready to fight him either technically or physically. I knew I would get kicked in the head, and that’s what happened. But it was necessary to gain time and help Feda. So I did. What I am telling you now has not been published anywhere before. Fedya did not thank me for the fact that I really helped him out then. It doesn’t matter if your brother got rid of it from a professional.”

Nobody forced you to fight Cro Cop. At that time I was competing in the Grand Prix, and the question of fighting Mirko to defend my belt was not even raised. Then Mirko lost to Rendelman, and you jumped at the opportunity, despite the fact that everyone was categorically against it due to your attitude towards training and your inexperience. And they tried their best to dissuade you from doing this. For this I don't have to say thank you. You fell from Mirko. And this received a special coloring. In every interview they started reminding me that Cro Cop knocked out my brother.”

Conflict with Sergei Kharitonov

Sergei Kharitonov is a Russian MMA fighter who trained with the Emelianenko brothers for a long time. The situation became tense in 2011, when Kharitonov criticized Fedor, who suffered three defeats in a row in fights under the auspices of the American organization Strikeforce. Then Sergei sought a meeting with the Last Emperor, but only ran into his brother - Alexander did not bother to speak, however, having received an appropriate reaction from his opponent.

Later, Alexander and Sergei met in the ring, the former winning by knockout. It seems that the relationship between Kharitonov and the Emelianenko brothers is still far from ideal - after the scandalous fight between Fedor and the Brazilian Fabio Maldonado, Kharitonov, although he expressed respect to the Last Emperor, expressed doubts about the correctness of the judges who gave the victory to the Russian.

“I stood up for Fedya at that moment, and he behaved strangely. Knowing all the details of the conflict, he distanced himself from the situation and stated that the showdown between Kharitonov and me did not concern him. It was unpleasant for me. I always tried to stand up for Fedor in everything and got into conflicts because of him. But, apparently, he became uninterested in it.”

“About the situation with Sergei Kharitonov. I could always respond to other people’s statements, but I don’t consider it necessary to react to someone’s attacks and give rise to empty chatter. I remember that Seryoga lived and trained with us. But no one asked you to get involved and switch to low market language. I won’t support you in this and won’t say thank you.”


Fedor became immersed in religion in 2006, although he had been interested in it before. Alexander's lifestyle was far from exemplary - he got into scandals more than once and served time in prison for rape.

“If every person lived according to the commandments given in the Bible, we would live in paradise. And there is nothing difficult about living according to what is written in the Bible. But for us, Christianity comes down to going to church a couple of times, lighting a candle and leaving. That’s all our Christianity is, but no one wants to live by the commandments.”

“How can you say that you are a Christian and read the Bible, but at the same time tell dirty jokes and attribute them to me. Don’t you dare say nasty things on my behalf and tell vulgar stories that offend people.”

Relation to the USA

Alexander sharply criticized the speakers in the USA Russian fighters. He himself never fought overseas; Fedor continues to do so to this day with varying degrees of success. The last Emperor accepted his brother's claim personally.

“I’m interested in why no one has any questions about why Russian athletes going to perform in Europe and America. In the USA, for example, our fighters perform on a work visa, and accordingly, from their fights they pay taxes to the American treasury. And Americans have a feeling of Russophobia at the DNA level. But still, no one asks questions about it.”

“In America, I and my team have always been very well received. When you went to the USA for the only time, you also had good attitude. But the athletic commission forbade fighting for a reason known to you. As for earnings. “I actually make money in America, but taxes on my fees are paid here in Russia.”

Alexander Emelianenko - Russian mixed martial arts fighter, multiple champion Russia and the world combat sambo, former champion world according to ProFC.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Vladimirovich Emelianenko was born on September 2, 1981 in the city of Stary Oskol Belgorod region, in the family of a teacher and a gas-electric welder. Alexander’s family at one time moved to Russia from Ukraine. Alexander also has a sister, Marina, and brothers, Ivan and Fedor ( four-time champion world mixed martial arts, now president of the MMARF Union).

Emelianenko began practicing martial arts at the age of 7 - his older brother Fedor took him with him to sambo so as not to miss training. At first, Sasha simply watched, but soon he himself joined the athletes. After 9th grade, Alexander continued his studies at a local vocational school with a degree in gas-electric welder, while at the same time continuing to practice martial arts.

Sports career

At the age of 16, Emelianenko was already able to receive the title of Master of Sports in judo, and two years later he won the European Championship in Combat Sambo. Subsequently, the fighter repeated his sporting success three more times.

In 2003, Alexander joined the Russian Top Team and began performing in Pride fights, where his brother Fedor also worked. Soon, due to a quarrel with management, the athlete moved to the Red Devil Fighting Team.

In 2003-2006, as part of the Pride Fighting Championships, Alexander defeated the Brazilians Ashuerio Silva and Angelo Araujo, the British James Thompson, and the Pole Pavel Nastulu. At the same time, the athlete also suffered several disappointing defeats - in battles against the Croatian athlete Mirko Filipovic (Cro Cop), the Brazilian Fabricio Werdum and the American Josh Barnett.

In 2007, the fighter took part in the BodogFight: Clash of the Nations tournament, where he knocked out the American athlete Eric Pele. After this, Alexander led unbeaten streak until the end of 2010, until he lost to Peter Graham. During this period of his career, Emelianenko became the ProFC heavyweight champion, but subsequently renounced the title.

Emelianenko's bench press record is 170 kg.

Alexander Emelianenko - Bench press 170 kg

In 2008-2011, Alexander took part in a number of fights under the auspices of M-1 Global, where he proved himself to be a strong contender. However, there were some unsuccessful performances: in a fight with Dagestani Magomed Malikov, the athlete lost by knockout in the first round.

At the end of 2012, the M-1 company terminated its cooperation with Emelianenko due to constant violations of the contract on his part. There were suggestions in the media that the athlete was fired after a scandal on board the plane, when he was able alcohol intoxication pestered passengers, smoked and demanded alcohol.

Soon after this, Alexander announced his retirement from sports and lived for several months in a monastery in Greece. However, soon Emelianenko, who, according to him, was blessed by Elder Eli, decided to return to the ring and became a participant in the “Legend” fighting show in Moscow. The performance was extremely successful for Alexander - it took just over a minute to defeat his powerful opponent, American Bob “The Beast” Sapp.

In 2014, Emelianenko took part in a fight organized by the promotion company ColiseumFC, in which he lost to Dmitry Sosnovsky, nicknamed “Evil Machine”.

Problems with the law

In the spring of 2014, a criminal case was opened against Alexander. At the trial, the fighter admitted to raping his housekeeper. A year later, Emelianenko was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison and paid a fine. Alexander served his sentence in a general regime colony near Voronezh.

In the fall of 2016, the fighter was released on parole - part of the term was replaced by correctional labor with a deduction of 10% of earnings.

“We talk and show”: “Emelianenko is free”

In February 2017, Alexander signed a contract with the Akhmat club, based in Grozny, and has already had several successful fights.

Personal life of Alexander Emelianenko

The athlete divorced his first wife, St. Petersburg resident Olga Gorokhova, in the fall of 2011. The marriage was dissolved without disputes about the division of property, since even before the wedding a prenuptial agreement was concluded between them. Their common daughter Polina (born in 2007) remained to live with her mother after the divorce. Alexander Emelianenko with his brother Fedor

Alexander has not communicated with his brother Fedor for the last 10 years. After leaving prison, Emelyanov Jr. criticized his brother and his entourage in an interview, to which Fedor made an open statement in which he spoke about all of Alexander’s bad habits.

Alexander Emelianenko now

In April 2018, it became known that Emelianenko had terminated his contract with Akhmat and was free to make offers. Next fight Alexander was going to hold it in May 2018 - obviously, under the auspices of the Russian organization, since the athlete is still not allowed to travel outside the country.

In addition, Emelianenko will become a physical training coach for Grozny football club"Akhmat." It is reported that Alexander included sparring in the training plan of FC players.

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Biography, life story of Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko

Briefly about the main thing

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko is a legendary champion in martial arts, born on September 28, 1976 in the city of Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region. The invincible fighter has many titles, including the title of World Champion according to Pride, according to Rings, Grand Prix Champion Pride, three times World Sambo Champion. An athlete fights in heavy weight category. Fedor’s physical characteristics are as follows: height 183 cm, weight 104 kg. Of the fights held, the athlete won almost all of them. On May 16, 2012, Fedor Emelianenko was elected the first president of the created Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia.


The athlete was born into a family of workers (gas-electric welder, crane operator). In 1978, a family from Ukraine moved to Russia, to the city of Stary Oskol. In the biography of Fedor Emelianenko, his passion for martial arts appeared at the age of 10 years. Then he began training in the sambo and judo section, where the coach was Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov. In 1987 Fedor entered the sports class coach Voronov Vladimir Mikhailovich. After graduating from school in 1991, the athlete began studying at a vocational school. A year after graduating in 1995, he began serving in the army.

After the army. Sambo

After serving, in 1997 Fedor again began to actively engage in sports and participate in competitions. In the same year, the athlete won an international sambo competition for the first time. Also in 1997 he was awarded the title of Master of Sports in judo. In 1998, Fedor won the international sambo competition. So in the biography of Fedor Emelianenko, he received the second title of master of sports, now in sambo.

In addition, 1998 brought many other victories to the athlete’s achievements. Fedor won first and third places at the Russian Judo Championship and took third place at the Sambo Championship. The athlete also became a champion in competitions of the Russian armed forces, and took second place in the absolute weight category of this competition. The following year Fedor Emelianenko won international competitions in sambo. At the same time, the athlete’s team became the first at the European Championships.


Hand to hand combat

However, the athlete did not stop there. In 2000 he began to study technology hand-to-hand combat with coach Alexander Vasilyevich Michkov. Fedor began to participate in fights without rules, first in a more humane version of “Rings”. Having immediately achieved considerable results, already in 2001 Fedor became the world champion in this version of fighting without rules. After this, the athlete moved to a more prestigious version - “Pride”. The cruel rules of "Pride" allow you to hit your opponent in supine position kicks and hands to the head, and if a fighter is knocked down, finish him off.

Without stopping practicing sambo, Fedor won the Russian Championship in 2002, then the World Championship in Greece. In Panama, Fedor became the first in the open weight category at the World Combat Sambo Championship. Then in 2003, Fedor Emelianenko won the Pride World Championship in Ultimate Fighting, defeating past champion Antonio Rodrigo Naguier. Many of the strongest fighters were defeated in the fight with Fedor, including Sam Schilt, Heath Hiring, Kazuyuki Fujita, Gary Goodridge.

In 2004, Fedor Emelianenko’s biography included several outstanding fights with such opponents as Kevin Rendleman, Naoya Ogawa, Mark Coleman, Antonio Nogueira. Fedor received two more titles: Grand Prix champion, world champion in martial arts version “Pride”. The following year, the athlete became the Pride world champion for the third time, and also became a three-time sambo champion. In 2006, Fedor Emelianenko was awarded the title of four-time world champion in martial arts according to the Pride version.

From 2002 until November 2008, Fedor Emelianenko never lost. Only in November 2008 did he lose to Blagoe Ivanov from Bulgaria at the World Combat Sambo Championship, held in St. Petersburg. Many then started talking about the fact that it was time for the 32-year-old fighter to retire. However, 2 months later, Fedor was able to prove the opposite to all skeptics, defending the title of world champion in fighting without rules within 2 minutes. In this fight, Emelianenko knocked out Belarusian weightlifter Andrei Arlovski in a crowded gym Honda Center (USA, Anaheim).

M-1 Global

After the bankruptcy of Pride and the purchase of its assets by Zuffa, the parent company of UFC, there were widespread rumors in the media that Emelianenko would fight in the American octagon.

As a result, negotiations failed, and in October 2007, Emelianenko signed a two-year contract for six fights with M-1 Global, a company about which little was known, since it was formed quite recently and was an alliance of Mixed Fight companies M-1", "Sibling Theatricals", "Garlin Holdings Limited", "SFX Media & Event". It was also not known about the level of fighters, the scale of events and the financial viability of the company. However, Fedor pointed out that in "M-1 Global [he] was completely understood and respected" in contrast to the UFC, and the contract itself was more attractive than the one offered by Dana White. In particular, a feature of the agreement was the lack of exclusivity, which gave the fighter the right to compete for other organizations.

Subsequently, the activities of M-1 Global became the cause of conflicts between Finkelstein, who as of 2011 served as president of the company, and other organizations, in particular Affliction. As a result of this, Fedor’s performances were noticeably limited: if in Pride he could hold from three to five fights per year, then after signing a contract with M-1 Global, he began to hold, as a rule, one fight per year, despite the need to hold 3-4 fights per year according to the terms of the contract. Fedor himself is also a minority co-owner of M-1 Global, having a shareholding of 8.5%.

Last Stand

On June 21, 2012, Emelianenko came out against Brazilian heavyweight Pedro Rizzo, known for his performances in early UFC tournaments. Fedor won by knockout in the second minute of the first round. After the fight, the athlete announced his final decision to end his career in mixed martial arts:

I think the time has come, I'm leaving. I also have a world championship in combat sambo. The decision to leave was influenced by family. My daughters are growing up without me, so it's time to leave.

Personal life

In 1999, Fedor married Oksana, whom he met during his school years in a pioneer camp, where Fedor was in sports camps, and Oksana worked as a counselor. In the same year, their daughter Masha was born. In 2006, the couple divorced. Around the same time, after a trip to Diveevo, Fedor’s churching began. Emelianenko began to think seriously about issues of faith while still serving in the army, but Fedor’s faith took on a pronounced character in 2006.

On December 29, 2007, Fedor and his longtime girlfriend, Marina, had a daughter, Vasilisa, and in October 2009, Fedor and Marina got married. In July 2011, the Emelianenko couple had a daughter, Elizaveta.

Awards and titles

Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (May 21, 2007) - for services to development physical culture and sports and many years of conscientious work.

Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree (2007).

Honorary title “Best in Sports of St. Petersburg” (2009).

Medal "For Services to the Belgorod Land" (2009).

Title " Honorary Citizen Belgorod Region" for outstanding achievements in sports and personal contribution to the development of physical culture and sports (2009).

Golden Order of the Romanov Family “St. Nicholas II”, 1st degree (2010).

Honorary title of laureate of the regional event “50 glorious deeds for the 50th anniversary of the region.”

Activities outside of sports


In 2009, during the period of preparation for the fight with Rogers, Fedor took part in the filming of the film The Key of the Salamander, where he played the role of a special forces soldier - Fedor.


In 2008, Victory Belt Publishing published the book “Fedor: The Fighting System of the World's Undisputed King of MMA,” co-authored by Glen Cordoza, Eric Kraus and Fedor Emelianenko.

Political activity

Since September 3, 2007, Fedor Emelianenko has been a member of the United Russia political party. In October 2010, Emelianenko was elected to the Belgorod Regional Duma as part of the list of candidates from the party. In the fighter’s election program, significant attention was paid to the development of youth movements and sporting interests of the public. Having been elected, Emelianenko said that he would “monitor human rights and make people’s lives better”.

In 2011, Emelianenko became the “face” of the Russian brand sportswear"Forward" The company plans to release a separate line “from Fedor Emelianenko,” in the development of which the athlete himself will take part. According to Emelianenko, he would like the collection to contain not only a national, but also a spiritual component.