Download the push-up chart. Push-ups - the most complete information about the exercise

Today we will talk about the push-up pattern and the 100 push-up program in 6 weeks!

Push-ups give very good results; these exercises allow you to use muscles of different groups. If you do everything correctly, you will pump up any muscles you need. Moreover, there is no need for heavy loads; the exercises are not at all exhausting. In this article we will teach you how to do push-ups correctly and tell you everything related to push-ups. The push-up program is very effective and varied.

To achieve good result, you need to study according to the scheme. Most people think that these exercises are too simple and therefore will not bring much effect. Let's take a closer look at this type of exercise. Let's study the program in detail.

Those who are just learning the push-up program should know how many push-ups to perform.

To increase muscle mass, a large number of push-ups is not necessary. A large amount of work only increases the body's endurance.

How to do push-ups correctly

So, let's decide on the number of push-ups performed from the floor. To get results, three approaches are enough, each of which contains twenty exercises. IN more there's no point. If you want, you can do more advanced exercises. For example, do push-ups using only one hand.

Push-up pattern

You need to do push-ups from the floor correctly.

The fact that muscle mass increases due to push-ups is evidenced by painful sensations V muscle tissue. When doing push-ups, keep your back straight and your pelvis should not rise to a great height. Rib cage at the same time, it does not touch the floor surface, but at the moment of lowering, it is next to it. Correct breathing very important. Inhale as you descend and exhale as you rise.

The distribution of body weight and load depends on the position of your hands. If you need to pump up your chest muscles, do push-ups with your arms positioned wide, and if you need to pump up your triceps, the distance between your arms should be small.

100 push-ups program

Many people know that there is a set of exercises that includes one hundred push-ups. At first glance, it seems unrealistic to do so many push-ups, but in practice everything is possible and it’s not that difficult. Train according to the proposed program and in just two months you will be able to do one hundred push-ups without putting much effort into it. The main thing is to act according to the rules.

Doing 100 push-ups in 6 weeks is quite possible

Most people can't do more than those dozens of push-ups. Some people can do 50 push-ups. And for others it’s hard to complete even ten. If you belong to the third group, it's okay, using this program, you will certainly achieve success.

  • Guided by this complex, in a couple of months you won’t even remember that just recently it was difficult for you to do even ten push-ups, let alone more.
  • This program has a number of advantages.
  • The exercises don't take much time.
  • There is no need to pay for the program. You can exercise in any place convenient for you (at home, in the gym, in the park).
  • There is no need for special equipment.
  • It's very simple.
  • The program is available on the Internet, it includes a table of push-ups.
  • If you strictly follow the rules, the result will not be long in coming.
  • This set of exercises is considered one of the most effective.

How to do dips on parallel bars correctly

Dips are popular among the younger generation and people who do the exercise professionally.

At the initial stage of training, if you follow this program, muscle mass and endurance will increase. Over time, you will develop strength and your muscles will become beautiful. The set of exercises includes several stages, depending on physical fitness. First, you need to be able to do at least five push-ups. If you've never done dips before, start with a regular type of push-up.

It is important to distribute the load evenly. Do the exercises two to three times a week. To get the effect of training, you need high-quality recovery. Do not get carried away with stress, otherwise you can tear your muscles. At first, limit the number of push-ups. Only when you realize that it is not at all difficult for you to do push-ups and there is no pain, you can increase the load.

Doing push-ups

For those who cannot do more than 10 push-ups, it is recommended to do five push-ups ten times. Over time, the number of push-ups increases and the approaches decrease. Aim to do 50 push-ups in one sitting. It takes more than one month to achieve such a result.

Those who can do 10 to 30 push-ups can do ten push-ups five times. Increase the number of push-ups and decrease the walks from time to time. Do everything gradually.

For those who can initially do more than 30 push-ups, it is recommended to do 15 push-ups three times. Over time, the number of push-ups can be increased to 20 - 30. Ideally, if over time, you can do 20 push-ups five times.

Push-up program to increase muscle mass

A popular push-up program is aimed at increasing muscle mass. Beautiful slim figure- the dream of most women and men. To achieve this, you need to train. Push-ups will help build muscles and for this you don’t have to go to the gym and have extensive sports experience. An ordinary person for whom sports is not a profession can achieve results.

It is enough to do about twenty push-ups, complicating the exercise if you want (leaning on one hand or placing your feet on a stand).

Find on the Internet a program of one hundred push-ups designed for two months. It will give you the opportunity, evenly training process After a short period of time, perform up to one hundred push-ups from the floor or on parallel bars. This program is suitable for both experienced athletes and beginners. Push-ups give excellent results, you can see this on personal experience using the proposed program. There are no heavy loads in it. Just a couple of months and the result will be visible.

Push-ups are a universal movement for pumping not only the pectoral muscles and triceps, but also for the active work of the quadriceps, back muscles and abs. Working out exclusively with your own weight, without using weights, doing push-ups on different groups muscles, you can easily and quickly create a beautiful, sculpted top with sculpturally defined muscles. You can read more about which muscles work when doing push-ups.

Before completing the 100 push-ups in 6 weeks program, let's figure out who is considered a beginner. Try it in at the moment do push-ups from the floor maximum quantity once. If you cannot perform more than seven push-ups, this indicates that you are a beginner. Doing seven to sixteen push-ups indicates that you have minimal physical fitness. If you can do at least thirty push-ups, then you have intermediate level. Those who do more than thirty push-ups have good physical fitness, strong hands and quite developed pectoral muscles.

After 6 weeks, you will be able to do one hundred push-ups in one session. But only regular training will allow you to achieve this result. Speaking about regularity, we mean working on yourself every day according to the program without skipping workouts or reducing the recommended number of push-ups. Is it possible to take a rest? Necessarily, since the body needs recovery. The ideal training scheme for beginners is three days of training/day of rest.

Since push-ups place the maximum load on the pectoral muscles and arms, you can supplement your workouts with regular squats and abdominal pumping.

Why do you need a push-up program?

If the goal is to develop the pectoral muscles and triceps, then there is no exercise more suitable than push-ups. To perform them, you do not need to go to the gym or purchase any equipment. Follow the program step by step, and within six weeks of starting classes, 100 push-ups will be easy for you. This program is well suited for beginners to gain muscle mass.

Is it necessary special diet to perform a push-up program? If you want your muscles to increase in volume, then of course you need to follow the rules. Eat more protein foods, whole grain cereals, give up carbonated drinks, flour products and sweets. There is no need to give up fatty meats such as pork. Animal fat will promote rapid weight gain. However, you should not mix fats with carbohydrates. So, for example, eat meat with vegetables, and porridge separately, as breakfast.

For a more sculpted body, you should exclude foods high in animal fats and sugar from your diet. But you shouldn’t give up poultry and fish, including fatty varieties. Thus, the omega-3 fatty acids contained in red fish meat promote fat burning.

Who is the 100 push-ups program suitable for?

To begin this program, there is no need to consult a doctor. Just soberly assess the state of your health. If you do not have problems with joints and muscles, with blood or respiratory systems, then you can easily improve the art of push-ups. This program is not entirely suitable for people who have grade 3 and 4 obesity. Before moving on to this exercise, you need to lose excess weight, otherwise you will create unnecessary stress on your joints, which can be traumatic.

What are the benefits of push-ups?

  • Push-ups use many muscle groups. These are not only the main pectoral muscles, but also the calf, gluteal, back and abdominal muscles. Your whole body works when you do push-ups.
  • since push-ups engage the back muscles, this has a beneficial effect on coordination of movements, ease of gait and the creation of beautiful posture.
  • Strengthening your hands – Your movements will be more precise and your gestures will be more expressive.
  • development of endurance - we are, of course, not talking about six to ten push-ups performed, but about several sets with short breaks between them.
  • By performing this exercise, due to the heavy load, you can successfully get rid of excess weight, and save the skin of your hands from sagging and sagging.
  • For women, push-ups are good because after just a month from the start of the program, the décolleté area will become much more attractive, and the breasts will be more elastic and strong.

Table of 100 push-ups from scratch

There is not much variety in this program - you must do classic push-ups on your palms off the floor. We are taught to do push-ups at school, but just in case, let’s remember the correct technique for performing this exercise. Place your hands on your hands, palms pressed to the floor. If you draw an imaginary line from the shoulders to the heels, it should turn out straight. Rest no more than 1 minute between sets.


Week #1

1 2-2-2-2-2 10
2 2-2-3-2-2-2 13
3 2-3-3-2-3-3 16
4 rest
5 3-3-4-3-3-4 20
6 3-4-4-3-4-4 22
7 rest

Week #2

1 4-4-6-4-4-6 28
2 4-5-6-4-6-6 31
3 5-6-7-4-6-7 35
4 break
5 6-7-7-5-7-7 39
6 6-8-8-5-8-8 43
7 break

Week #3

1 8-8-10-7-7-9 49
2 8-8-8-9-9-10 52
3 9-10-10-8-10-10 57
4 rest
5 10-11-11-9-11-12 64
6 10-11-12-10-12-12 66
7 rest

Push-ups are one of the best exercises. A workout that includes push-ups allows you to pump up your abdominal, arm and back muscles. In addition, push-ups have a positive effect on the spine. However, the push-up program for beginners and for professionals is very different. Those who are just starting to lead a sports lifestyle need to carefully study all the nuances of such training.

What muscles work during push-ups?

Push-ups are one of the best exercises that a person should include in their training program if they want to pump up all their muscles. The floor press is a basic exercise, and when performing it, almost all muscles work:

  1. The main load when doing push-ups from the floor is aimed at the muscles of the arms and chest.
  2. The delta-shaped spinal muscles are also pumped.
  3. Quadriceps are involved.
  4. Abdominal muscles are pumped: upper, middle and lower.

When executing classic push-ups from the floor, these muscles are activated. However, if you perform other types of this exercise, then other muscles will be pumped. Program of push-ups from the floor or from a bench for beginners perfect exercise, you don’t need to purchase it to use it. sports equipment, no special skills are needed, people of any gender and age can do it, but the result will meet all expectations.

Fitness level

Each person, before drawing up a push-up program, should remember that for beginners the load should be a little less. Before creating a training program, novice athletes need to determine their level of physical fitness. Many novice athletes create a training program that they are not able to complete, which is why they do not get the desired result.

Therefore, all beginners, before drawing up a training program, first of all need to determine their level of physical fitness. It can be defined as follows:

  1. If a novice athlete cannot freely do 5 push-ups from the floor, then this indicates a very low level. In this case, push-ups are done not from the floor, but from a bench; this program is better suited for beginners. Thus, a person will be able to increase endurance and gradually move on to more complex exercises.
  2. If a beginner can freely do push-ups from the floor more than 6 times, then he has an initial level. With such physical training, a beginner can gradually increase the load from the first days. A man, a girl with a very short and entry-level Before developing a training program, you should increase the level to at least the minimum.
  3. If a person can freely do push-ups more than 8 times, then his physical fitness is at a minimum level. With this kind of physical fitness, a beginner athlete can follow a simple training program.
  4. If a girl can do more than 10, and a man more than 15 push-ups, then their level is average. For people with an average level, push-ups can become basic.
  5. If a girl does more than 20 bench presses with ease, and a man does more than 30, then their physical fitness is at the highest level. Such people usually have a certain training program for a long time. However, they should not abandon their studies, as the body quickly relaxes. And after a long break, it will be difficult to return to your previous physical shape.

Path from very low to top level long. But not every person needs to become a professional, for beautiful figure and the body is sufficient and of average physical fitness.

Training schedule

Many novice athletes think that the more repetitions and exercises, the faster the results will be, but this is a mistaken opinion. Since the body of men and women needs rest, with constant physical activity, girls may experience health problems, and men may develop chronic fatigue syndrome. So an approximate training schedule should look like this:

  1. People just starting to play sports should do push-ups no more than 3 times a week. This way the body will have time to recover and rest. Such a schedule will prepare a person for constant physical activity.
  2. Those girls and men who are physically fit should perform floor presses 4 times a week.

Even those who have good physical fitness should not forget to give the body rest, at least 2 days a week. Since constant physical activity will not bring benefit, but on the contrary can harm a person.

Execution technique

The floor press will only give results if you follow the correct technique. This exercise is familiar to many girls and boys from physical education lessons, but many still perform it incorrectly, which is why it negatively affects the result. The technique for performing a classic floor press depends on what the novice athlete focuses on. But it is better for novice athletes to include only classic push-ups in their training program at first.

Athletes who have been involved in sports for a long time are familiar with correct technique execution. Therefore, beginners should pay attention to the execution technique:

  1. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, rest your hands on the floor, your hands should be shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The head and body should form a straight line. When performing the exercise, it is advisable to keep your head in one position and not move it, as this can lead to injury.
  2. After starting position will be accepted, you can begin to implement it. To do this you need average speed go as low as possible, the distance from the floor to the body should be about 5 centimeters.
  3. After which you need to rise at the same speed. The number of repetitions for girls and men is different, and it also all depends on the physical fitness of the person.

The effect will be better if you lower your torso as slowly as possible. Because this increases tension. However, it rarely happens that novice athletes can do such presses.

But if a beginner’s physical training allows this, then this option will be the best for him if he wants to pump up his muscles.

It is also important to focus on breathing during training. Because the result depends on it. Many people think that this has no effect, which is very wrong. Improper breathing can cause serious harm to health by affecting blood and intracranial pressure. Therefore, it is very important to remember:

  1. You need to act while exhaling.
  2. Relax as you inhale.

So when doing push-ups, you need to inhale when lowering the body and exhale when lifting.

Example of a push-up program for beginners

As mentioned above, beginners need to find a few free hours 3-4 times a week. You should not do exercises every day, as this can simply be harmful to your health. After the days for push-ups have been determined, you need to create a training program; the table will be more convenient for beginners. So the table should be compiled for a month at once. But changes may be made to this table within a month, as the body gradually gets used to the load and it will need to be increased.

So, a training program for beginners may look like this:

  1. In the first seven days, you should perform 5-8 floor presses, with a break of 60 seconds. In the first week, for people with low physical fitness, 2 approaches will be enough. For people with average physical fitness, 3 approaches are enough.
  2. In the second week, the number of floor presses should be increased to 8-10, breaks between sets should be no more than 1 minute. The number of repetitions must be at least 3.
  3. In the third week, the number of repetitions should be increased to 25, 4–5 approaches. The break between sets is 1 minute.
  4. In the last week, the number of bench presses should be maximum. A person must independently determine how much he can accomplish.

Each person draws up a training program for the subsequent months independently, based on the results of the first month.

The main mistakes that beginners make

Many novice athletes make mistakes when performing. Therefore, in the first few weeks it is advisable to carefully practice the technique and correct mistakes.

So the most common mistakes are the following:

  1. desire to do large number repetitions because of which the technique suffers.
  2. Exhaust the body daily training, or in one day they overload it too much. At this rate, a person will get tired very quickly and will no longer be able to maintain the level of load. It is worth remembering that the load should increase gradually, and not sharply.
  3. Many people, on the contrary, feel sorry for themselves and do not do enough repetitions. The body quickly gets used to the load, so it needs to be constantly increased.

An indicator that the exercise is being done correctly and the number of repetitions is sufficient is muscle pain.

Push-ups are an ideal exercise for those who want to tone their entire body. Since almost all muscles are involved when performing it. However, the training program is different for each person. The first month is the most important, since it is based on the indicators of this month that the program for subsequent classes will be determined. When drawing up a program, a person must take into account his data, and only then training will go for the benefit. The floor push-up exercise is basic in many training programs, and for beginners it is best exercise to increase your level of physical fitness.

From among the great multitude various exercises To pump up muscles, you can use push-ups from the floor - which muscles work will be described below. By its nature, this exercise is basic and has enormous potential that can be used for your own purposes - this can be gaining mass, increasing physical indicators(strength, endurance) or muscle definition (in common people it is called “drying”). Push-ups meet all these requirements. I advise girls to read the article about how.


The gymnastic name for push-ups is: flexion-extension of the arms while lying down.

Arm flexion/extension data can be compared with a regular bench press - they have a lot in common, but there are still differences. The differences lie in the position of the hands. When doing push-ups, you can place your hands as you like: wide, narrow, shoulder-width apart, above chest level, at chest level, below chest level.

In addition, you can adjust the direction of your palms and elbows during push-ups, which plays a certain role for specific muscles. Much of this cannot be done with a barbell, although some of the techniques can be replicated with the dumbbell bench press.

It is worth noting that to perform this exercise you do not need to have additional equipment(except in the later stages, when own weight is no longer sufficient for muscle growth). This allows you to perform them at home or in any convenient place.

What muscles work during push-ups?

  • Pectoral muscles - are loaded during straightening of the arms at the elbow and shoulder joints.
  • Triceps muscles - are loaded similarly to the pectoral muscles during straightening of the arms in both pairs of joints.
  • Deltoid muscles (anterior) - are directly involved in movement, but the load is somewhat less than that of the pectoral and triceps due to the anatomical features of the body.
  • Muscles of the shoulder blades (round, rhomboid and others) small muscles) – work slightly during push-ups, but can hurt (grow) due to a lag in strength from the main muscle groups.
  • Trapezius muscle – the range of movement is significantly reduced; you can’t count on growth of this muscle.
  • The muscles of the body (rectus abdominis, oblique muscles, and spine) are loaded statically due to the fixed position of the torso, acting as stabilizer muscles that monitor smooth posture, center of gravity and body position.

Depending on which specific muscles need to be pumped up, it is worth using certain “racks”.

So, to fully pump up the chest muscles, you need to place your palms 10–15 cm wider than your shoulders, which will increase the range of motion shoulder joints. It is also possible to pump up the chest with a narrow stance: the palms should be turned inward, and when lowering the body down, the elbows should go to the sides. Or here’s another thing: just place your palms below chest level - this will lead to an increase in the amplitude of the shoulders, and the pectoral muscles will contract more intensely.

You can strongly use the triceps by placing your palms at chest level, but in a narrow stance. In this case, the elbows should move along the body when bending. In addition, placing your hands high on the floor (palms above chest level) will increase the range of motion in your elbows, which will have a positive effect on the contraction of the triceps muscles.

During any push-ups, the work involves deltoids(more precisely, their anterior section), but the degree of tension of these muscles again depends on the position of the hands: in a narrow stance at chest level, the load will be sufficient for the growth of the anterior deltas.

Even distribution of the load between the chest and arms is possible by placing the hands in a middle stance at chest level. During such flexion-extension of the arms, the main muscles show the greatest interaction, where the “deltoids” play an important role. When lowering, your elbows should be directed to the sides and down.

Program for Beginners

This program is aimed at increasing productivity, general development and strengthening the muscles of the chest and arms. Total time completion – 6 weeks. Training three times a week - you can choose which days yourself, but the break between training sessions must be at least 48 hours, that is, if the training session was on Tuesday, the next one should not be earlier than Thursday. Rest between sets should last from a minute to two.

On training days there should be no other physical activity on working muscles, but you can do, for example, squats and deadlifts. If, for example, there is a desire to pump up the “neighboring” muscles (back, shoulders), then the load should not exceed 50% of the maximum. Only under such conditions will it be possible to achieve high results, otherwise the body will deplete its energy reserves without having time to restore them.

The push-ups in the beginner program are built on a medium-light-heavy basis, which will shock the muscles. Example: 2 sets of 20 reps, 2 sets of 15 reps, 2 sets of 25 reps.

First week.

1 workout - 2*20; 2*15; 2*25 – only 6 approaches and 120 push-ups.
2 training - 2*20; 2*17; 2*27 – 6 and 128.
3 workout - 2*21; 2*18; 2*28 – 6 and 132.

Second week.

1 workout - 2*23; 2*18; 2*29 – 6 and 140.
2 training - 2*24; 2*19; 2*29 – 6 and 144.
3 workout - 2*25; 2*20; 2*30 – 6 and 150.

Third week.

1 workout - 2*24; 2*20; 2*30 – 6 and 148.
2 training - 2*26; 2*22; 2*30 – 6 and 156.
3 training - 2*27; 2*22; 2*32 – 6 and 162.

Fourth week.

1 workout - 2*26; 2*23; 2*31 – 6 and 160.
2 training - 2*28; 2*23; 2*33 – 6 and 168.
3 training - 2*29; 2*24; 2*33 – 6 and 172.

Fifth week.

1 workout - 2*28; 2*22; 2*31 – 6 and 162.
2 training - 4*20; 3*15; 1*47 – 8 and 172.
3 training - 4*21; 3*15; 1*48 – 8 and 177.

Sixth week.

1 workout - 2*29; 2*23; 2*32 – 6 and 168.
2 training - 4*22; 3* 15; 1*50 – 8 and 183.
3 training - 4*23; 3*16; 1*52 – 8 and 192.

The program also assumes small “kickbacks” when the results of one of the next training sessions a little less than the previous three - this allows the muscles to recover.

It is also possible to perform push-ups from small heights (bars, stands), which will increase the range of movements (lowering), and, therefore, increase muscle growth.


Push-ups are an excellent help and base for any other exercises. Besides this great way strengthen your torso muscles and gain muscle mass without spending money on expensive gyms.

The training program is designed for full dedication from those involved and unquestioning adherence to instructions.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Regardless of whether a person goes in for sports or not, absolutely everyone has done or heard about this at least once. universal exercise, How . This is very effective exercise, which is perfect for training at home.

Push-ups are basic exercise which helps develop chest muscles, triceps muscle(triceps), and also involves a large number of auxiliary muscle groups. Therefore, if you are wondering: “?”, this exercise will be an indispensable assistant for you in achieving this goal.

However, we will not completely analyze the exercise, but will talk about a wonderful training program. This program will help the athlete develop basic physical strength, in order to start going to gym, and also learn how to do 100 push-ups, without any prior preparation. Of course, for some this seems like a very large number, almost unattainable, but it is not so. Any goal can be achieved, the main thing is to realize and believe in yourself.


At first glance, push-ups seem very easy to perform, but in fact, for beginners, this exercise is very difficult. The thing is that most people don't stick to the technique. If the exercise is performed correctly, it becomes much more difficult. What it seemed at first glance.

In order to work on increasing muscle mass, it is enough to perform 12-15 repetitions of 3-4 approaches. If you perform more repetitions, the load will increase strength and endurance. The program we'll look at now is designed to increase the number of push-ups from zero to 100 repetitions. Such a program is aimed more at testing oneself, and not at becoming big.

Scheme of the push-up program:

As you can see, with this training program you can learn to do push-ups if a person cannot do push-ups from the floor at all and perform at least 10 repetitions.

The program is designed for 12 weeks, almost every day you need to devote a little time to do the exercise. The first number in the cell indicates the number of sets that need to be performed, and the second number indicates the number of repetitions in one approach. At first it may seem that the load is growing too quickly or that there are too many repetitions at the end of the program, etc. But these are just doubts, not supported by facts. In fact, the program is 100% effective. Without any doubt, everything depends on human physiology.

If you are a more experienced athlete, then you should start training from the week where the load is optimal for you. For example, if you can easily perform 10 repetitions for 3 sets, then you should start with 4 weeks.