Competitions for the relay race “fun starts. Methodology for teaching relay running Relay running baton passing area

from whom, from whom. TAKE THE BATON from whom, from whom. New Continue someone's endeavors.

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Take the baton” is in other dictionaries:

    take up the baton- continue Dictionary of Russian synonyms... Dictionary of synonyms

    take up the baton- who has About traditions passed on from one generation to another... Dictionary of many expressions

    Accept/take over the baton- 1. Book. Continue whose l. beginnings, traditions. FSRY, 538; BMS 1998, 645; Mokienko 1990, 129; FM 2002, 641; 2. Jarg. they say Continue having sexual intercourse with a common partner in order of priority. Nikitina 2003, 845. 3. Jarg. they say Getting infected with a sexually transmitted disease...

    accept- I will accept/, with/you; accepted/l, la/, lo/; accepted; accepted; nyat, a/, o., sv. see also accept, accepted, acceptance, acceptance... Dictionary of many expressions

    accept- I will accept, you will accept; accepted, la, lo; accepted; accepted; yat, ah, oh. St. 1. who what. Take from the hands of the one who gives, gives. P. in the child's arms. P. gift. P. gift (high). P. coat. P. ball (in sports game). P. from a friend, father, relatives,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    From whom, from whom. TAKE THE BATTERON from whom, from whom. New To continue someone's endeavors... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    accept- I will accept, you will accept; past accepted, la, lo; prib. past accepted; prib. suffering past accepted, nyat, a, o; sov., trans. (nesov. accept). 1. Take from the hands of the one who gives, gives. [Dubrovsky], closing the notes, furtively handed her a note. Marya... ... Small academic dictionary

    relay- y, w. 1. The previously existing express mail, which delivered letters and reports with special messengers, replacing each other along the way. Once a week the mail will skip by, sometimes a relay race will rush by, or the governor general's courier will fly by. Korolenko,... ... Small academic dictionary

    RELAY- Work relay race. Publ. Outdated About one of the types of socialist competition. BMS 1998, 645. Pass/pass (carry) the baton. 1. Book. To convey something without stopping forward movement. BMS 1998, 645. 2. Publ. Pass it on to someone. mine… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Taijiquan- in Shanghai Taijiquan (Chinese trad. 太極拳, exercise... Wikipedia


  • Third humanity. Micropeople, Verber Bernard. Even less. Even more feminine. Even more united. David Wells and Aurora Kammerer created a new humanity that could take the baton from us. After "The Third Humanity" "Micropeople"…

Lesson topic: Relay race. Passing the baton.

Objective of the lesson: Teach relay running and passing the baton

Lesson objectives:

1) Educational:

Training in relay running and baton passing techniques;

2) Educational:

Instill interest in physical education and sports;

3) Wellness:

- Development speed abilities engaged.

Venue: sports ground ChPK No. 1

Equipment: whistle, stopwatch, cones, relay batons





for 1st year students

Representatives: Vildanova Milana,

Batus Tatiana (49 group)

Methodist: Melikhov Vasily Alexandrovich

Lesson topic: Relay race. Passing the baton.

Objective of the lesson: Teach relay running and passing the baton

Lesson objectives:

1) Educational:

Training in relay running and baton passing techniques;

2) Educational:

Instill interest in physical education and sports;

3) Wellness:

- Development of speed abilities of those involved.

Venue:sports ground ChPK No. 1

Equipment: whistle, stopwatch, cones, relay batons

Date: 10/02/2018





Preparatory part

(20 min)

Construction. Greetings.

1 min

“Group, stand in one line!” "Be equal!"



“At ease!”

“My name is Milana Dzhamilievna!”

The topic of our lesson: Relay race. Passing the baton.

Posture exercises:

3 min

"Right! One, Two!

“Detour around to the left, march!”

Distance 2 steps.

  1. “Hands up, on your toes, march!”

1 time

The back is straight, looking forward, palms facing each other.

  1. “Hands behind your head, on your heels, march!”

1 time

  1. “Hands on your waist, roll from heel to toe, march!”

1 time

Back straight, look forward.

  1. “Hands on your belt, in a half-squat, march!”

1 time

Back straight, look forward.

  1. “Hands on your belt, in a full squat, march!”

1 time

Back straight, look forward.

“No assignment!”


3 laps

5 min

Tell students that after running around the stadium we will gather near the teacher inside the cones.

“Run around the stadium for 3 laps, march!” the pace is average.

Students return to the cones and continue walking, saying if necessary:

“Step, march!”

Gymnastics Strelnikova. Breathing exercise:

1) Palms

3 reps

Now we will restore breathing using Strelnikova’s gymnastics:

Palms away from you, at head level. Rhythmic clench and unclench of fingers, with sharp breaths. 8 repetitions with breaks of 4-5 seconds.

“The guide is in place!”, “Left, left! One, two, three!”, “Stop! One, two!”, “To the left – one, two!”.

“Group, 1,2,3, settle up!”,

“1 – on the spot, 2 – three steps, 3 – six steps forward, step, march!”

Outdoor switchgear on site:

6 min

1) Head turns

1 – head turns to the right;

2 – I.p.;

3 – turn left;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

2) Head tilts

I.p. - Same

1 – forward;

2 – left;

3 – right;

4 – forward

8 reps

The movements are not sudden, the back is straight.

3) Hand jerks

I.p. – legs apart, right up, left down

1 – 2 – left up, right down;

3 – 4 – right up, left down.

8 reps

The back is straight. Arms straight. Look ahead.

4) I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands in front of chest

1 – turn left;

2 – I.p.;

3 – the same to the right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. Look ahead. When turning your body, your arms are spread to the sides.

5) Different circular rotations with hands

10 times – right forward, left backward;

10 times - left forward, right backward.

20 reps

Do not bend your elbows. Look ahead. The range of motion is full.

6) Torso turns

I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands on waist

1 – left;

2 – I.p.;

3 - right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

Keep your back straight. Look ahead.

7) Bend the torso to the sides

1 – left;

2 – I.p.;

3 – right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. Look ahead. When bending, bring the opposite arm above your head.

8) I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands on waist

1 – tilt to the right;

2 – to the middle;

3 – to the left;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. When bending over, reach down with your hands and keep your legs straight.

9) I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands in front of chest

1 – 2 – lunge with torso turning to the right;
3 – 4 – the same to the left

8 reps

The back is straight. Look ahead.

10) Leg swings

I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms forward

1 – right to left;

2 – I.p.;

3 – left to right;

4 – I.p.

8 reps

The back is straight. Arms straight in front of you. The legs are straight when swinging.

11) Circular rotations V knee joint

I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands on waist

10 rotations – right

10 rotations – left

20 reps

12) Circular rotations in the ankle joint

I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands on waist

10 rotations – right

10 rotations – left

20 reps

Carry out at your own expense. Keep your back straight. Look ahead.


1 min

“All around!”

“Step to your places, march!”
“All around!” - to turn students to face the teacher.

“Follow me, march!” - to get on the treadmill.

Line up one behind the other for special running exercises:
“In one column, stand!”

Special running exercises(SBU):

5 min

Running with shin choking;

2 times

Combine with relaxation of non-working muscles. Touch your buttocks with your heels. The arms work as if they were running. The torso is tilted forward.

Running with straight legs forward;

2 times

Work on the forefoot.


2 times

Hands work as in running, landing on two feet. Pull the knee of the swing leg as high as possible. The pushing leg is straightened at the knee.

Running with high hips;

2 times

Raise your knee to an angle of 90 degrees. Land on your toes. The foot of the swing leg pulls towards itself. The torso is tilted forward. The arms work as if they were running.

Running backwards

2 times

Moving forward with minimal bending of the leg at the knee joint. The body is slightly tilted forward. Stretch your swing leg in the direction of movement. Putting your foot on your toes. Arms and shoulders are relaxed, working as if running.


“In one line, stand!” - we build inside the cones.

Main part

(60 min)

Relay race

15 min

Relay running is a discipline athletics, in which results are achieved through team rather than individual efforts. Classic competitions are held exclusively at the stadium, but some relay variations can take place on the highway.


  • Official relay races for women and men: 4 x 100, 4 x 200, 4 x 400, 4 x 800 m;
  • Official relay for men – 4 x 1500 m;
  • Olympic relays for women and men: 4 x 100 m and 4 x 400 m;
  • “Swedish relay” - 800/400/200/100 m or 100/200/400/800 m;
  • Amateur and school relay races - the distance of the stages is chosen by the organizers independently.

Relay running technique:

The main task of runners is to correctly pass the baton at high speed. Sticks can be wooden or metal. Their length reaches 30 cm. In relay races on short distances may not use a wand. Runners of the 1st stage start running from low start, holding a wand in his right hand. Then they transmit from right hand in the 20-meter zone, give your relay to the next runner in left hand, etc. There are several ways to pass the stick: with and without changing hands. The receiver can transfer the stick from one hand to the other, or he may not transfer it, and pass it to the next one with the same hand with which he took it. If a runner drops a stick, then he must pick it up with the hand in which it was before the fall. The baton is passed strictly in a designated area - from 10 m before the end of the 1st stage to 10 m at the beginning of the 2nd stage. Failure to comply with the rules may result in disqualification of the entire team.


3 min

Formation in 1 line on a football field.

“Stand in one line”

"Be equal!"


“Calculate for 1.2!”

“2 numbers 3 steps forward march!”


Lead-in exercises:

15 min

  1. Passing the baton from below in the column on the spot.

2 times

  1. Passing the relay baton in motion 20 m.

3) Relay “Pursuit Race”

2 times (top/bottom)

1 time

Students are divided into pairs. They all run at once. Don't run into the corridor. The corridor is 5 m before the start line and 5 m after the start line.

Try to accept the stick without turning back. At the transmitter’s signal, extend your hand to accept the baton, first accelerating.

The teams are lined up on opposite sides of the field. At the signal, the first numbers begin to run, trying to catch up with each other, then pass the baton to the next participant, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

100m relay race

Students are divided into 2 teams. Participants are divided into stages.

10 min

If a team loses a stick or runs out of the corridor, then it is removed from the race

Final part
(5 min)

Slow running

1 lap

3 min

Heart rate recovery

Construction, summing up

1 min

The teacher asks if you liked the relay race and which exercise caused the most difficulties.

Organizational care for college.

1 min

3. Central line The first pass zone in the 4 x 400m relay (or the second pass zone in the 4 x 200m relay) must correspond to the starting line in the 800m race.

11. Control marks. If the entire relay or its first leg is held in separate lanes, the athlete may make one control mark on his lane using self-adhesive tape measuring no more than 5 cm x 40 cm, which cannot be confused in color with other permanent markings. No other reference mark may be used.

12. A baton is a solid, smooth, hollow tube, round in cross-section, made of wood, metal or other hard material. The length of the stick must be in the range of 28 - 30 cm. Its weight must be at least 50 g, and its circumference must be 12 - 13 cm. It must be painted in such a color that it can be easily seen during the competition.

13. The baton must be held in your hand throughout the competition. Athletes are not permitted to wear gloves or apply a substance to their hands to improve their grip on the baton.

If it falls, then the athlete who dropped the stick must pick it up. He may leave the track to pick it up, provided he does not shorten the distance. If this procedure is performed correctly and no injury is caused to the other team's athlete, dropping the baton will not result in disqualification.

14. In all types of relay races, the baton must be passed only in a special area. The transfer of the baton begins only from the moment when the receiving runner first touches it, and ends when it is in the hand of only the receiving runner. With regard to the passing zone, only the position of the baton is decisive, and not the position of the athletes’ bodies. Passing the baton outside the zone will result in disqualification.

15. Athletes, before receiving and/or after passing the baton, must remain in their lanes or areas until the lane is clear, so as not to interfere with other participants. Rules 163.3 and 163.4 do not apply to these athletes. If an athlete deliberately interferes with a member of another team by taking someone else's lane at the finish line of their leg, their team will be disqualified.

16. Providing assistance by pushing or other similar methods will result in disqualification.

17. Any four athletes from those entered for the competition (for the relay or any other event) can be part of the relay team in any round of the competition. However, if a relay team has started a competition, only two athletes are allowed to be substituted. If a team does not comply with this rule, it must be disqualified.

18. The composition of the team and the running order of the relay must be officially announced no later than one hour before the published time of the first call for the first race in each round of the competition. Further changes can only be made by medical indications(certified by a medical officer appointed by the Organizing Committee) only until the last call for a specific race in which the team is participating. If a team does not comply with this rule, it must be disqualified.

One of the most popular “topics” of late is flash mobs, which spread in the form of a relay race. The most famous example of such relay races is, of course, the Ice Bucket Challenge (pouring ice water). Not long ago there was a popular flash mob called “Me Five Years Ago.” However, there are other relay races that constantly appear on the Internet and are distributed in different social networks, including Instagram.

Why is this convenient? In one post you can clearly show with your own example what exactly is needed to complete the relay race, indicate to whom exactly you are passing it on, and indicate the time limit.

Of course, before you pass the baton on Instagram, you need to fulfill its conditions yourself. Do the required number of push-ups, say the right words to the camera, or (as in the famous example) douse yourself with ice water. Then you publish a photo or video and pass the baton on to your friends.

Passing the baton on Instagram correctly

In order to correctly pass the baton, your post must contain several required elements:

  • A photo or video of you yourself fulfilling the flash mob conditions.
  • A hashtag that reveals the essence of the relay. As a rule, each flash mob has its own unique hashtag.
  • The names of the users to whom you are passing the baton. Names are preceded by an @ icon without a space, as required for mentioning users.
  • Indicating the time limit you give other users to complete the action. For the Ice Bucket Challenge, for example, this period was 24 hours.

Such a post will immediately clearly show the essence of the action. The recipients to whom you pass the baton will immediately receive a notification that you mentioned them in your entry. And the time of publication will allow them to navigate the deadlines for completing the task. Now, knowing how to pass the baton on Instagram, you can easily brag about your achievements and pass the progress on to your friends.

By the way, you are absolutely under no obligation to join the relay races, even if you are invited. You don't even have to make excuses for it. But participation will not only raise your ranking and attract more attention to you, but will also make your page much more interesting!

Modern relay races often attract media attention, especially if they involve famous people. Therefore, you have a chance, by completing the task brightly and creatively, to get into thematic reviews and become a star!


Fun starts are a variety of different sports competitions for teams. The tasks depend only on the imagination of the organizer and the children's capabilities.

Goal: organizing leisure time for students, developing physical education, recreation and sports activities at school.


    Uniting students.

    Development of physical qualities.

    Propaganda healthy image life.

    Involving schoolchildren in classes physical culture and sports.

Venue: gym, sports ground.

1 Relay Race “Passing the Baton” . The teams are lined up in columns, one at a time, behind the starting line, in the hands of a guide baton. At the signal, the first number runs to the chip, runs around it and returns to the team, passing the stick to the next one. The second one performs the same task, etc.

Inventory: sticks.

2 Relay race “Crossing with a hoop” . All participants line up in a column. The first player puts on the hoop. At the signal, he runs to the chip and back, then puts the hoop on the second participant and runs with him in the hoop to the chip. The first participant remains on the opposite side of the court, and the second runs after the third, etc. As soon as the last player has been "crossed", the teams must form columns.

Equipment: hoops.

3 “Kangaroo” relay race. The first participant, holding the ball between his legs (above the knees), must move forward by jumping to the chip and back. When you return, pass the baton to the next player. If the ball falls on the floor, you need to pick it up, return to the place where the ball fell, hold it with your feet, and only then continue the relay race.

Equipment: balls.

4 “Pass on to someone else” relay race. The teams line up in columns, the first player receives the ball. At some distance in front of each team, a hoop is placed into which the player throws the ball. The second team member catches the ball, and the first, meanwhile, takes a place at the end of the column. If the ball is not caught, then the third player runs after it. Next, the second player throws the ball. The team that gets the ball back to the first player the fastest wins.

Equipment: balls and hoops.

5 Relay "Wave". The teams line up in parallel, the players in the team stand in a column behind each other’s heads at a distance of one step from the other. The first numbers in the teams place the ball in front of them so that they can take one step to reach it. At the signal from the leader, the first number, leaning forward, takes the ball with his hands, lifts it above his head, and, leaning back as far as possible, passes the ball to the second number of the team standing behind him. The second number, leaning forward, receives the ball and passes it back through his widely spaced legs. The third number passes the ball like the first, the fourth - like the second, the ball travels along the line of players alternately: above the head - under the feet, above the head - under the feet, making wave-like movements. The winner is the team that, without making a single mistake or dropping the ball, can quickly pass the ball from the first number to the last.

Equipment: balls.

6 Relay race “Carrying three balls” . At the start, the first participant in the relay takes three basketballs and, at the leader’s signal, runs with them to the landmark (hoop). Leaves them there, runs back and passes the baton to the next participant. He must deliver the balls back to the starting line. And so on.

Equipment: hoops and balls.

7 Relay "Volleyball relay" . Teams choose captains. On the site at a distance 3 meters, two parallel lines are drawn: teams line up behind one, captains stand behind the other, each facing their team. The captains have in their hands volleyball. At the signal, the captains throw the ball to the players in front of their teams. Having caught the ball, the player throws it back to the captain and takes his place at the end of the column. Then the captain throws the ball to the second player and, having received it back, to the third and so on in order. After passing the ball to the captain, each player runs to the end of the column. The relay ends when the one who first caught the ball thrown by the captain is at the starting line.

Equipment: volleyballs.

8 Relay race "Agility football player". From the starting line, players dribble the soccer ball with their feet in a straight line to the hoop, circle it and return back, also dribbling the soccer ball with their feet in a straight line. At the starting line, the ball is passed without using the hands. The next team member cannot start the relayuntil the previous player crosses the starting line.

Inventory: soccer balls and hoops.

9 Relay " Running with a skipping rope ». At the judge's signal, the first member of each team jumps over the rope for each running step from stand to stand. The player then runs to the hoop and places the jump rope in it, runs around the hoop and returns to his team as usual. The baton is passed by touching the hand of the second player. The second player starts the relay with a regular run, runs up to the hoop, takes the jump rope and returns with jumps for each step from rack to rack, then runs to the starting line and passes the baton. Children must complete the task “jumping rope for each running step” from the starting line to the counter. If a player violates the terms of the relay, he is returned by the judge back to the starting line for correct execution relay races

Equipment: jump ropes and hoops.

10 Relay race “Crossing the swamp”. The first participants
2 sheets of paper. The task is to go through the “swamp” by stepping on “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put a “bump” on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other “bump” in front of you. The winner is the team that passes the “swamp” first.

Inventory: A4 sheets of paper.

The advantages of relay races: brightness, dynamism and entertainment; short duration of time; versatility in terms of site; does not require special physical training; easily adapts to any number of participants; extraordinary format; positive atmosphere.

The number and type of tasks that make up the relay race vary depending on the specific tasks and conditions of the event. Team game involves a virtually unlimited number of teams and participants from 10 to 1000 people.