WHAT ARE SQUATS USEFUL?+Proper squatting is good for your figure.+5 simple exercises that we often do incorrectly+3 EXERCISES THAT ARE EFFECTIVE

3 Exercises that are more effective than squats

Try the best butt exercises at home that will help you keep not only your butt in shape but also your inner and outer thighs. These exercises will help strengthen your legs.

Exercises developed specifically by personal trainer at the National Academy of Sports Medicine in New York - Chelsea Dornan.

Repeat each exercise for 45 - 60 seconds in the order listed. Do three approaches, that is, each exercise three times, and soon you won’t recognize yourself.

Good luck!

What are the benefits of squats?

The benefits of squats are enormous, regardless of how this exercise is performed, with or without weights. Squats are an important component in bodybuilding and powerlifting, in choreography and physical therapy. When performing squats, the work includes practically...

Proper squatting is good for your figure.

Every woman, regardless of age, dreams of her figure remaining slim, fit and harmonious for as long as possible, but not everyone copes with this task.

One of the most problematic areas of the female body is the gluteal muscles; they accumulate a considerable amount of fat deposits, which significantly spoil the beauty of the female figure.

In order for this part of the body to have an appetizing, toned shape and the required volume, it is necessary to master the technique of correct squats, because it is these seemingly standard and basic exercises that allow you to have harmoniously developed muscles of the buttocks and legs.

Strong, beautiful and developed, this part of the body will make you feel comfortable, seductive and, naturally, physically healthy.

To understand why squats are so necessary for effective results, you need to delve a little into the physiology and structure of the gluteal muscles. As it turned out, due to the vertical position of our body, it was the gluteal muscles that became the most massive and developed, and it is this that helps to straighten the pelvic area.

But it so happens that it is worked out and strained well only when a person does intensive walking or running, which in everyday life, as you have probably noticed, does not happen so often. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle leads us to the fact that the largest and most prominent muscle in our body is constantly at rest, and, therefore, loses its tone and size, the butt decreases and becomes completely flat.

That is why, in order to develop it and bring it into the necessary tone, it is extremely necessary to load it with additional loads, which, without a doubt, will require a lot of time and effort from you, but, believe me, the impressive result is worth it.

If your goal is to lose extra pounds in the pelvic and abdominal area, as well as give this area a beautiful and elastic shape, then squats are exactly what you need. In order to achieve your goal, you need to know how to squat correctly to pump up your buttocks, because if you didn’t know, not all squats can be beneficial, some can even do harm!

There are more than a dozen different ways of squats; each specific exercise affects the muscles of the buttocks in a certain way, tightening one or another part of it.

We follow the squat technique

It happens that you have the desire to have toned and strong buttocks, but there is no opportunity to go to the gym, but this does not mean at all that you will have to give up your dream.

You can lose weight well and pump up your gluteal muscle at home; with the help of squats, this will not be difficult, the main thing is to know how to do them correctly, because even one careless movement can lead to a rather serious injury, after which you will hardly want to return to training soon.

The shape of the gluteal muscles, first of all, depends on their degree of development, the amount of fat deposits and the shape of the pelvic bone. If we are unlikely to be able to correct the latter, but various squats will help to correct everything else in the best possible way.

The benefits of squats are not only a beautiful and toned butt; there are a number of other indicators that encourage all trainers in the world to include them, even the most modern and progressive ones. fitness programs .

Correct execution of squats helps to normalize hormonal levels, without which muscle growth is impossible, as well as improve metabolic processes, which affects the health and well-being of the human body as a whole.

Over time, by systematically performing such exercises, you can achieve more flexible and powerful muscles, which provide their owner with a charge of vigor and positivity for the rest of the day.

How to do squats correctly?

To achieve visible and positive results, you must follow some rules when performing squats, otherwise you risk harming yourself. General recommendations are:

  • While doing the exercises, try to constantly tense your abdominal muscles, so they will form a muscular corset around your waist and fix your spine.
  • Be sure to keep your back straight; it should not be rounded or arched, otherwise the result will be insufficient. Remember, the distance from the tailbone to the crown should become a single and straight line.
  • The heels should be firmly glued to the floor.
  • A very important point is proper breathing. Try to breathe evenly and in rhythm, without holding it, as you inhale, lower yourself down, and as you straighten up, exhale.
  • Some fitness instructors recommend squatting so that your legs form an angle at the knees; in their opinion, going deeper does not make any sense. But still, if your stretching and development of the spine allows you to lower your pelvis deeper, do not worry and squat deeper, the main thing is that you continue to follow the three rules listed above.

Squat Variations That May Help You

It is believed that the most effective for girls, but also one of the most difficult, is squats with a barbell, because lifting weights allows you to build muscle mass, get rid of excess fat deposits, and, as a result, pump up a beautiful butt.

The fact is that such an exercise can cause severe physical stress, as a result of which the pituitary gland begins to work, producing hormones. Only under this condition does muscle mass begin to grow, and by performing primitive swings or light squats, you affect the muscles too little, and therefore do not expect an impressive result.

Squats with a barbell must be performed carefully, it is best that this process is supervised by a specialist, otherwise there is a huge risk of injury.

The ideal weight for the average girl is about 30 kg if it is a barbell, and 10 or 15 kg if it is dumbbells. The legs must be placed so that the toes point slightly to the sides, no more than shoulder width apart, the back is straight, the barbell is on the shoulders.

Bend your knees to such a level that your thighs are parallel to the floor, and move your pelvis slightly back. We make sure that the knees do not go beyond the feet; the emphasis should be placed, to a greater extent, on the heel.

Depending on your own physical form, you can do from 10 to 30 exercises, after which we freeze on half-bent legs for another 5 seconds and straighten up. After this, you need to repeat the set 2-3 more times, without breaks.

If you are working out at home or recently, then dumbbells instead of a barbell may well be suitable; they do not require the presence of a trainer and squats are easier to perform. You can hold the dumbbells in your lowered hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself in the same way as in the previous exercise.

If you want to tighten your inner thighs, then the plie exercise is ideal for this purpose. When performing it, the legs are spread as wide as possible, the arms with dumbbells are lowered forward, the heels are placed in line with the knees. From this position, squats are performed, the back must be kept in a straight position.

How to squat correctly:

You probably know that in exercises it is not the quantity that is important, but the technique of execution. Therefore, it is better to perform 5 real good squats than 55, but at half strength. Let's stop cheating and learn how to do them correctly!

1. Squat deeply.
The deeper you squat, the more the muscles in your thighs and buttocks work, and the more effective this exercise is. The problem is that most people lack the mobility in their ankles, hips and spine to maintain proper alignment. Use your elbows to push your hips apart for a really intense stretch in your thigh muscles. Hold your hands in front of your chest, elbows to the sides, while squatting, place your hands on the inner thighs and push your hips to the sides with your elbows. Focus on lifting your chest higher and keeping your spine aligned.

2. Watch your knees.
In squats, it is very important to keep your knees straight and out to the sides. When moving inward, there is a high probability of damaging the tendons. During squats, your knees should point in the same direction as your toes. The emphasis is on the heels, as if there is a chair behind you and you need to reach out and sit on it.

3. Work on your lift.
Typically, when performing squats, we concentrate on the descent, putting all our strength into it. And the rise is carried out due to inertia. Therefore, it is important to watch how you perform the squat and do auxiliary exercises to develop strength at the bottom of the squat range. For example, squats with a pause - go down for 5 counts, hold for 3 counts and go up for 5 counts. The exercise should not be done in jerks, but slowly, while capturing your own sensations. When you learn not to use inertia when lifting, you can accelerate.

4. Engage your back muscles.
Squats are not only about working your legs and buttocks, it is also about working your back muscles. Keep your body tense and tilt it forward slightly, your whole body should be toned, taut, like a steel spring. This will protect against injury during training.

5. Work your belly.
While doing squats, breathe from your stomach and tense your abdominal muscles. As in the situation with the back, this will strengthen the core and protect the spine from overload. The advantage of doing squats this way is that you additionally train your abdominal muscles. Exhale during squats on the way up.

Basic recommendations for performing squats and safety rules.

1. The depth of the squat will depend on the degree of your preparedness and physical development. The more the knee joint bends, the greater the load on it. Depending on the balance in muscle development (their strength and elasticity), mobility in the joints, as well as the condition of the joint itself, select the depth of the squat individually. These can be half squats, parallel squats, or deep squats.

2. Keep your spine straight and do not allow it to bend.
3. Keep your chin slightly raised and look in front of you or slightly up.
4. Set the width of your feet and the turn of your toes and knees to ensure a feeling of comfort, naturalness and balance. When standing up, do not allow your knees to move inward.
5. When standing up, do not allow your body to lean forward.

And most importantly!

1. Use squats with significant weights only if your knees are perfectly healthy. If you feel clicking or any sensations in your knees that create discomfort, examine the condition of your joint in a medical facility and consult with a specialist. This doesn't mean you can't squat from now on. Simply discovering a problem may require reducing the weight, changing your technique, or temporarily replacing the squat with another exercise.
2. Never squat through joint pain. Do not use bandages or warming ointments to reduce pain. You will only make the problem worse.
3. Be sure to cycle the load. Vary microcycles with low, medium and high load. This will ensure normal regeneration and reduce the risk of under-recovery in the event of possible microdamage to joint elements.

Happy squatting, strong muscles and healthy knees! Train smart, not too much!


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