Alexey UBER. A brief review of the book "Sports Astrology" by J. Frawley

To date, the base of scientific and practical research in the field of sports astrology is clearly insufficiently developed. In the available professional Russian-language literature, there are practically no works reflecting ideology and statistics on this issue. The first attempt in this direction can only be called the still unfinished book by A. Ladayev.
Of the applied materials, the most interesting are the book by J. Frawley “Sports Astrology” (Moscow: Urania, 2010) and the articles by O. Gorokhov “Astrology of Sports” and “Cosmos of Sports”. The value of these works is that they examine, with varying degrees of completeness, the predictive capabilities of astrology for different types sports Regarding football, both authors give it priority attention, although they demonstrate different approaches.

Sports astrology Frawley largely based on Guido Bonatti's rules of medieval horary astrology for predicting the outcome of military battles. The principle of rivalry underlying these rules is used by J. Frawley not only to answer the question of which team will win, but also to distribute the corners of the match map between the teams - the attacking side (the home favorite) and the opponent (the guest outsider) . A distinctive feature of Frawley’s method is that he introduces the antises of Fortune and the ruling planets into the arsenal of his analysis tools, giving particular importance to the converging aspects of the Moon in the 5 degree orb.

O. Gorokhov also uses the principle of opposition between “opponents” to distribute angles in the map of a football match. However, before considering all the elements of the map, he studies the so-called main background “filters” - the map of the first match played by the team in the season, and the energy game day, which, in his opinion, is determined by the ratio of the lower and upper hemispheres of the map, the dominance of the air element and the position of the Moon in the signs and quadrants of the horoscope houses. This is the main fundamental difference between his method. “If a card doesn't look like a favorite, it doesn't mean much., says Gorokhov. - He is capable of winning! But if the favorite is not allowed through the first two filters, maybe we shouldn’t bet on it today?” In addition, among the elements of the chart under consideration, he introduces the fictitious planet Lilith, which is not recognized by many astrologers, and this is the second radical difference in his approach.

A number of completely original author's approaches, presented by the works of R. Soucy, deserve attention, V. Kovrigina And K. Peresmenkina. In the first case, this is a collection of forecasts of football events, compiled using the AKG, local horoscope and geodetic maps. V. Kovrigin, in the article “Methods for predicting the outcome of sports competitions”, as a predictive technique, proposes considering the transits of planets at the time of the start of a football match to significant points on the map of the stadium at the time of its opening. The works of K. Peresmenkin are devoted to the characteristics of Euro 2008 based on the map of the first match of the championship.

For completeness, articles should also be mentioned A. Agafonova“The UEFA Football Cup Final and the Hockey World Cup Final in the Mirror of Astrology” and “Answer to a Question About Sports Forecasts,” which contain some very rough considerations based on attempts to practically apply J. Frawley’s method. However, as the author himself frankly says, his notes are experimental in nature, and sports astrology is quite far from his area of ​​interest.

The topic of sports astrology is currently being most fully developed by the website and sports section of the forum on the Argo-school website. B O Most of this research is devoted to football astrology.

Characteristic feature current state Football astrology is the lack of unity of methods and the presence in each of them of shortcomings that reduce its universality.
The most complete and complete can be called Frawley method, which allows you to determine the result of the match in two ways: ask a horary question or build a map for the beginning of the competition.
However, this method has significant limitations in application:
- In the first case, this is a condition characteristic of horary astrology as a whole, which does not allow one person to set large number questions. In sports astrology, it turns into a mandatory requirement for the querent to have a personal interest in the victory of a certain team, that is, the need to be its fan. Therefore, although the author himself considers horary astrology the most reliable method of predicting sporting events, he also warns that it should not be abused. "If we are going to predict the results sports competitions every day, we have to do it differently.", says Frawley (p. 128).
- In the second - the use of a minimum set of match map elements and their strictly regulated location in houses. But what to do if the accidental advantages of these elements in the chart do not provide the “formula” combinations necessary to make a forecast?... In such situations, Frawley’s method looks very limited.

O. Gorokhov's method has wider capabilities due to the use more analyzed components. However, it is complicated by the need for preliminary analysis of the maps of the first matches of the season for each team and impoverished by the refusal to use antis, those “little beasts”, in Frawley’s words, whose position is often decisive for making a forecast.

Methods of R. Susi And V. Kovrigina seem too time-consuming and limited in their capabilities. As V. Kovrigin rightly notes, for example, his method is just “a certain auxiliary filter with which you can better understand the overall picture of what is happening and adjust the forecast accordingly”.
A method of K. Peresmenkin aimed only at general characteristics championships, but not for predicting individual matches.

Technique for astrological analysis of a football match chart is an attempt to make up for the lack of unity of methods and universality of forecasting. It is based on the generalization and systematization of different approaches that exist today in the astrology of football, as well as the results of my practical observations over 3 years, and has a clearly applied nature, since it allows you to largely unify the process of predicting the outcome of a match and apply it to maps of any degree of complexity.

Required terms for using this technique are:
- building a map of a football match in the Placidus house system;
- considering the map as a confrontation between two rivals, designated I (Asc) and VII (Dsc) houses;
- determining the favorite based on the bookmaker's odds;
- distribution of angles according to the principle Asc - Host, Dsc - Guest, regardless of their coefficients (as an exception - at international championships and derbies, rearrangements are possible based on the actual strength of the teams);
- application of only convergent aspects, unless otherwise specified in individual cases;
- the “attributes” of Asc include the V and X houses, the “attributes” of Dsc are the XI and IV houses, where the X and IV houses symbolize the goal of the corresponding team;

The fundamental differences of this technique are:
1. An expanded list of analyzed map indicators, including many not used by other authors:
a) planets
- Chiron
b) configurations of aspects
- Bisextile (with the participation of the PF dispositor and the MC manager)
- “Synthetic triangle” with the participation of the IC manager
- Tau square (with the participation of the rulers Asc/Dsc, MC, Lilith)
c) aspects to angles and between angles (trine Asc with MC/ruler Asc,
sextile/trine of the ruler of Asc with the ruler of the sign of the last lunation, etc.)
d) reception of house rulers (simultaneous position of the ruler of the 1st house in the 5th and 5th house in the 1st)

2. Predictive performance statistics for most map indicators.
For example, the victory of the Dsc favorite (by odds or clear leader) is indicated by:
Sun on Dsc 100%
Jupiter (Chiron) in divergent conjunction with Ic 100%
Antis PF on Dsc 100%
Venus as ruler of Ic 91%
Uranium on MS (orb 1.5) 85.7%
Moon without course 80%
IC manager in quincunx 80%
Venus as ruler of Dsc 77%
IC ruler in the “synthetic triangle” 75%

Undoubtedly, such statistics are far from complete and perfect, since they are based on data limited quantity kart. However, when making a forecast for it, it is quite possible to determine the priority of each indicator.

Algorithm for astrological analysis of a football match map consists of a sequential analysis of map elements, systematized according to certain prognostic signs and performance criteria, and further comparison of them in quantitative and qualitative terms to make a final forecast about the outcome of the match.
For this purpose, all map indicators (for a complete list, see) are systematized and analyzed separately for each team in the following sequence:
I. Power Asc
II. Power Dsc
III. Favorite win:
III-a. if favorite Asc
III-b. if the favorite is Dsc
IV. Underdog victory
V. Defeat Asc
VI. Defeat Dsc
VII. Draw

This makes it possible:
- assess in detail the strength potential of each team at the time of the match;
- identify special indications of victory and defeat;
- conduct their comparative analysis;
- consider whether there are indications of the possibility of a draw result;
- make the correct forecast, eliminating personal sympathies and emotions regarding teams (an important factor!).

Such astrological analysis is fundamentally different from the logic of any competent fan or bookmaker in that it provides knowledge of a number of specific factors indicating special luck, victory or inevitable defeat. It must be said that at the same time this knowledge also gives a strong temptation to draw conclusions based on these specific indicators alone, thereby narrowing the possibilities of forecasting. Yes, there are maps in which a forecast can be made based on one or two “unsinkable” instructions. But what to do if they are not there, there is no obvious emphasis on victory, the map is “cloudy” and not immediately clear?

My experience suggests that in such cases, high predictive efficiency is possible only with a careful comparison of the totality of all, and not just priority, elements of the map, according to the described algorithm, no matter how time-consuming this process may seem.
It is this approach that underlies my method of analyzing the map of a football match.

The effectiveness of this technique when predicting matches of the 2010 World Cup, playoffs and finals of the Europa League and UEFA Champions League 2010/11, it was 73%. In a sense, this is also its fundamental difference, since no other forecasting method has yet been studied for its effectiveness.
Undoubtedly, this does not give grounds to consider my method perfect. First of all, because, as Frawley says, “even infallible judgments encounter distinct limitations of the astrological art itself”(p. 124). In addition, it is possible that not all indicators and their combinations have yet been identified, and the statistics presented in the text of the study are far from complete, since they take into account only those facts that were encountered in my practice.
But this does not limit in any way, but, on the contrary, can stimulate further research in the field of astrological prediction of outcome football matches.

Illustrations of the application of the “Methodology...” for example, individual matches. All forecasts are made before the start of the matches and published in the relevant sections of the forum on the websiteAstroSport.

Rice. 1

Analysis of the map of the football match Metallurg Donetsk (2.4) - Tavriya (3.16) 08/15/2011 17:00 (GMT)Metallurg Stadium, Donetsk

“By default”, adopted in my methodology, we give Asc to the first Host team (in this match it is also the favorite by odds) and, first of all, we draw conclusions about the potential of the teams at the start of the match. The strength of the Asc-favorite is represented by the Moon in the 1st quadrant of houses (85.7%), the dominant lower hemisphere (74%) and the fact that ex. Asc = exercise MS (66%). The Dsc outsider has no signs of strength.

Additional indications for victory: Asc has 3 “pluses” in the form of the Moon without a course (80%), the emphasis of the angles (67%) and the position of the Moon in the lower hemisphere (59%). Dsc has no victory factors.

Dsc also lacks damage factors. But Asc has a single, but decisive “minus”, which sounds like a sentence: Chiron in conjunction with Asc (orb up to 2.5 degrees) gives an unusual (or unexpected) loss to Asc with a probability of 100%.

A comparison of these data shows that although the Asc team has a clear advantage, the only but serious factor of defeat makes its victory impossible. And the Dsc team, being completely faceless, will not lose just because Asc does not win.

Therefore, the forecast: Metallurg will not win.

The actual result of the match confirmed it: 1:3 in favor of Tavriya.

Rice. 2

Analysis of the map of the football match Genk (5.06) - Valencia (1.68)

09/13/2011 18:45 (GMT) Stadium "Crystal Arena" G . Genk

Astrologically, the strength of the favorite team is Dsc is insignificant, as evidenced by the Moon in the upper hemisphere (69%).

Asc-outsider Genk looks much stronger: ex. Asc is inside the 4th house (100%) and the lower hemisphere is dominant (74%).

However, he does not have a single indication of victory, but there are two tangible minuses that nullify his strength: the Moon is in divergent opposition with the PF (75%) and the Moon is square to the MC (66.6%).

Dsc -favorite Valencia, on the contrary, has three indications of victory:Ex. Ic in quincunx (80%),Venus = ex. Dsc (77%),Ex. Dsc in quincunx (61%).It would seem that this situation and the noticeable difference in odds (1.68 versus 5.06) decides the issue in favor of Valencia in advance. But…

She is harmed by Dsc on Via Combusta, which, according to available observations, prevents her from winning with a probability of 86.6%. This “minus” is much more serious than Genk’s!

Therefore, the forecast: Valencia will not lose, but its Dsc win at Via Combusta puts a big question mark.

Actual result of the match: goalless draw.

Rice. 3

Analysis of the map of the football match Latvia (4.63) - Greece (1.79) 6.09.2011 18:30 ( GMT )Stadium " Skonto ", Riga

The map of this match is a classic example of a draw, with each team having equal strength and defeat scores. First of all, this is indicated by the equality of the upper and lower hemispheres of the map. And then the ratio of the teams’ potentials looks like this.

Strength of Asc - outsider: Asc trine MC (89%), Antis PF inside the 7th house (83%), And sc is in trine with exercise. A sc (71.4%).

Defeat factor - ex. Asc in Tau square (78.6%).

Strength of Dsc - favorite: Moon in Capricorn, which greatly enhances (to the point of victory) Dsc or outsider (77%),Moon in 3rd quadrant of houses (72%),Moon in the upper hemisphere (69%).

Defeat factor - PF in opposition to ex. Dsc.

There is no indication of victory for either opponent.

All together, even with a significant difference in odds, this is reliable evidence in favor of a draw.

Actual result of the match: 1:1.

Rice. 4

Analysis of the map of the football match Slovenia (1.38) - Estonia (12.00) 2.09.2011 18:45 ( GMT )Stadium " Stozice ", Ljubljana

Approaching the forecast of this match from the point of view of sports criteria and bookmakers’ assessments, it is difficult to imagine anything other than a victory for the Slovenian national team. However, an astrological analysis of the map shows a completely different balance of power and chances.

First of all, this is the equality of strength between the two teams, which in itself is surprising given such a difference in their real status and odds. However, the strength of Slovenia's Asc-favorite, represented by the position of the PF dispositor in the exact conn. with Dsc and antisa PF inside the 7th house (83%), is practically balanced by the strength of the Dsc outsider of Estonia - the Moon in the 3rd quadrant of houses (72%) and in the upper hemisphere (69%).

At the same time, the chances of winning are distributed, both in quantity and quality, in favor of Estonia. Asc has one indication of victory, which gives emphasis to angles 1-4-7 (67%), and Dsc - two: antis ex. Dsc on Asc (100%) and sextile the Moon with Venus as the last good aspect within 5 degrees, which she will do with ex. Dsc (70%).

The defeat factors also testify in favor of the outsider, since he has a negative only in the form of Dsc on Via Combusta (86.6%), while the defeat Asc they say three (!) very serious instructions:antis ex. Dsc to Asc (100%),separation of the Moon from a good aspect (in this case, from a trine) with exercise. Asc (83.3%) andPF square Jupiter which means Asc will not win.

There is only one possible objective forecast based on astrological analysis: Dsc is able to win, in any case, he will not lose, which in the language of the bookmaker’s office corresponds to a 2X bet, no matter how fantastic it may sound in relation to the Estonian national team.

The actual result of the match confirmed the correctness of astrology: 1:2. On that day in The Estonians from Ljubljana beat the Slovenians for the first time, whom they had previously met six times.

A new section is opening in the astrological school. It’s called “Useful” and in it I will talk about various useful things that help and facilitate learning astrology. We will also talk about high-quality astrological projects worthy of your attention. Today we’ll talk about just such a project.

Let me start with the fact that the future of astrology lies in specialization (in my opinion). It is focusing on a narrow topic, its deep study, generalization of accumulated experience that leads to the qualitative development of a specific area of ​​astrology, and therefore astrology in general. Therefore, specialized sites and forums are extremely important for development.

I present to you one of such sites today. This is young promising project, dedicated sports astrologers and -

The topic of sports astrology for the modern Russian-speaking reader seems very vague. This is understandable - the young direction of applied astrology, which has not yet matured, has not accumulated statistics, has not “hit the big time”, is practically not represented on the Russian Internet. Of course, you can recall individual analyzes of football matches (boxing matches, etc.) and horaries with the questions “Who will win?” on scattered forums. There were also some sports sections. But, as often happens on astrological forums, instead of getting down to business (that is, analyzing and predicting the results of sports matches), visitors were “sorting things out.” The topic is also blurred by the almost complete absence of relevant literature (of the published literature, one can only recall Frawley’s “Sports Astrology”).

The Sports Astrology website, as I already said, is very young. It was founded in 2011. But now it is, at a minimum, a useful thematic library for a novice sports forecaster, and ideally, a platform for testing and honing one’s own methods. There is a core of caring and almost non-aggressive (:)) people here who prioritize research rather than their own ambitions.

I definitely recommend that future sports astrologers read the following articles on the website:

- “Memo for a sports astrologer” - this is so that you can imagine what you are “getting into” :) And what you need to do to “stay in the know”.

- “The problem of assessing the effectiveness of a prognostic method” - - this is so that you understand that sports astrology is a complex area of ​​work that has its own problems. In order to achieve success in it, you need to work hard and understand the true state of things. However, this material should be read by everyone who is generally involved in forecasting.

I will focus on these two articles, although there is a lot of material to study on the Sports Astrology website. But you can see this for yourself.

And here I will offer you a short interview with founder, author and administrator of this resource Anatoly Ladaev.

- Anatoly, tell me why the “Sports Astrology” website was created?

- In fact, “why” was not the question; it was created without a consumer purpose! More like “why”. At one time, for research purposes, I began to study maps of football matches, clubs and players. After two years of work, material had accumulated that was reasonable to publish for an outsider’s view (not “clouded” by one’s own judgments). This is how the site was created. Over time, a group of researchers was formed on the site, which included not only astrologers, but also experienced bookmaker players who began to study astrology. This site was created for research purposes only!

Sports astrology is a promising field. I would not be surprised that with certain work and results, only sports astrology has a chance to prove the validity of astrology. An absolutely objective measure is the match forecast; it does not have far-fetched interpretations or the inclusion of the astrologer’s personal attitude. There is a score on the scoreboard that reflects whether the forecast is justified or not. To our great joy, experienced astrologers began to pay more attention to sports astrology.

But in this direction of astrology, as in others, there are “pitfalls”. What, in your opinion, are the main difficulties in sports forecasting using astrology? And in general, is a 100% result of “hits” possible in this area?

- The biggest difficulty – as in natal astrology – is the reliability of the initial data. Matches may be fixed. This is the problem not only with the national football of each country, but also with astrology. Since sports forecasting is still based on the natural principle wrestling. Therefore, forecasting, for example, the Russian championship is a very thankless task. The results of the forecasts are very different from, say, the English championship, in which there are much fewer scandals against the backdrop of certain behind-the-scenes agreements. In this regard, it is certainly more interesting and productive to predict the Champions League or the world championship of national teams.

Poor preliminary preparation for collecting sports information also greatly affects the quality of the forecast. Nevertheless, the search for the signification of a certain command also comes from its characteristics. If an astrologer follows the life of teams, clubs, national teams through the printed media, then it is easier for him to understand how to distribute corner houses and which team is more Aries than Libra (for example).

I would also call the personal transits of the astrologer a problem. Sometimes negative forecasts rest on the disgusting period of the researcher himself. As well as a certain attitude of the astrologer to the team. Let’s say it’s much more difficult for me to predict the games of the Zenit team, since I’m a fan of this club and of course I BELIEVE in the success of the team. There is little constructive beginning here. Faith gives birth to a blind man, who, even in case of defeat, does not lose his inspiration and a certain self-deception. An impartial forecast is the best thing an astrologer can do, any astrologer, not just a sports one.

Otherwise, everything is in the hands of the astrologer himself. With prolonged participation in the study, of course, the appetite grows, and only determining the winner becomes not enough; I want to work on developing a methodology for determining the score and important events of the match. The solution of such problems, in reverse formulation, can also indicate the winner.

A 100% result is, of course, a utopia. Moreover, some astrologers base their methodology precisely on describing the nature of the match, and then on its result. It happens that a match is played sensationally, the description coincides with what the astrologer wrote, but the result let us down (a draw or a goal was scored on last minutes due to a referee's error). 100% result – perfect shape for research. It is almost impossible to achieve this, but we must strive. Just like no one canceled 100% of the result for the Russian team at Euro 2012. Ideal representation of Russian football crashed into nonlinear reality. Sports astrology is the same sport, only intellectual: you need to have a certain form in which you can study 6-8 matches a week. This is actually a lot.

- Just the other day, the competition “Around Euro 2012” ended on the site, where astrologers predicted the outcomes of football matches in real time. At first glance, this competition exposed the inconsistency of sports astrology in at the moment time: out of 31 predictions of the competition winner, only 18 were correct. Or - as many as 18? How do you, the competition organizer, perceive this result?

- It's not all that bad. The fact is that in sports forecasting the percentage ratio is not based on the usual 50/50, since the forecast determines one of three possible outcomes of the match (winner 1, draw, winner 2). As a first and very rough approximation, an excess of 33% already indicates that the forecasts may have some conditionality, albeit to a small extent. Having 18 justified predictions out of 31 is more than good. This result gives me hope. Moreover, according to the terms of the competition, almost all matches had to be predicted. The astrologer could not focus on personal transits and remain in the shadows when the transit Moon, for example, moved through his natal 12th house. The statistical model of sports astrological forecasting itself has not yet been born. It is very necessary to understand at what level of performance a particular technique is. Over time, the model will need to be created with the participation of statisticians.

By the way, about time. How do you see the Sports Astrology website, say, in a year and in 5 years? In what direction do you plan to develop?

- The optimist in me sees only positive images! :) Of course, a lot of things will change and be added. There are many, many plans. I will not disclose them, since their implementation is very labor-intensive and not easy. The only thing I would like to emphasize is that all changes will concern the research primarily (convenience, scale, availability of several statistical models, expanded database). There are thoughts about creating separate Internet projects on some components of sports astrology. The main task is to attract experienced astrologers to sports astrology. It is completely incomprehensible to me when research astrologers begin an ideological struggle among themselves. It all ends with a general reluctance to develop astrological disciplines. All astrologers need to unite and create thematic groups and work hard. The goals of unions and other associations of astrologers that collect membership fees are completely unclear, but at the same time, I have never heard of the financing of serious astrological projects. It all begins and ends in applied astrology, at the stop called “Consultation”. Therefore, if astrologers have a chance, it is only in joint research, without inflating personal egos and trying to “be first.” As in team sports, the team wins!

Anatoly, it is quite possible that these lines are now being read by future sports astrologers, who will be able to work in a team and develop the astrology of sports. What would you wish to aspiring sports astrologers? this direction?

- First of all, you need to understand the sport itself, its features and history. To understand boxing, you need to practice it (for men). To understand football, at a minimum, you need to go to the stadium and see with your own eyes how hard it is for athletes to win.

In addition, in order to engage in sports forecasting, you need to know natal, horary, prognostic, and mundane astrology. That is, to be technically savvy.

And most importantly, do not be under the illusion that you will have free time :)

Sports astrology is a very interesting field. Its appeal is that the sport becomes native. When developing the site, I came up with a phrase that basically describes this direction “Sports astrology - healthy image forecasting." Therefore, I wish everyone, first of all, health and success!

Anatoly, thank you for finding time for us and honestly talking about sports astrology. Your site – development and prosperity.

- And thank you!

In general, that's all for today. I hope you find the Sports Astrology research resource useful.

© Ekaterina Lugovaya

In connection with the European Football Championship starting on June 10, 2016 and Olympic Games, which will be held from August 5 to August 21 this year, the topic is forecasting sports matches received additional interest from everyone who is interested in sports and sports astrology.

This material contains excerpts from John Frawley's books on horaries on the topic of sports forecasting and gambling forecasting. This summary most important principles and rules for the interpretation of horary questions of this type. The method of horary questions is the most effective in terms of sports forecasts. But it has a certain limitation - the person asking the question must be a fan of one of the teams in the match about which the question is being asked, or, at a minimum, he must be interested in the victory of one of the teams. Such interest is a guideline in determining the main houses of a horary chart; without this criterion, the interpretation of horary becomes meaningless. But, as a rule, sports astrology is practiced by people who are passionate about sports, especially during important world competitions, when you can cheer for a team or against one of the teams, so this material will be useful to many.

The material contains several sections: gambling; sports games and competitions; fights for the title of champion, boxing, martial arts; long-term forecast, but the topics of the sections are linked in one direction with the rules of interpretation. At the end of the text there are links to horaries, the conclusions for which were made within the framework of the proposed rules. Practice has shown that the rules described by John Frawley work. But let's start with the theory.


Gambling is often regarded as an activity associated with the 5th house. But questions about gambling are usually asked with the intention of inquiring about the profits generated by the game. I've never been asked "Will I have a good time at the races?" Having a good time is a matter of V at home, but making a profit is not. A bet is a competition between you and the bookmaker, he is your opponent (VII house). The bookmaker's money is his2nd house, that is, the VIII house of the radix. Since you want to get his money, your success will be indicated by an aspect between Lord VIII and Lord I, the Moon (provided it is not the significator of the bookmaker or his money) or Lord II. Which planet is aspecting and which is being aspected does not matter.

If such an aspect is present in the chart, the Lord VIII condition will allow one to estimate the size of the gain relative to the bet, which can help the querent choose an appropriate bet. Suppose the querent decided to bet on a certain team. The bookmaker can offer him a range of bets on that team depending on that team's chances of winning. If Lord VIII is strong, indicating a big win, the querent may decide to take a riskier bet with a lower probability of winning. If Lord VIII is weak, he should stick to a safer bet that can win even with a small advantage.

Such questions - like all questions concerning investments - require the querent to carry out preliminary preparation. The reliability of the card will be significantly higher if the querent has made efforts to initially select the bets offered by the bookmaker. Lotteries are not competitions. At least they can only become one if the querent has developed a mechanism for beating the lottery company: then it becomes "us against them" and the judgment is made on the basis of the 8th house, as stated above. Usually, lotteries are regarded as the querent holding out his hand in the hope that good luck will fall into it: a gift of fate. In this case, the judgment is made on the XI house: does the Lord of the XI aspect the querent’s significator or the significator of his “pocket”? If the querent asks only whether he will hit the jackpot, Lord XI must be exceptionally strong to make an affirmative judgment.

If the querent's question concerns the winning of a prize by his own horse, refer to the 2nd house of the horse (profit from the horse). The querent's horse belongs to his XII house, so its 2nd house is the 1st house of the radix. Ignoring the querent, give Lord I the profits from the horse. Ideally, Lord I should be an essentially strong and well-placed benefactor favoring the 1st or 2nd houses (we now consider the 1st house to be the querent's house). Otherwise, the aspect between Lord I and the Moon or Lord II will indicate profit.

One day I asked a question about football bet. Lord II in the question map was heading towards forming an opposition with Lord I, which made no sense. How can my money be returned to me? They will either disappear forever, or I will receive the bookmaker's money. Consumed by curiosity, I made a bet. The match was interrupted halfway through the game, and all bets were returned to the owners. My money actually came back to me. The opposition here speaks of the inconvenience caused by the need to waste time traveling to the bookmaker's office to buy money.

Sports games and competitions

Will we win?This question can be asked by both a fan and a competitor. In both cases it comes down to “us versus them.” The team that the querent supports is considered his “continuation” - the querent, not being a player, treats the victory of this team as “our” victory. In this capacity, the querent's team receives the 1st house. And those disgusting thugs with whom his team competes are open enemies: VII house. Be careful: if the querent's main interest is the bet he is making, treat the matter as one of making a profit. In order for judgment to be made, the querent must be interested in the outcome for its own sake. His support for “us” may be a little lukewarm, but he must give preference to one of the teams. If the team he supports is not participating in the game, perhaps he sincerely dislikes one of the participating teams - for example, a competitor of his preferred team. In the latter case, the question comes down to “Will my enemy lose?” Then the enemy receives the VII house, and his opponent, the enemy of the enemy, receives the I house (7th from VII).

The querent's indifference to both teams results in the absence of a criterion for establishing correspondence between teams and houses, which makes making a judgment on the chart impossible.

Resist the temptation to give the 1st house to the querent's home team or the team the querent named first, asking the question: whatever it is, horary astrology has nothing to do with it. We also cannot give the 7th house to “some” team, because indifference The querent makes both commands “something.”

This method can also be used in questions about individual sports, provided that the querent prefers one of the players over the other. The question is still “us versus them,” as in “Will our gallant Englishman win this tennis match?” The answer to which will be “No”. Although we consider the team for which the querent is rooting to be his “continuation,” the Moon here is deprived of its usual role as co-significator of the querent, except in a critical situation when nothing else happens in the chart. Sometimes its secondary meaning is reduced to describing the “flow of events.”

Ignore houses other than I and VII. Many astrologers have gotten lost in the fog of sports horaries, trying to find fans, players and the amount of money in the team’s account in the chart. Keep it simple! All we care about is who wins. This is indicated by the 1st and 7th houses. While the manager of each losing team holds the referee responsible for their defeat, the horary card is much more sporting and Lord X plays no role in it.

In questions about competitions, Lilly advises giving the last planet from which the Moon separated as co-significators to the querent, and the planet to which it adjoins as co-significators to the opponent. Don't do this! These additional significators, apart from confusion, do not provide anything.

Start by assessing the condition of the houses. Is there anything in them? If so, does this benefit or harm the affairs of the home? Don't forget that the closer a planet is to the cusp, the more influence it has on the house. The influence of a planet located in a sign other than the sign of the cusp is significantly weakened. This rule applies no matter how close to the cusp the planet is located (for example, if the house cusp falls at 29 Aries, and the planet is located at 0 Taurus, its influence is much weaker than if it were in the same sign as the cusp) . Suppose the Ascendant falls at 15 Pisces and Saturn is placed at 2 Aries in the 1st house. The presence of a flawed Saturn in the house (in the sign of its fall) is a serious defeat for “ours.” But Jupiter is also in the same house, at 17 Pisces. The presence of Jupiter in its main dignity is extremely favorable for “ours”. The influence of Jupiter, being much closer to the Ascendant than Saturn, and, more importantly, located in the same sign as the Ascendant, is much stronger than the malefic influence of Saturn. Since the houses we are interested in are in opposition to each other, do not pay attention to the planets aspecting them. A planet aspecting one of the houses also aspects the other, and moreover, both of these aspects are of a similar nature.

The interpretation of the Lunar Nodes in these charts is very simple: North is good, South is bad. They exist as a pair, so if one of them is in “our” house, the other will automatically be in the opponent’s house. And this means that we should take into account only one of them, which does not matter. If the North Node is located in the 1st house, we can take this as evidence in favor of that house. But we can also take into account the South Node alone, considering it as evidence of a weakening of the 7th house. The main thing is not to consider the Nodes as two separate pieces of evidence. In all astrological judgments we must be alert to anything that happens automatically.

Now consider Lords I and VII. Which one is stronger? In these matters, the main accidental virtues are much more important than the essential ones. Essential dignity indicates who is more worthy of victory; while accidental dignity is on the one who wins. But if all other evidence is more or less equal, a significant preponderance of essential merit may be decisive. The most importantthe essential virtue in this case is exaltation. The team whose significator is in the sign of its exaltation enters the field, believing itself to be a team of celestial beings playing with mere mortals. This attitude increases your chances of winning. In sports horaries, the presence of a planet in its sign of exaltation is a greater virtue than its presence in its abode.

The receptions between Lords I and VII are significant because they indicate who is in whose power. And again, in sports horaries, the sign of exaltation gives more power to the planets than the abode: if Lord I is ruled by Lord VII, located in the sign of exaltation of Lord I, Lord I gets advantage. “Ours” inspire awe in the enemy. Mutual reception with other planets does not strengthen the significator. Mutual reception is like friendship. No matter how good the querent's friends or the team he supports are, they will not run onto the field to score the decisive goal.

In sports horaries, the position in the house and the burning are the most important accidental factors. A planet located in an angular house has a tremendous advantage over a planet located in a subsequent or cadent house. The closer to the cusp, the stronger the advantage. The presence of a planet in an angular house, but in a sign different from the sign on the cusp, strengthens the planet, but much less. The presence of the significator in his own home especially strengthens it; while its presence in the enemy's house usually serves as strong evidence of loss: it is in the enemy's hands. However, being located on the cusp of the house, and not within it, the significator is in an exceptionally strong position.

A planet located inside a house rules that house, and a planet located on the cusp of a house rules that house. Burning is the most depressing of all defeats. A burned significator indicates that the team will lose. It is a rare combination of terrifying factors that can outweigh this instruction.

A close aspect with a benefactor helps the planet, and a close aspect with a malefic causes damage. Do not forget that a benefic is any planet located in the place of its essential dignity, and a malefic is any planet in the place of its detriment. The maximum distance we are interested in from the exact aspect is five degrees, the effect of a greater distance is too weak. The closer, the stronger. When making a judgment about the result of a match, do not pay attention to the change of signs. The significator may be close to the border of the sign, at the very entrance to its abode, thereby significantly increasing its essential dignity, but this does not affect the outcome of a particular game. If the question were about a long-term forecast, such as “Will the team I support do better than team X this season?”, the change in sign would play a critical role in the judgment: “After a bad start, your team will show his best sides."

The adjacency of the Moon, indicating the flow of events, to one of the significators serves as secondary evidence in favor of the command represented by this significator. This may give an advantage if all else is equal, but it will not play a role if there are strong indications in favor of one of the teams. But - for sports competitions in which the winner is chosen by vote, such as figure skating, artistic gymnastics etc., it is important to consider the aspects of the Moon. The Moon's aspect to the opponent's significator is capable, regardless of reception, of outweighing the overwhelming majority of all other evidence: the challenger will win.

In my experience, the Arab Units are of no use in these matters. Even Fortune and Part of Victory consider involvement in such cards beneath their dignity. While accuracy and thoroughness are required to make reliable judgments, pettiness achieves nothing. In most maps, the balance of power is clearly indicated. If the case for each team is equally compelling, we are unlikely to choose a winner based on a microscopic analysis of the available evidence. In some competitions, the balance of power is a judgment in itself: the match will end in a draw. If the game does not provide for such a result, check that you have not missed any evidence - for example, an antis.

How to use antisom?

As with the bodily aspect, to indicate an event, the conjunction or opposition by antis must be precise. If the antis of planet "A" is in conjunction with planet "B", then the antis of planet "B" will be in conjunction with planet "A". This happens automatically. Often an aspect is not required to indicate an event. If two planets are in conjunction or opposition by antis, they influence each other. In order for this influence to be significant, the aspect must be close - no more than a couple of degrees. The antis of a planet functions in the same way as if the planet itself were in its place, except for the following:

We are only interested in connection and opposition

As a rule, antis carries the meaning of something secret or hidden

Antis has less ability to ban aspects

In my horary practice, I have made many judgments based on just one antis. Antis cannot be an indication of death or pregnancy. The essential virtues of a planet are determined by its bodily disposition, and not by the disposition of its antis.

In a horary about a sports competition, the antis of the team’s significator was located exactly on the angular cusp, which greatly strengthened the planet: the team that this significator designated won. I don't think that antis hitting the fixed stars has any effect on him, but I can be convinced. If the antis of a planet falls exactly on the cusp of a house, this indicates either that the person denoted by this significator is interested in the affairs of this house, or that what is denoted by this planet influences the affairs of the house - for better or for worse. All this is true only when the antis falls exactly on the cusp: if it wanders somewhere in the middle of the house, no significance should be attached to its influence on this house.

If you have checked all the evidence and found nothing, follow William Lilly's advice: "When happy and unlucky evidence are equal, suspend judgment—we cannot know which way the scale will tip." Recognizing the limitations of our knowledge, both individual and collective, is not a disadvantage.

Championship fights, boxing, martial arts

An exception to the “I house vs. 7 house” method are fights for the title of champion, such as boxing, chess and some other types of martial arts. In these sports, there is a single champion who holds this title until someone defeats him, or he retires from the sport, or is stripped of the title of champion. Here the question comes down to “Will X retain the title of champion?”, “will the king give up his crown?” The method of judging such matters is not suitable for other sports: the fact that Team A won the championship last season has no bearing on today's match - entering the new season, all teams start as equals. In boxing matches for the title of champion, the only goal of the fight is to overthrow the current champion by the challenger.

Give the champion X house, and the challenger - IV (7th from X). The Sun, being the natural ruler of kings, can also denote the champion (if it does not rule one of the houses in question), and the Moon, being the natural ruler of the people, can be given to the challenger (unless it rules one of the houses in question).

But suppose the querent likes the candidate better. If the querent is an ardent admirer of the applicant, the applicant receives the 1st house. But the champion is still pointed to by the X. In this case, the question becomes “Do we overthrow the king?” If the querent is rooting for the champion, then the question comes down to, “Do we see this challenger out?” In this case, the champion (“we”) receives the I house, and the challenger (“our rival”) receives the VII. And if they are not already involved as significators, we must also consider the natural rulers:



Following which we make a judgmentgenerally the same as just described, with three caveats:

Judgment can be made on the basis of a change in the dignity of the significator. If the significator of the current champion is located at the entrance as a sign of his fall, or the significator of the aspirant to the title of champion is located at the entrance as a sign of his exaltation, we have clear evidence of the victory of one of them.
The "off course" moon, which does not play a significant role in most sports charts (because we know that something must happen - if there is a match, then there will be a result of that match), provides strong evidence of the status quo. Nothing will change - the current champion will retain his title.
The Arabic Part of Resignation and Dismissal (Saturn + Jupiter - Sun) may be significant.Close convergent conjunction or significator oppositionchampion with this Part indicates his defeat. Butbe careful: you must have anothersupporting evidence. Otherwise,the champion can win and then announcethat he is retiring from the sport.

Long term forecast

“Will this season be a success for the team I support?” “Will my team win the championship?” “Will she be relegated to the lower leagues?” Unlike sports horaries, which look at head-to-head matches, these questions can be asked about a team or athlete about whom the querent is indifferent: “Will this season be a success for Team X?” “Will Venus Williams win this tournament?” The ability to ask such questions is because they concern one team, so we do not have to look for a match between the team or athlete and the house. The querent's indifference to a team or athlete makes them "somebody": 7th house. The judgment is usually made very simply, as long as we resist the temptation to give a spectacular answer. Our ego likes to predict the unlikely. But this is a mistake: a correct prediction is much better. The unlikely happens rarely. “What will this season be like for the team I support?” - most often, the answer will be “Mediocre”. Not many teams win and not many of them get relegated. And although the answer to “Will my team win the championship?” is negative. and is not the most pleasant for the client, but exactly what needs to happen will happen.

The querent's team receives the 1st house and its ruler. Moreover, the Moon is not a co-significator of the command. We are interested in significant changes in essential dignity and connections with the houses of the chart. But in reality, anything that deserves an answer other than “Mediocre” tends to catch your eye right away. For example, the entry of a planet into its own term does not indicate anything important, while the entry of a planet into its sign of exaltation is a strong indication of something significant.

Examples: “How will things go for my team?” With the team's significator entering its abode or sign of exaltation: the team will be promoted in the league class. As a sign of its fall: the team faces – quite literally – relegation in the league class. The significator is approaching a conjunction with the cusp of the X house or its Lord: the team will win the championship. The significator is at the entrance to the XII or VIII houses, or is approaching a connection with the ruler of one of them: the team will be relegated to a lower league. In "Will We Win the Championship?" with the querent's planet adjacent to the conjunction with Lord X: "Yes." If this conjunction occurs in the next sign: “This season - no, but next season - yes.” Querent asked if her team would win anything this season; there was a conjunction with Lord X in the chart, but in the next sign, which was double: the following season her team won two major competitions.

The eighth house, the house of death, may indicate the liquidation of the league; but we must be careful. It is more likely that the value of this house is within the assumptions of the question, which usually only applies to the game. And even when the context of the issue calls the survival of the club into question, for such a gloomy forecast the card must have clear indications of serious problems associated with the 2nd house (finance). The evidence provided by burning and kazimi is always strong. “Will Venus William win Wimbledon?” Her planet is burned: it's hopeless. Her planet is “kazimi”: undoubtedly. Contacts with any planets other than the Sun and the rulers of the houses related to the issue are, as a rule, of no importance. The best trine from a benefactor will not bring the title of champion, and the worst opposition from Saturn will not relegate the team to the lower league. But such evidence can provide clarifying information. Suppose the significator is very weak, but is in trine with Jupiter, which has great virtues: “Your team will experience difficulties throughout the season, but will remain in the ranks.” But this is just decoration. Answer the common question “Who will win the league?” it would be extremely easy if the teams in the league were called Jupiter, Mars and Venus. To date, I have no method for establishing correspondence between planets and teams in their in full force. At least I don't have a working method. But if there is a “no course” Moon in the chart, the answer to the question will be “Nothing will change.” The team that won last year will win again.”

Sports astrologers are the harshest astrologers. And this is not surprising, because they are dealing with the most real, practical predictive work in the “it’s either hit or miss” style. If the result is not as the astrologer predicted, it is no longer possible to hide behind general phrases, psychological aspects and so on. There can be no discrepancies; the score on the scoreboard and the money in the account are the measure of the skill of a sports astrologer.

By the way, sport is actually a modern substitute for war, which was banned by the UN somewhere in the middle of the 20th century, since fighting has become truly unsafe for the future of the Earth and people are now satisfying their Martian ambitions on the fields of sports battles, and are actively involved and women. Today, sport is a political factor that allows the destructive energy of people in disadvantaged areas to be channeled into a safe direction. It’s better to let Kuban and Terek fight on the football field than shoot at each other. As they say, bread and circuses!

This brief review is devoted to the sports side of the work of the English astrologer John Frawley.

John Frawley is known among astrologers as an ardent traditionalist (who isn’t a traditionalist these days?), popularizing a pragmatic astrological style, but at the same time leaning toward Catholicism and talking about the “architecture of the soul.” Some time ago, even before the publication of Sports Astrology, Frawley made several public sports predictions, which, to the surprise of the author and the public, came true. But he left this matter in time, apparently fearing that Fortune would turn away from him, and turned to a completely win-win option - writing a book on this topic, which is much safer and more profitable. “Sports Astrology” turned out to be surprisingly cheerful, and finally, its Russian translation has recently become available. (By the way, after reading selected chapters of the translation and comparing them with the English original, I did not find a single error, which is good news.)

Not everyone knows that in his almanac "Apprentice" Frawley had previously touched upon the issues of predicting sporting events. (Some issues of this samizdat can be downloaded from And if earlier it was some kind of exotic, then with the release of the full-length book “Sports Astrology”, Frawley set his sights on a very large and promising piece and is practically the first since Bonatti to seriously develop the theme of confrontation and rivalry.

Horary methods

Horary is Frawley's undoubted strong point. Nobody else can't t How to gracefully unravel the configurations that arise before our eyes and are arranged in a strict logical chain.

The method is as simple as anything ingenious. “Ours” are ASC, “They” are DSC and everything that follows from here. The strongest planet wins. Signs of strength, with a few exceptions, are fairly standard. Preference is given, of course, to the accidental advantages of the planet and, especially, to the position relative to the enemy angle. Frawley's key postulate is not new, and following Bonatti and other old authors, he suggests that if a planet is on the cusp of an enemy angle or slightly in a cadent house, it seems to “attack” him and dominates his opponent. If the planet is inside the house, then, on the contrary, it is in the power of this cusp and in the power of the opponent. The burning of a significator by the Sun gives, of course, a devastating defeat. The higher the speed of the planet, the better, because this is a sport.

The subtlety of such horaries is that in order to ask the question “Will he win? this command or the athlete this match?” the querent must fully associate himself with his favorite team, that is, he could rightfully say “WE” about himself and his team. Otherwise it is difficult to hope for the correct answer. Of course, this is easier for the English, who are obsessed with football.

A nice addition to the “fan” horaries was the part that describes the method of working with horaries “for profit” from bets. You don't need to be here anymore an ardent fan one of the parties, but simply have a little extra money and an account with a bookmaker. However, there are pitfalls here too. Naturally, as in general horary practice, you cannot ask 10 questions a day about “Will I win by betting on this team?” This will lead, in addition to nervous exhaustion, to financial ruin. Here, as in the previous case, the truth of life and realism are important, so that not a single “Stanislavsky” says “I don’t believe it.”

In my opinion, it is better to bet a small amount, ask the above question, and if the answer is positive, bet serious money. Frawley suggests we work with the rulers of the 1st, 2nd, and 8th houses. In this case, we should be interested in any aspect connection between the rulers of (1-8) or (2-8) houses.

Event Cards

The author immediately emphasizes that this method not to be confused with horary described above. Some contradictions immediately strike the eye. First Frawley writes that if we want to predict sporting events every day, then we need a technique that is fundamentally different from horary - forecasting by the initial time and place of a sporting event. Elsewhere we find that “this method only works well towards the end.” But finals, unfortunately, do not happen as often as we would like. It turned out from experience that the method actually works better on final maps, but of course not 100 percent or even 80 percent. In general, the larger and louder sporting event or tournament, the greater the likelihood of a successful forecast, however, this applies not only to the Frawley method.

Another subtlety, as paradoxical as it may sound, is the impossibility of thoughtfully analyzing the map of an event in some sports in advance (for example, tennis). Because there are events in the map exact time beginning plays a very important role. It is the difference of a few minutes that makes the card unique and, accordingly, capable. (Compare with the horary, which can be set at any time, even several months before the match.) Although in the case of football (soccer) in Europe, the difference between the stated start time and the actual one fluctuates within 1 minute, which does not greatly affect the map .

One of the main problems is determining who to put on the ACC, that is, who will own the card? Of course, the favorite, this is his world, even if he performs away. In my opinion, exceptions are possible if the outsider is not completely weak and takes a clearly attacking position, for example, he needs to make up for a previous defeat from the favorite. I think Bonatti would agree with me and place such an outsider on the ACC. The odds (by how much we multiply the bet if we win) for the favorite can vary from about 1.2 to 2.3, but closer to the golden mean of 1.8 is better.

Here again we read that the Lords of the 1st and 7th houses (and also the Lords of the 10th and 4th), when placed inside the cusp of an enemy house, are at the mercy of the enemy. Only the orbs become smaller compared to the horary, approximately 3 degrees from the cusp.

The meaning of the Part of Fortune in event cards is especially interesting. In the almanac "Apprentice" he writes that the position of Fortune itself relative to the corners of the card does not mean anything, because it slowly changes its position, but the antis of Fortune jumps as it pleases, so it is really significant. (Notably, Frawley calculates the Parse of Fortune exclusively using the daily formula for both day and night charts). The author makes a completely logical conclusion that fast-changing configurations in such cards are often more important than slow ones. However, from the experience of forecasting, it is clear how often these evidences worked instantly, that is, they gave an advantage to the outsider at the beginning of the match, and towards the end the favorite still crushed the outsider. It's not all that simple, and there must be some balance.

The really shocking thing is the phrase at the end of this chapter: “Any piece of evidence can overpower another.” We've arrived! What is written is written, but this does not change the essence of the matter: in everyday practice, the method of event maps in this form is really inapplicable.


Don't even try to make quick money if you don't have enough experience in either betting or astrology! If you have been unlucky with the Throwing Fool since childhood and you lose even in Rock-Paper-Scissors, then the chance that you will suddenly start winning money with the help of astrology is negligible. There are no miracles.

Alexey UBER

The attitude of stock traders and sports handicappers (who bet on the outcome of a match by buying a handicap) towards astrologers is more than skeptical. The ridicule heaped upon adherents of occult ways of playing is unimaginable. The essence of criticism comes down to a simple argument to the point of vulgarity: since you are so smart, why are you so poor? Although there are no rules without exceptions. I personally heard from a respected teacher of FOREX (foreign exchange market) courses the opinion that mystical methods of forecasting are the most powerful if used correctly. There is also an astrologer-trader who regularly posts his forecasts on the website of the Currency Speculator magazine, and plays successfully - despite the incessant insults addressed to him. (The problem is that any winning strategy should only serve as the basis for masterful entry and exit tactics, otherwise other people's advice will interfere with the formation of your own the right decision . How many people were harmed by the weather forecasters' advice regarding today's rain! However, no one refuses their predictions - everyone understands that they are basically correct.) So, we must learn to win with the help of astrology. Sport seems preferable to me. Firstly, a huge amount of literature has been written on the stock exchange, and there are also occult inclusions. However, the sport is almost undeveloped - it is a challenge. Secondly, by dealing with competition cards, you increase your energy level. Some astrologers - the opposite example - do not advise working with horoscopes of disasters and deaths. The reasons are understandable for “karmically savvy” people. Thirdly, sport is a rewarding material. People play with a certain physical tone at the moment, with a specific motivation. This is quite amenable to astrological analysis and forecast. Fourthly, if we learn to guess the outcome of the championship or at least recoup our bets with a small plus (that is, defeat the opinions of other players), this will be a damning argument in defense of astrology. I started with running. This is where everything is bought and sold. I noted the positions of the Moon, and that’s all. What struck me most was the case when the clear favorite blatantly “leaked” - 5 minutes before the race the Moon entered the sign of Scorpio. The rider's uniform was red. The people were screaming, the entire race fund fell on the ruble rate. Further, I marked days with large payouts, and not only at the races, but also in “Sportloto” and “Sportprognoz”. It was striking that Scorpio and the water element in general, as well as the cardinal cross, were clearly “drowning” the favorites, and then the payout ratio rose sharply. (And in “Sportloto” there are players’ favorite numbers and combinations, and since it is a betting machine, when “unfavorite” numbers come, the payout increases.) Then I started using race election cards. Watching the races has become much more interesting. Look, it happened: the sky darkened, the people became quiet, the birds too - the Ascendant floats into the earth sign... And the new race is much “darker” than the previous one, where again the one who comes first almost always came first. In general: yin elements, tough, unfriendly configurations, planets in the mine, somewhere at the end of the 6th house or on 1C - help outsiders in their difficult struggle for leadership. On roulette it is analogous to zero. And on the contrary - a clear favorite easily takes first place on trines and sextiles of luminaries, accentuation of angles (Mars, say, on AS or DS), with a good 5th house, the Moon in Sagittarius, etc. beneficial things. Air worked interestingly and clearly - usually complete “suck” was woven together with the “lantern”. As they say, behind a friend's back. Of course, this can come to any astrological head, as an assumption, but the facts are real ambrosia. Then I moved on to betting through bookmakers. Convenient: all the statistics are available online, you can browse the player forums. There is no need to waste time at the hippodrome, where the tax reaches 40% (for the Beeches it is simply negligible in this comparison). The field for work seemed so vast that over the course of a year I simply collected information using a purely “shuttle” method, sometimes betting at random or on the advice of players, sometimes assuming the influence of some astrological parameters. The general conclusions are as follows. As with racing, the same laws apply. The difference is that the race lasts a few minutes, but the game can last for hours. Therefore, to be on the safe side, you can study the horoscope of not only the beginning of the match, but also the final. Next, it is best to research a specific championship for a specific sport. However, ordinary players will also confirm this. You can look at the first game cards of each team in the league and form an initial opinion about its prospects this season, taking into account its “weight” among the rest of the participants. Alfie Lavoie in his lectures says that you need to get a horoscope of the first transaction on a specific stock or historically the first game sports team, this is the key to success. Not an easy task! But the first match of the season is more than accessible information. And, most importantly, it really helps. We look at the map, expand it to short techniques(day = week, for example, since the week is a significant time factor, games usually take place on weekends), compare with the final map (1/2, 1/4). But you can’t make bets based only on this data. This is the background, one of the filters. We study the energy of game day. Our first assistant is the good old night luminary. The Moon runs fast, and therefore in just one cycle we accumulate decent statistics. I paid more attention to the American types, they are the most convenient - they are played according to Russian time at night, you have time to calmly analyze them, and the payout ratios are maximum. (I use the AstroBase Prof program, a little antediluvian, but fundamental and strong. It’s a pity that the developer does not plan its development.) So, what do we see in various types sports?

The square of the Moon, especially the Sun and inner planets, is dominated by outsiders! This is especially clear if the outsider is the home team, i.e. owner of the field. You can bet using moneyline (regular odds line), or it’s safer to bet by purchasing a handicap (handicap). And on the contrary, trines of the Moon - to almost all planets, best of all to the Sun and Venus - help the favorites. Many nuances were revealed here that helped me deeply experience classical astrology. Saturn lowers the overall score of the match. The South Node strengthens the home team. Jupiter seems to be visiting (and raising the score). Venus loves favorites. Black Moon for the underdog. Geminis give draws. Scorpio and Taurus “thicken” the score: like 3:4, 2:3. The cardinal cross gives a non-draw, often with hat-tricks (3 goals by one player). Just a guide for beginners to study ancient science! Mercury is very insidious: sometimes thick, sometimes empty. The creative aspects are also insidious - precisely because of their unpredictability. Quikons helps the revenge, especially on their territory. About the country sign. Several years ago, at the World Hockey Championships held in St. Petersburg, our valiant squad successfully lost first to the Swiss (on the Moon in Taurus), then to the Belarusians (in Cancer). The parlay of these two events, the bet against the Russians, was over 150 to 1. I wonder if there is at least one of the astrologer-readers who could not predict such an outcome? (Especially knowing that a number of our strongest athletes simply did not consider it necessary to disrupt the schedule of their performances in the NHL.) But Russian football players came to Paris and defeated the then-current world champions on the Moon in Aquarius. Before the last World Cup, we took Aquarius to Paris again and exchanged 1:1. The French coach said that he would not want to meet such a team at the championship... The arc of the Moon towards the planet is also a significant indicator. But no longer in terms of the opposition “favorite - underdog”, but in terms of the total (score in the game) “more - less”. Getting closer to the planets increases the score, as if energizing the players (and slightly strengthens the favorites, because they mostly score). Moving away reduces the score and weakens the leader. Perhaps the sum of the distances between planets also works this way. Of course, the water signs have lived up to their "outsider" reputation. And not only in these sports. It is interesting that at the entrance of the Moon into Scorpio, as I noticed, the strongest representatives of such a Mercury sport as tennis are “yearning.” Tennis + woman + Scorpio = gloating of the new winner, shame of the favorite? Well, male tennis players, some of the best, lose their faces at ingression into Cancer. Do you remember your mother? Or how they sat on the potty? True, already on the second day of the water Moon the status quo is restored, that’s why they are the strongest. This is an important observation: it’s easy to stumble during ingression or at the entrance of an aspect into the orb, then the favorite seems to come to his senses and quickly corrects the situation. Very good data has been obtained for the quadrants of the houses of the Moon. (We must remember that the “sports” Sun is almost always in the west.) In general, its position in the 3rd quadrant strengthens the guest and increases the score in the game - and indeed the combat sector, as written! According to the opposition, the score is growing in the 1st quadrant - we must answer. The lower hemisphere strengthens the owner. The 2nd and 4th quadrants lower the score in the game. Well, naturally. And finally, we move on to the third filter - the match horoscope itself. No maps of all the football players running around the field - we'll get confused! Election only. (For tennis players, however, I tried to use cosmograms, since their data is easy to find. But without the time of birth, it was possible to make only general assumptions, at the level of the map of the first match of the championship - whether a tournament participant will feel good or bad. And messing around with rectification is... I don’t want to, there are too many of them. The athletes’ biorhythms can help - if Safin is in a slump, take on his opponent, always with a handicap, or just bet on a small number of goals taken. But I haven’t particularly developed this topic.

Guido Bonatti once created a set of rules for “military” astrology, perfectly applicable to sports. So says Australian researcher Bernadette Brady. It must be remembered, however, that the favorite wins in the vast majority of cases. The leader in the races comes first in 66-75%. “Manchester United” practically does not lose on its field to the middle peasants from the English outback. And if the card doesn't look like it inspires confidence in the favorite, it doesn't mean much. He is capable of winning! But if the favorite is not allowed through the first two filters, maybe you shouldn’t bet on it today? But should you bet on his opponent? Let's look at the map of the French second division match between football teams Monaco (home team) and Nice (guest team). The odds for a strong host were 1.5 to the ruble bet, for a guest - 6. Nice won with a score of 0:1.

According to Bonatti's rules, the guest is represented by the Ascendant - as the challenger. If we consider the ratio of the lords of the 1st, 5th and 10th houses - the key ones for victory, then the guest looks good. The owner, i.e. The 7th, 11th and 4th house and their lords look no better in any case. It is interesting that Mars in Capricorn was not considered a great help by ancient astrologers; in the fall or expulsion, its aggression was “corrected” for the better. The same applies to Saturn. Personally, I would not bet against the favorite on this card, although, of course, strong Venus in the 5th house and Jupiter at the zenith look very appetizing. But the Sun is in the falling! The owner has the ruler of the 5th house on the Ascendant, Mars at the zenith. Hmm, the owner does not outweigh, but he is the favorite of the championship! Please note that the Moon is square with Venus here - one of the conditions for the victory of the outsider. Further, I simply did not mention this, Air helps the guest - compare with the Moon in the 3rd quadrant and with the “sticking” of a weak participant in the race to a strong one! Since this match did not pass the third filter, we bet on the guest, but very moderately. This tactic can be called “fan”, scattering. The result is that on this Sunday, a fruitful Sunday for sporting events, the bet on the guests paid off.

Another example. My bet on the Boavista-Guimarance match has just gone through. Classic distribution!

The guest is represented by Venus in exile in the 6th house, the ruler of the 5th house is strong Jupiter in the 10th, the owner is represented by Mars in Aquarius (a little “chilled”, this is good) in the 10th house of the owner, Wheel of Fortune in the 5th house of the owner, lord of the 5th, Mercury, in the 1st house. The Ascendant is in the terms of Mercury and Mars, which work for the owner, the face of Jupiter - we put a small plus for the guest. The descendant, representing the owner, is in the term of Mars, which is a plus, and in the face of Venus, which is a minus. Weighing the pros and cons, we choose the owner. His success is especially pleasing because the odds before the match were about the same, with Boavista only a slight favourite. The result of the match was 3:1, and the host took the lead immediately, the first half ended 2:0.

Here is a map calculated for October 31, 1999, 15:00 GMT, Moscow. Check-in at the hippodrome.

Gemini Ascendant, Mercury in O Sagittarius in the 6th house, Pluto exactly conjunct the Descendant, Mars in Capricorn at the end of the 8th house, Venus in Virgo included in the 5th house, Moon conjunct the North Node in the 4th house , Wheel of Fortune in Pisces included in the 10th house. With a trained eye, we determine that there is no need to bet on favorites under any circumstances... There are only 6 horses, but the combination that came in gave a huge return for all betting systems. One note: favorites often perform poorly in bad weather conditions, or rather, their strength and motivation is equal to the rest. In the slush, horses and football players run around in one dirty lump, is there any way to lead! But when, one might ask, does a horoscope reflect bad weather? Yes, everything is the same: water signs, inclusion, some kind of Uranus-Neptune in conjunction with an angle - with weak personal planets in mobile or fixed houses. Please note that you can never rely 100% on any technique. Someone else's experience is someone else's. Bonatti is not always right! How much has been written that a successful trader on the stock exchange uses the same strategy as a loser, but they have different financial discipline - at least. For work: we don’t look too closely at the maps of everything sports day, we are looking for the best election, selecting the 2nd type of events for our personal archive: when the defeat of a favorite or a home outsider is carried out; meeting of equal opponents. Then we will grow as professionals. Good luck!


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Author about himself: born in 1961, Leo according to the Sun, graduated from the Literary Institute (prose), then studied at the Academy of Astrology and the Higher School of Economics. Interests: horary, elective, mundane, financial astrology, I Ching, Feng Shui, connection of letters, words, numbers with astrology.