How to run time. The Complete Guide: How to Run Correctly

A decision was made to increase the wages of employees of cultural institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region by 62.1 percent from April 1, 2013. Since March, active preparatory work. About how this is happening in the urban district of the city of Shakhunya to the correspondent of the newspaper “Znamya Truda” Olga Zinovieva said the head of the department for culture, sports and youth policy S.B. Shchepin.

- Now the institutions are developing the so-called “Road Map”. What is it?

This is a development strategy, according to which wages will increase only if the qualitative and quantitative indicators in work increase. One of the main tasks set for us is optimization. We are focused on work that will give maximum results. Each cultural institution, be it a club or a library, should be in maximum demand among the population living in the service area. It is necessary to attract as many event visitors and participants in creative and leisure groups as possible.
But not everything is as simple as it seems. In large settlements of the district (Shakhunya, Syava, Vakhtan), it is possible to attract additional people by expanding the scope of activity. This is very difficult to do in rural recreation centers and libraries. The main reason is that the number of villagers is decreasing from year to year, which naturally entails a decrease in attendance at cultural institutions. And those residents who remain in the village are already regular participants in events, spectators, and readers. This potential is used almost completely, because in small settlements there is nowhere to go except to the library and recreation center.
Much attention is now being paid to connecting libraries to the Internet. But today, out of 21 libraries in the Shakhunya urban district, only eight have Internet access. Electronic catalogs are being actively compiled. In six years, we need to make sure that all residents of our district have access to them.

- Will the desire to reduce costs entail the closure of some cultural institutions and a reduction in staff?

The optimization process, indeed, implies the closure of ineffective institutions. In our urban district, the Malinovsky and Akatovsky Palace of Culture and the Fadkinsky Library have not actually operated for many years. Now you need to draw up documents to close them.
Today there are 226 staff positions in cultural institutions of our city district. From April 1 it should be 201.3. We mainly plan to reduce not workers, but staff positions, those that make up 25-50 percent of the salary. According to the recommendations of the ministry, there should also be no external part-time workers. We have already decided where the reduction will take place. Decisions were made very scrupulously, with mandatory agreement with the heads of institutions.
As of March 1, the average salary of cultural workers was 7,830 rubles. It needs to be increased to 11,911 rubles. For these purposes, it is necessary to find about two million rubles in the local budget for 2013. This is 15 percent of the total funding for increasing wages, 85 percent is allocated from the regional budget.

- There are people who are outraged by the fact that some events and concerts are held on a paid basis. In their opinion, selling tickets even at a purely symbolic price is not entirely legal. What can you say about this?

We are told that cultural institutions must earn money themselves. Even one of the conditions of the Road Map and the upcoming salary increase is an increase in the number of events held on a paid basis. In the nine months remaining until the end of the year, cultural institutions in the urban district of the city of Shakhunya should earn 878 thousand rubles, which will be used to pay workers. Funds allocated from local and regional budgets go mainly to salaries and utility costs. But you still need money to maintain buildings, hold events, buy suits and shoes, and those same cleaning supplies!
And at the same time, I would like to develop, and not mark time, especially since increasing the efficiency and quality of services provided in the cultural sector within the framework of the Road Map is directly related to the development of the material and technical base of institutions.
Therefore, some concerts are held on a paid basis. But if the event is classified as a public holiday, then admission is free.
Most clubs operating in cultural institutions are also free. True, there is separate groups which children visit for money. But they are organized only when this type The activity is popular, there are many people who want to do it, and there are no more places in the free groups.
We act in accordance with the Decree of the administration of the urban district of the city of Shakhunya dated March 28, 2013 No. 295 “On approval of the Regulations on paid services provided to individuals and legal entities by cultural institutions of the urban district of the city of Shakhunya.”


I don’t understand why the development strategy (and in fact the sweatshop system in the cultural sector) is called a “Road Map”? What does the word “road” have to do with it? This time. Secondly, information about salary increases is incomplete. Only 44.7 percent were added to teachers, which, you see, is not 62.1 percent.

19.04.2013, 21:52

About how cultural institutions make money. For some reason, the accounting department, which should give the go-ahead for the sale of saved money, for example, for heating or electricity, is not running around too much. But this money sometimes makes it possible to carry out repairs and purchase equipment. But no! The main person in this matter is the accountant. And sometimes the institutions’ money is simply taken away from his hands! And they are transferred somewhere else. That's it! You can’t make that much money at paid concerts. And, by the way, this is done not only with cultural institutions, especially at the end of the year. But also with all budgetary institutions. For example, with a district clinic.

21.04.2013, 11:57

The article is about culture, but is classified in the “Politics” section. Moderators, why?

Oparin Gennady Alekseevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Samara State Institute of Culture, Samara [email protected]

Optimization of cultural and leisure activities in the cultural center

Abstract. The article, based on the characteristics of the current state of culture, reveals the mechanisms of sociocultural influence on the cultural development of a person in the sphere of leisure. The main attention is paid to the study of the characteristics of cultural and leisure activities in cultural centers, as multifunctional club-type institutions. Recommendations aimed at optimizing the organization of cultural and leisure activities in cultural centers have been formulated. Key words: culture, leisure, cultural center, sociocultural development, sociocultural activities, cultural and leisure activities.

Socio-cultural activities in the field of leisure are carried out in real time and are characterized by relevance. Carried out on the basis of communication in free time, activity, with the aim of influencing the socio-cultural development of society and the individual, contributes to the development of social norms of culture. In the process of socio-cultural activity, socially prescribed stereotypes are justified by ordinary consciousness as natural ways of behavior of a cultured person. Through holidays, traditions, customs, rites, rituals, ceremonies, which form the basis of sociocultural activities, social norms are organically woven into social practice, into the objectively determined direct life experience of people; represent a process of sociocultural interpretation and figurative concretization of social norms. In sociocultural programs, social norms of culture are translated into standards, models, standards of behavior and internalized by the individual. Legislative regulation of cultural activities extends mainly to artistic culture, museums and libraries, television, radio and some other similar areas traditionally related to culture. Fundamentals of legislation on culture are focused on regulating cultural activities, the center of which is art, while sociocultural activities go far beyond the boundaries of artistic culture and extend to the social life of people. The conceptual binomial, expressed by the concept of “sociocultural”, reflects the desire for fruitful interaction between society, culture and people in diverse spheres and forms public life and cultural development. The problem of sociocultural development arises from the contradiction between personal and public interests. Proclaimed in modern life and the orientation towards personal success in life, realized in practice, conceptualized from the perspective of systems theory, makes it possible to detect a mismatch between parts of the social system, which leads it to self-destruction. The search for ways to harmonize public and personal interests in life is the main task of sociocultural development. Current state culture of society (social culture), is determined by the internal political features of the modern period and integration into global civilizational processes. The sociocultural vector of development is focused primarily on Western values. At the same time, the level of everyday culture of behavior, communication and relationships of people in our country, according to the results of sociological research, is assessed as quite low (2.66 on a five-point scale), which indicates people’s dissatisfaction with the modern culture of human relations in Russia. The process of searching for a “national idea”, “formation of a value system”, which dragged on for decades, led society to a state of anomie of instability, vagueness, contradictory normative regulations, and a violation of the value-normative system of society. The influence of economics and business on socio-cultural activities manifests itself in two ways. The commercialization of culture contributes to the development of entrepreneurial activity, the expansion of the cultural market and the orientation of cultural products to meet the actual, real needs of people. On the other hand, the volume of budget funding for cultural institutions limits the possibilities of developing and implementing socially significant projects. The basis of the state's cultural policy is the task of ensuring legal guarantees for free cultural activity and non-interference of the state in creative processes. Social features of state policy in the field of culture are determined by priorities: protectionism in relation to national cultures; ensuring accessibility to citizens of cultural activities, cultural values ​​and benefits; introducing children to creativity and cultural development; patronage in the field of culture in relation to the least economically and socially protected segments of the population; development of patronage and sponsorship in the field of culture.

In practice, “cultural exchange” is unidirectional in nature, importing the most attractive foreign forms, ideas and values ​​of culture. Art and literature are losing their sacredness and former attractiveness. Spiritual orientations are being replaced by the material interests of people, and spirituality is being replaced by modern samples and products popular culture, infernal, mystical and sectarian ideas. The deformation is manifested in real images of “heroes of our time,” in the front row of which are representatives of mass culture and show business, who make up the grotesque face of modern culture. Public opinion is concerned about the decline in the general cultural level in the country, the decline in spirituality in society and the influence of mass culture on the consciousness of a large part of the people.

Houses of culture and clubs are unique cultural and leisure institutions, territorially and socially close to folk life and performing specific sociocultural functions in the general cultural system. Houses of culture and club institutions need to significantly improve their work in accordance with modern sociocultural processes. There are great opportunities for people to choose ways of cultural and leisure time, including outside cultural institutions. The House of Culture, as the main leisure center in rural areas, is a monopolist in the field of organizing cultural and leisure activities. At the same time, there is a problem of attracting people to a cultural institution. The main contingent of participants in amateur art groups are children, elderly people and women. Massive holiday events are attended by different people, simultaneously constituting a community formed on the basis of territorial and settlement characteristics. One of the problems in the work of cultural centers in rural areas is the lack of demand for the cultural and leisure programs and services offered to the population. The paradox of the situation is that it is not the people who need the cultural center, but the cultural center that needs the people. Cultural institutions must correspond to modern life realities. The general sociocultural problem of the activities of cultural centers is the contradiction between modern cultural and leisure demands and interests of the population, on the one hand, and the actual practice of cultural centers, the activities of which do not fully correspond to modern sociocultural processes. The House of Culture as a multifunctional club-type institution works in several main areas: mass work, circle work, organization of everyday leisure, recreation and entertainment. The organizational structure of club activities, formed over decades, has remained virtually unchanged over time. The architectural and planning forms of cultural centers are focused on holding entertainment events with the division of all participants into speakers and spectators separated from each other by a “fourth wall.” Projects of cultural centers with a large auditorium and stage, which occupy most of the total area, have formed a stereotypical idea of ​​the club as a cinema, concert, theater organization with an auditorium in which meetings are sometimes held. The artistic dominant in the work of club institutions was formed on the basis of the idea of ​​​​the applied and effective influence of an ideologically and pedagogically selected repertoire on the sociocultural development of people. The emotional appeal of art and the possibility of public demonstration of achievements by amateurs contribute to the development of amateur performances as a form of leisure that develops and elevates a person. Human cultural development occurs in various spheres and under the influence of many factors. Houses of culture operate in the leisure sector. The main functions of leisure: rest, entertainment, personal development. The essential feature of leisure is freedom. Visiting a cultural center in your free time, not out of obligation or coercion, but voluntarily, by at will, is the most important condition for cultural development. In the modern situation of mass disorientation in the system of sociocultural values, activities and employment in free time in socially approved ways of spending time and activities should be assessed positively. Socially approved leisure activities: creativity; spiritual and physical development person;

rest and entertainment. Socially disapproved leisure activities: violation of moral norms and rules; deviant behavior; violation of the law. Socially approved leisure activities do not destroy the individual and do not cause damage to society.

In the sphere of leisure, it is important to maintain a person’s sense of freedom: physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual. Freedom of will and self-expression. The task of culture and cultural development is the liberation of man. Socio-cultural activity is a soft form of influence on the cultural development and self-development of people. In cultural and leisure institutions, development occurs on the basis of amateur performances in a variety of manifestations. Professional club workers create desirable conditions for visitors. The profession of employees of cultural and leisure institutions is organizational in form, sociocultural in content and service-oriented in the nature of relationships with visitors. The relationship between state cultural and leisure institutions and the population can successfully develop on the basis of cultural service to clients in order to satisfy cultural and leisure needs.

The desire for complete life experiences is manifested in the pragmatization of leisure through the rational use of free time. For adults and children, it is not the rest itself that is important, but also the process filled with impressions, discoveries, and experiences. Club projects should be developed based on the actual needs of residents, who constitute the potential audience of visitors to the cultural center. A significant part of club projects and programs have a clearly expressed socio-pedagogical orientation. Purposeful pedagogical interaction is carried out using the following methods: information, commenting, explanation, persuasion, example. Methods of stimulating the social and cultural activity of club visitors: competition, evaluation, encouragement, perspective, requirement, assignment. The listed methods relate to methods of direct influence and are used in the preparation and holding of public events. Working in a cultural institution requires a general and pedagogical culture of employees capable and ready for social and personal interaction with visitors. In the process of holding mass, chamber, group events and activities, the social environment – ​​the people participating in the event – ​​has a significant impact on the culture of people. Behavior, actions, communication, exchange of information and opinions, free self-expression, creativity of participants become a factor influencing people. On calendar holidays and mass events contains a meaningful and semantic potential that can be realized in traditional or innovative socio-cultural formats, through modern technologies for the purpose of cultural development. Classes in amateur groups are conducted by leaders with special education or work experience, based on artistic and pedagogical methods. Based on the study of the activities of cultural centers, we can formulate some practical recommendations based on traditional approaches and modern sociocultural processes, in order to optimize the sociocultural work of cultural centers. Mass work of cultural centers 1. Form a system of main calendar holidays to be held in the cultural center. Carry out planning and design of club work based on calendar holidays and events. 2. Prepare and conduct mass and chamber calendar events based on interactivity, involving the public in improvisational, joint socio-cultural communication. 3. Form and use a sustainable system of external relations with educational institutions, organizations, social groups and citizens to attract participation in the preparation and participation in calendar holidays and events. 4. Hold competitions, shows of personal achievements and exhibitions of local craftsmen among the population various types activities: art, handicrafts, floriculture, gardening, cooking, professional and applied skills and abilities, etc., dedicated to calendar events. 5. Conduct vord skilds – competitions in professional skills. 6. Conduct special events on special orders of organizations, institutions and citizens.

Amateur activities and club associations 1. Creation and support of amateur artistic groups operating in line with historical, cultural, national and regional traditions. 2. Creation of amateur artistic groups based on the original, current interests of people formed under the influence of modern fashion.

3.Creation of studios for general cultural: artistic, aesthetic, applied, health, etc. development.4.Attracting to the recreation center lovers engaged in creative or amateur activities outside the club, independently, for systematic cooperation.5.Creation of associations, studios and training courses applied practically useful skills. Everyday leisure in DK1. Watching videos. 2. Provide Internet access.

3. Create a game library or purchase gaming equipment.

4. Aestheticize and decorate the interior.

5. Organize art bazaars fri market - exchange of objects, things, books, skills. The House of Culture is a center of secular culture and leisure in rural areas. The purpose of the House of Culture is the socio-cultural development of the population in the field of leisure. Changes occurring in life and culture inevitably affect the work of cultural institutions. The multifunctionality of club institutions implies a variety of forms and areas of work with different age and social groups of the population. A multifunctional cultural institution can carry out activities in various areas of artistic, physical, political, moral, aesthetic, legal, national, and everyday culture. The main task of modernization is to optimize the activities of the cultural center based on effective use resources and opportunities for sociocultural activities in accordance with modern sociocultural processes.

In the Altai Territory, there is a serious underfunding of cultural institutions. Intermediate level wages for industry workers are one of the lowest in Russia. Optimizing a network of institutions in most cases does not bring the expected economic effect. Larisa Zorina, a member of the regional working group of the ONF “Education and Culture as the Foundations of National Identity”, the chairman of the Altai regional organization of the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers, spoke about the current situation.

The ONF expert considers it necessary to ensure that the allocation of funds to municipalities is targeted to increase the wage funds of employees of cultural institutions and to hold mandatory discussions with the trade union and social activists about plans to optimize the network of cultural institutions.

“Contrary to existing plans, in the last two years the nominal and real wages of most workers have been declining. In 2016, the average figure should have remained at the level of 2015 and amounted to about 13 thousand rubles. But at the end of nine months it barely exceeded 12 thousand rubles. We are talking about the average indicator, which is achieved through regional and federal cultural institutions. In municipalities, many skilled workers receive wages at the minimum wage level. At the same time, they are forced to take extra hours in order to receive at least this amount,” said Larisa Zorina.

The chairman of the Altai regional organization of the Russian Trade Union of Cultural Workers also noted that part-time employment of workers has become the norm. According to her, this is how institutions try to “fit” into the framework of their payroll. In 2015, the number of people working at 0.75 rates increased by 85 people, and 75 people were transferred to 0.5 rates.

“The largest employers in the cultural sector are municipalities. They manage subsidies to equalize budgetary security. The funds received are primarily used to pay off debts to extra-budgetary funds and pay debts for supplied coal and energy resources. Ensuring the proper level of wages for cultural workers often fades into the background. It is necessary to ensure that the allocation of funds to municipalities is targeted to increase the wage funds of cultural institutions,” Zorina believes.

Another proposal from the ONF expert is related to optimizing the network of institutions. In the Altai Territory, this process covers not only rural areas, but also cities. In 2015, 67 cultural institutions in municipalities and four regional government institutions were transferred to the status of structural units. But optimization does not always bring the expected effect. Along with the number of legal entities, the number of employees is reduced. In 2016 alone, 356 units were reduced from the average number. At the same time, the volume of work performed is growing, and the saved funds are not used to increase the salaries of the remaining employees. Often, funding for institutions is simply reduced.

“In 2017, another wave of optimization is expected. Such decisions must be made individually for each institution, taking into account the opinions of all interested parties. Therefore, the Popular Front invites regional authorities to ensure mandatory discussion of optimization plans with representatives of the trade union and the public. The Popular Front in the Altai Territory is ready to become a platform for such a dialogue,” concluded Larisa Zorina.