Exercises for pumping up the triceps

Are you ready to catch admiring glances? Are you ready for your friends and acquaintances to consider you a magician? Or a magician if you say you don't go to the gym? After all, they haven’t read this article and don’t know what success can be achieved by pumping triceps at home. And you will find out in a couple of minutes. Surprise yourself, surprise your loved ones with the help of our website!

Beginning athletes believe that to have beautiful arms like bodybuilders, you first need to pump up your biceps, and the triceps will pump up on its own at the same time. This is fundamentally wrong. If you look at a person from the back, you can note that the thickness of the shoulders depends on the size of the triceps, since approximately 60% of all shoulder muscles are triceps.

The role of the triceps is to extend and bend the arm. Based on the anatomy of the triceps, the most effective exercises for developing triceps at home are exercises for supination and flexion-extension of the arms at the elbow.

Rules and features of training

The first thing you should think about is proper nutrition. Muscles need protein to grow a lot of protein. If you want to get results faster:

  • Eliminate alcoholic drinks, soda, lemonade, energy drinks, and confectionery products, especially flour products, from your diet. Increase the amount of protein you consume.
  • Provide yourself healthy sleep.

These two simple rules will be repeated to you in every article about home workouts. Repetition is the mother of learning. If you want a healthy, beautiful body, you will have to sacrifice something.

The second thing you should think about is how to pump up your triceps at home so as not to overload or exhaust your body:

  • Triceps training 1 only time per week. No more. Many articles on the Internet write that you need to pump your triceps at home every day. This is a lie that can cause health problems. Trust trusted sources (our website). Or hire a trainer.
  • When you pump your chest, you also pump your triceps, and at the same time you pump your chest. Therefore, in order not to overload the muscles, when drawing up a training plan, choose different days to train these muscle groups. For example, Monday and Thursday.
  • Before training you should warm up and get the blood flowing(and with it nutrients) throughout the body. Light aerobic exercises are suitable for this: running in place, jumping. The training includes about 3-4 exercises.

Best exercises

How to pump up your triceps at home when you only have two dumbbells at hand? And it's very simple. You just need to know what to do and how to do it. Choose a weight so that you can complete the specified number of sets and repetitions of the exercise.

Dumbbell overhead press

Type: insulated

This exercise is perhaps one of the most famous and beloved among athletes. You can perform dumbbell presses both sitting and standing, the main thing is that your back should be perfectly straight. Technique:

  1. Stand up straight, take a dumbbell in one hand. You can lower your free hand down, or grab yourself by the ribs.
  2. Raise your arm above your head with your palm facing forward.
  3. Slowly bend your arm, bringing it behind your head. Please note: only the forearm is involved in the movement, and the shoulder itself is motionless.
  4. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds.
  5. Begin to slowly straighten your arm back to the starting position (arm raised up)

Dumbbell overhead press with two hands

Type: insulated

When using collapsible dumbbells, be sure to check that the locks are securely fastened so that the weight does not fall on your head, since the dumbbell in this exercise is held vertically. If you use heavy weights (15 kg or more), be sure to wear an athletic belt. Technique:

  1. Firmly grasp the dumbbell plate with your hands. To be on the safe side, you can wrap your thumbs around the bar.
  2. Stand up with your spine stretched like a string. Feet shoulder width apart.
  3. This exercise can also be performed while sitting, the main condition being a straight back.
  4. Gently lift the dumbbell above your head.
  5. Slowly, without spreading your arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows and place the dumbbell behind your head.
  6. Feel your triceps stretching and working? Also calmly and smoothly return to the original position.

It's never too late to start classes. Worrying all the time about past mistakes is the worst mistake.

Close grip bench press

Type: basic

It is usually performed with a barbell, but those who think about how to pump up triceps with dumbbells sooner or later come to the conclusion that the barbell can be replaced. Technique:

  1. You will need two chairs that resemble a bench.
  2. Sit on them, take dumbbells, place them on your thighs.
  3. Lie down on a makeshift bench.
  4. Move your hips up and lift the dumbbells over your chest.
  5. In the starting position, the dumbbells are located on the sides of the chest and slightly above it.
  6. Your forearms and shoulders should form a 90-degree angle.
  7. Arch your lower back and inhale like a whale, which has the largest lungs on the planet. You should feel your chest expanding. Place your feet on the floor.
  8. As you exhale, press the weights vertically upward. At the peak of exercise arms should be fully straightened, dumbbells are brought together.
  9. Make a short delay, tensing your pectoral muscles, and then return your arms to the starting position along the same vertical path.

French press with dumbbells

Type: basic

Another cool exercise to pump up your triceps with dumbbells. You will again need two chairs . Technique:

  1. Lie down on the bench. We press our head and neck against the bench as tightly as possible, and so do our feet.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands and, stretching them up, tilt your head to the side at a slight angle.
  3. Make sure your arms are parallel to each other.
  4. As you inhale, bend your arms and slowly lower the dumbbells so that they are on the sides of your head.
  5. Do everything smoothly and carefully, otherwise you might hit yourself with a dumbbell.
  6. As you exhale, straighten your arms and hold in this position for a second. We repeat from point 3.

Important: the elbows are motionless: they do not float, do not wobble. Only the forearm is involved in the work.


Type: insulated

In fact, push-ups are a simplified bench press in reverse. They will help not only pump up your triceps at home, but also develop your abdominal, back and leg muscles. Push-ups great as a warm-up. The negative side is the low load. But this disadvantage can be compensated for by having a heavy backpack, a partner or nice partner. Technique:

  1. Starting position: lying down, hands shoulder-width apart, elbows pressed to the body.
  2. Slowly and smoothly we lower ourselves as low as possible and also calmly rise.
  3. Putting your hands closer relative to each other significantly increases the load on the triceps.

Arm extension in a backward bend

Type: insulated

Great for developing the upper triceps. Technique:

  1. Stand up straight. The legs are located slightly wider than the shoulders, slightly bent at the knees.
  2. With a straight back, lean forward so that your body is parallel to the floor.
  3. Take a dumbbell. Bend your arm at an angle of 90 degrees, press your elbow to your body.
  4. With your free hand, you can lean on a chair or place it on your knee.
  5. As you inhale, extend your arm and straighten it.
  6. As you exhale, return your hand to its original position.
  7. To get more quick and noticeable effect perform arm extensions until the muscles burn; to do this, just hold for a couple of seconds in the position where the arm is extended. Perform at the end of classes.

Triceps training program

We remember that you can do triceps only once a week, performing 3-4 exercises.

In one day you can simultaneously train, for example, leg muscles and triceps.

Set of exercises

This complex is suitable for both beginners and pros, but if this training regimen is too difficult for you, remove one of the first two exercises.

  1. Close grip bench press: 3 sets of 8 reps. Rest 3 minutes.
  2. French press: 3 sets of 8 reps. Rest 3 minutes.
  3. Dumbbell overhead press: 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Rest 2 minutes.
  4. Close-grip push-ups: 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Rest.

There are several options for how to pump up your triceps with dumbbells. You can even make up your own complex, you just need to consider the type of exercise: isolated or basic. The program should contain two isolated and two basic exercises.

Everything in training is the same as in life. Set goals, dream and bring your plans to life. The poorest person is not the one who has no money, home and family, but the one who has no happiness and dreams.