Scenario for Fisherman’s Day “More fish for you to make your smiles shine!” Sports and entertainment event “Fisherman's Day.

Fisherman's fisherman...

When a man turns 60, he retires. What to do in retirement? They say that after sixty people begin to fall into childhood. We need to remember childhood fun. What hobbies and pastimes did the hero of the day have in childhood?.. Name it... Some of you are still not far from childhood. Whoever names a childhood hobby, I will give him a “Friend Card.”

Guests name children's hobbies, the host hands them playing cards, having previously specified the following.

Are there any “night owls” among you?.. Those who find it difficult to get up in the morning. Eat? So, you won’t receive a friend’s card! Only early risers receive the card. Who's a morning person? Choose a card.

The host offers to choose a card from the deck. A deck may contain, for example, 15 cards, including four aces.

And now the essence of our fun. The hero of the day chooses a fishing buddy. The first quality of a fisherman. You have to get up early, which means you must be a morning person. Second. A fisherman must be lucky. The cards will determine the lucky ones. Who has the aces? Come here, lucky guys! You can become a fishing friend of the hero of the day.

Four people come out to the presenter.

Both-on! Ladies?.. How to fish with you? Okay, the hero of the day will figure it out... The third quality of a fisherman. Fast response. I will now pronounce a noun, and you, without thinking for a second, pronounce the corresponding verb. For example: chair - I’m sitting, bed - I’m lying down. First candidate. Tent?..

Candidates respond. The presenter comments.

A worm?.. Firewood?.. A hangover?.. A pot?.. Oh, you’re talking about that, but I’m talking about the head... Vodka?.. The best fisherman and friend of the hero of the day chooses the two fastest and most resourceful. (After selection.) There are two candidates left. The finale is actually the fishing itself. There's fish in the lake!

On the tray there is an odd number of small dried beer fish, to which paper clips are attached. Fishermen receive fishing rods with magnets. They stand three meters from the “lake” (tray with fish).

Whoever catches the most fish will become a fishing friend of the hero of the day. Let's start!

Fishing begins to the music. Whoever has the most fish is the winner. The loser's catch is also given to the winner - this is the prize.

An additional prize for the best fisherman - a friend of the hero of the day - a bottle of beer with the fish he caught. (To the winner.) You are going fishing tomorrow at three in the morning. The worms have already been dug up. Fishing rods heads. You don’t even have to go to bed - sleep it off while fishing. Applause to the hero of the day's fishing friend! Applause to the expert - the best fisherman and friend of the hero of the day! A toast to a pensioner’s wonderful hobby, fishing! All fishermen and all fish lovers dance!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Dear guests, the most significant hobby for the hero of the day is cooking. Simply put - the kitchen! Let's begin...
  • The presenter, sitting at the table, offers the first congratulations to the hero of the day to his closest relatives,...
  • Bogatyrs and Maidens (singing to the tune of the song “Marusya” from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes...
  • All words belong to the Presenter. Kind…

Scenario for the spring holiday in the preparatory group

This holiday can be held in the spring and coincide with the spring folk holiday Alexy Teply, which is celebrated on March 30.

Historical background

This is the day of the fisherman, as the fish return to life from their winter quarters. They said: “There is water from the mountains on Alexey, and the fish are moving from the camp,” “Alexey Teply is bringing the winter to nothing.” On the street, children doused themselves with melt water, which gives health, and exclaimed three times: “Lada!” Goose fights were held in Russian villages. If sweet sap was awakening in the birch trees by this time, then a birch sap festival was held.


Flat cloth fish with loops on the tail and near the mouth, 2 fishing rods with a hook; 7-8 large plastic fish; illustrations of ruffe, flounder, pike, shark; 4 hoops, 4-5 small plastic fish, 2 saucepans, 2 large spoons; kulebyak with fish.



Senya Malina


Blue, blue

Sky and streams.

Splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

On the snowdrifts they are brittle

Ice lace.

The first thawed patches.

First grass...

When does this happen?

E. Trutneva

1st child

They took it off

Pine trees with snow caps.

Blooms in the forest

Maple crow's feet.

2nd child

Talkative Brook

I washed away the snowdrifts from the paths.

Birds nibble in the gardens

The stems of the first blades of grass.

3rd child

The fields come alive

A finch washes itself in a puddle.

And floats down the river

A paper boat in the distance.

A. Tetivkin

Song about spring (optional)


The fish hit the ice together,

And ice drift began on the river.

V. Stepanov

Asenya raspberry

Senya Malina enters the hall.

Senya Malina. Hello guys! I am Senya Malina, a famous fisherman. Fishing has long been respected in our region. As spring comes to the earth, Pomeranian fishermen set out in an artel to fish. Artel means everyone together, a brigade on a carbass goes out to sea and catches fish or sea animals. Do you want to go to Putin with me? Get on the carbass.

Children are divided into two teams, put their hands on each other's shoulders and sway from side to side ("float"). Always, when going to sea, fishermen checked the signs. Do you know the treasured signs of fishing?

(Says the beginning of a folk sign, the children finish it.)

If the north wind blows from the sea...

Children. To the abundant sea fisheries.

Senya Malina. If the sky is red in the evening...

Children. Expect strong winds.

Senya Malina. Foam boiled in the sea...

Children. There will be a change in the wind.

Senya Malina. If blueness towards the sea is visible on the horizon...

Children. To good spring crafts.

Senya Malina. Well, now let's see whose team will catch more fish.

Game "Catch Fish"

Senya Malina. Previously, when they went fishing, they took a storyteller with them. He begins to tell a long fairy tale or mix things up with things that haven't happened. He talks and talks, and then asks: “Are you awake, fellow comrades?” And someone will respond: “We’re not sleeping, tell me more.” The storyteller goes on and on. And if no one responds, then the narrator falls asleep. Who will be the storyteller in your brigade? Probably the most fun. Let's listen to the tall tales.

Children(tell tales one by one)

I'm on a tree in the forest

I saw a fox yesterday.

And in the hollow her guys -

Red-tailed fox cubs.

And we have a cat in our apartment

He makes friends with mice.

Playing cat and mouse

He treats the mice to tea.

There is noise and laughter near the river!

Who swims the fastest?

Everyone on the street is happy -

The chicken wins!

Dozing on a maple branch,

Suddenly a crow croaked:

If only I want

I'll fly overseas!

It's completely cold here,

It's hot and there's food there!

V. Stepanov

Senya Malina. I want to know which carbass the luckiest fisherman floats on. (Selects one fisherman from each team with a counting rhyme.)

Foam floated from across the sea.

They started beating, stabbing,

They began to ask:

"Who is bigger than you?

Who am I to you?" -

"King, queen,

King, queen,

Chair, boy,

I went myself

I went to the boyar's courtyard,

I found Little Red Riding Hood."

Shishel-went out,

Out goes!

The game "Who can catch the fish faster?"

Each participant in the game is given a fishing rod with a hook. Between them, a flat fish with two hanging loops attached to it is placed on the floor. On command, players try to hook the fish and lift it. The child who catches the fish first wins.

Senya Malina. In the White Sea and in the Dvina River, fish are visible and invisible. There aren't any. Let's guess what kind of fish is found in the aquatic areas. (He makes riddles and shows the children the corresponding illustrations after guessing.)

It's not easy to make friends with him -

He loves to squirm!

I never sleep

I catch crucian carp in the river.

Karasyam - science,

What does not sleep... (pike).

T. Shorygina

They are found in a variety of seas

And they are dangerous if they are nearby.

Not afraid of the motor roar,

Swims up to the ships... (shark).

V. Talyzin

What kind of fish lies at the bottom of the sea?

And looks up with both eyes?

Buried in the sand of the sea,

And it’s called... (flounder).

Only in the White Sea is there a toothless shark, it is

not a predator.

Come on, come on, fisherman,

Who will you hook?

Game "Cheerful Fisherman" by T. Klimova

I'm a happy fisherman Children holding hands

Waiting for me big catch, They walk in a circle and sing a song.

Beware of the worm The "fisherman" driver is moving

Don't let us go wrong inside the circle in the opposite direction.

off the hook!

Waves splash in the river, The children stop and

I hold a fishing rod in my hand, raise and lower clasped hands (“waves”)

Here the float jumped, Children perform a "spring"

Someone took the hook.

Losing. When the singing ends, the “fisherman” catches up with the children.

Those whom he has tainted are considered caught. At the end of the game, everyone caught says the name of the fish familiar to him.

Senya Malina. The fishing artel always took plovers - teenage rogues - to learn fishing. Fishermen taught plovers to lure fish with sentences like this: “The first catch is with a feather in the mouth,” “Fishing for fish is a bite on the hook,” “Peck, cod, by the eye, cod,” “By the mouth, cod, by the umbilical cord, cod.” ", "And by the tail, cod." Plovers also cooked fish soup for the artel workers. Let's see whose plovers can cook the fish soup faster and tastier.

Relay race "Boil the fish soup"

Children sit on chairs. Next to the first participant on the floor there is a hoop with five or six small plastic fish, next to the last participant there is a saucepan with a spoon. At the signal, the children begin to pass one fish to each other, the last participant lowers them into the pan. When the last fish is in the saucepan, the last player stirs the “ear” with a spoon and raises the spoon (“the ear is ready”). The team that completes the task first wins.

Senya Malina. We played well, and now it’s time for me and my fishermen to go to sea.

Leading. Bon voyage and happy catching! Return home safely.

Senya Malina. And this is from me as a keepsake for you. (He treats the children to fish cake, says goodbye and leaves.)

On the second Sunday of July, Russia traditionally celebrates Fisherman's Day. And in 2017 this holiday falls on July 9.

A large number of rivers, seas, and lakes could not help but lead to the fact that the profession of fisherman has become very widespread. Moreover, in some regions of the former Soviet Union fishing was one of the leading industries, and a significant part of the population was engaged in this work.

That’s why the professional holiday Fisherman’s Day appeared, uniting work collectives of fishermen. On this day, fishing teams compete in terms of the number of fish caught. The holiday is very popular among the population; it arouses interest even among those who are familiar with fishing only from the stories of others.

On this day, you can congratulate everyone who has connected their life with this romantic and complex profession, as well as everyone for whom fishing is a sport, a hobby, a special state of mind, a way to merge with nature.

Fisherman's Day can easily be called one of the most popular holidays of the summer. Fishermen are a special brotherhood that unites people of various professions and ages.

Naturally, there should be fish dishes on the holiday table.

Fish soup, fried, salted, canned…. Eggs stuffed with fish, fish snacks, sandwiches with caviar. It would be nice to cook meals with the children.

Games, competitions and quizzes for Fisherman's Day!

Game "Fun Aquarium"

Prepare cards in the shape of various fish with questions. Competitors must fish a fish out of an “aquarium” (bag) and answer the question.

  • If the answer is correct, the fish replenishes the fisherman’s “catch”; if the version is erroneous or not complete enough, it “swims away” back. If one of the quiz participants is very lucky and catches the “goldfish”, a prize awaits him.
  • If there is a drawn holey shoe, a tin can or other garbage on the hook, a fine follows - a short-term ban on the right to cast a fishing rod or perform a fun task for the amusement of friends.

Fish riddles

Riddle questions:

1. What kind of fish was carried by the godfather in the Russian folk song “Along the Piterskaya”?

2. What is ukha? What dish in Rus' was called fish soup?

3. What kind of fish did Demyan treat his neighbor Foku in I. Krylov’s fable “Demyan’s Ear”?

4. What did the trustee of charitable institutions Zemlyanika Khlestakov treat in N. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”?

5. What was the name of the tavern in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio?”

6. Which fish was invited to babysit the stupid mouse in S. Marshak’s fairy tale?

7. Which fish are called red, although their meat is white and their caviar is black?

8. What fish spawns in the most severe frosts? Which Russian writer wrote a story about her unusual catch?

9. The name of which Italian city will turn into a fish if you read it backwards?

10. Which island in the Far East resembles a fish in its outline?

11. “Crucian idealist”, “ Dried fish", "The Wise Minnow" - who is the author of these fairy tales?

12. Why was one of the characters in M. Sholokhov’s novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” nicknamed Shchukar?

13. How does a fish hear?

14. Where is the fish’s nose (olfactory organ)?

15. In which country is fish with a “musical” name a delicacy? What kind of name is this?

16. By changing only one letter in words, “turn” them into fish: barrel, litter, calico, tale, dance, coal, cheek.

17. Do the same with the names of plants, animals and birds: sponge, linden, harrier, madder, mink, saiga.

18. Now “turn” the fish into birds: carp, cod, saury, whitefish, sorog.

19. Which river can be cut with a pocketknife?

20. Which Ural river is used to play chess?

21. What notes do sailors use to measure their path?


1. It’s not the ice cracking, It’s not the mosquito squeaking, It’s godfather to godfather dragging the pike perch.

2. Ukha - fresh fish soup. In Rus', all broth-based soups were called fish soup.

3. Eat, dear little friend! Here is a bream, giblets, Here is a piece of sterlet!

4. Labardan - freshly salted cod.

5. “Three minnows.”

7. Sturgeon.

8. Burbot. A.P. Chekhov - story “Burbot”.

9. Milan - burbot.

10. Sakhalin Island.

11. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

12. Trying to bite off a factory hook underwater from the rod of the village resident, Grandfather Kupir, a nine-year-old boy was accidentally caught by the upper lip instead of a pike. The father cut off the hook, the lip grew together, but from then on the boy’s nickname remained until old age - Shchukar.

13. The perception of sound in most fish is associated with the swim bladder. The lateral line is also a kind of ear.

14. The nose - the organ of smell - is located on the head of the fish. It consists of two bags that are placed in special recesses of the skull and allow the fish to smell.

15. Country - Japan, fish - fugue.

16. Goby, catfish, bluefish, stingray, tuna, eel, pike.

17. Wrasse, lyre, tench, moray eel, sockeye salmon, arctic salmon.

18. Pheasant, seagull, guillemot, vulture, magpie.

19. Prut River.

20. River Tura.

21. Mi, la, mi, i.e. miles.

Quiz for Fisherman's Day

She wags her tail back and forth - And she is gone, and there is no trace. (Fish)

What fish is the tavern named after in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”? (Tavern “Three Gudgeons”)

What fish was invited to babysit the stupid mouse in S. Marshak’s fairy tale? (Pike)

What rocks are not found in any sea? (Dry)

Born in water, but afraid of water. (Salt)

Which continent doesn't have a single river? (Antarctica)

What kind of fish did Demyan treat his neighbor Thomas in N. Krylov’s fable “Demyan’s Ear”? (Bream and sterlet)

A thread connecting a fisherman and a fish. (Fishing line)

House for indoor fish. (Aquarium)

What is a “flock” of fish called? (jamb)

What disease do they not get on earth? (Nautical)

Who is born twice and dies once? (Fish)

What fish is called by a human name? (Carp)

Game "Continue the proverb"

Write unfinished proverbs on a fishing theme on fish cut out of cardboard. Players “catch” a fish from the bag, read the beginning of the “fishing wisdom” and complete it. It is not necessary to remember the exact word; it is important to convey the meaning of the proverb or saying and explain how it should be understood.

Proverb options:

Not every fisherman who catches a fish... (catch).

The fisherman's fish... (does not wait).

Without fish and cancer... (fish).

The big fish hides, the small fish are always... (in plain sight).

The fish spoils from... (head).

Uncaught fish always seem... (big).

Without difficulty you can’t even pull a fish... (from the pond).

If there was a fish, but a fisherman... (there would be).

If you catch a crucian carp, you will also catch... (pike).

The fish is small, and the ear... (sweet).

For a good fish soup there is always a pot... (small). To eat a fish, you have to go into the water... (climb).

The bite is good, but small... (catch).

Competition "Praise the fishermen!"

Those who wish are given the task of composing an ode (a solemn poem of praise) in honor of the fishermen and their devotion to their favorite hobby, using ready-made rhymes, for example: “fisherman - river”, “fish - smiles”, “fishing is a pity”, “not easy - ear”.

Poetic works of four or even two lines are accepted.

Competition "Let's sing, friends!"

Participants are divided into small “fishing crews”, which take turns, without repeating, singing a verse of songs they have chosen about fishermen, fishing and fish. The team that sings the last song wins.

Competition "Fisherman's Auction"

Use as playable items fish dishes or fishing accessories, for example:

salad “Herring under a fur coat”- you need to name dishes that can be prepared from fish; The one who calls last gets the salad;

balyk- list names sea ​​fish;

set of canned food- list names river fish;

fishing rod- name fishing equipment.

Competition "Fish Feast"

The presenter goes around the players sitting at the table with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard, one of which is “golden”, and offers to take any without looking. The person who catches the “goldfish” has the right to voice his three wishes, choosing them from the cards offered by the presenter. But first he must name a performer from among those playing.

Examples of wishes:

I want the prose of “The Wise Carp” to make a toast in honor of the fisherman, in which the word “fisherman” would appear three times.

I want the item on the table to be given as a gift to so and so.

I want the neighbors to the right and left of such and such a player to recite a children's poem in chorus.

I want you to shake hands with the oldest among us and hop on one leg to your place.

I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song and have the players guess the name of the song.

The winners are awarded funny medals:

To the best guessers - "Wise carp"

The most dexterous - "Seahorse"

To the best fish expert - "Old Crab"

Attractions for Fisherman's Day

Catch it, fish!

Participants are given “fishing rods” with pencils attached to them on a fishing line or thread. A bottle is placed at a distance of about 50 cm in front of each player. At the signal, you need to hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil.

The first one to arrive receives a prize.

Who will catch the fish first

Attach a fish toy in the middle of a 5-6 m long rope. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to wrap the rope around their hand or stick on both sides, trying to quickly reach the fish.


Participants in the attraction receive paper fish on a string, about 1 m long, and fasten it to their belt so that the tail of the “fish” freely touches the floor. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the tail of the opponent’s “fish,” that is, to “catch” it.

Touching the threads and fish with your hands is not allowed. The player whose “fish” is cut off is considered a loser.

If you play in teams of 3-5 people, the team with the most fish left wins, while the players whose fish were cut off are eliminated from the game. The game ends at the leader's signal.

Game “I was born a fisherman”

“I was born a fisherman, I banged my fist loudly, I didn’t catch anything except...”

Each time repeating this sentence, all participants in the game take turns calling the names of the fish that they know. You can't repeat yourself. Anyone who could not remember the next name of the fish is eliminated from the game.

The last one left in the game wins.

Fisherman's Day. Holiday script for summer camp

Summer scenario sports festival for younger students

Sports and entertainment event "Fisherman's Day"

Guest Ksenia Alexandrovna, teacher physical culture, MOU "School No. 53", Oktyabrsky village, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region.
Purpose: Scenario for a summer camp, for schoolchildren from 7 to 12 years old.
Target: satisfy children's needs for rest, entertainment, knowledge, and the development of spiritual and physical strength.
Wellness– development and strengthening of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, muscular system, correct posture, as well as increasing the functional activity of the body.
Educational– manifestation and development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize and draw conclusions; development of abilities to act; influence on mental development; the ability to adequately assess spatial and temporal relationships.
Educational- upbringing physical qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility.
Progress of the event.
Catch, fish, don’t be lazy,
Good luck, smile!
So that the catch is rich,
I barely carried my bag!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys!
Have you already guessed what our event will be dedicated to?
(children's answers)
Right! Our holiday is dedicated to “Fisherman's Day”.
This holiday is celebrated in Russia on the second Sunday of July.
According to tradition, fishermen organize competitions on this day.
Let's compete a little and find out whose team will catch the most more fish?
Poem "In a Quiet River" will read... (children read the poem by role in fish costumes)

In a quiet river at the pier
The fish met the fish:
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- I was fishing
I was fishing for a fisherman
Uncle Petya is an eccentric.
- Where is your fisherman?
- No, he left, you sly man!
Lost it! (E. Chepovetsky)

(Children are divided into two teams of 10-15 people, come up with a name for themselves and choose a commander)
To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a bag of fish with a proverb written on it. The commanders from each team, in turn, pull a fish out of the bag, read the unfinished proverb, confer and answer.
- To eat a fish, you need to go into the water... (climb).
- The fish spoils from ... (head).
- You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty...
- If there were fish, but a fisherman... (there would be).
- The bite is good, but small... (catch).
- The fish is small, and the ear... (sweet).

For each correct answer you receive 1 point. At the end of the game, the results are summed up, and the winner receives a well-deserved fish for his team.
To make it even more interesting, you can write for the winners interesting information about the fish that is depicted. For example: for the first competition, a fish for the winners “Sazan”.
In Kazakh – “saz”-il, “an” - animal. Consequently, carp is a fish that prefers a muddy bottom. Its weight can reach 20-30kg....etc.

Leading: You did great in your first competition!
Let's listen to a short poem that will be read to us...
The fish opens its mouth,
opens, and is silent!
I don't understand anything
and therefore - angry!
Brother Vitka smiles at me:
“Why are you angry again?
The fish can talk
We just can’t hear!
Rybkin’s voice is thinner than a squeak..."
Thinner than a squeak?! No problem!
I'll come close
to the jar with the fish then!
Here - I crept up quieter than a mouse,
I dipped my ear into the jar...
And I can’t hear it in the water!
So, my brother didn’t deceive me?!
I made my face more stern,
shouted: “Fish, how are you?!”
But you seem to understand me
the fish couldn’t either... (D. Sirotin)

Leading: Guys, what is ear? What dish is called fish soup? (children's answers). Now we will try to cook our own fish soup!
Each team is given a set of letters. The presenter gives out riddles. From these letters, teams must write the name of the answer. (name of the fish from which the fish soup will be cooked).
Riddle for 1 team:
The fishermen are sitting
Guard the floats.
Fisherman Korney,
Caught three... (perch)

Riddle for team 2:
She is the most dangerous in the river,
Cunning, gluttonous, strong,
Moreover - such a feisty one!
Of course it's... (pike)

Whichever team gets the word out faster gets the well-deserved fish. In the second competition it will be the Pike fish.
Pike is one of the most formidable representatives of the predatory species of river fish. Having gained 50 grams of weight, they begin to live separately. Average sizes from 1.5 to 3 kg.
Leading: He will read a poem about fish to us...
Why is this fish silent all the time?
Doesn't bark, doesn't grunt or moo,
And even when you get hooked,
Your mouth will be full of water - and then there will be silence?
Is she really not even afraid of her ears? -
Ask the fish, she will tell you! (N. Shcherbinina)

Leading: What do you think is the difference between fishing and hunting? (children's answers). In the next competition we will test how well you can distinguish between these two concepts. If I name an animal, squat; if I name a bird, clap 3 times. If there is a fish, stomp it.
- Duck! (clap)
- Hare! (squats)
- Pike! (stomp)
- Bear! (squats)
- Tree! (do nothing)

Well done! Now let's continue this game by changing the rules a little.
For this game you need to lay out a lake of fish on which the names of animals, birds and fish are written. Teams receive a bucket. Each team draws a task (riddle).
Riddle "Hunt":
Waking up in a cave
Half people, half beasts.
They walk like they're going to work
These people are on...

Riddle "Fishing":
First they caught the fish,
Then they created the ear,
And right up until the morning,
We sat by the fire.
Slurping delicious fish soup,
Talking nonsense and nonsense.
We are leaving the river, it’s a pity.
Eh, she was good...

If the answer is “hunting,” then the team takes turns running to the lake with fish, taking one of the fish with the name corresponding to the answer, returning and throwing it into the bucket. If the answer is “hunting” - fish associated with hunting. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.
The winners receive their well-deserved fish.
"Herring". Herring lay eggs, attaching them to submerged branches. Alaskans lower branches into the water before spawning and remove them after spawning.
Leading: Tell me, how can you catch fish? (children’s answers: fishing rod, net, seine...). Right!
We will catch our fish with a seine.
Each team makes a circle and receives a tied rope. A small fish is tied in place of the knot, or you can tie a red bow. This fish is in the hands of the commanders. At the leader’s command, the children begin to move the rope clockwise with their hands. As soon as the fish makes a full circle and returns to the commander, that team wins. The game is played three times, then the points are counted and the winners receive their well-deserved fish.
"Fugu." The Japanese advise those who want to eat puffer fish to write a will, as it is poisonous and requires special treatment.

Leading: There are more than 2 million rivers in Russia. There are currently 478 freshwater fish.
Lumps of paper are made in advance and wrapped with white and yellow tape. One team is given white lumps, and the other - yellow. The playing field is divided by a rope. These are two banks of the river. The teams are located on opposite banks. On command, you need to throw the lumps (let's call them bread crumbs) to the enemy's shore. 5 minutes are allotted for this competition.
Once the time is up, the game stops and the lumps are counted. The team that transfers the most “crumbs” to the enemy side wins.
The winning team receives a "Shark" fish.
Residents of some islands make files from the rough skin of sharks.
Leading: Try to guess what the next competition will be called?
What does Galochka have:
A thread on a stick
Stick in hand
A thread in the river? (fishing rod)

Well done! Our next competition is related to a fishing rod and is called “Catch it with a fishing rod.”
Competition for commanders. Commanders receive fishing rods with pencils attached to them. Bottles are placed at a distance. They need, on command, to hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil. The team whose commander completes the task faster wins.
Fish "Catfish". Catfish is the largest freshwater fish. Its length reaches up to 5 m, weight up to 300 kg.
A rope is prepared in advance to which the fish are tied. One of the fish is gold - 10 points, and the rest have numbers from 0 to 3 written on them.
Children from each team, in turn, run up to the rope, cut off any fish and add up the points. Anyone who catches a goldfish gets 10 points and a sweet prize. The team with the most points wins.
Fish " Goldfish" Goldfish is a subspecies of freshwater fish of the crucian genus. Its ancestor was domesticated by humans back in the 7th century AD.
Leading: Well done! You made me very happy! Here is your last task - for fishermen.
All teams are divided into pairs, stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands under the elbows. To the song “Apple”, the guys need to squat without releasing their arms. The team whose pair remains last wins. This resilient couple earns the final fish of the competition.
Fish "Burbot". Burbot spawns in the most severe frosts of December-February, they live up to 24 years!

Leading: Our interesting fishing trip has come to an end. Let's count our catch!
Summing up.

Water relay race. Script for children

Goals and objectives:

Strengthen the health of children during team championships;

Identify the individual capabilities of children, instill in them the desire for physical self-improvement;

Teach children to life in the playroom sports uniform to a healthy image;

To develop in children observation, intelligence, resourcefulness and dexterity;

Create a healthy psychological climate in squads during joint games.

Time: 40 minutes.

Venue: football field.

Props: balloons, sprinklers, buckets, rubber duckies, sheets of paper, markers, sponges, disposable tableware, plastic one and a half liter bottles, tablespoons, plastic cups, life jackets.

To conduct the relay race, the squads must form a team of 12 people (6 boys, 5 girls, 1 counselor). All children must have medical clearance to participate in the relay. The dress code is sports.

The presenter acts as a water carrier.


Each team receives a sheet of paper and a pen. Their task: to write in 3 minutes objects starting with the letter “B” that they can find on the playground.


The first player on the team takes the capitoshka (a ball filled with water) and runs to the chair and back, giving the capitoshka to the next player.


The player takes a sprinkler, runs to a chair and sprays on the ball held by the judge. Runs back to the team.


A team member runs with 2 buckets filled with water to a chair and back.


The player runs with the toy to the chair and returns back. Gives the toy to the next team player.


A team member from the 1st bucket standing at the start absorbs water into a sponge, puts it on his head and walks to the chair, squeezes the water into the 2nd bucket, and runs back. The next one comes with a sponge.

water world

The first player is given a felt-tip pen. The judge places a piece of paper on the chair. On command, the player runs to the chair and draws one inhabitant water world, such as a starfish. He comes back and passes the felt-tip pen to the next one. After the game, the judges show the children the pictures they drew.


The first team member takes disposable utensils - a plate and a glass filled with water. Runs to the chair and back, passes the baton to the next player.


The first player receives a one and a half liter water bottle. He runs to a chair on which stands the same bottle, only empty. He pours water from the 1st bottle into the 2nd and returns back with a full bottle. The next player runs.


The first participant takes water from the bucket with a spoon and runs with it to a chair where there is a plastic glass, pours water into it. He comes back and passes the spoon to the next person.


The first player puts on a life jacket, runs to the chair, returns to the team, passes the vest to the next player.

Water carriers

The player takes water from the 1st bucket into his folded palms, runs to the chair on which the 2nd bucket stands, and pours water into it. He comes back and the next participant runs.

Proverbs about fishing

1. You can’t even catch a fish without difficulty... (From the pond.)

2. For every fish there is... (Fisherman.)

3. You can’t catch trout without soaking... (Pants.)

4. An uncaught fish is always big... (It seems.)

5. If you catch a crucian carp, you’ll catch it and... (Pike.)

6. If you want to catch a fish, don’t climb... (Up the tree.)

7. The fish in the river are not yet... (In hand.)

8. Not every pile has fish... (Shoals.)

9. A bad fisherman only muddies the waters... (Expert.)

10. The skillful one has a roach on the hook, and the unskillful one has... (Grass.)

11. Not every fisherman, who once caught a fish... (Caught.)

After the end of the relay, the judge counts the points and awards the winners.