How to learn to jump rope, double jumps. How to learn to double jump rope

    Double jumping rope is one of the most favorite exercises for beginner CrossFit athletes. Every first one tries with great diligence to learn how to make them. And as soon as it turns out, the newcomer experiences a colossal surge of joy - after all, from now on he is no longer a beginner.

    Jumping regular single jumps is rarely a problem for any CrossFit athlete, and we probably won’t dwell on this today. But when it comes to spinning the rope twice in 1 jump, most beginners begin to have difficulties. Today we will talk in detail about the technique of double jumping rope, including a video, some interesting statistics about this exercise, as well as its irreplaceable benefits during training.

    Starting position

    Attention: learn to jump effectively and quickly double jumps You can only jump rope by observing all stages of the jump. There is nothing complicated about them, but this is exactly the case when careful adherence to the technique gives a guaranteed result. So, starting position— look at the example of a jump in the picture below.


    • The elbows are as close to the body as possible at waist level.
    • The wrists are slightly arched outward and relaxed.
    • The forearms are slightly brought forward so that when you look straight ahead, you can see with your peripheral vision both the right and left wrist with the rope in your hand.


    • Your feet should be hip-width apart or narrower (no need to be wide apart). Ideally close to each other.
    • Legs straight, perhaps slightly bent at the knees (slightly!) - like preparatory stage to the jump.

    General points

    Let's summarize the starting position when jumping rope - your body is relaxed, your legs are together, your wrists are slightly protruding forward so that they can be seen out of the corner of your eye, your elbows are as close to your body as possible at waist level (without bending).

    You should be comfortable in this position. If you feel stiff or uncomfortable, you have done something wrong.

    How to choose the correct rope length? We stand with our foot in the middle and put both handles to the body - optimally they should be at the level of your chest. Or use the following table if you are interested in exact numbers.

    How to do double jumps on a skipping rope? We'll talk about this further - we'll show you effective technique training and important rules for performing this exercise.

    Rules for performing double jumps

    Remember several important rules and at the same time key mistakes, attention to which during the jump will allow you to quickly learn how to do doubles.

    • Only the hands and forearms work - the smaller the amplitude of hand movement, the better. The most common mistake is when an athlete tries to speed up the rope to two revolutions, he involves his whole hand in the process, thereby the amplitude of movement of the rope increases significantly and does not have time to rotate 2 times in 1 jump. The elbow is always in position 1!
    • We try to jump high using our calves and feet - jump out strictly vertically and without dragging your heels back!(it often happens that the heels fly back instinctively and the athlete cannot do anything about it - we’ll talk about how to deal with this in the next section). Sometimes it is allowed to throw the legs the other way around - forward.
    • Do not deviate too much from the original position - your hands are still slightly forward, your elbows are at your waist, your legs are together.
    • It is advisable to use a high-speed CrossFit jump rope. (but this can also be done on a regular one).

    Keep two things in focus—a high jump and a quick wrist rotation—and learning to double jump rope will become fun rather than a chore.

    Double jump technique

    So, how to learn to do double jumps on a skipping rope step by step? We will analyze the learning process step by step.

    First stage: single jumps

    Of course, you first need to learn how to jump singles correctly. It is not enough just to be able to jump - you need to do it with proper technique. The main criteria under which you will be objectively ready to move to next stage, will be:

  1. You should be able to perform single jumps at a steady pace for at least 100 reps. Moreover, doing 100 not with all your might, but objectively understanding that you completed the exercise without super effort.
  2. You must be able to jump high jumps using your calves and feet, while slowing down the speed of rotation of the rope. In this case, also keeping the same level and doing at least 50 jumps in a row.

Second stage: trying doubles

Having completed the first stage and honed your skills, you are ready to move on to the second stage of preparation and learn how to do double jumps on a skipping rope correctly.

  1. We return to our high “long” jumps. We do the following - we do single high jumps with a slow amplitude of rotation 4-5 times, and on the 6th time we rotate the double rotation as sharply as possible. Well, we do it until it works.
  2. If it still doesn’t work out, then most likely you are 1) Either you are not jumping high enough 2) Or you are rotating not with your hands and forearms, but with your whole arm 3) Or your elbows go beyond the level of your belt forward or backward or to the side 4) Or your wrists don't protrude as much as they should = maybe it's all of this together. What should I do? We carefully monitor our body at the time of the attempt and analyze which of the specified rules falls short and work on it.
  3. If it starts to work out, then we continue to train until 1 double for 4-5 singles becomes the norm for you.

Third stage: final

In general, having passed stage number 2, we can say that you have already overcome the barrier that separates you from the ability to jump double jumps on a skipping rope. Now the only question is your diligence, work and regular training practice. Try to spend enough time reducing the number of single jumps between double jumps - once you reach the 1 through 1 mode, it's already decent result. Stay with it - if you manage to do 100 + 100 without losing the rhythm, then you are ready to move on to final stage mastery - constant double jumps.

Double jumps, when the rope is rotated twice in one jump, have become incredibly popular recently, including due to their inclusion in the cross-fit complex. Despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility of such exercises, a considerable number of people experience a lot of difficulties with how to learn how to jump double jumps on a skipping rope - such training becomes a kind of insurmountable wall that sports fans beat against for weeks. And no wonder, because there is a lot to know about how to jump double jumps on a skipping rope. important nuances, without taking into account and using which it will be difficult to master this exercise in the correct way.

A person striving to master double jumps will need excellent coordination and considerable dexterity, because this will require good synchronization of movements of both the upper and lower extremities. In addition, it may only seem as if any jumping rope is a simple matter, because in this particular version they are not subject to everyone - only to those who are ready to train hard for weeks and even months: for some, it takes up to six months or more to master the technique. It is unlikely that it will be possible to successfully perform this exercise, especially to the extent required in CrossFit - up to 100-150 times in a row - by a person who has poorly developed muscles of the torso, as well as arms and legs.

Among other things, if a person eager to master the above-mentioned skill has not taken up a jump rope for a long time, he will need to recall the technical subtleties of handling it. Without similar basic principles It is unlikely that you will be able to master more complex coordination exercises, including double jumps, so you definitely need to remember the basic position of the body, the movements of the arms and legs during ordinary single jumps. It is worth saying that even in childhood, when many people love spending time with a skipping rope, not everyone learns to jump on it correctly, and relearning is much more difficult than immediately mastering the correct technical nuances.

For jumping, you will have to choose the most vertical position of the body, with a straight spine, and the head should also not be lowered - it is advisable to look straight ahead. The position of the limbs is even more important: the legs should be placed as close to each other as possible, with the feet and thighs closed, and the arms should be pressed closer to the body with the elbows, and so that the elbow angle is about 50 degrees. In motion, i.e. jumping, you should save not only good posture, but also previously fixed positions of the arms and legs, and there are several tricks here: you should land on the pads of your fingers, and rotate the rope with your hands, and not with your whole hand.

Without clear development of the above-mentioned positions different parts the torso, double jumps will definitely not work, because, for example, by rotating the rope with your hands to the elbows, and not just with your hand, as it should be, it is unlikely that you will be able to create two turns with it in one single jump. In any case, one should move on to more complex exercises on a jump rope only when a person can easily manage a hundred to one and a half repetitions of single jumps in one approach without failures in technique. In such a case, it will be necessary to gradually complicate the task for yourself by adding alternating jumps to your training, on one leg, two in one turn of the rope, high, etc.

The next stage in mastering the technique of double jumps will be single jumps with the maximum height available to a given person - as if he is trying to jump to the ceiling. This approach allows you to properly slow down the body, which will be enough to twist the rope twice before landing, and at the same time you need to train your hands by twisting the quadrupled apparatus twice with each jump. Then you can move directly to double jumps, but at first alternate them with single ones, gradually reducing the number of the latter in each approach and increasing the number of the former.

Being at the very beginning of their CrossFit training journey and seeing double jumps on a jump rope in a complex, many people want to throw the rope somewhere far away, because even the most resilient and strong athlete, if he cannot perform jumps properly, he will end up in last place.


Actually in execution this exercise there is nothing complicated, like most CrossFit movements you need constant training and a little patience. All training consists of confidently performing high single jumps with a smooth addition of double rotations and then a full transition to performing jumps with double rotations.

To start learning, you need to be able to jump rope smoothly, confidently, without stopping or making mistakes. If you can jump without any problems, then you can proceed directly to learning how to double twist the rope at the moment of jumping.


For training, we need to buy, find, and steal a high-speed jump rope. No, you can try to do it on a regular one, but I can’t vouch for the result. The thing is that the design of this jump rope has bearings and a metal cable, which allow it to be turned very quickly, which an ordinary jump rope, which consists of a rubber cord and plastic handles, cannot boast of.

High jumps

At this stage of training, you need to learn to jump as high as possible. To do this, we jump single jumps, scroll the rope very slowly. At the moment of the jump, the body is located in one line and perpendicular to the ground. Hands in elbow joint pressed to the body. Very common mistake Many people bend their legs back while jumping upward, thereby catching the rope of the jumping rope with their feet. In addition, bending your legs negatively affects the height of your jump.

One after three

The second stage of training consists of a smooth transition from simple jumps with one revolution to double ones. To do this, perform three jumps with one scroll, then one with a double. When performing a double jump, you must jump high and fast movement Use your hands to twist the rope twice. This transition method is the most optimal because it is carried out gradually. As soon as you start getting about 30 repetitions without errors, you can move on to the next stage.


This stage does not differ significantly from the previous one. We are also gradually moving to performing double rotations, by reducing the number of jumps with single rotations and moving on to alternating. You should start with a single one, then do a double scroll of the rope, then a single scroll again, etc. We bring the execution to 30 repetitions without errors, then move on to the final stage.

Double Jumps

Directly performing double jumps. The first is a jump with one rotation of the rope, and then we jump as high as possible and perform double rotations of the rope without stopping. At this stage of training, the main point is to polish your skills; you need to try to increase the number of jumps performed - about 15-20 in one approach without stopping, getting tangled in the cable and other mistakes.

Once you are able to jump without the desire to throw out the rope, you can try to diversify your training by adding certain tasks for a while.

Workout Options

  • Tabata workout (8 rounds: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest)
  • Maximum amount for a time (for example, within two minutes)
  • A certain amount for a time (for example, 100 repetitions for a time)
  • A given number of repetitions every minute for a certain time (perform 20 jumps every minute for 10 minutes.)

These training options resemble mini CrossFit complexes and smoothly lead to the next stage of exercise progression.

In this article I tried to talk about the basic training for this CrossFit exercise, and in the near future I will try to look at improving the skill of jumping while performing CrossFit complexes.

While still at school, you will have to go back to the very basics of mastering this exercise. Not only crossfitters, but also track and field athletes, boxers, and athletes of other disciplines use a jump rope to develop endurance and speed. CrossFit is distinguished by the introduction into its arsenal of double jumps on a rope (the tourniquet passes under the legs twice when jumping). At competitions this year I saw triple jumps, but this is still more exotic than the rule.

Be prepared for the training to take some time. For me it was about six months. After mastering the skill, your task will be to learn to “rest” during the exercise. In complexes, the number of DU (double under) is from 30 to 300 per approach. A failure is punishable by both loss of time to resume (about 2...4 seconds) and penalty exercises, for example, 5...10 burpees for each mistake. The movement itself is quite short, so unless you are a top-level athlete, where a split second can determine the winner, what is more important is the continuity of execution and the ability of the athlete to continue performing the complex after completing the DU series. Speed ​​plays a much smaller role here. The key to success is having the right technique from the very beginning. Typical mistakes an athlete encounters when practicing a skill:

1) Rotate the rope with your whole hand. If you jump and swing your arms like a wind ladder, there is no way the jump rope will pass under your feet twice.

Working off: rotation is carried out by the wrist. Start jumping singles, using only your wrist. The design of high-speed jump ropes ensures the effective transmission of even slight hand movements directly to the rope. Start at a pace that is comfortable for you, gradually increasing your speed.

2) Legs are connected when jumping. The reduced position of the legs leads to loss of balance. To restore it, you will be thrown from side to side or back and forth.

Working off: your feet should be hip-width apart. Provides a stable position better coordination the whole movement. Notice that you are jumping on the front of your foot, with your heel barely touching the floor. The athlete, like a ball, pushes off the surface instantly as soon as he lands.

3) Bend your legs. Beginning athletes, in an attempt to rotate the rope under them, bend their legs either backwards or forwards.

Working off: your legs are straight at the top of the jump and slightly bent to absorb the impact of the surface. The body position when jumping is similar to the concave position on the ground. The hollow rock exercise (swinging in a concave position) teaches the athlete the correct body position.

4) Moving the elbows away from the body. You will know that you have withdrawn your hands when you suddenly receive a sharp blow to the legs or head with a jump rope.

Working off: Elbows pressed to the torso. Pay attention to this, especially when you are just trying to learn. The forearms are almost at right angles to the elbows. Rotation is carried out only by the wrists.

5) Use every time different jump ropes. The length of the rope affects the quality of the jumps. A jump rope that is too long does not allow you to develop high speed, too short leads to jumping failures.

Working off: Get yourself a jump rope and adjust the length once and for all. If you step on the middle of the rope, the ends of the rope should end at your armpits.

After you learn how to jump DU, you can either ignore the comments above or adjust them to suit yourself.

At first glance, learning to double jump rope in CrossFit is not difficult. You simply take the rope and rotate it twice each time you land. It’s a pleasure to watch an athlete jumping in a relaxed manner, and even greater to jump yourself. But you take the jump rope, try it, and every now and then it

whips you lower limbs, gets confused, your body does pirouettes, you throw the jump rope on the floor in anger and leave. And then when the WOD turns on those stupid doubles, you look like a horse. Then you try to learn, but the situation repeats itself. We know, we passed.

We will teach you to be handsome and not a horse, but you will have to first read our recommendations, and then work long and hard. We would even say work hard, but it's worth it.

The exercise can be broken down into three main components:

  • jumping;
  • rope rotation technique;
  • timing.

Let's look at each of these components.


When an athlete first attempts a double jump, his instinct is to simply randomly and desperately spin the rope twice as quickly as possible, trying to do it before he lands. This is not the best strategy.

Moving the rope quickly does not guarantee success at all, especially for an athlete who is just learning. During double jumps, the rope should not move faster - it should not move at all - it is the athlete who should jump higher.

In order for the jump to be successful, you must follow several conditions for jumping:

Correct body position.

The body should be as straight and even as possible, the gluteal and core muscles should be selected. You definitely need to stand on your toes. Imagine a grasshopper, you need to be like him. Hmm, I hope you understand.

Pull your belly in! Even your cheeks and jaw should not hang and dangle, and your calves should completely turn into a spring.

Jump height is key.

The higher you jump, the more likely you are to get a double. The longer you are in the air, the more opportunities you have to swing the rope twice.

This simple rule is a no-brainer, but for some reason many athletes ignore it.

Relaxation and looseness– this is not the same thing.

At first glance, it seems that this is not at all important rule, but in fact it is of great importance. When jumping, athletes often become tense and panic, and as a result, they forget what to do and hit their legs with all their might. This is fundamentally wrong and this is what often leads to failure.

Hack yourself on the nose - the jump rope will not kill you (we are not considering here the case of death from a jump rope by strangulation), and therefore be collected, but in no case tense.

Jumping training.

First stage:

When training, it makes sense first jump for a few days e at different speeds to get a feel for the rope, as well as the differences between double and single jumps.

Second stage:

Then you can move on to an intermediate option: First you jump two singles, one double, two singles, one double. And so on until you get tired of it, or rather, until it becomes easy for you to maintain such frequency. By practicing this way, you will be able to feel every double, every movement of your wrists and rope, height, and so on.

At first glance, this is simple, but in the beginning, with practice, you will be able to jump in this way without losing your way for ten seconds at most. And don’t turn your nose up, first jump away like that for a minute, and then we’ll talk.

Although who are we kidding, half a minute is your ceiling for the first time.

Third stage:

So, having learned to confidently jump two singles, one double, two singles, one double, we move on to the next stage. Then we jump like this: one single, one double, one single, one double. I think you can hold out for about ten seconds, but if you're a good CrossFitter and don't stop trying, you'll soon be able to jump like this for a minute without stumbling. And only at the moment when it becomes easy for you to adhere to such a frequency, switch to two doubles in a row.

Again, at first they can be diluted with single ones, gradually reducing their quantity.

In general, there are several types of progressions when training doubles: Some trainers recommend jumping for a long time, mixing doubles and singles, while others are categorically against singles.

There is a method of training without a jump rope, when the athlete jumps up and does not land until he slaps himself twice on the thighs, so a certain pattern is developed.

In general, as my weightlifting coach says: every lifter has his own method,” and by and large it’s not so important which one to follow. One thing is important - the method must be working, and if, having chosen one of them for a whole month, you are marking time, try another.

Experiment. Watch the video, read, think, train, but most importantly – jump!

Remember a few simple rules when performing jumps:

  • jump as slowly and as high as possible;
  • don't bend your legs.

This is perhaps the most common mistake that 90% of people make. When an athlete jumps, rotates the rope and sees that he cannot make it, he instinctively bends his legs to save the situation and give the rope more time. This is a grave mistake!


Many failures are caused by incorrect rotation of the rope and incorrect placement of hands.

Optimal hand position:

  1. The arms should be extended along the back, the elbows bent and be as close to the body as possible, at a distance of about 10-15 cm. The elbows should not be pressed against the body under any circumstances.
  2. Palms should be in front. When you hold the rope, its handles should look slightly away from your hips.
  3. As for the height of your hands: imagine that you are wearing a belt, in which case you should place your hands at the level of the buckle.
  4. The hands should be visible with peripheral vision, and if you see them straight, the starting position is incorrect.

Mistake: Under no circumstances should the elbows be spread wide apart, as this will require much more effort to move the rope. Some people advise pressing your elbows to your body, but jumping this way is uncomfortable.

Your goal when spinning is for the rope to hit the same spot every time, about a foot away from your toes.

So, let's try to rotate the rope. Imagine that your wrists are hinges, they are separated from the hands and rotate very quickly. Spin separately and quickly, that's all!

At the same time, we must strive to ensure that the wrists and forearms are as relaxed as possible. If you grab the handles of the jump rope tightly, this will cause your shoulders to rotate, which is not necessary in this case.

Dave Newman recommends this trick. Place your hands with short sticks in empty buckets placed at waist level. Everything is extremely simple, you need to rotate the sticks so that they do not hit the edges of the buckets. An impact sound will alert you to incorrect rotation.


The last component in order to learn how to jump double jumps on a skipping rope is the correct timing; it is very important to determine exactly when to start the movement. Most people jump too fast as soon as they see the rope in front of them. But optimal time for a jump - when the rope passes below the knees.

As Dave Newman says, the jump rope takes longer than your body, because it has to spin a full 360 degrees while your feet are 10 cm high. This indicates the need to remain calm and wait for the rope.

He says that people don't really know when to jump and do it at the same time as spinning the rope, which is wrong.

So, When calculating time, you need to remember the following:

  • jump slowly and high;
  • rotate the rope quickly with your wrists, as if on hinges;
  • we begin to rotate the rope when it passes below the knees;
  • keep the rhythm.

All the coaches agreed, they insist that you need to “attack” doubles, that is, train long and hard. But the pleasure of achieving the Goal will not keep you waiting! Fly with pleasure, dear CrossFitters!