How to cast a casting net with a small ring. What is a casting network and how to use it? Casting a Spanish net

Netting usually refers to professional or poaching fishing. Casting networks act as a kind of exception to general rule, in some way related to sports active fishing. Such nets are not installed permanently and are not moved by boat, but fishing with their help is carried out manually. Fishing with such a technical device is designed for active search for fish and high physical activity angler, and therefore it will always be interesting.

Casting fishing nets

Fishing with a cast net, also called a parachute net, a cape net, etc., is one of the traditional fishing methods, typical for Asian and South American countries. In our area it is not very common, although many, looking at the high catchability of the gear and its apparent simplicity, would like to learn how to work with it. Learning to properly use such a network is a rather painstaking and time-consuming process, but anyone can master this art if they wish.

The essence of fishing is as follows:

  • the net is wound around the hand in a special way and thrown to the chosen place;
  • there it opens, covering a certain area of ​​​​water;
  • its loaded part sinks to the bottom, forming a dome;
  • a few seconds after casting, pulling the rope tied to the base, the angler tightens the loop;
  • the fish that was under the net ends up in a kind of bag or pocket, and the net is raised to the surface.

There are two main types of casting nets, differing in their design and technique of use - American and Spanish.

American and Spanish are the two main types of casting networks

American type casting network

An American casting net with a ring is a round net, along the outer edge of which a nylon cord with lead weights is threaded. There is a hole in the center of the circle with a ring attached.

The outer circumference of the net and the central ring are connected by slings. At the top, the lines are passed through the hole and attached to the ring. The ring is connected with a swivel to a traction cord, which is designed for casting and retrieving the tackle.

When pulling the net out of the water, the pulling rope with the help of slings pulls the weighted cord to the central part, and the net tightens and creates a compact bag with no escape for the fish trapped inside.

There are two types of American net - with a large and small ring.

Fishing with a casting net with a large ring

American type casting network with big ring also called Frisbee. It is usually equipped with three rows of rings. A casting net with a large double ring is also often used.

The American casting net with a large ring is the easiest to cast and retrieve. During flight, it is guaranteed to open without tangling the lines.

The easiest to cast and retrieve is the American casting net.

Small ring casting net

A casting net with a small ring resembles a Spanish flu. When pulled, the small ring tightens the net and presses it against the rope. This cape can be used in harsher conditions than a Frisbee. It works well even in strong gusts of wind, when other networks cannot cope.

The choice of the possible diameter of an American casting net with a small ring is directly related to the height of the fisherman:

  • if the fisherman’s height is up to 145 cm, then he will be able to use a net whose diameter does not exceed three meters;
  • with a height of 170 cm, you can choose a net with a diameter of up to three and a half meters;
  • height exceeding 180 cm allows you to work with any networks, including four-meter ones.

Spanish type casting network

The main differences between the design of the Spanish casting network and its American counterpart are as follows:

  • lack of slings;
  • attaching the traction cord directly to the central part of the network;
  • the location of the weights at some distance from the edge of the network.

These differences affect the behavior of the network as a result of abandonment. When pulling a casting net without a ring, the sinkers, under the influence of their weight and the tension of the rope, gather towards the center. This covers the exit for fish, which fall into pockets formed around the perimeter.

The Spanish type casting net is characterized by the absence of slings

Making your own casting network

Naturally, you can buy a network in a store, but this solution has certain disadvantages:

  • the cost of purchasing this equipment is quite high;
  • standard design of the networks offered for sale.

Making a casting net with your own hands will allow you to take into account all the fisherman’s personal preferences when choosing gear and somehow reduce costs.

Let's look at how to make a casting net yourself, and for example, let's take the American one, as it is easier to manufacture. We will need the following materials:

  1. The network fabric is made of monofilament, and you can either buy it at a retail outlet or knit it yourself. The width of the web should be equal to the radius of the network, and the length is defined as the diameter multiplied by the value of Pi (3.14). The cell size is selected based on the size of the planned catch: for catching fry - a small cell, and for catching large fish - a larger one.
  2. A four-millimeter braided cord used as a cargo cord. Its length is equal to the circumference of the network, i.e. the calculated length of the network fabric.
  3. A braided cord, about 7 mm thick, is used as a traction cord.
  4. Lead weights must have a cylindrical elongated shape with a hole inside. Their weight, depending on the size of the net, should be in the range of 20-30 g. The number of sinkers you will need is large - from 200 to 300 pieces. You can buy them or cast lead yourself.
  5. Monofilament fishing line, 1 mm in diameter, which will be used to make veins (slings).
  6. A central ring for which you can take a plastic cylinder.
  7. A thin fishing line for connecting the wedges of the mesh fabric and attaching a cargo cord to it.
  8. Swivel for attaching a waste cord
  9. Epoxy glue for securing knots.

Making your own casting network

Process self-made casting network contains the following actions:

  1. Cut the net fabric into wedges at an angle of 45ᵒ and connect them together using fishing line in a circle.
  2. It is enough to often put weights on the cord, tie the ends of the cord, and also put a weight on the knot. Many people recommend flattening the weights with a hammer to increase the strength of their connection.
  3. Attach the cord with weights with fishing line to the net along the outer circumference.
  4. Attach the center ring to the hole in the center. If a cartridge is used, it is convenient to screw its two parts on top of the network, additionally gluing the joint with epoxy.
  5. Tie the prepared fishing line for the veins every 40 cm to a cord with weights, and in the center pass it through the ring and connect it to the traction cord. The connection can be made using a swivel to avoid twisting. You can simply tie the slings to the cord in a knot and seal them with glue for reliability.
  6. A loop is made on the second side of the cord for attaching it to your hand or belt when casting.

Which casting network to choose

Many people ask which casting network is better. But there is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the purpose of its use and the fishing conditions. If you plan to use a net to provide yourself with live bait, the cell size should not exceed one centimeter. Fishing with a casting net at sea involves using an American net with a small ring, since a frisbee will not be effective in strong gusts of wind.

To determine which casting network to choose: American or Spanish, let’s consider their features.

The first has the following advantages:

  • ease of throwing;
  • high catchability;
  • increased reliability and strength;
  • comparative ease of self-production.

The main advantage of the Spanish fluke is the ability to use it in reservoirs with complex terrain and a cluttered bottom, since it is less prone to snags.

Which casting network to choose: American or Spanish, there is no definite answer

The choice of the diameter of casting nets with a large ring does not depend on the height of the fisherman, but on the purpose of using the gear. But for other types of casting net, its diameter significantly affects the difficulty of casting.

For beginners, of course, it is easier to cast a smaller net, but you need to keep in mind that retraining to use larger nets is more difficult than vice versa. Therefore, when choosing the size of gear, it is better to initially buy exactly the option that the angler intends to use in the future. Moreover, if a fisherman knows how to work with a four-meter net, it is quite easy for him to master the art of casting smaller specimens.

How to cast a casting net correctly

Correct casting of the casting net is the most important and difficult thing in its use. Before throwing your fishing gear into the water, it makes sense to practice and learn all the intricacies on the shore. Naturally, for this you need to choose a convenient site in a field or meadow, having first cleared it of interfering bushes, tall grass and debris. Otherwise, the net will break and there will be nothing to catch. It must be remembered that the technique of casting different types of casting nets differs significantly.

Technique for casting a casting net with a ring

First, let's look at how to cast a casting net with a ring. In this case, it is necessary to take into account certain differences in casting a net with different rings.

Throwing a casting net with a large ring is the simplest and consists of the following:

  1. We carefully straighten the net on the ground.
  2. We release the middle ring, as a result the large one goes down to the cargo rope, and the small one presses the net.
  3. We fasten the loop made at the end of the cord to the belt or put it on the wrist.
  4. Unwind the traction cord.
  5. We throw the tackle to the chosen place as if we were launching a flying saucer.

When running such a network, you don't need to turn your body when throwing or have a lot of skill.

The most important and difficult thing is to cast the casting net correctly

When casting casting nets with a small ring, the net is pulled out, causing the ring to press the bag against the rope. This type of casting is somewhat more complicated and is somewhat similar to throwing a Spanish flu.

Technique for casting a Spanish casting net

Now let’s look at how to cast a Spanish-style casting net. Preparing to cast it consists of the following steps:

  1. The traction rope twisted into rings is taken in the left hand, and the loop at its end is put on the hand or, more securely, attached to the belt.
  2. With your left hand, grab the net by the center and gently shake it to prevent loops from forming.
  3. The upper part of the mesh, approximately a third of the radius, is assembled with several loops in the left hand.
  4. The rope, equipped with weights, is taken in two hands, which we spread widely to stretch the free part of the tackle as much as possible. Sometimes professionals, in order to stretch the net even better, take one weight with their teeth.

At the moment of throwing, the body must be turned 180ᵒ and with a wide swing, straightening the body, perform the throw. In this case, you should ensure that the tackle flies into the water very gently and turns into a circle just before it touches the water. Sometimes it is recommended to make several swinging movements before throwing. Throwing a large casting net is naturally more difficult, but after practicing on it, it will be much easier to cope with a smaller net.

Casting net fishing technique

Fishing with a casting net involves not only casting, but also, of course, removing it from the water. The moment the sinkers touch the bottom, you must immediately select the net with a sharp jerk. This ensures an almost instantaneous connection of the weights, and, consequently, blocking the exit for the fish, and also reduces the likelihood of snags on the gear. After pulling, you must immediately clean the tackle from mud and aquatic vegetation. Otherwise, next time it may be thrown unsuccessfully and will only scare away the fish.

A casting net is used to catch peaceful and predatory fish.

Fishing with a casting net is quite versatile and is used for catching both peaceful and predatory fish. Very often this method is used in catching live bait. It makes no sense to use casting nets in very deep places and if the bottom is covered with snags, debris or abundant vegetation. All this will prevent you from fully capturing the fish and will only lead to numerous hooks.

Let's take a closer look at how to fish with a casting net from a boat and the shore.

Fishing from a boat

Casting net fishing from a boat will show much better results than fishing from the shore - it will allow you to cast the net into places inaccessible during shore fishing, choosing the most promising ones. It is very convenient to catch pike in this way, bypassing shallow channels on a boat, surrounded on all sides by thickets of aquatic vegetation. It is also good to catch feeding perch gathered in schools with a cape.

When fishing from a boat, the most convenient way to fish is with an American-type casting net with a ring; it makes it possible to cast the tackle even while sitting. And to cast the Spanish fish, the fisherman will have to get up.

Fishing from the shore

When fishing from the shore, you should choose a flat, clean area for casting or clear it of bushes and weeds before throwing the gear. Such a net cannot be used when fishing from a high bank, bridge or cliff, since the sinkers will begin to connect together before the tackle hits the water. Fishing with a casting net in the current is also inconvenient and ineffective.

When used from the shore, a casting net will not be able to provide a good catch of large fish, because it is not often possible to cast it quite far - to places where large specimens are found. But it allows you, without much difficulty, to catch any number of small fish that can be used as live bait. Also, good results are shown by netting tench, which usually stands close to the water's edge in shallow places with weak currents and a muddy bottom.

To increase the efficiency of parachute fishing from the shore, it makes sense to use bait. Moreover, it is worth feeding several suitable places at once, and casting the net on them one by one, adding periodically fresh bait. In this case, it is necessary to achieve a sufficiently high casting accuracy in order to cover the baited area with the net. For convenience, it can be marked with a buoy. More accurate casts are ensured by fishing with a casting net with a large ring, as it is the easiest to cast.

The principle of fishing is as follows: the net is assembled on the hand in a certain way (so that it can easily unfold in flight), then it is thrown horizontally onto the water and covers a section of the reservoir corresponding to the diameter of the opened net. After the enclosed part of the net sinks to the bottom, the net is pulled out by the cord attached to the base. It is possible to catch fish in the water column without lowering the gear to the bottom, but this requires a net of a slightly modified design (see Fig. 17).

Rice. 17.Casting network (American type):1 – central traction cord;2 – slings; 3 – mesh fabric;4 – load cord;5 – swivel; 6 - bushing
Casting nets are divided into two large groups: American-type gear and Spanish (mawlka, traditionally used in the Caucasus, is Spanish).
The American type seems to me more convenient when casting, more catchy and easier to make with your own hands. Although I fully admit that this opinion is biased: I started fishing with American casting nets ten years ago and I still successfully use them.
I also tried the Spanish type and have to admit at least one advantage of this gear: in places with underwater terrain that is inconvenient for fishing, it is less likely to get caught on stones, driftwood, etc.

Tackle design

The casting net is a network fabric in the shape of a regular circle, along the edge of which a cord is sewn, equipped with very often set lead weights.
The size indicated on the packaging of factory nets does not refer to the diameter, but to the radius of the circle. On American-made nets, it is often calculated not in meters, but in feet, and ranges from 91 cm (three-foot net) to 3.04 m (ten-foot net).
European manufacturers, such as Finnish ones, use the metric system, but their gear sizes generally correspond to American ones. Chinese gear... Sometimes Chinese gear can’t be saved even by the fisherman’s own modifications, and it’s better not to take risks: by chasing cheapness, you can become the owner of an inoperable net.
To pull the net, use a central braided cord (twisted cord is not suitable in any case), thick enough (so as not to cut your hands when quickly retrieving the tackle), usually at least 5–6 mm. Its standard length is 4–4.5 m, but many amateurs, having mastered the tackle perfectly, increase the length of the cord by 1.5–2 times. At the end of the cord there is a loop with a diameter of 20–25 cm.
In American networks, the other end of the central cord is attached to numerous slings (veins) stretched to the cargo cord, in Spanish - to the central part of the network. This design difference also determines the different operation of the network after casting.
When pulling out an American-type tackle, the central cord, with the help of veins, pulls the weight cord to the center and practically gathers it together into a compact lump, thereby tightening the net and forming a bag with a closed exit.
When pulling out a Spanish-type net, the sinkers converge towards the center under the influence of the cord's pull and their own gravity, closing the exit, and the catch remains in the pockets of the net located along its perimeter.
On American gear, in the very center of the net there is a small round hole (5–6 cm in diameter), and the net fabric along its edge is attached to a plastic or fluoroplastic sleeve. One hole is drilled in the sleeve (for the smallest nets) or several (6–8 cm for the largest ones), through which the vein slings slide.
The net fabric (with fairly small meshes, from 9 to 15 mm) is taken from both monofilament and twisted thread.
If someone wants to make an American-style casting net with their own hands, they should follow several rules:
1. Lead weights are placed on the load cord evenly and very often, with a distance between their centers of no more than 10–12 cm. The weight of the sinkers is from 20 to 35 g, depending on the size of the net; their shape is a highly elongated cylinder; spherical loads, especially those capable of falling into a network cell, are not applicable. If you do not use purchased sinkers, but cast them yourself, you must carefully process each one, eliminating all unevenness and casting defects.
2. Veins (slings) are made of fishing line (monofilament, braided makes fishing difficult) with a thickness of 1 mm or more, their length is not much greater than the radius of the tackle. The veins are attached to the load cord quite often, at least every 0.5 m, and accordingly, their number increases with the size of the gear. If not one, but several holes are drilled in a plastic sleeve, then through each it is necessary to pass those veins that lead to the corresponding edge of the network, avoiding crossing. Sharp edges on the edges of holes, any irregularities and burrs are unacceptable.
3. The knot that brings the veins together is made as compact and neat as possible, without the tails of the fishing line sticking out to the side. Since there is a torque when casting, it is better to connect it to the central pulling cord through a swivel of sufficient strength. Sometimes a plastic disk with a diameter of 3–4 cm with holes along the edge (according to the number of veins) is placed in front of the knot, and each vein is passed into its own hole.

What size net should I start learning casting with?

A question that does not have a clear answer. On the one hand, the smaller the radius of the net, the easier it is to cast, and the learning stage goes much faster.
However, having perfectly mastered casting a three-foot net (mostly suitable for catching live bait), it is quite difficult to retrain for larger gear. Much also depends on the physical parameters of the fisherman: the taller he is and the longer his arms, the easier it will be to learn how to cast a large net.
I advise you to first decide: why, exactly, do you need a casting network? For those who like to catch predators with live bait, a casting net is an indispensable auxiliary tool. IN in every sense irreplaceable: never when catching live bait with a fishing rod or a small fish of any other design will you start catching predators as quickly after arriving at the reservoir as if you had a compact casting net in your backpack, ready for immediate use.
You can start hunting for pike or pike perch faster by only bringing live bait with you, which is not always convenient.
So if you plan to use a casting net only as a small fish, buy an easy-to-learn three-foot net, and the problem with live bait will disappear forever. In addition, as a bonus, sometimes (especially in muddy water or when casting at night) you can hook a large fish.
But if it is assumed that the casting net will become the main fishing tool for quite large fish, then it is better to start mastering the tackle with a net with a radius of at least 1.7–2 m. It will, of course, take longer to learn how to cast, but then switching to even a ten-foot net will not be a problem will make up.

Casting technique

Starting this section, I understand perfectly well that the task of teaching casting net fishing in words, even with the help of drawings, is difficult to accomplish. It’s better to personally get a few lessons from a specialist, or at worst try to repeat what he shows in the video. But let's try anyway...
In Fig. Figure 18 shows the casting phases for both American and Spanish types of nets. The drawn fisherman is standing on the shore, but still it is best to start training not on a river or lake, but on some lawn or trimmed lawn. Naturally, in the field, on a reservoir, before starting preparation, the net is thoroughly cleaned of mud and other aquatic vegetation remaining from the previous cast.

Rice. 18. Phases of casting the net
The traction cord is collected in rings in left hand, the tackle is taken with an outstretched hand by the central part (or by the sleeve - for an American-type net), shaken lightly so that the net stretches and straightens. If the load cord has formed a loop somewhere, it must be straightened with your free hand.
Then the upper part of the tackle is intercepted with the right hand (from a quarter to half of the net, depending on its radius) and assembled with one or two loops - also in the left hand. Next comes the turn of the cargo cord. He grabs two points with the same left hand and right, and the hands are placed wide enough so that the remaining free part of the net is stretched as much as possible.
If you carefully look at foreign educational photo and video materials, you can see how specialists sometimes, at this stage of preparation for casting, take one sinker in their teeth in order to achieve an even greater stretch of the net. During training, this is still possible, for not very squeamish citizens. But on a reservoir with gear stained with silt and mud... I don’t recommend it. You can earn a whole bouquet gastrointestinal diseases.
Next stage– the cast itself. It is performed after two or three swinging movements or after one wide swing (in this case, the fisherman’s body turns almost 180°). The most important thing at this moment is the plane in which the tackle moves. The casting net, unfolding on the fly, should fly along the flattest trajectory and finally turn into a circle shortly before touching the water. The latter depends on the strength of the throw, the ability to measure which comes exclusively with training.
Another point where I disagree with foreign instructors: for the most part, they recommend that the loop at the end of the cord be wrapped around the left hand before casting. This works out well during training, but on a pond, when your hands are wet, the tackle can easily fly into the river or lake along with the cord. It is safer to attach the loop to your waist belt.
The described casting technique is not the only possible one. Almost every fisherman, with gaining experience, begins to modernize it, adjusting it to his individual characteristics and specific fishing conditions. For example, you can not collect the traction cord in rings on your hand, but leave it lying under your feet (provided that the shore is clear enough and the cord does not get caught on branches, roots, snags, etc.). The preparation time for casting is reduced, which increases the number of casts per fishing trip and, accordingly, the size of the catch.
Nets with a small radius (up to 1.7 m, for the tallest fishermen - up to 2 m) can be cast without being collected in loops top part networks. Both hands, raised and spread as wide as possible, take the weight cord, the excess cord is collected into loops, 2-3 in each hand, so that the lower edge of the net does not reach the ground 30-40 cm, then the net is thrown, or rather thrown onto a body of water with a characteristic movement reminiscent of those used to throw a wide tablecloth on a table or a sheet on a bed.
I even happened to see how two people cast a casting net: two short teenage boys were catching, each of whom could hardly throw the tackle on their own - they took the net by the weight cord, standing on either side of it, stretched it wide in the horizontal plane and, swinging in unison, they were sent into the pond.
Well, now, assuming that after much trial and error you have finally mastered the basics of casting techniques, we take a casting net and go fishing.

Selecting a location

Places that are too deep, with fast currents, with a snaggy or boulder-covered bottom, and with abundant underwater vegetation are definitely not suitable for fishing with a casting net. Steep underwater slopes - the so-called "edges" - also do not allow you to capture fish holding above them. When fishing from the shore, you should avoid places that are heavily overgrown with trees, bushes and even annual vegetation such as wormwood, weeds, and so on; at least a couple of meters around the fisherman there should be a clean and level space.
There is no point in fishing from cliffs, from embankments and bridges that rise above the water surface by more than 2 m - the sinker of a net, even a properly cast one, when it falls from high altitude begin to come together, and instead of a regular flat circle, the tackle takes on the shape of an elongated cone. Fishing in unfamiliar places is always fraught with snags, damage to the net and broken veins.

Network sampling

As soon as the load cord of the abandoned net touches the bottom, which is determined by the weakening of the traction cord, the tackle begins to be pulled out with a sharp jerk. This jerk allows, firstly, to quickly bring the sinkers together, closing the exit for the caught fish, and secondly, it raises the net above the bottom, reducing the likelihood of snags.

Casting networks are no longer exotic. This is already like a traditional Russian drink - Brazilian coffee. We just don’t know how to brew... Everything seems clear and simple, but only in the wrong hands. Beans, ground or instant, which one to choose?

Now casting networks are becoming more and more popular, and beginners have a question - how to choose the gear for themselves, and not throw away (quite a lot of) money down the drain?

My opinion on this matter.

Based on the size of the net (radius), I would divide these gears into three groups:

Radius 1 - 1.5 m- this is gear for kids. Small things for baitfish, frogs, cats, chasing chickens, catching crayfish where they are found. The crayfish does not run away like a fish and the catches are good. Large fish will still be caught, but you shouldn’t rely too much on it.

At these radii, gear with a small ring behaves very well. Easy to untangle, the easiest to cast, you can cast far from one clearing to different sides, pleasure, excitement, for both boys and girls.

When choosing gear with a small ring, so that fishing is a pleasure, you just need to remember - the height, the radius.
I advise you to choose a smaller cell size - 12-20 mm, still for small items.
Kapron doesn’t take much water here, so you don’t have to worry about making the tackle heavier.
A dirty pond is a strong nylon, a clean pond is a light fishing line.
Large rings on small radii are only needed when you want to fish while sitting.

Radius 1.8 - 2 m- This is gear for beginners. There is already a sufficient fishing area and there will be good catches in the baited area. Do not scatter the bait in all directions, but rather throw it in a net in one place, then the fish will concentrate at one point and a radius of 1.8 meters or two meters is already enough to grab the bait along with all the fish. For beginners, tackle with a large ring is preferable - set the centrifugal force, and the tackle will fly apart.

The fish hears with its lateral line and when weights fall from all sides, it becomes disoriented, and the ring has zero buoyancy and sinks after the weights. So there is no need to be afraid that the rings will scare away the fish. And the one that left is not yours.
The mesh size is at your discretion, if you need live bait, take a smaller mesh of 12 - 20 mm, if not needed, then a larger mesh of 28 mm. Everyone understands that the larger the mesh, the faster it sinks.
At radii of 1.8 - 2 m with a small mesh, the wetting of the nylon is already beginning to be felt.
The weight increases, the arms begin to get tired, but the fatigue is still pleasant and healthy.

Radiuses 2.4 m and larger- this is more serious gear and must be treated with respect. “I bought the tackle and it’s already with the fish” - it won’t work, you can’t take the fish out of the pond without difficulty. The tackle itself will not fly or unwind. It will fly, it will fly, but it will be - whatever... "fly, fly, motherfucker go..."

Since it is quite difficult to master the technique of casting a classic casting net on your own, when mastering the casting of tackle with a large ring, at least the mechanics of the action are clear - you need to set the centrifugal force. Also, a large ring allows you to cast the tackle while sitting or going deep into the water.

On our YouTube channel(white boat, aluminum ring), I think, clearly showed and explained how to tighten the tackle. I’ll try to show it in the next videos, maybe even more clearly. And in words there are only two words - give-the-rotation!!! Twist with your whole body and twist with your hand, which is in the center of the ring.

As the radius increases, the nylon thread behaves more and more brazenly and gets more and more wet. Here you need to think about whether to choose a larger cell or take a fishing line.
And here’s the question: nylon or fishing line? The fish sees the nylon and does not see the fishing line...?
Everyone will agree with me that initially the fish sees the fisherman!

In general, choosing tackle is very simple:

1. Played with his biceps, widened his eyes - I want three, no less!!!
2. He groaned, rubbed his lower back... - and the kopeck piece is nothing, and why do I need so many fish???

A casting net, or, as it is also called, a cast net, is considered one of the most effective fishing gear. With just one swing, the net is lowered into the water, covering a certain area. In a few minutes you can already be with your catch.

If you look from the outside, the casting process does not present any difficulties, but in fact, in order to cast the tackle correctly, you need to practice a lot. To use a casting net, first of all you need to take an interest in the casting technique, otherwise you will not be able to do it correctly. To master the technique perfectly, you need to use the gear regularly. Moreover, this rule applies to the use of any tackle, even an ordinary float fishing rod.

The casting net is made of net fabric in the form of a circle. A strong cord with weights is attached to the edges of this canvas. So that the net can straighten out during the flight, a strong braided cord with a diameter of about 5 mm is attached to its middle. To make throwing more convenient, use tackle of optimal sizes. As a rule, to large networks They start when they already have serious experience.

In the place where you intend to fish, the depth of the reservoir must be known, since the length of the cord is limited. In addition, it is necessary to calculate how much area can be fished and what kind of fish you plan to catch. Based on these calculations, a network with the required cell sizes is manufactured.

Casting Network shows no bad results when fishing for carp, especially in the dark. During this period, carp move to the shallows in search of food. It is advisable to take a flashlight with you so as not to fish blindly. The flashlight must be powerful enough to pierce the water with its beam. You will need it to locate the fish. Plus, light always attracts fish. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the fishing process. To do this, you need to collect the entire net in your hand and throw it in a certain way. The net opens up in flight and covers a certain area of ​​the water area where the prey is located. When it has already sank to the bottom, the fisherman pulls the cord towards himself, which causes the net to shrink. Thus, the prey falls into the trap. When throwing a casting net, it is necessary to accurately calculate the direction and force of the throw, otherwise the net will not have time to open in time.

Not everywhere, not in all regions, fishing with a casting net is considered poaching. In some regions, fishing with this gear is allowed if the diameter of the net is no more than 2 meters. Therefore, before starting to use a casting net, it is necessary to check with the fisheries authorities whether such gear can be used and, if so, under what conditions. It is possible that you will have to pay for a license at the fisheries inspection and please use it to your heart’s content. Catching fish with a casting net is quite a gambling activity that can be more classified as a hobby or sport fishing. Unfortunately, you have to pay for such pleasure. This net can be used for fishing in paid ponds, provided that the caught fish is released back into the reservoir. Only, it’s hard to imagine a fisherman with a casting net on a paid reservoir. The fact is that few of the owners of paid ponds imagine the process of such fishing.

How to cast a casting net correctly

Before you go fishing, it is better to practice how to properly cast the tackle at home, in the yard or on the asphalt in front of a high-rise building. When the net is cast, it must be cleared of mud, algae, old leaves or small branches, otherwise they will interfere with the correct casting of the tackle. So, in order to cast a casting net correctly, you must sequentially perform the following steps:

  • The main cord must be gathered into rings in one hand, preferably in the left, however it is more convenient for you. With the other hand, the net is lifted and shaken so that it unfurls.
  • In this case, you need to make sure that there are no loops and that the tackle itself is not twisted.
  • After it is discovered that there are no loops, the net is assembled into rings in the same hand where the cord is located. The weight cord unfolds to the maximum and is grasped at two points.
  • The net is ready to be thrown. It is thrown with one movement of the left hand or swung from side to side and only then is it thrown.
  • When throwing, the body must be rotated 180 degrees. This will increase the power of the throw.
  • The net must be directed along such a trajectory that it can open without reaching the surface of the water.
  • The stronger the throw, the more likely it is that the net will open on time. If this does not happen, then this is evidence that too little training was done.
  • Before throwing, the loop can be attached to your belt so that the net does not slip out of your hand. This happens because your hands are wet and therefore slippery.

Every angler who has such gear is fluent in the technique of casting a casting net. The details of the technique may not differ significantly, but the whole principle of using such equipment is almost the same.

First way

This method is suitable when the diameter of the gear does not exceed 2 meters. At the same time, it can be thrown without collecting the top into loops.

Throwing process:

  • Hands should be free and relaxed. First of all, you need to pick up the weight cord.
  • Whatever doesn’t fit in your hand is gathered into loops, several loops in each hand.
  • The mesh is wound until its bottom is 40 cm above the ground.
  • After this, the net can be cast with one, but precise movement. The throwing technique is approximately the same as the technique of throwing a sheet on a bed.
  • The technique, although simple, requires training, since it requires a certain accuracy and throwing range.

As mentioned above, each angler develops his own casting technique. The second method does not require the traction cord to be gathered into rings and wound around the hand. You don't have to touch the cord at all, leaving it on the ground. The main thing is that when casting it unwinds correctly. If he gets caught on something, the throw will not work.

This method is quite practical because it saves a lot of precious time. You can make 30 percent more throws, which means you can fish a much larger area of ​​the reservoir, catching more fish.

Casting net with ring - casting technique

Such networks are called American and are considered more efficient than other types of networks. The highlight of this tackle is its special design, which allows for more accurate and reliable casts, guaranteeing success.

The process of throwing tackle with a ring:

  • The pulling cord is gathered in rings in the left hand, after which the net is shaken so that it straightens.
  • The process must be monitored for loops formed both on the network and on the cord.
  • By engaging right hand, the net is intercepted at the top at a distance of 1/3 of its length, after which it is collected in skeins in the left hand.
  • After this, the cargo cord is grabbed at the extreme points, and the net itself should be deployed as wide as possible.
  • When throwing, you should assist the cast with a body movement that should turn 180 degrees.
  • Just before the throw, the net can be swung, which will increase the throw range.
  • The tackle is directed along a flat horizontal trajectory. As a result of this specificity of the flight, the network deploys almost right next to the water.
  • The greater the force of the throw, the more reliable the operation of the tackle. Only a straightened net after entering the water can guarantee a catch.

Spanish casting net: casting technique

The Spanish network has some differences related to the attachment of the pull cord. This cord is attached to the center of the tackle, but not to the cores, as in other types of nets. The Spanish casting net uses a thicker weight cord, which does not cut into your hands as much when pulling the net out of the water. The length of the cord can reach 5 meters.

By appearance the network is no different from the usual casting network and from the American one, but in the process of pulling it out, a slightly different technique is used. When the American one is used, the load is pulled to the center of the net, after which the net is closed. In this form, it looks more like a seine, without an exit point.

Using the Spanish flue is somewhat simpler, since the load itself moves to the center of the network under gravity. As a result of this, the fish themselves fall into those places where there are pockets for fishing.

Fishing with casting nets is an interesting, exciting and gambling spectacle, more reminiscent of some kind of sport where athletes compete for casting distance and accuracy. Despite this, this type of fishing can bring a significant catch if you learn how to cast this gear correctly. Unfortunately, this does not mean that if the casting technique is mastered, then the catch is guaranteed. If you cast a net and don’t know that there are no fish in this place, then such fishing will take up a lot of precious time solely on useless casts. Modern fishing is characterized by the fact that you need to look for fish, otherwise you may be left without a catch. Nowadays, there are assistants to fishermen, in the form of echo sounders, which can identify promising places. This is the only way to count on success.

Casting net refers to small fishing gear that is considered environmentally friendly and permitted by the laws of the country. When fishing using such equipment, you need to take into account the casting depth.

This net is perfect for catching carp. Since this fish can climb into shallow water in search of food, where it will be very clearly visible. If you plan to fish in the dark, it is best to additionally use a flashlight high power. Otherwise, there will be no result.

It is extremely important to practice casting a casting net before your trip. And as soon as you notice where your catch is going, be sure to cast the tackle. In this case, it is necessary that your body and head are immobilized. It is recommended to do everything exclusively with your hands. This is quite enough. Any awkward movement and the fish will end up in the dark, and you definitely won’t catch it.

Generally speaking, the casting network is very practical, effective and easy to use. The main thing is to learn how to use it.

What is a casting network?

A casting net, like any fishing equipment, has its own scope of application. But big secret not in this case. It is important to only consider the fish you decide to hunt.

Previously, such networks became widespread in the Caucasian and Asian countries. Whereas today Europe and even Russia have been added to their number. We have entire clubs that unite casting fishing enthusiasts.

And if you have found a high-quality net and learned how to cast it, then the trick is in the bag. But it is also important to find a good place for fishing, so that people and various law enforcement services do not interfere. Because the latter consider a two-meter net to be poaching. Although there is no need to worry, there are enough such hot spots in the vastness of our country.

The casting network consists of the following elements:

With the help of a casting net, you can, if desired, catch shrimp at great depths. But it is necessary to choose the correct cell dimensions.

There are fishermen who are on the move motor boat, cast the net. It is recommended that the speed be kept to a minimum. After casting, you need to stretch the tackle a couple of meters and check it. There is nothing complicated about it. Moreover, in this way, you won’t even pick up debris and vegetation from the surface of the bottom of the reservoir.

What do you need to know about casting net fishing?

The technique of casting a casting net will be discussed further. But first of all, I would like to note that it is important to understand how to use it in general. To do this, one unwritten fishing rule will come in handy: the optimal depth for fishing is when the radius of the net is much smaller.

Before casting the net, it is recommended to check the surface of the bottom of the reservoir for the presence of snags, branches and other debris. To do this, you can use a standard cat. It will cope with this task perfectly and will protect you from network interruptions.

If you have a fish finder, it can be very useful. Because in this case you can find a hot spot full of fish. Plus, you shouldn’t stop where there are fishermen with spinning rods. This will only lead to quarrels, and maybe even worse. And we are for peaceful fishing.

If you decide to hunt for perch, then you need to cast with a splash. It is impossible not to notice the fight of this predator. It is important not to miss the right moment. If the water is clear, then it is better to look where the fish are and cast the nets directly into this place.

Additional use of complementary foods will allow you to catch in autumn period and a small bleak. In this case, the mesh is selected with a cell size in the region of 12-16 mm, but no more. The advantage of this fishing method is that you fish not along the bottom, but in the water column. And if you are sure that the predator has been caught, you can safely take out the tackle immediately after casting.

Important! The casting network is unique fishing tackle, with which you can go not only to catch fish, but also crustaceans.

But you should look for them not in the upper layers of the water, but at the bottom. Most often, crayfish are caught in nets completely by accident. A little complementary food, and medium-sized crayfish and shrimp can become your trophy. But the cell size must be appropriate.

Casting technique

To master the technique of casting a casting net, it is recommended that you stand on the shore. In this case, it is worth practicing immediately on a small lawn or even a regular lawn. Before using the net for work, it must be cleared of various plants and other debris that may have remained from previous fishing trips.

Important! The loop at the tip of the cord overlaps the left hand before casting.

After all, during training casts, everything works out just like that. But in practice, when your hands are wet and slippery, you can throw away not only the net itself, but also the cord along with it. Moreover, the loop can also be attached to a belt on the waist.

The casting technique described above is considered the most popular. But there are also other ways. After all, every fisherman, over time, adjusts the casting to suit himself. For example, some people do not consider it necessary to collect traction rings in their hands. They simply place them neatly under their feet. But in this case, it is worth paying attention that the surface on which the casting net is laid out must be free of debris and branches.