How to choose skis for beginner adults. How to buy the right skis: selection by height and weight

The choice of length (height) of skis depends on several factors: the height of the person, the goal pursued by the student, weight, age, and method of skiing. Let's consider all these criteria for a more correct choice.

How to choose skis for a child. We choose the size of skis according to the height of the children, table.

From correct selection children's skis, their length and material, depend on the health of the child! Therefore, special attention is paid to this part of the article.

How to choose skis for a child based on the material of the skis.

When determining the length (size) of skis for a child, you can start with the fact that skis are wooden, semi-plastic and plastic. So which one is better to choose for a child? Skis of the first two types are now rarely found, even among children's ski options, but in vain, these are the skis that are suitable for beginners, especially for young children who only learned to walk several years ago.

Many parents underestimate the importance of choosing the right skis for their children. They strive to immediately make a champion out of their child, and thereby can harm his health. Meanwhile, the most correct thing would be to choose wooden skis for your child. The thing is that the children's body is not yet formed properly, the necessary muscle groups are not developed in children, bones and ligaments are vulnerable. And only by choosing wooden skis for your child can you protect him.
Let the young athlete first gain confidence, develop balance, and strengthen his ligaments. This may take several months or years. After this, you can choose plastic skis for your child.

When choosing children's plastic skis for a child, you must remember that these skis are lightweight - this is a plus, but at the same time “slippery”, which in turn often causes injuries among children. Such skis can develop not correct technique movement.

The health of children is in your hands!

How to choose skis according to your child’s height. Children's ski size.

If your child is just taking his first steps in skiing When choosing skis for him, do not forget that this must be done taking into account the growth of children. If you are not trying to speed up your child’s success, first choose skis that are 20-40 centimeters taller than the child’s height. Skis of this length will give the baby stability and confidence, especially on the slopes.

For more prepared children, for those who are already mastering skating, it is necessary to choose less long skis, where the length (height) of the skis is slightly greater than the height of the child, 5-10 centimeters. This will allow him to confidently skate on loose and deep snow, as well as on climbs, where often excessive length leads to the backs of the skis starting to cling to each other, and children fall.

Another point that I would like to focus on is the tips of the skis. When choosing skis for a child, choose those skis that have sharp, long, well-curved tips. By choosing such children's skis, the child will not encounter the problem of “stumbling” when moving in deep snow, when the tip of the ski is in a snowdrift and scoops up snow when lifting his leg. Skis with small rounded tips are only suitable for well-groomed slopes.

How to choose skis according to your child’s height table.

This table clearly demonstrates how to choose the right skis for a child’s height:

Table for choosing ski lengths for children.

We select the correct length of skis for an adult or how to choose skis based on height and weight using a table.

Selecting ski size based on height is the most popular way to select ski length. At the same time, you can choose the required ski length yourself, without anyone’s help. To do this, you only need to know your height.

Table for selecting skis by height.

If there is a need to select skis by weight, usually starting from a more advanced level ski training, you need to know your weight and choose skis according to the markings indicated on the skis yourself, or by contacting the seller.

Further choice of skis depends on how you are going to move on skis, skating or classic. We'll talk about this further.

How to choose skis for skating.

Selecting skis for skating, in other words, for a skate, you should pay attention to the length of the skis, material and manufacturer.

Height and size of skate skis.

Choosing the length of skate skis comes down to a simple formula: human height plus 5-25 cm. Why is there such a large variation in height? And how can you accurately determine your ski size? The fact is that the selection of the length of skate skis depends both on the individual characteristics of the skier and on the terrain on which the person will ski (plains, mountains), on the conditions (whether the trail is well-worn or not), and on the weather.

The individual characteristics of each skier can only be determined experimentally. But with the weather and the route everything is clear. When choosing skis for skating on a good track, you can take longer skis, especially if you have good skating technique. This will allow you to move at a long pace, the rental will be greater, and so will the speed.

If you most often move on loose snow, on a poorly groomed or narrow track, then you should not choose very long skis, since the tips of the skis will constantly cling to the snow along the edges of the track. In addition, the smaller the size of the skis, the lighter they are. The same is with the terrain; it is easier to climb uphill on shorter and lighter skis, but for flat skating you should choose longer skis.

Choosing skis for skating.

How to choose skating skis based on material.

Today there are two types of skis, plastic and, more rarely, semi-plastic. I’ll say right away that semi-plastic skis are heavier, their sliding surface is worse, but they are cheaper. Beginners and children should choose these skis.

Plastic skis for skating are lighter; by choosing such skis for skating you will achieve the best results, but they are also more expensive, the price is good skis can reach several tens of thousands; not everyone can buy such skis. On wooden skis It is almost impossible to move with a skate, except on ice or crust, so you should not choose such skis for skating.

Choosing a ski manufacturer for skating.

There are quite a lot of companies producing skis. Today it is possible to purchase skis from all well-known manufacturers. The most popular of them are Fischer, Atomic, Rossignol, Madshus, Salomon, Nordway, Tisa, Elan, Sable, Karjala, Nordica, Swix. The first five ski manufacturers are the most popular among athletes, but they are also more expensive than the others. Therefore, a beginner should probably not immediately choose expensive skis, but hone their skating skills on cheaper options.

Only an athlete can understand the difference among the top ski manufacturers; some like and suit Fischer skis, and the other Atomic or Rossignol. Therefore, at the moment, the choice of a manufacturer of skating skis for a person who does not set serious goals for himself comes down more to aesthetics, appearance and color design of a specific ski model.

Ski length with classic moves.

Choosing the ski length for classic move you need to be guided by a simple formula: ski size = person’s height + 15-40cm. As we can see, the length of skis for classics is slightly longer than for skates. This is due to the fact that with classic moves, the skier most often moves along a knurled track.

How to choose the right skis for classic skiing.

A larger ski size gives a more linear movement; the skis do not “walk” from side to side. Ski length also affects speed. But you should not choose very long skis; you can get confused in them; in addition, such skis are more difficult to control, especially when turning.

Ski width for classics.

When choosing classic skis, you should not forget about their width. For example, if you ski on snowdrifts, then the width of the ski should be larger.

Choosing the sliding surface of skis for movement with a classic move.

The sliding surface of classic skis may differ from that of skate skis. In the middle of the ski, under the block, there may be a 3D scaly pattern that will prevent the ski from sliding back.

Selection of skis by temperature.

When choosing skis, you should not throw off such important factor how is the weather, especially if you want to achieve good results in skiing. The quality of gliding is influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity and even the structure of the snow itself.

Now there are skis for both cold and warm weather. We won’t go into technological details, we’ll just note that cold skis will “feel” worse in warm weather than special warm skis. Therefore, it is recommended to achieve best results, purchase and have in your arsenal both “warm” and “cold” skis. Fortunately, buying such skis is not a problem now.

What are the differences when choosing walking and cross-country (racing) skis?

The choice of skis depends on the goals you set for yourself. This could be just walks for health and relaxation, time spent with family or friends, or maybe activities in sports school and performance in competitions.

When choosing recreational skis, both for skating and classics, you must be guided by reliability and comfort. Therefore, skis for walking can be heavier, stronger, and longer than racing skis. It all depends on individual characteristics and financial capabilities to buy certain skis.

It is better to choose skis from which manufacturer.

Above, in the part of the article where we talked about how to choose skis for skating, the main ski manufacturers have already been listed. It was also said that at the moment such companies as Fischer, Atomic, Madshus and Rossignol are at approximately the same level. Other ski manufacturers have lagged behind or are not yet up to the required level.

If you are an amateur and not an athlete skier, or are just starting to take your first steps in skiing, then you should not immediately buy expensive skis. Start by choosing simple, inexpensive models. And then it will be seen whether it is worth purchasing higher quality and more expensive skis, because often the price of skis is determined by technologies and materials that you may not need, in addition, of course, well-known ski brands have price markups simply for their fame and popularity.

Let’s summarize the topic of how to choose the right skis for yourself.

Choose your skis and hit the road.

Skiing has been confidently holding a leading position among sports for a long time. popular types sports, in Russia, among other things, thanks to our climate. The benefits of skiing cannot be underestimated. You can go skiing for health and pastime, you can practice on your own or at a sports school, or compete in competitions.

By and large, any skis are suitable for walking, the main thing is fresh air and company, getting joy from walking. To achieve good results in skiing, you need to choose high-quality, sometimes expensive, ski models, and preferably not just one pair, but several. Athletes can have ten or twenty of them.

Therefore, make your choice, buy skis and get joy, health and achieve your goals.

This article will give you answers to the following questions: how to choose skis, how to make right choice cross-country skis, how to choose cross-country skis, optimal selection of cross-country skis, how to choose cross-country skis, how to choose the right cross-country skis, which cross-country skis to choose, etc.

Many people think that choosing skis is as easy as shelling pears. It’s really not difficult, but there are some subtleties here too. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to determine which target group skis you need. So, if you are quite active on the ski slopes and intend to set a couple of records in the near future, then you need equipment for the pros - Sport group skis.

Amateur skiing (Fitness group) will help strengthen your immune system and stay in shape. Models in this category are bestsellers, and their availability plays an important role in this. In terms of their geometry, amateur skis are no different from sports skis, but due to the use of cheaper materials, their price is lower.

Those who want to escape from their problems and immerse themselves in new experiences while skiing away from the beaten tracks can opt for tourist skis (Touring group). Skis of this group are wider than models of other classes, which means you will feel confident on virgin snow. Prices for skis in this group are quite affordable.

The Junior group stands apart - skis for children and teenagers. Modern models successfully combine an attractive appearance, as well as a safe and reliable design. Children's skis have several distinctive features. For example, the increased width and rounded tips give the ski stability, and the side cutouts make turning easier.

How to choose cross-country ski poles

Selection of cross-country ski poles for children and adults.

The length of running poles is selected separately for “classic” and “skate” individually for each person, depending on his height. The length of the sticks is usually determined as follows. For “classics” - height minus 25-30 cm, and for “skate” - minus 15-20 cm. When you stand, “classic” poles should rest against your armpits, and “skate” poles should be just above the shoulder.

Skier's height Classic skis All-round skis Skating skis Classic walking poles Skating poles
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Skis are selected according to the following scheme: height +20-30 cm for classic skiing, height +10-15 cm for skating skiing. How more weight The skier needs skis that are stiffer and longer.

The poles are selected according to the following scheme: height -30 cm for the classic stroke, -20 cm for the skating stroke.

How to choose cross-country ski boots

Modern ski boots- this is a complex technological product that takes into account such parameters as their use in difficult weather conditions, the active impact of mechanical loads on them, and the anatomical features of the structure human leg, hygiene and comfort requirements, protection from cold and precipitation.

Sports ski boots. They usually use the highest technological innovations, develop new fastening systems, and install modern insulation.

The sports direction divides boots according to their intended purpose into classic (for classic skiing), skating (for skating) and combined boots with a removable cuff (the same boots are used in classic and skating - “pursuit” competitions). By purchasing such boots, you will acquire expensive, highly reliable, high-quality shoes, get tremendous pleasure from skiing, they will serve you for a long time and faithfully, like any professional thing.

Ski boots for sports tourism. These shoes work in difficult off-road conditions, are often switched from skis to mountaineering crampons, or are used simply for walking to the intended path.

Ski boots for recreational walks. Here are presented various models of comfort from simple to complex. The materials used are very different: from complex components to simple and proven ones.

Ski boots for children. The main task of such boots is: warmth, coziness, comfort, hygiene. A reliable sole should provide safe movement child before and after skiing.

How to choose cross-country ski bindings

Currently all over the world greatest distribution received three types of fastenings - these are ROTTEFELLA ( NNN system), SALOMON (SNS system) and NORDIC 75. The first two types of bindings are mainly intended for competitive skiers, while the cheaper NORDIC 75 (or 75 mm) are for amateur skiers. Boot fastening system SALOMON fasteners and ROTTEFELLA have no fundamental external differences. In both types of bindings, the boot is firmly secured to the toe clip.

The boot fastening can be automatic or mechanical. If the mount has an automatic fastener, you just need to insert the boot bracket into the groove and the mount snaps into place. This type of binding is mainly intended for recreational skiers. Fastenings with mechanical fasteners that close manually provide a more secure fit for the boot. That is, the likelihood that the fastening will accidentally come unfastened is reduced (for example, if a stick gets into the fastening). Therefore, most professional fasteners have just such fasteners.

Both types of bindings are universal in the sense that they can be “adjusted” to any boot size. Exceptions include mounts for small children (up to seven years old) and teenagers. SALOMON and ROTTEFELLA produce special bindings for children and youth. They differ from “adult” ones in that they have a large latch handle, making it easy to grasp while wearing mittens. In addition, child mounts have a softer fastening mechanism to small child could freely put on and take off skis.

Also important points: clothes for cross-country skiing, equipment for cross-country skiing, skis for skating, ski boots for skating.

IN winter period Skiing is not only an ideal option for fun, but also a great opportunity to practice, getting a workout for all groups. It is important to know how to choose skating skis in order to choose the ideal equipment for yourself.

The peculiarity of skating is that repulsion from the ground occurs inside ski tracks The route is also important, it should be well compacted and wide. From classic skating skis They differ in that they are approximately 15 cm shorter, have a blunt toe, and the center of gravity is shifted by 2.5 cm.

How to choose the right skis for skating?

Experts recommend choosing equipment responsibly, based on individual indicators. To begin with, I would like to talk about the price, since many people believe that the more expensive the skis, the better. In fact, this is not so and experts advise beginners to purchase budget options, among which you can find good equipment. Another useful advice– if the athlete’s weight is more than 70 kg, then it is better to choose skis from the middle price category, which are more durable.

If you are interested in which ones to choose for skating, then pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Length. To calculate this value, you need to make a simple calculation, namely, you need to add 10-12 cm to your height.
  2. Rigidity. This option should be chosen depending on the weight of the skier. For example, if a person with little weight chooses hard skis, they will not press against the ground and the ride will be uncomfortable. Those who just want to go skiing should choose options with medium hardness. It is important to say that hard skis often slip, and they also spring when pushed. There is one piece of advice on how to choose skate skis based on their stiffness - you need to put the skis on a flat surface, put on your boots and stand on them. After the weight is evenly distributed, using a sheet of paper, you should measure the length of the gap that has formed between the ski track and the floor. This must be done both in front and behind the boot. The ideal option is when the distance in front is 30-40 cm, and in the back - 10-15 cm. If you transfer your weight to one leg, then the clearance value should be no more than 10 cm. Not all stores have the opportunity to try on skis, so you can use another advice - fold the skis vertically, sliding surfaces facing each other. After this, place your hands on the pads and press them firmly. Skis are considered suitable if there is 1-2 mm of clearance between them.
  3. Strength. This indicator also depends on the person’s weight, and the larger it is, the stronger the equipment needed.

Speaking about which skis a beginner needs to choose for skating, it’s worth talking about the choice of poles. It is worth giving preference to options that touch the shoulder.

With the arrival of the most fabulous and magical time of the year, it would be worth thinking about what you can do with yourself in winter? Just think about playing snowballs, sledding, ice skating and, of course, skiing. Why not bring it to life? best moments past? Today, the shelves of ski stores are filled with various products, so the question is more pressing than ever: how to choose skis, mountain or cross-country?

How to choose the right skis: deciding on your riding style

Before you go shopping at a specialized store, you should decide what riding style you have.

If you are new to skiing and want to buy a pair of skis for walking in the winter forest, then most likely your skiing style is classic. This style is inherent in almost all people who start skiing.

The second style is skating. A skier in this style resembles a speed skater, pushing off internal part ski tracks from snow. This type requires a wide track and dense snow.

Having set yourself the goal of how to choose skis for a beginner, do not try to adopt the riding style of a pro, since it will be problematic to move around a snow-covered forest on skating skis.

We're going to the mountains: which skis to choose?

Skis for skiing on mountainous terrain are called mountain skis. Depending on the target audience, they come in several types:

  • professional- the name speaks for itself, this type designed for professionals. They are marked with the English word “Sport”. For buyers of such skis, there is no question of how to choose alpine skiing Right. These are people who have been riding for many years and have professional riding skills. Professional alpine skis are very light in weight, but the most expensive in price;

  • amateur skiing- this type of ski is also sports and is labeled “Fitness”. These skis should be chosen by people who have been skiing for a short time and do not consider themselves skiing professionals. They are much heavier in weight than professional skis, but also more affordable;
  • tourist or "Touring"- this type is intended for long and complex tourist trips. The width of touring skis is much larger than others, as is the weight, which sometimes reaches 1.5 kg. They are more rigid in their structure and often come with notches to avoid slipping;

  • recreational- they are slightly similar in appearance to tourist skis, but are lighter in weight. Designed touring skis for short rides over short distances on snowy plains, beginners can choose them;
  • children's or teenagers- this type is marked with the word “Junior”. They are often made of plastic; skis of this type have fasteners for a regular boot. These skis are light and comfortable for a child to ride; choosing from the range of this series of skis is a pleasure.

How to choose alpine skis according to a person's height

Before choosing alpine skis, pay attention to their length or, as they also say, size. If a person is a beginner and is not confident in his abilities in skiing, then it is better to take skis at the rate of minus 20 cm from the person’s height.

A person with an average level of training should pay attention to skis whose length is 10 cm less than his height. Professionals choose alpine skis according to their height or 10-15 cm less.

Choosing cross-country and skating skis correctly

Buy ski equipment only in specialized stores, check for certificates of product compliance with European standards.

Before you start giving advice, how to choose skis running and skating, you need to clarify what kind of riding they are suitable for. Cross-country skiing designed for fast driving short distances, they are light, smooth, sliding.

Skate skis are the hardest; their main visual difference is that they do not have an upward-curved corner.

How to choose cross-country skis

  • You should choose cross-country skis according to individual parameters, such as height, weight, professional skills and, of course, financial capabilities.
  • Cross-country skis are selected based on +15, 20, 25 cm to a person’s height.

  • The weight of skis and poles should not be too heavy. Cross-country skiing involves a fast pace of skiing, pay attention to these parameters, as they are very important.

How to choose skate skis

  • Skating skis must be rigid, because when moving, the ski block must spring back and push the skier forward. This type has a blunt, not curved toe, and the length of the ski track should exceed a person’s height by 17-20 cm.
  • Determine hardness. Place two ski tracks vertically sliding surface to each other and, squeezing the pads with all your might, look at the gap between them. If the clearance is 3-4 mm, then these skis will suit you. If it is only 1-2 mm, then it is better to refuse the purchase due to insufficient rigidity.

How to choose skis by height? The table will help you determine the length of skis and poles for an adult.

How to choose skis and poles according to your child’s height

Children's and teenagers' skis should first of all be soft, which will allow the child to quickly learn how to ski and get maximum pleasure from riding. Many parents, in an effort to save money, buy skis for their children to grow into.

Longer skis are harder to control; a child may not be able to handle it, and this will discourage him from wanting to ski. When choosing skis for a child who is just learning to ski, you need to calculate the size of the skis according to the child’s weight: if the weight is about 20 kg, then the length of the skis should be 70 cm, 20-30 kg - it is better for the child to buy 90 cm skis.

« How to choose skis child so that he does not get injured while riding them? - This question worries many parents. If skis and equipment are selected correctly, the child will feel comfortable on ski slope, and the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced.

It should be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy expensive skis for a child to ride. Children grow up and are often not advanced skiing professionals; what is more important to them is the feeling that loved ones are nearby and doing something together.

This table will help you choose the right length of skis and poles for your child:

Making the right choice: wood or plastic

Wooden e is a classic and ecological type of ski, proven over the years. The disadvantages of wooden skis include the fact that they are not as slippery as plastic. In addition, their weight is significantly greater.

Plastic skis more practical and modern. They excel in operation under different weather conditions and snow conditions. If snow makes it difficult to ski on wooden skis in above-zero temperatures, then plastic will pass this test with a bang.

In addition, plastic skis are durable; they do not deform like wooden skis from moisture and dampness.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Choosing ski poles is easier than choosing skis or boots. But ski poles also have their own characteristics, which we will talk about in this article: what material, what length, what handles and lanyards are best to choose.

Selection of ski poles by material

Cross-country ski poles are made from several materials:

  • Aluminum. Aluminum ski poles are durable, cheap, but heavy. They have one big advantage - they are almost impossible to break. They bent it, straightened it and moved on. Cons: weight and insufficient rigidity for sport skating. If you like to walk through the forest outside of prepared trails, then choose lightweight ones. aluminum poles .
  • Fiberglass(plastic and fiberglass) - light, cheap, but soft and fragile. Fiberglass is similar in softness and vibration to aluminum, but in strength it is much inferior. Fiberglass poles They will not withstand powerful push-offs, so they are only suitable for skiing on prepared trails.
  • Carbon(carbon fiber) or its mixture – carbon fiber(plastic and carbon). Ski poles Carbon fiber is rigid, light and durable. Carbon fiber is easy to break only with a side impact on the stick. There are options from 100% carbon and a mixture of carbon with plastic or fiberglass. Buy poles with at least 60% carbon content. Carbon poles withstand powerful push-offs, making them suitable for training and competitions.

The price for carbon poles starts from 2500 rubles. For example, carbon poles Nordway Carbon or STC Avanti. These poles have a good carbon shaft, but the handles and lanyards are of poor quality.

Better models of carbon poles will cost from 6,000 rubles, for example KV+ Viking or KV+ Tempesta– durable handles and lanyards, more than 70% carbon fiber, quick-release strap system.

The lightest and stiffest carbon racing poles cost from RUR 10,000. For example, models KV+ Elite, Tornado, Bora or Swix Quantum, Team and Triac– 100% carbon high quality, durable lanyards and handles, convenient lanyard release system.

Handles, lanyards and feet for ski poles


Table for selecting ski poles by height

Ski poles by height: FIS table for classic skiing

Play sports, move and travel! If you find a mistake or want to discuss the article, write in the comments. We are always happy to communicate. 🙂