Disclaimer and general provisions. Leg fracture

Something unexpected happens to me all the time: I’ll stop drinking, then I’ll take acting classes, or I’ll break my leg, for example. And, of course, I want to talk colorfully and verbosely about all the adventures.

How exactly I became a disabled tech veteran was outlined in a previous post. Today we will talk about all the delights and other nuances of life in a cast.

In fact, this is my third cast. The first one happened so long ago that it is known only from the stories of older relatives. One day, along the path of my chaotic movement around the apartment, the Malyutka washing machine, popular among Soviet young families, suddenly appeared. The car got away with a slight fright, and I got a crack on my wrist right hand and the nickname “partisan” from an aunty doctor who did not recognize me as a future representative of the fair sex.

I got the second cast thanks to my own stupidity: being too lazy to drag myself to the underground passage, I tried to run straight across Seleznev. A “kopek” that appeared on the path of my chaotic movement along the roadway got away with a windshield knocked out by my ass, this time I got torn ligaments, a plaster cast from hip to ankle right leg and the nickname “brainless idiot” from the driver.

By the way, yes - right side my body is always more unlucky than my left.

First look at the photo

A fracture is a rather unpleasant thing, but much less painful than I imagined it, because for another day and a half after dancing barefoot for ever since, I firmly believed that it was just a dislocation or something like that. But from the first glance at the X-ray image, it became clear that my hopes were not justified, I was sentenced to a cast and sent to a pleasant-looking Caucasian surgeon named Nekhai.At first he threatened to put me in the hospital for a couple of days, but then he took pity and stuck a strengthening knitting needle into my long-suffering limb right off the bat.

Here, my dears, I knew pain! But not from the needle, as one might assume, but from the local anesthesia that preceded it. The leg itself was separated from me with a curtain, and I can only guess what it all looked like, but judging by the sensations, after two injections my foot began to swell, and swell, and swell. And just when I had already decided that now she would simply explode in a cloud of bloody splashes and bone fragments, the anesthesia suddenly took effect. I almost didn’t feel the screwing in of the needle that followed this torture with something very similar to an ordinary electric drill.

Then the fun began: for some reason neither Timur nor I thought of borrowing a stroller from the nurses, and we learned that a taxi could only enter the hospital grounds with the permission of the doctor on duty at the exit. For some reason, going back up to the fourth floor seemed more tiring to me than getting to the entrance to the clinic on my own. Note: the trauma building from this entrance is prudently located further than all the others.


This had to be seen, filmed and immediately posted on YouTube! But Timur was busy: he held my hand while I, frantically swinging my other arm, practiced jumping on one leg. It only took about fifteen minutes, including two stops on benches, to get to the taxi. The visitors and residents of the hospital did not applaud me, but it seems that many wanted to.

The anesthesia turned out to be thorough - it was released only in the middle of the night. I swallowed Ketanov and whined in Timur’s arms. But these were probably the last ones at the moment pain associated with a fracture.

The next day, Timur got me crutches, fortunately, a completely modern set of light metal, and not heavy wooden stilts. And yet, it just seems like going to them is a piece of cake! For several days, my main task was to calculate the angle of contact of the healthy leg with the floor in relation to each crutch. Knowing my magical habit of missing the doorway even when sober, at first I woke up Timur to accompany me to the restroom.

An interesting fact: when, in the evening of the second day, I decided to “try on a green suit,” it turned out that the therapeutic effect this method pain relief does not seem to apply to fractures. Instead of the expected blissful relief, for an hour and a half in a row I tried by force of will to calm down the convulsive contractions of the casted foot, because of which the pin and the broken bone itself made themselves felt in the most unpleasant way. Then it went away.

Meanwhile, my daily life has undergone significant changes.

Working atmosphere

On the positive side, I can note that I now work remotely, as I have long dreamed of. True, at home there is a fan instead of a split, the Internet is shared by two people, and you have to write texts and post posts while reclining on a mountain of pillows, placing an mercilessly hot laptop on top and regularly pushing off an equally hot cat. But these are minor things.

Otherwise, everything is at least funny and not without adventure. Timur is gradually mastering the skills of a nurse - his bandages are no worse than those of the auntie from the emergency room, and the sight of the rod sticking out of my foot does not make him feel any worse. And I am learning to do familiar things again in an unusual way, overcoming various inconveniences.

Scary photo

First of all, it’s uncomfortable to lie and sit in a cast; you have to constantly keep your leg on a raised surface, like a rolled-up blanket, which causes the rest of your body to constantly warp and slide sideways off the cushion throne.

It is also uncomfortable to swim in a cast. And in view of the fact that real summer has finally arrived in Kuban instead of a rainy one, I often want to take a shower. And this is connected with such miracles of balancing act that even the program rhythmic gymnastics turn it on.

Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!

The most uncomfortable thing is to hang out in a cast! And sitting within four walls for three weeks in a row, going only to the emergency room, is beyond my strength. I have violated the prescribed and, basically, bed rest more than once: first, I hobbled to a corporate event, where the same fears of suddenly losing my balance with the prospect of breaking my other leg helped me not to exceed the norm of drinking one bottle of dry white. And then she continued the banquet in another place with other people, but that’s another story.

Ceremonial-weekend option

We also celebrated 10,000 days since Sivkin’s Christmas. The party was large-scale with various entertainments for the body to choose from. The bulk of those present preferred alcohol, meat and dancing on the top unfinished floor. I firmly settled into a chill-out and, not having the physical ability to overcome the ladder, from time to time I “dressed in green,” sipped wine and said hello to Uncle Albert, who, by the way, strongly advises against riding a bicycle indoors.

In addition to what has already been mentioned, it is inconvenient to do household chores in a cast. I have to iron clothes while sitting, prepare food with one knee resting on a stool, and I just try not to think about cleaning the apartment.

Broken Chef

And finally, it’s uncomfortable to have sex in a cast. In the first week I had to limit myself to just one pose. Now the second one is already available, but for now we can only dream of the former variety.

This is what the life of a person with temporary limited capabilities looks like. What’s surprising is that for some reason I didn’t fall into a deep spleen in the style of “summer-down-with-the-tail-of-my-delighted-life-bitch!” and even began to whine and moan less than usual for any reason. Probably, smart scientists can explain this from some hormonally confused point of view, but I can only maintain “cheerlessness” in anticipation of the final fusion.

All right, guys! ;)

Prehistory. We are family friends with very good people. A young married couple, pleasant, sociable, hospitable. God didn’t give us our children; we decided to adopt them from an orphanage. And then 2 weeks ago they got two at once, a brother and sister aged 10 and 6 years old. The kids are of course withdrawn, timid, silent, especially the girl (Masha).

So, today the father of that family (let’s call him Lyokha), calls my husband, he is also a work colleague. From the phone I hear yelling, swearing, asking me to marry him on the night shift. When asked what happened, he says the following.

Today they decided to have a picnic in nature with their now large family; fortunately the weather turned out to be excellent, even though it was almost November. Everything was going well, the children were frolicking and playing with their Labrador. The girl ran after the dog and tripped over a bump, fell unsuccessfully and injured her arm. Naturally, go straight to the first aid station, and from there to the district clinic, which is located 70 km from home. X-ray showed a fracture of the left arm, the right one was bruised. The parent was terribly worried about what happened, he was a father for 2 weeks, and then this happened, + while driving 70 km along our “road of life”, in short, his blood pressure jumped. The doctor reassured me, it’s nothing serious, we’ll put a plaster on, the tissue is young, it will heal before the wedding. They gave daddy an injection for high blood pressure and sat him down on a bench in the corridor next to the office where they apply casts. A very friendly nurse came out of the office with a smile from ear to ear and a blush on her cheeks. “Well, let’s go, our beauty, to treat your hand,” she turned to the girl. “And you, dad, don’t worry, we’ll do everything in at its best!" The doctor came into the office with his grandfather.

I must say, Mashenka did not make a single sound, neither on the way to the hospital, nor in the offices, she was not afraid of anything.

Our friend was more frightened than she was. Not long later, the daughter, smiling modestly, came out with a snow-white cast on her arm. That's it, let's go home. Dad Lesha was no longer in a hurry; he told his daughter fairy tales and stories to distract attention from what had happened.

They arrive home, Lekha is happy looking at her watch, well, I also have time to get to work by 8... He opens the door for his daughter and extends his hand to help her get out of the car. The daughter reaches out to meet her hand in a cast.

Lekha - Are you giving the wrong hand, daughter?

Masha - But they gave me the wrong one!

Lekha in @.ue.

Well, you know, we had to go back. The nurse was already drunk, according to the cleaning lady, who, on the last shift before her vacation, decided to relax. Apparently, when we first arrived, I was already under the influence, but the doctor didn’t notice, or didn’t want to notice, when he entered the office and immediately left, they called for a more complicated case. When Lekha asked why the hell they put plaster on her healthy arm, she couldn’t find anything better to say: “WOW! HOW INTERESTING IT TURNED OUT!”

The main theme of this diary is the attractiveness of girls in plaster casts, bandages and other orthopedic devices. Here I try to collect in one place various information, facts and observations on this topic found on the Internet and other open sources. Private information that is inaccessible to a search robot (that which is available, IMHO, is public by definition) will appear here only with the consent of the copyright holder. Also, this will not include materials from the resources of various communities of gypsum lovers (casters), nor links to them - in this case, I am interested in manifestations of a positive attitude or attraction to gypsum, etc. in everyday life among ordinary people. This diary is also an invitation to communicate for those girls who would be interested in trying recreational casting - casting for fun. Finally, this blog can be viewed as an attempt to encourage girls who have been injured and wear a bandage for medical purposes, to show them that they not only do not lose their attractiveness and charm, but also acquire some additional zest in the eyes of a considerable number of men.

Small disclaimer, in order to prevent possible questions.

1) I have normal sexuality, I like not only women in casts, but also ordinary healthy attractive women. For me, a cast and crutches are nothing more than an accessory, like tights, underwear or stilettos - just, in the general opinion, a little unusual.

2) unfortunately, some people have to use these accessories against their desire. but I did not cause or create the conditions for their injury or illness. I more than sympathize with them, and am always ready to help and support with advice or something more tangible for those who unwittingly find themselves in a situation of limited mobility. I am not a sadist at all, I do not enjoy someone's pain or inconvenience, so, ideally, I would be happy to see a cast or bandage applied solely for entertainment purposes to a healthy, intact organ of the free will of the person being cast. however, since this world is imperfect, this ideal is unattainable, and girls will receive injuries that are treated with bandages, whether I exist in the world or not, whether I like the cast or not.

3) regarding disabled people, amputees, victims of polio and other unfortunate girls whose fate is such that they are forced to use crutches and other orthopedic devices. As I noted above, the ideal case of plaster is one when it is applied for fun and can be removed whenever you want. in the case of medical use, this is a long-term, but still temporary phenomenon that ends with recovery. In most cases, disability never ends. This is very regrettable and, in my opinion, there is nothing here that could cause any pleasure in a mentally healthy person.

4) I am not a pedophile, bestiality, gay, gerontophile and others like them, so I only like young attractive women in casts. children, men, old women and animals in plaster evoke nothing but sympathy in me. plaster is only an ornament for the female body; without it, plaster has no meaning.

5) I’m not the only one in the world, there is a Russian community of gypsum lovers, as well as many sites around the world, links to which are located. By following these links, you can find links to the forums.

6) of course, as in any society, all people who have such a hobby also have different views on the essence of the phenomenon, so you should not consider what is written above to be a reflection of the opinions of all members of the community, just as you cannot assume that any views of another people with this passion will definitely share with me.

7) to contact me (if such a desire suddenly arises), use the address specified in personal info [email protected] or ICQ 285138782, I will be happy to answer any questions about injuries and recreational casting or help with advice.

8) those who want to show their bad manners, pseudo-wit or intolerance do not have to bother getting in touch, comments will be deleted, the authors will be banned or ignored. Any fair discussion, however, is welcome.

How could this happen?

Those around me tormented me with the question: “How could this happen?” And really, how? Out of the blue, on a warm autumn day! Troubles... They always happen unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. Do you remember the famous film “The Diamond Arm”?

“Slipped, fell, closed fracture, lost consciousness, woke up - cast!”

As for me personally, I didn’t even fall (I just sprained my leg), but I still had a broken leg and a cast accordingly. From this we can draw a reasonable conclusion: this can happen to anyone, especially since winter is just around the corner, along with the obligatory thaws and ice. I advise you to get acquainted with my experience. After all, the ancient Latin expression says: “Praemonītus praemūnītus” (“Forewarned is forearmed”). And let this knowledge never be useful to you personally, but you can give good advice in a similar situation to someone else.

Visit to the Trauma Center

This was the sad picture for four weeks

Mode. Where can I get the equipment?

The treatment for a broken leg is defined in a few words: “Don’t stand on your leg!” Do you need to move around somehow? It turned out that there are many special medical devices for this: crutches, walkers and strollers of various designs. But where can I get them on a Friday night and urgently? My dear girls resolved this issue back in the emergency room, while they were putting a cast on me.

It was found that various devices are used to move people with leg injuries, for example: crutches, walkers and strollers. You must first decide what exactly is required. And only after that, upon request in Yandex, “walker rental” (or whatever is selected), study the pictures and descriptions, choose a design, compare prices, find a rental point that is suitable (by location). All that remains is to arrange a visit and pick up the right thing home. The search was successful. And as a result, within a couple of hours the “transport” was standing next to my sofa. Rental cost is 1000 rubles per month.

There is something else that I didn’t know about and never thought about before what happened. In fact, in addition to mobility devices, it may be necessary to deliver a bedridden patient to some place, for example, to the same hospital a week after applying a plaster cast. It turned out that in Volgograd there are special services that provide such services. True, they are not cheap, but when such a need arises, you rejoice at any opportunity. The addresses and telephone numbers of these services are also easily found on the Internet. Luckily, we managed on our own.


This is important! Walkers, of course, help, but at first there are muscle pains from such physical exercise. There are many different painkillers. But I want to warn you that the so-called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), very harmful to the stomach. And if there is gastritis or an ulcer, then they are categorically “IMPOSSIBLE”.

I used universal cream-balm " Special lubricant” with original advertising: “special forces veterans recommend.” It contains many natural ingredients, including: Siberian fir oil, extracts of juniper, cloves, plantain, formic alcohol. “Special lubricant” really quickly helps with muscle pain and pain in the joints, and the cream-balm perfectly relieves itching from mosquito bites and other “enemies”. This is what I tested on myself. It's not expensive. Last time we bought it for 68 rubles.

When wearing a cast for a long time, irritation occurs. Relieves itching and skin irritation very well (the first time) Tsindol. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Can be used for children from the first days of life. I have known him since the days when my children were in diapers. The cost of a bottle is from 60 to 80 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the pharmacy. I don’t know how it is in other cities, but in Volgograd, there are “cheap” pharmacies and there are “expensive” ones.

Chlorhexidine. I would like to introduce readers to another cheap, and very good remedy is an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% (Chlorhexidine). The drug is used as an antiseptic. It can also be used on newborn babies. Sold without a prescription. This product is the cheapest analogue of the widely advertised Miramistin (the price of a 50 ml bottle of 0.01% Miramistin solution is from 237 rubles). I bought a solution of Chlorhexidine from 12 to 20 rubles per 100 ml bottle. I think that comments are unnecessary.

Photo from the Internet

I found information on the Internet about the cheapest analogues of Miromistin and bring it to your attention. See for yourself.

Photo from the Internet

I shared my opinion about three cheap and effective medicines that I have been using myself for many years. They came in handy in this case too. They are all produced in Russia, which is why they are cheap!

Exercise, self-massage

You will probably be surprised and think: “What is she talking about? What kind of training can you do in bed? Now think about how long you will have to lie down. I had to 4 (four)! weeks. If you don’t force the body to work, then how can you get up and go? I’m afraid that you will get up, but even you will stand like a “thin mountain ash.” What can we say about walking...

This is important! The sister who applied the plaster immediately said that it was imperative to move and outlined the regime: 30 minutes - lie down; 30 minutes – sit. And do not lower your leg in a cast to the floor, but place it next to you to reduce swelling.

To be honest, I didn’t follow 30/30. Naturally, in favor of sitting. But I made it a rule to do exercises three times a day for 10-15 minutes, the simplest ones available in my situation. The exercises followed a certain sequence: arms (starting with the fingers), then the neck, then the body, and last but not least, the legs. Moreover, for a healthy leg it was possible to do a lot of things, even a “bicycle”, but for the one in a cast... I did rocking (up and down), horizontal movements and exercises for the knee. It should be noted that all these exercises were performed “with weights”, because the plaster weighed a lot! The main thing here is without fanaticism, so as not to cause harm. We must not forget about the fingers, especially for a broken leg. You need to move your fingers, they are “free” after all. I didn’t come up with this, but received such recommendations at the emergency room. To make physical exercise more enjoyable, I did it to my favorite tunes.

I hope that in exactly 17 days (counting from November 11), I will get up and walk without dizziness and trembling knees.

As for self-massage, imagination, skills and the Internet can help you. I did the simplest one. Here is a photo of my little massager.

Nutrition rules

Once this has happened, and you have to lie down, the question of nutrition arises by itself: the natural pattern is that the more you eat, the more often you need to visit a secluded place in your apartment (house). It’s good that it’s not located on another floor of your mansion, otherwise woe to you. You can't jump up the stairs! In addition, if you do not moderate your appetite, you will undoubtedly gain weight. It will be more difficult to move. Yes, and you can “grow” out of clothes. Do I need it?

It's best to go straight to healthy eating. I won't talk about him. I'll show you everything using my example.

For breakfast and dinner I had porridge, but small portions. For lunch there is only one course: first or second. It is necessary to sharply reduce bread (1-2 pieces per day), no buns, pies and other goodies. For the third there was only green tea without sugar + one cookie and (or) candy. Everything delicious will be later, when the plaster is removed. Snacks – fruits and vegetables. And most importantly, drink a lot of plain water.

Naturally, no alcohol and, if possible, smoking. I'm not talking about myself. Such a chance to quit these bad habits! Don't miss out!


Nothing distracts you from the desire to chew something like an interesting activity...

I didn't have access to TV. I don’t even know whether it’s “Alas” or “Fortunately”. At first I was bored, but then I got used to it and tried to replace it with other entertainment.

I've watched quite a lot of films. Below are a few that I recommend watching. Movie " The Legend of Tampuk" It lifts the mood, everyone knows that good mood– a very important component in treatment. A funny and witty crime comedy, sometimes with erotic elements. Children are not allowed to watch. Well-chosen cast of actors. The main roles are played by amazing artists - Ekaterina Vasilyeva and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Take a look, I'm sure you won't regret it!

Movie " Monk and demon" In my opinion, this is a pretty serious thing, you just need to look at it carefully and think carefully.

Movie " Smell of a woman" American Cinema (1992). It tells the story of a blind military man. Nothing obscene. There are, however, several “very adult” statements by the main character. I think that this film would be useful for boys after 16 or 18 to watch. leading role the inimitable Al Pacino (Oscar and Golden Globe for this role). The dance of the blind colonel with a young girl leaves a huge impression. For me this was the main moment in the film. Perhaps because I first saw a clip of this scene from the film, and then found the film itself. Be sure to watch the video for “Dance Me To The End Of Love” performed by Leonard Cohen. This one is easy to find by paying attention to the duration - 6.06 minutes. He is very handsome. I fell in love with him. I recommend it.

It goes without saying that there were other entertainments: books, toys (yes, I indulge a little) and much more. For example, during the “lying-sitting” I wrote this article and several more... It is advisable to read books that you promised yourself many times to read, but did not have enough time. And if you do this, you will be filled with pride in yourself! Well, there must be some positive emotions in a person “chained to the sofa”? Otherwise, how can you recover!?

And all sorts of little things...

In addition to the above, all sorts of little things are needed.

In order to be able to illuminate yourself at night (the phone is not very suitable), you need a flashlight. You can do whatever your heart desires with it at night: read; work on the computer (if you get enough sleep during the day); find something you need at the moment; have fun with the cat, who also can’t sleep (she’s so funny “hunting” for the ray); you never know what else... I had this LED lamp, very convenient, bright and safe.

In order to ensure the doctors’ requirement “Do not wet!” and just for hygiene you need napkins. It is advisable to use both simple and antibacterial ones. And all sorts of other things so that you can “clean your feathers.”

The sore leg had to be held on an elevation so that the heel was in weight. We made the simplest device: we tightly tied two small sofa cushions. That was enough.

The list can be continued endlessly, but everyone will do it according to their own needs.


This “adventure” became a real life test for me. I learned a lot about life with a cast on my leg, learned how to use a walking aid, properly organize my “working day” and place, and perform the necessary medical procedures. It wasn't easy.

In four weeks I lost almost two kilograms, and I consider this fact my victory. Well, what else to do in supine position? Chew and chew something tasty. Eat your troubles! But I managed to restrain myself!

I had to go through some disappointment. Due to my inexperience, I believed that the plaster would be removed - and FREEDOM would come! But it turned out that this is not at all the case. Just after the cast was removed, the main problems began: the leg began to hurt, not only when moving, but also at rest and to swell.

This is important! It is normal that your leg hurts and swelling may increase in the evening. Over time, everything will get better. But everyone has their own time.

In addition, you need to carry out rehabilitation yourself: do medicinal baths (as prescribed by a doctor), I do salt baths; special therapeutic exercises; self-massage and massage using devices (I had a rolling pin); apply ointments. This situation fully corresponds to the well-known proverb: “The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.”

Information on the Internet about how to do massage and physical therapy plenty. But all this requires patience and self-discipline. How could it be otherwise? After all, we need to restore our “flying gait”! Otherwise, you’ll limp for the rest of your life, or maybe even worse. But let’s not talk about bad things, but let’s be patient, patient and patient!

This is important! When performing all exercises and procedures, severe pain should not be allowed.

That's all I wanted to tell you, dear site visitors. Take care of yourself! And never lose heart!

Well, this is me and my little girl. On Sunday we will be 10 days old, on Monday I’m going for an x-ray, I hope after that I’ll still be in this condition for at least a week.

When they just told me that I would have to put on a cast, I cried: (I cried because I would have to cancel the filming. Although I jumped off 2 filmings in a cast last Sunday, I already canceled 2 weddings for today and tomorrow, of course. I’m going to film a christening on Sunday. I’m saving up queue for filming after filming :)

BUT! They told me what situations there are with fractures and I understand that my situation is complete bullshit. One of my friends was in the hospital for 9 months with fractures, and also a broken arm is much worse than a leg, and a spine??? I'm really lucky.

I’m offended, but I understand that I’m a fool myself, I’ll know that I have to be not 90%, but 100% accurate.

For those who don't know:
I rode a quad bike in Egypt.
I was very afraid to drive, but since the first participants had gone far, I pressed the gas...
The desert was extremely uneven and I jumped on some bump and, apparently out of fear, twisted the steering wheel: (I fell myself, ran my left shin, right knee and left elbow across the sand, and then the ATV fell on my left ankle.
It happened the day before the flight home (good thing, not at the beginning of the vacation), the doctor at the hotel did not diagnose the fracture.
I returned, walked at home for a week and periodically felt sharp pain in my ankle. I took a picture and it turned out there was a crack :(

I asked my husband to take a picture of me as a souvenir :)

I hop around the house on one leg, leaving the house on crutches only as far as the car to go to get bandages.

I sleep with my leg in this position. Usually my leg is still elastic bandage wrapped up because the swelling has subsided, the plaster on my leg is terribly uncomfortable to sleep :(

I like myself so much here :) well, apart from the plaster, of course :)

I want a pedicure:(((and I want to wash myself properly:(((
The blood on the bandages is from dressings that are no longer daily. Bandages are the most painful and disgusting thing. I cry like a baby at them every time, it hurts me terribly :(