What can be achieved in 3 months. Basic exercises - a guide to the right path

After the first workouts, it becomes clear that everything has become even worse - the volume has increased, the appetite has also increased, and the shape has swollen. Regardless of the purpose for which you came to the gym, and the training program, at the first stage, everyone’s muscles respond equally to the load. What happens to them?

1 Swelling

In the first months, the body will react to inflammatory processes occurring due to ruptures muscle fibers– swelling. Because of it, you will appear more bulky, and even without any hint of relief.

Swelling is a normal reaction of the body to injury. Blood brings fluid and restorative microelements to the muscle - acids and building material for recovery.

With each month of training, the muscles will adapt - the need to panic in accumulating water and nutrients for recovery in huge quantities will no longer exist. The swelling will go away.

By the way, swelling may not be caused by proper nutrition, for example, excessive love for salty foods. Creatine can also cause fluid retention. sports supplement, which is better reserved for times with higher physical fitness.

2 Increase in volume (albeit with weight loss)

In the first 6 weeks of training, weight decreases, mainly due to the loss of visceral fat, which envelops internal organs. There is still a long way to go before you get rid of subcutaneous fat, for which you started everything. So it turns out that the weight decreases, and the muscles grow, adding extra centimeters under the remaining, for now, subcutaneous fat.

  • If your waist has increased by 2-3 cm, be patient after 2.5-3 months, and everything will only get better!

Only after 2-3 months of training does the combustion process start subcutaneous fat, and its layer becomes thinner. Don't give up!

3 Lack of relief (albeit with an increase in muscle mass)

Blood rushes to the muscle during the exercise and does not leave it for some time. This temporary effect of filling the muscle is called a pump. It occurs mainly when you do large number repetitions with a short rest period between sets.

Due to the increase in muscle volume and the lack of relief (which still hides subcutaneous fat), many are beginning to worry. But this effect is temporary, and after just a few hours your muscles will return to their previous volume, becoming stronger and stronger. But the layer of subcutaneous fat will not decrease so quickly, so the relief will have to wait.

  • By adjusting nutrition and training, we can regulate muscle volume, but there will always be a temporary pump with high-repetition training.

Unfortunately, many are ready to give up fitness at the beginning of their journey because of such changes. But remember that people with beautiful bodies, these are people who survived the first 3 months.

Are you still wondering: should you buy a gym membership or leave this important matter until next month? If such a dilemma arises, then this information is definitely for you. GRAVITY SPORT told how our body changes after 12 weeks of training and at each stage separately. Don't delay going to the gym. The sooner you start, the faster you will get results.

In 30 minutes

Make an effort and go to class. This is the most difficult part of this process. Literally half an hour after the start of training, the body begins to actively produce endorphins. Your mood improves. In another hour, peace and tranquility will appear in your soul.

In 2 days

After the first workouts, muscle pain occurs. You are haunted by delusional thoughts that physical activity not your element. The main thing at this moment is to remember that everyone goes through a painful stage of recovery. The body changes its habits. Pull yourself together and continue working on yourself.

In 2 weeks

After 14 days regular classes muscle pain no longer worries. You begin to be proud of yourself, and that in the first days you didn’t give up all this, didn’t give up.

In 4 weeks

After a month, the body gets used to regular exercise and should not be given any relief. What's happening? You perform without shortness of breath morning jogging and go up the stairs. Your metabolism accelerates, which means the weight loss process is turned on by itself. You are not forced, but by choice.

After 8 weeks

A decent period of exercise helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease associated with cardiovascular disease,

What happens to our body during three months of training? And is it possible to notice these changes after the first workout? In today's article we will try to answer these questions and find out how our body and we in general change during 12 weeks of regular physical training.

Have you noticed how crowded it is? gyms in the last weeks before the summer season? And this is not surprising, because everyone wants to get in shape so they can look good on the beach in the summer. But after a week or two, the excitement disappears somewhere and there are fewer and fewer visitors to the gym... And the reason for this situation is always the same - people stop going to the gym because they don’t see noticeable results. However, “they don’t see” does not mean that they don’t exist!

To prove this, let's take a closer look at what happens to our body over three months of training (three times a week), starting with the first lesson.

Before starting sports

“Training and reasonable changes in lifestyle are the only right way for me, which is the right way to solve problems with health and figure!”

Understanding just this single banal fact gives an incredible boost of motivation. Then you have time for sports, sufficient energy and real metabolic changes!

American researchers have proven that 20% of people began to change in appearance and feel better even before starting training!

This is the very consequence of the first changes in the body - hormonal, psychological, biochemical, which will later lead you to desired results, if you put in some effort!

Conclusion: your body begins to change even before you start your first workout!

Half an hour before the first workout

“Now I’ll tear everyone apart!”

This is what your body screams before your first workout. Thinking about exercising can cause your heart rate and breathing rate to increase. Blood pressure may also increase slightly.

If you are an extrovert, you may feel drive and excitement, but if you are an introvert, then, on the contrary, you may feel focused and taciturn. And as you understand, the main thing here is to use this effect correctly and set yourself up for training ( psychological attitude for training).

Conclusion: such reactions of the body indicate that the body feels that it will have to work and begins to prepare for the load in advance!

During the first training

“My heart is beating fast and it’s become difficult to breathe!”

This is a healthy reaction of the body to physical activity. There is no need to be afraid of it, because it is a completely natural process. You begin to breathe deeper and more often, saturating your cells with oxygen. As a result, the complexion begins to change better side.

You also shouldn’t worry about your pulse, because it can be affected not only by loads, but also by heat, air humidity, lack of oxygen in the air, overeating before training, critical days, stress and even loud music!

Changes also occur in the muscles. They begin to become more actively saturated with blood and even swell (after training, this effect goes away)! In addition, long-forgotten and little-used muscles, which remind of themselves with a slight aching pain, also become toned.

And you become not only stronger, but also more resilient, stronger, more energetic and more cheerful. During physical activity, a “hormonal storm” begins in the body, which triggers and accelerates slow metabolic processes. The body is literally renewed.

There is also a release of adrenaline and other hormones, and the nervous system, which leads to a dramatic improvement in well-being and increased energy! Paradox!

Conclusion: even during the first lesson, qualitative changes begin to occur in the body of every person!

30 minutes after the first workout

“I am filled with a feeling of joy and pride! I did it (was able)!”

Oh, these familiar experiences to many after the first successful exercise in their life =)! And for good reason, because even after 30 minutes after training, active changes are still occurring in the body, in particular, this concerns the increased production of endorphins, which together with them bring an incomprehensible feeling of joy and euphoria.

Conclusion: the positive emotions received after training will not only lift your mood for a long period of time, but will also be a great incentive to go to training again! After all, you will want to experience these sensations more than once.

2 days after the start of training

“My whole body aches and hurts!”

The feeling of soreness is not only an inevitable stage after the first training, but even more so – necessary! After all, this means that your muscles grow and become beautiful and pumped up! Therefore, for many athletes such pain is even very pleasant =)

You shouldn’t be afraid of this process, because it won’t always be like this. Your body is just adapting to the stress and the soreness will go away over time.

By the way, to reduce body aches, you can take a hot bath or go for a massage. Stretching will also help.

Conclusion: it hurts - it means it’s growing! Therefore, “get high” from this pain, like athletes, imagine how your body becomes fit and beautiful.

2 weeks after starting training

“Regular training has practically become part of my usual schedule!”

This is not surprising, because scientists have proven that a person develops habits within 2-3 weeks.

Do you remember that unbearable pain after training? Surprisingly, she disappeared =) So it’s time to do it various exercises and not worry about not being able to get out of bed the next day. However, you shouldn’t overload yourself; always remember about moderation and a gradual rate of increase in loads!

Conclusion: you and your body get used to regular exercise, and also begin to master a variety of exercises and techniques for performing them!

4 weeks after starting training

“It’s good that I didn’t give up (didn’t give up) training!”

The first month of training ended with pride in myself and a feeling of first results. If you didn't miss a single class and dutifully went to the gym three times a week, you've completed a whopping 12 workouts!

Now it has become easier for you to run, and the shortness of breath when you climb the stairs has disappeared. In addition, you have developed the habit of drinking a lot of water.

Conclusion: here they are - the first tangible qualitative changes in your body! Life becomes easier!

8 weeks after starting training

“I want to eat more vegetables, fruits and healthy foods!”

Your body begins to simply “demand” saturation with sufficient energy for training, which is only given the right products! Therefore, without even noticing, you began not only to drink more water, but also to eat more vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products.

In addition, as a result of persistent efforts, your risk of coronary heart disease associated with cardiovascular disease, as well as obesity and diabetes, has decreased.

Conclusion: three times a week you not only work on your forms, but also prevent many diseases!

12 weeks after starting training

“I like my reflection in the mirror, although I still need a lot of work. I have great mood, I feel cheerful and incredible self-confidence!”

Here are the results of 3 months of training:

Firstly, you see a completely different picture in the mirror. Fat deposits disappear, and muscle definition becomes more and more noticeable. And you want to work on your body further to achieve even greater results.

Secondly, you have taught your body to burn more calories. Metabolism has accelerated and now you can eat more, but not worry about gaining weight, since all the extra calories will be burned during training.

Thirdly, It’s no longer difficult for you to find time for training, After all, playing sports 3 times a day has become as familiar and irreplaceable a ritual as eating or hygiene procedures. In addition, your daily schedule has become more structured and clear.

Fourthly, you feel how your self-esteem has grown, self-confidence, perseverance, ability to concentrate and patience have developed. As they say, “a healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Fifthly, you have improved your health and delayed the aging process. After all, scientists have proven that people who play sports are as much as 40% less susceptible to premature aging. Due to the production of collagen and elastin, your skin is more hydrated and protected, and wrinkles will appear much later.

Well, you were able to last 3 months with regular training - and that’s a whole quarter of a year! It can be assumed that you will actively continue at the same pace. Don’t stop, because you see how much benefit physical activity brings to a person! If you give up, the effect will quickly pass, and you again risk returning to the old forms and inactivity.

Just think about it: while you put off exercising, your body can change for the better day after day! Working on yourself takes time and stubbornness, so don’t give up on sports and a year after you start training, you simply won’t recognize yourself in the mirror! We wish you success!

It all depends on what you want. You can lose weight if you don’t eat, but lose weight along with your muscles without ever achieving the shape you want. To achieve your goals, you need to build a diet and exercise routine, and monitor your sleep patterns. Many people don’t understand this when they come to the gym: they train, go away on the weekends, and start again on Monday. You need to properly rebuild your body, and not run away from the gym a month after starting training with the words “I can’t do anything!”

Do I need sports nutrition?

Not at all necessary. It is needed if you either do not get protein from regular food or train professionally. If you work out in the gym for yourself to relieve stress or get in shape, then without sports nutrition you can safely do without.

If a girl works with iron, will she ruin her figure?

Of course not. When the muscles receive a certain load, fat mass goes away faster. If you run on a treadmill, you will lose weight, but your muscles will also shrink, and you won’t get the results you want. Training needs to be comprehensive. The main thing is to do everything meaningfully, know when to stop and involve a coach.

When are the first results visible?

With proper training, within a month you will notice very good results. There is an opinion that the first results can be seen only after three months, but practice has shown that this is not so. In three months, if you follow the diet, sleep, wakefulness and training regime, you can simply change yourself beyond recognition.

I started going to the gym and gained weight - why?

This is normal, but many people don't understand it. They say “I will soon have hands like yours!” It's simple - when the muscles do not receive load in everyday life, muscle mass begins to develop, and muscles, as you know, are much heavier than fat. You just need to take measurements: visually you will decrease, and in the first months your weight may increase by two to three kilos. You don't get fat - your volumes go down. Arm yourself with a measuring tape!

I was gaining weight, but at some point the weight stopped growing - why?

Don't stress yourself out, calm down and continue training in your own way. The emotional component greatly influences training and its results. Any stress can trigger weight loss - you didn’t sleep for one hour, you missed a meal, you got nervous - catabolism starts and you lose muscle. All the answers are in your head. Training is not constant progress, be prepared for that.

Is it possible to “pump up” only the butt and abs?

Requests to work separately on certain muscles come from girls every day. Remember once and for all - you need to work on all muscle groups so that progress is gradual. We can focus on what you need, but we will have to work on everything. Every second person in Krasnoyarsk walks with a hunchback due to sedentary work, and a month after classes, people who initially did not plan to specifically train their back straighten their shoulders and hear compliments. And then the questions “Do I need to train my back if I only want to pump up my butt?” does not arise - I like the result.

Is it possible to go to the gym and achieve results without changing your diet?

I hear questions like this often. Many people are ready to go to the gym every day, but at the same time they want to eat cake. A simple example: two cakes are 10 thousand calories. If you want to lose weight in such a “sweet” mode, you need to spend 15 thousand kcal per day - and this is simply unrealistic, since you will have to train about 10 hours a day.

No one forces you to give up sweets: once every ten days you can allow yourself a so-called cheat meal - eat any one dish. Understand, this is not a diet, not just “chicken, buckwheat or greens.” Start small: go to bed on time, drink water instead of coffee and tea, eat often, but in small portions - gradually you will get used to not eating unhealthy foods and notice the results. There is no need to suddenly change everything and perceive proper nutrition as a stigma. Introduce restrictions gradually and in two months you will completely rebuild.

Do I need a trainer?

Undoubtedly. You don't know how muscles work. You can squat perfectly in front of a mirror, but do it incorrectly and not achieve results. Apart from the coach, no one will point out your mistakes. Why do people come to the gym and leave after a month? Because they do the exercises incorrectly, waste time, but do not see results.

Not everyone has money for a trainer, but if you come to the gym, take a couple of lessons so that they at least explain to you the technique of performing basic exercises and write individual program. If you have forgotten how to do an exercise, go to any trainer, don’t be shy.

What are our guarantees based on? Look here. You’ve probably tried more than once or twice to transform yourself into something beautiful using the “jerky” method – puffing with all your might. But let’s face it: intense training in itself is not a feat at all and not a reason for pride.

Yes, it is useful to exercise. But a stable result visible to the naked eye is always the merit of monotonous and lengthy work. Consider that everyone is capable of taking the plunge once—for example, limiting your diet for a measly month and, gritting your teeth, forcing yourself to do squats under the dictates of a trainer. But training for years, patiently overcoming muscle pain, fatigue (and moral fatigue), slowdown or disappearance of progress is a different story.

The success of any person who has achieved results lies on three pillars: personal desire (since you are reading these lines, there is no problem here), a competent plan and a strategy for maintaining motivation. You will find instructions on the last two points in our material. We have compiled a detailed training plan for you for three months, plus we are ready to tell you how to maintain your spirit at a sporting level even in the most difficult moments. If you go with us to the end, you will get results. And you will become so involved in the fitness process that you yourself will not want to stop, realizing that you can do anything.

Program idea

For us and Powell, it doesn’t really matter who you are - a sophisticated connoisseur of the barbell or a completely green neophyte. This three month training plan suitable for any lady. He pursues two extremely important goals at once - getting rid of excess weight and achieving muscle tone that is pleasing to the eye and touch.

Every week you will have to spend 3 intense workout with weights plus 2 cardio sessions (see Cardio block). The first four weeks will be spent building muscles and working out correct technique performing exercises. The second month will add speed and improve your power and endurance. In the last period, you will be completely focused on burning the remaining fat that hides your perfectly trained figure.

Although classes in each of the three months are based on a different method of building loads, they all help speed up metabolism for several hours after training, take no more than 30 minutes of pure time and, thanks to constant changes, will not plunge you into boredom and despondency.


This is the plan. You conduct classes according to our scheme 2-3 times a week. Using any cardio equipment (treadmill, bike or elliptical trainer s or even a swimming pool). After a five-minute warm-up, adjust the intensity of your efforts using a scale from 1 to 10.

  • Walk for 3 minutes at intensity 5;
  • 2 minutes – with intensity 7;
  • and a minute - at level 9.
This is one cycle. Make five of these.

Think of this interval as a starting point. The fact is that your body inevitably adapts to any type of stress over time. In order for it to continue to transform for the better, it is periodically necessary to surprise it with something new and unusual. So every 6 workouts, change one of four parameters:

  1. frequency of classes (from two cardio per week to three);
  2. intensity (for example, increase the average number of pedal rotations per minute on an exercise bike by 15);
  3. duration (add one to three more cycles to the five main ones);
  4. type of equipment (as an option, you can replace the elliptical trainer with a jump rope).

TIP: To spice up your cardio life, add a partner to it. And train together - even just catch up while jogging. Run 30 meters away from the satellite - and let him try to overtake you for the next 100-200 m. Then switch roles.

Do 8-12 repetitions of each exercise, performing all movements in a row, with virtually no rest. Having completed the circle, catch your breath for a minute and start over. In total, you need to complete three full circles during the workout.

Dumbbell Squats

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the projectile to your chest, placing it vertically and clasping the upper disc (a) with your palms.
  • Moving your pelvis back, squat deeply (b). Straighten your legs and return to starting position- and you get one repeat.

Hammers with overhead press

  • Place your feet hip-width apart, grab a dumbbell and lower them to your sides, palms facing each other (a). Bend your elbows and lift the weights toward your shoulders (b).
  • Now press the dumbbells up so that at the end point they are located exactly above shoulder joints(c). This is one repetition. Smoothly return your hands to the starting position, rewinding the movement back.

Deadlift with dumbbells

  • Take the shells so that they are in front of your hips. Place your feet hip-width apart, legs slightly bent at the knees, back straight (a). Moving your pelvis back, bend over and, without rounding your lower back, lower the dumbbells, trying to reach them to the level of the middle of your shins (b).
  • Return to the starting position - this is one repetition. Throughout the entire approach, keep the apparatus as close to your feet as possible.

Dumbbell pullovers

  • Lie down on a bench, bend your knees and place the apparatus above you. Keep your arms slightly bent (a). Without changing the angle of your elbows, lower the dumbbells back as close to the floor as possible (b).
  • Smoothly return to the starting position. This is one repetition.

Dumbbell row with rotation

  • With your feet together, take the projectile in left hand and lean forward with your knees bent. In the starting position, the dumbbell should be just below the knee, with the palm facing inward (a).
  • In one coordinated motion, pull the implement toward your waist and twist to the left, keeping your elbow close to your body (b). Return the dumbbell and body to the starting position - you get one repetition. Make the required number of these first with one hand, then immediately with the other hand. If necessary, rest your free palm on a stationary support.

Do 15 repetitions of each exercise, moving from one movement to the next with little to no rest. Complete as many laps as possible in 15 minutes. Allow yourself pauses to rest only when you feel that you can no longer perform the required number of repetitions with the correct technique.

Climbing to the step

  • Take dumbbells in your hands and stand to the right of the platform. Now place your right foot elevated so that your thigh forms a diagonal in front of you (a).
  • Climb onto the platform, straightening right leg almost completely (b). Gently return to the starting position - this is one repetition. Do all 15, then change sides.

Rock climber

  • Stand in a lying position with your feet together. The legs and body should straighten into a single rigid line (a). Pull your right knee toward your right shoulder, ending with your foot touching the floor (b).
  • Return to the starting position. Now repeat the movement with your left leg. This will be one repeat. Continue alternating legs until the end of the set.


  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders so that your elbows are pressed to your body and under the apparatus (a).
  • Moving your pelvis back, squat down (b). Straighten your legs powerfully and press the curls overhead (c). Lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders for one rep.

Throwing a medicine ball to the floor

  • Place your feet hip-width apart and lift the apparatus above your head (a).
  • Keeping your back straight and your arms slightly bent, use your abdominal muscles to bend over and hit the floor with the medicine ball (b). Quickly pick up the ball and return to the starting position - that's one repetition.

Track your progress: count the number of laps you complete and try to beat your previous record every week.

Complete all reps of exercise 1A, then move on to movement 1B. Once you finish it, rest for a minute and switch to 2A and 2B. Complete the circle with exercise 3. And repeat all over again. In total you need to complete four full rounds.

Jumping Lunges

  • Take dumbbells in your hands, step your left foot forward and lower into a lunge (a).
  • Jump and switch legs in the air (b), landing again in a lunge (c). This is one repetition. Continue jumping, alternating your legs. Do 12–20 reps.

Bent-over dumbbell row

  • Take the shells in your hands and lean forward, slightly bending your knees. In the starting position, the hands should be slightly below the knees, palms facing each other (a).
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades and pull your handles toward your stomach (b). Return to the starting position - this is one repetition. Do 12–15.

Raising the pelvis with bending the shins on a fitball

  • Lie on the floor with your knees slightly bent on the apparatus (a). By contracting your buttocks, lift your pelvis off the floor (b).
  • Now, without lowering yourself, bend your knees and roll the ball towards you (c). Moving in reverse order, return to the starting position (pelvis on the floor). This is one repetition. Do 12–15.

Incline Dumbbell Press

  • Set the bench to an angle of 20–30 degrees and lie on it with your back. Raise the shells above you, turning them in one line (a).
  • Lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest (b), pause and return to the starting position. You did one rep. In total you need to complete 12–15.

Plank on fitball

  • Place your forearms on the ball, feet shoulder-width apart, and bring your body in line with your legs. Tighten your buttocks, pull in your stomach and don't hold your breath.
  • Stay in this position for 60 seconds. If this is too hard to bear, divide the minute into six 10-second segments. and perform them as a single series, resting in 5-second intervals.

Start each exercise by checking your core: tighten your stomach and buttocks, arch your back. This way you will not only reduce the risk of injury, but also improve the shape of your waist.

Set a goal

Goals are the key to the success of an event; they keep you going, even when you want to tell everything to hell. But in order not to lose your way and not give up on your studies halfway, you need to formulate your tasks very carefully. If you want to fight and not give up, make sure that your aspirations are:

  1. Specific
    Don’t be content with the amorphous “I want to be healthy.” Vague goals leave your mind too much wiggle room. Therefore, gather your thoughts together and make clear wishes. For example: “I want to lose 10 kilograms” or “I want to be able to do 20 push-ups.”
  2. Measurable
    Your progress towards your ideal result should be easy to measure, whether you are talking about long-term or short-term prospects. To keep everything clear, set yourself weekly (micro) and monthly (macro) tasks.
  3. Achievable
    Don't torture yourself with unattainable promises. If you are physically unable to exercise for more than 30 minutes a day, do not aim for “daily hour of cardio.”
  4. Real
    Even the most competent training plan and the most dedicated individual in the world together cannot change human physiology. Some tasks simply take many months to achieve.
  5. Time limited
    They organize deadlines, we all know this very well. Without them, it’s generally difficult to move anything. Therefore, always set deadlines for achieving a particular fitness goal. For example, give yourself no more than four months to lose 10 kg. To run 10 kilometers, it will take three to six months of training. And so on.

Change the environment - move your workout outside or simply to another part of the gym. It’s a stupid-looking technique, but, you know, it’s invigorating and doesn’t let you get bored.