Movements for stretching. Stretching for beginners at home

Before you start stretching your muscles, be sure to do this; this will collectively prepare all areas of the body for more serious loads. Don't ignore stretching, it's not a fad, it's key point in training.

MUSCLE STRETCHING is a system of exercises that allows you to lengthen a muscle from its original state, make it flexible and elastic to withstand loads from the environment.

When performing exercises to stretch muscles, you must adhere to a number of rules.

Proper muscle stretching

All movements are performed at a moderate pace, suddenness of movements is excluded, otherwise unwarmed muscles can easily receive a painful injury;

Do not hold your breath, breathe evenly and deeply, exhale while stretching the muscles, inhale at the relaxation stage;

It is necessary to stretch the muscle areas until you feel slight discomfort; you need to feel how it stretches; if pain occurs, release the pressure on the muscle;

After stretching a specific area, hold at the maximum stretch point for 10-15 seconds, then return to starting position.

Always start with minimal pressure on the muscles, gradually increasing the load; if you immediately begin to stretch with all your strength, injury is guaranteed, and the muscles will ache for a long time and remind you of themselves at the most inopportune moment.

Contraindications to muscle stretching

» For lower back diseases
» At high blood pressure;
» Inflammation of the pelvis and hips;
» Complex spinal injuries;
» The presence of cracks in the bones;
» The presence of severe bruises on the legs;
» Problems with joints and ligaments - in this case, be sure to consult a doctor.

Now let's proceed directly to the description of methods for stretching all muscle groups, start stretching from top to bottom of the body:

Neck stretching exercises

1. Tilt your head down as far as possible, be sure to touch your upper chest with your chin; you should feel a stretch not only in your neck, but also a slight stretch in your back muscles. At the bottom point, hold for 2-3 seconds.

2. Then tilt your head back and also stop for better than stretching for a couple of seconds.

3. Do not hold your breath; breathe; when tilting your head, exhale; when tilting back, inhale.

4. For better stretching, when lowering your head down, lightly press the back of your head with your hands.

5. Remember, the neck is a bundle of nerve endings, so there is no harshness, everything is done smoothly, with controlled movements.

6. Just like in the picture on the right, tilt your head to the side to stretch the lateral muscles of the neck

7. All manual pressure is moderate, to the point of feeling slight discomfort, but not severe pain.

1. Stand straight, slowly turn your head to the left, stretch as far as possible, hold for 2 seconds, then right side, perform 5-6 turns in each direction.

2. Afterwards, you can perform circular movements with your head, using the full range of motion - tilting your head forward, sideways and back as much as possible.

Shoulder stretches

1. Bend your elbows and place your fingertips on your shoulders, perform circular movements forward and then back for 10 repetitions.

2. During movement, the fingers do not leave the shoulders.

3. Use the maximum range of motion, don’t be lazy; the effectiveness of all movements of the upper body depends on warming up the shoulder joints.

1. Stand up straight left hand we direct it to the side towards the right shoulder, and with the palm of the right hand we lightly press on the triceps of the left hand, while not bending the elbow of the left hand. You should feel a slight stretch in your shoulder, hold this position for 5 seconds and switch your arms.

2. No jerking, apply pressure and keep it in a stretched state, jerking will only cause injury and painful sensations.

1. Ideally, you need to bend your arms slightly at the elbows and begin circular movements with your arms, first moving backward for 10 repetitions, and then forward for 10 times.

2. To better warm up the shoulder joint, you can do it one by one circular motion hands, also 10 repetitions forward and backward.

Warm up exactly sequentially, as indicated in the figures, this way you warm up the muscle areas from lesser to greater load.

Stretching the muscles improves blood circulation and speeds up the access of nutrients to the muscles!

Arm stretching exercises

1. As shown in the figure, move your right arm back behind your head and apply light pressure to your right elbow, feeling a stretch in your triceps.

2. Hold for a while and then change the position of your hands, do 5-6 repetitions on each hand.

3. Then shake lightly with your hands to remove muscle tension or rub your triceps with your palm.

1. Pay attention to the drawing, the right hand, grasping the pole, is pointing the thumb down, this is a very important moment!!!

2. Then, turning the body to the left, feel the stretch of the biceps, having reached the maximum stretch, hold, relax the muscle by turning to the right and turning to the left again, stretch it.

3. Change hands and do the same. After finishing, do flexion - extension of your arms at the elbows, relieving muscle tension.

1. Kneel down and point your fingers towards you.

2. Bend your lower back and slowly lean back, keeping your palms on the floor, creating positive tension in your biceps.

3. Stay in this position for as long as possible

4. Then relax, shake your hands and after 20 seconds repeat again and so on 3-4 times.

Chest stretching exercises

1. This exercise is called scissors - stand straight, legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides and sharply bring your arms in front of you, with your right hand first on top (as in Figure B), then force your arms back, feeling a stretch in your chest and again brings his left hand in front of him, but on top.

2. Continuing to alternate hands in front with arms extended back, stretch pectoral muscles.

1. An exercise from the old Soviet school is also a good idea: first bend your elbows, spread them to the side so that your forearms are parallel to the floor and push your arms back with your elbows bent.

2. Then, returning to the starting position, spread your arms again, but with your palms up.

3. Alternately perform a push of the arms back with bent elbows and a fly with the arms straightened.

There is one more wonderful exercise. Stand in the doorway, arms bent at the elbows, placed to the side and rest your palms on the baseboards on the sides of the door, elbows should be slightly below shoulder level. Next, leaning forward, we stretch the pectoral muscles, lightly rocking back and forth.

Back stretching exercises

1. Grasp a low bar or stable object in front of you, with your elbows straight and your knees slightly bent.

2. By force, tensing your abdominal muscles, lower your body down, thus warming up your back muscles and relieving muscle tension.

3. Lower yourself into an incline with light leaning downward movements, perform 15-20 light inclines, this will be enough.

1. Starting position - kneel down on a soft rubber mat, pull your stomach in as much as you can, this is how you train the vacuum inside your stomach to prevent your stomach from bulging out, then bend over like a cat, it will stretch your back muscles well, then arch your lower back as much as you can, then lower buttocks to the feet, at the same time the arms look forward without bending at the elbows.

2. After holding the stretched position for 10 seconds, go back up to the crampon position.

3. Perform 15-20 repetitions in this manner to warm up the muscles of the back and lumbar region.

1. A wonderful exercise for stretching muscles, even though the abdominal muscles work hard here, but there is one trick here.

2. Before bending to the side, place your palm on the back of your head, move your elbow forward a little, and do not lean strictly to the side, turning your body slightly, you should feel how the lats stretch.

1. Place your hands on your side and start moving your hips in a circular motion.

2. First perform 15 repetitions to the right, then to the left.

3. Use a large range of motion, bending forward well and back enough; if you do everything correctly at the end of stretching the back muscles, your lower back should be slightly tensed, you will feel it, even if it was slightly squeezed by a belt.

Elastic muscles allow you to increase the range of motion, which makes exercises more effective!

Abdominal stretching exercises

1. Lie down on the floor, place your palms as if you are about to do push-ups.

2. When performing efforts on your arms, straighten them completely at the elbows, at this time the muscles lift off the surface.

3. Stay in this position for up to 10 seconds, feeling the stretch in your abdominal muscles, then lower yourself to the floor and relax your abs to relieve the feeling of tension and go up again, do this 4-5 times.

1. Take the starting position - feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart for stability, hands at your sides on your belt.

2. Lifting your left hand from your belt, lift it up and tilt it to the right until you feel tension in your oblique abdominal muscles.

3. Feeling the entire left side being pulled, immediately return to the starting position and do the same with your right hand. Remember, when you stretch, you don’t need to linger, stretch as hard as possible and immediately back, this is enough for the muscles to get a decent stretch.

Exercises for stretching the buttocks

1. We look carefully at the beautiful girl in the picture and do exactly the same 😉. Sit butt on the floor, straighten right leg on your knees, place your left behind your right, your back is straight.

2. For stability, rest the fingers of your left hand on the floor, bend your right arm at the elbow, and begin smooth movement Turn your body to the left, you will immediately feel your buttock stretching.

3. No sharpness, the movements are deep but smooth, after holding for literally 1 second, return to the starting position.

4. Do 15 times on each side, this will be 1 approach. There should be at least 3 such approaches. The middle and small muscles.

1. Another great exercise for the buttocks, lie on the floor, bending your left leg at the knees, pulling it towards your chest.

2. Then, grasping your knee, pull it to the side towards your chest as much as possible, reaching the peak of the stretch, stay in this position for 10 seconds. Stretches very well gluteus maximus muscle.

3. Without rest, do the same with the other leg, do 5 repetitions on each leg in 1 approach, there should be 3-4 approaches in total, and then at your discretion.

Training without preliminary stretching increases the possibility of injury!

Leg stretching exercises

1. Looked at beautiful girl and do the same, with your right hand for stability of balance, grab the support, with your left hand take your left leg and lift it up as much as possible, preferably so that the heel almost touches the buttocks.

2. Please note that the knee does not go back, the thigh is strictly vertical to the floor, this is the only way to stretch the muscles (the front of the thigh) as much as possible.

3. Stay in the position of stretching the muscle as in the photo for 15-20 seconds on each leg, perform 2-3 such stretches, you should feel the muscles stretching, gradually the feeling that the muscle is stretching will pass, this means that the muscles are well stretched.

1. Great exercise for stretching both for and .

2. Take a deep lunge forward, hind leg can rest on the toe or lie with the foot up, as shown in the figure.

3. Leaning your hands on the floor, reach the maximum stretch of the muscles without causing pain, stay in this position for 20 seconds. and change legs. At the end of the exercise, shake your legs to relieve muscle tension.

1. The exercise is called half-split, look carefully at the picture, lower yourself to the lowest point very slowly, holding your hands to the floor.

2. Having reached the bottom point, you can slightly lean forward and try to reach your toes with your fingers, the hamstrings and hamstrings warm up well, you can also lean back, here the adductor muscles of the legs come into play, that is, the groin muscles get a good warm-up and will be less susceptible damage.

1. Take the starting position with your feet wider than your shoulders. Begin to alternately tilt and reach for the left and right toes of your feet. The knees should not bend when bending.

2. No sudden movements, everything is smooth and controlled, with each inclination as the hamstrings and ligaments warm up, the inclination will become deeper and easier. Take your time, do everything carefully, without feeling any sharp pain.

1. A variation of the exercise described above, only the starting position is sitting on the floor, start stretching forward, reaching your toes with your hands or placing them on your knees, as indicated in the figure, and try to bend your torso as low as possible.

2. You can stretch the ligaments of the back of your legs either by smooth bending or by holding in this position for 10-15 seconds.

1. An excellent exercise to warm up your muscles.

2. Lean your hands against the wall, your left leg is in front, and your right foot rests completely on the floor. It is important that the heel remains on the floor , otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise is lost. You can adjust the stretch by stepping your right foot closer or further, as long as your heel is on the floor.


A set of the most common exercises for stretching the whole body was described above, modify them, experiment, make your own adjustments, in short, use your imagination and choose for yourself best exercises, giving maximum effect.

Remember good stretch Not only does it provide elastic muscles, but it also reduces the likelihood of injury before performing exercises.

Leave comments about the effect you got from stretching, the opinion of every reader is important to us, good luck 😉!

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Stretching is a training technique that allows you to make your muscles more elastic and your body more flexible. The literal translation of the word “stretching” is stretching.

But the technique received its English name due to the fact that it is practiced separately from fitness and athleticism, with the goal of improving the body’s health and making it more flexible.Stretching is especially popular among middle-aged and elderly people. If you believe the statistics, people who started doing fitness and stretching after the age of 35 look better by the age of 70 and have a higher level of flexibility than “passive” individuals.


There are several types of stretching– static, ballistic and proprioceptive muscle facilitation (PPMF).

Static stretching- This is a simple stretching of the muscle with holding the torso for some time in an extended position.

At ballistic stretch the muscle is stretched through short jerking movements.

PPMO– this is a complicated version of ballistic stretching; in this case achieve more stretch the partner helps - through soft short pressure on the working part of the body.

A set of leg stretching exercises

The stretching program provides three types of exercises for stretching the leg muscles:

  • exercises for stretching the quadriceps (front thigh muscles),
  • for stretching the hamstrings ( posterior muscles hips),
  • exercises to stretch the calf muscles.

The legs have, in addition to the front and back muscles of the thighs and calf muscles, many more muscles, but there is no point in stretching them additionally - since they are all involved in the above-mentioned exercises.

Quadriceps stretch

Lie on your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee and, clasping your foot with your hand, pull it behind your back, stretching the anterior thigh muscle as much as possible. Repeat similar exercise for the other leg.

Hamstring stretch

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Using your hands, pull your legs towards you without lifting your back from the floor.

Calf stretch

Stand a step away from the wall. Step forward with one foot and place your toe against the wall. Pressing your whole body against the wall, do not lift the heel of your “working” leg. Every day, gradually increase your step width.

Back stretching exercises

The back consists of the lumbar muscles and the latissimus muscles, plus many small muscles, connected to them. By doing exercises to stretch the main muscles of the back, you are doing prevention for all the others.

Stretching exercises long muscles back (lumbar muscles)

Get down on your knees. In this case, your pelvis should be placed on or between your heels. Lean forward and extend your arms as far as possible. As soon as you feel that your palms have reached their maximum point, continue to bend over until you feel the peak of the stretch in your lower back.

Exercise to stretch the latissimus dorsi muscles

Standing a step away from the door frame, bend down and grab the frame with your right hand. Place your left hand above it. Pull your torso back, stretching your right latissimus muscle. Repeat the same exercise for the other side.

Shoulder stretches

There are three exercises to fully stretch your shoulders. And it’s better to do all three at once. Each exercise uses specific heads deltoid muscles, also muscles associated with shoulder joints– rhomboids and muscles that rotate the scapula.

1. Straighten your arm until it is parallel to the floor. Grab the elbow of your outstretched arm with your other hand and pull it towards your opposite shoulder. Repeat the same exercise for the other shoulder.

2. Raising one hand up, bend it at the elbow, and try to reach it with the other hand, only from below. Then repeat the exercise, changing the position of your hands.

3. Place the back of your hand on your lower back, and with your other hand grab your elbow or slightly higher. Pull your arm forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Repeat the exercise for the other shoulder.

Arm muscle stretching

By doing stretching exercises for your biceps and triceps, you are doing preventive measures for elbow joints, traction tendons and wrist joints.

Triceps stretch

Raising your arm up, bend it behind your head and grab your elbow with your other hand. Smoothly pull your working hand downwards. A similar exercise is for the other hand.

Biceps stretch

Grab the door jamb. At the same time thumb your arm should “look” down and your arm should be parallel to the floor. Then turn around so that your gaze is in the opposite direction from the “working” hand. Standing in this position, rotate the shoulder section of your arm upward until you feel a stretch in your biceps. Repeat a similar exercise for the other hand.

Breast stretch

Standing at the door frame, rest your hands on it so that the shoulder sections of your arms are parallel to the floor. Press into the doorframe, stretching your pectoral muscles as much as possible.

Neck stretch

Neck stretching is useful not only for the prevention of diseases of the neck muscles and joints. It is useful for relieving fatigue after a long day mental work, and also to relax nerves after grueling athletic training.

Three simple exercises performed after work or training will help you maintain your vision, recover faster and protect your neck muscles from microtrauma.

In a standing position, tilt your head down until your chin touches your chest, then take the starting position and tilt your head back; 10 – 15 repetitions.

After resting for 30 seconds, tilt your head as far as possible to the left, then slowly return to the starting position and tilt your head as far as possible to the right; 8 – 10 repetitions in each direction.

After a short interval, smoothly turn your head counterclockwise, then in the opposite direction.

The above set is stretching exercises for beginners. For those who simply want to maintain their muscles and joints in the right tone, such stretching is quite enough. But you must remember the conditions, non-compliance with which can cause harm.

  • Before performing the “stretching” complex, it is necessary to perform a light fitness complex.
  • Either perform one easy set of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups at once, or do a low-intensity athletic exercise before each exercise.

For example, before stretching your leg muscles, do squats, and before stretching your biceps, do biceps curls with light weights.

  • Fans of athleticism and fitness should know that stretching should be performed either immediately after finishing a workout, or no earlier than 24 hours after it.
  • If you perform stretching earlier than a day after training, this will only increase the damage and can lead to microtrauma and problems with the joints.

Stretching and flexibility exercises

The complex presented below includes exercises that can make your body more flexible.

In order for the body to become more flexible, it is not enough simple complex to relieve fatigue or muscle tension. More dynamic movements are needed, performed using your own effort or with the help of a partner.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Stand in the doorway. Rest your forearms against the door frame so that your upper arms are in one line.

Make several stretching movements, pressing your chest into the doorway.

Then ask your partner to press down on your back and hold your torso at the point of maximum chest stretch.

Perform 3 of these holds.

Before stretching, perform a light set of push-ups.

Back stretching exercise

Sitting on your heels, lean forward as much as possible, placing your outstretched arms in front of you. Pause at the bottom point, and with a slight jerking movement, bend your lower back even more. 8 – 10 repetitions.

Before this exercise, perform a set of standing bends or hyperextensions.

When you get bored and completely simple exercise To stretch the long back muscles, make it more difficult. Perform a similar exercise, but not sitting on your heels, but sitting on the floor with your legs straight.

Stretch exercise for hamstrings

Stand straight with your feet together. Lean forward, trying to reach your fingers to the floor. Do 6 – 8 measured inclinations.

Then stand up straight, inhale and exhale deeply, and begin ballistic hamstring stretches. Bend as low as possible through jerking movements, touching your fingers to the floor, and stay in the lower position for as long as possible. 5 – 6 repetitions.

Do a set of squats before stretching. If you have stiff joints in your legs and lower back, do the stretching exercise for the rear leg muscles from the first set after squats.

If you have sufficient flexibility and reaching the floor with your fingers is not at all a problem for you, you’d better prefer another exercise - hamstring stretch against the wall.

Standing against a wall, lift your leg. Ask a partner to help you stretch your hamstrings as far as possible. 3 – 4 exercises for each leg.

Before such an exercise, in any case, you need a warm-up and gentle pre-stretching.

Quadriceps stretching exercise

Standing straight, bend your right leg at the knee and grab your foot with your right hand. Pull your foot up until there is a full stretch in the anterior thigh muscle. Do 2–3 exercises for each leg.

Then do the same exercise, but in ballistic mode. Perform 5 repetitions for each leg.

If you do this exercise after the previous one, no preliminary warm-up is needed.

If you do this as your first exercise for any reason, do a light set of squats. Then do the quadriceps stretch from the first set.

Exercise to stretch the calf muscles

Execute maximum quantity calf raises while standing on a stand. Then rest for 1 – 2 minutes.

Perform the donkey exercise (bent-over calf raises (torso parallel to the floor) while standing on a bar), but do not do the maximum number of repetitions. Do 5 – 6 repetitions, then stretch your calves as far as possible and hold at this point. Perform 3 sets.

Exercise to develop flexibility of arms and shoulders

Place a chair with a backrest in front of you. The back of the chair should be positioned towards you. The chair should be at such a distance from you that you can lean over and place your palms on it.

Bend over, rest your palms on the back of the chair, and continue to “press.” Make 5 jerking movements without lifting your hands from the back of the chair and without changing the position of your back.

At each workout, try to increase the delay time at the bottom point. When you can hold the maximum stretch for 10 seconds without much difficulty, change the routine slightly. Remove the hamstring stretch and the donkey exercise, but include the metronome exercise. And do it after the quadriceps stretching exercise.

Exercise "Metronome"

Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lean to the right side, touching your hand to the same leg. Make 8 measured movements, then grab your leg with your hand at the lowest point you can reach. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Do 5 sets for each side. published

Reading time: 13 minutes

The cross split is one of the most impressive demonstrations of flexibility and stretching. We offer you the best exercises with which you can sit on cross twine.

Transverse splits are usually more difficult to master than longitudinal splits. In order to do the cross splits, you need not only to stretch the muscles and ligaments of your legs well, but also to significantly improve the mobility of the sacrum and hip joints. The path to cross splits can be long, so be patient, it takes from several months to a year to master it.

The benefits of cross twine

The cross split is not only a spectacular pose, but also very useful. You will get a number of benefits from the cross split stretch:

  • Strengthen your leg muscles, make them toned and slender.
  • While performing cross split exercises, the muscles of the back, lower back and abs are also worked.
  • Thanks to split stretching, you will improve the functioning of the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system.
  • Elastic ligaments and flexibility in the hip joints are the key to good health during pregnancy and easy childbirth.
  • Cross split stretching is a good prevention of diseases of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract.
  • You will improve stretching of the hip joints, which are involved in many strength and aerobic exercise. This will allow you to perform exercises with more amplitude and quality.

Before performing the splits exercises, be sure to do a warm-up warm-up. When the muscles are not warmed up and prepared, stretching training will be ineffective. You will not make progress and will put off your cross split dream indefinitely.

If you want to do the splits faster, you can purchase special simulator for stretching on cross twine. Stretching with such a simulator is very convenient and comfortable - you do not need external pressure or holding positions. Using a stretching machine, your muscles will be relaxed and more pliable for stretching, which means you will do the splits much faster.

10 exercises for warming up and warming up before the splits

Perform the exercises below in sequence. Your body will warm up, your heart rate will increase, and you will feel a pleasant warmth in your muscles. If you feel that after doing the exercises you haven’t warmed up enough, repeat the complex again.

For each exercise The number of repetitions on one side is indicated. For example, the first exercise is walking in place with knees raised. You should perform 20 leg raises with your right leg, 20 leg raises with your left leg, for a total of 40 repetitions. You can increase the number of repetitions at your discretion (decreasing is not recommended!).

1. Walking in place with knees raised : 20 reps

2. Swing to your feet : 20 reps

3. Rotations for the hip joints : 20 reps

4. Side lunge : 15 reps

5. Tilt towards the leg : 15 reps

6. Back Squat: 20 reps

7. Back lunges : 10 reps

8. Jumping rope: 40 reps

: 40 reps each (just count to 80 in sync with the movement)

10. Jumps with arms and legs raised: 35 reps

Cross split exercises can only be performed with a warm body. Cross-split stretching exercises without warming up are not only ineffective, but also very dangerous.

Origin of the term " stretching"has English roots. We are talking about a special type of aerobics exercise, where all attention is focused on elasticity and flexibility of the body, muscle stretching. This type of exercise is suitable for people of any age and does not depend on the degree of preliminary training of the person. Classes can be completely independent, or they can be additional load to the basic system of aerobics or fitness exercises.

Regardless of age or body flexibility, these exercises are suitable for everyone. Optimal results are achieved only if you perform them daily.

First of all, you need to understand what you want to get from these classes:

  • Stimulate blood circulation, lymph circulation;
  • relieve pain caused by tension nervous system and stress;
  • slow down the aging of the body;
  • maintain the elasticity of the body's muscle mass;
  • reduce mental stress.

It's worth understanding what it is this type aerobics, what are its benefits, why do they do stretching, what results can a person expect if they do the exercises regularly.

From everything written above, it becomes clear that stretching is a complex for stretching and flexibility of the body. Training can be spontaneous, as a separate full-fledged complex, and additional, as an addition to developed exercises. Relatively speaking, each of us who has tried to do the splits at least once has done stretching. Important element This type of exercise is stretching the leg muscles.

In addition to the fact that this type of aerobics helps to train the muscles of the back, arms, neck, and overall upper body. Regular stretching helps the joints and muscles of the body not lose mobility, and, importantly, slows down their aging processes.

Stretching classes are included in the training complex for professional athletes and are used as an independent type of therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics. This type of discipline makes it possible to alternately relax and tense muscle tissue, and this helps the rapid processes of relieving tension in the body and restores lost strength, helps to relax and tone the body.

Another important fact is that this type of aerobics provides all women with the opportunity to be slim and beautiful. At regular classes V gym, at some point, you will notice that all the excess body fat is almost gone and the size of your muscle mass has increased. The prominence of the muscles creates the visual impression that the body has become larger. An additional benefit of stretching is that the muscles do not grow in width, despite their regular stretching. The result of constant exercise is a magnificent figure - beautiful body, charming curves, perfect waist.

Benefits of exercise

A set of flexibility and stretching training will give a person:

  • improved self-esteem, good mood, feeling of comfort and inner satisfaction;
  • will help eliminate pain and tension at different points by eliminating muscle and nerve blocks;
  • activates the cardiovascular system. The work of peripheral veins and arteries is important, since this is what helps eliminate long-standing ailments and prevent problems such as thrombosis, atherosclerosis, etc.;
  • will restore natural flexibility to the body and help rejuvenate the body;
  • slimness will always be majestic and straight;
  • classes help to work out all muscle groups, including those that are not used during visits to the gym.

Stretching classes will be appropriate at any time of the day, including between strength training. After just one month, a person notices the manifestation of hidden capabilities own body. For example, you can easily and simply sit in the lotus position, or put your head on your lap. There are no limits to improving your capabilities, so with the passage of time and regular exercise, the amazing secrets of yoga can become available to you.

Nuances and specifics

There are several types of stretching, so it’s easy to choose the one that’s right for you, depending on your preferences and complexity.

Strength gymnastics– exercises for stretching and muscle strength. Such classes are perfect for those who have dealt with systematic stretching.

Aerostretching– stretching and elasticity exercises based on canvases in the air. The exercises are not suitable for beginners as there is a high risk of damage and injury. This type of stretching is suitable for those who already have basic training after classical aerobics classes.

Beginners should be careful and work gradually. It is unacceptable to demand maximum results from the body in a short period of time, since heavy loads can greatly harm the muscles of the body. Beginners usually start their work with simple exercises, holding each of them for no more than 15-20 seconds.

Basic rules for beginners:

  • Proper breathing. You cannot hold or speed up your inhalations or exhalations. Throughout the entire complex you need to breathe rhythmically and measuredly. You can breathe deeply during the break between stands;
  • stretching workouts are practiced after aerobics, gymnastics, physical activity. This is what ensures the required blood flow to muscle mass and increases their elasticity;
  • after exercise, you need to relax your muscles, do not take on heavy work, eliminate strength exercises, since you can overstrain the body;
  • Stretching of the body occurs to a certain point - pain impulses are an indicator of a sufficient degree of load. The appearance of pain indicates that a person has reached his maximum limit of muscle stretching.

Minor pain should not be scary. There is a concept of “pleasant” pain impulses in the muscles, and “dangerous” symptoms that indicate the risk of injury or its presence. A person quickly learns to distinguish one from another after he begins training.

Set of exercises

Training sessions are carried out in several stages:

  1. A mandatory phase is strength manipulation or warm-up: in this way, a person warms up his muscles to avoid damage.
  2. A system of exercises for body flexibility - bending, etc.
  3. A set of stretching exercises that are best done with a partner.
  4. Exercises to relax muscles.

The effectiveness of the exercises becomes obvious after several workouts. Each time the body acquires a greater degree of plasticity. Over time, the complex can be expanded, ballet stretching exercises can be introduced - this will make it possible to achieve more significant progress. Classes can be conducted with music. Musical accompaniment is an individual choice. Anything goes: light pop, relaxing ambient, jazz, etc. Now there are a number of web sites where all kinds of tunes for fitness, gymnastics, and aerobics are posted.

Simple exercises for flexibility and stretching of the body:

The main thing is to alternately relax and statically tense pulled muscles bodies. At the very beginning of the course, it is preferable to study with experienced trainer in the field of stretching aerobics.


It is not recommended to exercise for people who have injuries, pathological problems with the spine or joints, especially during periods of exacerbation. Also, those with serious illnesses should not do the exercises. cardiovascular system, thrombosis, hernias, arthritis, osteoporosis. You cannot train with a fever, flu, symptoms of any inflammatory processes or infectious diseases.

Be sure to include back stretching exercises in your workouts. Your muscles must be elastic and strong so that there is no risk of injury.

The main indicator of aging of the body is flexibility, the main component of which is the mobility of the spine and back. Your mobility and beautiful posture depend on the condition of the spinal column and spinal muscles. Not only those who love sports and dance need flexibility and mobility; every person should monitor their flexibility and stretch their back. And our back flexibility exercises, which can be performed at home without spending a lot of time and effort, will help with this.

Back stretching exercises

Spine stretch

How to do it: sit on the floor with your legs spread wide apart, tilt your head forward. Then slowly begin to reach your chest towards the floor. Breathe as normal as you feel comfortable. When tilting your head, your chin should be pressed to the base of your neck - this will increase the muscle stretch of your back.

“You should feel the movement of every vertebra,” this is how Margot MacKinnon, director of the famous Pilates center in Toronto, instructs her students. - This exercise stretches the paraspinal muscles (the muscles of the spine). You can feel this effect in sore hamstrings and calves."

It is not at all necessary to reach our toes with our hands - we do not have the goal of lying on the floor - and we do not have to endure severe muscle pain for a long time. As soon as you feel a stretch in the ligaments and muscles, return to the starting position.

Exercise "cat-camel"

Execution order: standing on all fours, alternately arch and arch your back. Make sure that all three parts of the spine are involved: lumbar (lower), thoracic (middle) and cervical (upper).

Perform the exercise slowly and carefully, do not make sudden movements. One movement takes approximately 3-4 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Crossing your legs

Execution order: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet firmly on the floor. Stretch your arms along your body, palms down. It is important to breathe correctly here: inhale and exhale for about 4 seconds. Cross your right knee over your left leg (leg-to-leg pose). Tilt your hips slightly to the right (literally 5 cm), and point the knees of both legs to the left.

“Don't try to touch your knees to the floor,” says Marla Eriksen, fitness trainer and spokesperson for CanFitPro. “When you feel that the maximum amplitude has been reached, you should stop.”

As you move, your right shoulder may rise slightly - this is natural. But you don’t need to tilt your head, keep it straight. Then turn your right hand so that your palm is facing up and begin to pull it towards your head.

"This will reveal your chest and is a great stretch for the spine,” says Eriksen.

Hold this position for 1-3 minutes, then repeat with the other leg.

Turn your back in different directions on a chair

Execution order: sit on a chair with your feet together. Start turning top part torso to the left so that the shoulders also turn to the left. You can hold onto the chair with your hands to maintain balance.

Make a turn with the amplitude that is most comfortable for you. You will feel a stretch from your lower back to your shoulders.

“You may hear a characteristic cracking sound in the vertebrae, but this is normal, there is no need to worry. It's just the joints working,” says Larry Feldman, a chiropractor and founder of a medical center in Toronto.

Hold the twist for 20 seconds (about 6 breaths), then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Squat bends

Execution order: stand straight, spread your legs wide to the sides. The toes “look” outward. Pull your stomach in, tighten your buttocks, and squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Place your hands on your knees. Raise your pelvis by contracting your muscles (imagine that you really want to go to the toilet in a small way, but you have to endure it). Take a deep breath, keep your back straight. Then exhale sharply and turn your shoulders to the left.

Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds (inhale and exhale slowly 3 times). Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise "mermaid"

Execution order: sit on the floor, bend your legs under you and move them slightly to your left. Use your left hand to support your ankles. Raise your right hand and take a deep breath. Tilt your arm to the left side above your head, exhale.

As soon as you feel tension and stretching in your right side, stop and hold for 20-30 seconds. Do 2 more times on this side, then repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Seated forward bends

Execution order: sit on the floor, straighten your legs. For this exercise you will need a small towel. Take a deep breath and stretch your arms up. Exhale and begin to tilt your torso forward, trying to touch your legs with your stomach. Take a towel, wrap it around your feet and gently pull it towards you.

“When stretching your spine, keep your neck level with it,” advises Eve Redpath, personal trainer and founder of Body Conditioning by Dancers in Toronto. Take another deep breath, and as you exhale, bend your torso as low as possible. Hold for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Do what you feel comfortable with, just gradually increase the time. Stretch until you feel slight tension. There is no need to endure severe pain."

Leg twists

Execution order: Lie on your back and lift your legs up, bending them at the knees. Place your hands on the floor, palms down.

"Take a deep breath, count to four, exhale slowly, then rotate your knees to the right and lower them to the floor," recommends Mark Crocker, founder of In Your Element Personal Fitness and Rehabilitation in St. John's. Lift your left hip up, but your shoulders should be pressed firmly to the floor. Perform the exercise with feeling, with alignment, without rushing. If you rush, there will be no effect.”

Try to keep your knees together, lower them as low as possible. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise in the other direction. Do this stretch daily, at least once on each side.

Stretch against the wall

Execution order: stand close to the wall, your tailbone, shoulder blades and head should be firmly pressed against the surface of the wall. Raise your arms up, palms out, bend them at the elbows so that your hands are at shoulder level.

Begin to slowly extend your arms up, without lifting them from the wall. Raise them to the maximum limit, but remember that your body should not leave the wall.

“Focus on the exercise, take your time, try to raise your arms as high as possible,” says Scott Tate, a board-certified kinesiologist in Toronto and a spokesman for the Ontario Association of Kinesiologists. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times (if you have shoulder pain, then do 3-5 times, no more). It's not as easy as it might seem at first."

You will feel how the muscles of your chest, shoulders, and back will stretch.

Sitting back turns

Execution order: The secret to this exercise, according to Jay Blahnik, world-renowned fitness trainer and bestselling author of Full-Body Flexibility, is to gently stretch your spine without resorting to force.

Sit on the floor, keep your back straight, legs straight. Then bend your right leg at the knee and throw it over your left thigh. Bend your left leg as well, placing your heel under your right thigh. If this is too difficult for you, keep your left leg straight.

Place your left elbow on your right knee, with outside, and press lightly on yourself until you feel tension in your muscles. Right hand put it aside a little, turn your head to the right. Hold this position for 30 seconds, breathe evenly and deeply, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise in the other direction.

"Don't just turn your back on different sides, but stretch it, develop the muscles,” advises Blahnik.published .

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