Bodybuilding strength training plan. Types of strength training

Sergey Leonov

In this system strength exercises Each exercise is based on the fact that the force of your movement, at the widest point of the amplitude (thin arrow), is opposed by the counter force of your own resistance (thick arrow), which fundamentally distinguishes it from the system of Anokhin and Charles Atlas. My system for developing strength is much closer to systems with artificial weights. Here are the same bench presses, rows and fly-ups, but the role of exercise equipment and athletic equipment is played by the strong supports of your arms and legs.

When performing the following exercises on strength development Fully contract the muscle being trained. Movements must be full-amplitude, and the load must be uniform in all areas of movement. The exercises are performed at the same pace as exercises with artificial weights. Be sure to achieve the “pumping” effect (if after the first approach it does not appear, you should increase the load).

1. Press your knees together forward.
For all areas pectoral muscles.
Original position: Sit on a chair, bench or on your knees and buttocks. Wrap your hands around your knees. Knees together, elbows pressed to the sides. Bend forward as far as possible and tighten your chest muscles (1a).
Execution: Resisting with your body, straighten your arms. Push off your knees, directing the force of your arms forward (1b). In the final phase, without releasing tension from the chest muscles, bring your shoulders inward and downward, ensuring maximum contraction of the pectoral muscles (1c).
The functionality of the exercise is similar to the bench press from the chest from a lying position.
5 sets of 10 reps each.
2. Bringing the knees together with straightened arms.
For the outer sections of the middle bundles of the pectoral muscles.
Starting position: sit on a bench, knees spread to the sides as far as possible. The back and arms are straight. Grasp the outer parts of your knees with your hands (2a).
Execution: without bending your arms, bring your knees together, overcoming their resistance (2b)
5 sets of 10 reps
3. Tilt your head forward with resistance from your palms.
For the anterior neck muscles.
Starting position: tilt your neck as far back as possible. Place the heels of your palms on the front of your forehead, with your elbows pointing forward (Behind).
Execution: overcoming the resistance of your hands, tilt your neck forward as far as possible (36).
3 sets of 10 reps.
4. Tilt the head back with the resistance of the hands interlocked in a “lock”.
For muscles back surface neck.
Starting position: bend your head forward as far as possible. With your hands clasped in a “lock,” clasp the crown of your head, your elbows down (4a).
Execution: overcoming the resistance of your hands, tilt your head back as far as possible (4b).
3 sets of 10 reps.
5. Front outward elbow lift.
For the anterior deltoid muscle.
Starting position: stand straight with your elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees and lowered. Forearm right hand directed inward. The left hand presses on the right elbow from above (5a).
Execution: overcoming the resistance of your left hand, raise your right elbow as far as possible (5b).
Do the same exercise with the other shoulder. 5 sets for each shoulder, 10 reps each.
6. Raise the back-facing elbow from the side with resistance from above.
For the middle fascicle of the deltoid muscle.
Starting position: both shoulders are lowered, arms are bent at the elbows. The upper part of the right arm is located along the side line of the body. With your left hand, press on the right elbow from above, creating resistance (6a),
Execution: overcoming the resistance of your palms, raise your right elbow from the side up to the limit (6b).
Do the same for the other shoulder. 5 approaches each. 10 repetitions each.
7. Bend your arm with your palm facing up.
For biceps.
Starting position: the right arm is fully extended, palm up. Place the heel of the palm of your left hand against the heel of your right palm (7a).
Execution: overcoming the resistance of your left hand, fully bend your right elbow at the elbow (7b).
Do the same for the other hand. 5 approaches each. 10 repetitions each.
8. Bench press from a seated position.
For triceps.
Starting position: sit on a bench or chair, lean forward as much as possible, bending your elbows. Colonytogether. Place your fists on the upper parts and press down (8a).
Execution: overcoming resistance. fully extend your body at the elbows (8b).
5 sets of 10 reps.
9. Knee extension from a supine position.
For the muscles of the anterior thigh.
Original position: Lying on your back, bend your knees. The knees are brought together and directed upward. Place the heel of your left foot on the instep of your right foot (9a).
Execution: overcoming the resistance of your left leg, extend your right leg to the limit (9b).
Do the same with the other leg. 5 approaches each. 10 reps each.
10. Raising your feet up with resistance with your hands.
For the muscles of the anterior surface of the lower leg.
Starting position: sitting, feet rest completely on the entire sole, rest the bases of your palms on the bases of your toes from above (10a).
Execution: overcoming the resistance of your palms, lift your toes up (10b).
5 sets, 10 reps each.
11. Fist bending inward.
For muscles inner surface forearms.
Starting position: the forearm is trained both on weight and with support on the thigh or side. The right hand is clenched into a fist, palm up. The wrist is bent outward to the limit. Place the base of the palm of your left hand against the base of the second phalanges of your right fist (11a).
Execution: Overcoming the resistance of your left hand, bend your right wrist. Only the fist moves - strictly inward to the limit (11b).
Do the same exercise for the other forearm.
5 sets, 10 reps each.

Reading time: 28 min

If you have dumbbells of different weights, then you can work on your muscles even at home.

We offer you an effective strength training plan for girls at home + a ready-made selection of exercises, thanks to which you can change the quality of your body, making it elastic and sculpted.

Rules for strength training at home

Why do girls need strength training?

  • for muscle tone and getting rid of body sagging
  • For round buttocks and getting rid of cellulite
  • for strong back muscles and a healthy spine
  • to speed up metabolism ( muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat)

1. To perform strength training at home, you will need dumbbells. It is advisable to have a set of dumbbells of different weights or collapsible dumbbells. For example, for small muscle groups (triceps, biceps, deltoids) you need more light weight dumbbells, for large muscle groups (chest, back, legs)– heavier weight. In addition, gradually you will need to use O Lighter weight dumbbells for progress in training.

2. What weight of dumbbells should I use? It depends on your goals. If you want to tone your muscles a little and tighten your body, you can use light weight dumbbells (2-5 kg). If you want to seriously work on your relief or build muscle mass, then you need to take more dumbbell weights (5-20 kg).

3. If you have small dumbbells, you can perform exercises with b O more repetitions (15-20 repetitions). In this case, work is being done on light muscle tone, body strengthening and fat burning. If you have heavy dumbbells and want to work on quality muscle definition, then do not large number repetitions (10-12 reps) with maximum weight: so that the last repetition in the set is performed at maximum effort.

4. Perform each exercise in 3-5 approaches, rest for 30-60 seconds between approaches. Rest 2-3 minutes between exercises.

5. If you don’t have dumbbells or can’t purchase them, you can use rubber equipment to perform strength exercises. In this case, you can purchase very compact and inexpensive equipment, for example:

Even if you have the required set of dumbbells, this equipment can be useful for additional load.

6. If you are just starting to train or have little experience, we recommend that you look at these articles to get started:

  • Training for beginners: selection of exercises + ready-made plan
  • Home workouts for girls: a ready-made exercise plan for the whole body

7. You need to do strength training 3-4 times a week for 40-60 minutes. It is enough to train one muscle group 1-2 times a week. The detailed plan is presented below.

8. Be sure to warm up before training and stretch after training:

While stretching, pay special attention to the muscles being trained. Good stretch after training it helps to increase the range of motion, increase the effectiveness of the exercise, and avoid tight muscles and injuries. A good warm-up before training will better prepare your body for exercise and avoid injury.

9. If you want to not only tone your muscles, but also speed up the fat burning process, then be sure to include cardio training in your workout plan. It could be running brisk walking, Tabata training, exercise on an exercise bike or elliptical. Doing cardio 60-90 minutes per week is enough (for example, 2 times a week for 30-45 minutes or 4 times a week for 15-20 minutes). Be sure to check out:

10. Always do strength training in sneakers to avoid problems with joints and varicose veins. Wear comfortable clothes made from natural materials. In case varicose veins veins, you can use compression stockings.

11. Without changing your diet, you cannot improve your body even with regular exercise, so we recommend that you start counting calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat in a calorie deficit. If you want to gain muscle mass, you need to eat in a calorie surplus and enough protein. If you want to maintain weight and tone your body, then choose the “weight support” option.

Strength training plan for girls at home

If you want to tone your body or build muscle mass, we recommend doing strength training at home 3-4 times a week. The most effective are split workouts, according to which you will train different groups muscles according to the following principle:

  • Back + biceps (“pulling” muscles). During back exercises, the biceps of the arms are also used, so it is logical to perform these muscle groups together. You can add abdominal exercises to these if time permits.
  • Chest + triceps (“pushing” muscles). During chest exercises, the triceps are included in the work, so these two muscle groups are most often trained together. Also on this day you can additionally work on the deltoids (shoulders), since they also receive a load during triceps exercises.
  • Legs (this includes gluteal muscles) . Usually a separate day is allocated for legs, but you can also train on this day deltoids(shoulders) or abs. If you need additional emphasis on your hips or buttocks, you can train your legs 2 times a week.
  • Shoulders (deltoids). You can devote a separate day to your shoulders (adding abdominal exercises to them). But most often, girls add shoulder exercises to the leg muscles or chest and triceps muscles.
  • Press (muscle corset) . There is no point in dedicating a separate day to abdominal muscles. You can train them at the end of each session for 5-10 minutes, or add a full set of exercises to your least busy training day.

Based on this principle and the number of training days per week, you can choose one of several training options. Below is a strength training plan for girls and exercises with dumbbells.

Strength training 3 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 2: Legs + Shoulders + Abs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps + Abs

In this case, the workout will end with a short abdominal segment for 5-10 minutes.

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps + Abs
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps + Shoulders

Because legs are often problem area for girls, you can allocate a separate day only for the hips and buttocks, and exercises for top part distribute the body over 2 days.

Strength training 4 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 4: Shoulders + Abs

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs + Shoulders
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 4: Legs + Abs

The second option is suitable for those who want to work more intensively on the formation of elastic hips and buttocks.

Strength training 5 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs + Abs
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 4: Shoulders + Abs
  • Day 5: Legs

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Legs + Abs
  • Day 2: Back and biceps
  • Day 3: Legs + Abs
  • Day 4: Chest and Triceps + Shoulders
  • Day 5: Legs + Abs

The second option is suitable for those who want to work more intensively on the formation of elastic hips and buttocks.

Strength exercises for girls at home

We offer you a ready-made selection of strength exercises for girls at home for all muscle groups. The article specifies the number of repetitions, but you can increase them if you exercise with light dumbbell weights. Rest between sets 30-60 seconds, between exercises 2-3 minutes. If you find it difficult to perform some strength exercises with dumbbells (for example, for legs), then you can train without dumbbells for the first time.

The numbers 5 x 10-12 mean 5 sets of 10-12 reps.

Chest and triceps exercises

(3 x 8-10)

Or push-ups from your knees:

(4 x 10-12)

If you don't have a platform or bench, you can link two stools or chairs together. If there is no suitable furniture, you can do it on the floor.

(4 x 10-12)

(3 x 10-12)

(5 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

Back and biceps exercises

(5 x 10-12)

(5 x 10-12)

3. One-arm dumbbell row (4 x 10-12 per hand)

(5 x 10-12)

Or Biceps curl with alternating arms (5 x 10-12)

(5 x 10-12)

If you have a horizontal bar, then start training your back and biceps with pull-ups. Even if you don't know how to do pull-ups and have never done it before, be sure to check out our article on step by step instructions for pull-ups:

Shoulder exercises (deltoids)

If you train your shoulders along with your chest and triceps, or simply don’t want to train this muscle group particularly hard, then leave only exercises No. 1, 3, 4 or reduce the number of approaches.

(4 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

4. Lifting dumbbells to the chest (4 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12)

Exercises for legs and buttocks

We offer you 2 selections of strength exercises for the legs: a simpler option and a more complex one. You can choose only one option in accordance with your level of training, or you can mix the exercises at your discretion or alternate both options on different days.

Option 1 for beginners:

(5 x 10-12)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

(4 x 10-12 per leg)

Option 2 for advanced:

(5 x 10-12)

2. Forward lunges (4 x 10-12 per leg)

- This training plan in powerlifting for intermediate and intermediate athletes high levels fitness level, which in order to overcome the “plateau” and further progression of loads needs to include cycling in the training plan. Strength training presupposes adherence to, first of all, sleep and nutrition, and secondly, a good attitude towards training, that is, you need to “kill yourself” during training, but approach everything wisely, since the restoration abilities of all people are different. This is especially true for athletes of average training level, because their adaptation mechanisms are not yet as prepared as the adaptation mechanisms of advanced strength athletes, and therefore, a cycle that develops the athlete’s endurance should also be included in the annual training plan , so that the powerlifter can increase his CPR (number of lifts of the barbell).

Strength training for beginners and “lifters” does not need cycling, since the body has time to adapt to the load that you give it, and therefore, we recommend using strength training in the classic style 5 by 5 with a gradual linear progression of loads . When you reach the maximum in competition movements, you will need to switch to a strength cycle program, which will allow you to progress further. It is important to note that the program does not involve the use anabolic steroids, although, using “vitamins”, you, of course, will progress much faster. Actually, really important rules strength training are: warm-up, cool-down, stretching, proper prioritization and selection of suitable auxiliary exercises.

Warm up before strength training

We have already written a whole detailed article about the importance of preparing ligaments, joints and muscles for training, which you can find, but now I would like to pay attention to the strength warm-up. What does it mean? Strength warm-up is a warm-up with a barbell or dumbbells, which involves gradually increasing the weight on the apparatus and accelerating the movements performed. The number of warm-up sets before strength training depends on the athlete's fitness level, since the higher the training weight, the more steps you need to take before approaching your working weight.

You should always start your warm-up with an empty bar and do 20-30 repetitions at a slow pace so that the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints has time to release. After the first warm-up approach Another 2-5 approaches follow with a gradual progression of loads and a decrease in the number of repetitions. The athlete should perform the first set for 10 repetitions with 40% of the working weight, the 3rd set with 50% of the working weight for 8 repetitions, 4 for 5 repetitions with 60% and 5 - 75% for 4 repetitions. If the weight is really significant, then you can perform 2 more sets of 3 repetitions with 85% of the working weight. A warm-up should be performed before each basic exercise, and before all others, perform a shortened version in two or three approaches.

Cool down and stretch after strength training

Cooling down involves performing a general dynamic warm-up again at the end of a strength training session to loosen the muscles, ligaments and joints. A good solution would be to include training process cardio, when at the end of the training the athlete spins a bicycle for 20 minutes, jumps rope, or engages in some other activity within a heart rate of 120-150 beats per minute. By the way, such a cool-down will help the liver utilize lactic acid, which will significantly speed up post-workout recovery. To others important point is heart training, since excessive exercise can lead to myocardial infarction, which, of course, must be avoided at all costs!

Stretching can be used in different ways, and it is advisable to stretch not only after or during training, you can also do stretching on non-training days. Strength training places excessive stress on your ligaments and joints, so if you overstretch at the end of your workout, you may get injured. On the other hand, the muscles and ligaments are hot after training, so they stretch more easily, which is a sin not to use, you just don’t need to abuse it! Progress with stretching on non-training days, but be sure to warm up before stretching to keep your muscles, ligaments, and joints warm. Stretching will also help you recover faster between workouts.

Priorities in strength cycles

The choice of priority is very important factor drawing up a training program, since the athlete must decide which competitive movement he wants to give priority to, as well as what goal he is pursuing. The ultimate goal in powerlifting, of course, is to increase the amount in competitive movements, but there are periods of work on intensity, there are periods of work on endurance, gaining muscle mass, you can actively work on increasing your bench, squat, or deadlift results. Both the strength training itself and the selection of auxiliary exercises will depend on the prioritization.

In this case we are talking about general strength training, suggesting more or less even development of all competitive movements. However, the athlete performs deadlifts only once per microcycle, while squats and bench presses are performed twice. The point is that deadlift too much hard exercise, therefore, there is no point in performing it more often, since the athlete will simply drive himself into overtraining, because even during intensive strength training in the deadlift, he performs the exercise in full amplitude only once per microcycle. At the same time, as for auxiliary exercises, there are quite a lot of them for the back extensor in the program we offer.

Utility room for strength training

Utility exercises are all exercises that are not competitive, which are performed to additionally load the muscles and work out those areas of them that do not receive enough load in the body. basic movements. The support makes it possible to level out weak points and avoid injuries to ligaments, joints and muscles, since developed stabilizers are able to take on the load at critical moments. You can perform auxiliary exercises directly during strength training, or at other times. Professional athletes train in the morning and evening, or do the base on one day and the auxiliary on the second. For what? The fact is that the duration of the training should not exceed 60 minutes, since in 60 minutes the testosterone level drops and a large amount of cortisol is produced, which makes the training meaningless.

It is also worth noting that performing assists directly during heavy training can also be difficult because the athlete after the base is no longer capable of anything. What to do? Amateurs, as a rule, perform 1-2 auxiliary exercises at the end of the workout, or do not perform them at all. You can train 4 times a week, allocating one workout for the auxiliary, in general, it’s up to you, just like choosing the auxiliary exercises, since this program is not for beginners, with its help you can become a master of sports, so set your priorities! If you want results in a strength sport, train more, keep a routine, eat right, give up bad habits, do everything to achieve the goal, or don’t set it for yourself.

Strength training program

Strength program options:

Option #1

Notes* the program is suitable for athletes of average training level; auxiliary exercises can be performed 2 times a week on Tuesday and Thursday, or include 2 auxiliary exercises at the end of each workout.

Option No. 2

Notes* the program is designed to level the lag in the bench press; auxiliary exercises can be performed 2 times a week on Tuesday and Thursday, or include 2 auxiliary exercises at the end of each workout.

Option #3

Notes* this strength program designed for experienced powerlifters who have developed adaptive abilities, because although the volume of training in 1 training session is reduced, the weekly volume of training increases significantly; assist can be done on light training days.

Load distribution during the macrocycle

The macrocycle lasts 9-12 weeks; working weight during training depends on the stage of the macrocycle; “light” exercises involve using 65% of the working weight. Rest between approaches is 3-5 minutes, in the bench press - 3, in the deadlift and squat - 5. The number of repetitions per approach in a simple cycle is 5 x 5, in a complicated one - depends on the phase of the cycle. You need to calculate the weight on the apparatus based on the desired result at the end of the cycle, which should be + 5-10%.

Simple 10 week cycle

1 week – 80%
Week 2 – 85%
Week 3 – 87.5%
Week 4 – 90%
Week 5 – 92.5%
Week 6 – 95%
Week 7 – 97.5%
Week 8 – 100%
Week 9 – 102.5%
Week 10 – 105%

Note* when the cycle ends, if you feel that you can progress further, then try to reach 110% in 2-3 weeks, after which add 5% to the maximum result and start the cycle again.

Complicated 10 week cycle

Part 1 of the series – number of repetitions 5 to 5
1 week – 80%
Week 2 – 85%
Week 3 – 90%
Week 4 – 92.5%
Part 2 of the series – go to “4po4”
Week 5 – 97.5%
Week 6 – 100%
Week 7 – 102.5%
Part 3 of the series – go to “6?4?2?1”
Week 8 – 110%
Week 9 – 115%
Week 10 – 120%

Note* in part 3 of the cycle, the athlete performs 6 repetitions with 90% of his initial working weight, 4 repetitions with 100%, 2 with 105% and 1 repetition with 110/115/120% depending on the week of the cycle. When the macrocycle ends, add 5% to initial weight and repeat it again.

The concept of strength bodybuilding, which combines two key areas in strength training, took half its name from the word “bodybuilding” (the goal is beautiful body) and half of “powerlifting” (the goal is heavy weights) – “powerlifting” (goals – both a beautiful body and heavy weights).

Powerbuilding - two goals in one word

Frankly, long-time readers of Zozhnik and everyone who understands the essence will rightly object that the goals, firstly, are opposite, and secondly, are achieved primarily through nutrition. One day, the “powerbuilder” will have to choose: either increase weight and strength, or go on a little calorie deficit diet to reduce the percentage of body fat.

Various purposes, various types training, different ideas about ideals: for professional athletes Obviously, you need to make a choice. But amateurs often don’t just want to look good, just as they don’t just want to be strong. They would prefer to look good, have a toned and muscular body with a low percentage of body fat and at the same time be able to lift heavy weights. With small compromises for both purposes, it is certainly possible.

You will have to learn the principles of nutrition for maintaining the relief from other texts on Zozhnik, before you is the concept of strength training in the powerbuilding style.

Concept by Philipp Rauscher

We would like to warn you right away that the training concept described below is not suitable for beginners. You should already have experience in strength sports(at least six months, or better yet, a year). When starting the described training program, you should be able to perform exercises with correct technique and have a certain power base. There are other training programs for beginners.

There are many powerbuilding concepts, but fitness trainer from Germany Philipp Rauscher developed his own, which contains three main principles:

  • Heavy intensive training with basic exercises,
  • High training volume
  • Sufficient training frequency.

From these 3 principles flow the following success factors, which, according to Philipp Rauscher, will turn you into a strong and muscular athlete:

  1. Powerlifting

The first success factor is powerlifting. We should focus on getting stronger in the compound lifts (bench press, squat, deadlift). The well-known Jim Wendler 5/3/1 system . .

  1. High Frequency Training

You need to train often. However, 3 times a week is also a fairly high (or rather, optimal) frequency for a natural athlete. With this frequency we will be able to optimally utilize the body's anabolic responses and achieve high tonnage.

Tonnage refers to the amount of weight lifted per training cycle. The weight lifted multiplied by the volume (number of repetitions) equals training tonnage.

The higher the training tonnage and training volume, the better. However, you need to find the optimal amount of training so as not to burn out after 2 weeks of training and not get overtrained.

  1. Myoreps

Myoreps This is a kind of cluster technique that is used to increase training volume, but at the same time does not overload nervous system.

With high-volume training, it is the central nervous system that is loaded, so you need to train frequently and extensively, but at the same time try not to harm the central nervous system as much as possible. You need to come to each subsequent training session fresh and full of energy.

Training plan

Philip warns: the training will be difficult.

However, anyone who immediately wants to jump into cold water and immediately starts training hard - he will fail.

It is very important to gradually increase the volume and intensity of your training. Therefore, please stick to your training plan completely.

The training plan is based on the principle of training the whole body at a time (fullbody). Each workout consists of upper body pulling and pushing movements and each day will focus on a specific core exercise:

Monday: squat day

Tuesday: bench press day

Friday: deadlift day

These exercises are always performed at the very beginning of training according to the following scheme:

  • Week 1:

3x70% (from the maximum for 5 repetitions - that is, 5RM),

3x90% + Myoreps,

2 heavy singles (single reps)

  • Week 2:

5x85% + Myoreps

  • Week 3:

1х95% + Myoreps

  • Week 4:

How to do Myoreps

The latter approach always performs myoreps. This means that after the last set of the required number of repetitions is completed, you need to rest for 15-30 seconds.

Then we do 3 repetitions and put the barbell back on the racks and rest for another 15-30 seconds. Then again 3 repetitions and again a short rest. We do all this until we can complete 3 repetitions. Only then is the last approach considered completed.

Let's take, for example, the bench press exercise from the first week and assume that our 5-rep maximum is 100 kg. Then the workout will look like this:

  • 3x70kg
  • 3x80kg
  • 3x90kg + 3+3+3+3+2 (Myoreps)
  • 1x92.5kg
  • 1x95kg

In this case, the athlete performed 5 cluster approaches and in the 5th approach he was not able to complete the planned 3 repetitions, but only did two. Thus the approach was completed. Philip believes that in this case, working to failure does not occur, which overloads the central nervous system and increases recovery time.

If you feel that you are no longer able to do the third repetition, then stop the set.

The bench press is then performed in metabolic style. Jim Wendler calls it "boring but big." The bench press is performed for 5 sets of 10 reps each with a weight of 50% of our 5RM. So, if your 5RM maximum is 100 kilograms, then the workout would look like this:

  • 3x70kg
  • 3x80kg
  • 3x90kg + 3+3+3+3+2 (Myoreps)
  • 1x92.5kg
  • 1x95kg
  • Every minute, 5 sets of 10 reps with a weight of 50 kg.

Muscular failure should also not be allowed here. Those who, at the 7th repetition in the 3rd approach, understand that they cannot press any further, put the barbell on the racks, rest and from the next minute do it further, maybe even with less weight.


So the first exercise training day completed. We then do “assistance” exercises, which can consist of upper body pushing and pulling exercises and full body exercises.

You are free to choose exercises for auxiliary exercises; here are examples of auxiliary exercises:

Full body exercises:

  • Front Squats
  • Overhead squats
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders

Pull exercises:

  • Pull-ups in various variations (wide, narrow, medium grip, etc.)
  • Bent-over barbell row
  • Bent-over dumbbell row
  • Upper block pull
  • T-bar row
  • Lower block row to the waist while sitting

Pushing exercises:

  • Bench presses in various variations (dumbbells, barbells, straight, incline bench etc.)
  • Bars
  • T-bar row
  • Seated barbell press
  • Seated dumbbell press

Sample training plan

According to all principles, a training plan for a week might look like this:


  • 5/3/1 squats + 5x10 “metabolic” squats(according to the scheme as described above),
  • Bent-over barbell row (upper body rowing exercise)
  • Incline dumbbell press (upper body pushing exercise)


  • 5/3/1 bench press + 5x10 bench press done metabolic style(as described above)
  • Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders (full body exercise),
  • Wide grip pull-ups (upper body pulling exercise).


  • 5/3/1 deadlift + 5x10 metabolic style deadlift,
  • Parallel bars (upper body pushing exercise),
  • One-arm dumbbell row (upper body rowing exercise).

Comments on the program

The example shows a training plan for 4 weeks, after which it is necessary to systematically increase the total training tonnage.

Try to start small, do not immediately start with heavy weights.

The 2 exercises that follow the main basic exercise are also performed in a cluster style. The goal is to do 30-40 repetitions. For example, we make bars with an additional weight of 15 kg. At the 4th rep, we notice that we can no longer perform reps with the same purity and speed. This completes our cluster approach. We then rest for 20-40 seconds and do another 3-4 reps (similar to Myoreps). We do all this until we can do those 3-4 reps with perfect technique. Ideally, this should occur when we reach 30-40 repetitions. If this happened earlier, then the weight was too heavy, if later, then the weight was light and next time you need to use a heavier weight in this exercise.

So Monday's workout might look like this:

  • 5/3/1 squats (power version)
  • 5x10 squats (metabolic version)
  • 30-40 reps of bent-over barbell rows (hypertrophic version)
  • 30-40 reps of incline dumbbell bench press (hypertrophic version)

In the above training program a muscle group is worked out 2 times a week, which corresponds to scientific data, according to which this is the most optimal training frequency muscle group per week, promoting maximum muscle growth.

Training tonnage control

Our biggest goal is to increase our overall training tonnage every 4 weeks. Therefore, you should record the tonnage of each training day to ultimately know the total training tonnage of each week.

  • Bench press

3 x 70kg = 210 kg

3 x 80kg = 240 kg

3 x 90 kg + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 1530 kg

1 x 92.5 kg = 92.5 kg

1 x 95 kg = 95 kg

5 x 10 x 50 kg = 2500 kg

  • 33 repetitions of lunges with a barbell on the shoulders with 80 kg = 2640 kg.
  • 36 reps of pull-ups with own weight(for example, 85 kg) = 3060 kg.

Thus, the training tonnage of the week is equal to 10367.5 kg. This tonnage should be gradually increased every week. The greater the tonnage, the greater the growth.

Fasting week

Week 4 is always a fasting week. In exercises performed in the Jim Wendler 5/3/1 style, the volume is maintained, but the intensity is reduced.

In the other two exercises, the intensity remains the same, but the volume decreases. The total number of repetitions in week 4 should be reduced to 15.

Exercise Variations

In principle, you can change exercises every 4 weeks (exceptions include basic 5/3/1 style exercises). However, from a practical point of view, Philip believes that it is easier and better not to change the exercises too much, since it will be easier for you to record your progress on paper and, therefore, in the gym.

Strength training in bodybuilding is an opportunity to increase strength and also accelerate progress in muscle growth.

Strength training is the foundation of muscle growth, with the help of which we get:

  • Strong ligaments, joints and tendons. Strength training is aimed not so much at muscle hypertrophy, but at strengthening the above body systems.
  • Training muscles and stabilizer muscles who will participate in the training.

Strength training in bodybuilding. What does it look like?

Strength training in bodybuilding is:

  • Application basic exercises . Bench press, deadlift, pull-ups, variations of rows, presses, squats;
  • Low reps. From 2 to 6 repetitions per set;
  • Essential rest. Strength training is a stress on the nervous system, which needs a little more time to recover than muscles and energy. This is expressed both in less frequency of training and in more rest between approaches and exercises;
  • Progression of loads. It is necessary to constantly increase the weight of the weight in order for strength training to be complete.

Who needs strength training?

Programs should be replaced with strength training the following groups of people:

  • Skinny newcomers. Representatives of the “typical skinny” category – weight 50-65 kilograms, skin and bones. Such beginners should be given a minimum of exercises with maximum effect. Focus on strength training, since in the absence of muscles, a hardgainer can “burn out” from volumetric bodybuilding training.
  • who want to develop functionality. Strength training is used as part of cycling. Example: an athlete spends 3 months training on bodybuilding programs, 3 months on strength training, the next 12 weeks on CrossFit, and the last quarter of the year focuses on running training. Other types of load may be present in each period, but as supporting rather than main ones. We get the ideal athlete who can accomplish any task.
  • Athletes who need to “break through a plateau”, get rid of your training routine. Example: over the past 3 months, an athlete has not been able to bench press more than 120 kilograms in 5 sets of 8 repetitions. Due to the lack of progress, he becomes sick of the barbell, the craving for training disappears, and symptoms of psychological fatigue appear. Either the athlete will rest with a partial loss of results, or try another type of training. On next training session he presses 130 for 4. Then - 135 for 4. 140 for 3. And so on, up to 170 kilograms. When he returns to the 120-kilogram barbell, without symptoms of overtraining, he discovers that he can bench press it not 8, but 12 times. Not in 5, but in 7 approaches. The plateau has been overcome, strength training has helped. It is possible to move forward in bodybuilding training.

Strength training. Beginner program

Exercise Approaches Repetitions
Bench press 3 5 2,5 5
Bent-over barbell row 3 5 2,5 5
Barbell curl 3 4 2 5
Farmer's Walk 5 15 seconds with heavy weight 2 5
Standing barbell press 3 4 2,5

Day #2

Exercise Approaches Repetitions Rest minutes between sets Rest minutes between exercises
Pull-ups (with additional weight) 3 5 2,5 5
Dips (with additional weight) 3 5 2,5 5
Squats with a barbell on your shoulders 3 5 3 5
Straight-legged barbell row 3 4 2 5
Close grip bench press 3 4 2,5 5
Deadlift 5 5 3

We select the weight ourselves.

Strength training. Program for overcoming plateaus

Using the bench press as an example:

Training day No. 1 Weight Approaches Repetitions Rest minutes between sets
1 120 5 8 1,5
2 130 3 4 3
3 135 3 4 3
4 140 3 3 3
5 142,5 2 3 3
6 145 2 3 3
7 145 3 3 3
8 145 3 4 3
9 147,5 3 3 3
10 147,5 3 4 3
11 150 3 4 3
12 152,5 3 3 3
13 152,5 3 4 3
14 155 3 2 3
15 160 3 1 3
16 160 3 1 3
17 160 3 2 3
18 160 3 2 3
19 160 3 3 3
20 160 3 3 3
21 162,5 3 3 3
22 165 3 2 3
23 165 3 3 3
24 167,5 3 2 3
25 170 3 1 3
26 170 3 1 3
27 120 7 12 1,5

You don't have to progress every workout. Weight is an example that can be used to guide the way a program is constructed.