General characteristics of shooting as a sport. Sports shooting

I recently clashed with one “famous journalist” who, as unfortunately often happens with “famous journalists”, having slightly touched on any topic, already consider themselves unsurpassed experts and dispense advice as mega-gurus.

So, we'll talk about self-defense with weapons and application of various skills in the above self-defense.

In order not to be accused of trying to brazenly enter a closed clan of megagurus who give advice to everyone and about everything, I will immediately announce where I begin all my lectures. Namely: all of the following is based on personal experience , personal analysis of the subject of discussion , and in no way claims to be the ultimate truth.

And only after the listener (reader) compares what is described by the author with both personal experience both by analyzing the subject and with the experience and analysis of others, the listener (reader) can only get somewhat closer to the truth. No more.

Shooting Sports Analysis

1. Sports shooting (bullet)

It doesn't matter if it's a pistol or a rifle. Pneumatics, .22LR, or so far rare competitions with the use of “heavy calibers” - in any case, this is a very difficult sport that requires the highest nervous concentration, multiplied by the engineering component - high-quality weapons, ammunition, sights, etc.

Practical application: military/police sniping, hunting.

2. High-speed pistol shooting (“Olympic”)

A complex sport that requires high concentration and motor skills developed over the years. Due to the fact that shooting is always carried out from the same distance at always identically located targets, I could not come up with a practical application.

I'll explain. Several years ago, I held a local match with a carbine. One of the respected shooters built the exercise described in the briefing and spent quite a lot of time developing motor skills on this exercise. At the match, the author changed the distance to the targets and between the targets - and the shooter’s exercise “didn’t work” - his motor skills were sharpened for other distances.

3. Skeet shooting (round skeet)

Development of motor skills of the insert and shot in eight positions. With the exception of a doublet, shooting at the same point.


4. Trench stand

Development of motor skills of the insert and shot when shooting at a flying target. Development of reaction speed, since the direction of launch is unknown.

Practical application: hunting. IN self-defense— developing a high-speed first shot from a long-barreled weapon.

4. Sporting as a hybrid of a round and trench stand

Practical application: hunting. IN self-defense— developing a high-speed first shot from a long-barreled weapon.

5. Practical shooting IPSC/ICPS

Excellent dynamic and spectacular view sports All types of weapons - pistol (revolver), shotgun, carbine. Never repeated exercises. The essence is a balance of accuracy and speed (I'll miss the power). Training at various distances on various targets, including on the move and from awkward positions. Development of constant control over the weapon (direction of the barrel, position of the finger outside the trigger guard, etc.), including when moving, reloading, eliminating delays and malfunctions. Development of high-quality weapon retention when moving, changing shooting stance and position, firing a shot (especially with a “flash” - two in a row).

IN self-defense- developing a high-speed first shot from a weapon that is in various positions (loaded, unloaded, on the belt, in the hands, in a desk drawer, closet, etc.). Shooting from awkward positions. Shooting at various targets, including partially obscured ones. Shooting on the go.

6. Applied shooting IDPA

Everything is the same as described in the previous chapter on IPSC. What adds realism is the use of exclusively “regular” barrels, without bells and whistles such as collimator sights, muzzle compensators and 30-round magazines. Holsters and pouches are also ordinary, designed for concealed carry on the belt. The indispensable use of a jacket covering the weapon adds a special twist. Mandatory test: with the jacket unbuttoned and the arms spread at shoulder level, the weapon should not be visible).

In addition, the exercise is carried out “in the dark”, without being able to familiarize itself with the target environment. Another important point- It is mandatory to use cover and control your body position when shooting from behind cover.

IN self-defense- in addition to what is described in the chapter IPSC- this is the first shot with the weapon snatched from under the clothes, the use of shelters for protection when shooting.

Using various types of weapons in self-defense


Affordable, but the most dangerous look weapons in self-defense. The defender can never predict in which direction the bullet he fired will go, and it doesn’t matter whether the bullet hit the attacker or passed by. The main thing is that the bullet can also hit an innocent person (and more than one...). We also must not forget about the possible ricochet, which can hit both the shooter and those he is protecting.


A type of weapon with a limited area of ​​application.

I can hardly imagine in our realities a respectable citizen who always and everywhere moves with a gun. Therefore, this is a weapon for protection against home invasions, as well as against intruders and dangerous animals in “wild” places.

Pistol (revolver)

The most effective, but also the most inaccessible type of weapon in our realities. High efficiency is determined by the main principle “ always on me, always with me ". Inaccessibility - the absence of weapons legislation and the creation of a caste of “specially selected” (by the President, the heads of the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces of Ukraine), awarded with pistols (sometimes several), including some “famous journalists”.

Traumatic weapons

An extremely dangerous and unnecessary weapon. The danger is considered on several levels:

  • with enough of our society the concept of “ traumatic weapon» sharply reduces the psychological threshold for use. If it hits certain parts of the body, even with certified ammunition, it can be fatal. And then “firearms” will appear in the criminal case;
  • when all the rules are followed (do not shoot in the head and neck area and from a distance of less than a meter) at an attacker dressed in winter clothes and in a state of one or another type of intoxication, use trauma may not produce the expected effect, with unpredictable consequences for the shooter.


It is possible to imagine very few situations when self-defense You will have time to understand the situation and take a comfortable and safe position. This is either when repelling entry into the premises, or when making a decision to provide assistance to a third party. In most cases, the attack occurs suddenly.

The author came across statistics for the USA, which indicated that in 70% of cases the police were unable to repel an attack by attackers with a knife from a distance of 7-8 meters. These are their policemen, with a pistol in an open holster, with a cartridge in the chamber, and constant (not like ours - 3 shots every six months) shooting training. Therefore, in application weapons for self-defense there is such an important aspect as readiness. Technical. Physical. Psychological. It is not human nature to be constantly on edge, expecting danger. Even the most trained bodyguards do not have eyes in the back of their heads, and only work effectively as a group.

Remember - the best self-defense is to do everything to avoid conflict.

Take care of yourself!

At first glance, shooting bears little resemblance to sport in the general sense of the word. Fixed production. Almost imperceptible, rare, stingy movements. And again, stillness. How far is all this from exciting dynamics? wrestling. And yet shooting is a sport.

Bullet shooting has its own “sprint” distances and its own “marathon”. For example, 60 test shots take 72 seconds ("Olympic" - MP-8), and 4.5 hours are allotted to complete an exercise where the shooter shoots from three positions (lying, standing, kneeling). Each shot in a series is a start, and not the best of them are counted, but all of them. Exercises, especially with free rifles weighing up to 8 kg, require significant strength and endurance to fire 75 to 150 qualifying shots in all weather conditions. In terms of duration of loads, their intensity and intensity, bullet shooting has no equal. At competitions, when performing the “standard 3x40” exercise, the shooter works on the firing line for about 6 hours and loses several kilograms in weight during the entire exercise.

Bullet shooting places specific demands on the physical abilities of the athlete. If for representatives of speed-strength sports physical training is leading in the training process, then bullet shooting makes limited demands in this sense, designed for the optimal development of such special physical qualities, such as coordination, static endurance. With the same technical readiness Physically developed shooters have an advantage.

Detailed information mkeshvng with us. igratnadengi org

Every athlete is overcome with excitement before and during competitions. However, such a negative influence of this factor on the result, as in bullet shooting, is not observed in any sport. This occurs due to the fact that the shooter’s actions are in the nature of finely and precisely coordinated movements, which greatly change under the influence of the shooter’s state. Bullet shooting requires enormous concentration and strong tension in the nervous system.

Bullet shooting, like other sports, places great demands on the athlete as an individual. He must have high emotional stability and sufficient strong-willed qualities. At the right moment, the shooter must be able to concentrate, disconnect from the environment, and suppress involuntarily arising thoughts that are not related to the work being performed. There are a variety of exercises in bullet shooting. They are made from weapons that have different technical and ballistic characteristics.

Any rifles have a relatively large weight - up to 8 kg, a diopter sight. The trigger pull tension is arbitrary. The stock has a pistol grip with a cutout for thumb, the butt comb can move in the vertical direction. It is permitted to use a buttplate hook. Trigger most often with an accelerator.

Standard rifles have significant differences: there is no stand, butt plate hook, or trigger accelerator. Weight should not exceed 5 kg.

An air rifle is used to shoot at a distance of 10 m. The diameter of the “ten” on the target is only 1 mm.

Developmental and educational functions of bullet shooting

Bullet shooting plays a certain role in both the physical and moral, moral-volitional development of a person.
When practicing bullet shooting, schoolchildren develop the following qualities:

    Psychological activity


  • Emotional stability



Psychological activity is closely related to attention. Attention is specific and cannot be directed to large number objects at the same time.

Shooting classes are structured in such a way that psychological activity is selective and, depending on the stage of execution of each shot, attention is focused on its elements in turn, depending on its relevance.

Shooting develops memory

Shooters have such a concept as a “shot mark” - imprinting the position of the sighting devices in relation to the aiming point or area at the moment the trigger is pulled. If the shooter does not concentrate on the shot mark at this time and at least mentally repeats this mark several times, then it will be impossible to subsequently remember how the shot was fired. A special type of memory is the so-called “muscle memory,” which consists of remembering certain muscle sensations. The shooter, constantly recording muscle sensations in memory under conditions of rational preparation, will over time be able to recreate it in all the smallest details as many times as necessary.

Shooting competitions are emotionally intense, so shooting athletes must develop resistance to stressful situations and control over emotions.

Bullet shooting also develops associative thinking. So, instead of saying every time: “The position of the shooter’s body with a weapon in relation to the aiming point or area,” they use the concept of “ready.” Concepts are usually expressed in terms that should not cause any collateral interpretations in the shooter's thinking.

When practicing bullet shooting, such strong-willed qualities as determination, perseverance, endurance, and self-control are developed. An obligatory factor in the manifestation and development of will is overcoming obstacles. For the shooter, these are objective conditions of activity that interfere with achieving the goal during the shooting process.

Bullet shooting requires good physical fitness and a developed central nervous system. Also developing vestibular apparatus, visual analyzer. Great educational value bullet shooting. Boys acquire skills in handling weapons, because they are future hunters and warriors. During classes and competitions, schoolchildren develop discipline, responsibility, and independence. Shooting athletes are hardworking.

Particular attention is paid to safety precautions when handling weapons.

Teaching schoolchildren shooting techniques

From the very first lesson, it is necessary to accustom students to observe safety measures when handling weapons, rules of conservation, inspection of weapons and preparing them for shooting.

A typical mistake for beginners is waiting for the shot, which negatively affects its execution (pushing the butt with the shoulder, pulling the trigger). Therefore, during this period, the use of simulators and training without a cartridge is mandatory.

The aiming process can be divided into 3 stages.

    See the sight slit clearly and brightly with your dominant eye.

    Through the sight slot, the shooter must find the front sight and see it clearly.

    Place the entire "sight mane - front sight" system under the bull's-eye or the center of the target. The shooter sees the target very vaguely, blurry. He turns his gaze from the front sight to the target, clarifies the aiming, and turns his gaze to the front sight. The main attention should be paid to the image of the front sight and the mane of the sight. They should be clearly visible, but the target should be blurry.

Difficulties in aiming with an open sight are due to the fact that the eye, as an optical instrument, cannot simultaneously clearly see two or more objects located at different distances from it.

Bullet shooting became part of the very first official Olympic Games, organized by in 1896. At the same time, the shooters fired both pistols and rifles.

Reference. The idea of ​​inclusion was proposed by the seven-time French shooting champion Pierre de Coubertin.

International competitions

The World Weapon Fire Championship was organized for the first time back in 1897 after the first Olympic Games. Since then, championships have been held regularly every year.

Types of weapons for bullet shooting

Bullet type of shooting is carried out using three main types of weapons. In particular, these are small-caliber, large-caliber and pneumatic types. Moreover, all three types include both pistols and rifles.

Each type has its own programs (exercises) that athletes perform at competitions. different levels. Many of them became part of the Olympic Games.

Air rifle

Both types of air guns have a standard caliber of 4.5 mm. This discipline includes two main programs:

  1. VP-4. Performed by both women and representatives of the stronger sex. Must be done 40 shots from a distance of 10 meters on a target with a common diameter 30.5 mm. Moreover, the diameter of the center, where all athletes strive to get to in order to win, is only 5 mm. The exercise is performed for an hour.
  2. VP-4. Performed only by men. You need to shoot standing from a short distance 10 meters. They count 60 attempts. allocated for the entire program 1 hour 15 minutes.

Photo 1. Air rifle for bullet shooting. The body of the weapon is made of wood.

Air gun

This type of shooting consists of three main programs:

  1. PP-1. From a short distance 10 meters athlete performs 20 test shots. In this case, the target must have a diameter 59.5 mm, but for the “ten” - 11.5 mm. Before the shot, each athlete is allowed to perform an unlimited number of control (test) shots. It is worth noting that this task is not performed by athletes at the Olympic Games.
  2. PP-2. The same short distance - 10 meters. They count 40 shots, which are produced within an hour.
  3. PP-3. Same distance and target. Produced 60 shots over 1 hour 25 minutes or 1 hour 30 minutes depending on whether electronic targets are installed.

Small caliber rifle

A rifle and a pistol can only have one caliber - 5.6 mm. This discipline also includes three main programs:

  1. MV-5. It is performed by girls from a distance of 50 meters in three different positions in the following mandatory sequence: kneeling, lying, standing. In each position you need to do 20 shots, that is, there are a total of them in the program 60. In this case, in one position it is provided 4 test targets for trial attempts, which ultimately do not count. The number of the latter is not limited in any way, but there is a certain time limit: 15 minutes.

Photo 2. Small-caliber rifle MV-5 for bullet shooting. There is a convenient sight on the body of the weapon.

  1. MV-6. Suitable for guys only. Also done from three positions from a distance of 50 meters. The difference from the female version is what needs to be done 120 shots. Of these, for each position - 40 attempts.
  2. MV-9. Performed by both boys and girls. Fire is fired only from a comfortable prone position. In progress 60 shots from the same distance as in previous programs. The entire program may take approximately 50 minutes. More time is not provided.

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Small caliber pistol

  1. MP-5. This program is for girls only. It includes two mandatory parts. The first of them is called MP-4: from a relatively short distance 25 meters need to hit the target № 4. For this purpose it is given 30 attempts(the quantity is divided by 6 episodes). Second part - MP-2. It involves shooting at an emerging target. Also counted 30 attempts. Only one is given to complete 3 seconds. Targets appear every time 7 seconds. Between the first and second parts, the competition participants are given a break of half an hour.
  2. MP-8. Suitable only for representatives of the stronger sex, as it is more difficult. Same as women's program consists of two parts. First - MP-7. The distance is only 25 meters, and the number of shots counted is 30 . The first five shots can be test shots: only 8 seconds. Those that are already taken into account after the trial are done as follows: 2 episodes of 8 seconds, 2 of 6 and 2 of 4. Next, the athlete performs a program called MP-8. As a rule, there is a break of half an hour between the first and second parts.

Useful video

Watch a video that explains what bullet shooting is and its rules.

Is there any benefit?

Bullet shooting certainly has its fans. She is fascinating and very useful for developing accuracy and reaction speed. This sport also helps to significantly improve concentration.

Sports shooting - a sport in which athletes compete in shooting accuracy from different types weapons.

History of the emergence and development of sports shooting

Shooting sport is considered one of the most ancient applied sports. It appeared back in the distant times of bows and crossbows. In the middle of the 14th century, bows and crossbows evolved into firearms, after which bullet shooting began to actively develop.

In 1449, the first firearms shooting societies began to appear in France, and later they appeared in England and the USA.

In 1896, rifle and pistol shooting competitions were included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896, and since 1897, World Shooting Championships began to be held regularly.

Types of sports shooting

Bullet shooting- one of the types shooting sports, in which athletes compete in shooting from pneumatic, small-caliber, large caliber rifles and pistols. Bullet shooting is Olympic form sports, in particular Olympic program includes 5 rifle shooting exercises (MV-5, VP-4, MV-6, MV-9, VP-6) and the same number of pistol shooting exercises (MP-5, PP-2, MP-6, MP-8, PP-3).

Abbreviations indicating the type of weapon:

VP- air rifle
MV- small-caliber rifle
AB- standard large-caliber rifle
PV- any large-caliber rifle
PP- air pistol
MP- small-caliber pistol
RP- revolver-pistol of central combat.


MV-5— shooting from a small-caliber rifle, distance 50 m. Position — prone, standing, kneeling, 3x20 shots.

VP-4— Air rifle. 40 shots standing. Time 1 hour 15 minutes. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before taking the scoring shots.

MV-6- Random small-caliber rifle. Distance 50 m. Target No. 7. Shooting is carried out in the following sequence: 40 shots prone (1 hour 00 minutes), 40 standing (1 hour 30 minutes), 40 from the knee (1 hour 15 minutes). In each position, an unlimited number of test shots are allowed before performing scoring shots. The winner is determined by the sum of points scored in three positions.

MV-9- Random small-caliber rifle. Distance 50 m. Target No. 7. Shooting is carried out in the following sequence: 20 shots while lying down, 20 while standing, 20 from the knee. Total time for shooting from three positions 2 hours 30 minutes. In each position, an unlimited number of test shots are allowed before performing scoring shots.

VP-6— Air rifle. Distance 10 m. Target No. 8. 60 shots standing. Time 1 hour 45 min. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before taking the scoring shots.

MP-5- a standard (sporting) small-caliber pistol (in the international classification pistol for exercise MP-5) is usually called sports, although this is the same pistol from which exercise MP-10 is performed. Distance 25 m. The exercise is divided into two parts. The first - 30 shots - is fired at a stationary target No. 4, the second - 30 shots - at an appearing target No. 5. Shooting is carried out in series of 5 shots at one target. In the first half, each series is completed in 6 minutes; in the second half of each series, the target appears 5 times for 3 seconds, during which the shooter fires one shot (pauses between target appearances are 7 seconds). First, all participants perform the first half of the exercise, and then the second.

PP-2— shooting from an air pistol, distance 10 m, 40 shots.

PP-3— shooting from an air pistol, distance 10 m, 60 shots. Time 1 hour 45 min. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before the start of scoring shots.

MP-6- any small-caliber pistol. Distance 50 m. Target No. 4. 60 shots. Time 2 hours 00 minutes. An unlimited number of test shots are allowed before taking the scoring shots.

MP-8- rapid-fire small-caliber pistol. Distance 25 m. 5 simultaneously appearing targets No. 5. 60 shots. Shooting is carried out in series of 5 shots; The shooter fires one shot at each of the five simultaneously appearing targets. The exercise is divided into 2 halves, each of which consists of two sets of 8 s, two of 6 s, and two of 4 s. Before the start of the test shooting, one test series is performed in each half of the exercise for 8 s. First, all participants perform the first half of the exercise, and then the second.

The numbers in the abbreviations indicate the serial number of the exercise in the national sports classification on bullet shooting.

Skeet shooting- one of the types of shooting sports in which athletes compete in shooting at open shooting ranges. Shooting is carried out with shot from smooth-bore shotguns at special skeet targets.

The Olympic Games include 3 skeet shooting disciplines:

  • Round stand - athletes fire at clay pigeons, moving from one shooting station to another (8 in total), and also changing the shooting angle relative to the trajectories of flying targets.
  • Trench stand - athletes fire at clay pigeons thrown out of a trench in a random direction.
  • A double trap is the same as a trench stand, but the skeet is thrown out in pairs and the shooting is done in doublets.

Practical shooting - one of the types of shooting sports, the goal of which is to master and develop techniques that best suit various cases of using firearms.

Shooting skill is assessed as a balance of three main components:

  • Accuracy - points for hitting targets;
  • Speed ​​- time from the start signal to the last shot;
  • Power - the use of higher power weapons is encouraged a large number points awarded for hitting scoring zones of targets, in addition, a minimum caliber and a minimum power factor are established.

The result is the sum of points for hitting all targets, including penalties, divided by the execution time.

Benchrest shooting is one of the types of shooting sports, the goal of the athletes is to fire five (or ten) shots at the scoring target; The smaller the group size, the higher the shooter’s place in the competition. In this case, shooting is performed while sitting at a special table with the rifle placed at point-blank range for shooting.

The following table shooting disciplines are distinguished:

  • benchrest BR-50 - shooting from small-caliber devices;
  • short benchrest - shooting at a distance of 100, 200 or 300 (meters or yards);
  • benchrest Long Range - shooting at distances: 500, 600, 1000 (meters or yards) and mile.

Varminting is one of the types of shooting sports in which athletes compete in shooting at long and ultra-long distances, mainly at rodents. It is allowed to use artificial targets that imitate the silhouette of marmots.

sniping- one of the types of shooting sports in which athletes compete in shooting from sniper weapons.

Sports shooting competitions

The Olympic Games are held every four years.

The World Shooting Championship - bullet shooting is held every four years, and clay pigeon shooting- once every two years.

World Cup - held 4 times a year, but only in Olympic disciplines.

The European Championship is a competition of the best shooters in Europe, held every two years.

Pan American Games - major international competitions By summer species sports, are held every four years.

These competitions are directly monitored by the International Shooting Federation, as world records can be set at them.

Sports shooting structures

International Shooting Federation(English: International Sport Shooting Federation, ISSF) is a sports structure that controls and coordinates the activities of its member national shooting federations.


We tried to cover the topic as completely as possible, so this information can be safely used when preparing messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic “Sports Shooting”.

The history of bullet shooting has quite long roots.

Competitions for accuracy and hitting the bull's-eye begin with competitions in archery and crossbow shooting.

With the advent of firearms in the mid-14th century, shooting competitions began. First from smoothbore rifles. And creation rifled weapons led to the development of such a sport as shooting.

Unlike other sports, where athletes compete in single combat with each other, in bullet shooting the shooter fights the most difficult of all fights - a fight with himself. It is important here to be able to control yourself, show everything you have learned in training, and use your competitive experience.

Accurate sports shooting is a complex coordination skill. It is possible for everyone to master it, but with the expenditure of a lot of work and time to study the basics of shooting theory, the material part of the weapon, and most importantly - to master the technique of a well-aimed shot, to systematically improve its elements, to consolidate and improve the acquired skills.

Sports shooting classes develop in an athlete composure, endurance, observation, eye and the will to win. Achieving records requires not only perfect shooting technique, but also the ability to control your emotions.

Rifle and pistol shooting competitions were included in the first Olympic Games in 1896.

The shooter’s actions are characterized by monotony, static work of the muscles of the legs, torso and arms at the moment the shot is executed. The process of executing a shot requires fine coordination of movements and muscle memory.

Bullet shooting places specific demands on the physical abilities of the athlete. If for representatives of speed-strength sports physical training is leading in the training process, then bullet shooting makes limited demands in this sense, designed for the optimal development of such special physical qualities as coordination - stability, static endurance.

Every athlete is overcome with excitement before and during competitions. However, such a negative influence of this factor on the result, as in bullet shooting, is not observed in any other sport. This occurs due to the fact that the shooter’s actions are in the nature of finely and precisely coordinated movements, which greatly change under the influence of the shooter’s state.

At the right moment, the shooter must be able to concentrate, disconnect from the environment, not notice the presence of spectators, judges, not react to noise, conversations, etc., suppress involuntarily arising thoughts that are not related to the work being performed.

Shooting is carried out in closed, open and semi-indoor shooting ranges and shooting ranges at various distances: 10, 25, 50, 300 m. The pace and rhythm of shooting, the selection of appropriate sighting devices and light filters, the method of aiming and trigger control depend on the nature and degree of illumination of the shooting range or shooting range. . Unexpected changes in illumination require the shooter to instantly correct actions.

Wind has a significant impact on shooting, reducing the stability of the shooter-weapon system, as well as the ambient temperature. One of the most difficult obstacles for marksmanship is a mirage. Each shooting range and shooting range, although they meet the requirements of the competition rules, still have their own characteristics, on which the shooting result to a certain extent depends.

There is a constant, incessant noise on the line of fire, and it’s not just the sound of shots. For the shooter, these sounds are like a background and are perceived by him subconsciously. The source of constant noise is the movements of spectators and judges, conversations of spectators and much more. From all the variety of sounds, the shooter’s subconscious selects those that are significant specifically for him. This could be an appeal to him, a remark, advice or an exchange of opinions between viewers about his results, behavior, equipment. The reaction to these irritations can cause hasty, ill-considered actions and, as a result, the loss of precious points.

The chief physician of the medical and physical education dispensary, Elena Borisovna Lyueva, tells us about the health benefits and harms of this sport:

Bullet shooting plays a certain role in both the physical and moral-volitional development of a teenager. When practicing bullet shooting, schoolchildren develop qualities such as psychological activity, attention, emotional stability, and volitional efforts.

Psychological activity is closely related to attention. Shooting classes are structured in such a way that psychological activity is selective and, depending on the stage of execution of each shot, attention is focused on its elements in turn.

Shooting develops memory. Shooters have such a concept as “shot mark” - imprinting the position of the sighting devices in relation to the aiming point or area at the moment the trigger is pulled. There is always emotional tension at shooting competitions, so shooting athletes must have developed resistance to stressful situations and control over emotions. The only thing that can be damaged when practicing bullet shooting is the eyes. To do this, it is necessary to carry out prevention, drink vitamins for the eyes.

I suggest you meet a shooting coach

Ilnitskaya Tatiana, Candidate for Master of Sports in bullet shooting, has been involved in this sport for more than 20 years. Favorite type of weapon is a rifle. I became a coach by fate. There was no one to tutor the boys. In 2002, a bullet shooting department was opened at the base sports school"Zhastar."

"Lada": Tatyana, at what age do you accept children into the section?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya:We accept children from 12 years of age into the section. Training is free, training is held from morning to evening. The guys come at a time convenient for them.

"Lada": How many people are constantly involved in the section? And who has more – boys or girls?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya: There are 60-70 people in the section. The vast majority are boys. But we have a lot of persistent girls who achieve good results. Our athletes go to regional competitions and overall results We have good results.

"Lada": What are the requirements for those wishing to come to the section?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya: Bullet shooting, like other sports, places great demands on the athlete as an individual. He must have high moral qualities and emotional stability. In extreme conditions, an athlete must demonstrate such character qualities as perseverance, determination and endurance.

"Lada":Bullet shooting is a slow sport; athletes spend hours learning to stand and hold a weapon. Does it happen that after a couple of lessons the guys don’t come back to you?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya: Yes, this happens often. I would say that this sport is very good for phlegmatic and calm people. When coming to us, many expect a drive, that they will immediately be given a weapon in their hands and will have the opportunity to shoot. This is wrong. We teach first general position, rules of behavior at the shooting range, stances and only after a couple of months we are allowed to shoot.

"Lada": How much does an athlete's uniform cost?

Tatiana Ilnitskaya:A uniform is not needed during training, only during competitions. A uniform set for a shooter costs about 150,000 tenge. It is of no small importance that the athletes are given uniforms in the section and there is no need to buy them themselves. Sponsors gave it to us. The only problem in the shooting range is that there are not enough high-quality weapons; all of them are left over from the times of the USSR.

When we entered the shooting range, we saw how the novice athletes stood motionless in the stance. It turns out that they can stand in this position for hours - this is necessary for the hand to get used to the weapon, as well as to improve coordination of movement.

Only the guys from senior group fired, accurately hitting the target. In this shooting range they learn to shoot from air, small-caliber and large-caliber pistols and rifles.

A professional shooter uniform weighs 3-4 kg. The jacket with special inserts on the back and elbows resembles a corset; it is impossible to bend in it, and leather gloves are an essential attribute of an athlete.

My joy knew no bounds when they gave me a rifle. I once had the opportunity to shoot at the Dynamo stadium in Moscow and smell the smell of Mosinskaya gunpowder three-line rifle, "Saiga" and "Kalashnikov". Love for firearms I've been experiencing it since childhood. This is drive and adrenaline - at such a moment you feel like a girl from Bond.

Now the section is recruiting girls under 16 years old. Why girls? - you ask. So girls can not only “shoot” with their eyes, but also handle weapons well.

I would like to wish you, dear readers, good health, excellent endurance and 100% accuracy!

Bruss Nika
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