Unofficial team competition. Unofficial team standings See what “Unofficial team standings” is in other dictionaries

The achievement of an individual is his personal merit, but he also bears responsibility for his failure. Therefore, success often gives rise to pride, and when there is a mistake, there is a feeling of complete failure. So remember the rule: one person only plays the game, the team wins and takes the championship. And if you want to realize your full potential or achieve the seemingly impossible, you must stop thinking only about yourself and become a team player.

Teamwork is the secret to success and all great achievements in business. But it is important to understand that simply reading this phrase and believing in this statement are two different things. Without established teamwork, your dental clinic will not begin to flourish and move forward, while a fair amount of time, energy and money will be wasted on it. There will be no development simply because people who do not work like a coherent machine are unable to fully realize their potential.

Your own game

What's so good about teamwork? Firstly, it involves a certain number of people, which means that more resources, ideas and energy are involved than in the case of one person working. Secondly, in a team the leader’s potential is revealed to the maximum extent and at the same time his shortcomings are smoothed out, the strengths and weaknesses of an individual person are more clearly expressed. Third, the team exhibits multiple understandings of how to meet a need or achieve a clinical goal. It is extremely rare that the ability of one employee to fully understand a problem can compare with the similar ability of several specialists.

Of course, teamwork and coordination of good practices are impossible without an experienced leader, but ideally all team members have a good incentive to actively provide optimal solutions to a given problem.

If you want to realize your potential or achieve the impossible, you must become a team player. One person only plays the game, but it is the team that wins
Achievement or success is the credit of everyone on the team, and at the same time, everyone is responsible for the wrong decision. In this way, true humility is fostered and a true team is formed. The achievement of an individual is his personal merit, but responsibility for a mistake falls only on him. In case of success, pride is generated, and otherwise, a feeling of complete failure. Working in a team, the leader is responsible for achieving goals. Being alone, a person is not connected to anyone and can change his goals without any accountability to others.

In the end, a team can simply do much more than an individual specialist, and the work will be done better and in larger volumes. Therefore, if you want to realize your full potential or achieve the seemingly impossible, you simply must become a team player. One person only plays the game, but it is the team that wins and takes the championship.

Teams can be different - family, group of friends, football club or clinic staff - but the key factors in their work remain coordination and communication between participants. In an effective team, all players are in constant interaction. Communication increases the number of commitments and connections, which in turn are the driving force. So if you want your team to reach highest level, its members must be able to talk to each other, listen to each other, and also jointly resolve conflict situations and make decisions. The success of a practice and the ability of its employees to work together depend on good communication in four areas. We'll talk about them below.

From leader to team

The main tool of a leader should be communication. If you cannot communicate well, you will not be able to effectively lead others. Leaders, consider these axioms in order to establish good teamwork. Everyone takes on a leadership role at least sometimes, regardless of their role in the clinic. These are important statements for each of us.

Be consistent. No one disappoints team members more than a leader who is unable to make decisions. State your tasks clearly. Your team won't be able to accomplish any task if its members don't know what you want them to do. Don't try to show off your intelligence to anyone. Instead, simply impress everyone with your honesty, focus, and clarity of thought.

Be polite. Every person is worthy of respect, no matter what his position is or what kind of relationship you have with him. With your politeness in communicating with employees, you will set the tone for the entire team. After all, as you know, a team is a mirror in which its leader is reflected. Communication is not a one-way process. A leader's communication style should not be dictatorial or top-down. A good leader listens, engages, and then encourages collaboration.

From team to leader

Good team leaders never allow all their questions to be answered in the affirmative. They want sincere and direct communication with employees. This is why you must always be one step ahead. Leaders don’t want to hear: “I was just about to tell you that this won’t work.”

If you know anything in advance, now is the time to voice your ideas and questions and consider alternative plans. Be sincere, direct and inquisitive, but not harsh, angry or indifferent. Your leader will appreciate your interest. You should also not forget about politeness. Leading a team is not the easiest thing. It requires grueling work and personal sacrifice. Sometimes you have to make uncompromising, difficult and not always popular decisions. Team members must respect and show loyalty to the person who has agreed to take on the role. Just as you may feel like they don't know how you are doing in a given situation, you can't know for sure what's going on or how they feel. So, be interested and polite.

In one harness

A few people are successful only if a lot of other people want them to be that way. For a team to succeed, all team members must work together for the common good by:

  1. Support. Don't ask what your teammates can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for them. If communication is focused on giving rather than taking, the team will very soon reach a qualitatively new level of work.
  2. Timeliness. Team members who only rehash old problems and, simply put, constantly pound water, cannot work together to achieve the ideal result.
  3. Sensitivity. A team, like a small society, develops only when its members do not behave provocatively with each other.

Communication as art

When it comes to patients, team members must be receptive, responsive, and realistic. If they behave politely, answer questions in a timely manner, and correctly assess the expectations of the clinic's clients, they will achieve high results. Patients feel very subtly when their problems are heard and conveyed to the right address, when responsibility and appropriate care are shown towards them.

Successful team communication is based on the “we” concept, not the “I” concept. Working together means winning together. No team will work correctly until there is true communication between its members, expressed to the fullest extent. It is worth noting that communication occurs when one communicator sends and the other receives a clear and understandable message. You can send messages all day long, but if the recipient does not receive them, then it becomes necessary to establish a new communication channel. Communication is an art. It is necessary in order to maintain teamwork in good shape and intensify activities in general.


So, the team is the heart of a dental practice. When the time, talent and potential of individuals are concentrated and directed towards common goals, success and prosperity simply cannot be avoided. And you can create your own “dream team” that will consistently work, minimizing chaos in your practice, organizing an effective and efficient work system, creating an atmosphere favorable for development. It will also focus on team building through effective and subtle communication.

We all sometimes think that the power and strength of teamwork has long been explored, but when you really dive into the topic, you realize that team is the key to unlocking your potential. Listen, communicate and invest in the people around you. Then your practice will be successful.

The Olympic Games are not competitions of countries, but of athletes in individual or team sports.

However, the numbers of the unofficial team standings are actively used by various media, representatives of national sports federations and National Olympic Committees, and other interested parties. This practice is used in many countries, and there is no single standard; the methodology may vary from country to country and change over time. For the first time, NKZ tables began to be published in relation to the results of the games of the IV Olympiad.


The conventions of the unofficial team standings are recognized by all interested parties, but it is believed that it allows some conclusions to be drawn about real situation in world sports.

See also


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    Main article: 2010 Summer Youth Olympics Medal standings at summer youth Olympic Games 2010 unofficial team competition National Olympic Committees (NOCs) by the number of medals received by their athletes... ... Wikipedia

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    The 4th Biathlon World Championships took place in Finland, in Hämenlinna in 1962. Contents 1 Individual race for 20 km 2 Unofficial team competition ... Wikipedia

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  • Results of the team wrestling of the Russian and USSR national artistic gymnastics teams at the Summer Olympic Games since 1952. to 2004
  • How were the winners of the Olympic Games and other Panhellenic competitions awarded?
  • What is the economic program, organization and holding of the Olympic Games?
  • The winners of the Olympic Games in the unofficial team competition (UCT) are determined by a special system for calculating the results of performances national teams, not recognized by the IOC as official. Since 1924, most countries have followed the following scoring system: 7 points for first place, 5 for second, 4 for third, 3 for fourth; 2 - for fifth, 1 - for sixth.

    Winners of the Summer Olympic Games (NKZ)

    1896: 1. Greece, 2. USA, 3. Germany

    1900: 1. France, 2. USA, 3. Great Britain

    1904: 1. USA, 2. Germany, 3. Cuba

    1908: 1. Great Britain, 2. USA, 3. Sweden

    1912: 1. Sweden, 2. USA, 3. Great Britain

    1920: 1. USA, 2. Sweden, 3. Great Britain

    1924: 1. USA, 2. France, 3. Finland

    1928: 1. USA, 2. Germany, 3. Sweden

    1932: 1. USA, 2. Italy, 3. Germany

    1936: 1. Germany, 2. USA, 3. Italy

    1948: 1. USA, 2. Sweden, 3. France

    1952: 1-2 USSR, USA, 3. Hungary

    1956: 1. USSR, 2. USA, 3. Australia

    1960: 1. USSR, 2. USA, 3. Joint German team (GDR-FRG)

    1964: 1. USSR, 2. USA, 3. Joint German team (GDR-FRG)

    1968: 1. USA, 2. USSR, 3. GDR

    1972: 1. USSR, 2. USA, 3. GDR

    1976: 1. USSR, 2. GDR, 3. USA

    1980: 1. USSR, 2. GDR, 3. Bulgaria

    1984: 1. USA, 2. Romania, 3. Germany

    1988: 1. USSR, 2. GDR, 3. USA

    1992: 1. CIS, 2. USA, 3. Germany

    1996: 1. USA, 2. Germany, 3. Russia

    2000: 1. USA, 2. Russia, 3. China.

    2004: 1. USA, 2. China, 3. Russia.

    2008: 1. China, 2. USA, 3. Russia.

    Winners of the Winter Olympic Games (OCW)

    1924: 1. Norway, 2. Finland, 3. USA

    1928: 1. Norway, 2. USA, 3. Sweden

    1932: 1. USA, 2. Norway, 3. Canada

    1936: 1. Norway, 2. Germany, 3. Sweden

    1948: 1. Sweden, 2. Switzerland, 3. USA

    1952: 1. Norway, 2. USA, 3. Finland

    1956: 1. USSR, 2. Austria, 3. Finland

    1960: 1. USSR, 2. USA, 3. Sweden

    1964: 1. USSR, 2. Norway, 3. Austria

    1966: 1. Norway, 2. USSR, 3. Austria

    1972: 1. USSR, 2. GDR, 3. Norway

    1976: 1. USSR, 2. GDR, 3. USA

    1980: 1. GDR, 2. USSR, 3. USA

    1984: 1. USSR, 2. GDR, 3. USA

    1988: 1. USSR, 2. GDR, 3. Switzerland

    1992: 1. Germany, 2. CIS, 3. Norway

    1994: 1. Russia, 2. Norway, 3. Germany

    1998: 1. Germany, 2. Norway, 3. Russia.

    2002: 1. Norway, 2. Germany, 2. USA.

    2006: 1. Germany, 2. USA, 3. Austria.

    What are international sports federations (ISFs)

    International sports federations are sports associations that manage and coordinate the work of regional and national sports organizations by type of sport.

    The prerequisites for the creation of the ISF are: the presence of sports federations in individual states, an increase in the number international competitions, lack of uniform rules, IOC registration requirements Olympic events sports.

    The first ISFs included the gymnastics federations (1881), speed skating and rowing (1892). The youngest ISFs are associations for volleyball (1947), taekwondo (1966), karate-do (1970), acrobatics (1971).

    The IOC may recognize the IF if this type The sport is cultivated on three continents in 25 countries - for men and 20 - for women ( winter views). For summer sports, it is mandatory to spread them across four continents in 75 countries for men and 40 for women.

    A significant event was the unification of the ISF into the General Association. In 1967 it consisted of 27 federations. Not all ISFs, even those recognized by the IOC, have access to the Olympic Games. Therefore, the world organization of ISF (AGFIS) annually holds alternative competitions - world games: in karate, cultivated in 85 countries, squash (60); softball (55); roller skating (50) and many other sports.

    In addition to AGFIS, the Association of International Federations for summer species sports (ASOIF), winter (AIWF) and the Association of International Federations recognized by the IOC (ARISF).

    A number of ISFs, for example, in chess, swimming, basketball, track and field and weightlifting, football, boxing, volleyball, wrestling, sailing, tennis, etc. have their own regional associations. The International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) is represented by the European Union of Football Associations (UEFA), Asian, African, South American and some others.

    In the structure of almost any sports federation can be distinguished: plenary, executive (administrative) and technical bodies. Plenary bodies (congresses, assemblies, conferences, etc.) occupy the top rung on the management ladder, making the most important decisions regarding the activities of the ISF. Administrative bodies (president, executive committee) enjoy greater rights in making management decisions, which essentially equalizes them with plenary ones. Technical commissions and subcommissions perform auxiliary functions in various areas of the work of the MSF.

    All MSFs can be divided into: MSFs that manage amateur and professional sports(football, tennis, cycling); ISFs that manage amateur sports that have become widespread among professionals (basketball, rugby, hockey, boxing, baseball, figure skating); MSFs that manage only amateur sports (swimming, water polo, table tennis etc.).

    The functions of the ISF are reduced to: providing practical assistance to the NSF, popularizing its sport, assisting in the implementation of the goals set out in the Olympic Charter, organizing and conducting competitions, approving records, changing the program and rules of competitions, providing assistance in the implementation of the Olympic Solidarity program.

    ISFs influence the development of the sports movement in the world. The most important areas of their activity include: the inclusion of new sports in the program of the Olympic Games, the admission of professional athletes to amateur competitions, participation in new economic programs, regulation of the number of participants, changing the rules of competitions, and the fight against doping.

    The constitution, practices and activities of IFs within the Olympic Movement must be in accordance with the Olympic Charter, in particular as regards the adoption and application of the World Anti-Doping Code. In light of the above, each ISF retains its independence and autonomy in the management of its sport.

    58 - Internal news page

    On Sunday, June 28, the first European Games ended in the capital of Azerbaijan. According to the results of the unofficial team classification of the tournament, the Russian team took first place with a large advantage.

    6:47 29.06.2015

    On Sunday, June 28, the first European Games ended in the capital of Azerbaijan. According to the results of the unofficial team competition of the tournament, the Russian team finished with big advantage took first place. On account Russian athletes 164 medals - 79 gold, 40 silver and 45 bronze.
    The home team of the tournament is in second place, and the UK team is in third place.

    European Games 2015 in Baku. Medal count

    Place Team Gold Silver Bronze Sum
    1 Russia 79 40 45 164
    2 Azerbaijan 21 15 20 56
    3 United Kingdom 18 10 19 47
    4 Germany 15 16 33 64
    5 Italy 10 25 10 45
    6 Belarus 10 11 22 43
    7 France 9 11 18 38
    8 Ukraine 8 14 23 45
    9 Netherlands 8 11 9 28
    10 Hungary 8 4 8 20
    11 Serbia 8 4 3 15
    12 Spain 7 11 11 29
    13 Switzerland 7 4 3 14
    14 Türkiye 6 4 19 29
    15 Belgium 4 3 3 10
    16 Romania 3 5 4 12
    17 Portugal 3 4 2 9
    18 Poland 2 8 10 20
    19 Austria 2 7 4 13
    20 Georgia 2 5 8 15
    21 Israel 2 4 6 12
    22 Slovakia 2 2 3 7
    23 Lithuania 2 1 4 7
    24 Ireland 2 1 3 6
    25 Croatia 1 4 6 11
    26 Greece 1 4 4 9
    27 Bulgaria 1 3 5 9
    28 Sweden 1 3 3 7
    29 Denmark 1 2 5 8
    30 Slovenia 1 1 2 4
    31 Latvia 1 0 1 2
    32 Czech Republic 0 2 4 6
    33-34 Moldova 0 1 2 3
    33-34 Estonia 0 1 2 3
    35 San Marino 0 1 1 2
    36-37 Armenia 0 1 0 1
    36-37 Cyprus 0 1 0 1
    38-39 Macedonia 0 0 2 2
    38-39 Norway 0 0 2 2
    40-42 Kosovo 0 0 1 1
    40-42 Montenegro 0 0 1 1
    40-42 Finland 0 0 1 1

    Officially, the International Olympic Committee considers the Games as a competition between athletes, not between countries. There is no common main page at the Games panel of judges, which would sum up the results of the team championship. The final materials stored in the IOC archives contain only the results of the individual championship, and the team championship - only in the disciplines provided for as team competition (sports games, relay race, team racing, etc.).

    However, journalists and sports statisticians in the press, literature, and reference books publish the results of the team championship according to an unofficial standings.

    Publishing tables that define the total wrestling countries has its own specific meaning. P. de Coubertin also said that team scoring at the Games objectively contributes to the further development of the Olympic movement and encourages states to develop sports so as not to be at the bottom of even the unofficial table. The IOC does not accept this scoring, but recently the National Olympic Committees, and sometimes the Organizing Committee of the country organizing the Games, have begun to maintain it.

    The unofficial team competition first appeared in 1908, at the IV Olympic Games. Then, for the 1st place taken by the athlete, 3 points were given, for the 2nd - 2, and for the 3rd - points. Since the VIII Games (1924), the number of athletes bringing points has doubled - the final six began to be evaluated: 1st place brings 7 points, 2nd - 5, 3rd - 4, 4th - 3, 5th - 2, 6th - 1 point. Although in some countries other methods of calculation were used, in particular 10 points were awarded for 1st place, the grading system introduced more than half a century ago has survived to this day.

    This system of unofficial team classification, in our opinion, is biased. Firstly, an equal number of points are awarded for winning the individual competition and the team championship. Unequal number of program numbers in different types sports leads to the fact that in some sports teams receive more points than in others, where even with high results the maximum possible number of points is limited. So, in competitions athletics There are 42 numbers in the program, in swimming - 31. Successfully performing teams here can receive a significant number of points in these events, and teams that are winners of football tournaments, basketball, volleyball, handball, hockey, for a team victory - only 7 points. Competitions in some other types of the Olympic program also bring a small number of points.

    The sports organizations of our country are in favor of summarizing the results of the team competition at the Games, even if only by journalists and statisticians. Recently, the press most often reports only the number of medals won. And here; Of course, there is also little objectivity: an award won by a team of football, hockey or basketball players as a result of a long, intense tournament is equivalent to a medal for a runner, a swimmer at one distance, or a gymnast on one of the apparatuses.

    But so far there are no other evaluation criteria.

    The International Olympic Committee considers the Olympic Games as competitions between athletes, and not between countries, and therefore does not define a team championship. However, journalists, sports statisticians in the press, sports literature, and various reference books publish the results of the team championship according to the unofficial standings.

    The unofficial team competition first appeared in 1908 at the IV Olympic Games. Then, for the first place taken by the athlete, 3 points were given, for the second - 2, for the third - 1. Since 1924, with the VIII Olympic Games, the evaluation system has changed significantly - the final six began to be evaluated: for first place - 7 points, for second - 5, for third - 4, for fourth - 3, for fifth - 2 and for sixth -1. In some countries, sometimes 10 points were given for first place, and for the next five places - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 point, respectively.

    In team events, points are awarded to the entire team, not to each athlete.

    The adopted system of unofficial team classification is generally biased, because in different sports there is an extremely unequal number of program numbers. Thus, at the last Olympics, athletics competitions were held in 38 types, and, therefore, a total of 836 points were awarded in them; in swimming at 29 distances - 638 points. And in sports such as basketball, football, water polo, only 22 points are played; in volleyball and modern pentathlon - 44 points each. It turns out that the outcome of the team championship under such a system is decided by the results in athletics and swimming competitions.

    The sports organizations of our country are in favor of holding a team competition at the Olympic Games, even if only by journalists and statisticians, but not in the form in which it currently exists.

    Many sports specialists make a proposal to hold tests in each sport, and then, having determined the country’s place, summarize these data for the overall result of the Games.