Ball for gymnastics for newborns. Fitballs

There are now a lot of different devices for development and play with a newborn baby. The gymnastic ball, or otherwise fitball, is especially popular. With the help of such a simple object you can warm up, perform gymnastic exercises and just play.

What types of gymnastic balls are there for newborns?

There are several types of balls for newborns. The main classification of fitballs is based on the presence of additional elements. In connection with this criterion, all balls are divided into:

  • ordinary round - do not have any additional elements, they are usually perfectly smooth, and may have a hidden or external connecting strip;
  • with a handle – balls equipped with a rubber handle for ease of holding the device in the desired position;
  • with horns - have two soft outgrowths in the form of horns, located at a distance of approximately 4-5 cm from each other. The horns perform the same function as the handle - they help hold the ball in a certain position and allow the baby to hold on to it independently.

Tip: for little ones it is better to choose a ball with horns; such a device gives the baby the opportunity to develop hand motor skills and strengthen grasping movements.

Another classification of fitballs is based on surface texture:

  • smooth – do not have any protrusions or roughness, intended for activities or games;
  • pimply - have small soft balls over the entire surface. Such balls are called massage balls, since exercise on them brings maximum benefits - in addition to the usual physical development Blood circulation improves, and the body receives an additional massage.

Choosing things for newborns always takes a lot of time, since the purchase must not only be of high quality and safe, it must interest the baby and attract attention. To buy a truly high-quality item, when choosing a ball you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

Tips for using a gym ball for newborns

Purchasing a ball for newborns is only half the battle; it is important to properly prepare the device for work and use it correctly.
  • When purchasing a ball, ask to inflate it in your presence to ensure the integrity of the cover, or agree on an exchange if punctures or other defects are detected.
  • You can inflate the ball at home with any pump; in principle, you can inflate latex products with your mouth, but it will take much longer.
  • When inflating the ball, you should not try too hard, it should be elastic and a little soft, otherwise the baby will be uncomfortable on it.
  • It is recommended to wash the ball every day with warm water without using chemicals. If necessary, it is permissible to use baby soap or shampoo.
  • If there are even minor defects: scratches, punctures, cracks, etc., you should stop playing with this ball, since such minor damage can lead to the device bursting, and this can greatly confuse the baby, or even cause him physical injury.
  • Fitball exercises should be carried out regularly, only in this case they will be effective and beneficial to health.

Due to the widespread popularity of such a device as balls for newborns, this product has received a lot of reviews, in most cases they are positive, but some consumers have specific complaints against the manufacturers.

Oksana, 34 years old:

We have been practicing fitball almost since birth. At first, a smooth ball was used, until about 3 months. Now we bought a pimply device, I notice that after practicing on the massage fitball, the baby is no longer bothered by colic, he is cheerful, active and enjoys performing the most extraordinary tricks on the ball.

Anna, 31 years old:

A massage ball is a wonderful thing not only for the baby, but also for the mother. With the help of this device, I lost several kilograms in just a week, and my skin after exercise becomes smooth and soft, and permanent physical activity give positive effect to reduce stretch marks.

Olga, 25 years old:

After the first use of the ball, I noticed that the connecting seam began to part a little, but the ball did not deflate, so I did not attach much importance to it. However, in the morning it became clear that this item could not be restored. It’s good that the purchase was accepted back to the store without questions, explaining this fact as a manufacturing defect. I didn’t buy another fitball because I’m afraid a similar problem will reoccur while working with my baby.

Violetta, 20 years old:

When purchasing the first fitball, we saved money and bought a cheap copy of the original massage ball. Such a device could easily withstand the weight of a child, but my 50 kg turned out to be an excessive load for him, so this purchase burst, greatly frightening me and greatly amusing my husband. After that, we bought a branded ball, so far it works 100 percent - even my husband (weighing 95 kg) calmly jumps on it with a child.

Today there is large number all kinds of activities for pregnant women and young mothers with children. If previously a young mother was forced to sit at home and saw nothing but dirty diapers and bottles, today household appliances helps you cope with household chores in a matter of minutes and devote time to yourself, your baby and what is truly interesting.

How to choose a fitball for babies?

Already from one month you can perform gymnastic exercises using a large ball. A large jumping ball is also called a fitball.

How to choose a fitball for babies? The diameter of the ball must be at least fifty centimeters. The larger the fitball, the longer it can be used.

The ball can be simply round or have handles. The second option is more convenient and useful in terms of development. If you put the baby on his stomach with his head towards the handle, sooner or later he will begin to grab it. In addition, the horns on the ball create a certain support that does not allow the baby to slip to the floor.

If we talk about convenience for an adult who conducts classes with a child, then we can say that the handles on the ball help to control it accurately.

The ball may have bumps. This is the so-called massage fitball. This ball is very useful for a child, because the pimples create additional massage effect, improving blood circulation and strengthening muscles.

A high-quality ball can withstand up to three hundred kilograms. Once inflated, even an adult can jump on it. There should be no burrs or rough seams on the ball.

Today, a large number of gymnastic balls are sold; it is up to the parents to decide which one to buy. The main thing is that it is durable, bright and meets hygienic requirements. Even though it is made of rubber, it should not smell. High-quality rubber does not give off any odor. The baby will constantly lick the ball during exercise, so the safety of the materials is paramount.

Fitball ball for infants

At any age a person needs physical activity. After all, movement is life. In order for a child to love sports, it is not necessary to wait for the moment when he starts walking. You can already do gymnastics for a month. To do this, you need to buy a fitball for infants. Fitball exercises are a combination of business and pleasure.

In the fifties of the last century, a fitball was invented in Switzerland. Physiologist Susan Kleinvogelbach came up with it for patients with spinal injuries and for those who had problems with the central nervous system. After some time, large colored balls appeared in gyms all over the world.

Many newborns have muscle hypertonicity; fitball helps solve this problem. In addition, light rocking develops vestibular apparatus and make movements more precise. When the baby lies on his tummy, his digestion improves and his abdominal muscles relax, which means that colic will go away quickly. Exercising on a gymnastic ball allows you to strengthen all muscles, especially in the back. During the period of intrauterine development, a newborn has become accustomed to “passive swimming”; the fitball gives him the same sensations, reminding him of the time when the baby was warm, cozy and always full in his mother’s belly.

Fitball exercises for infants

Many begin playing on a ball at two weeks of age. Although it’s better to wait four weeks. The umbilical wound should heal completely. The baby must adapt to the new environment, and only then move on to additional activities.

Fitball exercises for infants should be carried out no earlier than an hour after eating. The baby should have good mood. You should not torment him with gymnastics if he cries or wants to eat. In order to make it fun not only for the child, but also for the mother, you can turn on rhythmic music, which in the future will give the right mood. If there is a large floor-length mirror in the house, then it is better to carry out the exercises in front of it. The baby will study himself in the mirror and see what his mother is doing with him. The first lessons should not be long, because the child needs to get used to the ball. In addition, he gets tired quickly, because his muscles are not yet trained.

A gymnastic ball allows you to show your imagination. There can be as many exercises as you like. The simplest exercise is to place the baby's tummy on the ball. The head, chest and limbs should seem to clasp the ball. Mom needs to put her hand on her back and rock the ball from side to side, in a circle and back and forth.

After the tummy time exercise, you can turn the baby onto his back. In this position, the abs are well strengthened. The movements of the ball are the same - from side to side, in a circle and back and forth.

Exercises on a fitball for infants are distinguished by their variety, but the older the child gets, the more new things can be done.

Buy fitball for babies

All children at all times loved playing with a ball. Moreover, they attract not only small balls, but large ones rubber balls for gymnastics.

You can buy a fitball for babies at a children's or sports store. It is better to do this in a specialized sports store, then you can be sure that this is not just a one-time prop, but a real gymnastic ball that can withstand any load.

Such a ball costs inexpensively from three hundred to five hundred rubles. When choosing a ball, you need to pay attention to whether the pump is included. After all, from time to time it will need to be pumped up.

The place through which air will be pumped should not protrude above the surface of the ball. It must be either inside or equal to the general surface.

A fitball can be given to young parents during the viewing ceremony. Having a gymnastic ball in your home, it will be impossible to pass by.

There are a large number of videos on the Internet that clearly show how to conduct classes with your baby. Before classes, it is better to consult with a pediatrician, because the child may have some diseases for which gymnastics is contraindicated.

The importance of gymnastics for newborn babies cannot be underestimated. The easiest way to properly and effectively exercise with a baby is exercise on a fitball. Even an inexperienced mother can cope with this type of gymnastics. What are the benefits of fitball for infants? What types of gymnastic balls are there and how to choose the right one?

Why does a baby need gymnastics?

Any type of exercise is very important for a newborn baby. They give him the opportunity to feel his body and adapt to a new environment.

The most common problem in children is hypertension. This is a normal phenomenon, since before birth the child was in a “crouched” state for a long time, his arms and legs were bent and pressed tightly to the body. This condition creates discomfort for the child, and is sometimes accompanied by painful sensations. Over time, hypertonicity will disappear on its own, but gymnastics and massage help eliminate it much faster.

Physical exercise also has a very beneficial effect on the mental development of a child. The fact is that children under one year of age develop harmoniously, that is, their physical and mental development are inseparable from each other, they help one another. The sooner you start working with your baby, the more effective and better his brain development and the establishment of neural connections will be.

Why should you choose a gymnastic ball?

Fitball for newborns is very useful. Such gymnastics has many advantages over other types of physical development.

  • Soft and smooth rocking on this ball reminds a newborn of his intrauterine life. Thanks to this, he tolerates the exercises calmly, falls asleep well after them and sleeps very soundly.
  • Gymnastics on a ball for infants helps relieve hypertension and perfectly strengthens muscle corset crumbs.
  • Exercises with a gymnastic ball perfectly develop the respiratory system and stimulate the baby’s blood circulation.
  • Fitball is good not only for gymnastic exercises, but also for massage.
  • The vibrations that the fitball transmits to the infant have a beneficial effect on internal organs, producing a kind of massage that stimulates their work. In addition, vibration has a slight analgesic effect.
  • Massage on a ball is easier to do, as the child behaves calmer and perceives manipulations as fun game.
  • If you perform exercises in the “lying on your stomach” position, this has a beneficial effect on digestion, significantly relieves colic, promotes the release of gases and is an excellent prevention of constipation in infants.
  • You can start exercising on a fitball practically from birth; you don’t need to wait until your child grows up and gets stronger. Optimal time the beginning of gymnastics is the day when the umbilical wound heals.
  • Fitball exercises for infants help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, an excellent orthopedic effect is achieved, the child begins to hold his head up earlier, and tries to sit up, crawl and walk faster.
  • Exercises on the ball allow you to develop your child’s vestibular apparatus well.
  • Having fun on the fitball is not only good for the baby’s health, but also contributes to his psycho-emotional comfort, arouses interest and joy.
  • The older children in the family will also appreciate such a useful purchase as a gymnastic ball. Playing with him is fun and useful. Even simple jumping on it has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body.
  • For nursing mothers, ball exercises will also be useful; they will help get your figure in shape and develop flexibility.

Types of gymnastic balls. How to choose a fitball for babies

Today in stores you can find the most different types gymnastic balls. Not all are suitable for infants, so you need to choose wisely and know the topic.

The diameter of such balls varies from 45 to 85 cm. This ball is universal and is well suited for exercises with children. In addition, adults can also practice with it. For gymnastics with infants, a ball with a diameter of 60 cm or more with a smooth but not slippery surface is suitable. It is better to immediately buy a product with a large diameter, so that later you can use it for physical education with an older child.

The most common type of gymnastic ball that many are familiar with

2. Children's fitball with a handle or horns

Such jumping balls have a relatively small diameter, as they are designed for owners of short stature. Adults are not allowed to use this equipment. The ball is designed for a user weight of up to 50-60 kg. For a baby, you can choose this type of ball; you can perform all the exercises on it in the same way as on a classic fitball. But you need to make sure that the surface is not too slippery.

If the ball is purchased for older children, then you need to pay attention to the fact that the handles are non-slip, firmly attached to the product and have a grooved shape - this will ensure the child’s safety when playing.

This type of ball is only suitable for children. The handle or horns help to hold it during games, so that it is more convenient to jump on it and not slide off to the floor

This ball is more useful for adults, as it allows you to combine physical exercise with a light massage. This option is not worth buying for infants. Pimples on the surface of the product can cause discomfort to the baby. If such equipment is already present at home, then you can try to use it for gymnastics with your child, but only after he is six months old. At the slightest dissatisfaction of the baby, you should immediately stop the activity.

This type of gymnastic ball is distinguished by the presence of “pimples” over the entire surface

Oval fitballs appeared relatively recently, but have already become popular among users. This gymnastic equipment provides good stability when performing exercises, thereby significantly expanding your capabilities. Oval fitballs vary in shape, size and texture. They come in “peanut” or ellipse shapes. The surface can be smooth or “bumpy”. Ball sizes also vary.

The newest variety of gymnastic ball, which is gaining more and more popularity

This type of fitball can be successfully used for kids. Gymnastics on such balls for infants is used in rehabilitation centers, children's hospitals, and exercise therapy rooms. For inexperienced mothers, such equipment will give confidence due to its stability.

Which ball is best for babies?

Stores can offer a huge variety of similar products. In order not to get confused, you need to remember a few important points.

The main selection criteria are as follows:

  • The fitball shape can be either round or oval. You can buy a ball with handles: it is suitable for both older children and infants.
  • The fitball size for infants is from 60 cm and more (orthopedists advise buying a ball with a diameter of at least 75 cm). This diameter of the ball will allow all family members to use it. The easiest way to choose the right size is to sit on a ball. The angle between the thigh and shin should be approximately 90°.
  • It is imperative to make sure that the ball is marked with the abbreviation ABS. This means that it will not explode during use. The same property of the product can be designated BRQ.
  • When inflated, the ball should be elastic, that is, when pressing on the surface, there should be no dents left, and an elastic, springy counteraction should be felt under the palm.
  • The walls should not be too thin. The product must be made of durable, non-toxic, hypoallergenic material.
  • The surface of the product should be warm and not sticky to the touch - this will make it possible to exercise without clothing or additional equipment such as a diaper.
  • The greater the permissible maximum load on the product, the better. The highest quality models can withstand weights of up to 300 kg or more. This load makes it possible for all family members to exercise without fear.
  • A good fitball for a baby should not have rough seams. It is better to choose a smooth surface without “pimples”.
  • Although the surface is smooth, it should not be slippery. It is best to choose balls made of porous non-slip material (thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride). This will ensure greater safety for the child when performing exercises.
  • You need to ask whether the material from which the ball is made has an antistatic effect. This is necessary to prevent debris, dust, and pet hair from sticking to the ball: this can provoke allergic reactions in the child. In addition, sticky clothing makes many exercises difficult, and the baby can also be hit by a static current discharge.
  • A high-quality fitball does not have any foreign chemical odors. Ideally, it doesn't smell like anything at all.
  • The nipple for inflating the fitball should be recessed inside the product so as not to accidentally injure the baby.
  • The ball can be any color. High-quality branded products often have natural, calm shades, while Chinese fakes have acidic, unnatural colors. This fact can also be taken into account when purchasing.
  • It is very important to pay attention to the manufacturer. Today's most best fitballs are produced by companies - TOGU (Germany), Mondo (Italy), Ludi (France), Reebok (USA). These products can be purchased safely, are hygienic certified and are suitable for pregnant women and activities with babies.

Purchase sports equipment It’s better to go to trusted stores, where they can provide comprehensive information about the product and offer to review quality certificates that will confirm the safety of the ball and the ability to use it for activities with infants.

It is better to buy a fitball before the baby is born. It will serve perfectly during pregnancy, relieving tension from the back muscles and improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs. And after the baby is born, it will be an indispensable assistant when doing gymnastics with the baby. How to prepare for exercises and what correct technique gymnastics, described in detail

A gymnastic ball, or, as it is also called, a fitball, is considered one of effective simulators for babies. Before choosing this ball, you need to understand what it is used for and whether your child needs it.

Based on this, we can conclude that if the fitball is used correctly, it will be useful to every newborn child from the first months of his life. However, the problem arises of how to choose a ball that cannot harm the child..

Choosing the right fitball

  • A ball with a diameter of 60–75 cm is ideal for infants. The advantage of this size is that it can be used not only by a child, but by the whole family, including adults.
  • The fitball must be elastic. When you press on it with your hand, it should bounce off the ball. If your hand goes inside when pressing, this means that this is a low-quality fitball that will not last long.
  • The material must be dense and flexible. If you pinch part of the ball with your fingers and no wrinkles, cracks or folds appear on its surface, then this ball is of high quality.
  • The rubber from which the fitball is made must be durable and withstand a load of more than 300 kg. It is this characteristic that determines the possibility of selecting required activity for a child.
  • When performing the exercise, you and your baby should not feel the seams on the rubber. The ideal option is when such seams are not even noticeable upon examination.
  • It is necessary to select a ball where the nipple will be hidden inside. Because otherwise it can not only cling to the carpet and clothes, but also harm the baby’s delicate skin.
  • Since after each lesson it is necessary to treat the surface of the fitball, you need to choose a ball that has an antistatic effect that will prevent debris and dust from sticking to its surface.
  • It is imperative to ensure that the material is hypoallergenic and does not contain harmful substances. If such information is not provided in the store, you should refuse to purchase this fitball so as not to harm your baby.
  • To comfortably perform the exercise with a baby, the texture of the ball’s surface will also be important. It is necessary to give preference to a porous surface that will not be slippery or stick to the skin.
  • Often branded balls have better characteristics. At the moment, the market is filled with various fakes, and fitballs are no exception. Typically, fakes last only a couple of months, while branded items last for several years. To distinguish a branded ball from a fake, it should be noted that companies usually paint the material in natural, metallic and translucent colors, while fakes are made from acid-colored rubber.


The most famous manufacturers, distinguished by the quality and functionality of fitballs that provide comfortable exercise with babies, are:

  • Togu (Germany);
  • Reebok (Italy);
  • Ledraplastic (Italy).

Where to buy

You should not save on the health of your children, as a low-quality product can cause harm to the child. Therefore, a gymnastic ball must be purchased in specialized stores: sports or health goods, where they will help you choose the right equipment for the activity, and will also provide you with all the necessary documents.

To do this, you need to know how to choose a fitball for babies. Orthopedists and physiologists advise buying a ball for kids with a diameter... Touch the ball...

At what age can and should a child engage in preventive or therapeutic-strengthening gymnastics? How to start walking and running is the wrong answer. In fact, from two to three weeks of age. This infant period is the starting point for the beginning of the formation of correct childhood posture.

What set of exercises or simulator can help with this? Fitball is a mini exercise machine for newborns. What is he? - a large, usually brightly colored ball - a gymnastic apparatus. He was born in the middle of the last century. In Switzerland. Its inventor is physiologist Kleinvogelbach, who specializes in the rehabilitation of people with various injuries and problems of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system. The invention created a real boom and almost immediately became firmly established in all sports and gyms, fitness centers, exercise therapy rooms.

What is the use of a ball for children, especially in such a early age? Activities, not even professional, but amateur – due to opportunities:

  • reduce muscle hypertonicity(and it usually occurs in 90% of babies);
  • activates the development of coordination;
  • promote vestibular normalization;
  • serve as a prophylactic against stomach and intestinal colic, bloating;
  • strengthens the spinal muscle corset;
  • stimulates the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • stabilizes the cardiovascular system.

In a word, fitball is as useful as possible for kids. You just need to use your own simulator - individually selected. And for this you need to know how to choose a fitball. Let's consider general rules selection

Big or small ball? – size matters

A fitball is selected for children (as well as for adults) in accordance with their height and weight. The principle of choosing by height is to measure the distance from the tips of your fingers to the shoulder - this is the diameter of the ball. The maximum required circumference of a fitball for parents and babies is an exact match to the measured value. The minimum allowed is the measured length minus ten centimeters.

Orthopedists and physiologists advise buying a ball with a 75-centimeter circumference for infants - the optimal diameter for developmental activities.

A number of required selection parameters include:

  1. material – a fitball for children should be absolutely smooth, without protruding seams and “wrinkles”, dense, and no foreign strong odors;
  2. structure - the nipple through which air is pumped must be hidden (soldered) inside the ball;
  3. security system - it is better if the fitball for kids is provided with an anti-explosion function, designated by the abbreviation ABS (anti-explosion system);
  4. elasticity and the ability to evenly withstand weight (it is better if the selected ball can withstand at least 130 kg, and preferably 150 kg).

This ratio of material, structure, volume will allow you to carry out a wide variety of and most useful developmental and strengthening activities with your baby. And not only with infants, but also with older children. And parents themselves can choose a set of general strengthening, preventive or relaxing gymnastic exercises for themselves. Fitball is useful and interesting not only for kids, it is suitable for all family members.

When an adult chooses a gymnastics machine for themselves, everything is transparent and simple: you need to ask the seller to inflate (pump up) it, sit on the ball and see how it copes with the load, reacting to the accepted weight, and what position the body is in. The tandem foot and shin, reed and torso should remain at a right angle. A fitball suitable for children is selected by pressing (quite firmly, but not with all the weight) with their hand on the surface of the ball - the palm should feel springy resistance.

Touch the ball for another purpose - to feel what the texture of the material is. The surface of a high-quality fitball, made of thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride (synthetic leather), is dry and does not stick to the palm. It is smooth, low-slip (slightly textured - massaging). Touch it and feel the warmth. In addition, the material must have an antistatic effect. Dust and debris do not stick to them. A low-quality fake has a slippery surface, and the feeling when touched is sticky cold. It attracts all the debris that surrounds it, especially dust, animal hair, and fluff. For a growing baby, this is a direct threat to his health: both for the spine (if he slips, he gets injured), and immune system(may cause allergies).

Orthopedists, fitness center trainers, and physiologists advise that when choosing a fitball, pay attention to the presence of a hygiene certificate and, of course, to the documented manufacturer’s brand.

Today, fitballs from the German brands John, Togu, Italian brands Ledraplastik, Mondo, American brands Reebok, Melissa & Doug, and French Ludi are considered the most reliable. All of them have an excellent tissue structure, are protected from explosion - if they are accidentally damaged - they deflate slowly, without frightening or injuring the child.

Balls are different

If for a baby who does strengthening gymnastics under the supervision of his parents, a three-dimensional ball is considered the classic form of a fitball, then for an older baby you can choose other types of exercise equipment.
For example, jumpers with a holder (it’s better if the handle has bumps to securely hold a child’s hand) and a flat support at the base. They somewhat narrow the possibility of selecting a set of strengthening exercises, but allow you to choose no less interesting gymnastics options for developing coordination.

An interesting option is an elliptical trainer, the middle of which is depressed. By the way, kids are even more comfortable on them than on a round ball. Firstly, you don’t slide down so much on them, and secondly, you can fully perform all those effectively strengthening and developmental exercises that you can do on a classic fitball. And if they also have raised, clearly alternating protrusions, capsule balls also become an excellent massager.

Kids also like round exercise machines with horns. As a rule, they have bright, attractive colors or a fun pattern. And you can easily perform almost all the same exercises on them as on a classic fitball. And if you want to jump, there is something to grab onto.

A good addition to gymnastic balls This will be the shape of the rounded massage spikes and the corrugated shape of the horns - so that the palm does not slip.

The choice of shapes, colors, designs, sizes is large. And parents, guided by the recommendations of specialists, will be able to choose exactly what their baby needs with their own feelings.