How to choose cross-country skis for height. Features of choosing ski poles

For maximum comfort when skiing, it is better to choose skis and poles according to height and weight.

Selection table for skis and poles classic move

Skier weight Ski length Skier's height Length of poles
<45 170-175 150 125
45-49 175-180 155 130
50-54 180-184 160 135
55-59 185-189 165 140
60-69 190-195 170 145
70-79 195-200 175 150
79-89 200-205 180 155
90> 205 185 160
90> 205 190 165
90> 210 195 165

For beginner skiers, they are suitable with notches or camus. They require almost no maintenance and are wider for better stability.

For experienced skiers, models with a skin or a smooth sliding surface are suitable. They are narrower, which allows for development high speed, but require care to maintain speed.

Selection table for combined skis and poles

In terms of properties, these are somewhere between classic and skating, and allow you to ski in two ski styles. The sliding surface is smooth and has no notches or camus.

Selection table for skis and poles for skating

Models are suitable for beginner skiers, since there is a high probability of breaking skis and poles while improving their movement techniques.

For experienced skiers, models from well-known brands that are lightweight and have high speed qualities are suitable.

Skating move

The skating style of skiing was invented in the early 80s; before that, skiing was done exclusively using classic skiing. Skating is the fastest style of cross-country skiing. For skiing you need a wide, prepared track. More suitable for active people, lovers of speed.

To master technology skating It will take at least one season.

You need to prepare your body physically: when skating in the skating style, all the muscles of the body are involved in the work - neck, shoulders, arms, abs, back, legs. With every kilometer you walk, your body will become stronger. And most importantly - without strong muscles can't be learned correct technique skating, which can result in injury. Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the knees and lumbar back. And be sure to stretch all muscle groups before and after training.

Mastering skating technique is not an easy task. Need good coordination, strong back, strong hands and legs. This will give you a good ride and high speed when riding. To develop your legs, back and coordination, ride without poles. To develop your arms, abs and back, ski on the ski track at a stepless pace (doublepoling).

To begin with, you should master the two-step skating stroke. Learn how to do a long ski on one ski and how to push with your hands correctly. Gradually move to a skating, simultaneous one-step move.

Equipment for skating

To get started, buy inexpensive but high-quality skis and poles. When buying boots, focus on comfort, not cost.

When you feel like you're lacking speed, switch to more expensive skis.

Classic move

The classic move is the very first move that was used to move on skis. It is slower than skating and not as difficult to master. For skiing you only need a ski track, which you can lay yourself in any convenient place near your house. Suitable for calm people for a family holiday who want to strengthen their body and immune system.

Recommendations for those who want to ride classic style

Mastering technology

The classic move is mastered almost immediately, it is similar to normal walking. At first, your speed and endurance will be noticeably lower than that of experienced skiers, but over time, if you learn the technique and strengthen your muscles, you can easily ski 10-20 km without stopping at high speed.

Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the legs and lumbar back; classic skating without poles will help with this. And be sure to warm up your muscles before and after skating to avoid injuries.


For maximum comfort when skiing, you need to choose the right classic skis, especially the version with notches. The difficulty is that a classic ski has 2 functions - to roll forward well, and not to roll back when going uphill. Each ski size has an individual stiffness that can be checked. Too much soft skis will always sag - touching the snow with the notches (this reduces the speed), and skis that are too hard will always hold their bend - preventing the notches from catching on the snow (the skis will shoot when climbing uphill).

If you are a beginner skier and ski rarely, buy inexpensive, high-quality skis. If you are an experienced skier and like to ski often, buy more expensive and high-quality skis from well-known brands. It is better to buy boots that you feel comfortable in, regardless of the price.

From this article you will learn how to choose a beginner skier cross-country skiing and poles according to height, as well as how to choose the right size of ski boots. Below are tables for selecting ski sizes and boot sizes.

Selection of cross-country skis and poles

In order to choose correctly cross-country ski length, you need to decide what style you are going to ski - classic (on the ski track) or skating:

  • For a classic move, add to your height 20-25 cm
  • For skating, add to your height 10-15 cm

There are two types:

  • Notched (step): The notch is the ribbed sliding surface of the ski in the binding area. The notch allows the skis not to slip and not to use grip ointments. Excellent for recreational skiing on the classic track.

  • With smooth sliding surface (wax): These are skis without a notch system, the sliding surface is smooth, the use of holding ointments is required. Unlike knurled skis, these skis are suitable for any style of skiing and are better suited for combination skiing, skating, and sport skiing.

When selecting length ski poles also focus on your riding style:

  • Poles for the classic move should be approximately 25 cm less than your height. In this case, when you stand on skis in boots, the poles will go up to your feet in the snow, and the handle of the poles will reach your armpits. This particular length of ski poles is optimal for classic skiing.
  • For skating, ski poles must be longer - approximately 15 cm less than your height.

Table for selecting cross-country skis and poles by height:

Skate style Height Classic style
skis sticks cm skis sticks
200 175 195 210 165
200 175 190 205 165
200 170 185 205 160
195 165 180 200-205 155
190 160 175 195-200 150
185 155 170 190-195 145
180 150 165 185-190 140
175 145 160 180-185 135
170 140 155 180 130
165 135 150 170 125
160 130 145 170 120
155 125 140 160 115
150 120 135 160 110
145 115 130 150 105
140 110 125 150 100
135 105 120 140 95
130 100 115 140 90
120 95 110 130 85
120 90 105 130 80
110 90 100 120 80

Choosing cross-country ski bindings

The most popular types are:

  • 75 mm (NN75)- classic steel fasteners (three-pin system), familiar to everyone since Soviet times, are still very popular due to their simplicity, reliability and low cost. These bindings are perfect for recreational riding.
  • NNN and SNS - modern systems fastenings, differing from each other by guide protrusions for boots along the fastenings. Such bindings are better suited for more active and sporty riding.

Choosing ski boots

All are made from modern frost-resistant synthetic materials, less often from genuine leather.

All ski boots are insulated, which allows you to choose boots of your size without reserve and wear them without a wool sock. We recommend using thermal socks.

The sole of the ski boots fits a specific binding system: 75 mm, NNN or SNS:

  • Boots for 75 mm bindings are available in standard Russian sizes. The size of the boots can be chosen entirely according to your foot size.
  • Boots for NNN/SNS bindings are available in Euro sizes, which are approximately 1.5-2 sizes smaller than Russian ones, i.e. If you wear Russian size 39, then you should take size 41 boots.

Most easy way choose your boot size- measure with a ruler shoe insole length that you are wearing.If it is not possible to remove the insole from the shoe, then it is necessary to measure the length of the foot. How to do this correctly - see the table below.

Table for selecting the size of ski boots according to the insole length:

Insole length, cm Size Russia Euro size
19 - 30
19,5 - 31
20 30 -
20,5 31 32
21,5 32 33
22 33 34
22,5 34 35
23 35 36
24 36 37
24,5 37 38
25 - 39
25,5 38 40
26 39 41
26,5 40 -
27 41 42
27,5 - 43
28 42 44
28,5 43 -
29 44 45
29,5 - 46
30 45 47
30,5 46 -
31 47 -

How to measure your foot length correctly:

Stand on a piece of paper with your heels only lightly touched the wall behind (door, cabinet side, etc.). If you press your heel hard against the wall, the measurement will be wrong.

The body weight should be transferred to the leg being measured.

Hold a pencil strictly vertical, don’t get him under your fingers!

Mark lines near the thumb and second finger, draw a line along the wall. Use a ruler to measure the maximum distance between the marks. Measure both legs, because... size may vary.

Ready-made ski kits

In our online store you can choose and buy, consisting of cross-country skis, poles, bindings, boots and ski bundles.

We have prepared for you several options for skis from the Russian manufacturer STC (Center sports technologies). You can choose skis with or without serration. The kit includes 75mm or NNN/SNS bindings, matching ski boots, some ski kits include additional accessories - a ski bag and a set of ski waxes.

Especially for parents of schoolchildren, we have 2 inexpensive options ski kit Schoolboy: a simple and budget kit with 75 mm fasteners and a kit with NNN mounts/SNS. Both ski sets are perfect for physical education classes at school, as well as just for skiing and training. skiing in winter.

Every beginner skier faces difficulties in choosing cross-country skis. How to choose cross-country skis? Skate or classic? Or maybe universal? More expensive or cheaper? The correct answer to these questions will determine whether you love this sport or hate it.

In this article we will tell you how to choose cross-country skis and not turn the purchasing process into headache. How to choose skate and classic skis, how they differ and what to pay attention to.

First you need to understand a few important points. Buying sports equipment is better highest quality, which your family budget can afford. Even for rare outings with the family you shouldn’t choose the cheapest skis. This principle is similar to or different sports equipment. The miser pays twice - everyone has known this for a long time.

You can often hear from beginners: “I ride 5 times a year, I need the cheapest ones.” Such an installation will ruin the riding experience for you and your loved ones. Moreover, if you ride 5 times a year, then it is better to spend this time with pleasure, and not in agony. Of course, financial status imposes a framework on this principle, but this is a personal matter for everyone.

One thing is clear, it is better to buy equipment, reputable brands. They have appropriate quality control and care about reputation. Here are the brands we trust and recommend for purchase:

  • Salomon
  • Fischer
  • Atomic
  • Rossignol
  • Tisa (owned by Fischer)
  • Pelton

What is the difference between classic skis and skate skis?

First of all, they differ design or, as skiers say, diagram. The performance of skis depends on this, but for skates and classics it is completely different. Also, for classics, skis are selected longer, and for skating - shorter. This is explained by the fact that in skating you need to swing your skis to the sides and do it more conveniently with short skis. In the classics it is better to take longer skis. According to the laws of physics, the longer the ski, the less pressure it creates on the snow, the less friction and the better the glide.

How a skate ski should work

As can be seen from the figure, the skate ski never completely crushed. It acts like a spring and has maximum pressure points at the toe and heel. In the foreground, the diagram reflects the pressure when an athlete stands on 2 legs. In the background is the transfer of weight to 1 leg when rolling. The pressure increases significantly at the toe and heel, and remains almost unchanged under the shoe.

How a classic ski should work

image from Skiing magazine

Classical, on the contrary, completely crushed under the block. This is understandable - under the block there is a holding ointment that does not allow the ski to slide back when pushing off. In the foreground of the diagram, the skier stands on 2 legs, in the background the weight is transferred to 1 leg and push-off occurs.

The diagrams clearly show why it is almost impossible to skate on classic skis and vice versa.

What are combined skis (combi)?

Combined skis or simply combi are classic with increased rigidity. Roughly speaking, these are skis for classics, with the opportunity to skate sometimes. True, there is one drawback - for a classic move, you need to apply grip ointment under the block, and this ointment will only interfere with skating. That is, the combi needs to be constantly smeared, which is inconvenient and time-consuming.

Advantages of combination skis:

  • savings (no need to spend money on 2 sets)
  • a good option for your first ski (in the future you can decide which move you like best)

Disadvantages of combined skis:

  • you need to constantly apply and wash off the holding ointment
  • do not fully reveal the features of skating styles

How to choose cross-country skiing for a beginner?

First you need to decide what kind of stroke you want to ride, where you will ride and what goals you set. There is not always a prepared wide track for skating, but ski tracks can be trampled in every park, even in the center of a big city. If there is no good piste nearby that is maintained, then definitely take classic skis. If the highway is nearby or there is an opportunity to drive to it, then the choice is more difficult. To simplify things, let’s roughly divide skating into several categories:

  • walks with family and friends

When walking, the main thing is to have fun, fresh air, communication, hot tea from a thermos. For such skating it is better to choose classic. We advise you to pay attention to wax-free skis– with notches or mohair modules (Skintech, Twinskin and the like). You don’t need to smear them so they don’t roll back, you can comfortably stand on them and drink tea, and it’s much easier to climb a mountain without serious physical training.

Skates are not suitable for these purposes. Skating is an energy-consuming form of skating; walking on a skate will not work. Without proper preparation, you won’t be able to communicate while skating; someone in the group will definitely fall behind, and the skating will not last long.

  • regular exercise to keep fit and healthy

Simply put, exercise for health 2-3 times a week. Here you can already use skating and alternate it with the classic one - combination skis are suitable for these purposes. If you are not afraid of the disadvantages of this type of ski, which we listed above. Or buy skis for every move from the middle price segment.

  • improvement of technology ski moves, desire to improve in skiing

If you want to learn how to ski technically, then you need to think about buying 2 pairs - one for each skiing style. Combined ones will not allow you to supply equipment

  • participation in competitions, desire to improve sports level

To fight for results in competitions, of course, you need several couples. At least 1 for each style, ideally 2-3 for each style. Moreover, the skis must be the most high level. Here it’s worth starting from how much you are willing to invest in your hobby. It's always better to take 2 pairs of good ones than 4 mediocre ones. To select professional skis you need special approach. About how to choose professional skis, read our separate article.

  • Geometry. Skis should not be curved in the longitudinal direction (it is convenient to look at the groove), there should be no helical bend

image from Skiing magazine

  • Sliding surface should be smooth, plastic without waves, bumps or holes
  • There should not be any on the laminate damage. Moisture can get inside through them, then the core will swell and become unusable.
  • Should shrink equally and evenly. It should not be the case that one ski compresses easier, the other harder

How to choose skis for classic skiing?

By height

Classic ones are selected based on the formula: skier height + 20-30 cm. If your height is 180 cm, choose skis with a length of 200 - 210 cm.

By weight

Skis for classic skiing are selected based on weight markings on the surface. Even some inexpensive skis from well-known manufacturers, such as Salomon, have such markings. In the photo, the skis are designed for a weight of 65-78 kg.

If there are no markings, then you can choose them by weight, popular among skiers paper dough:

  1. Find your balance point. This can be done by placing the ski on a thin ruler or knife. If you don’t have anything at hand, you can grab the ski with 2 fingers by the sides and find the balance point.
  2. Place your skis on a flat floor and stand on them so that the toes of your boots are on the balance line
  3. Have someone run a piece of paper under the skis. You need to stand straight, distributing your weight on 2 legs. The A4 sheet of paper should extend approximately 20-25 cm in front of the shoe and reach the heel. When you shift your weight onto one leg, the ski should almost press down on the sheet. If you take a narrower sheet of paper, it should move slightly under the ski.

There are rougher ways to select skis by weight if the store does not allow you to conduct a paper test. Such methods are suitable only for the cheapest ones, which do not have weight markings.

Please note that each person’s hand strength is different and this selection method cannot be used as the main one.

The first way is one-handed squeezing:

  1. Find your balance point
  2. 5 cm below your balance point, grip a pair of skis with one hand. There should be a gap of about 1 mm

Another way our fathers and grandfathers tested the stiffness of skis:

  1. Find your balance point
  2. Grip a pair of skis with 2 hands below your balance point. So you need to find a pair that you can barely squeeze, if they squeeze too easily then they are soft. If you can’t squeeze it, then it’s hard.

Last and the simplest selection method, if you don’t want to bother at all. When the skier’s weight is above normal, it is better to take according to the upper limit of length, that is, the skier’s height is +25-30 cm. When the weight is normal, the average value is selected (height + 20-25 cm), weight below normal - height + 20 cm) . Also, for overweight people, we recommend paying attention to combined ones and choosing them according to height according to the classic scheme. They differ from classic ones only in increased rigidity.

How to choose skis for skating?

By height

For skating, they are selected according to height as follows: skier height + 10-15 cm. Short skis are more maneuverable and easier to control. Therefore, it is better for beginners to take a shorter length, if body weight allows. For experienced skiers, we recommend longer skis (closer to +15 cm).

By weight

On some models, as in the case of classic ones, it is indicated skier weight range for a specific couple. If there are no such markings, then you can use the same methods as when selecting classic ones, except for squeezing with 1 hand. But there are several features:

  1. On the paper test, when the weight of the skier is transferred to one leg, the paper should move freely under the ski in the binding area
  2. When squeezing with 2 hands there should be a gap of about 2mm

Many specialized stores have special devices for measuring the stiffness of cross-country skis.

How to choose combination skis?

Combis are selected as something between a skate and a classic: skier height + 15-20 cm. As we already wrote above, combi are classic skis with increased rigidity. Therefore, the selection of combination skis is identical to the selection of classic skis with a slight bias towards skate skis. We described the selection methods in detail above.

How to choose skis by stiffness: video instructions from Fischer

Many specialized stores have devices for measuring the stiffness of cross-country skis. In the video, ski selection is made on a special stand, but on a flat floor you can conduct a similar test using a piece of paper.

With the arrival of winter, goods for winter sports. Ski equipment is especially popular. Below we will consider what the length of skis should be for different types of skiing.

Rules for selecting equipment for the classic move

The first point is the correct length. There are two ways to figure out which skis are the right size. The oldest and most common way is to stretch your arm up. The tip of the ski should reach your palm.

You can add 30 cm to your own height. This is another way to choose the length of skis for the classic stroke.

Beginners should opt for models with notches in the middle. They hold the ski and prevent it from slipping back. It will be much easier to master the ski track. If you have some riding experience, then the presence of notches can be a hindrance, since they also prevent you from accelerating much and slow you down.

Rules for selecting skis for skating

If a different type of skating is used, the rules for selecting equipment will change. The length of the skis for skating is slightly shorter. This is because the heels can overlap or catch on one another, thereby interfering with movement.

Ski length for is determined by next rule: your height + 10-15 cm. Beginners can purchase more short models. The maximum size of skate skis is 200 cm. They differ from classic ones in appearance: a blunter toe and no notches on the sliding side.

Combi or touring skis

There is some intermediate option for those who have not yet decided how they will skate: classic or skate. Combi skis combine the features of equipment for both types of movement. They have a reduced length (maximum 195 cm), but may have notches, and they are also softer. In this case, the length of the skis is also determined by height. To choose the size of this type of ski, you need to add 15-20 cm to your height.

By the way, in many sports stores there are usually special tables where the length of skis and poles for classics or skates is already calculated.

Rules for selecting poles

A necessary piece of equipment is ski poles. Their length will depend on the type of skiing chosen. For the classic move, shorter poles are used. Their size is calculated by the formula: height minus 25-30 cm. As a result, they are obtained at the level of the armpit or shoulder. The poles used for skating are usually 10 cm longer. Their maximum height is up to the ears.

How to choose the length of skis for children

In general terms, all these rules for selecting the length of equipment are applicable for a child. However, it should be borne in mind that children's skis are softer, since the pushing force and weight of a child are significantly inferior to those of adults.

You should not buy equipment “for growth”; the reserve should not exceed 5 cm, because it will be difficult and uncomfortable for a child to ski in skis that are too long, and excessively high poles will interfere with pushing off. In addition, the risk of injury increases significantly. As a result, the child will not receive pleasure, and his interest may disappear.

in the store

Before you go shopping for equipment, you need to decide what kind of skis you need: skate or classic. If you don’t have a preference yet, then you can choose recreational ones; you can master the skate on them, albeit with difficulty. If you buy ones that are suitable for the last move, then it is impossible to master the classics on them, because due to their rigidity they will not allow you to push on the ski track. So, the main points when choosing skis:

How to choose alpine skis

For some reason, when selecting alpine skis, they are guided by the height of the skier, as for cross-country skis. Some even use the same calculation formulas. However, this approach is incorrect, because downhill racing and a walk in the forest are completely different things. And when selecting equipment, you need to take this into account.

First of all, you need to remember that alpine skiing provide a high-speed descent, so good control is necessary. As a rule, their length reaches the nose or is equal to the height of the skater, and maybe even less. The growth indicator is not the main thing here. First of all, you should pay attention to the type of skiing and the route.

Professional slalom athletes use skis with a length of 165 cm (the minimum acceptable size). This is due to the fact that there are many sharp turns on the track, and entering them is quite difficult. To successfully perform figures, good maneuverability is required, which is ensured by a small turning radius. And it is determined by the length of the skis: the shorter they are, the smaller the radius, the more maneuverable the skis. If the rules allowed the use of shorter equipment, then athletes would use it. The turning radius is indicated on each pair (it is designated by the Latin letter “R”). The smaller it is, the shorter and steeper the turns can be.

On the other hand, you won’t be able to accelerate much on short skis with constant sharp turns. Therefore, for downhill in a straight line or with wide turns the track will need a longer pair.

For those who like to “loop around”, as well as for beginners, shorter skis are suitable, as they are easier to control and accelerate less. Longer models are suitable for experienced riders: they quickly develop high speeds and make wider and smoother turns. They are also good for wide snow-covered slopes. On narrow or icy roads you will have to maneuver, which means short ones will come in handy.

Alpine skiing is also divided into men's, women's and children's. And the difference between them is not only in color. The category affects the stiffness and ability to carry a certain weight.

for a child

To properly equip your child, you first need to take into account his weight and age. This will affect how long the skis should be. Also an important factor is experience in both alpine and cross-country skiing. If there is one, then the preferred method of descent must be taken into account. All this will affect the length.

Children's skis are selected based on the following correspondence tables:

  • with a weight of up to 20 kg, ski length up to 80 cm;
  • up to 30 kg - up to 90 cm;
  • up to 40 kg - up to 100 cm;
  • from 40 kg - the ski is no longer than from the floor to the nose or even the chin, if there is no skiing experience.

Otherwise, the same rules are followed as when selecting equipment for adult riders.

Touring skis

They are not intended for Sunday walks, but for winter hikes in places untouched by civilization. They can be used on virgin soil, deep snow, where there are no specially equipped trails. They are quite rigid and wide (more than 6 cm), often have a reinforced base.

To determine what the length of the skis should be, you need to know the weight of the tourist along with the backpack: up to 80 kg - 160 cm, up to 100 kg - 190 cm, 120 kg and more - 200 cm. If the hike is light, then the skis should be equal to height or even be 5 cm shorter. Also, their socks are longer and higher than those of running shoes. This is necessary so that the skis do not bury themselves in the snow. Another difference is that in many of them the notch is applied almost the entire length to ensure the most reliable grip on snow.

Once you have decided on the type and model of skis you will run on, you can proceed to choosing the length of your cross-country skis.

Correctly selected ski length for classic skiing should ensure full deflection of the ski during the push phase, and no friction between the ski block and the snow during the sliding phase.
The correct length of skis for skating, prevents the skis from being completely pushed through during the push phase.

On properly chosen skis for skating, it is almost impossible to run with a classic move, due to the fact that during the push phase the skate skis do not come into contact with the snow and the ski slips.

For your convenience, we have indicated the recommended weight of the skier in the cross-country ski catalog product card opposite each ski size (see picture on the left). When choosing a cross-country ski model, you should consider your level sports training, this is especially true for classic skis. Ski models of a higher level of skier training are designed for a more powerful push and, accordingly, will be more rigid with the same recommended weight parameters.

Note that skiers weighing more than 100 kg will not be easy to find a pair of skis that fully meet the above requirements, since skis, especially entry level, as a rule, are designed for weights up to 100 kg. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the stiffest pair of skis available. If you can't find a pair of skis that are stiff enough, choose skis designed for a higher skill level.

Ways to select the length of cross-country skis

There are two ways to select ski length:

By skier's weight
- according to the height of the skier

Selection of skis according to the height of the skier is suitable for a person with normal weight. This selection method is fast, but not always accurate.

The correct way to select the length of the ski is to select it based on the weight of the skier

Below we will consider both methods of selecting the length of cross-country skis:

Selection of skis based on skier weight

The stiffness of skis can be measured in several ways: a) using a special stiffness meter - a flex tester, b) on a flat surface or a special board for measuring the stiffness of skis, c) with sufficient experience, you can preliminary estimate the stiffness simply by squeezing a pair of skis with your hands, d) use table for selecting ski length by weight, sometimes offered by manufacturers. As we wrote above, for your convenience, we have indicated in the product card opposite each ski size on the Select Option tab the recommended weight of the skier.

When selecting cross-country skis for classic skiing, special care is required, since this determines how comfortable you can ride on the chosen pair. When choosing skis for classic skiing, you need to take into account own weight(for athletes additionally: the strength of the kick, the weather conditions under which skis are supposed to be used, and of course personal preferences). Skis for cold weather As a rule, they are chosen softer and more elastic than skis for positive weather. In cold weather, as a rule, it is not necessary to apply thick layers of ointment and this allows you to take a softer pair, and at positive temperatures or at slight minus temperatures, the thickness of the applied ointment layer is much greater and the rigidity of the ski should be greater so that the deflection can compensate for the difference in the thickness of the ointment layer especially when using liquid and soil lubricants.
High-level athletes with a powerful push are advised to choose skis that are slightly stiffer. With such a pair, the athlete can do long-term skating without contact of the holding area with the snow. For less prepared people, it is recommended to choose softer skis, which are easier to obtain a reliable “hold” of the ointment. In addition, it is easier to maintain balance while riding on a soft, elastic pair.

The procedure for selecting classic skis

The procedure for selecting classic skis consists of assessing how they suit you in terms of stiffness, as well as determining the area for applying grip ointments.

Find the center of gravity (balance line) of each ski, mark it with a marker, place the skis on a flat surface and stand on them so that the tips of your shoes are on the balance line.
- Distribute your body weight evenly on both legs and ask an assistant to pass a thin sheet of paper or a 0.2 mm thick feeler gauge under the ski. At correct selection skis according to the stiffness, the probe or paper should move freely under the ski at a distance of up to 25-40 cm (depending on the length of the ski) forward from the balance line, as well as back from the balance line to the end of the boot (here deviations of 1-2 cm are allowed in that or other party).
- If the feeler gauge moves forward less, use a longer or stiffer pair of skis. If the probe moves back further than the heel of the boot by 3-5 cm or more, take a shorter or softer pair of skis.
- Transfer your body weight to one entire ski and ask an assistant to pass a thin sheet of paper or a 0.2 mm thick probe under the ski. The feeler gauge or paper should move freely forward from the balance line by 10 - 15 cm (depending on the length of the skis), and also back from the balance line to approximately the middle of the foot.
- Transferring your body weight to one ski, lift yourself up onto your toes, simulating a push-off. Have an assistant make sure that the probe or paper is fully clamped and cannot move freely.

If the skis meet all the above requirements, then they are suitable for you in terms of stiffness. Depending on the individual characteristics of your classic skiing technique, the skis may be slightly less rigid than required in accordance with the recommendations, especially if you do not have a sharp push or you do not strive to achieve the highest results in ski racing, but prefer comfortable skiing with a reliable “hold” of your skis.

When selecting skate skis, the same careful measurements are not required as when selecting classic skis. When choosing a pair of skate skis, the personal preferences of the skier are of greater importance. Skate skis should be stiffer than classic skis. But we must take into account that hard skis are more demanding in terms of control and maintaining balance when skiing, so when choosing skis intended for walking or light training, it is better to consider more elastic and soft skis. When checking the stiffness of skate skis, you should use the thinnest feeler gauges (0.1 or 0.2 mm) or a thin sheet of paper.

The main criteria for selecting the correct skate skis:
- When distributing body weight over two skis, the area of ​​free movement of the probe should be at least 40 cm forward from the balance line (for short skis this distance can be 20-30 cm) and about 10 cm back from the heel of the boot.
- When loading one ski, this area should decrease, but no more than 10 cm in front, and the gap should not end under the heel of the boot.
- When simulating repulsion with the toe of the boot, a gap of a total length of 30 to 40 cm should be maintained, while the area directly under the boot should remain unclamped.
- When choosing skating skis for competitions, it is advisable to take into account the weather conditions under which the skis will be used. For soft skiing with fresh snow, soft skis with elastic toes are better. For hard and icy skiing, it is advisable to use hard skis in which the rigidity starts from the very toes. If you are choosing skis for use in cold or dry weather, you need to pay attention to ensuring that the tips of the skis do not diverge to the sides when squeezing the pair. This will ensure even distribution of pressure throughout sliding surface skis.

When selecting combination skis, you should follow the same recommendations as when selecting skis for classic skiing.

Selection of skis according to skier height

Rules for selecting skis by length for skating, classic and recreational skis are different. Below is a general recommendation for choosing ski length based on height. If your weight is higher than normal, then you need to choose longer skis. If it is less than normal, then it is shorter. This recommendation does not apply to racing skis, since they are available in several stiffness options for same length skis. We remind you that this method is fast, but not always accurate. This method is suitable for skiers of normal weight.

Selecting the length of skis for skating

Skating skis should be 10-15 cm longer than the skier’s height. Maximum length skate ski 192 cm

Selecting ski lengths for classic skiing

Selecting the length of combined skis

Combined skis are selected in the range of 15-20 cm more than your own height. Maximum length combined skis 192-200 cm