Fat to muscle ratio test. Body fat percentage is an important criterion for health and beauty

It's hard to train without motivation. The ideal option for any athlete is when he sees changes happening to his body. What influences appearance figures? The answer is obvious:
Muscle mass;
Body fat percentage.

If changes in the first parameter are easy to see by how training weights and volumes increase, then the second requires measurements. We'll tell you how to do this.

How and where does the body store fat reserves?

The mechanism for the formation of fat deposits was developed in the process of evolution. Main goals:
1 . Create an energy reserve. Our distant ancestors did not have refrigerators: periods of successful hunting were followed by long periods of starvation. When there was food, the body created a reserve of fat, when there was no food, it spent its own resources. Primarily adipose tissue.
2 . Keep warm. Adipose tissue is an excellent heat insulator. There are a minimum of capillaries in it; when the fat layer cools, the blood hardly cools down. Muscles and internal organs maintain their temperature.

In women, fat is located primarily in the chest, buttocks and thighs; in men, it is deposited under the skin on the abdomen. A shift in hormonal balance leads to a change in the dislocation of deposits.

A man with low testosterone levels is often effeminate in appearance - wide hips are complemented by the formation of female-type breasts, so-called gynecomastia. At the same time, women with low estrogen levels, if they accumulate fat, then, like in men, it gravitates to the folds on the abdomen.

Fat amount range

How much fat can it contain? human body? Lower limit - approx. 5% for men and 10% for women. Bodybuilders before competitions, however, can reduce the amount of fat by up to 3-4% . This level means perfect relief: All muscle fibers with minimal voltage they are perfectly drawn.

Too little fat content can lead to health problems. Don't forget: fat is necessary for normal hair growth ( participates in the formation of the hair follicle along with proteins); synovial lubrication in joints ( ensures the sliding of the bone head along the cartilaginous substrate) also consists of fat.

Fat is used by the body to produce sex hormones. If its level is too low in men, testosterone production deteriorates. Having trouble recruiting or maintaining muscle mass, no sexual desire. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.
Finally, too little fat percentage has a negative impact on the skin.

The optimal amount of fat in the body is considered 12-20% for men And 18-25% for women. In this case, the figure looks athletic, moderately sculpted, and health does not suffer in any way.

With age, with a constant subcutaneous layer of fat, its total amount increases: intramuscular fat and fat cells surrounding the internal organs accumulate.

Men with 30% fat and women with 35% have obvious external signs of obesity. In addition to aesthetics, health problems begin here: the number of problems with the heart and blood vessels increases sharply.

Ways to measure fat

Anthropometry. Simply measuring your volumes with a measuring tape will allow you to track the dynamics of changes. If your biceps have increased and your waist has decreased, you have obviously gained muscle and decreased fat.
However, the method is not universal and subjective: in women, for example, large number fat can also be deposited on the arms, in the triceps area. In addition, in this way you can only approximately estimate the dynamics, but not find out the exact or at least approximate percentage of fat in the body.

Bioimpedance (electrical resistance measurement). Muscles, bones, fat and water have different electrical resistance. This fact has long been used by doctors when determining the exact percentage of fat ( the error of the method is no more than two percent). Relatively recently, household scales have appeared on the market that measure the percentage composition of the body using the bioimpedance method.

The essence of the method is that a very weak electric current is passed through the body. Based on the strength of the current at a known potential difference, it is possible to calculate the electrical resistance of body tissues, and if so, then their composition.

Using the bioimpedance method has several nuances:
Measurements are taken in a warm room. Sweat or, conversely, narrowing of capillaries after a walk on a winter street is unacceptable.
Measurements are taken on an empty stomach; in addition, taking diuretics greatly distorts the results.
A heavy workout or shower shortly before the measurement will affect skin moisture and the amount of water and salts in the body. If so, the results will again be distorted.
Electric current follows the shortest path, so when measuring with scales, only the resistance of the legs is taken into account, but not the torso. This method is not suitable for potbellies with thin legs.

Ultrasound. Estimates of the accuracy of this method vary greatly among different specialists. Fabrics of different densities conduct acoustic vibrations differently; theoretically, their patency in different parts of the body should give an accurate picture. In practice, sometimes you can see paradoxical results like 40% fat from a prize-winner in a bodybuilding competition.

Weighing in water. Fat has a different density than muscle tissue, remember? If so, the difference between body weight in air and in water will allow us to calculate the percentage of body fat using rather complex formulas.

From a practical point of view, it looks like this: you are seated in a chair suspended from scales, and after a deep exhalation, you are immersed in water for 10 seconds. For greater accuracy, the procedure is repeated three times. We can only hope that the mechanism that lifts you out of the water is very reliable and cannot jam.

X-ray scanner. The most expensive and most accurate method for determining fat. You will have to try to find a clinic that has such equipment, and then spend several thousand rubles on the examination. It might be better to buy a caliper, which will be discussed later.

Measuring fat folds. Finally, the simplest method of measuring fat percentage, which does not require complex instruments with acceptable accuracy of the result, is to pinch the fat folds at several points and measure them.

Doctors use a special meter for measurements - a caliper. At home, you can easily get by with a caliper or a regular ruler. We need to measure the folds at four points.

1 . We measure the thickness of the fat fold on the triceps, approximately at the same distance from the shoulder and elbow joints.

2 . Similarly, measure the fold on the biceps, on the opposite side of the arm.

3 . We measure the fat fold on the shoulder blade. To be precise, the thickness of the tuck is measured just below any of the shoulder blades; the skin is pinched at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical so that the fold is directed along the line connecting cervical vertebrae and sides. Of course, you will need help to take measurements.

4 . We measure the fat fold at the waist in the navel area, where the most fat is.

The results are summarized. The following table is used to calculate your fat percentage:

Men Women
amount in mm 16-29 years old 30-49 years old over 50 16-29 years old 30-49 years old over 50
20 8,1 12,1 12,5 14,1 18,4 21,4
22 9,2 13,2 13,9 15,4 19,5 22,6
24 10,2 14,2 15,1 16,5 20,6 23,7
26 11,2 15,2 16,3 17,6 21,5 24,8
28 12,1 16,1 17,4 18,6 22,4 25,7
30 12,9 16,9 18,5 19,5 23,3 26,6
35 14,7 18,7 20,8 21,6 25,2 28,6
40 16,3 20,3 22,8 23,4 26,8 30,3
45 17,7 21,8 24,7 25,0 28,3 31,9
50 19,0 23,0 26,3 26,5 29,6 33,2
55 20,2 24,2 27,8 27,8 30,8 34,6
60 21,2 25,3 29,1 29,1 31,9 35,7
65 22,2 26,3 30,4 30,2 32,9 36,7
70 23,2 27,2 31,5 31,2 33,9 37,7
75 24,0 28,0 32,6 32,2 34,7 38,6
80 24,8 28,8 33,7 33,1 35,6 39,5
85 25,6 29,6 34,6 34,0 36,3 40,4
90 26,3 30,3 35,5 34,8 37,1 41,1
95 27,0 31,0 36,5 35,6 37,8 41,9
100 27,6 31,7 37,3 36,3 38,5 42,6
110 28,8 32,9 38,8 37,7 39,7 43,9
120 29,9 34,0 40,2 39,0 40,8 45,1
130 31,0 35,0 41,5 40,2 41,9 46,2
140 31,9 36,0 42,8 41,3 42,9 47,3
150 32,8 36,8 43,9 42,3 43,8 48,2
160 33,6 37,7 45,0 43,2 44,7 49,1
170 34,4 38,5 46,0 44,6 45,5 50,0
180 35,2 39,2 47,0 45,0 46,2 50,8
190 35,9 39,9 47,9 45,8 46,9 51,6
200 36,5 40,6 48,8 46,6 47,6 52,3

As you can see, the table adjusts not only for gender, but also for age. The reason has already been mentioned: with age, the amount of fat inside the muscles and in the abdominal cavity, around the internal organs, inevitably increases.

The approximate accuracy of the method is 2-3% error when correctly measured with a caliper.

Finding out your fat percentage is, of course, very interesting. However, from a practical point of view, this data does not provide much. If you are burning fat, it is enough to measure the volumes and enjoy the dynamics of their reduction. When the waist decreases by 2 cm, it is visible to the naked eye. When your body fat percentage decreases by X%, you may not notice anything visually.

Bonus! Visually measure your body fat percentage

Compare your figure with the photo and you will understand how much fat is in your body.

This fat calculator uses a method to measure the volumes of 3-4 body parts containing fat according to special formula and is widely used by the US Navy to estimate body fat percentage. An online body fat calculator can be useful to give you a general idea of ​​what your body fat percentage is. By entering information about your height and body measurements, the calculator can give general information about your body fat percentage.

Online fat calculator. Instructions.

You need to measure with a tape measure to the nearest 0.5 cm / 0.25 inch in the following places:

  1. Neck: Measure below the larynx, tilting it slightly down in front of you.
  2. Waist: women at the narrowest point; men at the level of the navel.
  3. Hips (women only): at the widest point. Men do not need to measure their hips and enter them into the calculator.

These numbers only give a rough idea. The above calculations are just a guideline and do not take into account personal factors such as your level physical training, muscle mass and other factors. If you are unsure about your weight, contact your healthcare provider.

Average body fat percentage

When someone hears the term “, this concept is usually associated with something from the terminology of professional bodybuilders. This is because there is quite a bit of buzz about low fat levels in bodybuilding circles. To be competitive, professionals must have a very low body fat percentage (5% or so). While this raises awareness about developing low body fat, it also creates a rather limited perception. Body fat percentage at different levels means different things. In fact, for the average person, 5% body fat can cause serious health problems. Conversely, 25% body fat can be either healthy or unhealthy depending on your age and gender. To ensure clarity, it's best to look at the body fat percentage scale and what they represent.

Average body fat percentage differs for men and women

When it comes to determining healthy body fat percentages, it's important to note the differences between men and women. In women, the indicator good health is a higher percentage of body fat than men. The reason for this is that women require more high level fat for a safe pregnancy. As a result, healthy, providing optimal health, will be different for different genders.

  • For women Between the ages of 20 and 40, 19% to 26% body fat is generally good to excellent. For women aged 40+ to 60+, 23% to 30% is considered good to excellent.
  • For men Between the ages of 20 and 40, 10% to 20% body fat is generally good to excellent. For men aged 40+ to 60+, from 19% to 23% is considered good to excellent.

If the body fat percentage for both age groups exceeds the highest healthy percentages or is below the lowest healthy percentages listed here, the result can be considered fair or poor. Therefore, you should find a way to get rid of fat or lift it. Losing excess fat is not that difficult, but some kind of exercise program is necessary as dieting alone will not help with fat loss.

Most people firmly believe that the formula ideal weight- this is height in centimeters minus the number one hundred. Based on this calculated value, they desperately try to bring their weight “to perfection.” Unfortunately, any such calculations (including body mass index), just like the usual number on the scale, are likely to only mislead you.

The reason is simple - there is no clear figure indicating how many kilograms a person of a certain age, gender and height should ideally weigh. In the end, everything depends solely on how much fat is in the body and how much muscle. And it is by changing the amount of fat and/or muscle that you can tell whether your training is successful or not.

Ideal fat level

Let's consider an example - a man 25 years old and 180 cm tall. Theoretical calculations using the Lorenz formulas or body mass index (BMI) will show that his ideal weight should be 70-75 kg with 8-10% body fat. However, the formula does not at all mean that a person with a given weight will have an ideal athletic figure.

Both men in the illustration above have the same 8-10% body fat, their weight is about 75 kg, and their height is 180 cm. But if these men are the same in numbers on paper, then visually this is not the case at all. Physical form- this is a complex concept, and not just a guide to one of the numbers, even obtained using scientifically proven methods.

Ideal weight calculator

The simplest formula for calculating ideal body weight - height in centimeters minus 100 - was derived back in 1850. According to this formula, with a height of 180 cm, the weight should be 80 kg. However, it is important to note that this method The calculation is extremely approximate and is only suitable for people taller than 165 cm.

The Lorentz formula is considered more accurate: height minus 100 minus ((height – 150) / 4). For a man 180 cm tall, it gives a figure of 72.5 kg. However, do not rush to look for an online calculator to calculate your ideal weight - both formulas are long outdated, since they do not give an idea of ​​​​the real state of the human body. The most commonly used indicator is BMI.

What is body mass index?

Body mass index (BMI) is the most popular indicator currently used to indirectly assess whether a particular person is overweight, normal or underweight. The body mass index formula was obtained experimentally by the Belgian scientist Adolphe Ketele almost 200 years ago.

Body mass index is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared (BMI = m/h 2). A score of less than 18 means underweight, 18-25 is normal, 25-30 is overweight, and a number above 30 is obese (1). A simple mathematical calculation using the formula suggests that with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 72.5 kg, the body mass index will be 22.4.

Why doesn't body mass index work?

It is necessary to understand that over the past two centuries, science has stepped far forward - the body mass index formula, just like the Lorenz formula for calculating ideal weight, are considered outdated. Both of these formulas are considered extremely uninformative and have not been used by doctors and nutritionists for a long time as the main method for determining ideal weight.

In fact, these calculation methods “work” exclusively for people suffering from noticeable obesity or significant degeneration. However, even in their case, the error of the formula is off the charts - as a result of one scientific experiment, the body mass index determined obesity in only 36% of truly obese men and 49% of women (1).

Do genetics really influence how much fat the body stores?

Excess weight or excess fat?

When determining your ideal weight, you should always remember that adipose tissue twice as light as muscles. A man 180 cm tall and weighing 80 kg can be either a fairly plump person or a fit athlete - however, the body mass index will be the same in both cases. The key difference will be made only by how much fat is in the body.

FitSeven has already written that body fat percentage ( bodyfat percentage) is the most accurate method for determining the presence excess weight in humans. To calculate it, you need to know both the total body weight and the weight of fat mass, determined using special devices for measuring fat levels.

Determination of body fat percentage

The material presents photographs of various types of male and female figures- focusing on them, you can determine your approximate fat percentage. The exact figure can be obtained by measuring subcutaneous fat caliper or special scales with a function for determining body composition.

Athletic men have approximately 6-13% body fat, with the average normal figure being 18-24%, and obesity starting at 25% (2) . In girls, the percentage of fat is significantly higher - an athletic physique is characterized by 14-20%, and intermediate level is 25-30%. Only this figure, and not the ideal weight formula, can give you a guideline.


Using formulas to calculate ideal weight or to determine body mass index (BMI) is only suitable for people who are noticeably obese or underweight. Body fat percentage is a much more accurate indicator. However, it is important not only to know the amount of fat in the body, but also to constantly monitor changes in this indicator.

Scientific sources:

  1. Body Mass Index, Wikipedia,
  2. Body fat percentage, Wikipedia,

Fortunately, recently, as a definition general condition human health is tracked by the percentage of body fat, and not by the body mass index, as was previously the case.

Many articles have been written about human body fat percentage, including "Fat Percentage Chart" and "5 Ways to Measure Body Fat Percentage" and "Weight Formula perfect body" This article combines the main ideas of the above articles and will help you visualize how much fat is contained in the body of a man and a woman.

Thousands of photographs were used to write this article. Most of them were purchased on specialized sites. Other photographs were freely available. If any of the photographs used in this article are protected by copyright, please notify us and they will be removed or changed.

Below are some terms and concepts for a better understanding of this article and photographs.

Fat percentage is the amount of fat (in kg) divided by total weight bodies and converted to percentages. For example, the body fat percentage of a man whose body weight is 80 kg and whose body fat is 13 kg is 16% (30/180).

Body fat distribution

Each of us distributes fat differently in our bodies. For example, some women have very little fat in the abdominal area and high fat in the thighs and triceps. For others, it's the other way around. It's the same for men. However, for most men, fat tends to be stored mostly in the abdominal area. The following photos show the most common areas of fat distribution in men and women.

Human figure

Each of us has a different body shape, so two completely different figures can have the same body fat percentage, even if they don't look the same. An excellent example are slim models and athletes. Their fat percentage is exactly the same.


The photographs in this article show people between 25 and 35 years old. With age, the fat content in a person's body increases. For example, a 20-year-old and a 50-year-old man have the same amount of subcutaneous fat, but for a 20-year-old this amount will be 15%, and for a 50-year-old it will be 20%. With age, fat around organs (visceral) and in muscles (intramuscular) tends to increase.

Muscle grooves

As a person's body becomes more defined, the muscles become more noticeable and look like thin grooves.

Vascularity- that is, the appearance of veins in different parts body as fat content decreases.

A visual representation of fat content in men

3 – 4% fat content in men

The percentage of fat in bodybuilders during their preparation for competitions can reach only 3 – 4%. This fat content is characterized by increased vascularity, so that veins are visible on literally every muscle in the body. Even on the buttocks you can see small gaps between the muscles. If there are none on gluteal muscles, which means the fat content is very low. The normal amount of fat in men is considered to be about 2%. This is the necessary amount for the normal functioning of the body, since fat protects the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity.

6 - 7% fat content in men

6 - 7% fat content in men is not as categorical as 3 - 4%, but, nevertheless, even this percentage is not a normal indicator for most men. With such a percentage of fat, your face becomes emaciated, and your family begins to worry about you. Most models tend to have this level of fat content and are marked by clearly defined muscles and bright vascularity in most muscles, including the muscles of the arms, legs and abdomen. Clearly visible muscles in the abdominal area are a sign of low fat content. Just like the clear separation of muscles.

10 – 12% fat content in men

This is the normal level of body fat for a man whose abdominal muscles are not as visible as men with 6 – 7% body fat. However, the abdominal muscles are clearly visible. This is exactly the body that many men strive for and that women like. The muscle grooves are not very visible on each muscle, but only on the shoulders and arms.

Men with this fat content are usually called “slim and fit.” The contours of the muscles are clearly visible, but there is no clear separation between them. The muscle grooves are usually covered with a small layer of fat. However, the overall body shape is quite beautiful, despite the lack of obvious muscles.

20% fat content in men

25% fat content in men

Muscles and blood vessels are practically invisible, and the waist increases significantly in volume (hip-to-waist ratio is approximately 0.9). It turns out that a man with a height of 180 cm has a waist size of 91 cm. The neck volume also increases slightly and small folds of fat are visible, but in clothes this fat content is almost invisible. Men with more than 25% body fat have problems with obesity. A waist circumference of more than 101 cm is considered abdominal obesity.

30% fat content in men

35% fat content in men

As a man gets bigger and bigger and gains fat, most of the fat accumulates in the belly. At 35% content, the belly hangs down even more, and the waist is not visible at all. These men are called “beer bellies.” Waist size can be more than 101 cm.

40% fat content in men

As with 35%, fat accumulates in the abdomen and waist. The waist can reach 145 cm or even more. With this amount of fat, daily movements such as walking up stairs or bending become difficult. A man at this level is already close to obesity, with a body mass index exceeding 35. For a better understanding: a man with a height of 180 cm, who weighs 122 kg, has 73 kg of muscle mass and 40% fat content.

Visual representation of fat content in women

10 – 12% fat content in women

This is an extremely low level of body fat that is found only in female bodybuilders. The minimum fat content in a woman’s body is 8–10%, while in men it is only 2%. Why is there such a big difference? The fact is that women contain more fat in the tissues of the mammary glands and in the area around the uterus. This level of fat is not considered normal for a woman and can be hazardous to health and can even cause menstruation to stop. The muscle grooves and blood vessels are clearly visible. The woman in the photo most likely has 12% body fat, as the vessels are not very visible.

15 – 17% fat content in women

This level of fat is also very low and equates to 6 – 7% body fat in men. Most lingerie models have exactly this level of body fat, and many of them have obvious problems with the functioning of the female body. The muscles of the abs, legs, arms and shoulders are clearly visible. The thighs and buttocks are usually less defined due to their low fat content.

20 – 22% fat content in women

This level is typical for many female athletes. The abdominal muscles are clearly visible, and there is some fat on the arms and legs. There is a level of separation between muscles, but it is minimal.

25% fat content in women

This is the level that most women have. Not too thin, but not too fat either. The curve of the hips is clearly visible, and there are small body fat. A woman with a height of 163 cm and a weight of 59 kg has 25% body fat.

30% fat content in women

While men store fat in the abdominal area, most women store it in the thighs and buttocks. With this fat content, the hips are clearly defined and have a rounded shape. This is considered the limit of fat content for a normal woman.

35% fat content in women

The hips become even larger, and the face and neck have a rounded shape. The hip circumference can reach more than 100 cm, and the waist more than 80 cm. The belly begins to droop.

40% fat content in women

Hips and buttocks become larger. The hips can reach more than 106 cm in circumference, the waist more than 90, and the hips more than 63 cm.

45% fat content in women

The skin loses its beauty and clearly visible folds appear. The hip circumference can reach more than 115 cm, and the waist more than 90 cm. The hips become noticeably wider than the shoulders.

50% fat content in women

Fat becomes clearly visible on the skin. The hip circumference can reach more than 115 cm, and the waist more than 101 cm. The hips become clearly wider than the shoulders. For a better understanding: a woman with a height of 163 cm and a weight of 90 kg has 45 kg of muscle mass and 50% fat content.

So you might be interested to know the most popular ones.

The vast majority of the Russian population does not know how to determine the percentage of body fat, and what the norms are for the percentage of body fat. However, our country ranks fourth in the ranking of the “fattest” countries. According to the National Research Center healthy eating, in Russia 54% of men have problems with overweight, and 15% are obese. Among women, the situation is even sadder - 59% and 28.5%, respectively. And every year in Russia the number of obese people is growing.

Excess weight has a bad effect on your well-being and contributes to fatigue. It causes heart disease - hypertension and hypertension, strokes and heart attacks. At overweight Diabetes, liver damage, spinal curvature and joint problems develop rapidly.

It is clear that obesity needs to be addressed. In this article we will tell you how to calculate your body mass index and how to determine your body fat percentage.

Let’s immediately say that fat is healthy and necessary for the full functioning of the body.

  • fat contains energy reserves
  • fat maintains body temperature
  • protects internal organs from shock and injury

Therefore, it is impossible to reduce the fat content in the body to zero - this is fraught with serious problems. Excessive thinness is dangerous - it leads to skin problems, deterioration of heart function, prolapsed kidneys and infertility in women. Hurry up to gain weight if your fat percentage is very low.

As you age, the amount of fat increases and muscle decreases. Therefore, every person needs to be able to calculate their fat percentage. By controlling your weight and losing weight correctly (losing mainly fat), you will avoid many problems - weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue, decreased immunity, hair loss, anemia, etc.

How to calculate body mass index?

Body mass index (BMI) is a value used to measure the degree of obesity. Body mass index is a ratio of a person's height to weight.

  1. measure your height and convert it to meters.
  2. Square the resulting value. Let's assume your height is 180 centimeters or 1.8 meters, which squared will be 1.8 * 1.8 = 3.24.
  3. divide your weight by this result. For example, with a weight of 90 kg, height is 180 cm. Accordingly, BMI = 90: (1.8x1.8) = 27.7.

The resulting number is your body mass index.

There are 6 groups based on body mass index:

  1. low weight – up to 18
  2. normal weight – from 18 to 25
  3. excess weight (pre-obesity) – from 25 to 30
  4. obesity I degree – from 30 to 35
  5. obesity II degree – from 35 to 40
  6. Obesity III degree – from 40 and above

With age, the percentage of body fat increases. In addition, the fat content of women is slightly higher than that of men. This is due to the production of the hormone estrogen, which affects fat metabolism. Body type largely depends on the hereditary predisposition to obesity, past or chronic diseases, and metabolic rate. Even in an unfavorable situation, you can lose weight if you change your habits: give up alcohol and smoking, even occasional smoking, start watching your diet, and playing sports.

The table shows the ideal fat content. You need to understand that each person is individual, and therefore your indicators will probably differ from those presented below.

Ageup to 3030 – 50 50 and older
Women13 – 18% 15 – 23% 16 – 25%
Men6 – 14% 11 – 17% 12 – 19%

Nutritionists believe that normal percentage fat is up to 31% in women and up to 25% in men. If your body fat index is much higher, consider dieting and gym. The sooner you pay attention to your health, the more high quality ensure your life.

How to measure body fat percentage?

There are different methods for measuring body fat - from eyeballing to electrical impedance testing. Choose the method that suits you:

  1. Determination using an online calculator

On the Internet you will find many calculators to calculate your body fat percentage. We recommend this one fat percentage calculator. Its design is not very good at all, but it is one of the most accurate online calculators. In the upper left corner is the calculator itself, on the right are detailed instructions.

Just enter your data (height, weight, lifestyle) in the appropriate boxes and click “Calculate!” The resulting value will approximate your body fat content. As you understand, the online calculator takes average values ​​from existing databases, and therefore this method is inaccurate.

  1. Calculation method using the Lyle MacDonald formula

To measure body fat, you need to calculate the body mass index using the formula: Weight/Height 2, where weight is body weight in kg, and height is height in meters.

For example, weight – 85 kg, height – 180 cm. According to the formula, your body mass index is 85/1.8 * 1.8 = 26.2. Now compare your data with these indicators:

with BMI = 13-20 body fat is 13.5-24%

with BMI = 21-30 approximately 25.5-39% fat

with BMI = 31-40 about 40.5-54% fat

As you can see, this method requires additional calculations and is not very accurate.

  1. Waist-to-hip ratio measurement method

A simple method that does not require lengthy calculations. Take a tailor's measuring tape and use it to measure your waist above and your hips. Divide your waist circumference by your hip circumference - the result should not exceed 0.8.

For example, waist circumference is 60 cm, hip circumference is 90 cm. Next: 60/90 = 0.6, which means you are fine. Be on the lookout: if this number starts to increase, it's time to adjust your diet!

  1. Calipometry

Don't let this mysterious word scare you. In fact, everything is quite simple: calipometry is a method of measuring skin folds on the abdomen. The measurement is carried out using a special device - caliper, but you can also use a caliper or a regular ruler.

The method is simple and highly accurate: the measurement error is only 3-4%.

Stand up straight, hold the caliper (or ruler) in right hand. Pinch the skin and fat with the fingers of your left hand under the right nipple at the level of the navel. Measure the thickness of the resulting fold and compare the data with the tables below:

The cheapest way to buy a caliper is on Aliexpress, and delivery is free. Here is a link to a verified seller: buy a caliper .

  1. Weighing method on special scales

Modern models of scales are also capable of determining the percentage of body fat. The scales produce weak electrical impulses and measure the time it takes for the electrical signal to travel. Essentially, scales for calculating fat percentage They measure the electrical conductivity of our tissues: muscles conduct electricity well, but fat has low electrical conductivity.

The electrodes are installed directly in the scales. Step on the scale with your bare feet to find out your body mass index and body fat percentage.

Buying such scales is more convenient and profitable online in the Ozon hypermarket. Just a bunch of pick-up points, delivery by mail, and most importantly - the ability to pay for 70% of the purchase with bonuses. Thank you from Sberbank. Follow the link already models selected with determination of BMI, percentage of fat and percentage of muscle mass. This device will cover all your needs for tracking body weight indicators.

A special device that works on the same principle, but through your hands, will also help you calculate the percentage of body fat. The device is taken in hands extended in front of you and passed through them. electrical impulse, and the device calculates the time it takes for the signal to pass through the tissue. This device is also highly accurate.