Learn swimming correctly. Learning to swim on your own: practical tips

For adults and children, the question of swimming ability is relevant. You can learn to swim at any age, but of course it is easier and faster to teach a child to swim. Adults also need to learn to swim properly. At least because exactly proper swimming has the greatest benefit rather than the beach option of swimming without putting your head in the water, which results in stress cervical spine spine and thereby provokes osteochondrosis. Therefore, there is a serious reason to learn to swim – it’s health. Swimming is a gentle form of exercise, suitable for everyone, strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular system, tones all muscle groups and develops breathing. You can read about this in the article about the benefits of swimming in the pool.

But what if you fully engage water treatments in the pool, and even at sea is impossible due to inability to swim and fear of water? You need to learn how to swim correctly. To make learning go faster, you need to start going to the pool for group or individual lessons with a trainer.

How to learn to swim?

So, it is best to do this in the presence of an experienced specialist - a trainer. The specialist will explain how to breathe correctly while on and under water, and talk about swimming styles. You can study either in a group or individually. What is better to choose?

Individual lessons suitable for those who like when all attention is directed exclusively to him and want to learn to swim quickly. And this has its advantages. During training, the coach pays all his attention to one person, he has enough time to devote to working on this or that element, explains if the student is unable to do something, and will be there when he first tries to start swimming. Learning to swim occurs faster when individual lessons. In addition to the fact that the trainer will show you the exercises, he will also tell you how to learn to swim.

Group classes Suitable for sociable people who have a strong competitive team spirit. The coach is also present in the classes; he just has less time to pay attention to the student.

You need to exercise at least 2 times a week.

On the question of the cost of swimming lessons: group lessons are cheaper, personal training more expensive.

How to learn to swim as an adult on your own

The very first Lesson - Familiarization with the aquatic environment

To make it clear to you what the coach wants from you during the lessons, we will briefly describe how swimming training takes place. So, all first lessons begin with these exercises, both for children and adults. The purpose of these exercises- get comfortable with an unusual environment, learn to enter the water without fear, and not be afraid of splashes. As you learn, you will gradually gain the ability to hold your breath, plunge into water without fear, and lie on the water. In the Swimming Lessons section you can learn how to swim in all styles.

It takes 2-3 lessons to master the exercises suggested below.

1. Exhale into the water at the edge of the pool.

You take a breath above the water, lower your head into the water and begin a long exhalation into the water through your nose and genus, so that there are as many bubbles as possible.

2. Float.

You take a breath above the water, hold your breath and suddenly sit down in the water, pressing your knees to your chest and your head to your knees. Do not exhale, count to 10 slowly and gradually float up with your back up. Exhale and stand up. In this exercise, you should feel the buoyant force of the water and the feeling of weightlessness when you float up. Next is a similar exercise with an asterisk.

3. Asterisk.

The beginning of the exercise is similar to the float exercise, but after floating we spread our straight arms and legs to the sides and count to 10.

4. Sliding on the chest.

Standing with your back to the side, your arms extended in front of you and lying on the water, take a breath, lower your head into the water at the same time as pushing off the wall of the pool with your feet, and while holding your breath, slide forward as far as you can. In this case, the body is straightened, the legs are straight and together, the head is between the hands, the face is lowered down. Exhale and lift your head out of the water.

5. Sliding on your back.

Starting position: standing facing the side, straight arms extended upward. Inhale and, at the same time as you push away, hold your breath, lie down on the water and slide.

6. Footwork while sitting on the side.

This is an exercise to familiarize yourself with the footwork of swimming the back crawl and front crawl. So, starting position: sitting on the side, feet on the surface of the water. Perform alternating movements with your legs up and down. Legs are straight, toes are pulled up. While working, do not bend your knees and ensure that there is as much splashing as possible.

7. Footwork at the edge in the water.

Starting position: hold the side with your hands, body in a horizontal position lying on your chest. Perform alternating movements with your legs up and down, creating as many splashes as possible, with your toes pulled out.

8. Footwork at the side with breathing.

The same as the previous one, but with lowering the head into the water to exhale.

I.p. exercise No. 7. Work your legs continuously, inhale, lower your head into the water, count to yourself to 5, begin to exhale while raising your head. Inhale and then do the same.


the exhalation ends moderately sharply above the water, as if you free the airways from water (nose and mouth), then inhale. The mistake of many: as soon as they begin to take their head out of the water, they immediately begin to inhale and all the water enters the nose and throat, creating discomfort.

Please note:

all exercises, all exercises for mastering with water, are performed while holding your breath after inhaling, this increases buoyancy and helps you feel the state of weightlessness!

Gliding exercises are performed to improve the ability to lie on the water in a horizontal position without support and to become familiar with body position when swimming.

In this lesson you should find for yourself the answer to the question of how to learn to swim correctly.

Lungs, . This manifests itself in:

  • strengthening the muscles of vascular lines;
  • improvement of joints;
  • tonic effect on;
  • general body.
It is noted that swimming pools are not only more effective than gyms, but also safer. This is important for beginners - it is almost impossible to get injured in the water (no one will let a beginner onto the tower).

The main difference from the gym is that the emphasis is not on gaining mass, but on it “leveling” and general strengthening of the body. A seemingly simple swimming procedure is accompanied by a number of physical processes - here there is water resistance and the action of forces (lifting or loading), and this is supplemented by energy costs.

Before entering the water, remember the importance of breathing. The first lesson will be devoted mainly to its production. The main thing is to rhythmically alternate inhalations and exhalations. An unprepared person may not be able to do this right away, but after a couple of swims the desired mode will be established.

Sharp breaths taken above water are replaced by nasal exhalation during immersion, thereby changing the volume chest, which affects buoyancy.

People who are just thinking about how to quickly learn to swim will have to work with swimming methods such as crawl and. The first is often called free, and often classes begin with its mastery. Breaststroke is more difficult, performed on the chest and with active movement of the legs.

The butterfly requires a fair amount of training, so beginners can only use certain elements of it. Swimming on the back is the same crawl, but reverse.

Did you know? A swimmer who has covered 100 meters spends four times more energy during this distance than an athlete who has run it.

Including all four styles, it is called complex, and only experienced swimmers are allowed to participate in it.

Getting rid of fears

Some people are familiar with this unpleasant phenomenon, but it can also be overcome. It’s worth starting with the fact that in itself it is a defensive reaction. There is no need to be ashamed of this: a person by nature is afraid of depth, and the level of preparation has nothing to do with it. Many adults, even without fear of water, do not know how to swim, and there is nothing reprehensible in that.

You can get rid of this phobia. Important convince yourself of safety. In the same pool, it is better to start from afar - just approach the ladder and gradually begin to descend.

If discomfort and wariness are about to turn into panic, it is better to take a step higher and look around. Indeed, newcomers are not allowed to go deeper, and the trainer is always nearby.

Having decided, go into the water. Create a mood - water should not be scary, but, on the contrary, become a helper. For the first time, it’s enough to just go in, for the second approach, swim a couple of meters in the presence of an experienced swimmer, and so on.

Important! Such situations are often accompanied by some unpleasant memories, so in some cases you will have to consult a psychologist.

Not everyone can overcome fear immediately, but this is not a reason for despair - they get rid of it gradually. Sudden changes can cause dangerous euphoria and overestimation of capabilities.

Where to start?

Now let's see where the very first lesson will begin, and what props you will have to acquire.

Stay on the water

Physics says that a person does not need to make any extra effort to stay on the water. About effect buoyancy Almost everyone knows, but not everyone succeeds.

Here physiology and the same fear make their own adjustments. After overcoming an unpleasant phobia, consider some points. People often drown not because of terrible depth or weakness, but, on the contrary, from energy wasted on floundering.

To finally convince a beginner of safety, trainers show a simple technique - after inhaling more air, squat to the bottom, then stretch your arms up and float up.

It is better to float on the water on your back. Take in more air, push off with your feet to lie on the surface of the water, and try to relax. The only thing that can happen is that you swallow a little water, but this is not a reason to panic.

Did you know? The legendary Michael Phelps set 39 records in different styles over eight years (2001 – 2009). Seven of them are still standing.

Your feet will go under the water. No one drowns, it’s just that the lower part of the body is, in principle, heavier than the upper, so you have to keep it afloat by making movements.

The Importance of Breathing

  • Also on land they do it for 10-15 minutes. The muscles should become toned, and the blood should accelerate;
  • Immediately after entering the pool, walk along the bottom, combining jumping with arm swings;
  • Squats into the water while holding your breath (5 – 6 times) are required. The same applies to the full cycle “inhalation - exhalation”;
  • Having stood in the water up to your chest, hold your breath and squat down with a further ascent “float”;
  • Inhale sharply while the head is above the surface of the water. You cannot take air through your nose, only through your mouth;
  • Exhalation is carried out into the water when immersed. In this case, the lungs will have to be completely released (several delays in a row will not only slow down the pace, but can also worsen your well-being);
  • The rhythm of breathing comes first here. It is possible that it will have to be trained in many classes;
  • When changing style, the breathing rate is also adjusted.

Important! Athletes use a bilateral technique, breathing under one arm or the other. For an amateur, this method is complicated, and its use is recreational swimming not necessary.

There is one more nuance here that may be alarming. Yes, you can swallow water, but with rhythmic breathing and an equally uniform change in body position behind the wave (it is created by the head), there is always an air sac in which you can capture air for inhalation. The higher the speed, the larger it is.

To make such subtleties easier to grasp in practice, you will have to buy some accessories.

Purchasing additional accessories

Before you start swimming properly, let's get some equipment.

It will be useful for a beginner swim board. This device made of lightweight material will help you stay in the water at first and give you confidence in your abilities.

They can be divided into two types:

  • Combined. They have a streamlined shape, and there is a notch in the middle that is squeezed between the thighs. This board is suitable for everyone - it can be used to practice the movements of arms and legs;
  • For leg training. Wedge-shaped or triangular ones allow you to work on maneuvers.

For production they take plastic, isolon, durable polyethylene such as HDPE.

When purchasing, ask whether the surface has been thermally treated - this increases service life.

Will also be useful shoulder blades. These are thin plastic plates with clamps that follow the shape of the palm. There are bulges and webbing for the fingers. It will be easy to choose them: the assortment includes different sizes, ranging from children's XXS to large XL.

They help you feel the water and its movement. By making a stroke, the swimmer seems to increase the contact area, which is important for establishing technique.

You can see these in stores shoulder blades:

  • standard rectangular shape;
  • popular now - anatomical;
  • finger blades (for professionals);
  • protective that prevent.
  • There are also products without fasteners, but for a beginner they can simply fall off.

Important! Latex hats are often sprinkled with talcum powder. This is done to prevent allergies.

At the very beginning it will be useful float(aka kolobashka). It has a narrowing in the center that prevents it from slipping out. The squarer the shape, the greater the resistance will be and the muscles will have to work harder.

For beginners, a combined version similar to a board is suitable. Figure eight shape - to strengthen the legs. To begin with, it is better to buy a small-sized bun.

They buy it to improve their speed and work on maneuverability. For the first training, monofins or separate ones, made of hard rubber or plastic, will do.

Regarding breathing tube, then it will do - during the first swims the strokes are not the best, often with dives.

TO glasses There is only one requirement: they must sit tightly on the bridge of the nose and not rub it. There is a possibility of adjustment for this.

All these devices have two main requirements - safety and maximum convenience.

Learning to swim

When everything we need has already been stored, we prepare for the dive. We repeat that psychological attitude no less important than physical condition.

On the spot

The first lessons will be devoted to staying afloat and breathing, and only then the “big swim” begins. The first ones will be like this exercises:

  • Grab the support with your hands and lie with your chest on the water. At the same time, actively work with straightened legs, trying not to splash the water too much.
  • Holding onto the same support, try to push off with your bent legs, slightly straightening them at the knees. At the same time, the feet also bend, increasing the area for the push.
  • As you push off, spread your arms out to the sides, trying to glide through the water. This movement is done with straight arms (palms turned towards the body).

If these simple techniques do not cause any difficulties, and your breathing remains smooth for a long time, you can begin to master the styles.

Light styles

The foundations are laid when a person has already begun to understand how to swim crawl. To master this method, start with backstroke:

  • Lying on your back, move your legs, observing the sequence of lifting and lowering. It’s the same story with your hands - lift them up, then lower them into the water, while trying to stretch them out as much as possible. The stroke is made so that the hand passes in a semicircle, touching the thigh, after which it is lifted into the air. Fingers are closed, palms are straight.
  • The standard one on the stomach begins with the fact that you have to lie facing the water and move your legs as described above. With your palms folded together, move your arm forward and up, making a stroke towards the thigh. Then the second hand joins in, and things become more fun - you need to keep the pace. Try to move your head out with every second swing, exhaling deeply.

Important! With this swimming technique, the inhalation lasts no more than 0.5 seconds. That's why it should be maximum.

Having become proficient in the crawl, they begin to switch to breaststroke. It is considered a slow style, but it can be used to swim a long distance:

Hands are taken out of the water symmetrically and simultaneously, while the swimmer is turned to face the water;

  • The main driving force is the legs, which they try not to take out of the water;
  • The movements of the legs resemble those of a frog - half-bent limbs, when straightened, give great acceleration;
  • In addition to breathing, it is important to achieve synchronous action of the arms and legs, but without.

Complex styles

Their complexity relates primarily to technology. If you look closely at butterfly, That The swimmer's procedure is as follows:

  • Swimming on your stomach, perform a wide and powerful stroke with your arms (it lifts your body above the water);
  • The legs and pelvis work in waves;
  • The torso complements the movement of the legs, helping to extend the arms for the swing.

It does not provide for passage under water, except for the starting jerk and turning from the side.

For backstroke You also need strong physical condition - your arms are stretched straight, no bends are made. The legs kick vertically down and up. The swimmer’s face does not plunge into the water, except during turns and starts.

Professionals keep fit with complex swims, alternating styles every 50-100 meters. For a beginner, such training is quite dangerous, especially in terms of breathing and blood circulation.

We hope we have convinced you not only of the benefits of swimming, but also of its accessibility for everyone. Good results and happy swimming!

Breaststroke is not the fastest, but it is the most economical swimming style in terms of energy expenditure. Watch the frogs, notice how slowly and easily they move in the lake. These amphibians literally glide in the water. Try to repeat their technique, then you will understand how to swim breaststroke correctly. If everything works out, you will be able to swim breaststroke for hours. Unlike frogs, which act on instinct, humans are forced to use intelligence and knowledge when trying to learn how to swim breaststroke correctly. It is best to contact a professional trainer. Your own theoretical knowledge will also be useful, especially for those who already know breaststroke and want to practice the technique on their own.

One of the differences between breaststroke is that the arm movements are made without bringing them to the surface and into the air. However, this style has certain advantages. Breaststroke makes it possible to move silently and cover long distances. It is used by divers and rescuers when transporting victims.

Choosing a body of water

If there are multiple choices, you need to consider them all. When choosing where it will be more convenient to conduct swimming lessons, be guided by your own preferences.


A professional trainer will recommend a swimming pool. Level bottom, smooth water of uniform temperature, less risk of drowning, it is possible to keep several people under full supervision. If the pool is indoors, you can practice in any weather.


The sea is not always completely calm. Small waves and even light ripples can make it very difficult for people without sea swimming experience to practice the technique. Uneven bottom, jellyfish will ruin your mood. But for a person who knows and loves the sea, these are little things that should not be paid attention to. The undoubted advantages of sea water include healing effect: it tightens the skin, makes nails stronger, and gets rid of dandruff.


The current is not the best ally for inexperienced swimmers. In addition, there is a possibility of an unpleasant encounter with water snakes.
The density of fresh water is lower than sea water, it is more difficult to swim in it, and it does not “support” the body as well. For swimmers with more experience, the difference is not noticeable. But beginners who have learned to swim at sea will feel the difference.


In addition to the low density of fresh water and the opportunity to get acquainted with snakes, the disadvantages of lake swimming include the presence of mosquitoes in evening time and an uneven, slippery bottom covered with silt. Cold underwater springs carry an undoubted danger in the form of seizures. A muddy water will not allow you to see broken glass on the shoreline left by poorly behaved picnic lovers.

It is best to choose a body of water where you feel confident. An unusual environment makes it difficult to fully concentrate on the learning process.

Learning the correct breaststroke

In the process of learning the correct breaststroke, you need to pay attention to the slightest nuances. It is easy for an adult, like a child, to learn, especially under the guidance of a trainer.

The main points of attention for those who want to learn are:

  • Body position.
  • Hand movements.
  • Leg movement.
  • Breath.
  • Synchronicity of movements.

Body position

The body is located horizontally, along the surface of the water. Lie face down on the water in an asterisk position, then bring your legs and arms together. Stay in this position for as long as possible. This exercise is aimed at feeling how confident a person is in the water.

Initially, the body is fully straightened, arms are brought forward, legs are closed, and the head is submerged in the water (“torpedo” shape). When the arms make a raking motion, the head comes out of the water and an inhalation is made (cobra shape). Then the body is given a “frog” shape - knees bent, heels towards the buttocks, feet turned out, hands under the chest. The tightened legs make a pushing movement, the arms, having completed the stroke, straighten, the head is lowered into the water, and an exhalation is made. The body is completely straight again.

Hand movements

IMPORTANT: The main rule for the hands in breaststroke is that the palms are straight and the fingers are closed. Don't spread your fingers, we don't have membranes between them, so it will be difficult to swim.

You can practice the correct hand movements while standing in the water:

  1. Go into the water up to your neck and stand.
  2. Bend your elbows at chest level, keeping your elbows and wrists horizontal. The backs of the palms touch, point forward, fingers closed.
  3. Without opening your palms, straighten your arms, using your palms as a “wedge” cutting through the water.
  4. Open your palms with the backs of your hands facing down.
  5. Stretch your arms out to the sides in a circular motion, gradually bending your elbows. At this time, the palms first move horizontally. Then they gradually turn their backs outwards, as if “raking in” the water.
  6. The movement ends starting position: arms are bent at the elbows at chest level, palms are brought together in a “wedge”.
  7. Repeat everything in a complex, smooth, single movement.
  8. Continue, bringing the movements to automaticity.

Leg movements

IMPORTANT: Leg movements serve to push off, a powerful push that throws the body forward. The more powerful the push, the higher the speed.

This exercise can be practiced using a swimming board:

  1. Get into the water up to your chest or neck. Place your shoulders and arms on the board. The body and legs will be in the water. Legs and body are straight.
  2. Tighten your legs, bending your knees at an angle of approximately 90 degrees. Knees point down, feet slightly turned out to the sides.
  3. Straighten your legs, spreading them slightly, as if pushing off the water. The push will propel the body forward.
  4. Repeat everything in one motion.


In the final stage, the circular motion of the arms gently pushes the body upward as the arms begin to converge at the chest. The head is raised and a breath is taken. When the palms cut the water like a wedge, the face drops. Exhale into the water through the nose. Breathing should be uniform. There is no need to rush to breathe; it is much better to breathe in and out slowly and slowly. Find the rhythm of movement that is optimal for your breathing. You can practice without leaving your computer. Stand up and try to combine the movements of your arms with your inhalations and exhalations.


IMPORTANT: Movements should not be sudden.

The main task: to synchronize movements and breathing into a single whole, to bring it to automatism.
Straightening bent legs should occur simultaneously with the movement of closed hands forward. The body is completely straightened, the face is lowered into the water - this gives maximum fast movement, set by a push with the legs.

How to swim breaststroke fast or mistakes that slow us down

Beginners often ask the question: “How to swim breaststroke fast?” or “How to quickly learn to swim breaststroke?” This style is the slowest, not counting the “Doggy style” style (if, of course, it can be called a style). It will not be possible to overtake a swimmer using crawl or butterfly using breaststroke. Correct technique, the absence of errors will allow you to increase speed.
The world record for swimming breaststroke in a 50-meter pool over a distance of 100 m was 57.13 seconds, and the butterfly was 49.82 seconds.

Another burning question is the number of strokes for a distance of 25 or 50 meters. The numbers are called different 8, 10, 12. The number of strokes depends not only on technique, but also on height and arm length. A 180 cm tall swimmer will make fewer strokes than a 160 cm tall person.

Wayne Goldsmith, in his article, cites advice given by Terry Gathercole, an outstanding athlete and coach who trained several Olympic champions. Terry recommends not focusing on perfect stroke technique, but rather focusing on overall body shape.


Many mistakes are made, especially when you take your first steps in learning breaststroke. It is impossible to list everything. Let's look at the most common and rude ones. It is better to entrust the correction of minor inaccuracies to the coach, he has a trained eye.

Common mistakes:

  1. The head is above the water all the time.
    This is acceptable if you swim leisurely “for yourself”, without worrying about speed, powerful pushes and correct strokes. If handled professionally, it is dangerous to behave this way, and neck injuries may occur.
  2. Early or late or inhalation.
    Leads to water entering the respiratory tract. Try to inhale when your head is out of the water as much as possible.
  3. Shoulder tension when inhaling.
    In an effort to keep water out of their mouths, swimmers tense their arms and shoulders, trying to rise as high above the water as possible. This leads to premature fatigue.
  4. Stroke too wide.
    Hands go behind your back, which leads to fatigue and overexertion.
  5. Push.
    There are two main mistakes associated with pushing.
  • The legs have already straightened, the body has moved forward, and the arms are still bent.
  • Push-off with legs brought together.

The art of properly swimming breaststroke will help transform swimming from a pleasant form of rest and relaxation into real sports that develop physically and strengthen the body. You can exercise regardless of age. For some diseases, doctors strongly recommend it, for example, for scoliosis, as a method of treatment and prevention. Pregnant women will spend time in this way for the benefit of their health and that of their baby. Office workers will pump up their muscles. Nervous comrades will relieve stress. Fat women will lose weight. Enjoy your relaxation!

As a rule, it is difficult for an adult to learn to swim . Sometimes this is due to a fear of water or a bad experience in childhood.

And sometimes it just doesn’t work out. But don’t despair and think that only a child can master swimming techniques!

We'll talk about how being in the water affects the body and what you need to do to become a great swimmer.

Why you need to learn to swim

As is the case with mastering any other skill, before joyfully diving into a pool or the first body of water you come across, you need to learn a little theory and understand why a person needs to swim.

A short historical excursion

The official definition of the word “swimming” is the movement of a person in water using limbs.

Because this activity is physically demanding, it quickly grew from being fun and necessary to becoming an official sport.

The first swimmers are known to the world from numerous drawings created more than seven thousand years ago.

Once upon a time, people learned to swim in order to be able to cope with the vagaries of the weather, as a result of which often thin rivers became huge bodies of water.

Also, the ability to confidently stay on the water allowed fishermen of antiquity to catch more fish and other seafood.

Even in those days adults who were afraid of water , it was necessary learn to swim for survival.

The health benefits of swimming cannot be overstated.

Throughout human history, local or larger swimming competitions have been constantly organized, but officially this discipline was included in the list sporting events only in the 19th century.

Over the next 200 years, many swimming styles were developed and professional technicians. The competition was included in the list of the Olympic Games.

Swimming as an integral part of life

Without focusing on, today swimming is necessary for a person in three cases:

  1. Assistance in rehabilitation after injuries or operations
  2. Weight loss
  3. Improving the overall health of the body

Experienced physiotherapists strongly recommend training in water.

In case of complex injuries of the musculoskeletal system, swimming in the pool replaces a whole complex of expensive ones and can help a person recover in the shortest possible time.

Also for people who are prohibited from strong physical activity, frequent short swimming helps not to lose fitness.

Tip: Add going to the pool to your weekly to-do list. You will feel significant even if you do simple exercises in the water.

You can learn to swim at any age

People who struggle with swimming are no less enthusiastic about exercises in the pool.

There is a whole branch of gymnastics - water aerobics, all exercises of which are performed in water.

This can be a game form in the form of water volleyball, swimming with a ball, etc.

In some cases, a swimming pool can completely replace a gym.

People who take care of their health can also benefit from swimming.

Prolonged body tension in water improves blood supply to muscles and oxygen saturation of the body.

Swimming is one of the healthiest sports

Correct execution of swimming techniques helps:

  1. Correct your posture
  2. Get rid of headaches
  3. Reduce stress
  4. Develop the respiratory system
  5. Improve heart function

Therefore even if an adult is afraid of water , he needs to overcome his fears and learn to swim.

Below we will talk about how you can do it right while minimizing stress.

So, would you like to become a regular visitor? swimming pool but you have no idea how learn to swim on your own and overcome yours. No problem!

There are several techniques developed specifically for adults that will help solve this problem.

Stage one: we fight our fears

At the first stage, you need to define a goal for yourself and firmly understand why exactly you are learning to swim.

Swimming is considered the most beneficial sport for the spine

This is a very important step, because during the learning process fear can get the better of reason, and then it will be necessary to remember the motives that prompted you to start swimming.

The beauty of swimming pool activities is that they are completely safe.

You will swim under the tireless supervision of experienced lifeguard trainers, and you will be able to choose a pool with the optimal depth for you.

And in the tiled recess there are no scary sea animals and huge waves (if suddenly you are afraid of them).

That is why adults who are afraid of water, but want to learn to swim on their own , it is best to do this in the pool.

Watch a couple of videos learn how the classes are going with the trainers or go to the nearest swimming pool for an introductory excursion. You'll like what you see!

Advice: do not rush to explore even a shallow river or any other natural body of water. A private or public pool is best for beginners.

During your first lesson, your task is to:

  1. Force yourself to go into waist-deep water
  2. Feel how the water holds your feet suspended
  3. Get used to the fact that water surrounds you on at least three sides

First, settle down near the stairs (and don’t give it to anyone until you finish your water treatments!).

Touch the water with your feet - you will quickly see that it does not bite. Then begin to descend slowly, but do not demand much from yourself - a waist-deep dive will be enough.

In this position, the chance of choking is reduced to zero, and the water can no longer cause you any harm.

One of the most important tasks for you will be overcoming your fear of water.

Now comes the hard part: you will need to lift one leg off the steps and let it float freely.

It will be scary for about three seconds, no more. After this time, you will be sure that the water is holding your foot, gently pushing it upward. She will do the same with your entire body in the future.

For an adult to learn to swim independently , it will take some time - in one day doing this will be problematic unless you want to expose your nerves to strong stress.

You will need to accustom yourself to immersion in water over several visits to the pool.

The final goal of the first stage is to walk along the bottom of the pool from one end to the other, leaning on the wall. For these purposes, it is better to choose a place with a water level not exceeding a meter.

Stage two: swimming “doggy style”

People borrowed this style for a reason - it is ideal for beginners, does not require control from a trainer and allows you to learn how to confidently stay on the water.

It is possible to learn to swim

Tip: before you start learning how to swim like a dog, you should watch a video on this topic. Then you will be able to master the technique yourself in a short time.

So, you can already run along the bottom of the pool without trying to jump out of the water - great!

Now we can safely move on to the second stage.

For everything to work out, you need to be patient, courageous and methodically follow the instructions:

  1. Holding the railing of the stairs, lift one leg off the floor and dangle it in the water.
  2. Add a second leg to the first one, dangle them in random order.
  3. Stand with both feet on the bottom and release the ladder, swinging your arms.
  4. Jump. Try to pull your legs as high as possible towards your chest.
  5. Try jumping and rowing with your arms at the same time. It's complicated. And a little scary. But you will succeed.
  6. Stand on the bottom with both feet, lean your body forward and try to move your body only with your arms, scooping up as much water as possible.
  7. Continue the previous exercise by slowly lifting one leg off the bottom. Don't panic - the water will hold you up.
  8. You're almost floating already! All that remains is to push off from the bottom with your second leg and start moving them up and down, continuing to methodically scoop up the water with your hands.
  9. Swim to the nearest wall and allow yourself to rest.

That's it! You did it! You have learned to swim! Now you know that even an adult can easily learn to swim in a pool.

You just need to overcome your fear - and everything will work out!

Tip: Remember that you can stop and rest while performing any of the stages. Don't worry if you don't do well at first. Methodically return to the interrupted exercise and do the complex to the end.

Stage three: learning swimming techniques

Having mastered doggy style swimming, you can safely move on to more complex and interesting techniques.

There are a great many of them, and usually to an adult Many of them are quite easy to master.

You can learn to swim on your own , and turning to a professional trainer for help. There's nothing wrong with that!

The trainer will tell you how to breathe correctly under water, which ones you should use, how to move your arms and legs correctly when swimming in a particular style.

Beginners should pay attention to the following swimming techniques:

  1. Over-arm
  2. Back crawl

They are quite easy to learn and do not require special training.

You can also try free forms diving.

Those who already feel confident in the water will be interested in styles such as:

  1. Crawl
  2. Butterfly
  3. Dolphin
  4. Breaststroke

By the way, when you master swimming perfectly, you can not only, but also discover such an exciting form of recreation as diving.

For professional advice on how an adult can learn to swim, watch this video:

It's never too late to learn how to learn to swim. If you didn't learn this as a child, do it now. It is a little more difficult for an adult to start swimming than small child. But following the masterful advice for short time You can learn simple techniques and feel confident in the water.

Where to start preparing

The ability to swim is not only a skill necessary for every person, but also a great opportunity to keep yourself in good shape and just have a good time in the body’s natural habitat.

It is more difficult for adults to learn to swim due to psychological factors. As we age, we become more cautious and acquire a host of prejudices and fears. Small children can float perfectly on the water, but over time a person may develop a fear of depth.

Before you start training, try to complete a short psychological preparation. While at home or on the beach, imagine yourself swimming and enjoying it. Try to remember all the positive emotions - they will be useful to you during your first workout.

If your main problem is the fear of drowning, then until you learn to “trust” the water, it will be very difficult for you to learn to swim. In order to swim, you need to relax and pay attention only to the execution of the technique. When you are paralyzed by fear, you will get nothing but numbness. Focus on your goal, don’t be afraid - very soon you won’t be able to understand how you ever managed without the opportunity to swim for fun.

In the case when the fear is almost insurmountable, but you really want to be able to swim, try wearing a life jacket at first. It is best to start learning to swim in the pool on your own. Swimming is easier here, and the instructor on duty can advise you on where to start. The pool's depth is easy to control, there are no waves, and you are always supervised.

Necessary accessories

What could be simpler than swimwear? The only condition for women: it is most convenient to train in a one-piece swimsuit.

You will also need glasses. A cap will protect your hair and glasses from irritation. In addition, you can see well under water in them. Now there are prescription glasses for people with low vision, just choose the ones that suit you best. A bag for going to the pool should have a compartment for wet things.

Simple swimming - where to start

The very first exercise that is recommended to beginners is the “float”. It is necessary in order to learn to stay afloat. But there is one nuance here; you can do it right away if you are not at all afraid of water. When you feel afraid, it is best to start with an easier exercise.

Exercise one - float

Attention! When learning to swim, it is very important to monitor your breathing. When performing techniques, you must correctly combine breathing with the work of your legs and arms.

Get into the water up to your chest. Take a deep breath, then hold your breath, squat and dive headlong, exhale in the water. Then come up and take a breath. Repeat these movements several times, then make them a little more difficult. After diving, push off from the bottom and emerge.

Exercise "Float". Enter the water and stop at a depth above your waist. Hold your breath, squat down and dive in headfirst. Quickly wrap your arms around bent knees and “come off” from the bottom. Your body will immediately begin to be pushed to the surface. Hold this until the next inhalation and straighten up.

This exercise should be repeated until you feel confident. Your task is to understand what the expression “water holds” means. Don't panic - where you are shallow, just stand up and repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise two - sliding

This part of the lesson shows that legs are heavier than water. To complete the task, go into the water up to your chest and turn to face the shore (required!) - you will swim in its direction. Inhale, squat down, leaning your torso slightly forward, and push off the bottom. Straighten up and slide horizontally through the water, keeping your arms at your sides or stretching them forward.

Advice. Make sure your body is straight when sliding. Try to relax as much as possible, this will make gliding through the water much easier.

As the movement slows down, your legs will gradually lower and you will begin to assume an upright position. When your feet touch the bottom, stand, rest and repeat the exercise again several times.

Exercise three - work with your legs

After you learn how to slide, start using your legs after pushing off. This exercise is designed to help you understand that the main speed of movement depends on the force with which your legs work, and also to behave calmly and without tension when swimming.

When performing the exercise, you should not kick with all your might. You will waste all your energy. Their work should be calm and coordinated. This set of simple techniques will help you get comfortable and learn to swim well.

Simple doggy style swimming

The simplest of all existing ones is the doggy style. To learn to swim with this style, you also need to use your hands when sliding. Your arms should be kept bent in front of you. They need to perform alternating strokes for themselves. The head is located above the water level. The movements you perform should be measured and calm.

If you were able to swim a certain distance with this style, you can already begin breathing exercises. It is considered correct if you breathe through your nose. When swimming, tilt your head back and keep it as high as possible. This will help you avoid unwanted water getting into your nose. Once you are able to swim in this position, try lowering your chin a little, this will help you relax.

A certain percentage of people are able to learn to swim this style in one day, it depends on the ability to relax.

Once you have mastered the doggy style, you can modify it a little. Try swimming like a frog. To do this, pull both legs towards you and push them away from you at the same time, this will create resistance and allow you to swim much faster and longer. Increase the movement with your arms, but this time try to scoop the water away from you, rather than scooping it up as in the previous exercise. It looks as if the hands are drawing circles at the same time: the left one moves to the left, and the right one moves to the right.

How to learn to swim crawl and backstroke

After covering distances on the water is not particularly difficult, you will probably want to learn how to learn to swim in more complex swimming styles.

From a physical point of view, it is the easiest, but the most difficult from a psychological point of view. A person needs to overcome his own fear. You need to lie on the water with your back down, spread your arms and relax; to swim, you need to make alternating movements up and down with your legs.

Studying this exercise on your own is difficult for many. If you yourself have not been able to master this style, you should have an assistant who will hold you slightly.

- this is one of the most quick ways swimming. It is necessary to perform alternating swings with each hand over the water, raking it. The swings are parallel circular movements in front of you. When one arm swings, the body turns in its direction. And the other hand, along with the shoulder, plunges under the water.

In conclusion, we will add that at first you will most likely be somewhat ashamed because of your uncertainty; your movements may be clumsy, but this is not scary. The main thing is to free yourself from constraint and confidently move towards your goal.