Kabaeva biography family. The love story of Russia's main mistress - Alina Kabaeva

Alina Kabaeva - professional gymnast, the only gymnast in the world who was in the Guinness Book of Records. According to the unofficial version, it became the reason for the president’s divorce Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The couple is still hiding their two children, a boy and a girl. Gymnast Alina Kabaeva and the biography of her relatives remain popular topics for discussions of evil tongues. Let's take a closer look at her life.

Alina Kabaeva. Biography

The girl was born on May 12, 1983 in Uzbekistan, in Tashkent, where she grew up. Alina's father, Marat Vazykhovich, now lives in his homeland - in Uzbekistan. He played for the Pakhtakor football team for 6 years. The gymnast’s mother, Lyubov Mikhailovna, was also an athlete. Throughout her youth she played basketball for Uzbekistan. Now the woman lives in Moscow with Alina’s younger sister Lisana.

The parents did not force the girl to follow in their footsteps and did not want their daughter to repeat their difficult fate. When adults saw sports potential in Alina, they sent her to figure skating. At 3.5 years old, the girl was already doing gymnastics. At the age of 12, her mother moved the girl to Moscow. When the gymnast coach looked at the girl, she was horrified. It was necessary to work a lot with Alina. First of all, she needed to lose weight. Irina Weiner developed special diet for Alina. Kabaeva ate practically nothing, she could only drink mineral water. The immediate results were obvious.

Having lost weight, the girl fell in love with gymnastics even more. The coach saw talent in her, which was confirmed already in 1996. Alina Kabaeva is a member of the Russian national team and receives prestigious titles.

Alina was a Muslim by nationality, and only in 2004, before the Olympic Games in Greece, the girl decided to be Orthodox and was baptized.

Absolute champion

In 1999 Alina became two-time champion world and absolute world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. This happened in Japan, which became a happy country for her. Spain has also become a significant place for Alina. There, in 2000, Kabaeva received the title of absolute European champion, and a year later in Madrid she won another world champion title.

Irina Chashchina and Alina Kabaeva were caught using furosemide in 2001. A scandal broke out around the girls, and they were disqualified for 2 years.

This incident did not prevent the athlete from becoming the only gymnast in the world who was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Alina Kabaeva became the absolute world champion even among adults at the age of 15. The girl’s biography and personal life never leave the lips of envious people. After all, she is not only a gymnast, but also a politician, has acted in films and advertising.

Politics in the life of a gymnast

The girl became interested in politics during her disqualification. In 2005, she became a member of the United Russia party. Later she became involved in charity work. In 2007, she was elected to parliament from the party. She now works as vice-chairman for youth affairs.

Interestingly, in 2010, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation wanted to publish the names of those deputies who systematically skip Duma meetings. They said that Alina should have been on this list. Fortunately, it was not published, because they considered it pointless.

Alina soon retired from business and became the chairman of the board of directors of a holding company called National Media Group. This holding includes Channel One, Channel Five, the Izvestia newspaper and the Russian News Service radio.

Personal life

In 2008, a resonant article was published in which Alina Kabaeva, biography and Putin became the main topics. The publication claimed about the wedding of the gymnast and the president. This news quickly spread throughout the world. Representatives of the gymnast strongly denied this fact.

Alina Kabaeva, biography. Children

After this, information appeared in the press that Alina gave birth to a son. They say that the baby's father is Vladimir Putin, and he was named Dima in honor of Medvedev. The gymnast herself states that this is her nephew. In 2012, the media reported that Kabaeva gave birth again, this time to a daughter.

Alina Kabaeva, biography, personal life of the gymnast, her relationships with young people are veiled, so only she knows the truth. The relationship with the President of Russia was confirmed by the late B. Nemtsov. He said that Alina Kabaeva and Putin are really friends. He provided journalists with a route sheet for one of Putin’s comrades, Gennady Timchenko. It indicated the names of the people whom the plane brought to Sochi to see the president. Alina was among them.

At one of the press conferences, V. Putin commented on this story: “There is not a single word of truth in the story of the affair with Kabaeva.”

French publications have repeatedly mentioned the topic “Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva.” The woman’s biography haunts there too. Journalists called her the second lady of Russia.

Gymnast's income

Gymnast Alina Kabaeva, the girl’s biography faded into the background when it became known how much she earned. Everyone wondered where the girl got such sums from. In 2011, her income amounted to 11.5 million rubles. She owns a plot of land, three apartments in Moscow, and several cars.

In 2009, Alina was the owner of the highest income among the so-called “star deputies.” Based on her income certificate, the amount of money earned was 12.9 million rubles.

Kabaeva's projects

The gymnast took part in the Ford Boyard television project. She took part in a swim and crawled under several rotating cylinders for a very long time. short time, which became a record. She also took part in the Kenyan show "Harem".

Hidden Love

For two years, Alina hid her love, as she told one of the Russian magazines. The gymnast's chosen one turned out to be police captain David Museliani. The press has long dubbed them the bride and groom. They dated from 2002 to 2005, and by early 2006 the couple broke up. As Alina clarified, this was a mutual decision, and they remained friends.

In the ranking of the most beautiful Tatar women this year, Alina Maratovna Kabaeva takes 21st place. The biography of the athlete ranks first in queries about athletes. One cannot fail to note the beauty of the girl. Her charming smile fascinates many men in the world. A purposeful, active and kind girl was able to independently achieve success in life. Perhaps Vladimir Putin helps the beauty in life, but she can hardly be called his kept woman. She is able to reach the top herself and earn a lot of money.

Alina denies having children, although in March 2015 information appeared again that Alina Kabaeva gave birth. Whether this is true or not, we will find out anyway. It is difficult to leave personal issues in the shadows if you are a public person. And how she would like to just live and enjoy her loved one and child. Now all that remains is to wish Olympic champion health, happy family life, success in all her endeavors and to raise new Olympic champions in the future.

The personal life of one of the quietest and most unscandalous girls in the world of sports - Alina Kabaeva - is shrouded in mystery. Social networks and online publications are constantly filled with new rumors about the talented gymnast, socialite and ex-State Duma deputy. Alina Kabaeva and children - topic No. 1, which only the lazy did not touch upon. And this is not surprising. While Alina Kabaeva is silent, people will talk about her loudly. And there were times when Alina could not be called a mysterious silent woman...

Kabaeva's passion for someone else's husband

The romance quickly ended and the bitter truth was revealed. Museliani is officially married and has a daughter, Nana. The legal wife on the page of one of the major domestic publications effectively “set fire” to the naive dreams of the young sports star. Everyone could smell the burning smell.

The defeated winner paused and asked the press for mercy. Meanwhile, under pressure from Alina, Museliani divorced his wife Olga. The press again started talking about Alina Kabaeva’s husband. But again by the way - the ladies' man got himself a new spectacular passion. She became the actress and fashion model Anna Gorshkova. But not for long... They say that it was Alina Kabaeva who had a hand in Anna’s disappearance from the life of the former policeman. Moreover, the actress quickly disappeared from the screens.

But again, the story of Museliani and Kabaeva did not end with a wedding. For another five years they came together and went their separate ways. During this time, Alina managed to collect all possible medals, have a short affair with football player Maxim Buznikin and triumphantly leave big sport. It was then, in 2007, after the final separation from Museliani, that the most interesting things began in Alina Kabaeva’s life.

And this “interesting” gave such a flight of fantasy to the journalist that readers “oohed and ahhed” in different ways, and continue to do so to this day. Alina Kabaeva’s personal life is once again on everyone’s lips, but the star has stopped talking about her. And everything we see, hear and read looks like “urban legends”. But the scale of these legends is not at all urban. ABOUT new history The whole world started talking about Alina Kabaeva’s love...

New love and husband of Alina Kabaeva. Shakespeare is resting...

Such a love story could not have occurred to the best playwright in the world. The new chapter in the life of Alina Kabaeva gave rise to such speculation, intrigue and scandals that everyone still cannot calm down.

And this new chapter of life began in the spring of 2008 with a big scandal. “Moscow Correspondent” came out with sensational news about the wedding of Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin. European journalists choked on their morning coffee and ran to their offices to tell readers this hot news. And in the evening they returned home and told fortunes on the coffee grounds.

This went on for six days until higher powers intervened in the fortune-telling process. The Russian President laughed at the journalistic speculation, calling it complete nonsense. And on the same day, the general director of Moscow Correspondent learned that he “had nothing to pay his employees with” and closed the publication. And from that moment on, the wedding of Kabaeva and Putin became the talk of the town. Everyone wanted to know latest news about the history of this mysterious love.

Children of Alina Kabaeva. The queen gave birth on the night...

A year has passed since the scandalous article, and journalists started talking about children. The famous couple, “married” by journalists, remained deathly silent. But the press could not remain silent. 9 months have passed - it’s time for the baby to appear. And he appeared - son Dmitry, allegedly named after Medvedev, who was then the current president. This version appeared at the suggestion of foreign journalists, and was favorably received by the domestic media.

Alina Kabaeva- famous Russian gymnast, politician and manager. During her biography, she became the absolute world champion 2 times (1999 and 2003), 5 times the absolute European champion and 6 times the absolute champion.

Twice won prizes at Olympic Games. In total, she managed to win 39 medals at the World and European Championships.

Alina Kabaeva today

Today, Alina Maratovna is one of the most attractive girls in Russia. She has a charming smile and a beautiful figure.

She has many friends among politicians and cultural figures. She is often written about in the press and invited to television.

Evil tongues say that Kabaeva owes her successful biography only to the president. After all, it’s much easier to say this than to look for and.

As a conclusion, only one thing can be said: Alina Kabaeva is an outstanding athlete who, for many years, has represented Russia in the most worthy manner on the international stage.

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Alina was born on May 12, 1983 in Tashkent, where she spent her childhood. The girl's father was a professional football player. So it is not surprising that sports in the biography of Alina Kabaeva began at the age of 3.5 years. Even then she got serious about rhythmic gymnastics.

And at the age of 12 she moved to Moscow, when her parents decided that she needed to further develop her talent. A year later she joined the Russian national team. And two years later in Kabaeva’s biography she was conquered big victory– she became first at the European Championships. In 1999 she reached even greater heights - she won the world championship. But the following year at the Olympics in Sydney she became only third.

In 2001, she was disqualified for doping. After a two-year disqualification, she became a TV presenter on the 7TV channel (hosted the “Empire of Sports” program). Then she played in the film “Red Shadow”. And besides, she got involved in politics and became a member of the United Russia party. Later, in 2007, Alina Kabaeva became a deputy of the State Duma and took the position of deputy chairman of the Youth Affairs Committee.

Returning to the sport after disqualification, Alina Kabaeva in her biography became the first at the Olympics in Athens in 2004.

Biography score

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Personal life of the Olympic champion, star Russian sports and the politics of Alina Kabaeva have worried and interested Russians from the very moment when young Alina became the only holder in the world of the title of four-time European champion. After the Russian woman went to the Olympics in Sydney in 2000, and then, in 2004, to Athens to defend the honor of the country, those who did not yet know or have not seen Alina Kabaeva saw and fell in love completely. The girl has been repeatedly recognized as one of the sexiest women in Russia. Songs were written and videos were shot in honor of the star. But, according to tabloid rumors, the Russian woman’s heart is now occupied not by anyone, but by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Some even claim that the athlete gave birth to a boy and a girl. Is it true that Alina Kabaeva and her children from Vladimir Putin are in love with the head of state? It’s difficult to figure out, but it’s still possible.

Brief biography of Alina Kabaeva

Alina Kabaeva’s family lived in Uzbekistan for some time. His father was a professional football player playing for Pakhtakor, his mother played basketball. It is not surprising that it was decided to send the first daughter, who was born on May 12, 1983, to sports. At the age of 3.5 years, the girl began doing rhythmic gymnastics in Tashkent. Some time after the birth of their first child, Marat Vazykhovich and Lyubov Mikhailovna had a second daughter, Alina Kabaeva’s sister, Leysana.

When Alina turned 11 years old, her mother, observing her eldest daughter’s success in sports, decided to move to Moscow so that the girl could realize her potential. Then the future Olympic champion first learned that, according to her coach, Irina Viner, the girl was prone to being overweight. The young athlete received the offensive nickname “TV on legs,” and therefore it was decided to put Alina on strict diet. As the mother recalls, the eldest daughter then “ate only water” and constantly disappeared in grueling training. But it is worth paying tribute and recognizing that these sacrifices brought results. At the age of 15, Alina Kabaeva, to the envy of other children, is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the first girl in the world with the title of four-time European champion in rhythmic gymnastics.

The young athlete conquered new heights, and Alina Kabaeva’s family followed the success of their eldest daughter and sister with pride and joy. In 2000, the gymnast went to the Olympic Games in Sydney, but could not become the first - during the exercises, Alina made a serious mistake and the hoop rolled off the field. The girl left the Olympics with bronze medal in your pocket, extremely disappointed in your performance.

In 2001, another extremely unpleasant incident occurred. Furosemide was detected in Alina's blood. The athlete was disqualified for two years and deprived of medals for the Games goodwill. This year can be considered a turning point in the personal life of the Russian woman, because it was then that she began her political career and discovered her talent as an actress. A few years later, furosemide was removed from the list of doping substances. According to some sources, in fact, the athlete drank furosemide to, among other things, keep her figure in shape.

As we remember, the girl, according to her trainers, was prone to being overweight since childhood and keeping herself in shape took quite a lot of effort.

Personal life of Alina Kabaeva: children, husband, failed romance

However, despite the scandal, Alina Kabaeva won the hearts of millions of Russians - many men dreamed of becoming Kabaeva’s husband. In 2002, the girl returned to sports and took part in competitions under the strict supervision of doctors and judges. That same year, the contenders for Alina’s heart and hand sighed in disappointment. The athlete told the media about the affair that connected her with police captain David Museliani. The law enforcement officer was already confidently called Kabaeva’s husband, and Alina herself willingly discussed her love and wedding plans with journalists.

But shortly before the wedding, the media reported that Kabaeva’s future husband was having an affair with actress Anna Gorshkova. Alina broke up with the police captain and after this incident stopped sharing details of her personal life with the media.

Despite an unsuccessful romance and being busy in politics, in 2004 Alina took part in the Olympic Games in Athens and took first place. In the hearts Russian men the hope of becoming Kabaeva’s husband appears again, because after the breakup with Museliani, the girl remains free for a long time. A year after the Olympics, in 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Alina Kabaeva the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

In 2007, the Olympic champion became a member State Duma V convocation and continues to take part in sports competitions, thanks to which champion titles of the World and European Championships appear on her account. She has repeatedly announced that she intends to take part in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, but combining sports and politics is becoming increasingly difficult, so in 2007 the girl announced her completion sports career. In the same year, she graduated in absentia from the Moscow State University of Service with a qualification as a specialist in the field of sports management.

It is noticeable in the photographs that with the end of her sports career, Alina gradually begins to gain weight. But despite this, she remains a favorite of millions of Russians, posing for famous glossy magazines, including men's ones. The athlete was repeatedly recognized as one of the sexiest women in Russia. Songs are recorded in her honor. In 2008, the girl became the chairman of the Public Council of the National Media Group holding and visited Tskhinvali. After this, she founded the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation, which deals with construction issues sports complex in destroyed Tskhinvali. The Russian woman is not married, but takes care of the children who serve high hopes in sports.

The media are recording Vladimir Putin as the husband of Alina Kabaeva

In the same year, the press literally explodes with rumors that Alina is in a relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Moscow Correspondent” writes about this for the first time, stating that Kabaeva’s husband is the head of state. According to the publication, the wedding of Kabaeva and Putin took place in Valdai in 2014. The news was picked up by American tabloids. In addition, in 2014, the Olympic champion had the honor of carrying the torch along with six other most titled athletes in Russia to light the Olympic flame. Then many journalists noticed that ring finger right hand Alina Kabaeva received a ring, which was immediately called an engagement ring by the tabloids. The athlete's press secretary said that the athlete would not comment on these rumors, but demanded that a refutation be printed. The president himself did not confirm the news about the wedding, noting that there is not a word of truth in the Moscow Correspondent story.

Despite official denials, since that year the tabloids have not subsided and rumors about the alleged affair have acquired new incredible details. The reason for the gossip is the fact that Alina, who has been prone to obesity since childhood, after retiring from sports, begins to gain weight. The girl still remains a beauty and is recognized as one of the sexiest women in Russia, but the media cannot be stopped. In 2015 German edition Neue Zuricher Zeitung reports that Alina Kabaeva gave birth to a child. At the same time, photographs appeared on the Internet in which the girl was captured in a red bell dress. She attended sports festival named in her part.

Then the media took a hard look at the Russian woman’s appearance, suspecting her of being pregnant. However, every girl knows how easy it is to gain weight. In addition, in the same year, the famous Russian TV presenter and deputy Tina Kandelaki published on her page Instagram photo with Alina, in which it is noticeable that the girl was clearly not pregnant - Kabaeva, who, according to her, has neither a husband nor children, has again lost a lot of weight and is closely monitoring her figure.

How many children does Kabaeva have?

The media are savoring the far-fetched details of Alina’s personal life and wondering how many children Kabaeva has. According to various rumors, the athlete allegedly has two – a boy and a girl. There is also a photograph of Kabaeva with a child on the Internet, but, according to official sources, this is Alina’s nephew, the son of her sister Leysana. The girl herself has said more than once that she has not yet become a mother and asked fans to stop spreading and fueling rumors about her family.