Coach Igor Obukhovsky. Igor Obukhovsky: about taboo foods, alcohol and home workoutsExclusive

Igor Obukhovsky is a fitness trainer who became very popular after he began collaborating with the Ukrainian STB channel. His charm and at the same time strong character won many women's hearts. Reality shows with his participation are watched by thousands of viewers. With the help of his exercises and advice, thousands of spectators got their bodies in order.

Biography of Igor Obukhovsky

The young man was born on March 24 in Sevastopol. In 1981, a long-awaited son was born into a family of ordinary workers. Since childhood, the boy showed interest in sports and healthy image life. Igor Obukhovsky devoted all his time as a teenager to training in gym and ate right, which he continues to do to this day. In 2003, the guy wins the funk aerobics cup.

The young man is actively engaged in karate. Such perseverance led him to victory in the Crimean Championship in 2008. In the same year he received a black belt. This was followed by a victory at a coaching competition in Ukraine.

The young man actively collaborated with NIKE. He developed trainings and sets of exercises specifically for new collections of clothing and shoes, which were demonstrated in commercials and posters.

Personal life

For a long time, the guy was credited with an affair with his colleague in the “Weighted and Happy” project, Anita Lutsenko. Romantic relationships began in the first season of the show and were very actively gaining strength. But soon the couple broke up. The relationship could not survive the couple's constant presence together both at home and at work. In addition, Anita has a quick temper, and Igor is a rather gentle person, and it was quite difficult for Obukhovsky to withstand the girl’s emotional outbursts.

Recently, the 36-year-old coach admitted that he secretly married his girlfriend, whom he had been dating for about three years. The couple did not want to make a sensation out of this event and got married in a modest company of friends and relatives. Later, Igor Obukhovsky in the show “Everything will be fine,” in which he often stars, announced his wedding and that he and his wife had their first child.

In September 2017, the couple had a daughter. The coach himself spoke about this news on his page in one of social networks. The first photo with her daughter was also posted. The couple is keeping the baby's name a secret for now.

Where did you meet your wife?

Coach Igor Obukhovsky met with Ksenia in gym. The girl decided to take up sports seriously and chose her future husband as an instructor. Gradually, the relationship with the coach moved beyond the walls of the gym.

Igor recalls that what he liked about Ksenia was her neatness and calm character. He also likes women who can realize themselves in life and career. And Ksenia, despite her young age, is already a fairly well-known dentist in Kyiv and works in a large clinic.

Then the girl and Igor went on a fitness tour with a project on the STB TV channel “Weighted and Happy.” At this time, the guy was 100% convinced that he had found his soul mate for the rest of his life. During the trip they had to go through many difficulties, and their relationship became even stronger. For example, at one airport a couple had to wait for the plane all night. His flight was delayed due to snow drifts. However, the girl behaved with restraint. And in her appearance there was not a single flaw.

Television career

After success in the coaching competition, Obukhovsky moved to Kyiv and began working in popular fitness centers. In 2011, the STB channel began filming the show “Weighted and Happy.” It involves two teams of very overweight people who must last in the show as long as possible and lose weight. Two coaches help them with this.

One of them was Obukhovsky. The guy has excellent diction, good looks and behaves well in front of the cameras. Thus, these qualities and successes in sports career brought Igor to television.

The coach participated in the project for 5 seasons. He then left the show and began creating his own project. The young man realized that a sense of competition and receiving a prize as a reward for losing weight can motivate any person to get their body in order.

Forms are normal

Igor created own program for weight loss, which is similar to the popular "FatKiller". Anyone can take part in it by registering in the project on the Internet resource. After paying a certain amount and filling out a questionnaire, the participant is developed a set of exercises for 4 weeks and a diet.

All registered participants send a video report of their workouts daily and weigh themselves once a week. After a month, the winners who lost the most kilograms in the “Normal Shape” project are selected and they are given expensive prizes.

Diary of weight loss with Igor Obukhovsky

The popular show “Everything will be fine” has been broadcast on STB for several years. Here presenter Nadezhda Matveeva distributes useful tips viewers on various issues from life. One of the program’s sections is “Healthy lifestyle and weight loss.”

Igor acts as a trainer here and conducts classes with a group of people who want to lose weight. Each program broadcasts a set of exercises that participants perform under the guidance of Obukhovsky. A month later they are weighed and the winner is determined.

Viewers can use these exercises to lose weight at home. They are quite simple and do not require special equipment. The set of exercises uses plastic bottles with water instead of dumbbells and chairs as exercise machines. The trainer guarantees that with daily work a person can safely lose 2 to 3 kilograms.

Television still plays a big role in our lives. The reality show “Weighted and Happy,” which is broadcast in several dozen countries, has made it possible not only to promote a healthy lifestyle, but also provides very valuable knowledge regarding proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and proper sports training. One of the trainers of the TV project, Igor Obukhovsky, offers weight loss exercises, the effectiveness of which has been proven by the participants of the program. Nowadays you can find a lot of videos that clearly show how to exercise to lose weight. You can see one of these videos in this article.

A set of exercises by Igor Obukhovsky

Fulfill physical exercise working with Igor Obukhovsky is very simple and pleasant: the energetic young man is infectious with his movements: you want to work out with him and become better! Let's consider one of its complexes, which allows you to put in order such problem area like thighs and buttocks:

By regularly performing such exercises (at least three times a week), you can easily get your figure in order. Video lessons with weight loss exercises by Igor Obukhovsky will help you in the fight against fat deposits on other parts of the body. In combination with proper nutrition or a well-chosen diet, such exercises give very quick results. On training days, try to eat more low-fat protein foods.

Igor Obukhovsky is a professional trainer and regular host of many Ukrainian reality television shows on the Ukrainian STB channel. In this article we will take a detailed look at the personality of the coach and briefly describe his biographical data and interests.

About personality

Despite his relatively young age, Igor was able to achieve great success in the teaching field. He gives a lot of different professional instructions on how to start a healthy lifestyle, how to love yourself and your body, and achieve success in losing weight. The main activity is the development of sports complexes for fast and effective reduction body fat levels or to increase muscle mass.

Igor Obukhovsky, whose photo is presented in the article, has repeatedly collaborated with the world-famous company NIKE. He developed special trainings to support new collections sportswear and in order to instill in his compatriots the love of sports that he himself possesses. The man’s teaching experience is ten years, which once again indicates his professionalism and love for his own work.

In 2008, Igor won the All-Ukrainian coaching competition. The guy practices karate professionally and in the same year received a black belt and won the Crimean championship.

Among his professional achievements, it can also be noted that Igor Obukhovsky at the beginning of his career won the funk aerobics cup (in 2003). This subsequently made the guy believe in himself and pushed him to further professional and personal development as a coach and TV presenter.


On at the moment Igor is not married and is not in an official relationship with anyone. During the second season of a Ukrainian show about weight loss, he was accused of having an affair with a fellow TV presenter.

Igor Obukhovsky was born in 1981 (March 24). Zodiac sign - Aries. He was born into a family of ordinary workers and all his life he dreamed of teaching people and playing sports, which is why he became a coach. Hometown- Sevastopol.

Coming to television

After his professional success in 2008, Igor was invited to work in various prestigious fitness centers and sports complexes for development personal programs training for visitors, so he did not participate in any projects. However, in 2011, the STB channel launched the pilot season of a world-famous show that is designed to help people lose extra pounds for three months of hard training with a trainer and thanks to proper nutrition.

The project required finding two judges whose teams would compete with each other. Igor Obukhovsky was invited to take the place of one of the coaches, who did his job perfectly, because in addition to the fact that he has professional skills, he speaks fluently in front of the camera and has good diction, which is very important for any TV presenter. That is why Igor has been one of the coaches of this program for the fourth season.

He also participates in other projects of the STB channel, in which he shows new exercise programs, gives advice on caring for your body and normalizing physical well-being.

Personal life

Igor Obukhovsky, whose personal life is not widely publicized, nevertheless showed everyone his real girlfriend. This happened in one of the programs of the same STB TV channel, in which Igor appeared as a participant with his support group, and his beloved was there. According to Igor himself, his girlfriend’s name is Yulia, and she works on the staff of the STB television channel.

The relationship is quite serious, and there are rumors that Igor is going to legitimize it. However, there was no confirmation or denial about this from the couple. They prefer to remain silent and not respond to media representatives.

Igor Obukhovsky: biography, family

Igor has no children; he has never been married. He describes himself as cheerful, sometimes boring, enthusiastic and goal-oriented.

According to an interview with a colleague, another popular trainer, she and Igor had an affair, and everything even went as far as a marriage proposal. However, the constant presence of the couple in each other’s lives played a cruel joke, because they hosted the same television show, constantly crossed paths at the same events and after all this came to their joint apartment. That is why, after a certain time, the relationship began to fail; constant disagreements led to the couple deciding to break up and remain friends. It is worth noting that during the period of their relationship they did not talk about it and kept everything secret, but now Anita has spoken about this stage of her life.

Personal projects

Igor Obukhovsky, whose biography characterizes him as an incredibly purposeful person, is constantly looking for new directions for his activities.

Most recently, he presented to the public his personal project called “New Body”, in support of which he travels around the cities of Ukraine and collects flash mobs of people for exercise and physical exercise in nature. According to Igor, this approach is designed to take people away from computers and helps them get used to a healthy lifestyle, because if a person came to a flash mob, then he probably wants to change his lifestyle.

Some advice from a famous trainer:

Coach Igor Obukhovsky. People's opinions

This guy is a real diplomat. From the first minutes of meeting you, it may seem that he is a very kind, smiling boy, but then you will see that he is a truly serious and purposeful person. This was noticed by the losing weight project participants from Igor’s team in absolutely all seasons.

People never cease to thank him for his help and for helping them get in shape by teaching them how to properly exercise their body, as well as explaining the principles of healthy eating.

Physical parameters

Igor's height is 181 cm, and his weight is 79 kilograms. The trainer does not have a magic complex for losing weight; he constantly eats healthy food and does cardio exercises, as well as pumps up his arms and trains endurance.

There are not many beautiful, smart and single people in our country, but the coach of the show “Zvazhenі and Shchaslivi”, expert of the TV magazine “Everything will be good” on the STB channel, 34-year-old Igor Obukhovsky, is one of them!

I wonder what kind of girls the eligible bachelor likes? Exclusively for “Relax!” Igor shared his thoughts on this matter: “I appreciate a sense of humor, interest and the ability to maintain a diverse conversation. I like it when a girl is sexy, when she flirts well and knows how to behave during communication in such a way that you want to conquer her. I don’t prioritize everyday skills. Of course, the chaos and dirt in her apartment would alarm me, but, fortunately, such extremes have never happened in my life. I believe that anyone can learn how to cook borscht and clean the house. And never after dinner together will I choose washing dishes over a pleasant time together!”

“I’ll forget about all the rules...”

Igor, does your sports regime hinder or help you in your personal life?
It doesn’t interfere at all; on the contrary, it disciplines. For me best way waking up in the morning is not a cup of coffee and a hearty breakfast, but physical exercise. Of course, I balance work, sports, and personal life. After all, if one of these areas begins to dominate, it will immediately affect the other two.

It seems that you are very demanding. Did you force your girls to exercise or go on diets?
How can you force a girl to take care of herself? Of course, I didn’t specifically drive anyone into the gym and force them to pump up their abs. But I don’t hide that I like beautiful things, toned body, strong muscles. Therefore, I try to motivate the girl to play sports, explaining that good figure You can save it for a long time and sport is the right investment in your health and appearance.

Which part of a girl's body do you find most attractive?
A beautiful, toned “fifth point” is what adorns any girl!

Can you like a curvy girl?
I recently watched a performance in a Brazilian show where a very curvaceous Brazilian woman danced the samba. She did it simply amazingly. And, despite its shape, I really liked it. So yes, there is such a chance (laughs). Although I prefer ladies with a normal and thin body type.

How do you feel about office romances?
From a practical point of view, this is not very good, because in a situation where such a romance reaches a dead end (and people rarely break up by mutual consent), working together can instantly turn into an unpleasant burden. Therefore, before starting an office romance, I will weigh the pros and cons a million times. But if the sympathy is very great, I’ll calmly forget about the rules and give in to emotions.

To lose weight, you need to fall in love!

What are you like in everyday life?
I like to clean my room and office, wash and put things away so that during the week I know where and what I have. I don’t really like cleaning the kitchen, but I approach this responsibility in my bachelor life philosophically: it’s the same useful activity, like sports. I can cook everything - from side dishes, meat and basic salads to first courses.

Where else can we see you besides the gym?
At the cinema. I really like visiting restaurants in shopping centers. I choose them intuitively. If I see a pleasant interior and smell pleasant aromas, I will definitely go in and try what they cook there. In the warm season I like to roller skate and bike. Often I just walk in the center alone with my thoughts.

You are a confident man, but have there been cases when girls left you?
I think this situation has happened in the life of every man. I was about 28 years old. Our relationship with the girl had the shape of a sine wave: sometimes everything is good, sometimes everything is bad. I repeatedly thought that there was no point in continuing, but at one point the girl decided to be the first to put an end to it. I won’t hide it, I probably worried for the rest of my life then. Today I remember this situation calmly, even with a smile. I learned a lot of lessons and realized where I reacted correctly and incorrectly. And now I take all processes related to sorting things out quite calmly. I believe that such moments should not lead to conflicts.

Admit it, do you meet girls easily?
Although I seem to be a self-confident man, I, like any person, am worried about possible refusal. When I want to go up to meet a girl I like, I always think about the fact that they might turn me away. This, of course, is unpleasant and annoying, although I understand that there is nothing terrible and life will not end there. I never go ahead. First, I carefully test the waters: I ask how to get to this or that place, if she will show me where I can drink coffee, if she will sit with me, and so on. (smiles).

Have you thought about starting a family?
A week ago, my friend’s son was born, after which I thought: “Obukhovsky, this is the last bell! We need to do something." All my friends are either married or already parents. I'm the only bachelor (laughs). I seriously think that a period has come in my life when it’s time to think about family. I am ready for such a step, but marriage for me is a serious decision that must be made once and for the rest of my life.

You probably have a lot of fans, especially on social networks...
Yes, I even think that I need to appear less on my pages. Messages from girls asking me to get acquainted come constantly. One of my fans lives in Latvia, she is only 13 years old. But she seems to be watching the moment I appear online. As soon as I go to my page, I immediately receive a message! The girls offer to give me a massage and meet, but I don’t respond to such offers. I won’t lie, there have been several cases in my life when I allowed myself to meet a girl after some correspondence on the Internet. Now I have come to the conclusion that virtual communication is not what I need.

Express weight loss from Igor Obukhovsky?
The most important express method that works flawlessly is to fall in love. Your heart rate increases, your metabolism speeds up, you move more, and you do all your daily activities faster. And, being in a state of euphoria, you yourself do not notice how you are losing extra pounds. The main thing is not to stop there, but to gradually resort to the help of sports and consolidate the result.

11:06 7.07.2017

Fitness trainer Igor Obukhovsky announced changes in his personal life. In an interview with Nadya Matveeva, the man admitted that after four years of romance, he married his chosen one, Ksenia.

Fitness trainer Igor Obukhovsky made a sensational statement. It turns out that not so long ago the ex-coach ““ secretly married his girlfriend, dentist Ksenia.

In an interview with presenter Nadya Matveeva, Igor said that he met Ksenia three years ago. Then the girl decided to take up fitness and chose him as a trainer.

Gradually, the couple’s simple meetings in the hall began to develop into a romance. The man finally decided on his feelings during the fitness tour of the “Zvazhenі and Happiness” project abroad, where Ksenia also went.

It was just March 2013, when everything was covered with snow. We waited all night at the airport for our plane. Everyone was sitting there, and I noticed how Ksyusha was dressed. She had her scarf tied very neatly. And you know, at that moment I felt sympathy

A 36-year-old fitness trainer recalls.

But the good news from Igor Obukhovsky did not end there. The man admitted that very soon he and Ksenia would have their first child.

First we decided to have a child, and only then get married. I was 100% convinced that Ksyusha is the girl who should be next to me. And I realized that I want her to become the mother of my children.

Obukhovsky admits.

The editors of the site are the only one congratulating Igor and Ksenia on their marriage and wishing the lovers many years of happy family life!

Photo in the text:, STB channel website,