Standard of the Akhal-Teke horse breed. Akhal-Teke horse: use and breeding features Akhal-Teke stallions

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Akhal-Teke horse(Ahal-Teke or simply Teke) is one of the oldest breeds of purebred riding horses. It was bred approximately five thousand years ago on the territory of the present state of Turkmenistan, where in those distant times such ancient civilizations as Bactria, Parthia and Geta flourished. These wonderful horses are distinguished by their spectacular, bright exterior. They are perfectly adapted to the difficult conditions of the hot climate of this part of the globe, but they also adapt well to other weather conditions.

As mentioned earlier, the homeland of these animals is Turkmenistan. The coat color is quite varied, the main colors are bay, red and black. Red Tekins have a beautiful golden hue. Other colors are gray, dun, nightingale, karak, isabella. The height at the withers by “horse” standards is quite high: from 1 meter 52 centimeters to 1 meter 55 centimeters for mares, from 1 meter 55 centimeters to 1 meter 60 centimeters for stallions. The graceful head is decorated with large beautiful eyes, wide nostrils and perfect shape long ears.

Akhal-Teke horse breed

The neck is thin, long and straight. The thighs are narrow. The chest is small. The front legs are strong, with muscular thighs. The hind ones are long, “saber” shaped. The hooves are small, but very hard and durable. The mane and tail are not particularly thick. Akhal-Teke horses are a universal riding breed and actively participate in various equestrian competitions. High level endurance allows them to easily endure long runs.

These animals can often be seen in the equestrian sport discipline of dressage. Animals of this breed are distinguished by energy, good obedience and agility, as well as endurance. They feel good in hot weather, but I drink little water. Gracefulness and elegance have long been the hallmark of these horses.

Exterior Features

Many horse breeders compare Akhal-Teke horses to works of art. Many years of persistent breeding work have resulted in animals that horse breeders are rightfully proud of. Once you have seen a purebred Teke in person, it is simply impossible to confuse him with other horse breeds.

With their fairly tall height (up to 160 centimeters), Akhal-Teke dogs have a dry, lean physique, which makes them somewhat similar to greyhounds or cheetahs. Elongated body shapes form the basis of their appearance. The oblique length of their body is 160-165 centimeters, and the chest girth is from 175 to 190.

A distinctive feature of this breed is the special shape of the neck and head. The front part is slightly elongated and very refined. The forehead is slightly convex. The profile is usually straight, but hook-nosed individuals are also found. Slightly slanted, very expressive, deep-set eyes complement the refined appearance of a purebred Teke. If long enough and thin neck the back of the head of these animals is well developed.

Due to the climate of their homeland, the skin of these horses is quite thin, and a network of blood vessels is even visible through it. The coat is very soft and silky to the touch. Tekins cannot boast of a long and thick mane, and in some specimens it may even be absent, which is not the case with any other horse species.

The shape of the croup is slightly lowered, but the croup itself is very muscular. The withers are high, the chest is rather shallow, the thighs are narrow. The limbs differ in their length and dry structure. The back line is elongated.

As we have already said, the color of the Akhal-Teke is quite diverse, although most of all are bay, red and black individuals. You can also find karak, silver, brown, dun, isabella and malt horses. The structure of the Tekin coat makes them shiny, as if they are dressed in satin fabric, and the red representatives of this breed look like golden ones from afar

Basic character traits and disposition

Representatives of this breed are characterized by a fiery temperament. Some individuals generally do not allow anyone except the owner to approach them. Experts also note their subtle mental organization. These proud animals are very smart, and they never show off their inner experiences.

Earning the trust of a real Akhal-Teke horse is very difficult, but if you succeed, then you will not find a more faithful and obedient horse.

The origins of this breed are lost in the depths of centuries. The first mentions of these wonderful animals were discovered during excavations of ancient archaeological sites five thousand years ago. It was at this time that people living on the territory of modern Turkmenistan set out to obtain horses that had no equal in strength and beauty in those days. For example, the ancient Iranians at that time generally had a real cult of the horse.

This breed owes its name to the Ahal oasis, which is located in the foothills of Kopet-Dag. The breed received the second part of its name from the name of the people who lived there - the Tekins.

Horse Akhal-Teke breed

For a long time, these horses have played a big role, not only in everyday life, but also in politics. For example, one of the Persian rulers named Cyrus married the daughter of the then Median king with only one goal - to get Bactrian horses. And the great Alexander the Great, through his marriage to Roxana (daughter of the Baltic king), immediately transferred his army to the best horses of that time, which became the key to his brilliant victories. His faithful horse Bucephalus was an Akhal-Teke. And the Roman Emperor Probus was given an Akhal-Teke horse, which was capable of running 150 kilometers per day for ten days in a row.

In the 9th–10th centuries, horses of this breed were very highly valued in the Baghdad Caliphate. Akhal-Teke were in the armies of such great warriors of the past as Genghis Khan and Darius the Great, king of Persia.

The world-famous traveler Marco Polo paid a lot of attention to these beautiful animals in his notes. He noted that in those days they paid 200 livres for each such horse, which was a lot of money for that time.

With the opening of the sea route from Europe to India, the significance of the Great Silk Road, which passed through the territory of Turkmenistan, began to gradually decline, and the peoples who lived along this commercial route began to gradually be “forgotten.”

The Turkmens simply idolized these horses. From birth, each foal was surrounded by constant care and attention, like a member of the family. The difficult climatic conditions of this hot and desert country have developed in these horses resistance to heat and their unique body constitution, in which there is not a drop of excess fat.

In our country, animals of this breed were called argamaks. Subsequently, this name became a common noun for all breed varieties of horses in the East.

Tekins were actively used in the breeding of domestic riding breeds. There is especially a lot of blood of this breed in Don and Russian riding horses. Well-known Russian specialist in the field of hippology, V.O. Witt said that the Akhal-Teke horse breed is a golden breeding fund for riding horses all over the world, and also called purebred Tekins the last drops of the source from which the entire world horse breeding of riding breeds came.

There have always been horse races national sport for the Turkmen, and they prepared horses for them very thoroughly. The experience accumulated over centuries was passed on in Turkmen families from generation to generation. The ancient Turkmen training system was very similar to modern European racehorse training. Akhal-Teke horses are among the fastest horses in the world. This is due to their special constitution and skeletal structure.

In the USSR, these animals were actively bred in such republics as the Tajik, Kazakh and Turkmen SSR, as well as on the territory of the RSFSR. The main goal of Soviet breeders was to eliminate the breed’s exterior deficiencies and increase its growth performance.

Akhal-Teke horses are called “heavenly Argamaks” due to their incredible beauty and grace. This is one of the oldest breeds, which was formed more than 5 thousand years ago by the peoples who lived on the territory of modern Turkmenistan. Horses of this species are distinguished by their spectacular appearance, shiny skin and good adaptability to life in hot climates. In addition, the animal perfectly adapts to a wide variety of weather conditions and can live almost anywhere in the world. The Akhal-Teke horse breed is depicted in the following photos at the bottom of the article.

And the video presented on our page will give you the opportunity to see the incredible grace and noble posture of the animal.

Breed Features

The Akhal-Teke horse has a number of characteristic qualities:

  • Region of origin – Turkmenistan;
  • Red, black and bay, and very rarely gray, dun;
  • Fairly tall height, which can reach 160 cm;
  • Graceful and beautiful head, long swan neck, smart eyes;
  • Long ears, wide and smooth forehead;
  • Straight long back;
  • Not wide hips;
  • Well-developed front legs, sabreed hind legs;
  • Powerful hooves, thin mane;
  • Use as a riding horse in all types of equestrian sports.

The horse is particularly energetic, resilient, graceful gait and beautiful appearance.

Animal appearance

The Akhal-Teke horse is not difficult to distinguish from other representatives of the species. This is one of the most elegant, graceful and beautiful individuals in the world. No wonder she has such an ancient pedigree. Today, the Akhal-Teke horse is a real asset and pride for its owners. And the price of the best representatives of the breed on the world market is only growing every year.

These are quite tall animals. Stallions of this breed can reach a height of 160 cm at the withers. Their constitution is lean. And when they run, they resemble a mountain fallow deer, graceful, noble and so strong. The horse's legs are long and straight, this gives the image more elegance and beauty. The line of the body is slightly oblique, but it is proportional to all parts of the body.

The shape of the horse's head is peculiar. She has a very developed occipital part, a perfectly even profile, and a slightly narrowed lower part. The eyes are set quite deep, they are slightly slanted in appearance.

The animal's skin is very thin and the vascular network is visible through it. The hair is very silky and soft to the touch. The vegetation is small. There are individuals that have no mane at all. A striking example is the following Akhal-Teke horse, shown in the photo.

The back of the animals looks a little stretched, the legs are high and strong, muscular. The breed has a lot of colors. It can be a black, bay, red, isabel, malt, silver, or dun horse.

Important distinctive feature type is the silkiness of the coat. From a distance, the animal, thanks to its characteristic shine, looks like a golden creature. Perhaps due to this difference, they were called “heavenly” thousands of years ago.


The Akhal-Teke horse is quite capricious in comparison with other four-legged relatives. Many animals can keep strangers away from them for a long time. And only recognize the owner. But, despite some unfriendliness, Akhal-Teke are very smart, they have self-esteem, and will never flaunt their feelings. These animals belong to a rare category of creatures whose trust must still be earned. But if you do this and become a true friend for the Akhal-Teke, eternal devotion and love are guaranteed to you.

In the video you will see how carefully and carefully the owner treats his pet.

The breed has a very ancient pedigree. Researchers believe that the Akhal-Teke horse formed as a species 5 thousand years ago. It was then that the ancient Asian tribes brought out new breed resilient, strong and incredibly beautiful horses. At that time this breed had no equal. The horse received its name from the Ahal oasis, where at that time the Tekin tribe, the ancient ancestors of modern Tajiks, lived.

During this historical period, the Akhal-Teke horse became a real bargaining chip in many powerful states. Sometimes she decided the destinies of nations. It was on a horse of this breed that the famous commander of all times, Alexander the Great, fought a number of brilliant battles. The Emperor of Rome Probu received as a gift an Akhal-Teke stallion, which could ride non-stop for 10 days in a row, and at the same time cover a distance of 150 km.

Many world famous commanders used these horses for military operations and grueling campaigns. In addition to Alexander the Great, they were idolized by Genghis Khan, Darius the Great and others. Even Marco Polo, the famous traveler, said that the price for horses of this breed can reach 200 livres. And this is fabulous money for that time.

Turkmens love their horses very much. Her image can even be found on the country's banknotes. However, oddly enough, the largest population of Akhal-Teke horses today is located in Russia. They are successfully bred in the Stavropol Territory, Moscow region, Dagestan and other regions.

The price one is willing to pay for an Akhal-Teke horse depends on a number of factors. This is the animal’s pedigree, age, external qualities, participation in equestrian competitions, etc.


Prices for horses of such breeds depend on their purebred, the cheapest options for a healthy horse on the website start from 70 thousand rubles, half-breeds from 150 thousand, purebreds from 600 thousand.

  • The Akhal-Teke horse can live for a long time without water and can travel up to 250 km per day. This is a kind of peak endurance for four-legged animals;
  • During the Russian-Swedish war, Peter the Great fought on a horse of this particular breed;
  • The famous Soviet commander of the Second World War, Marshal Zhukov, met on May 9 on the Akhal-Teke;
  • The Queen of Great Britain received a gift in the form of a horse of this breed from the head of the USSR N. Khrushchev;
  • Former President of Turkmenistan S. Niyazov constantly gave Akhal-Teke horses to famous political figures and considered this the best present.

The Akhal-Teke is perhaps the most ancient and hardy horse in the world. It significantly influenced the development of almost all European and Asian horse breeds.

The Akhal-Teke horse, or Akhal-Teke, is a riding horse breed bred on the territory of modern Turkmenistan, presumably about 5,000 years ago. This is the oldest of the cultivated breeds, influencing many breeds. It is considered a purebred breed, as it is a standard riding horse and has not been crossed with other breeds for 5,000 years. It is well adapted to dry, hot climates and acclimatizes well in other conditions.

History of the Akhal-Teke horse breed

The breed originated from local horses that belonged to the nomads of Central Asia. These horses were known 3500 years ago. Even then, Akhal-Teke horses differed sharply from other horses due to their high stature, lean physique and grace.

By origin, the Akhal-Teke breed is close to the Arabian breed. It is even suggested that these horses may be the progenitors Arabian horses, but most likely these breeds developed in parallel.

In ancient times, Akhal-Teke horses were bred in the Parthian kingdom, and later they began to be bred in Turkmenistan and Persia. And only the Turkmens managed to preserve the breed in the country. This was facilitated by the fact that horses were highly valued by the Turkmens, since they were the only means of transportation; the lives of riders during wars depended on horses. Horses were grazed in oases, fed with grain and flat cakes, and in winter they were brought into tents and covered with blankets. The best horses were kept not in a herd, but near the home, and the owner devoted a lot of time to training, as a result of which the horses bit and kicked the opponent’s horse in battle, helping the owner gain the upper hand.

Thanks to this maintenance of Akhal-Teke horses, they developed a special character and external characteristics. Over the centuries, the external characteristics of Akhal-Teke horses have not changed; today they look the same as in ancient times.

General characteristics of Akhal-Teke horses

The Akhal-Teke horse has an unusual exterior. The appearance of this breed radically distinguishes it from other horse breeds. Akhal-Teke horses have a fairly large stature (on average about 160 cm at the withers for stallions) and an extremely dry constitution. Akhal-Teke horses are compared in shape to greyhounds or cheetahs. The entire appearance is dominated by long lines. Other measurements of stallions: oblique body length - 160-165 cm, chest girth - 175-190 cm, pastern girth - 19-20 cm.

The chest is deep, oval in shape, with long false ribs. The withers are high and long, well muscled. The back and loin are long. The croup is slightly sloping, wide and long, with well-developed muscles, the tail is set low. The legs are long and thin, with well-developed joints and small, strong hooves. The shapes of the head and neck are very peculiar. The head has a straight or hook-nosed profile, sometimes with a slightly convex forehead, its facial part is thin and elongated. The ears are long, thin, and fairly widely spaced. The eyes are large, expressive, but have an unusual elongated, slightly slanting shape (“Asian eye”). The neck is high set, thin, long, straight or S-shaped (the so-called “deer” neck is often observed) with a long nape.

The skin is thin, and a network of blood vessels easily appears through it. The hair is extremely thin, delicate and silky; the mane is sparse and sparse, and most often it is completely cut off, which distinguishes the Akhal-Teke horse from other breeds of horses. Temperament is ardent.

The colors are varied, in addition to the main and most common ones - bay, black, red and gray - there are rare dun, nightingale, isabella, karak, brown. White markings on the legs and face may be present. All colors are characterized by a bright golden or silvery sheen to the coat.

Characteristics of the breed

The walk, trot and canter of this breed are smooth and high. This method of movement was developed by Akhal-Teke horses when moving through the shifting sands of deserts. Although these horses look very elegant in appearance, they are distinguished by increased endurance: they can go for long periods of time without water and food, make long journeys, tolerate hot climates well, they are not very well adapted to frosts, but tolerate them better than other southern breeds.

This breed is a riding breed, therefore it is adapted to walking under saddle. The character was formed as a result of special conditions of detention. Since horses were often kept alone, in close proximity to housing, Akhal-Teke horses developed a high attachment to people. They are called one-owner horses because they have a hard time surviving a change of owner.

They require a subtle psychological approach. Akhal-Teke horses are very smart, they sense the rider very well, but at the same time they are independent, and if the rider fails to establish contact with the horse, the horse will decide for itself what to do. That is why Akhal-Teke horses are considered difficult for sport. But they are very loyal. Like all southern breeds, they have a “hot” disposition; they quickly become excited, but do not show excessive aggression.

The Akhal-Teke horse breed is one of the oldest purebred riding breeds that appeared 5 thousand years ago. It is believed that the homeland of these horses is the territory of modern Turkmenistan, and the Akhal-Teke horse itself influenced the development of such elite riding horses as the English racing horse, Donskaya, Trakehner and many others. The purebred nature of this variety is explained by the fact that throughout its existence the Akhal-Teke did not mate with other breeds, so there is no admixture of foreign blood.

Historical information

Representatives of this amazing breed are distinguished by many unique properties and advantages. Among them:

  1. A graceful appearance that sets these beauties apart from the rest.
  2. Amazing endurance and running speed.
  3. Adaptability to different climatic environments.
  4. Wide areas of use.

Thanks to such advantages, Akhal-Teke horses were even used for military campaigns, and they often appeared in the stables of famous military leaders of antiquity, including Genghis Khan, the Persian king Darius and many others.

According to historical facts and written findings that were compiled by legendary authors of antiquity, the famous horse of Alexander the Great called Bucephalus - also belonged to this breed.

The world famous traveler from Italy Marco Polo wrote about the amazing horse, creating notes in his travel journals that mentioned expensive animals with a graceful appearance. After the development of the sea route to India and the decrease in the influence of the Great Silk Road, sales of Akhal-Teke horses decreased significantly, so their popularity also suffered.

Nevertheless, true fans of truly fast, hardy and beautiful horses continued to buy representatives of this breed, claiming that they had no competitors.

Akhal-Teke horse often had other names. For example, in ancient times it was called the “Paradise Horse”, “Heavenly Argamak”, “Golden Horse of Parthia”, “Kakheti Horse”, etc. However, as historical facts say, different names are associated only with the belonging of the breed to one or another nationalities.

It is known that the horse was originally called Massagetian, and then Parthian. After some time, the name changed to Turkmen, and soon - Nisei. Before receiving its current name, the breed was called Persian. And only at the end of the 18th century, horse breeders approved the name “Ahal-Teke”, which is associated with the name of the oasis “Akhal”, as well as the “Teke” tribe living in its vicinity.

Gallery: Akhal-Teke horse (25 photos)

Formation of the rock

Many nations and tribes living in desert areas, often faced problems with movement. They needed a hardy, smart and athletic assistant, who soon became a real member of the family, since the life and existence of the family practically depended on him. Thanks to their non-capricious nature, the horses calmly ate from their hands and also tolerated thorough cleaning of pests with sand and other procedures.

Representatives of the Teke tribe were very fond of horse racing, so these graceful beauties were especially valued by them. Due to their amazing speed indicators, the frisky representatives of the breed coped well with overcoming long distances and were real record holders in their field.

It is no secret that the formation of the Akhal-Teke horse took place under the influence harsh continental climatic conditions, this influenced the development of immunity resistant to aggressive temperatures. Modern horse easily copes with temperature changes from +50 degrees Celsius to -30, adapting to any environmental conditions.

Akhal-Teke horse in the Russian Federation

According to historical data, in Russia these horses were especially highly valued, called “argamaks,” which confirmed their characteristic eastern origin. The great rulers of ancient Rus' were ready to give up “half their kingdom” for a couple of these horses. In addition, in the royal stables they were immediately shod with silver horseshoes.

Many historians and hippologists, guided by ancient documents and engravings, have put forward the opinion that mare Lizzetta, the favorite horse of the legendary Peter I, also belonged to the Akhal-Teke.

During times Soviet Union The breed was actively popularized in eastern countries, including Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, where a lot of breeding work was carried out to improve external properties and increase growth. According to current experts, the most elite representatives of this breed are concentrated in Russia. They are bred in the Moscow region, Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and the North Caucasus. By the way, each locality has its own unique character traits and appearance of the breed.

General characteristics

Over the past century, the external features of horses have undergone several changes. Modern individuals are distinguished by increased height, as well as a more proportional physique. However, a number of unique properties still remain unchanged. So, according to the breed standard, main characteristics of Akhal-Teke horses look like this:

The Alkhetian horse looks like a real masterpiece of art, created by Mother Nature herself, which combines unique breed properties, as well as the result of thousands of years of work by various horse breeders.

By the way, in the distant past, horses of this breed group were often compared with snake, cheetah and eagle.

The horse is united with the first animal by flexibility of movement, thin skin and silky smoothness of the outer hair. The horse also looks like a snake with its high neck. As for the similarities with an eagle, they are represented by a powerful flying gallop, reminiscent of free soaring above the ground. And due to their characteristic leanness and dryness, Akhal-Teke dogs strongly resemble purebred greyhounds or cheetahs.

Among the unique external properties - presence of long lines. In most cases, the oblique body length of such horses reaches 160−165 centimeters, with a chest girth of 170−190 cm.

The “face” of the horse is distinguished by a graceful head with a unique shape and straight profile, although specimens with a hook-nosed head type are not uncommon. In this case, the front part of the “face” is thin and slightly elongated, and the back of the head is quite powerful. In this case, the forehead protrudes forward. A distinctive feature of the muzzle is the deep-set eyes of the so-called oriental shape.

Variety of suits

Representatives of the breed have earned worldwide recognition and popularity due to the wide variety of colors. According to hippologist scientists, almost all existing horse colors can be present in these horses. Among the most common:

  1. Bay.
  2. Bulanaya.
  3. Voronaya.
  4. Redhead.

Less common are the game, salt and gray, but the rarest is the isabella color, which is distinguished by its unique pink shades of skin, as well as greenish or blue eyes.

The suit is named after the legendary Spanish Queen Isabella, who once vowed to always wear the same color shirt. Mares with a similar coat color soon became known as Isabella mares. According to the official standard, such horses are of the red color, although they are pink in appearance. Isabella or cream horses even go by the unique name "cremello". Among the distinctive features of Akhal-Teke horses is the silvery or golden shine of the hair.

Character traits

According to experienced horse breeders and specialists, representatives of this breed are distinguished by their well-developed intelligence, wit and fine mental structure. Animals have a strong sense of self-esteem, so any inattentive, cold or careless attitude is very difficult for horses to bear. At the same time, they practically do not show their emotional impulses or feelings.

There is an opinion among hippologists that Akhal-Teke dogs are characterized by “dog-like” affection and loyalty to one owner, and especially if he devoted due time to education and seeking contact and mutual understanding with the stallion or mare.

The unique character is the result of centuries of work and exposure to a special containment environment. For many centuries, animals lived alone, interacting exclusively with their owner, which influenced the development of characteristic devotion.

When changing owners the horse begins to act up and becomes severely depressed. As for temperament, he is very energetic and hot, this is typical for all representatives of the southern regions. Nevertheless, the horse almost never shows aggression, remains obedient, soft-bridle and maneuverable. True, if you have never had experience handling such huge horses before, it is better not to buy one for home keeping. However, for professionals, a black stallion or a colorful racing mare will be a very good acquisition.

From time immemorial, Akhal-Teke horses were not bred in herds. This is due to the fact that the territory of the natural homeland did not have extensive pastures, and they remained in people’s use only until the beginning of winter (about 3 months a year). The rest of the time, the animals were fed by hand, using small portions of high-quality feed based on green hay or alfalfa, as well as pure selected barley. In this case, drink water for 3 doses per day.

Nowadays, Akhal-Teke horses are bred for two purposes:

  1. Racing activity.
  2. Equestrian sport.

In both directions, careful selection based on exterior is provided. Regarding cultivation lines, then they are represented by the following names:

  1. Melekusha.
  2. Sapar Khana.
  3. Edvardy tele.

Most of them go back to the legendary stallion Boynow, who managed to win the hearts of hundreds of people in the 19th century.

IN current time on the territory Russian Federation horses of this breed are bred at the stud farm named after Naib Idris, named after V.P. Shamborant, “Ahalt - Service” and in some breeding farms, including “Tekin Legion”, “Yunav” and several others.

In addition, breeding is carried out in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Individuals raised in Russia are first registered by the All-Russian Institute of Horse Breeding and are supplied with special stud books. They also need an annual medical examination, which is confirmed by additional certificates.

Attention, TODAY only!

One of the most beautiful and fastest horse breeds, the Akhal-Teke, comes from Asia, where its first representatives appeared more than five thousand years ago. It is the territory of modern Turkmenistan that is the homeland of the Akhal-Tek people. The name of the breed comes from two words: “Ahal” is the name of an oasis in the desert, and “Teke” is the tribe of people who lived there.

The progenitors of all breeds of riding horses

About Akhal-Teke horses Vitt.V.O. spoke of jewels that contain “the last drops of that source of pure blood that created the entire horse breeding of the world.” Their uniqueness lies in the fact that of the 250 horse species identified in the world, today this breed is the oldest. According to scientists, it was from the end of the Akhal-Teke breed that all modern horse breeding began. Since it was their blood that was used to create other breeds of horses. The Akhal-Teke beauties themselves have remained virtually unchanged over the past millennia, only growing a little.

Unfortunately, today, despite the fact that interest in this breed is increasing, the total population is only about 3000 heads. For this reason, many specialists have been involved in the field of breeding “heavenly” horses in Turkmenistan; all original Akhal-Teke horses have been registered on a single breeding register. The health of the horses and the growth of the offspring are monitored by qualified workers. There are special institutions for training specialists for horse breeding - veterinarians, jockeys, horse breeders, horse breeders.

Attitude and education of a true Akhal-Teke

They treat newborn foals with special care - entry into the stable is strictly limited to staff, who provide constant care to both the mare and the baby. For a long time, foals were considered members of the family; they were raised from birth as their own children and were even hand-fed. Such “homey” content did not spoil them, on the contrary. Therefore, modern horse breeders pay tribute to the way of life and traditions of their ancestors - each purebred Akhal-Teke horse is raised and maintained individually: with love, care and attention to its character.

Akhal-Teke is a wonderful, emotional horse, who very subtly senses a person’s mood. When communicating and teaching him, it is strictly forbidden to use force, rudeness, harshness and neglect. All this will not lead to the desired result; only by feeling love and trust in the person will the horse do what is required of him. It is very difficult to earn the trust of an Akhal-Teke horse, but if this succeeds, then in return you will gain a faithful and devoted friend.

Some individuals of this breed are quite famous. For example, at the Victory Parade in 1945, Marshal Zhukov rode the Akhal-Teke horse Arab, a descendant of Boynow. And in 2010, the Akhal-Teke horse Girat, a direct descendant of Arab, also participated in the anniversary parade dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

A few facts about the Akhal-Teke breed:

  • The height at the withers reaches 155-160 cm in stallions, 152-155 cm in mares.
  • Graceful, light head with wide nostrils.
  • Large and expressive Asian eyes.
  • The ears are neat, not large.
  • Bust circumference 170-190cm.

Adult horses are tall and have a lean constitution, somewhat similar to a hound dog. They are very well adapted to hot climates and do not require much water; in addition, horses can quickly acclimatize to any weather changes. You can describe the appearance of the Akhal-Teke in a few words like this: rib cage small, the legs are strong and long, the hooves are not large, but quite hard, the back is elongated, the tail and mane are not thick, and some horses have no mane at all, the croup is muscular and slightly lowered, the hips are narrow. The skin is very thin, and the hair is soft and silky, cast with a satin shine; in the sun it seems that the horse is covered with gold.

Akhal-Teke horse - ideal for riding, its smooth movements very comfortable for the rider. Thanks to their ancestors, who grew up in the desert, they developed their unusual gait; it seems that the horse floats above the ground without touching it with its feet.

There are legends about the endurance of horses. It has been historically proven that there was a case when a horse wounded by a saber carried two people out of battle. And in our time, Akhal-Teke horses have more than once made long journeys and sports. For example, in 1935, the trek from Ashgabat to Moscow was completed in just 84 days, despite the fact that the sands of the Karakum desert were left behind in 3 days, and there was not a single stop for food, drink, rest or sleep. All participants reached the finish line healthy, the stallion Tarlan came first.

Breed photo

Proper care and feeding of horses

The Akhal-Teke breed certainly requires a trusting relationship with a person in any situation. She won’t even allow you to take care of yourself if you don’t trust this person. And high-quality care is required, since these animals love cleanliness. It is necessary to always keep the horse well-fed and watered. As for the diet, it is selected individually for each individual. Horses are most often fed hay, grass, grain and vegetables. The menu changes depending on the time of year, the age of the horse, its load, activity and health status. It is also recommended to add vitamins to horses' food.

You should not forget about washing the Akhal-Teke; this is done in the summer, and the rest of the time they only carry out cleaning. When performing cleaning, you should adhere to the established “ritual”: start on the left side with the head, then the shoulders, withers, back and legs, then move to the other side. In summer, the horse is washed at least once every 2 days. Both cleaning and washing are carried out in order to adequately maintain these beauties and avoid many unpleasant animal diseases. In addition, regular veterinary examinations and vaccinations are required.

Dignified care, love and patience for Akhal-Teke horses will be returned by the endless devotion of these proud and wayward horses.