World record on a bicycle. Amazing cycling speed records

A bicycle is a simple, environmentally friendly and durable transport. It is driven by the muscular power of its owner. In the classical sense, than faster legs pedal, the higher the speed. Unfortunately, human capabilities are severely limited even compared to older models of internal combustion engines, which is why a bicycle is classified as a low-speed vehicle.

In ordinary life, the average speed of cyclists is low: from 15 to 25 km/h. Maximum speed is an indicator of the limit of capabilities of both the bicycle and the person. It is very difficult to say unequivocally what it will be like, since it depends on many factors: the design of the bike, the technical condition, physical fitness human and aerodynamics.

Taking into account all the negative effects on driving dynamics and excellent sports training You can accelerate on a bicycle to speeds comparable to those of a car. And some record holders have crossed this line...

Absolute records

The fastest cycling speed was firmly established by the Dutchman Fred Rompelberg. The race was organized on the salt flats in Utah, USA in 1995. The record holder managed to accelerate the bike to 268 km/h. Of course, we thoroughly prepared to achieve this result - the maximum transmission ratio, ideal weather and road conditions, the endurance of the athlete and the “air bag” of the racing car ahead.

This bike set a world record

The year 1995 was also marked by a world record for the fastest bicycle on a descent. Then, in France, the famous downhiller Christian Taillefer was able to get off the mountain on two wheels and reach a value of 212 km/h! The difficulty of the record was that a well-worn ski slope was prepared for the descent. And to control a bicycle and, especially, to drive it at such speed in these conditions is simply out of the realm of fantasy!

The maximum possible speed that a mountain bike was able to reach is 130 km/h. The record was set while descending a volcanic slope in Nicaragua. The credit goes to French cyclist Eric Baron.

In the last decade, the bicycle has been able to accelerate to 210 km/h. The record was set in 2010 by Markus Stolz in the Chilean mountains. A year earlier, the highest speed on a semi-closed league was recorded - more than 130 km/h.

Speed ​​capabilities of bicycles

Since each type of bicycle is designed for specific operating conditions, the maximum speed limit for each of them will also be different. The concept “ maximum speed" For some, it’s just cherished numbers flashing once on a computer. For others, this will not be enough, and the speed barrier for them is not just a number, but the ability to remain in this state for some time. There are also those who do not strive for records in practice, but they are simply interested in what speed can be achieved on their bike.

Singlespeed is a city bike that rides as hard as the cyclist pedals. You shouldn’t expect any sky-high dynamics from a single gear, even on an ideal straight line. Of course, on flat areas a city bike can reach impressive speeds of 25 – 30 km/h. But it is almost impossible to move further:

  • high air resistance is created by the body;
  • the bike weighs quite a lot;
  • the pushing force disappears (the pedals are untwisted).

The best performance is produced by the “brakeless” bicycle of the FIX model, which does not have a free wheel. Thanks to the mutual untwisting of the pedals and the wheel, it is much easier to maintain the speed at a “fixed” speed. On such a bike you can accelerate to 40 km/h and even catch up with a car. However, one should not overestimate the possibilities. To achieve such speed indicators you will also need colossal endurance.

A fixed-gear bicycle is very similar to a road bike without brakes.

For mountain bikes, speed isn't always a priority. But the MTB must ensure cross-country ability, stability and shock absorption. This doesn't mean that mountain bike is not capable of delivering good speed performance. Even a simple bike of this class can accelerate over 30 km/h, taking into account the cyclist’s preparedness, the correct gear ratio and technical condition.

Here, high dynamics and maneuverability come first. The specific fit, lightness and strength of the structure give everything you need to get the most out of your bike. In general, road bikes are predominantly sports bikes, so speeds of 60 and 70 km/h are quite realistic here. In ordinary life, on a highway you will be able to overtake an MTB and, even more so, a regular bike, but you won’t be able to ride above 40 km/h without long training.

In normal urban conditions, the speeds of both mountain and road bikes will differ little. The situation is completely different on the track: here MTB will lose noticeably. Softer tires, shock absorption, the weight of the bike and the rider's position contribute to the reduction in speed.

How to increase speed on a bicycle

In order for your bike to roll quickly, give you positivity and not take up a lot of energy, you need to follow a few simple and effective rules:

  • keep the bike clean;
  • carry out complex lubrication;
  • monitor tire pressure;
  • adjust the brakes;
  • adjust the fit;
  • train strength and endurance.

A large amount of dirt and dust not only makes it difficult for a bicycle to move, but also worsens the condition of all its mechanisms. Moving parts - bushings, carriage, chain, sprockets - require both cleanliness and timely lubrication.

What can driving on flat tires be like? Moderately inflated tires combine the optimal rolling length, contact patch with the road and cross-country ability. An increase in speed is achieved by pumping the chambers. Advantages: shorter acceleration time, increased coasting. Disadvantages: deterioration of road grip, risk of puncturing the tube, severe wear of the tire centers. That is, this method is only good when driving on perfectly smooth asphalt.

Regular pressure will help your tires last longer.

Unadjusted brakes can interfere with movement. This applies equally to both discs and V-brake. The distance from the pads to the disc or rim should be minimal. The pads must be positioned so that when braking they rest completely on the braking surface.

The seating position determines not only the ease of control, but also the speed the cyclist will develop. Aerodynamics can be increased by reducing windage: the body is more inclined to the frame, and the handlebars are located lower than the saddle.

And of course, endurance and well-developed respiratory system. Simple physical exercise, daily riding will help strengthen the overall physical condition and prepare for the new speed record.

Delivered new record speed at . The former achievement remained unmatched since 1995.

A new world bicycle speed record, 295.6 kilometers per hour, was set by American cyclist Denise Mueller-Korenek. The cyclist rode along a route laid along the bottom of the dry salt lake Bonneville in the US state of Utah.

The flat and dense surface without any obstacles is perfect for experimental races, so pilots of ultra-fast cars, motorcycles and other unusual vehicles go to this exotic testing ground.

Here in 1995, the Dutchman Fred Rompelberg set a record listed in the Guinness Book of 268.831 kilometers per hour. Since the headwind creates a lot of resistance to movement, the athlete was in tow behind a streamlined dragster (a car capable of developing fast speed on straight roads). The car cut through the air in front of the cyclist - and accelerated her to 241.402 km/h. After this acceleration, the bike separated from the car and Denis continued to accelerate on her own.

Record for women high speed on a bicycle the figure was 237.7 kilometers per hour: this was also achieved by Müller-Korenek in 2016. Denis did not stop training, planning to beat Rompelberg’s achievement, and she succeeded on September 16.

Her bike was made of lightweight carbon fiber, had a two-speed gearbox and special wheels, similar to motorcycle ones: they provide stability and allow you to travel up to 40 meters in one pedal stroke.

Team Denis broadcast the record live, including stunning footage from the rear of the dragster. The recording shows how the cyclist begins to pedal with the help of towing, and then releases the holder and continues moving independently:

The crossbar in the body of the dragster allows you to press against it as much as possible, leaving free space for rotation front wheel. After reaching the set speed, Denis straightens up, allowing the oncoming air to slow down his movement.

Denis began her cycling career as a teenager. Before you leave professional sports she has won 13 national championships and two world championships.

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It is rightfully considered one of the most convenient, simple, environmentally friendly and fastest means of transportation. Since about the same time, numerous enthusiasts have been trying to determine what the average and maximum speed of two-wheeled horses is. Let's try to understand this issue too.

Average speeds

The speed of movement on a bicycle depends on many factors: from physical training, road surface, wind, conditions. For example, in a busy city you can drive at an average speed 10-15 kilometers per hour solely due to the abundance of obstacles, traffic lights and reasonable restrictions.

On a flat road, a trained (but not athlete) man can reach speed 30-50 kilometers per hour. At the same time, on the way up the mountain the pace will drop to 30 km/h and below, and on the descent it will increase. up to 60 km/h.

On average, mountain bikers on downhill in pits and bumps accelerate to 50 kilometers per hour. Participants of the Tour de France “squeeze out” the same speed on the flat sections of the route. On average, athletes on cycling tracks accelerate to 90-100 km/h.


The recorded world speed record for a bicycle is 268 kilometers per hour. It was installed in 1995 by 50-year-old Fred Rompelberg, originally from the Netherlands. To achieve such an impressive result, the cyclist chose the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah (USA), whose thin air provided less resistance when moving. Another assistant to the record holder was an air bell from the racing car in front. Excellent preparation and accurate calculations– the key to maximum cycling speed.

On downhill world record in 212 kilometers per hour installed in the same 1995 by the Frenchman Christian Taillefer. The surface was a well-worn ice ski slope in France. A special flat futuristic frame with a flat handlebar, an integrated saddle and a speed-reducing fork helped reduce air resistance.

The speed record for a mountain bike is 130 kilometers per hour. It was also installed by a Frenchman, Eric Baron, on the slopes of an extinct volcano in Nicaragua.

The speed and endurance record was set by the athlete Francesco Moser. In 1984 he was able maintain a speed of 50 km/h for an hour without slowing down for a second. To this day, the record is considered the height of human capabilities.

What speed do you accelerate to on your bike?

The bicycle has been around for almost two centuries. Over its history, it has undergone many changes, ranging from constructive ones to outright absurdities.

Many athletes managed to become famous throughout the world with the help of skillful. These athletes include Lance Armstrong, Alberto Contador, Fabian Cancellara, Francesco Moser and many other professional road cyclists.

Some athletes manage to achieve speeds on bicycles that surprise even motorists

It was Moser who set the speed record at the velodrome. In 1984, he was able to cover a distance of 51.151 kilometers in an hour's ride around the velodrome. That is, its speed was 51.151 kilometers per hour.

However, the world speed record for a bicycle is much higher than this. It took several attempts to install it.

Record in a straight line

You cannot compare the speed of a bicycle going down a mountain with the speed of a bicycle moving in a straight line. Therefore, these disciplines have different achievements and different record holders.

First we will describe the direct speed record on a bicycle.


As we have already said, we tried to achieve maximum speed on a bicycle different people. Each of them was a record holder for some time, until his performance exceeded the next record.

  • Charles M. Murphy was the first to decide to accelerate on a bicycle. This was back in 1899.

The cyclist was riding between two rails, and a single carriage with observers was rolling in front of him. However, the role of the carriage was not only to transport spectators. It protected the rider from the oncoming air flow.

Thanks to this trick, Murphy was able to accelerate to 100.2 kilometers per hour. At that time, this was the maximum speed that could be achieved on a bicycle.

  • The second to try his luck was Albert Marquet. This was in 1937, 38 years after Murphy's record.

Marche followed the car on a bicycle, to which a canopy was attached, as well as a carriage, which protected the cyclist from the wind.

As a result, Marche was able to reach a speed of 139 kilometers per hour.

  • The third cycling record holder was Alf Letourne. He allowed Marche's achievement to last only five years and established his own already in 1942.

Letourne was driving not an ordinary car, but a racing car. His bike had an oversized carriage that looked like it was about to hit the ground.

Letourne was able to accelerate to 175 kilometers per hour.

Modern absolute record holder

The speed record that still stands was set by Fred Rompelberg. This happened in 1995, when Rompelberg was fifty years old.

Rompelberg was also driving behind a racing car with a wind canopy installed.

As a result, the driver was able to accelerate to 268 kilometers per hour. This figure still surprises even motorists. What can we say about amateurs?

To date, no one has been able to beat this achievement.

Other modern records

Not all cyclists considered it fair that the maximum speed on a bicycle was developed with the help of a giant canopy. Therefore, those records are also identified for the establishment of which such massive “auxiliaries” were not used.

  • The speed record for installing a smaller fairing on a bicycle was set by Sebastian Bowyer. This happened in 2013.

Bowyer was able to accelerate to 133.78 kilometers per hour over a distance of 200 meters. It is noteworthy that during acceleration the cyclist lay on his back and turned the pedals, which were installed in front. The bicycle itself was “packed” in a light fairing. It was created from carbon fiber.

The maximum speed that Baron could develop reached 222 kilometers per hour. It's less direct record, however, it should be noted that Baron did not have the opportunity to use the help of the dome-fairing.

To develop such speed, another trick was used - a mountain bike specially designed for this purpose and special equipment.


Baron's improved mountain bike had improved aerodynamic performance. The bicycle had two shock absorbers. One of them was installed on the front fork, the second on the rear wheel.

The cyclist himself put on a special suit-suit, which has increased rigidity and good aerodynamic properties.

New try

Baron's second attempt to set a speed record took place in 2002. Then the athlete went down a slope covered with gravel, not snow.

After the cyclist reached a speed of 210.4 kilometers per hour, the bicycle frame was torn into two parts from such a high load.

The record holder himself survived after this, but was taken to the hospital. He was diagnosed compound fracture hip, dislocation cervical spine spine and left shoulder. In addition, the athlete’s entire body was littered with bruises, abrasions and cuts.

It is believed that the racer's life was saved by the helmet and protective equipment. Without them, at a speed of 210 kilometers per hour, he would probably crash.

As we see, setting new records is not a safe matter. Each of the record holders risked their health during the dizzying acceleration.

Each record holder was observed by doctors and rescuers during the acceleration, without whom the process would have been unreasonably dangerous.

Remember that no records are worth your health. Obey speed limits common to all road users.

All more people strives to carry out free time in the saddle of the “iron horse”. You have to imagine that average speed A cyclist may be of interest primarily to novice athletes, travelers and those who simply want to be active in their free time. That is, amateur cyclists. You should start with a description of the records - in order to understand that there are no limits to perfection.

Maximum speed of a cyclist - what is it? The world bicycle speed record was first set by Charles M. Murphy. He drove behind a specially equipped train carriage and his result was 100 kilometers at a speed of 200 meters/hour. This happened in 1899. Subsequently, cars were used to create favorable conditions for establishing the maximum speed of athletes. To set the “maximum speed” record, vehicles were equipped with devices that protected them from oncoming air flows.

The speed record for a bicycle was also set in 1937 by Albert Marche. His result is 139 km/h. 1942 - Alf Letourne reached 175 km/h. The maximum speed of a cyclist is 268 km/h. This result was obtained by Fred Rompelberg in 1995. Preliminary run-up is 200 meters. He rode on a surface of salt on the site of a former lake - Bonneville Plain. This place is used to set records for all kinds of moving vehicles. The world bicycle speed record set by Fred Rompelg still stands today. All of these speed records were set in the USA.

A mountain bike record was set at 130 km/h. This record for maximum speed while descending a highway was achieved by an athlete from France, Eric Baron, on the slope of a dormant volcano in Nicaragua.

In addition to track records, there are also endurance records. They determine the maximum distance that can be covered in an hour. Here is a short selection of records.

The 1996 speed record was not officially counted, as the athlete used technical devices - fairings and a special suit.

The speed of a cyclist on a cycle track can be very high. You can reach 90-100 km/h.

There is an opinion among scientists that by 2060 all opportunities to improve achievements (increase the speed record) in this sport will be exhausted.

Most readers are interested in the average speed of an amateur cyclist. It is important to understand here that the average speed of movement is influenced by many factors: time of training, age, distance, driving downhill or uphill. The place of travel is also important - city, highway, country road. The trip can be done alone or in a group. The model, type of tires and suspension are important.

The average speed of a cyclist on the road also determines the duration of the sport. For a beginner, at a distance of about twenty kilometers, the speed will be from 12 to 19 kilometers per hour. As the distance increases, the intensity of movement will naturally decrease.

Over long distances, the average speed of a highly experienced cyclist is about 25 km/h.

There is one more observation. At the beginning of the ride, the intensity of movement is lower - the athlete “warms up”. After five to ten kilometers we reach the maximum. Then fatigue sets in and the maximum speed naturally drops. The time when this happens depends on the person’s training.

The speed of movement on the highway in a group will be greater than if a person were driving alone.

You can have a new lightweight model. After purchasing it, people estimate an average increase in their movement speed of ten percent. This good result. But there is a suspicion that a person who bought an expensive model drives faster because he is sure that the new product gives him such an opportunity.

  • The best mountain bikes (2016 ranking)
  • Merida Big.Seven 300 (2016)
  • Cube Analog 29 (2016)
  • Merida Big.Nine 300 (2016)

The speed of movement is influenced by the weather and, most importantly, the wind. Headwinds can make movement very difficult. Tight-fitting clothing will help you maintain your pace in windy conditions, while loose clothing will slow you down.

The average speed of a cyclist in the city is estimated by various authors to be between 15 and 17 kilometers per hour. People on the sidewalks and cars on the roads are in the way.

On country roads, on a downhill slope, they move faster, and on the highway even faster - up to 40 kilometers per hour, but in reality the average speed on the highway is lower - you have to slow down, as in the city, because of cars, on turns, and the speed naturally drops .

The average speed is also determined by the bike model. The main types are mountain bike, road bike and city bike. Moreover, how fast a person will drive in the city and on the highway depends on the model vehicle, but not much. In many respects, riding a mountain bike is preferable - in the city it is more convenient to ride a mountain bike than a road bike due to the fact that the seating position is higher. Wide treaded tires slow down when driving on city roads (due to friction).

A bicycle is chosen depending on where they are going to ride it.

The frame on a mountain bike is heavier than on a road bike. But on the road version the tires are narrower and smoother, with virtually no tread. On flat sections of the road you can get a result of 20 - 30 km/h. Maxim Razumov, a famous cyclist, rides 60 km/h on the highway during a race. This is possible on the highway, but in the city it is practically impossible to find free sections of the road.

A city bike (for example, Maxim) has medium-width tires and not very rugged treads. This model does not have very good shock absorbers and few gears. On a mountain bike these parameters are better and it wins on the road. But the urban model is focused on comfortable driving around the city. The seat in the saddle is straight. There are even models where the rider’s body is tilted back a little - this is an imitation of an old bicycle. You can move at a speed of 10 to 15 km/h.