Power system weight watchers. Weight Watchers Diet: Eat What You Want, But Eat Smart! How to switch to it

D The Weight Watchers movement was founded in the early 60s of the 20th century in the USA and is currently very actively developing, helping a huge number of people lose weight. overweight and start leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

The essence of the program is weight loss using healthy eating and lifelong dietary changes. This is not a diet, but a lifestyle. This is a nutrition system for those who strive for health and want to lose weight without harmful chemicals naturally. No overseas dishes - we eat the most ordinary foods.

The program requires strict adherence to 4 basic rules:

The diet should be very varied, but moderate. Of course, foods within one meal should be compatible.
- Moral support. It’s worth clarifying here that weight watchers are already conducting group classes in 31 countries. Unfortunately, there is no corporation office in Russia yet.
- Continuous development and self-knowledge. In classes they teach you to find and realize your weaknesses. A person develops by overcoming his weaknesses, turning them into strengths.
- Physical activity. Absolutely any. Everyone is free to choose their own form of physical activity.

The basic principles of the weight watchers system, as well as their tips and recommendations:
. 1. You can eat any food, but do not exceed the allotted number of points per day. The calorie content of the products is not taken into account. The daily rate of points (p.) depends initial weight:

up to 70 kg - 18 p.
71-80 kg - 20 p.
81-90 kg - 22 p.
91-100 kg - 24 p.
more than 100 kg - 26 p.

2. It is necessary to eat all the points per day - constant “undereating points” threatens to slow down the metabolism. At the same time, savings are still possible - but no more than 4 points per day. The saved points can be used later, but only within a week. For example: there is a party planned on the weekend, a trip to a restaurant, etc. - you can safely exceed the required number of points by the accumulated amount. But if you don’t eat them over the weekend, they disappear.

3. Oil - no more than 2 points per day, but you shouldn’t give it up at all. Fats must be present in the diet. Give preference to vegetable oils.

4. It is better to give up sugar completely or, as a last resort, replace it with a non-calorie substitute. Do not abuse the sweetener; use it in cases where you cannot consume a product or drink without sweetening.

5. “Harmful” items (sweets, alcohol, fatty meats and sausages, fast food) should be taken into account separately and eaten no more than 14 times a week. It is better if there is an opportunity to refuse them. In addition, it is incorrect to use the allowed “harmful” points for only one product (for example, drinking alcohol for 14 points).

6. You must drink at least 2 liters. liquids per day. Tea and coffee do not count as liquid. But milk counts.

7. Try to eat more dairy products.

8. It is advisable to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. You shouldn't fast all day in order to eat in the evening - this is very harmful to the stomach.

9. Eat several servings of vegetables and fruits a day, but keep in mind that not all of them give 0 points. It's better to eat more vegetables.

10. Only the first fruit/vegetable eaten (no more than 200g) is considered zero; all further 100g are considered 1 point.

11. Additional bonus points are awarded for physical activity.

Item tables

Weight Watchers Diet

In England, Canada, and the USA, this diet is called “ weight watchers" And it’s difficult to call it a diet, since it’s more of a lifestyle than a diet. You can eat everything, only in reasonable quantities. Weight Watchers eliminates the tedium and hassle of counting calories by simply assigning points to foods. But the main weapon of weight watchers in the fight against overweight- regular, usually weekly, weight loss meetings. At meetings they share successes, listen to advice and gain positivity. Weight Watchers do not diet or take any pills to lose weight. At home, at work and in restaurants, they eat regular food.

New York housewife Jean Nidetch in 1961, at the age of 38, discovered that her passion for cookies had brought her to 97 kg with a height of 170 cm. Mrs. Nidetch gathered several overweight friends at home and invited them to lose weight together. They met every week to check on how things were going. Two months later, the number of participants had grown to 40 people, and the meetings had to be moved to a cafe. By October 1962, Jean Nidetch had lost 32 kg, and hundreds of people were already eager to sign up as weight watchers. In 1963, Weight Watchers was officially born. Today Weight Watchers has 31 representative offices in different countries.

The Weight Watchers program is based on four cornerstones:

Balanced selection of products. You can eat everything, but in moderation and the food must be varied. The body must receive the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements from food.

Group support. The art of nutrition should be learned just like other arts. It's usually difficult to follow all the good advice alone.

Self-development and self-knowledge. In groups, Weight Watchers are taught to recognize their weaknesses and overcome them.

Movement. Any physical activity is beneficial. Everyone chooses for themselves whether to climb stairs, walk or play any sport.

The basic principles of the weight watchers system, as well as their tips and recommendations:

1. You can eat whatever you want, but do not exceed the prescribed limit. daily norm of points. The calorie content of the products is not taken into account. The daily rate of points (p.) depends on the initial weight:
up to 70 kg - 18 p.
71-80 kg - 20 p.
81-90 kg - 22 p.
91-100 kg - 24 p.
more than 100 kg - 26 p.

2. It is necessary to eat all the points per day - constant “undereating points” threatens to slow down the metabolism. At the same time, savings are still possible - but no more than 4 points per day. The saved points can be used later, but only within a week. For example: there is a party planned on the weekend, a trip to a restaurant, etc. – you can safely exceed the required number of points by the accumulated amount. But if you don’t eat them over the weekend, they disappear.

3. Oil – no more than 2 points per day, but you shouldn’t give it up at all. Give preference to vegetable oils.

4. It is better to avoid sugar altogether or replace it with a non-calorie substitute.

5. “Harmful” items (sweets, alcohol, fatty meats and sausages, fast food) should be taken into account separately and eaten no more than 14 times a week. It is better if there is an opportunity to refuse them. In addition, it is incorrect to use the permitted “harmful” points for only one product (for example, drinking alcohol for 14 points).

6. It is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid per day. Tea and coffee do not count as liquid. But milk counts.

7. Try to eat more dairy products.

8. It is advisable to eat in several doses, and not to eat until you are full in the evening (for example, 4-5 times).

9. Eat several servings of vegetables and fruits a day, but keep in mind that not all of them give 0 points. It's better to eat more vegetables. Only the first fruit/vegetable eaten (no more than 200g) is considered zero; all further 100g are considered 1 point.

A table of products in points can be found on the Internet, there are many of them, I will give as an example a few dishes and products:

Any vegetables 100 g 0 points

Fried potatoes 200 g 7 points

Potato cutlets 60 g 2 points

French fries 150 g 9.5 points

Mushrooms (any) 0 points

Olives (black) 1 piece 0.5 points

Sponge roll 50 g 2.5 points

Cheesecake 60 g 3.5 points

Cupcake 70 g 6.5 points

Cookies, crackers 5 pcs. 2 points

Sandwich margarine based on vegetable oil 15 g 0.5 points

Chicken breast with skin (fried) 90 g 4.5 points

Fish fillet, breaded 150 g 6 points

Fish burger 30 g 1.5 points

Salted, smoked herring 45 g 2.5 points

Meat salad with mayonnaise 30 g 2.5 points

Tomato or cucumber salad with sour cream 30 g 0.5 points

Salad with rice and tuna 30 g. 2 points

Waffles 16 2 points

Marshmallow 35 2 points

Chocolate bars (eg Mars) 60 7 points

Hard cheese (20–32%) 30 g. 2 points

Processed cheese (35%) 25 2.5 points

Soft cheese (Camembert, Brie) 30 g. 2 points

Banana 100 g. 1 point

Orange 0 points

Grapefruit 0 points

Bread (all varieties) 60 2.5 points

Raisin bun 50 g. 2 points

Egg 1 piece 1.5 points

Coffee and tea without sugar and milk 200 ml 0 points

Sample menu for the week. This diet is suitable for people weighing 81–90 kg



100 g muesli with milk, 1 tbsp. peach sorbet or any fresh fruit (4 p.)


Banana, 1 tsp. melted dark chocolate (3 p.)


1 tbsp. boiled couscous with stewed vegetables (tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, herbs), 60 g smoked salmon (6 p.)

Afternoon snack

180 g low-fat fruit yoghurt (3 p.)


Cup of cocoa (3 p.), handful of Brazil nuts (2 p.)



A couple of croutons fried in an egg-milk mixture (egg, 1/2 cup milk, a pinch of cinnamon), 1 tbsp. orange juice (4 p.)

Cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. sugar (1 p.)


Hamburger, green salad with Italian dressing, orange (5 p.)


Carrot and raisin salad (3/4 tbsp. grated carrots, 2 tbsp. raisins, 1 tbsp. low-fat mayonnaise, a pinch of salt and pepper), rye bread, apple (4 p.)

Afternoon snack

100 g popcorn without butter (2 p.)


120 g fried pork with rice, 1 tbsp. boiled broccoli (6 p.)



Sandwich with low-fat soft cheese, onion slices and 30 g of smoked red fish (4 p.)

Cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. sugar (1 p.)


Apple, 180 g yogurt (3 p.)


Vegetable puree soup, sandwich with rye bread, feta cheese, tomato slices and basil (5 p.)

Afternoon snack

Smoothie made from one banana, a handful of berries and 250 g of low-fat yogurt (3 p.)


150 g oatmeal with milk and 2 tsp. raisins and 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. orange juice (6 p.)



180 ml tomato juice(1 p.)

Two pieces of ham (2 p.)

Cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. sugar (1 p.)


Celery stalk “stuffed” with soft cheese (3 p.)


Caesar salad (6 p.)

Afternoon snack

Handful of Brazil nuts (2 p.)


Flounder fillet with lemon sauce (4 p.)

Young carrots with hummus (2 p.)

Red cabbage, stewed in 1 tsp. olive oil (1 tsp)



150 g oatmeal with milk and 2 tsp. raisins and 1 tsp. brown sugar, 1 tbsp. orange juice (6 p.)

Cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. sugar (1 p.)


35 g marshmallows or 25 g marzipan (2 p.)


Penne pasta with feta and vegetable sauce, salad with tomatoes and herbs (6 p.)

Afternoon snack

Cup of berries (1 p.)


150 g chicken with balsamic vinegar (4 p.)

1 tbsp. boiled broccoli with 1 tsp. butter (1 p.)

1 tbsp. strawberries with 1/3 tbsp. low-calorie whipped cream (2 p.)



1 tbsp. tomato juice (1 p.) One egg omelette with cheese, mushrooms and herbs (4 p.)

Cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. sugar (1 p.)


Mozzarella cheese with tomato and cucumber slices (2 p.)

Cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. sugar (1 p.)


150 g grilled chicken breast (3 p.)

Lettuce with tomatoes and cashews with salad dressing (4 p.)

Afternoon snack

Two tangerines


180 g grilled fish with herbs (3 p.)

Boiled green beans with ricotta cheese (3 p.)



Half a soft-boiled egg (1 p.)

Two slices of ham (2 p.)

Cup of coffee with 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. sugar (1 p.)


100 g cottage cheese casserole with berries (3 p.)


Shrimp and apple salad with mayonnaise (6 p.)

Afternoon snack

100 g berry mousse (2 p.)


Vegetable salad (greens, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, green beans) with salad dressing (1 p.)

Grilled meat (3 p.)

A group of weight watchers has developed a nutritional style that, when followed, eliminates all unnecessary fat on its own.

The main rule is that this style, or way of eating, must be adhered to throughout your life.

The weight watchers diet has no restrictions on the consumption of certain foods and recipes for their preparation.

You only need to limit the amount of food consumed, or rather, you need to calculate it individually for a specific person.

You need to immediately decide whether it will become tiresome for you to count “points” at each meal, as weight watchers do. It will be difficult only at first, until daily calculations become a habit.

The weight watchers diet can be calculated according to a developed table, which is recommended for beginners to use. It calculates the intake norms for certain foods (daily amount of nutritional items depending on weight).

Strict adherence to the diet is mandatory.

The Weight Watchers Diet is designed in such a way that those losing weight strive not so much for weight loss as for proper nutrition.

The goal is achieved through a thorough calculation of the amount of food eaten and cutting down portions, where every calorie is taken into account.

There are varied menus, ready-made meals and products for their preparation appear in stores.

Psychological support is provided by meetings with other people losing weight: they offer each other proven recipes and share tips.

The Weight Watchers Diet includes in its strategy almost all aspects that influence the acquisition slim figure. Weight is lost without harm to health, gradually and irreversibly.

The Weight Watchers Diet is:

The more weight you have, the more points you can afford.

Strict restrictive diets are built on the opposite principle, but this is the beauty of monitoring weight changes: everything happens without haste, according to the rules of moving to a lighter weight category.

Accordingly, the amount of food needed per day will decrease.

The Weight Watchers Diet allows you to save up a few food items for a couple of days ahead.

Any physical activity can earn you extra points for the upcoming party.

At the same time, you can eat absolutely everything. The foods eaten are recorded in a diary. The weight loss group meets weekly and discusses all issues that have arisen during this period of time.

Based on own weight you need to determine how many food items per day you can consume.

The diary should record food intake, physical activity, weekly weighing.

For going overboard with points, you can be fined, then your existence will turn into exciting game, whose goal is weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

The Weight Watchers Diet has a basic rule: you should not starve, you should not overeat. The “golden mean” should be observed.

For breakfast you can drink 120 ml of orange juice, eat oatmeal cooked in water, drink tea, coffee, 150 g of cream.

Second breakfast: poached egg, bread with margarine, pear, grilled mushrooms, tea, green coffee.

Lunch: chop (lamb, veal), stew onions(90 g), boiled carrots (90 g), vermicelli (180 g), orange, tea.

You can skip dinner or drink a glass of kefir at night.

The menu items vary, but only the quantity of food is constant.

In the first week you can lose just a couple of kilograms.

However, if you consider that the weight watchers diet is a long process that requires strict adherence to the rules proper nutrition, it is easy to make annual calculations of approximate weight loss.

Weight Watchers Principles:
— self-improvement;
- balanced nutrition;
- desire for healthy image life;
— mutual support and movement towards achieving the goal.

Weight watchers diet rules:

In the USA, Canada and England, the weight watchers diet is more of a way of life and is called weight watchers.

The items are called Points.

Preference is given to those products that contain large number fiber. These include vegetables, cereals and other healthy foods.

A special calculator calculates the ratio of fiber and fat in a product in calories.

Weight watchers prefer an active lifestyle and keeping a diary.

You need to drink plenty of fluids per day (up to 8 glasses of plain water) and eat at least 5 vegetables and fruits.

You need to eat 4 times a day, hunger is unacceptable.

You need to accustom yourself to giving up dinner gradually.

If during the day you did not manage to eat everything that was planned according to the program, you should not add the remaining foods to the diet of the next day.

You need to gradually remove sweets from the menu, replacing them with fruits.

You should not give up oils (2 PPs are needed daily).

The diet of weight watchers should be distributed approximately as follows: two quarters - plant foods, one quarter - animal products, and the rest - cereals and cereals.

The diet should include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and fiber.

Weight Watchers do not lose weight alone; they create groups and communicate in them. In any group created by interests, the spirit of competition plays a dominant role on the path to the goal.

And everyone is happy to be healthy. Unfortunately, imperfections in the figure and associated experiences often prevent one from enjoying life. In order to get your body in shape, a variety of methods are used, including a variety of diets. A special place among them is occupied by the Weight Watchers diet, created in 1963 by housewife Jean Nedich. Over the course of its existence, the diet has undergone various changes, and at the moment has turned into a whole system aimed at adjusting not only nutrition, but the psychological state in relation to oneself and others.

Weight Watchers - what is it?

Weight watchers is a diet accessible to everyone. The main feature of this system is its effectiveness and the ability to eat those foods that those who are losing weight are accustomed to. The only people who should not indulge in such a diet are pregnant women and children under 10 years of age. If you have a history of any medical conditions, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of following the principles that the Weight Watchers diet suggests. Typically, in the case of chronic illness, it is simply a matter of revising the amount of food that can be eaten daily. Thus, the restrictions for those who want to get their body in order with this diet are minimal.

Basic principles of the system

The diet is based on a simple postulate: you need to move more and eat less. This creates and the person begins to lose weight. A lot of attention is paid to the quality of food. In order for everyone to understand what they should eat and what is not recommended, all products are given points. You can score a certain number of points per day, which are calculated individually. Sometimes it is permissible to consume foodstuffs more points, but in this case it is necessary to resort to physical activity, which is also assessed in points, only with a minus sign. Tables have been developed especially for followers of the system, which calculate how many points you can “eat” per day.

How points are calculated

Over the time that the Weight Watchers diet has existed, the points assigned to foods have changed, and at the moment they are as follows:

  • 60 grams of ground beef is worth 1 point;
  • 100 grams of fried beef - 3 points;
  • 20 grams of ham or boiled sausage - 1 point;
  • 18 grams meatball - 1 point;
  • 30 grams of sausages - 2 points;
  • 75 grams of fried liver - 2.5 points;
  • 50 grams of eggs - 2 points;
  • 125 grams of fried poultry - 4 points.

A similar assessment exists for sweets, cereals, dairy products and fish. As an example, here are some of the points products offered by Weight Watchers. Tables of items can be very different. They are designed for many regions with very specific dishes.

  • 15 g sprat - 1 point;
  • 90 g mackerel - 4 points;
  • 45 g of salted herring - 2.5 points;
  • a glass of milk or kefir - 3.5 points;
  • 4 teaspoons of condensed milk - 1 point;
  • 120 g pasta - 2 points;
  • 7 g chocolate - 1 point;
  • 36 g of halva - 1 point;
  • 70 g of cake - 7 points;
  • 16 g waffles - 2 points;
  • fruits and vegetables - 0 points.

How many points can you “eat”

Depending on their weight, the Weight Watchers diet allows each person to eat foods worth a certain number of points. They are calculated based on individual predispositions and characteristics. To 10% of weight in pounds, add 2 points for women and 8 points for men, then add the following points for age:

  • 4 points if the person is between 17 and 26 years old;
  • 3 points - from 27 to 37 years old;
  • 2 points - from 38 to 47 years old;
  • 1 point - from 48 to 58 years old;
  • 0 points - over 58 years old.

Then add:

  • 2 points if height is more than 1.78 m;
  • 1 point if height is from 1.55m to 1.78m;
  • 0 points if height is up to 1.55 m.

In addition, daily work is assessed:

  • 0 points if the work is predominantly sedentary;
  • 2 points if you have to constantly stand;
  • 4 points if you need to walk a lot;
  • 6 points if physically difficult work is performed.

For women with infants, 10 points are added if the child is fully breastfeeding, and 5 points if mixed.

The points received are summed up - this is the daily norm. You can add another 35 points to it weekly (5 points every day or any other way you want). The number of daily points is limited: from 18 to 44.

Average calculation in Weight Watchers

  • 26 points - for people up to 70 kg;
  • 28 points - from 71 kg to 80 kg;
  • 30 points - from 81 kg to 90 kg;
  • 32 points - from 91 kg to 100 kg;
  • 34 points - over 100 kg.

If you have any diseases, you should consult your doctor about the permissible number of points. Perhaps they should be increased.

Weight Watchers diet: menu, points table and physical activity

In order to follow a diet, you don't have to constantly calculate points. There are several sample menu, which are convenient to use daily. Here is one of them:

Breakfast: muesli - 80 g (4 points) with a cup of milk (1.5 points), cookies - 20 g (2.5 points) and an apple. Total 8 points.

2nd breakfast: waffles - 16 g, only 2 points.

Lunch: bean soup - 60 g (2 points), pasta - 180 g (3 points) with salmon - 125 g (3 points), tomato and cucumber salad dressed with sour cream (2 points). Total 10 points.

Afternoon snack: some ice cream - 2 points.

Dinner: millet porridge - 80 g (4 points) with chicken (4 points) and pear. Total 8 points.

If during the day there is physical activity lasting more than 30 minutes, then you can eat food for more points. So, aerobics gives minus 3 points, swimming - minus 3 points, running - minus 4 points, brisk walking- minus 4 points, climbing up the stairs - minus 5 points, cleaning the house - minus 1 point, game types sports - minus 3 points, cycling or rollerblading - minus 3 points.

Reviews about the diet. Pros

The long time during which the Weight Watchers diet has existed can already be called a great achievement, indicating its effectiveness. In addition, many followers note an improvement in their well-being, psychological state and emotional state. Based on the results scientific research Those who followed the diet for a year saw their levels of “bad” cholesterol decrease and their likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes decreased. Many people who are losing weight note such positive aspects as the absence of hunger strikes, since you can eat 5 times a day and consume a large amount of fruits and vegetables, and the opportunity to cook your favorite dishes, since there are no prohibited foods in this diet. Anyone who is seriously concerned about their body and uses paid services notes the availability of recipes, the opportunity to go to a restaurant and receive support at any time from those who are losing weight. Most “paid” participants consistently lose 2-4 kg monthly to a healthy weight.


The disadvantage of this system is that it is paid. For those who want to follow the nutritional principles proclaimed by the Weight Watchers diet, reviews recommend stocking up on at least $30 a month. But it is worth noting that this is quite effective. Those people who use the paid version lose weight faster and do not gain weight again in the future.

Those who decided to follow the system for free note difficulties with counting points and creating menus. Many people are already put off by points and calculations at the initial stage of choosing a diet.

In addition, followers of the weight watchers diet in Russia often distort information. The Weight Watchers diet in Russian is freely available in quite a variety of versions, so it is not always effective.

Paid version of the diet

Why is the famous Weight Watchers diet so attractive to people? The answer to this question lies in strong psychological support for those losing weight. Club meetings are held weekly, where everyone shares their results, motivating others to move on and stay in the system. In addition, there are individual meetings, webinars, and Skype communication with trainers and diet adherents. Paid club membership, which includes a Weight Watchers diet, is a strong incentive to lose weight. Upon reaching the desired weight, any person stops paying membership fees, but can also attend meetings, thereby keeping himself in shape. If you manage to maintain the required weight for 6 weeks, then the status of a club member remains for life, i.e. next time you do not have to pay a registration fee. But if the weight goes beyond what is desired, then membership fees are paid again. It is worth noting that some stars also adhere to this diet. Jessica Simpson and Their results are openly talking about this, since the gloss regularly publishes fresh photographs of celebrities.

Weight Watchers diet in Russian

Since the official website of the diet is entirely in English, following the system for a Russian person who does not speak foreign languages, problematic. However, a special menu has been developed for Russians in the paid version, taking into account their usual diet. In our country, the Weight Watchers diet has not become so widespread, since few people want to pay monthly, attend groups and count points.

Followers from Russia predominantly choose the version in which the tables are freely available on the Internet. However, in social networks You can find Weight Watcher groups that discuss weight loss and other aspects of weight loss. This serves as a partial replacement for seminars and allows you to get support from other people losing weight.

Weight Loss Plans

For followers of the system, special plans have been developed that meet the needs of each person. These are basic, “Target”, “Impulse”, “Momentum” plan and others. They involve different approaches to choosing food. Thus, in the “Impulse” plan, participants choose only those foods that are included in a special list of “correct” foods, and in the “Momentum” plan they can eat any foods. There are special programs that allow you not to count points for each product, but to evaluate the entire dish. By choosing a suitable load for your health, the person losing weight loses weight within a certain time, planned in advance. Many devices that are produced under the diet brand make following it pleasant and convenient. These are, for example, scales, calculators, applications for phones, tablets and computers, exercise machines and much more. In addition, various food products are produced under the Weight Watchers brand, where the number of points is marked directly on the box. Thus, the Weight Watchers system is not just a food restriction, but a whole range of measures aimed at helping the body during the period of weight loss.

W eight-Watchers is an American company that developed and popularized a method for reducing body weight. In the Russian version, this method of losing weight is often called the “weight watchers diet.”

Those who are interested in losing weight can enroll in this course and attend the classes. Groups are formed from those who sign up, after which a schedule of regular meetings of their participants is drawn up. However, the program can also be performed at home.

The goal of the Weight-Watchers diet

The goal of the course is to change the diet so that it becomes healthier, so that the patient, thanks to this, feels better and begins to take more care of his health. These group leaders are usually women who have had significant success with the Weight-Watchers program and want to pass on their experience to new participants. This method of organization helps to gain experience in the fight against weight, as well as to believe in the program and its other participants.

Operating principle

For each participant in the Weight-Watchers program, a set weight is set, which is the main goal of the diet. A system of points is also drawn up, within which each food product is assigned a different number of points, depending on its fat and calorie content.

Examples of point values ​​for food products:

  • bun: 4 points;
  • coffee: 0 points;
  • serving of popcorn: 3 points;
  • large portion of potatoes (baked): 8 points (deep fried: 16 points);
  • 100 grams pasta: 4 points;
  • fried sausage: 8 points;
  • all vegetables except olives, avocados and cassava: 0 points;
  • all types of fruits (fresh): 0 points.

Calculation of individual point values

Each participant is assigned a certain amount of points, which he is not allowed to exceed. This value is calculated individually for each person. And for such calculations, the gender, height, weight and age of the patient are taken as the basis.

Within the framework of this methodology, the daily energy requirement is also determined individually, since physical activity and energy consumption different people are different. One of the advantages of this approach to losing weight is that as part of the diet, you can consume any foods and dishes in certain quantities. But even with this, the Weight-Watchers method helps to achieve significant weight loss.