Features of the movement of tourists and skiers on the route. The order of movement and methods of overcoming obstacles

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Preparation To take part in a multi-day ski trip in difficult winter conditions, requires serious and lengthy preparation. It is necessary to practice certain elements of the route, organizing a halt, spending the night, and overcoming various obstacles. It is necessary to carry out such training, moving from simple to complex, gradually accumulating experience and skills of camping life in winter conditions.

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Basic factors Preparation for ski trips should take into account the main dangerous factors. These are, first of all, short daylight hours, low air temperatures, strong winds, and deep snow.

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Training In addition, it is necessary to acquire the skills of long-term skiing, master the technique of ascents, descents, and turns. special training that will develop resistance to prolonged exposure to cold, the ability to breathe cold air and not catch a cold

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Clothing and shoes Clothing and shoes of a tourist skier should be warm, light, preferably waterproof, not restrict movement, and protect from the wind

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Shirt The undershirt must be made of woolen fabric. Fitting tightly to the body, it limits heat transfer and absorbs sweat well. Wool fabric retains heat better than others when wet.

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Sweater The sweater should be tightly knitted, with a high, tight collar and long sleeves. It provides protection from the cold in severe frost and wind.

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Suit A storm suit, consisting of a jacket with a hood and trousers, serves as protection from the wind. A storm jacket (storm jacket) should be a palm above the knees, very loose in the shoulders and armpits.

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Mittens Mittens should be light, tight and loose so that they do not stretch when grasping ski pole. A woolen cap or woolen balaclava is also required, and in strong winds, a fabric mask.

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Boots Ski boots should be loose enough to accommodate one pair of plain socks and two pairs of wool socks. The insole in boots should be felt

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Shoe covers for protection on ski trips ski boots Shoe covers can be used to protect against snow and moisture. Shoe covers are made from tent fabric. The simplest design of shoe covers is a bag 45-50 cm long and 30-35 cm wide.

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Skis Skis must provide the ability for tourists to travel in different conditions terrain. They should be wide, strong, reliable, and light. For ski tourism, not cross-country skis, but special tourist skis are used. These skis have a larger supporting surface and are 1-2 cm wider than cross-country skis. Touring skis are shorter than cross-country skis (their length is only 5-10 cm greater than the height of a tourist).

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Equipment The composition of group and individual tourist equipment depends on the specific travel conditions. Thus, group equipment may include camping stoves, multi-sleeping bags, fuel (gasoline, dry alcohol, etc.), primus stoves

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Driving mode The driving mode on a ski trip is determined by the nature of the terrain, weather conditions and level physical fitness participants of the trip. Thus, a group with an average level of fitness (with experience in skiing) moves at a speed of up to 4 km/h; in a day it can cover 20-25 km. A group of beginners taking part in a hike for the first time moves with average speed 3 km/h and can cover 15-18 km in a day. Daily running time should not exceed 7 hours.

Properly carried out preparatory work makes the hike an interesting, safe and productive event. The document giving the right to conduct a hike is an order from the school, a route sheet, contracts with the Search and Rescue Service of the area, permission and consent of parents for the teenager to participate in a multi-day hike, instructions with mandatory signature of the hike participants.

Composition of the group and responsibilities of the trek participants

Before permission to go on a hike, it is necessary to determine the composition of the hiking group and distribute responsibilities between the participants. In this case, the experience of individual participants, their physical fitness and tourism skills should be taken into account. Hold a parent meeting: familiarize parents with the transition route, what activities will be held with children, etc.

In practice, responsibilities are distributed as follows: trek leader, deputy leader, supply manager, sanitary instructor responsible for the diary, photographer responsible for equipment repairs, cooks, water carriers, firemen, etc.

The size of the tourist group is 13 people (10 teenagers + 2 leaders, 1 rescuer). The route is 18 km long.

>Preparation plan

The hiking route should be interesting and educational, promote health and improve physical development tourists. For a hike, it is important that you can quickly get to your intended destination in one day and also easily return home.

A tourist group of students of average fitness can walk 20-25 km per day.

Rests, refreshments (tea, sandwiches), and various objects for inspection are planned in advance.

The preliminary training plan includes general physical and special training.

General physical training includes: physical education lessons, swimming. TO special training include: mastering a special skill - skiing, orienteering, laying out a resting place, providing first aid. In the process of special physical training movement techniques are improved, special ski equipment is studied and mastered.

When preparing for a long hike, it is recommended to make various training hiking trips with full equipment, gradually increasing the length of the route and speed of movement, swimming in the school pool, to develop endurance. Much attention in terms of preparation should be paid to the selection and check of camping equipment, both group and personal. Equipment should be durable, comfortable and lightweight, and the quantity should be minimal.

Group equipment: Food, oilcloth, axe, knife, hacksaw, spatula in cases. Bucket, boilers, kettle, tools: hammer, pliers; nails, wire, rope 5m. First aid kit, flashlight, candles, signal whistle, map, waterproof bags, packages, canvas gloves, cloth utensils, detergent, clothespins 2-3 pcs. Store emergency matches in a waterproof bag.

Personal equipment

Two pairs of thick socks are put on your feet: one is woolen and the other is paper. The boots can be ski boots with a thick felt insole. To prevent the boots from getting wet and snow from getting into them, shoe covers are put on top - bags made of thick fabric - and tied under the knees. Two pairs of mittens are worn - first woolen, and then canvas or leather. It is advisable to have a knitted hat with earflaps, and if the jacket does not have a hood, then you also need a hat with earflaps.

Dress for a hike lightly, but warmly. Underwear should only be warm. On top of woolen clothes, to prevent the wind from blowing, they put on a suit made of thick fabric. Storm boots are very comfortable. Be sure to take a warm jacket with you. Clothing should not restrict movement or make breathing difficult. Two pairs of thick socks are put on your feet: one is woolen and the other is paper. The boots can be ski boots with a thick felt insole. To prevent the boots from getting wet and snow from getting into them, shoe covers are put on top - bags made of thick fabric and tied under the knees; you can put old socks on over ski boots.

Replacement winter shoes - felt boots, socks, spare mittens, scarf, hat. Two pairs of mittens are worn - first woolen, and then canvas or leather. It is advisable to have a knitted hat with headphones, and if the jacket does not have a hood, then a warm hat is also needed.

Dishes (Mug, Spoon, Bowl, Knife), backpack, sleeping bag or blanket, repair equipment, set ski wax, rubbing, electric flashlight, safety glasses, personal medical kit, thin strong rope, camera, notebook, pen, pencils.

Multi-day ski trip

A multi-day hike is always preceded by one-day training trips, in which the clothing, shoes, equipment and preparedness of its participants are checked.

The route goes through the forest to provide shelter from the wind. At the end of the route there is 5 km of rough terrain.

Traveling on a ski trip

Skiers move in a column one at a time, as in a hiking trip, the strongest and most experienced tourist closes the column. The distance between the guide and the trailing one should allow the trailing one to stop the group if necessary. When a group walks on deep untouched snow - virgin soil, the track is laid (trampled) by the strongest skiers. To do this, they replace each other after 2-3 minutes. When driving on rough terrain, the place of descent and ascent is determined by the group leader. They go down one by one. Independent descents are not permitted. In a campaign there should be comparison with the weakest. Commands, orders and warnings are transmitted along the column by voice; The one who comes up behind can stop the column with short whistles.

The group's movement speed depends on the terrain. Weather conditions, physical fitness of participants and is 5-6 km/hour. The usual mode is 50-60 minutes of walking and 15-20 minutes of rest. After the first 20-30 minutes after starting to move, make a stop to troubleshoot problems with clothing, things, and equipment. After 2-3 hours of trekking, stop for lunch (refuel - tea, sandwiches).

The rhythm of movement is one of the conditions for preserving the strength of tourists and their performance. You need to change the speed of movement smoothly, gradually increasing it at the beginning of the movement and slowing it down before stopping. The tourist must move on skis with an even, free step.

To avoid frostbite on your face, hikers should keep an eye on each other, especially in windy conditions. At the first sign of frostbite, the whitened area of ​​skin should be rubbed with a soft mitten or warmed with your hand. If your feet start to get cold, you need to vigorously move your toes, jump, tap your feet, or change your socks.

The backpack should be suitable for a tourist. On a multi-day hike, its weight is approximately 8-10 kg for boys, 6-7 kg for girls. Group equipment is evenly distributed among tourists, according to regulations.

Travel schedule for the trip

A multi-day tourist hike in winter conditions is carried out if the air temperature in the morning does not exceed -20, -24* below zero. During a winter hike, the movement schedule is strictly observed in order to reach the final point of the route before dark. Once indoors, shoes are changed, and removed shoes, socks and insoles are dried. Leather shoes need to be dried with care to avoid warping them. Send a group to collect firewood. The attendants are preparing dinner.

These are the main rules for organizing and conducting a ski trip.

Tourists must go through the route three times: the first time - on the map when choosing it, the second time - on a hike, and the third time - when compiling a report on the hike.

Safety precautions while hiking

The safety of tourist trips largely depends on their proper organization, which includes certain requirements for staffing tourist groups, medical selection of participants, pre-tour preparation, knowledge of measures to prevent injuries and accidents, etc.

Even the simplest tourist routes are not without dangers. But any danger is reduced if it is noticed by the tourist in a timely manner. Accidents on hikes happen when tourists find themselves in a difficult or emergency situation and behave incorrectly. When overcoming obstacles on a hike and when performing general work in a camp or at a parking lot, strict discipline and order are required, the participants must strictly fulfill their duties, established rules and instructions. high discipline on a hike is the main safety measure. a prepared tourist and a disciplined team will come out of any difficult situation with honor.

Tourist ski trips are not easy physical exercise, but hard work in specific conditions, where, in addition to physical endurance, requires psychological endurance, the ability to consciously assess the situation and one’s actions, and spiritual maturity.

Travel reports

Bright, colorful reports can attract many other schoolchildren to tourism, who, after reading them and looking at travel photographs, will associate themselves with an inquisitive club of tourists for many years.

Participants in two weekend hikes are awarded the “ Young tourist”, and five weekend hikes - with a badge and certificate “Tourist of Russia”. Experienced tourists who have been on more difficult hikes can achieve III, II and I youth categories.

If you are going to ski trip, then remember that snow and low air temperatures await you. Therefore, the equipment should provide you with warmth and protection from hypothermia

Preparing for a ski trip

Be sure to take 1-3 pairs of felt boots with you, depending on the number of people in the group. Felt boots will be needed for kitchen and campfire work at a rest stop, and also as spare shoes in case of damage to ski boots. Their size should be suitable for the most big leg in the group.

Have a set of ski waxes, paraffin for all types of winter weather (including thaw), plugs for rubbing them, grease for impregnating shoes and spare bindings. It is also recommended to take one or two spare skis with you.

For more complex ski trips, you will need a special (double-layer) tent and a portable stove.

Before going on a hike, treat your backpack, tent, clothes, and shoes with water-repellent agents to protect them from dirt and water. If the route goes through places where there are a lot of blood-sucking insects, then saturate your tent and clothes with repellents.

The shoes are soaked in grease and, if necessary, stretched over the leg. To do this, you need to keep the boots for ten minutes. hot water(50-55 degrees). Having taken the boots out of the water, insert insoles into them and put them on your feet while hot (with one or two pairs of thick woolen socks). After walking around in the boots for an hour or two, they are removed, stuffed with paper and lubricated. Shoes are impregnated with slight heating.

For a ski trip, tourists must have the following:

Personal equipment:

Insulated padding polyester jacket (2 or 3 layers)

Trousers (light, windproof, durable), insulated pants.

Ski cap


Sweater (wool, polar)

Turtleneck or vest (woolen) – 2 pcs.

Thermal underwear

Hiking boots (hard sole, toe and heel, soaked in cream)

Woolen and cotton socks, 3-4 pairs each.

Windproof mask, handkerchief.

Ski boots with felt insoles inside. Two sizes larger than regular shoes.

"Flashlights" to protect boots.

Gloves, mittens.

Thermos 0.5-1 liter.


Bowl, spoon, mug (see “Cutware for camping”).

Skis, poles.

Backpack, sleeping bag (Extreme temperature down to minus 20-30 degrees).

Personal repair kit (needles, threads).

Electric flashlight

Group equipment:

Special tent

Lightweight portable stove

Saw, axes, shovels, cooking utensils, bucket (or pans), ladle, rope

Ropes, candles, matches (in sealed packaging), dry fuel.

Keep repair kits in stock to repair breakdowns!

Daily routine, movement specifics

A skier’s daily routine on a hike depends on the length of daylight, frost and the need to spend more time to set up camp and get ready in the morning (as opposed to hiking). At low temperatures, it is recommended to go out on the route no earlier than 9-10 a.m., and also to reduce short rests.

When moving on a finished ski track, the overall pace is determined by the speed of the slowest skier. Remember to avoid sudden jerks. Periodic overheating and cooling in the cold is dangerous to health. And along the route there will not always be conditions to change and dry clothes wet from sweat. When moving on virgin snow, the pace of the group is determined by the speed of laying the ski tracks.

There are several options for laying ski tracks. In a large group, it is advisable to select a team of strong tourists to track the ski tracks. Or organize alternate movement. While one group is resting, the other is laying a ski track. And then the rested tourists overtake their comrades, and they stop to rest.

In areas with deep snow and heavy backpacks, alternate tracking without backpacks is used. And having broken through the ski track, the tourist lets the group pass, returns for a backpack and catches up with his comrades.

The order of movement on the ski slope must ensure the safety of the group and take into account the capabilities of each skier. The sequence of descent, the path is determined by the leader.

Please remember that descents should be carried out only in places where there is a complete guarantee of avalanche safety.

A special feature of the ski trip is that the path can be laid directly through frozen swamps and ponds. But if possible, you need to use a ready-made ski track or sled road. You can move along clearings, open forests and river beds. It is easier to go where the snow is less deep.

Attention! Avalanche danger and thin ice.

In winter, avalanche danger increases. Do not plan to cross concave landforms such as snow craters, avalanche chutes, under ridges with overhanging cornices and where there is a lot of snow in an unstable condition.

It is also prohibited to start moving through an avalanche-prone area during sudden warming or cold weather, a drop in pressure, during and in the first two days after a snowfall, blizzard, or rain.

Avoid crossing the slope and its longitudinal depressions. Move as fast as possible in the rockfall zone. Stay safe in the most dangerous areas. Do not make sharp turns or falls.

Stay away from areas on bodies of water with thin ice, where running water flows into or out of a lake or river. Conduct a reconnaissance of an unknown body of water and determine its reliability for group movement by hitting the ice with sticks.

Meals on a ski trip.

Tourists spend more calories on ski trips than on foot. Since low temperatures, strong winds, snow and overcoming obstacles require a lot of strength and energy from the skier. Therefore, the diet of a ski tourist should be high-calorie; the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a variety of foods, their vitamin content and the possibility of consuming some foods without cooking are especially important. The products should replenish the tourist’s energy costs from 3500 to 6000 kcal, depending on the complexity of the hike.

Where can you go skiing in winter?

On Southern Urals Winter hikes to Taganay and Iremel, Zyuratkul and the Beloretsk region are especially loved by ski tourists.

During a ski trip, a tourist spends a long time in the purest frosty air. Uniform muscular load, smooth gliding, the beauty of winter nature, a quick change of impressions, communication with a group of tourists - all this gives a great charge of positive emotions.
A tourist skier actively engages the muscles of his arms, legs, abdomen, and back. That's why ski trips- an excellent means of general physical training, which will help improve health, become stronger, more resilient, and hardened.
With good glide, even a novice skier can go at a speed of 6 - 8 km/h without much difficulty.
However, it should be kept in mind that weekend ski trips are different from regular ones. ski trip, and preparation for them should be more thorough. In conditions winter hike tourists are exposed to low temperatures for quite a long time (6 - 8 hours). The group’s path also passes through open areas of terrain not protected by forests, in strong winds, and through virgin snow. On the way you may encounter thickets of bushes, rough terrain, forest debris, and snowdrifts. Taking all this into account, you should choose travel equipment and equipment.

Selecting and preparing skis for the trip

The main requirement for skis is strength and lightness. In conditions of one-day hikes, if the route also passes through flat or slightly rough terrain and dense snow, they are better suited touring skis with rigid bindings, with a bow that presses the boot welt against the metal pins. For forest routes and when driving on very rough terrain, on loose snow and off-road, it is better to have “Tourist” type skis; they are slightly wider than walking skis, much stronger and do not sink deep into fresh snow. To make it easy for a skier to control his movement in the forest and on rough terrain, the skis should not be too long.
Bindings are chosen depending on the hiking conditions and type of ski. On regular recreational skiing It is better to install rigid welt fastenings. They are light, comfortable and reliable. For multi-day difficult hikes, welted hard fastenings are not suitable. On such routes you should use semi-rigid universal fastenings with metal springs. The welt of the boot in such fastenings is fixed in the cheeks. Such fastenings allow you to go hiking in almost any shoe: ski boots, work boots, hiking boots, felt boots. To prevent snow from sticking under the heel of the boot, rubber pads are nailed to the cargo area of ​​the skis, preferably made of microporous rubber 2 - 3 mm thick.
Ski poles better from duralumin tubes of the “Moscow” type.
Before going on a trip, skis must be tarred with a special resin. Tar prevents skis from swelling under the influence of moisture, strengthens the wood, and improves the bond of ointments with the ski.
In case your skis, bindings, or poles break, you need to learn how to repair them. To do this, the group must have repair tool kit, materials, spare parts: pliers, screwdriver, file, awl, light hammer, scissors, kit ski binding, rings for poles, spare ski, plywood, aluminum, tin plates for pads, copper and steel wire, nails, screws, keeper tape.

Help please! Features of the movement of tourists-skiers on the route and the mode of the hike.

  • Preparing for a ski trip Be sure to take 1-3 pairs of felt boots with you, depending on the number of people in the group. Felt boots will be needed for kitchen and campfire work at a rest stop, and also as spare shoes in case of damage to ski boots. Their size should be designed for the largest foot in the group. Have a set of ski waxes, paraffin for all types of winter weather (including thaw), plugs for rubbing them, grease for impregnating shoes and spare bindings. It is also recommended to take one or two spare skis with you. For more complex ski trips, you will need a special (double-layer) tent and a portable stove. Before going on a hike, treat your backpack, tent, clothes, and shoes with water-repellent agents to protect them from dirt and water. If the route goes through places where there are a lot of blood-sucking insects, then saturate your tent and clothes with repellents. The shoes are soaked in grease and, if necessary, stretched over the leg. To do this, you need to keep the boots in hot water (50-55 degrees) for ten minutes. Having taken the boots out of the water, insert insoles into them and put them on your feet while hot (with one or two pairs of thick woolen socks). After walking around in the boots for an hour or two, they are removed, stuffed with paper and lubricated. Shoes are impregnated with slight heating. For a ski trip, tourists should have the following: Personal equipment: Insulated padding jacket (2 or 3 layers) Anorak Trousers (light, windproof, durable), insulated pants. Ski cap Balaclava Sweater (wool, polar ) Turtleneck or vest (woolen) - 2 pieces Thermal underwear Hiking boots (hard sole, toe and heel, soaked in cream) Woolen, cotton socks, 3-4 pairs each. Windproof mask, handkerchief. Ski boots with felt insoles inside. Two sizes larger than regular shoes. Flashlights to protect boots. Gloves, mittens. Thermos 0.5-1 liter. Toiletries. Bowl, spoon, mug (see “Cutware for camping”). Skis, poles. Backpack, sleeping bag (temperature "Extreme" up to minus 20-30 degrees). Personal repair kit (needles, threads). Electric flashlight Foam Group equipment: Special tent Light portable stove Saw, axes, shovels, cooking utensils, bucket (or pots ), ladle, cable First aid kit Ropes, candles, matches (in hermetic packaging), dry fuel. Have repair kits in stock to repair breakdowns! Daily routine, specifics of movement. A skier's daily routine on a hike depends on the length of daylight, frost and the need to spend more time setting up camp and getting ready in the morning (unlike hiking). In low temperatures, it is recommended to go out on the route no earlier than 9-10 o’clock in the morning, and also to reduce short rests. When moving on a finished ski track, the overall pace is determined by the speed of the slowest skier. Remember to avoid sudden jerks. Periodic overheating and cooling in the cold is dangerous to health. And along the route there will not always be conditions to change and dry clothes wet from sweat. When moving on virgin snow, the pace of the group is determined by the speed of laying the ski tracks. There are several options for laying the ski tracks. In a large group, it is advisable to select a team of strong tourists to track the ski tracks. Or organize alternate movement. While one group is resting, the other is laying a ski track. And then the rested tourists overtake their comrades, and they stop to rest. In areas with deep snow and heavy backpacks, alternate trailing without backpacks is used. And having broken the ski track, the tourist lets the group pass, returns for a backpack and catches up with his comrades. The order of movement on the ski slope should ensure the safety of the group and take into account the capabilities of each skier. The sequence of descent, the path is determined by the leader. On a large and closed descent, it is recommended to descend with intermediate stops and on several parallel ski tracks. Please remember that descents should be carried out only in places where there is a complete guarantee of avalanche safety. A special feature of movement on a ski trip is that the path can be laid directly through frozen swamps and ponds. But if possible, you need to use a ready-made ski track or sled road. You can move along clearings, open forests and river beds. It is easier to go where the snow is less deep.