Summary of a logorhythmic lesson for children of the senior group with special needs “Freshwater fish. Drozdova Irina Sergeevna

A thematic selection of games and exercises for young children on the theme “Fish”


Continue to enrich children's experience when acting with objects of different sizes and colors (yellow, blue, green, red).
Teach children to count to two.
To develop knowledge about the concepts of “circle”, “one-many” and methods of equalizing populations.
Using an experimentation situation, introduce the properties of objects: “floats”, “sinks”.
Develop memory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements.


Fish toys of different colors and sizes.
Blue cardboard circles. Pebbles.
A bowl of water, a bowl of millet.
Picture “Fish” for finger painting, finger paints.
Picture “Aquarium”, glue stick, paper silhouette of a fish, plasticine.
A picture depicting a lake with one fish and a lake with several fish. Card with the image of the number "1".
A blank picture depicting a lake and one fish, adhesive pencils, color silhouette images of fish.
A background picture depicting large and small fish of different colors with circles of the corresponding color and size glued on them. Buttons of the appropriate color and size (large and small green, yellow, red, blue, white).
A blank picture depicting an aquarium, green and brown pencils, plasticine, a stick.
Hoops in yellow, green and red colors.
The hoops are blue, with circles cut out of transparent oilcloth underneath them.
A fish tied to a string.
Trays with semolina.
Audio recording: P. Tchaikovsky “Fishes” (from “Children’s Album”), song “About the Fishes”.

Games and exercises:

Surprise "Catch a Fish" Moment

Children put their hands into a bowl of millet and dig out small toys depicting fish.

Didactic game “Where is the fish hiding?”

Three toys are laid out in front of the child (fish and any animals). Each figure is covered with a scarf.

Find the fish. Where did she hide?

Didactic game “Fish in the Lake”

Here is a circle in front of you. A blue circle is a blue circle. This will be water for our fish. Place the fish in the water and place it on top of the blue circle. So the fish swam to the very middle. And now the fish swam to the left. Right. The fish decided to swim along the edge near the shore. Move the fish along the edge of the circle. Now place beautiful pebbles along the edges of the circle.

Application “Fish in an aquarium”

Fish can also live in the house - in an aquarium. Take a paper fish like this and put it in the aquarium - place it on top. Now take a glue stick in your hands, smear it on the back side, attach the fish to the aquarium and smooth it with your palm.

Bas-relief sculpture “Fish food”

Now you need to feed the fish with special food.
On the image of an aquarium with a fish, children stick pieces of plasticine - fish food.

Physical exercise "Five little fish"

Five small fish splashed in the river.
(Imitation of fish movement)

A large log lay on the sand.
(Spread your arms to the sides)

The first fish said: “It’s easy to dive here.”
(Imitation diving)

The second one said: it’s deep here.
(They shake their index finger)

The third said: I want to sleep.
(Put your hands under your ear)

The fourth one began to freeze a little.
(Rub your shoulders with your brushes)

The fifth shouted: there is a crocodile here,
(Hands imitate the mouth of a crocodile)

Swim quickly so you don't swallow it.
(Run away)

Listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Fish”

Children listen to music.

Finger painting “Fish”

Children leave fingerprints inside the fish silhouette.

Didactic game “Colored fish”

Here we have aquariums (hoops) - yellow, green, blue and red. And here are the fish. You need to put them in an aquarium. Each fish has its place: yellow fish - in a yellow aquarium, and red fish - in a red aquarium, blue - in a blue, green - in a green.

Experimenting “Floats or Sinks”

Children drop pebbles into a container of water, then paper, and observe what sinks and what floats.

Poem reading and dramatization

The fish was catching up with the fish,
The fish wagged its tail.
She poked her in the abdomen: - Caught up!
Hey girlfriend! How are you?

Exercise “One fish, two fish”

Now take one fish in each hand. Let's count how many fish you have in total: one, two. Just two fish. Hide one fish behind your back. How many fish are left? One fish left. Show me the second fish. How many fish are there? Two fish.

Fishtail game with clothespins

Look how beautiful the fish are. And we can make them even more beautiful. Decorate the fish's tail with colorful clothespins. You can make a fin for a fish.

Drawing on croup “Worms for fish”

Fish love to eat worms. Let's draw worms for the fish.

Didactic game “One fish - many fish. Getting to know the number "1"

Look at the picture. In which lake do many fish swim? What lake does this fish swim in?

Look. This is the number "1". Repeat: “one.” Remember this number.

Application “Friends for the fish”

How many fish are swimming in the lake in the picture? One fish. There is no one for this fish to play with. Let's put other fish into the lake so that our fish isn't alone.
Children attach colored silhouette pictures of fish to the image of the lake.
- How many fish are there? Many. Stick on the fish.

Didactic game with buttons “Different fish”

Look how many fish are swimming in the aquarium? Lots of fish. Show me the big fish. Little ones. Blue. Reds. Green. Yellow. Belykh. Now arrange the buttons on fish of the appropriate color and size.

Visual activity “Fish in an aquarium”

In front of you is an empty aquarium. Before adding fish to it, you need to draw grass and stones in the aquarium.
With a green pencil, children draw vertical lines - grass, and with a brown pencil they draw circles in the lower part of the aquarium - stones.
And now you can launch the fish. Take a piece of plasticine and straight roll it out to make a thick sausage. Place it on the aquarium and press down with your fingers. Now let's make a tail: put your finger on the edge of the plasticine and pull out the tail, put your finger next to it and pull out another tail. Use a stick to make an eye - a hole in the plasticine on the other edge of the fish.

Free dance and rhythmic movements of children to the song
"About fish"

Children move to the music.

Exercise “One or many fish?”

How many fish are there in this lake? Many. How many fish are there in this lake? One. Take your fish and let one fish swim. How many fish are there? There were a lot of fish.

Finger game "Fish"

The fish swims in the water.
The fish have fun playing.
(Two palms together depict swimming movements)

Fish, fish, mischief,
We want to catch you.
(Palms alternately clenched into fists)

The fish arched its back
I took a bread crumb.
(Grasping movements with a pinch)

The fish wagged its tail
She quickly swam away.
(Wave hand)

Articulation exercise “Fish opens its mouth”

Show how the fish opens and closes its mouth. Take your time.

Dynamic pause “Wake up the fish”

It's dark at night, it's quiet at night
Fish, fish, where do you sleep?
Let's go up to her and wake her up.
And let's see what happens.

The fish is tied to a stick. The teacher raises the fish over the children's heads, the children jump up and try to get the fish.

Subject: "Fish in the Aquarium" (content integration educational areas "Artistic and aesthetic development" , "Social and communicative development"

Goal: Creating conditions for developing a sense of empathy and mutual assistance in children through artistic activities.


  • create conditions for cognitive development
  • provide conditions for social and communicative development
  • children expressing their opinions
  • promote the development of interaction skills
  • provide conditions for children to create an expressive artistic image.
  • create conditions for speech development:
  • encourage children to engage in speech activity
  • dialogical speech.

Organization of children's activities:

  • communication between a child and an adult;
  • communication of the child with peers;
  • modeling

Materials and tools:

  • Modeling boards; stacks; plasticine; jars of water; sequins for scales; aquarium with live fish; recording the noise of the sea surf, background music.

Game motivation:

  • help the fish find friends.

Progress of the lesson:

Draw the children's attention to the unusual guest.

Guys, who came to us? (goldfish).

Look how beautiful she is, but sad.

Guys, why do you think the fish is sad?

Let's listen to what the fish tells us.

(The fish says that she is sad because she is very lonely).

Why is the fish lonely?

How can we help her?

Guys, look at the pictures. The fish would like to make friends with everyone in these pictures. Do you think everyone can be friends with a fish?

Who can be a fish's friend?

D/game "Find a friend for the fish"

Let's remember what body parts fish have and what they serve them for. (All fish have a tail. It serves as a rudder. Fish also have fins. Why do you think fish have fins? The word itself will tell you. Fish need fins in order to swim. Of course, fish have eyes. For Why do they need eyes? The body of fish is covered with plates - scales.)

The teacher invites the children to go to their work places and notes that they have empty aquariums on their tables and no one lives in them.

There is clean water in the jar
Let's put the fish there.
There will be fish playing there
Swim, wag your tail,
Pick up bread crumbs

Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger game "Fish" .

Five little fish were playing in the river

The palms are closed, slightly rounded. Perform wave-like movements in the air

There was a large log lying on the sand,

Hands are spread to the sides.

And the fish said:

"It's easy to dive here"

The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform a diving movement with them.

The second one said:

"It's deep here" .

Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).

And the third said:

“I want to sleep!”

We turn our palms to the back of one of the hands (the fish is sleeping).

The fourth began to freeze a little.

We quickly shake our palms (shiver).

And the fifth one shouted a crocodile here!

The wrists are connected; palms open and join (mouth).

Swim quickly so you don't swallow it!

Quick wave-like movements with closed palms (the fish swim away).

Guys, I suggest you make your own beautiful fish and place them in your aquarium. What else can we create for our aquarium to make it beautiful? (pebbles, algae, so that the fish have somewhere to hide)

Children doing work with background music.

Lesson summary: Let's put our fish closer to the aquarium so that the fish can make friends. The fish thanks the children and gives them a gift (sea pebbles).

Guys, were we able to help the fish? How do you think the fish felt when it had no friends? Now, how does she feel?

Drozdova Irina Sergeevna – teacher at MBDOU

Popova Elena Yurievna – teacher of MBDOU « Kindergarten care and health improvement "Sanatorny"

Program content: expand children's knowledge about fish, continue to get to know them, strengthen the ability to classify them, develop thinking and memory, expand children's vocabulary, teach how to care for aquarium fish.

Preliminary work: look at pictures depicting various fish, have a conversation about their habitat

Demonstration material: three layouts, sets of cut-out pictures depicting fish, “The Book of Nature’s Friends,” a goldfish, carpet graphs for each child, children’s reports.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, look what I brought you today.

Children: This is the “Book of Nature’s Friends.”

Educator: Do you remember what kind of book this is?

Children: In it we have photographs of our animal friends.

Educator: Let's remember who we became friends with.

Children: We made friends with a squirrel and a baby squirrel.

We are friends with the elk and the calf.

Our friends the hare and the bunny.

Here is a wolf and a wolf cub.

We made friends with a beaver and a beaver cub.

In this book there is a fox and a little fox.

Educator: And now a new entry has appeared in our book. It's a mystery. If we guess it, a new friend will come to visit us. Listen:

For parents and children

All clothes are made from coins.

Children: Pisces.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: Clothes made from “coins” are scales that cover the fish’s body.

Educator: Close your eyes.

Music is playing.

The teacher brings in an aquarium with fish.

Educator: Open your eyes and blink.

And here is our guest! Look carefully at the fish and tell me how it differs from other animals?

Children: The body of the fish is covered with scales.

Fish have fins.

Fish breathe through gills.

Goldfish: I swam from a fairy tale,

There was a queen there.

I'm not an easy fish,

I'm a goldfish.

Hello guys! I see you recognize me! Yes, I'm a real goldfish. I live in an aquarium. I have many friends. Sit down comfortably, I’ll introduce you to them now.

Film showing

Goldfish: So you met my friends. I wonder, do fish only live in an aquarium? Do you guys know anything about this?

Educator: Yes, the fish, the guys and I read a lot about fish. And Sasha and her mother prepared an interesting report for us.

Educator: Thank you, Sasha, a very interesting story.

Educator: Now we need to rest a little. Stand in a circle.

Physical education minute

The wind blows, blows,

The palm tree is shaking to the sides.

The wind is blowing, blowing

The palm tree is shaking to the sides.

And a crab sits under a palm tree

And he moves his claws,

And a crab sits under a palm tree

And he moves his claws.

A seagull flies over the water

And dives for fish,

A seagull flies over the water

And dives for fish

Underwater at depth

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

Underwater at depth

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

Educator: We had a rest, and the fish prepared an interesting task for you. To complete it, you need to split into 2 teams of 5 people.

Children are independently divided into 2 teams.

Educator: Each team receives two envelopes. One contains pictures with inscriptions, and the other contains pictures and inscriptions separately. You must select a pair of pictures and an inscription for it. Complete the task.

Music is playing. The children are working.

Educator: Now the teams change places and check each other. Did everyone complete the task? Choose a picture of a fish. Ira and Anya remove the rugs.

Educator: Now go to the models of fish habitats. Layouts of what do you see?

Children: These are models of a river, sea and aquarium.

Educator: You need to say the name of the fish you have chosen, where it lives and place the fish in a suitable body of water.

Child: This is a pike. She lives in the river. This is a freshwater fish. I will put her in the river.

Child: I have a swordtail. This is an aquarium fish, it lives in an aquarium.

Child: I chose a shark. She lives in the sea. This is a sea fish.

Child: My fish is called sea ​​bass. This is a sea fish. I will settle

Her in the sea.

Child: I have a guppy. She lives in an aquarium because she is an aquarium fish.

Child: This is a ruff. He lives in the river. This is a river fish.

Educator: You did a good job. Now come in and take your seats on the chairs. (Sit down)

Educator: Guys, you already know that nature can be living and non-living. Now think and tell me, to what nature do we classify fish?

Children: To the living.

Educator: Why did you decide that?

Children: Fish are born, grow, eat, move, breathe, reproduce

Educator: So, what nature do we classify fish as?

Children: To the living.

Educator: Now I will tell you how fish are born and grow.

First, the mother fish lays eggs. An embryo grows in each egg. Then a tadpole grows from the embryo. Look how big his head is, that's why they're called that. Then a fry grows from the tadpole. The fry grows into a small fish. It grows and grows, and soon a real fish grows out of it.

Educator: Now you yourself arrange in order the pictures with the stages of fish development.

Children take turns coming to the table with pictures, choosing the one they want and laying out the order in which the fish appear on the board.

Educator: The goldfish has prepared another task for us, and in order to complete it we need to prepare our fingers. Come to me.

Children stand in a circle.

Finger gymnastics"Fish"

Five little fish were playing in the river

There was a large log lying on the sand,

And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”

The second said: “It’s deep here.”

And the third said: “I feel sleepy!”

The fourth one began to freeze a little.

And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”

Swim quickly so you don’t swallow it.”

Educator: now you are ready to complete the next task. Come to the tables. Now we need an envelope with a blue square. Dasha will perform this task at the board. Take the envelope. Take out the fish and place it to your left. You must place your fish while listening carefully to my commands. Are you ready?

Funny fish played in the aquarium for a long time. The red fish swam to the upper right corner, the green one to the lower left, the yellow one to the upper left, the blue one to the lower right, and the little pink fish swam to the very middle.

Educator: Did you succeed? Now let's check if everyone completed the task correctly. Self-test.

Educator: And now you must tell where the fish is and what geometric shapes it consists of.

Educator: And you completed this task! Clean up your work areas and use the chairs. (Sit down).

Goldfish: Guys, do you know how to care for aquarium fish?

Educator: Olya will tell us about this. She and her parents prepared a report.

Goldfish: Thank you, children! I see that you know a lot about fish and know how to care for them. I will be happy to be friends with you. And here is my photograph for your memory.

Educator: Let's put Goldfish to our “Book of Friends of Nature” and let him live in his aquarium.

Educator: What new friend have we made, guys?

Subject: Topic: “Aquarium fish”

1. Listen carefully, repeat from memory: GUPPY, GURAMY, SWORD-BEARER, CATFISH.

  • Tell me who it is. (These are aquarium fish)
  • Why are they called AQUARIUM?
  • Count the number of syllables in these words.
  • Learn the names of these fish.

2. “One is many.” Pronounce the endings of words clearly!

  • Catfish - catfish - a lot of catfish.
  • Sword bearer - ……… - ……………. (swordtails - many swordtails)
  • Angelfish - …………. - ………….. (angelfish - a lot of angelfish)
  • Snail - ……… - …….. (snails - a lot of snails)

3. Tell me what the fish have. (tail, fins, scales, gills). Count to 5, matching the words correctly:

1 fin - 2……. - 3………… - 4……… - 5…………

4. Learn the poem:

Came to us from a fairy tale,
There was a queen there.
This is not an ordinary fish,
This is a goldfish.

5. Choose 3 words - definitions: (Adults write down the words)
Fish (what?): (beautiful, agile, golden, silver, nimble, small, shiny, etc.)

Subject: "River and lake fish"

1. Listen carefully, repeat from memory: Pike, perch, burbot, catfish

  • Tell me who it is (It's a fish)
  • Tell me where the fish live. (These fish live in rivers and lakes. These are river and lake fish)
  • What other fish do you know? (Pike-perch, ruff, bream, crucian carp)
  • Tell me what all fish have.

2. Tell us how fish differ from animals:

  • Animals have fur, and fish have …….. (scales)
  • Animals have paws, and fish have ……… (fins)
  • Animals have lungs, and fish have……. (gills)

3. “Big - small”

Pike - pike, Catfish - …….. (catfish), Fish - ……, Caviar -…….., Perch - ……., Crucian carp - …….., Fin - ……, Tail - ……, Scales -……..

4. Say like this:

  • 1 pike - 2 ….. (pike) - 5 -………. (pike)
  • 1 fish - 2………. - 5……………
  • 1 fin - 2……….. - 5………….
  • 1 som - 2……… - 5………..
  • 1 scale - 2………… - 5…………..

5. Come up with 3 words - definitions:


  • Pike (what kind?) -………………………………………. (predatory, large, toothy)
  • Crucian carp (what kind?) - ……………………………………. (small, agile, fast).

Speech development

Teacher Rezaeva I.A.

Lexical topic "Aquarium and freshwater fish"

Lesson 1

Correctional and educational goals.Expanding ideas about aquarium fish, formation of ideas about freshwater fish, their appearance, lifestyle, habits. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Freshwater fish”(animal, fish, river, pond, lake, body of water, aquarium, whitebait, caviar, hunting, predator, swordtail, guppy, angelfish, gourami, catfish, pike, bream, carp, ruffe, crucian carp, roach, perch, pike perch, rudd , trout.

body, tail, fin, scales, gills; transparent, predatory, toothy, long, shiny, mustachioed, striped, silver; catch, hunt, swim, reproduce, feed, hide).Improving the grammatical structure of speech (using nouns with prepositions, enriching speech with antonym words). Improving sound analysis skills. Improving the skills of reading and “typing” words with completed letters.

Development of coherent speech, general speech skills, visual perception and attention, articulation, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment. Painting "Freshwater fish" ( Wildlife. In the world of animals. - SPb., DETSTVO-PRESS, 2005.), coloring book “Freshwater fish” ( Nishcheva P.V. Freshwater fish. Coloring book. - SPb., DETSTVO-PRESS, 2005.), container with pencils, flat images of freshwater fish, ball.

Preliminary work.View slides with images of aquarium and freshwater fish, talk about the lifestyle of aquarium and freshwater fish. Learning finger gymnastics “Fish”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.[Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Creating an emotional background. Development of manual motor skills, coordination of movements.]

V-l. Sit down, pick up your fishing rods and start fishing. Try not to interfere with each other. Place the catch in buckets.

Children are playing.

V-l. Put down your fishing rods and count how many fish you have in your buckets.

1 th child. I have two fish.

2 th child. I have one fish.

3rd child. I have four fish.

4th child. I have five fish.

V-l. Well done! That's how many fish were caught. Today we will talk about fish that live in aquariums and reservoirs: rivers, lakes, ponds.

2. Examination of the painting “Freshwater Fish”, conversation about it.[Formation of ideas about freshwater fish, expansion of the vocabulary on the topic “Freshwater fish,” enrichment of speech with antonym words. Development of dialogical speech.]

V-l. Last year we got acquainted with life aquarium fish. What aquarium fish do you know?

Children. Goldfish, swordtail, guppies, gourami, angelfish.

V-l. Well done. That's how many names we remembered!

V-l. But these fish live in ponds, lakes, and rivers. They are called freshwater. Maybe you know some of them?

V-l. Let's look at fish and talk about what body parts they have. Go to the board and show the body parts of different fish.

V-l. Pay attention to how different the body and head of a fish can be, how different the tails and fins of fish are. Pike have a long head and a long body. What about bream?

Children. Bream has a small head and a wide body.

V-l. The catfish has a huge head and a long, thick body. What about the ruff?

Children. The ruff has a small head and a small wide body.

V-l. Pike perch and ruffe have sharp dorsal fins. What about catfish?

Children. The catfish's dorsal fin is small and not sharp.

V-l. Pike has a large tail. What about catfish?

Children. The catfish has a small tail.

V-l. And look at how many different scales the body of the fish is covered with. In bream it is large. What about pike perch?

Children. Small.

V-l. And catfish have no scales at all. Its body is covered with thick skin. And all fish have gills. What are they for?

Children. Fish need them to breathe.

V-l. Why do fish need fins?

Children. Fins are needed to swim.

V-l. Right. You and I talked last year that words fins and swim from the same family. The picture shows how sharp the pike’s teeth are. Pike is a predator. She eats other fish. Predatory fish and catfish, and trout, and perch, and pike perch. But crucian carp, ruffe, and bream are not predators; they feed on algae.

3. Children's storytelling poems about freshwater fish.[Development of general speech skills.]

V-l. Now tell the poems about freshwater fish that you learned at home. Try to speak clearly, pronounce sounds correctly, and remember to be expressive.

1st child

In a pond or lake, nowhere else,

In quiet, calm standing water,

Where lush greenery has grown at the bottom, -

That's where the crucian carp lives.

V. Nishchev

2nd child.

With a long silver body,

Lives in a fast river.

For many fish it is a terrible enemy.

Did you guess it? No? Zander.

V. Nishchev

3rd child.

Ruff prickly, freckled,

Ugly and hunchbacked.

But she left without a ruff

It's unlikely to be good.

N. Nishcheva

4th child.

Pike is a river predator,

The pike scares everyone in the river.

The pike opens its mouth -

It's scary to get into a pike's mouth.

N. Nishcheva

4. Work from a coloring book.[Development of fine motor skills.]

V-l. Take another look at the catfish and perch in the picture. Draw another perch to the right of the catfish, and then color the fish correctly.

5. Analysis of the word catfish. [Improving sound analysis skills.]

V-l. Now let's do a sound analysis of the word catfish How many sounds are there in this word?

Children. This word has three sounds.

V-l. What sound do you hear first? Tell us about it.

Children. This is the sound [s]. He is a consonant solid voiceless.

V-l. What color will you mark it with?

Children. Blue.

V-l. What sound comes after it?

Children. Sound [o[. He's a vowel.

Children. Red. .

V-l. And what is the last sound in this word?

Children. Hard consonant sound [m].

V-l. What color would you use to represent it?

Children. Blue.

6. Finger gymnastics “Fish”.[Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.]

The fish swims in the water,

Place your palms together and show

The fish have fun playing.

how a fish swims.

Fish, fish, mischief,

Wag your finger.

We want to catch you.

Slowly bring your palms together.

The fish arched its back.

I took a bread crumb.

Make a grasping movement

with both hands.

The fish waved its tail

Show again how the fish swims.

The fish quickly swam away.

M. Klokova

7. Game “Chains of words”.[Development of speech hearing, memory. |

V-l. I really want to check if you have a good memory. Let's play the game "Chains of Words." I'll tell you the first name of the fish. Vadik will repeat it and add one more. Nastya will repeat two names and add a third, and so on. Som.

1st child. Catfish, ruff.

2nd child. Catfish, ruff, pike.

3rd child. Catfish, ruff, pike, pike perch.

4 th child. Catfish, ruffe, pike, pike perch, perch.

Children repeat the chain of words until the first mistake. Then all the children take turns trying to help the child who made a mistake. They restore the chain. The mistaken child repeats the words.

8. Exercise “Who lives inpond? [Automation of the sound [r] in a sentence. Expanding ideas about the life of freshwater fish.]

V-l invites the children to the table and places on a magnetic board flat images of fish and symbolic images of bodies of water: a pond, a rocky river, a muddy river bottom, a lake.

V-l. I told you that freshwater fish can live in different bodies of water. For example, trout live in fast, rocky rivers. Carp and crucian carp are found in ponds. Ruffs can live in any river on a muddy bottom. The rudd lives in lakes. Now answer my questions and place the images of fish where they live. Remember the correct pronunciation of the sound [r]. Who lives in the pond?

1st child. Carp and crucian carp live in the pond.

The child places pictures of fish on the picture of a pond.

V-l. Where do trout live?

2nd child. Trout lives in a fast river.

The child will place the image of a trout on the image of a river.

V-l. Where is the ruff found?

3rd child. There is a ruff in any river.

The child places an image of a ruff on an image of a river with a muddy bottom.

V-l. Where can rudd live?

4 th child. There are rudd in the lakes.

The child places a picture of a rudd on a picture of a lake.

V-l . You answered my questions correctly and pronounced all the sounds beautifully. Well done!

9. Crossword. [Improving the skills of reading and “typing” words with the letters covered.]

Rice. 52

V-l. There are two freshwater fish names hidden in this crossword puzzle. In a vertical column the name of a large predatory whiskered river fish. Her body is not covered with scales, but with thick skin. Who is this?

Children. This is a catfish.

V-l. Write this word, Vadik.

V-l. The name of a predatory river fish is hidden in the horizontal line. Her body is covered with small silvery scales. She has a sharp fin on her back. Who is this?

Children. This is pike perch.

V-l. Write this word, Nastya.

The child writes letters in the boxes. Children read the word in chorus.

V-l. So you have solved the crossword puzzle. Clap for yourself! You are just great!

10. End of class.[Evaluation of children's work.]V asks the children to remember all the tasks they performed, and then evaluates the work of each child.

Lesson 4

Correctional education sang.Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Freshwater fish”. Forming a holistic impression of what is depicted in a series of pictures. Improving the skill of writing a story using a series of pictures. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of possessive adjectives). Improving the skill of syllabic analysis. Prevention of writing disorders. Improving the skill of orientation on a plane.

Corrective and developmental goals.Development of coherent speech, thinking, visual attention and perception, fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals.Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, and cooperation skills. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment. Subject pictures with images of freshwater fish, the game “Fish” ( NishchevaN. IN. Game7. Sobirayka. - SPb., CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2007.), encryption cards, paper fish with words written on them.

Preliminary work.Learning the poem “Fish”, developing general speech skills, automating the pronunciation of the sound [r] in individual lessons with a speech therapist.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.[Development of phonemic representations. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.]

V-l. The one who remembers the name of a freshwater fish starting with the sound will sit down[With]. 1 th re be no k. Som.

2 th child. Zander.

V-l. Now the one who remembers the name of the fish starting with the sound [o] will sit down.

3rd child. Perch.

V-l. And you, Diana, remember the name of the fish that begins with the sound [p].

4th child. Roach.

2. Game "Encryption".[Improving the skill of sound-letter analysis of words.]

V-l distributes encryption cards with letters and blue circles (Fig. 54),puts pictures of fish on the board.

V-l. Everyone look at your card, try to guess what name of the fish is encrypted on it. If you guess, go to the board and choose a picture of this fish.

1 th child. The word som has only three sounds, hard consonants at the beginning and end, and a vowel sound [o] in the middle.

3. Looking at the series of pictures “The Thief” and having a conversation about it.[Development of dialogical speech.]

V-l. Who do you see in the first picture? What are they doing?

1 th child. We see a boy. He is fishing on the river. He came across a large roach.

2 th child. A sly cat looks at the boy from behind a bush. He wants fish.

V-l. What do you see in the second picture?

3rd child. The boy puts the roach in a bucket.

4th child. And the cat is hiding behind the bushes.

V-l. What is shown in the third picture?

1 th child. The boy casts a fishing rod.

2 th child. And the cat takes a roach out of the bucket.

V-l. What did the artist draw in the following picture?

3 th child. A boy drags a big perch.

4th child. And the cat eats roach.

V-l. He doesn't just eat, hegobbles it up with gustoroach. Well, how does the story end?

1 th child. The boy approaches the bucket with a perch in his hands and sees that the bucket is empty.

2 th child. And the cat sits in the distance and licks his lips.

V-l. Right. A well-fed and satisfied cat licks his lips.

4. Finger gymnastics “Fish”(repetition. See: Lesson 1. Theme "Freshwater fish").

5 . Exercise "Flock".[Improving the skill of writing and reading sentences.]

The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and places paper fish in front of them with words written on them (toad, oak, under, sits).

V-l. Read the words on the fish and make a flock of fish to make a sentence.

Children complete the task, compose and read a sentence.

6. A story based on a series of pictures “The Thief”.[Development of coherent speech.]

Children take turns writing a story. If they find it difficult to start a story, the teacher can help them.


One day Sasha went fishing. The cat Vasily followed Sasha. He also wanted fish. Sasha put the fish bucket under a bush and cast his fishing rod. He immediately came across a roach. He lowered the roach into the bucket and cast the fishing rod again. Meanwhile, Vasily crept up to the kvederka and pulled out the roach. While Sasha was dragging the perch, the cat was gobbling up the fish with gusto. Sasha went to the bucket to put the perch there, and saw that the bucket was empty. He was very surprised. And the cunning Vasily sat to the side and licked his lips.The teacher invites the children to choose the best storyteller.

8. Ball game “Whose? whose? whose? whose?"[Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of possessive adjectives).]

V-l. Now let’s rest a little and play the game “Whose? whose? whose? whose?" Whose pike tail?

1 -child. Pike.

V-l. Whose catfish mustache?

2 th child. Somovy.

V-l. Whose pike perch head?

3 th child. Sudachya.

V-l. Whose body is the perch?

4th child. Okunevoe.

V-l. Great!

9. Game "Fish". [Enrichment of vocabulary, activation of words in speech - names of parts of fish(torso, head, tail, fins, scales).Development of thinking (analysis, synthesis). Improving the skill of orientation on a plane.]

V-l. Tell me the poem we learned yesterday. Watch the pronunciation of the sound [r]. Speak clearly and expressively.

Children take turns reciting a poem.


A fish is like a moth

Soared over the water.

Eye - black coal

AND body like a piece of ice.

The fins tremble, tremble,

The back arched.

The scales are so shiny

The beauty has one.

I was going fishing.

I just feel sorry for the fish.

N. Nishcheva

V-l. Show and name the parts of the fish.Children take turns coming to the board, showing and naming parts of the fish.

10. End of class.[Evaluation of children's work.]V-l invites children to express their impressions of the lesson, sums up the study of the topic and evaluates the activities of each child.