How to raise a champion? Testing will help to recognize the child’s inclinations. Which sport is right for your child? Test Moskomsport Testing Center

Many parents willingly send their children to sports clubs and clubs. In most cases, the choice of sport turns out to be random and does not at all guarantee any success in the future. Special testing based on an in-depth analysis of various physical and psychological parameters will help you find out what your natural abilities really are. With this procedure, parents will be able to understand which type of sport is most suitable.

Why testing is necessary

Comprehensive testing of a child’s abilities is necessary to identify predisposition to a particular type of activity. Usually, when assigning a child to a section, parents are based on the following factors:

  • child's sympathy;
  • parents' sympathy;
  • continuity of generations (one of the parents plays sports);
  • imitation of an idol from the world of sports;
  • proximity of the section to home or school;
  • convenient schedule.

These and similar reasons cannot guarantee success in the chosen sport. In each type sports load, certain skills are valued and applied. For example: speed in athletics, flexibility and plasticity in, attention and reaction in tennis, strength parameters in weightlifting. A specialized coach can also give a preliminary assessment of a child’s potential. However, modern techniques allow us to solve this problem in a comprehensive manner, and therefore more effectively.

Ability testing will be able to assess natural abilities and compare them with existing sports areas. The procedure may include all or more of these tests:

  1. Psychological testing.
  2. Anthropometry.
  3. Functional testing.
  4. Sports testing.
  5. Biometric (fingerprint).

A number of tests can be taken online, on specialized resources. These include tasks for psychological and functional testing. If you wish to undergo a more extensive study, under the guidance of specialists, you can contact special centers.

Advice. You can find such institutions online or seek advice from the administration of a regular or sports school.

Psychological testing

Using written tests and oral questions, the specialist determines the type of temperament, and also tests the ability to:

  • concentration and ability to maintain attention;
  • speed and accuracy of reaction;
  • presence of leadership qualities;
  • ability for team interaction.


At this stage, measurements are taken of such parameters as height, weight, length of legs and arms, girths of various parts of the body. The size of the skin-fat fold is measured. To identify a predisposition to the formation of flat feet, a scan of the arch of the foot is performed. Also, the form is typified chest, condition of the back and spine. As part of this stage, the child must go through some strength tests, for example, an electronic wrist expander-dynamometer.

Functional testing

This course includes various tasks and tests conducted on special equipment under the guidance of an expert. As a result of this group of tests, the level of coordination, concentration on the task, development vestibular apparatus, speed of thinking and other parameters.

Sports testing

The final stage is the analysis physical condition and preparation. This test includes several tasks, such as:

  • running against the clock;
  • shuttle run;
  • jumping;
  • other physical exercises.

Attention! The result of the stage largely depends on how much the child understands the essence of the task. Parents are advised to monitor this and advise their child to be attentive during the testing process.

Biometric test

Such a survey is not exhaustive and refers to additional, alternative. You can undergo it in specialized centers. The procedure includes scanning the fingertips, subsequent data processing and issuance of ability testing results. In addition to a predisposition to a particular sport, such an analysis determines character traits and psychotype.

Test results

A comprehensive examination takes from 1.5 to 2 hours. During the assessment process, the correspondence of the level of development of the subject with the average indicators for the region is compared. The obtained data is compared with those required for various types of sports. Parents receive a document containing lists of sports activities and the percentage level of the child’s preparation for them.

An indicator from 67 to 100% indicates a predisposition to this type. The result is within 51-6%, indicating that the subject fell within the upper limit of the norm. If there is no ability in this sport, the result will be below 33%. Those sports where the result is from 33 to 50% are considered neutral.

The results of the procedure are advisory in nature. Availability high level inclination towards any sport are not obligated to accept the child into sports school. This analysis is intended to identify and outline the range of abilities for their subsequent implementation.

Testing to determine a child’s predisposition to a particular sporting activity is a useful practical activity for everyone. By passing such a test as part of a school or independent study, parents have the opportunity to identify an aptitude for sports at an early stage. Despite its advisory nature, the procedure quite accurately determines priorities, thanks to scientific method research.

You can learn more about each stage, as well as the purposes and methods of testing abilities, on the websites of the centers, as well as in educational institutions. There are many video and photo materials on this topic on the Internet.

How to identify talent in a child: video

The dataset contains detailed information about testing centers as part of the project “Helping parents choose a sport for their children”

In Moscow, since 2016, the program “Helping parents in choosing a sport for children” has been launched, within the framework of which testing centers equipped with the most modern equipment operate. Testing of children is carried out by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in conducting such tests.

Main areas of testing:

psychophysiological testing;

anthropometric study;

sports testing.

To develop testing standards, more than 400 Moskomsport coaches were involved in different types of sports, as well as specialists from leading sports universities.

The decision to create testing centers was made after a vote was held on the Moscow Government portal “Active Citizen”.

The goal of the project is to help parents choose a sport for their children.

Testing one child takes no more than 1 hour 30 minutes. Each center can accommodate about 25 people per day. Testing is carried out for children aged 6 to 12 years inclusive; the centers are open daily from 9.00 to 18.00, except holidays.

You can sign up for testing on the official Moskomsport website

For testing, your child must have with him:

sports uniform;

sneakers (not spikes, not ballet flats);

warm jacket.

To the parent:

passport or other identification document;

child's birth certificate;

medical certificate from the pediatrician about the child’s admission to physical education classes.

At the first stage of testing, the compliance of the child’s development level with the average for the city of Moscow is assessed; at the second stage, the level of development in the context of a particular sport is compared with children involved in sports schools of Moskomsport. A child’s predisposition to a sport is revealed if he shows a result that exceeds the upper limit of the level of development of children involved in this sport at Moskomsport sports schools.

The testing report displays the physiological norm for the specified gender and age, as well as the results shown by the future athlete.

By filling out the questionnaire before testing, legal representatives sign the following information consents and notices:

for automated, as well as without the use of automation tools, processing and use of personal data of the person being tested for the purpose of organizing and conducting “Testing to determine predisposition to engage in sports”;

about the absence of health restrictions, diseases, painful conditions, contraindications to the test subject physical activity and others that impede the conduct of “Testing to determine predisposition to engage in sports”;

about awareness that this testing is not an entrance test to a sports school, and is intended to determine the predisposition of children to sports. The final decision on enrolling a child in a sports school is made by the methodological council and the admissions committee of the sports school.

The testing protocol and the list determining predisposition to sports are not documents obliging the child to be admitted to a sports school and are solely advisory in nature for coaches and representatives of novice athletes.

Questions about the testing procedure and complaints about unlawful actions of employees can be directed to [email protected].

Sports schools of Moskomsport

Moskomsport sports schools develop more than 80 sports. Athletes are trained on the basis of sports training programs for sports developed in accordance with federal standards of sports training. These standards provide for each sport its own age for the initial stage of preparation, as well as minimum requirements for entrance tests. Each school has the right to add its own to the minimum mandatory requirements, in accordance with its training programs. Classes at the stage initial training– free.

In a number of schools, in addition to the initial stage of preparation, where the age for starting classes is determined by the federal standard, there are paid groups physical culture and sports, in which children engage in physical education and become familiar with the elements of the sport in a more early age, thereby preparing for admission to a sports school at the initial training stage.