How to diversify and make training interesting. How to diversify your workouts - tips from the pros Acceleration on the rise

Those who have been involved in sports for a long time know that sometimes you reach such a state that training becomes a burden. And there are two solutions to this problem: overcome yourself and still go to training, or score and come up with an excuse.

But there is also a third way. How about making your workout more interesting by adding new techniques, exercises, and ideas? Recently I had such a situation, and I decided to come up with several similar methods. There were as many as ten, and here they are.


These wonderful things are not yet available in all halls. But for the last two weeks, since they appeared in my gym, I just haven’t left them. TRX are two special bands with loops that allow you to replace many exercise machines. Their main feature is that they strongly use stabilizer muscles.

Try doing push-ups or pull-ups on these loops, and you will feel your whole body trembling. This suggests that stabilizer muscles are involved in the work, which are quite difficult to use with other exercises.


CrossFit is becoming more and more popular. The mixture of weightlifting and workout was able to win the hearts of sports fans, and now almost everyone knows about CrossFit.

One of the benefits of CrossFit is that for many of the exercises you don't need special simulators. All you need is your body weight and sometimes a bar. you can familiarize yourself with it in more detail.

Interval Cardio

An excellent choice for those who, like me, are tired of looking at the time counter, at the unchanging landscape outside the window and watching how their legs move below while running on the treadmill. When you start running intervals, you simply won’t have the time, and most importantly, the strength to concentrate on anything other than running.

And again, Lifehacker is already talking about interval training, and I advise you to learn more about them. This is not only an extra way to diversify your routine, but also an opportunity to expend much more energy than with regular cardio.


If you are involved in bodybuilding or fitness, then using sets in your workouts can make them more interesting, more productive and harder. Drop sets, supersets, negative reps, partial reps and forced reps - there are so many options to choose from.


If you go to training with a friend or friends, then there is nothing stopping you from having a little competition. Starting with a regular ladder and ending with whoever can bench press or squat the most. The only thing I ask of you is: know your limits and don’t join the ranks of idiots who, in order to show off to their friends, hang more on the barbell than necessary. will not keep you waiting.

The ladder is sports game, in which two people take turns doing pull-ups or dips. Starting with the first repetition, one more is added in each subsequent approach. And so on until one of the players gives up.

Go outside

If you are used to working out in the gym, then street training will be a real discovery for you. Besides the fact that running outside is simply more interesting, because you can look at the world around you, exercise outdoors much nicer.

In addition, in any city there are many sports grounds with horizontal bars and parallel bars, and these two equipment are enough to train the whole body.


In the wake of CrossFit, some also remembered weightlifting. And for good reason, because weightlifting is the ancestor of fitness, bodybuilding and crossfit. Despite the fact that in weightlifting There are only two exercises: the snatch and the clean and jerk, but it’s still incredibly interesting to do. I advise you to try it, but only under the supervision of a knowledgeable person. You don't want injuries, do you?


One of the most famous static exercises is the plank. But there are many others. Moreover, almost any exercise you do can be turned into a static exercise.

Are you doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar? Stay in the middle position for a few seconds. Doing push-ups? Same advice. Adding static exercises, you can develop muscle strength and tendon strength.


One of the most effective ways not to get bored during training. Try to finish your workout at least once, not when you want, but when you no longer want to live on this planet, and your body seems to have turned into a collection of nerve endings.

Do this. And you will want to repeat it.

Explosion training

Fitness and bodybuilding are fairly monotonous sports. But nothing stops you from changing it. Increase the speed of the exercises several times and do it with maximum speed. Prove to others that jocks and fitness people are not slow turtles!

Do you have any ways to vary your workouts? Take with you to treadmill Smartphone doesn't count.

People could be in in great shape if only they ate healthier and did more physical exercise. There are several nuances raised by this statement: healthy eating doesn't always satisfy the appetite, and most of us really don't like to exercise. After all, unless you exercise, most forms of exercise are actually pretty boring.

1. Use your imagination

Sometimes exercise becomes boring because you use the same machines and exercises at the gym. Try it various types workouts, and try to do the exercises differently each time. This way, you probably won't get bored with exercise and won't give up on it altogether.

2. Exercise in the air

Often the environment in which you exercise can determine how quickly you tire of a routine. Outdoor activities are in a great way to add variety to your workouts. The whole world is yours, so get out there fresh air and enjoy.

3. Work out with a friend

Exercising with a friend is always more fun than exercising alone. And also a bonus: You can encourage each other, this will help both of you be in better shape.

People say that watching TV will make you a few pounds fatter, but there is a way to make your workout more interesting. Conduct your workouts in a room with a TV. You can watch your favorite TV shows and exercise at the same time, and this time will pass faster.

5. Music time

Another way to make your workouts faster is to do them while listening to your favorite music. Choose songs that are fast and upbeat so you can really burn calories while keeping up with the beat of the music.

7. Challenge yourself

If you have something to work towards in one direction, you will find that you enjoy doing more exercise. Challenge yourself every day. For example, if you can do 20 squats today, aim for 25 tomorrow, and 30 the next day. When you set a goal for yourself, you will be more inclined to achieve it. Try it!

8. Eat healthy

9. Wear comfortable clothes

It's possible that you're wearing the wrong workout clothes and don't feel comfortable in them. Don't worry about fashion or style. Comfort should be your first priority. If it's uncomfortable, you'll probably become frustrated with your workout very quickly.

10. Don't do too much too quickly.

Some people think they can do the toughest workouts right away and are very disappointed when they find out they are not at that level. physical training, which is needed. Severe disappointment can be a reason to stop training. Start with slow, simple workouts, gradually moving to more complex ones.

At the physiological level, our body quickly gets used to stress, so it needs regular shaking, that is, changing the type of training or intensity. Typically, this is done using a plan in which training cycles are prescribed in advance. For example, a week of intensive training followed by a less intense program.

The same technique is used in running, but as an addition, you can alternate different types of training within one week. Firstly, this format develops all the necessary qualities for running - strength, endurance, speed. Secondly, the training differs from each other in format, and this prevents you from getting bored.

Below is the program for a week of three different types workouts, but before you start, learn the basic rules of running.

How to run correctly

  • At a calm pace, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will not work when accelerating - you will have to breathe through both your mouth and nose at the same time.
  • If you experience an unpleasant, painful spasm in your throat during exercise, you most likely haven't warmed up well. Break into an easy jog or walk to recover.
  • While running, relax your shoulders, move your arms freely along your body, tilt your body slightly (1-2 degrees, no more) forward.

Where is the best place to run?

The running surface depends on your goals, type of training and preference.

  • If you are planning a workout with acceleration, then a stadium is suitable, it makes it easier to count the distance covered. Standard sizes– 200 or 400 m.
  • If you need slides for strength training or you do cross-country running, choose a park or forest.
  • If you are a road runner and are planning a long run (5, 10 or more km), then choose running on asphalt. For example, along the embankment.

How to dress for a run

  • Clothes should be comfortable, preferably tight-fitting. It is important to choose equipment made from modern materials, with mesh inserts that help not overheat. Avoid cotton clothing - wet items prevent sweat from evaporating.
  • Choose running shoes, they should not rub or squeeze. Don't forget about extra breast support.

Read also Checklist: How to choose sneakers for street training

Can I drink while running?

You can and should take it at any time, in small sips.

When is the best time to cancel a run?

If you have old injuries, varicose veins, problems with the spine or inflammatory processes in the body, consult your doctor first. It is better to understand at the beginning of the journey what you need to do and what it is better to refrain from.

Weekly training program

Set aside 3 days for running training per week according to our program: sprints, interval training, acceleration on the rise.

1. Sprints

For such training, an open stadium in spring and summer or an indoor arena in autumn and winter is suitable.

How to run:

  • Warm up: Run 4-5 laps at a slow pace.
  • Main work: acceleration of 200 m followed by a rest of 400 m. During the rest, run very slowly.

Complication: you can reduce the distance for rest. For example, the recovery is not 400 m, but 200. Then the format will be like this: 200 m – acceleration, 200 m – recovery.

2. Interval training

Interval training is similar to sprints. The main difference is that in sprints you give 90-100% effort, meaning you run at your best for a very short distance. IN interval training you also need to accelerate, but 65–80% of the body’s capabilities are used and the duration of the fast part increases.

How to run:

  • Warm up: run 1–2 km at an easy pace, 6–7 minutes per 1 km.
  • Basic work: acceleration for 30 seconds followed by a rest of 1.5–2 minutes.
  • Number of repetitions: 6–8 times depending on preparation.

3. Acceleration on an incline

An incline or hill makes the workout more difficult. Great format for development strength abilities– upward movement is added, activated more muscles. After running uphill, road running seems easy, and that’s what it’s designed for.

I won’t dwell on the topic for a long time, because it requires a lot of work. Let's write everything short and clear.

1. Bench press (regular grip).
Modernization: Reverse grip bench press.

Why change your grip on the bench press at all? horizontal bench? After all, you need to work to increase weight, you need to lift the barbell, press it to the limit... These are all the rosy dreams of old bodybuilding. Let's just say oldschool bodybuilding. Today, training methods are changing somewhat, athletes are looking for new, more effective exercises, and then replacing the old ones with them.

2. Pullover.
Modernization: pullover head down.

Lie down on the bench, only now your chest is not looking up, but your back will be looking up. So, put a barbell on your back, it is advisable to use it not very heavy weight so that he does not pass on your chest. Then we do the usual barbell curls, only in this unusual position. We slowly go down, after which with a sharp movement we return to starting position. Be careful not to get injured while performing the exercise.

3. Deadlift.
Modernization: sumo style deadlift.

This exercise can already be often seen in gyms, because sumo-style deadlifts have a number of advantages:

ease of doing the exercise

reducing the risk of injury

opportunity to use more weight in repetition.

The biggest advantage, perhaps, is the second one - an exception, or a reduction in the possibility of injury. Of course, it cannot be excluded. After all, you can often get injured when you just walk along the street like that, on foot. Have you done sumo deadlifts? No? Then I advise you to watch the following video:

4. Dumbbell lateral raises.
Modernization: lifting a dumbbell while supporting.

Very effective exercise, at least, I personally have already seen it performed by fitness instructors 3 times. Everything is quite simple. You need to lean forward with one hand (most often this support is a crossover), then take a dumbbell in your other hand, preferably not too heavy, tilt your body a little to the side and lift the dumbbell. We do the same lifts, only with one hand, which works the shoulders even better.

Leg workout is undoubtedly one of the most complex tasks that you encounter on the way to the body of your dreams. A lot of effort is required to make your legs look truly impressive and harmonious. If you look at it, most of the visitors gym doesn’t really like to pump his legs, because - It’s hard!

But here there is one catch: if you don’t train your lower body, then your figure will never look harmonious, and a big body on small legs is also funny.

If you decide that you do need legs, then I will give you some tips that will help you progress in increasing the size of your legs very quickly:

1.Use a different number of reps per set per workout.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a low number of repetitions is used when working on strength, and medium and high ones are best suited for muscle hypertrophy and the development of endurance. Therefore, usually, depending on the goal, we use the number of repetitions that we consider appropriate to achieve our goal at a particular moment. I suggest you use all rep ranges in one workout. Choose your favorite leg exercises. Do the first approach with the maximum weight for 5 repetitions, do the second approach for 10 repetitions, accordingly the weight will have to be reduced compared to the first approach, and the third approach will be for as many as 20 repetitions. This circuit will allow you to shock your muscles in new ways, resulting in increased hypertrophy.

2.Use method 21

What is it? This is a type of training in which one exercise is performed in the amount of 21 repetitions, but not just like that, but using different phases of movement, 7 repetitions in the stretched position of the muscle, 7 repetitions in the middle position and 7 in the final phase of the movement, thus achieving an unusually strong effect, promoting muscle growth in volume. It is best to use this type of training in isolated exercises- bending and extending legs in a machine, for example

3.Vary the pace of the exercise

In addition to changing the number of repetitions in each approach, it is very in an efficient way training is changing the pace of the exercise. For example, if you do 15 repetitions in a set, then do the first 5 as quickly as possible, making full use of explosive force, do the second 5 repetitions deliberately slowly, spending about 5-7 seconds on the positive and negative phases, and do the last repetitions at a normal pace of 2 seconds for each phase.

This style of training is very beneficial in the long term because... is very good for developing the explosive power that you will need when you go out for real serious weights. This training also has a very good effect on hypertrophy.

4. Use giant sets

Giant sets are execution. large quantity exercises one after another without rest. This is very similar to circuit training, but only on the lower body.

5. Supersets with changing exercises

Try doing front squats in a superset with regular squats, without stopping, using a weight that you can only do 5 reps with. front squats, as soon as you do them, immediately put the barbell on your back and continue squatting, but with the barbell on your back, and then return it to your chest, in the end you will get about 12-15 repetitions per set, you know, 12 is better than 4.

Use all these tips and your legs will never lag behind your upper body.