What is better karate or boxing? Which section should I send my child to?

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Although there are many more martial arts, the question that often arises is - which is better, karate, boxing or taekwondo? Today we will pay attention not only to the three mentioned above, but also to several more that are also popular. However, first I would like to make a short excursion into the history of taekwondo and karate. We are sure that this information will be useful to many.

The origins of karate

The word “karate” can be translated into Russian as “the path of the empty hand.” From this we can conclude that the technique of this martial arts involves fighting skills without using weapons. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the island of Okinawa was an independent kingdom and was not part of Japan. Local residents considered themselves a sovereign people and carefully kept the secrets passed down from generation to generation martial art.

After the unification of the Land of the Rising Sun, karate quickly spread throughout the entire state. Many men from Okinawa showed good physical training and significantly exceeded in this indicator representatives of other regions of Japan. It soon became known that the reason lay in knowledge of karate.

Many styles emerged throughout the twentieth century. On at the moment Several international federations have been created to unite fans of the most popular ones. Under the auspices of these international organizations own tournaments are held. However, despite the abundance of styles, they all have common features:

  1. Strong and sharp blows lower limbs, applied at high speed.
  2. Advantage is given to short, precise attacks rather than sweeping ones. Greater damage to the opponent can be caused by a short blow to the painful point.
  3. Enemy attacks are blocked with both hands and feet.
  4. The most commonly used technique is striking, although karatekas also have throws in their arsenal.
Note that due to the high mobility of the opponents, the duel between them looks exciting.

The history of taekwondo

This type of martial arts originated in Korea and is relatively young. The history of taekwondo begins only in the past century. Translated from Korean, the name of the martial arts sounds like “the path of the foot and hand.” Taekwondo harmoniously intertwines elements of various martial arts.

The martial art became famous in the world thanks to the General of the Korean Army, Choi Hong Lee, who decided to make the study of taekwondo mandatory among military personnel. Soon after this, the first federation of the new sport was created. It is quite obvious that this happened in our homeland in 1959. If in karate the main emphasis is on punches, then in taekwondo the lower limbs are more actively used. If we try to characterize this type of martial arts in a few phrases, we get the following:

  • Sweeping kicks predominate.
  • There is no throwing technique, and the battle is rarely fought at short distances.
  • Although fighters have punches in their arsenal, they are rarely used.
  • Enemy attacks are not only blocked, but various escapes with a simultaneous counterattack are also actively used.
If you watch a fight between two fighters, you will immediately notice their high activity. The opponents move and exchange a lot powerful blows kicks, both from a place and from a run or in a jump.

Which is better - karate, boxing or taekwondo: comparison of disciplines

Here we come to the main question of our article, which is better than karate, boxing or taekwondo. The answer is not as simple as it might seem. Each martial art has many fans and they are all sure that their art is the best. We will try to be as objective as possible and consider the existing differences. The choice is up to you.

Karate and taekwondo - which is better?

The first thing that catches your eye is the difference in striking technique. If karatekas often use close combat and prefer punches, then in taekwondo the situation is the opposite. It may not be entirely correct to evaluate a martial art based on its effectiveness in a street fight, but in this case, preference should be given to karate.

If you need to confront an attacker. The advantage of short, precise attacks with hands over sweeping kicks is obvious. We also draw your attention to the fact that in karate the defense system is also more effective. In the ring this is not so obvious, but in the conditions street fight this can be quickly assessed.

However, you must remember that everything martial arts focused not so much on training the body, but on developing the spirit. This is especially evident in wushu, which we also plan to talk about today.

Boxing or kickboxing: which is better?

Kickboxing is a new type of martial arts, and it has absorbed all the best from karate, Muay Thai and other martial arts. Unlike classic boxing, kickboxing allows the use of legs. Boxing, in turn, is a classic sport, the rules of which were formed quite a long time ago. We also note that the boxer must master the technique of movement. Many people believe that if kicking is prohibited, then they are excluded from the job. Just watch the fights of the great boxing masters and everything will become clear.

Boxing and karate: which is better?

There are certain differences between these martial arts, but there are also common features. Karate is first and foremost real philosophical teaching, which has a long history. Of course, not everyone begins to engage in this sport precisely for the purpose of learning about their spiritual abilities. Boxing in this sense seems to be a more monolithic martial art, which, however, is also not without a spiritual component.

Between these sports disciplines What is common are the methods of training fighters. Of course, there are differences, but there are quite a lot of common features. The main difference, in our opinion, is the use of legs by karatekas. In a street fight, both martial arts can be quite effective.

Thai or classic boxing: which is better?

Muay Thai or Thai boxing takes its origins from the ancient martial art of Thailand - Muay Boran. Fighters here are allowed to throw kicks and punches, but the most popular are knee attacks. Training in these sports has a lot in common. Note that today Muay Thai is considered one of the most brutal sports.

We tried to talk about what is better than karate, boxing or taekwondo. However, other martial arts cannot be ignored. In the next section we will look at some of them in more detail. After this you have to make a decision. If you don’t like this or that martial arts, you can always change the section.

Wushu: what is it?

Wushu is also often called kung fu, and this martial art has deep philosophical roots. It should be recognized that today many ignore spiritual perfection, giving preference exclusively to the physical component. The history of Wushu goes back more than 20 centuries.

If for most foreigners this is exclusively a type of martial arts, then in the Middle Kingdom the emphasis is primarily on the system of human upbringing. According to official data, more than 80 percent of the entire Chinese population learned not only fighting skills, but also reading and writing skills while studying in Wushu schools.

As a rule, wushu exercises are performed slowly and look like a dance. But the complexes should be performed at a fast pace, and they allow you to fully demonstrate the capabilities of your body. Note that all forms of kung fu have both combat and healing purposes. You can start practicing this ancient art at any age, regardless of gender or body type.

Using the same exercises, a person can solve different problems. This makes wushu a universal art with which you will learn to protect yourself and also improve physical condition. A few words should be said about why this type of martial arts has several names.

The thing is that outside the Celestial Empire it became known thanks to numerous Chinese emigrants. With their “light hand”, the term gongfu first appeared, which later turned into kung fu. For a long time, this word was used to describe not so much a traditional Chinese martial skill as various ways conducting a duel, falling under a certain system. For example, the system that Bruce Lee created is also called kung fu.

Anyone probably remember those legends that told about “ death touches”or “energy strikes”, which are mastered by kung fu adherents. All this came to us from cinema, although it is now known for sure that not a single direction of wushu has as its sole goal of causing harm to another person. Let us repeat once again that Wushu, first of all, allows you to self-heal and improve spiritually. Combat skills should be considered solely as a bonus.

Today, many people are trying to lose excess weight. Many girls use it for this various types fitness. In studies conducted by Chinese doctors, it was proven that wushu training of similar duration can burn more calories compared to popular aerobics.

Jiu-Jitsu: what is it?

The name of this ancient martial art can be translated into Russian as “soft art.” Over the past few decades, it has been improved, and many of its elements have been transferred to aikido, sambo, judo and karate. One legend says that Okayama Shirobei (this man is considered one of the founders of jujutsu) once noticed a thin branch that had bent under the weight of snow.

Then she straightened up and the snow fell off. But the thick branch was unlucky and broke. As a result, Shirobei said that gentleness will always triumph over evil. The basis of jiu-jitsu is throwing technique, as well as force on the joints. In addition, strikes are often used, the task of which is to unbalance the opponent and then apply a painful technique.

At first glance, jiu-jitsu is extremely similar to judo - almost similar stances, steps and throws. However, in these sports, victory is awarded for various achievements. We also note that when creating judo, many techniques were borrowed from jiu-jitsu.

That's all we wanted to tell you today. Based on the information received, all you have to do is make the right choice.

Aikido, taekwon-do, karate, wushu... Who among us saw such a wealth of martial arts sections in childhood? Modern parents have much greater opportunities for the development of their children and must use them to give the child the best.

Taekwon-do (taekwondo, taekwondo)

Taekwon-do(“tei” - leg, “kwon” - fist, “do” - path) is a Korean martial art. It has a centuries-old history. It finally took shape as a style in 1955 thanks to Major General Choi Hong Hi.

Taekwon-do is a self-defense technique without weapons, based on performing strikes, blocks, and jumps. The main difference from other martial arts is large number high jumps with kicks (70% technique).

What does Taekwondo develop? Leg strength, coordination and stretching, striking power and endurance.

Who is Taekwondo suitable for? First of all, children who are mobile and have strong legs.

Disadvantages of Taekwondo: Limited technique in terms of working with hands. No work with weapons.

Karate (karate)

(meaning "empty hands") is a Japanese martial art. Around the Middle Ages, it came from China to Okinawa, whose inhabitants fought fiercely against the Japanese occupiers.

Everything that had no practical significance and did not help defeat the enemy was excluded from the technology. Thus, karate loses to other types of martial arts in terms of variety of techniques. Its technical drawing is simple: block-kick, block-kick.

The principles of fighting in karate were quite accurately formulated by Dolph Lundgren (“Universal Soldier”): “I love to break and I love to be broken.”

In a fight, opponents rush towards each other like locomotives, trying to inflict as much damage as possible. As a result, the one with the most intact body parts left wins.

What does karate develop? Hard technique of punches and kicks, concentration of consciousness, strength and will, striking power and possession of weapons.

Who is karate suitable for? Persistent, persistent, stubborn, straightforward and uncompromising children.

Disadvantages of karate: Limited technology with a lack of flexibility and maneuverability. It develops mental rigidity (it is very difficult for a person to change his interests and attitudes; it is difficult to convince him), straightforwardness of thinking, and rigidity of actions. A traumatic form of martial arts.

(“wu” - military, “shu” - art) is the general name for all Chinese martial arts, the basis of many modern martial arts.

The Chinese developed wushu as a special art, on a par with painting, music, cooking or calligraphy. The goal of Wushu is the desire for harmony, not belligerence, the improvement of a person in the physical, psychological and spiritual directions.

The variety of schools, techniques, styles and weapons is the main difference between Wushu. In addition to deep philosophical overtones, Wushu has a rich technique (kicks, punches, head, body, bends, throws, grabs, painful and choking techniques, work with weapons).

What develops Wushu? Flexibility and mobility, strength and endurance. Concentration, reaction speed and coordination of movements. Promotes comprehensive personal development and health promotion.

Who is Wushu suitable for? Children who are prone not only to physical activity, but also to deep work on oneself.

Disadvantages of Wushu: Long-term training. Lack of qualified specialists.

Contact martial arts, athletes strike each other with their fists wearing boxing gloves.

The difference between boxing and other martial arts is limited quantity striking technique (uppercut, hook, cross, jab) and only one type of step (“shuttle”).

In boxing, only punching techniques are practiced. Kicks, elbows, head or body strikes, as well as throws, grabs and the use of weapons are excluded.

However, due to the limited technique of boxing, serious results in it can be achieved very quickly compared to other martial arts. You can become a candidate master or master of sports in boxing after 2-3 years of training, whereas, for example, in wrestling it will take 5-6 years, and in wushu - all 10 years.

What does boxing develop? Reaction and agility, coordination of movements, ease of movement and sense of distance.

Who is boxing suitable for? Children who strive for self-affirmation.

Disadvantages of boxing: Limited technology. Shifting the center of gravity to a level chest, which leads to instability. Traumatic martial arts (unpredictability of the consequences of constant blows to the head).

Combat between two athletes using special techniques, without weapons.

The main difference between wrestling and striking martial arts is that the fight can take place not only in a standing position, but also on the ground, that is, on your knees, lying down, etc. In this case, strikes are prohibited.

The most common are classical (Greco-Roman) wrestling, freestyle wrestling, judo, jiu-jitsu and sambo. Chinese wrestling shuai jiao is becoming increasingly popular.

Throws, grabs, holds, painful and choking techniques are the main techniques in wrestling. The key technique is a throw, after which the opponent is controlled using the flexibility of his body and a system of levers.

In the East, wrestling was considered a deadly form of martial arts. Almost any technique could result in severe injury or death.

What does wrestling develop? Endurance and internal strength, feeling for a partner and stability (shifting the center of gravity down the abdomen), strengthens the body (tendons, ligaments).

Who is wrestling suitable for? For children who seek to gain a comprehensive understanding of martial arts.

Disadvantages of wrestling: The need for systematic and regular training, without which it is impossible to achieve visible results. Lack of work with weapons and striking equipment.

On our website you can choose a suitable martial arts school for your child in your city.

To answer such a controversial question, you need to comprehensively consider these martial arts. Everyone must make their own choice, because preferences and objectives are different.

Boxing or kickboxing?

Kickboxing is a sport that has absorbed elements of the classical school of boxing, traditional karate, some techniques of Thai boxing and taekwondo.

Kickboxing contains a mix of striking martial arts. Kicks are not prohibited in this sport, which can result in disqualification in boxing. Due to a large number high kicks the athlete must wear a helmet, mouth guard, boxing gloves. And the arms underneath are additionally bandaged to a certain length.

Boxing is a more traditional sport, in which the rules and technical arsenal have been honed over decades. The success of an athlete in boxing depends on training, which is why it is important to choose not so much this particular area of ​​martial art as a school in which the student will become a real athlete.

What’s interesting is that despite the fact that kicks are prohibited in boxing, this does not mean at all that the legs don’t work, and you just have to “wave your fists.” Nothing of the kind! The basis for future victories in boxing technique is precisely sustainable and correct position legs During the training, all muscle groups are involved. Therefore, in the comparison between boxing and kickboxing, the first sport is still in the lead.

Karate or boxing?

These two excellent sports are part of the martial arts system and have both similarities and differences.

Karate is a martial art with a powerful philosophy and many schools and styles. On the one hand, this is interesting, but on the other hand, precious years can be wasted in understanding all these traditions, while boxing in this sense seems to be a more monolithic and integral form of art, also based on a certain worldview.

From the commonality between karate and boxing, it is worth noting that coaches use approximately the same schemes when preparing athletes. Here you will have a warm-up, shadow boxing, sparring, endurance exercises, training with punching bags and bags, etc.

In karate, unlike boxing, you can strike not only with your hands, but also with your feet. There is a similarity between karate and kickboxing. However, for many parents who are thinking about where to send their child, the very knowledge that blows with the lower extremities will be practiced seems shocking.

It is worth noting that safety is paramount in any sport. And it is impossible to give a definite answer on where to enroll your child. Or where to go to study on your own. You should choose a sport where you will succeed and where you will like it.

It’s too early to draw conclusions, especially since another type of martial art is coming up – Thai boxing, or Muay Thai.

Muay Thai (Thai boxing) or boxing?

Muay Thai is a martial art that originates from the ancient Muay Boran. Translated from Sanskrit, the meaning of the word is “free fight”.

Modern Thai boxing allows you to strike not only with fists, but also with elbows, feet, knees, and shins. This is why the sport is sometimes called “8-limb fighting.” Unlike karate, there are no formal complexes in this sport. There are basic combinations, including a couple of blows, sparring, as in boxing, and also work on bags. This also leads to a certain similarity between Muay Thai and boxing.

So which is better boxing or kickboxing?

The floor is given to professionals! Thus, the coach who worked at “Combat Gloves”, Alexander Pogorelov, and the athlete gave their preference to boxing. They built a successful career in kickboxing, but in the end they chose boxing as their element.

What to choose in the end?

So, we have looked at several types of martial arts, each variety deserves respect, each has its own history and philosophy. There are also similarities, which is why the question itself arose: what to choose, where to sign up?

It’s worth summarizing: boxing is the only sport considered that prohibits any kicks. From a training safety point of view, this is a huge plus. After all, many people come to fight not for the sake of the fight itself, but to get rid of stress, excess weight or gaining skills in building strategies. Boxing allows you to get all this and even more.

Neither karate, nor kickboxing, nor Muay Thai are Olympic sports sports, although competitions in them are held with sufficient success. But boxing is an Olympic sport.

Now you have enough arguments to make your choice and answer the question of what to do, first of all, for yourself. If you decide in favor of boxing, then welcome to our “Combat Gloves” club.

Boxing club address: Moscow, Lipetskaya, 7a.

These two wonderful sports that are part of the martial arts system have a lot in common and, naturally, some differences. Among other things, karate is also a type of martial art with its own traditions, Budo philosophy and the presence of many styles and schools. The sport of boxing is monolithic in this sense. And only differences in the styles of training athletes, which can only be distinguished by highly qualified experts, bring variety to boxing (few can distinguish the Mexican school from the English one, they find differences between the former Soviet school of boxing and the Cuban one, etc.).

As for karate, in this sense, many famous masters, high-class instructors, for example, within the framework of the Japanese championship, being in the box of honored guests, can calmly determine which school or which style the athletes performing in front of them belong to. But this is given to few. And besides, these differences are much smaller among athletes competing in European or American tournaments.

What do boxing and karate have in common? Many coaches in the process of preparing athletes often use the same schemes: warm-up, shadowboxing, working with a sparring partner, endurance exercises, tests on paws, pears and bags, etc. And if you take for an athlete of the Russian national team In karate or boxing, the number of official tournaments is almost the same. But boxing representatives have an Olympic cycle - 4 years, where the coach and athlete can develop tactics and strategies that would lead them to participate in Olympic Games. In karate, there are fewer maneuvers for the coach and athlete in this sense, since sports recognized by the IOC live on a cycle from World Championship to World Championship (2 years). And once every 4 years, an athlete can perform at the highest forum for this sport - WorldGames, having received a license based on the results of performances at continental championships and world championships.

Among the technical differences, the main one is that in boxing you can only strike with your hands, while in karate you can strike with both your hands and feet. Of course, along the way the question arises - what is better to do boxing or karate, who is stronger karateka or boxer? At the same time, this question is both very complex and very simple. The history of fights or test matches or confrontations in mixed tournaments shows that representatives of boxing and karate periodically win alternately. Everything is very individual and subjective. Whoever does something better is better for him. Most people interested in martial arts and combat sports They themselves know many examples of relative victories and defeats of both representatives of karate and boxing. Why relatively? Simply because everything in this world is relative.

Hello, dear readers of the site. Do you know who is stronger? Boxers? Karateka? Wrestlers? Or maybe kickboxers? And is it even logical to compare them?

Speculate who stronger boxer or a karateka, or some other fighter, is most often loved by children. Often, after watching enough militants, schoolchildren argue about who is going to hurt whom. For example, a street fighter can easily defeat a karateka.

General considerations

If we think sensibly, each school is strong in its own way. And if you need to identify the level of a fighter, then this is exactly what is done. The quality of his school is not determined. There are boxers with excellent training, and there are karatekas with a satisfactory level.

And often what comes to the fore is not skill, but the territory and conditions of the fight. So, on the street without any rules, a trained street fighter will have some advantage.

If the place of the fight is a hall, but with a minimum of rules, the street representative is doomed to failure.

If a boxing representative and a karate representative collide in the summer, then in a fair fight the karateka can have success due to his footwork. In such a fight in winter, the boxer has more advantages.

But these are all abstract fights. In reality, victory can be won by those who have better preparation, both physical and psychological conditions.

Who stronger fighter or a boxer? This is a question from the same opera. For example, an MSMK boxer can easily defeat a third-class wrestler. Or an MC wrestler will easily defeat a boxer with the specified category.

The achievements of an athlete, what level he has reached in his field, are very important.

About MMA

Who stronger fighter MMA or boxer? At first glance, the first has a huge advantage. After all, MMA combines many disciplines. And wrestlers, sambo wrestlers, karatekas and kickboxers came here. In general, representatives of all martial arts, except boxing. The reason lies in the high risk of injury and low salaries in MMA.

In MMA you can work with both hands and feet, and there are no special rules. And it seems that those who have excellent punching and kicking have greater advantage. However, it is worth noting the champion in this area, Junior dos Santos. He achieved the world championship using mainly. He also skillfully built a defense against leg attacks and grabs. Therefore, boxers can easily compete in MMA.

Fight with a bodybuilder

The question often arises - who is stronger: a jock or a boxer? Some argue that the jocks are clumsy and slow, and boxers can quickly defeat them. Others are sure that the power of such strongmen is so great that even boxing masters will be tortured to punch them.

In the ring, a boxer can win on points.

On the street the situation is different. There are no gloves, no helmet, no rules.

For example, a boxer faces professional level and weighing 70 kg with a bodybuilder weighing 120 kg. Who will win? You need to know the following factors:

Pros of jocks:

Their key advantages: physical strength and mass. The power of the attack is directly determined by the weight of the hand. And how to knock out this giant? How to put up an effective block against his assault. This is tantamount to repelling an assault with a sledgehammer. Even through a high-quality block, the boxer will fully feel it.

At first glance, it is slow and clumsy. Lifting heavy projectiles reduces length muscle fibers, strengthens the muscles. This negatively affects the dynamics of impacts. But experienced weightlifters have found a way out - stretching the muscles after each exercise.

No special techniques are required on the street. A lot of things here just don't work. Enough is enough strong blows and only some of its types: side, straight and uppercuts. At least the simplest wrestling techniques are also useful. Suddenly the battle will take place in a horizontal position.

In fact, professionals will never bring matters to a fight. They will solve everything by talking. And some boxers are not allowed to fight outside the ring under contract.

About Taekwondo

Who is stronger taekwondo player or boxer? The first one can attack with both hands and feet. And the second represents a tougher discipline with full contact.

And by definition, due to the length of the legs, the first will not allow the second to come within striking distance. The second can competently and effectively fight with his hands.

The skill of both is important here. Reaction is also very important, the ability to act quickly and keep your distance.

In a street fight, a taekwondo fighter can keep his opponent away, quickly kick his stomach and finish the job with a deuce. Can wait for the moment for a feint and a swift leg hook. If he hits the target, he will practically win. If not, the boxer can skillfully close the distance and hit with his technique.

The battle can turn in favor of both. But in practice, such battles are rare. If only for the sake of interest and by agreement.


Who is a stronger boxer or kickboxer? There is a similar picture here with taekwondo. The boxer has the advantage. And if the fighters fight high level, then the chances are equal. In a vacuum, by definition, a kickboxer has more chances. And so he has plenty of superiority if he has excellent attacking technique with his feet and hands, as well as defense.

Who is stronger kickboxer or Thai boxer? The first one works better serially with arms and legs. The second one is better at maneuvering. Both have powerful and fast strikes from hands and feet.

On the street, the winner will be the one who is more reactive in this regard, who has a more effective preemptive assault. It may also have an impact on who is better at techniques from related disciplines. With this he can seriously surprise his opponent.

In practice, all of these confrontations occur extremely rarely. Basically, these are abstract fights from the “who - who?” series.


Professional fighters try to avoid conflicts with others on the street as little as possible (and better yet, never) professional fighters representing other martial arts.

This is a childish act. And this is fraught with unnecessary injuries, exclusion from the team and losses.