Barbell training at home for beginners. What is the most effective exercise with a barbell at home? How to properly organize barbell training at home

This category contains barbell exercises. A barbell is a sports equipment for lifting weights weightlifting, fitness, bodybuilding and powerlifting. The barbell has bushings at the ends to secure the load - disks of various weights and locks. The Olympic barbell has a mass of 20 kilograms, a length of 2.2 meters, a diameter of 28 millimeters and mounting bushings at the ends of the bar onto which discs with a diameter of 50 millimeters are put on. There are other types of barbells that differ in weight, maximum load, shape and purpose. This category contains large number effective exercises for training various muscles using a barbell. Each exercise is accompanied by detailed description implementation techniques, tips and recommendations. Good luck to you!

Total materials: 32
Materials shown: 1-10


Deadlift Involves the muscles adjacent to the spine, hips and buttocks. This basic exercise for the back and legs serves to give them strength and volume. In bodybuilding, deadlifts are used to dramatically increase mass, strength, and power in both the back and leg muscles. In addition, deadlift is an excellent means of strengthening all the muscles that support the spine: the stronger they are, the more weight you will be able to master other exercises without fear of injury.

Bench chest press

The bench press works the middle, bottom, and also the top of the chest. The bench press is the best compound exercise for building chest size and strength.

Lunges with a barbell

Lunges with a barbell engage the buttocks, inner thighs, and quadriceps. This shaping exercise lifts and defines the buttocks. In fitness, forward lunges are used to tighten the buttocks, give them a distinct ball shape, and also to define muscles inside the back of the thigh and separating them from the biceps femoris.

Barbell Squats

Barbell squats work the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. This basic exercise helps build mass and volume in all thigh muscles. Barbell squats are the most effective exercise for building mass and strength in the overall thigh muscles (with an emphasis on the quadriceps).

Barbell row to the chin

The barbell row to the chin works the middle deltoids, upper and middle trapezius. This shaping exercise separates the trapezius from the deltoids. The Chin Pull defines and sharpens the shape of the trapezius, delineates a clear dividing line between the trapezius and the middle deltoid, and improves the detail and “striation” of the trapezius.

Shrugs with a barbell

Shrugs with a barbell work the upper trapezius. This is a basic exercise for increasing mass and thickness in the upper trapezius. In bodybuilding, barbell shrugs are used to increase the volume of the upper back and neck, and to emphasize the dividing line between the trapezius and deltoids.

Incline bench press

The incline barbell press is a forming exercise that broadens and lifts the upper chest.

Raising the barbell forward in front of you

Raising the barbell forward engages the front deltoid muscles, top part pectoral muscles, infraspinatus muscles, and to a lesser extent trapezius muscles, serratus anterior muscles and short head biceps


Barbell training is best done during the day or evening time, but not in the morning, since strength exercises involve stress on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory system. You should exercise no more than once every two days. In the first weeks, the duration of training should not exceed 40-50 minutes, later - up to one and a half hours. However, you should increase the time carefully, literally by a few minutes.

Beginners often overestimate their strength. Remember that any carelessness can result in injury, muscle strain or weakness, or decreased performance. Therefore, it is very important to determine the optimal load. The first few classes are best done with the help of a partner who will support you during the exercises. First define Weight Limit, that is, the load with which you can perform the exercise only once. A suitable weight for training should be approximately half your maximum weight. Repeat each exercise until you are completely tired, but no more than 8 times.

Don't forget about warming up, because it helps prepare your muscles for strength exercises. Include in your warm-up routine breathing exercises, walking, light jogging, stretching, exercises for all muscle groups, swinging legs and arms. Spend 10-15 minutes warming up and the likelihood of injury during exercise with a barbell will significantly decrease.

The following exercise is suitable for developing and strengthening the shoulder muscles. Stand up, straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell with your palms facing up and lift it toward your chest. Then sit on a chair and lift the barbell above your head. Lower it to your shoulders or behind your head. Be sure to take insurance!

It is necessary to correctly select the weight of the barbell and specific exercises to eliminate the possibility of injury.

When starting to exercise with a barbell, consult with specialists. The trainer will tell you which exercises will be most effective, and the doctor will explain what kind of stress you should avoid due to the characteristics of your body.

What are the benefits of barbells for men?

If your goal is to develop your strength and endurance, everything is quite simple here. A set of rules has been developed that should be followed during training. For example, working with “critical” weight, etc. Classes should be carried out regularly, periodically slightly increasing the weight of the discs and the number of approaches. Only with the help of a barbell can one achieve best results in a relatively short period of time.

If you are more seduced by the thought of receiving beautiful relief body and increasing muscle volume, then the barbell will cope with this task. A variety of different techniques and training with light loads, but a large number repetitions will help bodybuilders achieve the results they strive for.

What are the benefits of barbells for women?

We can't neglect weight training for the fair half of humanity. If you dream of being slim and athletic legs And toned buttocks- No better exercise than barbell squats. Don't be afraid of things like this strength training. The main thing is to exercise with pleasure and not make the barbell too heavy. In this case, the exercise will only benefit the body.

Before starting the exercise, study the rules for its implementation in detail.

In addition, in addition to the muscles in the legs, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are actively involved in the process of training with a barbell.

If you haven’t worked out with a barbell before, but are now inspired and are already going to gym, don’t forget to chat with an instructor on the spot who will help you master the new equipment.


  • Barbell for girls
  • General information about the barbell

With just one barbell you can pump up almost all muscle groups. However, depending on your level of training, you should carefully select exercises to avoid injuries. It is better to work with a coach or a more experienced colleague.


Basic exercises. The main barbell exercises for athletic gymnastics and bodybuilding are squats, bench presses and deadlifts. Thanks to these exercises, you can lay a good foundation for further success in sports. To improve strength, athletes need to focus on low repetitions (1-3 times) and long breaks between sets (3-5 minutes). If the goal is to build muscle mass, in this case the number of repetitions should be increased to 8 (the weight of the projectile is reduced), and the rest time should be reduced to 90 seconds.

Squat technique. The basic rules for performing squats with a barbell on your shoulders are to place your feet wider than your shoulders and toes apart. The grip of the bar is performed with the whole hand, the back is kept straight (rounding the back will lead to injury), the body does not bend too much. You need to sit down to the level of parallelism between your hips and the floor. The exercise is performed without jerking.

Bench press technique. The athlete lies down on the bench in a position so that the bar is located above the eyes. The legs are spread wide, the back bends in the lumbar region, the grip depends on target muscles. More often, a wide one is used to transfer the main load to the pectoral muscles. The bar lowers and rises vertically. IN horizontal press in the lower position the bar touches the nipples.

The deadlift technique is too complex and has many nuances. Therefore, athletes should contact a coach to teach the technique. correct execution exercises.

There are other popular barbell exercises. For example, rowing a barbell to the waist. This exercise works the back muscles. You need to stand in front of a lying barbell and grab it with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Bend your knees slightly, bend over, arch your back, and move your pelvis back. Perform barbell rows to your stomach by bringing your shoulders together. Straighten your shoulders, lowering the barbell onto your straight arms.

Working out the biceps. By curling your arms with a barbell you can pump up your biceps. The main thing in the exercise is the isolation of other muscle groups. If you want to pump up your biceps, then you should minimize the work of your back, legs, chest and other muscles in the exercise. Exercise technique - feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent. The barbell is held in the hands with an underhand grip, the elbows are vertical to the body. The hands are located slightly wider than the hips. Bend your elbows as you exhale, raising the barbell to shoulder level. As you inhale, lower the barbell to the starting position.

Video on the topic

Undoubtedly, in order to achieve high results, you need to work out in the gym. However, many famous bodybuilders, before coming to the gym, trained at home for years and created a very good foundation for the future.

Features of studying at home

When exercising with a barbell at home, you should always remember that the barbell is a large and heavy object and it is very easy to damage furniture. Therefore, you should make sure in advance that there is more than enough space for classes.

When training at home, in most cases there is no way to count on outside support. Therefore, you should not choose weights that are too heavy. Muscles can be perfectly pumped with medium weights using correct technique, negative drops and concentrated repetitions.

Available exercises

For development calf muscles Calf raises with a barbell in your hands or one leg calf raises without a barbell work well. In this case, to increase the amplitude of movements, a stand 2-4 cm high is placed under the socks.

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders and lunges with a barbell on the shoulders are suitable for developing the hips. However, before and after each approach, you will have to lift the barbell onto your shoulders using only your hands, so the maximum weight will be limited by the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. Therefore, you will have to use a large number of approaches and repetitions. You can get rid of this deficiency by using squats with a barbell behind your back (hack squats), which give maximum load to the quadriceps femoris muscle.

The long back muscles are pumped using deadlifts with a barbell. However, the range of movements will be limited by the height of the pancakes. The solution may be to perform this exercise while standing on a chair or stool, but not every chair will support the weight of the person exercising along with the barbell. You can also use forward bends with a barbell on your shoulders - this is a fairly difficult exercise and is performed with a relatively light weight.

For latissimus muscles Bent-over barbell rows are used for the back. Moreover, this exercise can be performed in two versions - wide-grip rows to the chest and narrow-grip rows to the stomach.

To pump up the pectoral muscles, a simple bench is made - a fairly thick board is placed on two stools and bench presses are performed on it. If you place the board with one end on a stool and fasten the other, you can perform incline presses lying down to develop the upper part of the pectoral muscles. The close-grip bench press allows you to additionally pump up the internal bundles of the pectoral muscles.

The trapezius muscle is developed through two exercises. First, shoulder raises with the barbell in the lowered arms forces the trapezius to work in isolation. Second, lifting the barbell to the chin with a narrow grip simultaneously develops the trapezius and deltoids.

The deltoid muscles are developed by lifting a barbell from the chest or from behind the head. The first option develops the anterior lobes of the deltoid muscles, the second - the middle and posterior sections.

Barbell curls are good for biceps, including reverse grip– to increase the load on the muscles of the forearms. The triceps are pumped using the French press: lying down, a light barbell is lowered from a position above the head to the bridge of the nose and squeezed out so that the elbows remain motionless.

It's no secret that the barbell is the main equipment in weightlifting, powerlifting and bodybuilding. With just one barbell you can effectively work out any muscle group in our body. This list contains the best barbell exercises with which you are sure to achieve good results in your workouts.

The bench press is basic and one of the most important exercises. This exercise with a barbell helps develop the muscles of the chest, triceps, and the entire shoulder girdle. It is mandatory for athletes of all sports who have power loads. The barbell press can be performed at different bench angles to shift the load to the top, middle, or bottom of the pectoral muscles.

Deadlift - is basic and one of the most necessary exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting. When performing a deadlift, an athlete uses 75% of his muscle mass. This is one of the most effective exercises for gaining weight. Also the deadlift is best exercise to increase strength itself. When performing a deadlift, the following muscle groups are involved: extensors and latissimus dorsi, buttocks, quadriceps and biceps femoris, as well as biceps, forearms and trapezius. There are several variations of this exercise, each of which is capable of using a specific muscle group to a greater or lesser extent.

The bent over row is an exercise that is very good for adding thickness to the back and is almost the best in this aspect. It has a very good effect on the development of the upper part of the latissimus muscles, the rhomboid muscle, as well as the lower and middle part of the trapezius. Progress in this exercise will also allow you to get improvements in sports such as boxing, rowing, swimming, and wrestling.

Barbell squats are one of the main basic exercises in powerlifting and bodybuilding. Squats are often used as an auxiliary, general strengthening and rehabilitation exercise. Together with deadlifts, this exercise is very effective. At the moment of squatting, not just one muscle group is involved, but almost the entire body. Of course, the greatest load goes to the muscles of the legs, but in addition to the legs, the muscles of the back, abdomen and buttocks also work. And also many small muscles stabilizers.

5. French press with a barbell

French press is unique exercise to work the triceps. This exercise allows you to pump the triceps along its entire length. When executing this exercise The focus is on working the long head of the triceps. The path to bigger arms is the French press, as the triceps make up 70% of the arm's muscle volume.

6. Barbell Curl

Barbell curls are the most popular exercise in gyms. It is the main exercise for developing the biceps brachii muscle, as well as inner surface forearms. This exercise is suitable for athletes of any level of training. By changing the grip width you can shift the load to the external or inner part biceps

Barbell up press - great exercise for training the deltoid muscles. With a narrow grip, the anterior parts of the deltoid muscles are involved, the clavicular part of the large pectoral muscle and the long head of the triceps. At wide grip the anterior and middle parts of the deltoid muscles and the upper pectoral muscles are involved. To shift the load, the athlete lowers the barbell behind his head or onto the top of the pectoral muscles.

The barbell row to the chin is a basic exercise for working the deltoid muscles (mainly the middle head). With a wide grip, the shoulders work primarily. With a narrow grip, the load is distributed between deltoid muscles and trapezoid.

The most common types of strength training are barbell exercises.

Main advantage- the ability to effectively and quickly train most large muscles.

Suitable exercises with a barbell for doing at home are presses from a sitting or lying position. They are technically simple and give reliable and quick results without requiring outside help.

Exercises with a barbell can be divided into four groups:

  1. Classic bench press;
  2. Bench press with a barbell;
  3. Lunges and squats;
  4. Exercises for arm muscles.

Time and results

  1. Barbell training should be carried out without breaks throughout the year, 2-4 times a week.
  2. The most suitable time is afternoon or evening; morning classes are not recommended.
  3. The duration of classes is from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

The importance of rest

A prerequisite for building muscle mass and strength is to take at least one day of rest, because muscles grow during rest.

If you have a tendency to be overweight- You can train more often. 4-6 times a week for 1.5-2 hours a day.

Try to perform the most difficult exercises in the middle of the workout, by which time the muscles will already be sufficiently warmed up, and the strength reserve remains quite large.

Dependence of the number of repetitions on the goal

To increase muscle mass and increase strength

All exercises are performed in 4-5 approaches, each with 5-6 repetitions. Between approaches you need to pause to restore your breathing. The total duration of such training should be 3-6 months.

To get rid of excess fat

All exercises are performed in 2-3 approaches. 12-15 repetitions in each. Rest between sets should be about two minutes, during which you cannot sit, you need to walk slowly.

A few words about the weight of the barbell for exercises. If the exercises are done with great effort, the skin of the face and neck becomes red, the blood vessels swell, and breathing is difficult, it is necessary to reduce the load.

Barbell exercises for shoulders, arms and pectoral muscles

Exercises with a barbell lying down with a narrow grip

  1. We perform it while lying on a bench (or suitable home), arms slightly bent in front of the chest.
  2. We bend and straighten our arms.
  3. We perform the barbell press 6-8 times at a moderate pace. Three approaches.

Exercises with a barbell lying behind your head

  1. We perform it while lying on a bench, holding a small barbell in front of our chest with straight arms.
  2. Bend your arms, lift the barbell behind your head as low as possible - inhale.
  3. Return to the starting position - exhale. We do 3 sets of 12-15 times.

Exercises with a barbell lying with your head tied with straight arms

  1. We perform it lying on a bench, holding a small barbell at chest level with straightened arms.
  2. Inhale and lower the barbell behind your head with straight arms.
  3. We return to the starting position - exhale. Two sets of 15 reps.

  1. Sitting, barbell on shoulders.
  2. We straighten and bend our arms, perform bench presses from behind the head at a uniform pace, without holding our breath.
  3. Two sets of 10-12 reps.

  1. Standing, hold the barbell on your shoulders behind your head with a wide grip.
  2. We press the barbell up (exhale) and slowly lower it behind our head.
  3. Four approaches 6-8 times.

Standing barbell exercises

  1. Standing, shoulder-width grip, palms facing out, barbell on chest.
  2. We press the bar up (inhale), slowly return to the starting position (exhale).
  3. Four sets of 4-6 times.

Exercises with a barbell for the back and hamstrings

  1. Standing with a barbell on your shoulders, the weight is necessarily light.
  2. We lean forward, do not bend our knees and exhale.
  3. We return to the starting position - inhale.
  4. Two sets of 8-6 times.

  1. While standing, we bend over with a straight body, hold the barbell in our lowered hands, and hold it shoulder-width apart with an “overhand grip.”
  2. We bend our arms, pull the barbell towards the body, fix it and return to the starting position.
  3. We do the exercise at a moderate pace, without holding your breath. We perform two approaches 8-10 times.

  1. While standing, hold the barbell behind your back.
  2. We raise our shoulders high.
  3. We return to the starting position, without lowering the barbell to the floor. Two sets of 8-10 times.

Barbell exercises for legs and thighs

  1. Standing, barbell on shoulders. Inhale and squat completely.
  2. The front surface of the thighs should be parallel to the floor, knees apart, chest raised, back straight.
  3. We return to the starting position without delay. We do two approaches 12 times.

It is advisable to wear a special weightlifting belt for this exercise.

Lunges with a barbell

  1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Barbell behind your head on your shoulders.
  2. Take a step forward, but keep your body upright.
  3. We return to starting position. On the lunge, inhale, on the return, exhale.
  4. We do four sets of 15 times. A weightlifting belt is also advisable.

  1. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Barbell in lowered hands from behind.
  2. Without bending your body, we squat and stand up. We don't raise our heels.
  3. Let's not hold our breath. We do 3 approaches 7-8 times.

  1. Standing, barbell on chest. We squat with a barbell.
  2. Four sets of 7-8 times

The pre-workout meal should contain a large amount of carbohydrates and protein, but there should be a minimum of fat.

  1. Proteins saturate the body with amino acids, which are necessary during muscle loading.
  2. Carbohydrates provide energy, so you need to recharge.

You need to eat 1.5 - 2 hours before training so that there is no heaviness during exercise.

After training, if you want to increase muscle mass, you need to eat right away. Preferably in the first 20 minutes.

First of all, your diet should contain carbohydrates, for example, grape juice. It is necessary to achieve a jump in insulin in the blood, which has anabolic properties.

Don't forget about proteins, which are building material for muscles. This could be a drink made from protein powder or an egg white shake.

And no fat or caffeine for hours after training!

At regular classes Sports require high-quality work out of each muscle group. Only then will the training be as productive as possible. The use of sports equipment is welcome. For example, training with a barbell allows you to develop an impeccable athletic body and pump up a certain muscle group.

Basic exercises with a barbell at home

It is recommended to perform the training complex at home 3-4 times a week, spending 40-60 minutes of free time on such an activity. A bar, weights and a bench are the most necessary things for such productive exercises, otherwise you will have to join the gym. Basic exercises with a barbell at home and the duration of the workout should be performed in accordance with following conditions:

Barbell training program

If you deal with this sports equipment at home and decide on the result, the result will not be long in coming. Strength training clearly involves pressing in different positions, which work out individual muscle groups. Rest between adjacent approaches is no more than 2 minutes, after which you need to increase the pace each time. It is imperative to start realizing your dream by drawing up a plan, the implementation of which is the primary task. Below are two training complex, each of which works a specific muscle group.

A set of exercises with a barbell for biceps at home

With thorough training of this muscle group, strength in the arms and endurance significantly increases, and an athletic corset is formed. To quickly and effectively train weak hands, it is recommended to adhere to the program of six suggested below strength exercises. In this case, a barbell for home training is indispensable; it serves as a weighting agent. So:

  1. Standing with a medium grip, perform a concentrated bar lift with plates, that is, move the projectile from the hips to the shoulders, while keeping your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Fulfill similar exercises with a narrow grip from a standing position, but at the same time raise your hands with weights up to your chin.
  3. Standing at a vertical support, perform barbell lifts with plates for biceps at home. In this case, it is better to use a special EZ bar.
  4. Sitting on a bench, lift weights with a narrow grip, which at home is only possible with special sports equipment.
  5. Lying on your stomach on a bench, perform an approach with a bar, first with a close grip, and then with a medium grip.

A set of exercises for the back

You can train your back muscles at home, especially since a special training program was developed specifically for this purpose 3-4 times a week for 40 minutes per session. The result will be even at home, but in this case it will be necessary again sports equipment. In this matter, the main thing is regularity and adherence to the regime, then the back muscles will very soon acquire athletic shape. Effective program is presented below, and dumbbells of different weights become an alternative to the barbell. So:

  1. Raise the weights above your head with a medium grip, and then perform a classic exercise for your back muscles at home. Gradually increase the pace, while controlling your breathing, selecting optimal weights.
  2. The deadlift is an effective compound exercise from a standing position with a straight back that can be performed to strengthen the corresponding muscle group. There are two modifications - lowering the weighting material to the knee and to the floor.
  3. Lying on your back at an angle, perform the exercise of lifting a weight over your head, behind your back. Complex approaches that professionals can master at home. The break between approaches is 2 minutes. A similar action can be performed while sitting using the same principle.
  4. French hand press. Classic exercise home, which is an important component strength training, works all muscle groups at an accelerated pace. From a lying position, raise your knees and point the bar towards your chin.
  5. Narrow grip in a lying position, perform a strength task up to the chin, constantly increasing the pace. The main thing is not to stop, and the required break between adjacent approaches is no more than 2 minutes. Otherwise, the lesson will be ineffective.
  6. He continues to exercise with a barbell at home - squats, which not only work out the back muscles, but also pump up the legs - the calf muscle groups. A beginner needs to start with relatively light weights, but do not linger and gradually increase the load.