Riddles winter sports. Riddles winter sports Sports riddles winter sports

Children love to solve riddles. They develop thinking, memory, imagination. Therefore we are in kindergarten We continue to replenish the “Riddles for Children” card index. Our new section “Riddles about winter sports”, we bring it to your attention.



Riddles about winter views sports

Everyone there is wearing armor on the ice platform
They fight, grapple in a sharp fight.
The fans shout: “Hit harder!”
Believe me, this is not a fight, but - ... (Hockey)

Our artist dances on ice,
Spinning like an autumn leaf.
He is performing a pirouette
Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no!
He is not wearing a fur coat, he is dressed lightly.
And now the duet is on the ice.
Eh, good skating!
The audience held its breath.
The sport is called
…(Figure skating)

It's difficult, no matter what you say
Speed ​​down the mountain!
And the obstacles stand -
There are a whole series of flags there.
The skier needs to go through them.
There is a reward for victory,
Congratulations pour in.
This sport is called...(Slalom)

And the athlete shoots at the target,
And he races on skis.
And the sport is called
Very simple: (biathlon).

How beautiful they are on ice:
Both athletes and artists,
And they dance just great!
Who is this? – ... (Skaters).

Look: the skier is rushing,
And then he flies like a bird,
Taking a leap from the peaks.
And he helped him... (springboard).

The sleigh is rushing along the chute,
Ice on both sides.
And here's what it's called
This sport? – ...(Skeleton).

A very courageous sport!
And it will help the champions
In this sport...(snowboarding).

There's a game in the yard in the morning,
The kids were playing around.
Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -
So there is a game -...

On the white expanse there are two even lines,
And there are commas and periods running nearby.
(Ski track)

I'm flying down the hill like an arrow,
The horses are fast beneath me.
Two stripes in the snow
They leave it running.

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,
The ice just creaks
Let the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me? ...

Friends have waited for winter;
They run along the river, sliding.
Ice is cut like knives
Performing turns.

I ride it
Until evening.
But my horse is lazy
Carries only from the mountain.
And always up the hill
I walk on my own
And his horse
I drive by the rope. (Sled)

n And freestyle, and snowboarding, Biathlon, bobsleigh, hockey, Guess my friend quickly!

I dusted the paths, decorated the windows, gave joy to the children and took them for a ride on a sled. All Russia is happy! We have the OLYMPICS! A world sports festival awaits us... (in winter)

Make up the word a a o l i m d p i

Wooden friends are under my feet. I fly at them with an arrow, But not in summer, but in winter. (izhyl) Skiing Name and show the skier's equipment

There is only one ski here, short, not long. We will show miracles on it. We can even tumble. (Snowboard) Show the picture

There is such a sport in the world, it is popular in winter. You run on runners, hurrying after your opponent. (Ski racing) Guess the riddle and show the picture

A skier spins on skis in a dance: Jump, somersault, and then land. Be brave and dexterous, Don't yawn. This sport is called….(freestyle) What is freestyle? (Figure skiing, acrobatic ski jumping)

A skier slides down from a high springboard, Then, like a bird, he soars into the sky, And the people below froze in amazement, And the skier successfully completed his flight. (ski jumping) He put wings on his feet, rolled down the hill and took off. Who is the riddle about? (Athlete jumping from a springboard)

What is Nordic combined? (This - Olympic look sport that combines ski jumping and cross-country skiing in its program.)

Which sport is the odd one out and why?

A risk-taker, a lover of speed, a conqueror of snowy slopes, he rushes like a meteor from the highest mountains. (Alpine skiing)

A ski track winds between the flags, winding along the mountain slope. The skier is getting closer and closer to the finish line. This sport (alpine skiing)

The three of them walked for a long time, one after another, and it was very difficult for them to climb the climb. Suddenly, with a refined movement, grab the rifle - and shoot! They hit the targets precisely, once, twice, four, five. And they rushed downhill. What is this? ... (Biathlon) How is biathlon different from cross-country skiing?

Look - here is the hero, He is lying upside down, lying on his stomach on a sled. It's so scary, it gives me chills. (Skeleto n)

My question is not easy. What do they call it when athletes on sleds slide down a chute? (Bobsleigh) What is the name of the sled in this sport? (the sled is called BOB, IT'S STEERABLE)

(Speed ​​skating) Tell me the rules in speed running skating. (overcome the distance as quickly as possible) What is the name of the sport in which you need to cover a certain distance on skates as quickly as possible on an ice stadium in a closed circle?

Skaters on the site, wearing helmets, their hands in gloves. They run together towards the finish line, What kind of sport is there? (Short track)

A figure skater dances on the ice, Spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette, Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no! He is not wearing a fur coat, he is dressed lightly. And now the duet is on the ice. Eh, good skating! The audience held its breath. The sport is called... (figure skating)

On the ice playground Players are throwing a broom And they are chasing stones across the ice What kind of sport is here in front of us? (Curling)

Sticks in hands, puck on the ice. A brave goalkeeper in plain sight. This team is no more friendly, This game is called (ice hockey) Which sport in the pictures is winter, but not Olympic? (Bandy)

Where does fear go at such speeds!? There the soul goes to the heels and plays hide and seek with fate! You can hardly stop the start, This sport is like a rally! (Ledge) How is it different? luge from skeleton to? (The athlete rides a sled on his back)

Who runs ten kilometers, swinging his hand to the beat, runs faster than the wind, bent over with a poker. (Skater) You could name this athlete right away! And he is an excellent skier, and he is an accurate shooter! (Biathlonist) Larisa, they say, has a second category in skating. Lariska is spinning, Lariska is... (Skater)

He knows the athlete best of all, he helps him in everything. Teaches you to fight, win and not lose courage. He is for an athlete in our time Almost like a mother, because this is...! (Trainer)

I skate and I'm an expert at skiing! Snowboard and bobsleigh, Sleigh, biathlon hockey, I am strong, healthy and proud, What health gives...! (Sport)

To be strong and healthy, you need to love sports. Exercise, don’t be lazy, and make friends with sports.

The presentation was prepared by the teacher of GBDOU No. 76, Kalininsky district, St. Petersburg, Khomchenko V.A. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! See you soon!

Two new maples

Two-meter soles:

I put two feet on them -

And run through the big snow.

Wooden two horses

They carry me down the mountain.

I hold two sticks in my hands,

But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.

And to speed up the run

I touch the snow with sticks.

Two snub-nosed athletes

They run into the distance, followed by ribbons,

Fluttering as you run,

They remain in the snow.

There is deep snow all around,

And he easily runs on top.

You just can’t get off the track.

Who races to the finish line, sliding?

There is such a sport in the world,

It is popular in winter.

You're running on runners

You rush after your opponent.

(Ski racing.)

The frost will not catch up with us:

We're skiing...

Skiers run through the forest

Between trees and bushes.

What is that route called?

Flagged everywhere?

Risk, speed lover,

Conqueror of snowy slopes.

He rushes like a meteor

From the highest mountains.

(Alpine skiing.)

It's difficult, no matter what you say

Speed ​​down the mountain!

And the obstacles stand -

There are a whole series of flags there.

The skier needs to go through them.

There is a reward for victory,

Congratulations pour in.

This sport is called...

Down the slope, athletes,

Faster than a tram

Going down on skis

Rounding the flags.

How high is that hill? Let it go!

We are not afraid of cool...

About this sport

I've heard a lot:


On skis.


Maybe we are all dreaming -

The skier spins like a dancer.

Somersault, then a jump,

Not a single flag was knocked down.


Here's Alina skiing boldly

Jumps at a distance from...


He put wings on his feet,

Rolled down the hill and took off!

(Ski jumper.)

He's on skis, but like a bird,

It might appear in the sky.

Push off and forward

Takes flight.

(Ski jumping.)

There's only one ski here

Short, not long.

We'll show you miracles on it,

We can even tumble.


It's very difficult to be, don't argue,

The most accurate in this sport.

Just race down the track

Even I can do it.

Try running for a day yourself

And then hit the target,

Lying supine, with a rifle.

You can't do this without training!

And your target is not an elephant.

The sport is called...


They walked for a long time at a skating pace

The three of us, one after another,

It was very difficult for them

Climb the climb.

Suddenly with a refined movement

Grab your rifles and shoot!

They hit targets accurately, -

One, two, three, four, five.

And they rushed downhill.

What is this? ...


You are this athlete

I could have named it right away!

And he is an excellent skier,

And he's a sharp shooter!


My friend and I

We rush here every day.

The lights are shining here

And the skates ring on the ice.

My new girlfriends

And shiny and light,

And they frolic with me on the ice,

And they are not afraid of frost.

There is a stadium in the yard,

It's just very slippery.

To rush there like the wind,

Learn to skate.

Two metal brothers

How they grew together with the shoes,

Wanted to go for a ride

Top! - onto the ice and off we went.

Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy!

What are the brothers' names? ...

Both boys and girls

They love us very much in winter,

They cut the ice into a thin pattern,

They don't want to go home.

We are graceful and light

We are curly...

At Larisa's, they say,

Second category in skating.

Lariska is spinning,

Lariska -...


A figure skater dances on the ice

Spinning like an autumn leaf.

He performs a pirouette

Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no!

He is not wearing a fur coat, he is dressed lightly.

And now the duet is on the ice.

Eh, good skating!

The audience held its breath.

The sport is called

(Figure skating.)

Who's ten kilometers away?

Shaking your hand to the beat,

Runs faster than the wind

Bent over with a poker?


On the ice field

This picture:

Athletes are racing

Boot heel!

Like a soldier without a gun,

There is no hockey player without...

Comma stick

Drives the puck in front of him.

They drive sticks across the ice

It's in plain sight for all of us.

She will fly into the gate,

And someone will definitely win.

He plays on skates.

He holds the stick in his hands.

He hits the puck with this stick.

Who will name the athlete?

(Hockey player.)

The stadium is seething today,

He received playful guests

And he gave them the puck to play with.

What should we call that meeting?

There is ice on the field, a fence around,

And a circle is drawn in the center.

People are rushing across the field,

As if looking for an exit or entrance.

There are two entrances for the puck.

And what is this? ...

The puck is apparently tired.

They don't let you take a nap at all.

She ran to the stands

To get some rest.

Who won today?

Scored the most goals?

Everyone will immediately understand -

For this purpose...

Hangs over the stands

This is a much needed shield.

He will show every goal -

You can see the score from all sides.

I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

I walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by a rope.

Here are the runners, the back, the slats -

And all together this is...

Look - here's a hero,

He flies upside down

Lying on your stomach on a sled.

It's so scary, it gives me chills.


My question is not an easy one,

What do they call it,

When athletes are on a sleigh

Are they sliding down the gutter?

​Riddles about sports introduce children to sports and their importance in life. It’s not for nothing that they say that sport is life. But this definition is also quite controversial. After all, you need to play sports wisely, balancing your capabilities and loads.

There are a huge number of sports, they are so diverse that it is not possible to get acquainted with them all at once. This includes football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics and many others. Sports competitions They fascinate, awaken the desire to try themselves in some form. But you should remember that sport is traumatic and can affect your entire life. But at the same time, sport disciplines and teaches responsibility.

Riddles about sports develop children's thinking, memory, and imagination; they learn to distinguish between sports, their pros and cons. Sports riddles are not immediately solved by children, so it is better to give hints to children in the form of visual aids at the initial stage.

Riddles about sports games

We are not only happy in the summer
Meet the Olympics.
We can only see in winter
Slalom, biathlon, bobsleigh,
On the icy platform -

Let's gather a team at school
And we will find a large field.
Taking a corner -
Let's score with our heads!
And the fifth goal is in the goal!
We love...

In the gym there is a shield on the left,
And on the right, like a twin, hangs
There are baskets on the rings,
And a circle in the middle.
The athletes are all racing
And they hit the poor ball on the floor.
His two groups of guys
They want to “throw it” into the trash.
They get it... and hit the floor again!
The game is called...

Pass, attack and strike,
The ball hit the goal again!
So that the goalkeeper fails,
The player needs skill.

The team wins here
If the ball doesn't drop.
He flies accurately from the serve
Not into the goal, through the net.
And the playground, not the field
Athletes in...

A figure skater dances on the ice
Spinning like an autumn leaf.
He is performing a pirouette

He is not wearing a fur coat, he is dressed lightly.
And now the duet is on the ice.
Eh, good skating!
The audience held its breath.
The sport is called
(Figure skating)

They run light on the winter road
Athletes on skis with a rifle in hand.
The finish line is coming soon, fans are all around,
My favorite sport to watch is...

The field has two halves
And along the edges hang baskets.
Then the ball flies over the field,
Then it gallops between people.
Everyone hits him and the ball is angry,
And they play with him...

Everyone kicks the ball with their feet,
Like hammering a nail into a gate,
Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!”
The ball game is called...

Venue. In the middle there is a grid.
The captain of the team is Svetka.
And every player is a match for her.
On the other team is Igor.
He brought five with him
Play a game in...

I don’t understand, who are you guys?
Birders? Fishermen?
What kind of net is there in the yard?
- Wouldn't you interfere with the game?
You'd better go away.
We are playing...

The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.
Andrey and I play together.
The two of us go out onto the court.
We hit the ball with rackets.
And against us are Andre and Denis.
What do we play with them? IN …

A figure skater dances on the ice
Spinning like an autumn leaf.
He performs a pirouette
Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no!
He is not wearing a fur coat, he is dressed lightly.
And now the duet is on the ice.
Eh, good skating!
The audience held its breath.
The sport is called...
(figure skating)

The field is mowed smoothly
As smooth as a notebook.
But who will understand this?
Everything is strange! Vice versa!
Both of them have no fence at all at the gate.
But the athletes will soon
They will go out into the field for a walk,
There is only one ball for everyone to chase.
Spectators from all sides!
What kind of field? ... (stadium)

I play volleyball, basketball,
Football, handball.
I'm skating
And I'm an expert at skiing!
Rowing, swimming, canoeing -
This is all my family!
In the summer even to the skating rink,
I'm a big fan of running.
And skateboard and bobsleigh,
Sleigh, badminton, hockey,
I'm strong, healthy and proud
What health gives...!

We are physically active
With him we will become fast, strong...
Tempers our nature,
Strengthens muscles.
No need for candy, cake,
We only need one... (sport)

A strange policeman is walking across the field,
In shorts, he's chasing the ball like a pioneer.
Although very stern in appearance,
He gave the go-ahead to kick the ball.
Sit down if it whistles
To the penalty box,
So, you, my dear,
He hit the ball with his own hand.
I'm the only one who doesn't remember
What is that judge's name?

On Olympus in the ancient world
The Greeks lifted weights
They competed in running, strength,
We endured hardships.
And gave them awards

To be healthy from childhood
And adults won't get sick.
Needed every morning early
prescribe exercises.
You need to stand up, sit down, bend over,
Bend over again, pull yourself up.
Go for a run around the house.
Is this familiar to all of you?
You'll be fine
If you remember...!

Knows the athlete best
He helps him in everything.
Teaches you to fight and win
And don’t lose your spirit.
It is for the athlete in our time
Almost like a mother, because this is...!

I want to become a strongman.
I come to the strongman:
- Tell me about this -
How did you become a strongman?
He smiled in response:
- Very simple. For many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I'm raising...

Both boys and girls
They love us very much in winter,
They cut the ice into a thin pattern,
They don't want to go home.
We are graceful and light
We are curly...

Here is a silver meadow,
No lamb in sight
The bull does not moo on it,
Chamomile does not bloom.
Our meadow is good in winter,
But you won’t find it in the spring.
(Ice rink)

I ride it
Until evening time,
But my horse is lazy
Carries only from the mountain,
And always up the hill
I walk on my own
And his horse
I lead by the rope.

Winner in sports competitions,
There is only him ahead all the time.
How does the proud name sound?
Everyone knows what it is...

This sports equipment is two poles,
Attached to the stand with hinges.
With them I will become strong.
The projectile is called briefly -...
(uneven bars)

Hands apart and feet together.
Run, then jump in place.
Calculated in order
That's it - the end...

Two metal brothers
How they grew together with the shoes,
Wanted to go for a ride
Top! — onto the ice and off we went.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names?

One hit with a racket -
The shuttlecock flies over the net.
Although Seryozha hit him hard,
The shuttlecock hit the net.
Anton won today.
What were they playing? IN...

On the white expanse
Two straight lines
And they are running nearby
Commas and periods.
(Ski track)

Who rushes quickly through the snow,
Aren't you afraid to fail?

Comma stick
Drives the puck in front of him.

Two planks on the legs
And two sticks in his hands.
If we lubricate the boards -
We'll show you snow extra class!
Winter records are closer
For those who love...

I don't look like a horse
At least I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles. They admit
Not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram,
But I know how to call, you know!

Very difficult in hot summer
Athletes should run it
Many long kilometers
Fly faster than the wind.
The path is not easy, it is named
In an ancient word...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

From the ceiling - down two ropes,
Bagels on 'em, guys.
Of course you found out
What are those bagels at the gym?

He is the “carrier” of the backpack,
On a hiking trip,
Sit by the fire
He loves being outdoors very much.
Brushwood, last year's leaf
Throws it into his fire...

Legs, arms - everything is in motion,
I'm crawling to the ceiling
Muscles - just tension -
I was able to lift myself.
There is a mat underneath me,
I climbed up. Helped...

The stands are rejoicing, we are all happy.
Native athletes pass by like this!
Only the best stand on the pedestal.
Awarded only to the best athletes...

Nothing can be stolen from them.
Sometimes something just flies in there.
Ugh! Ugh! So as not to jinx it! What a misfortune -
Why then is there a sentry here?
(Soccer gates)

Goalkeepers are afraid of me
Standing at the gate.
Call me loudly
I earned it later.

The puck is apparently tired.
They don't let you take a nap at all.
She ran to the stands
To get some rest.