Exercises for aging. A unique exercise for old age! For pumping the orbicularis oris muscle and forming a beautiful lip shape

Facial gymnastics (face building) was developed by German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. This is a training method that can help restore facial muscle tone and reduce wrinkles.

We've made a selection of the 13 most effective exercises, thanks to which the skin becomes smooth and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval shape and complexion are improved.

  • Before performing exercises, wash your hands thoroughly and clean your face of decorative cosmetics.
  • Pay close attention to changes in your face, the appearance (or worsening) of wrinkles and folds during exercise. Press the places where wrinkles and folds form with your fingers to prevent the formation of wrinkles in this place.
  • During the exercise, only the muscle group it is aimed at should be used. If other muscles are involved, this is a mistake.
  • At the end of a set of exercises, wash your face with cool water and apply serum or cream.
  • Do gymnastics regularly. At the stage of intensive anti-aging effects, it is worth spending 10-15 minutes a day on exercise, 5 days a week. To maintain the effect, it is enough to perform gymnastics 2-3 times a week.

1. To eliminate crow's feet

  • Place your fingers at the outer corners of your eyes and close your eyes. Your fingers will automatically move towards the center. Don't interfere with muscle movement.

2. To prevent drooping of the upper eyelid

  • Open your eyes as wide as you can. Be careful not to wrinkle your forehead.
  • Stay in this position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

3. To eliminate wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

  • Draw your eyebrows tightly towards the center. To avoid creasing, press your index fingers into the skin above your eyebrows. Fix the skin with your fingers so that it does not move.
  • Hold the tension for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

4. For a beautiful forehead

  • On the left is the action of the muscle when you contract it without using your fingers - wrinkles form on your forehead. To prevent wrinkles from forming, place ring fingers above the eyebrows. Now try to raise your eyebrows, as if wanting to overcome the resistance of your hands.
  • Important: In this movement the arms must "win". Don't let your eyebrows rise! Otherwise, the effect of the exercise will be exactly the opposite. Tighten your muscles for a count of 6, then relax them. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

5. To rejuvenate the upper cheek area and prevent drooping of the corners of the mouth

  • Lift the corners of your mouth up as if you are smiling. Hold the tension for 6 seconds, then relax the muscles. To prevent creases and wrinkles from appearing, place index fingers on the outer edge of the eye, and lightly fix the nasolabial fold with your thumbs.
  • Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

6. To pump the orbicularis oris muscle and form a beautiful lip shape

  • Purse your lips tightly. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles place the tips of your middle fingers at the corners of your mouth and slightly stretch your lips to the sides.
  • Hold in the most tense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

7. To strengthen the chin and neck

  • Tighten up saphenous muscle neck. For this pull your lower lip down strongly. If you do everything correctly, your neck should become tense and clearly visible.
  • Hold the maximally tense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-20 times.

8. Prevention of the appearance and elimination of a double chin

  • Place your fist under your chin. Place the knuckles of your fist under your chin bone-where the second chin begins, and not at the edge. Now lower your lower jaw through resistance, slowly opening your mouth.
  • Hold in the most intense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

9. To strengthen neck muscles, eliminate jowls

  • Straighten your shoulders, keep your back straight. Tilt your head back. You will feel the skin stretch from your chin to your collarbones. Move your lower jaw forward-so that the skin on the neck tightens even more.
  • Tighten your neck and chin muscles for 10 seconds. Perform 3 sets.

10. For a beautiful eye area, against crow's feet

  • Massage the parietal and temporal areas of the head with the fingers of both hands within 1-2 minutes. This should completely relax the muscles.
  • Try to move your ears. At the same time you should feel how the skin on your temples begins to move - from the face to the back of the head. This will engage the temporalis muscle. A strong temporalis muscle will prevent crow's feet from forming.
  • Having stretched your temporal and ear muscles, hold in the maximum tense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

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Facial gymnastics (face building) was developed by German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. This is a training method that can help restore facial muscle tone and reduce wrinkles.

website made a selection of 13 of the most effective exercises, thanks to which the skin becomes smooth and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the oval shape and complexion are improved.

  • Before performing exercises, wash your hands thoroughly and clean your face of decorative cosmetics.
  • Pay close attention to changes in your face, the appearance (or worsening) of wrinkles and folds during exercise. Press the places where wrinkles and folds form with your fingers to prevent the formation of wrinkles in this place.
  • During the exercise, only the muscle group it is aimed at should be used. If other muscles are involved, this is a mistake.
  • At the end of a set of exercises, wash your face with cool water and apply serum or cream.
  • Do gymnastics regularly. At the stage of intensive anti-aging effects, it is worth spending 10-15 minutes a day on exercise, 5 days a week. To maintain the effect, it is enough to perform gymnastics 2-3 times a week.

1. To eliminate crow's feet

  • Place your fingers at the outer corners of your eyes and close your eyes. Your fingers will automatically move towards the center. Don't interfere with muscle movement.

2. To prevent drooping of the upper eyelid

  • Open your eyes as wide as you can. Be careful not to wrinkle your forehead.
  • Stay in this position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

3. To eliminate wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

  • Draw your eyebrows tightly towards the center. To avoid creasing, press your index fingers into the skin above your eyebrows. Fix the skin with your fingers so that it does not move.
  • Hold the tension for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

4. For a beautiful forehead

  • On the left is the action of the muscle when you contract it without using your fingers - wrinkles form on your forehead. To prevent wrinkles from forming, place ring fingers above the eyebrows. Now try to raise your eyebrows, as if wanting to overcome the resistance of your hands.
  • Important: In this movement the arms must "win". Don't let your eyebrows rise! Otherwise, the effect of the exercise will be exactly the opposite. Tighten your muscles for a count of 6, then relax them. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

5. To rejuvenate the upper cheek area and prevent drooping of the corners of the mouth

  • Lift the corners of your mouth up as if you are smiling. Hold the tension for 6 seconds, then relax the muscles. To prevent creases and wrinkles from appearing, place your index fingers on the outer edge of the eye, and lightly fix the nasolabial fold with your thumbs.
  • Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

6. To pump the orbicularis oris muscle and form a beautiful lip shape

  • Purse your lips tightly. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles place the tips of your middle fingers at the corners of your mouth and slightly stretch your lips to the sides.
  • Hold in the most tense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

7. To strengthen the chin and neck

  • Tighten the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. For this pull your lower lip down strongly. If you do everything correctly, your neck should become tense and clearly visible.
  • Hold the maximally tense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-20 times.

8. Prevention of the appearance and elimination of a double chin

  • Place your fist under your chin. Place the knuckles of your fist under your chin bone-where the second chin begins, and not at the edge. Now lower your lower jaw through resistance, slowly opening your mouth.
  • Hold in the most intense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

9. To strengthen neck muscles, eliminate jowls

  • Straighten your shoulders, keep your back straight. Tilt your head back. You will feel the skin stretch from your chin to your collarbones. Move your lower jaw forward-so that the skin on the neck tightens even more.
  • Tighten your neck and chin muscles for 10 seconds. Perform 3 sets.

10. For a beautiful eye area, against crow's feet

  • Massage the parietal and temporal areas of the head with the fingers of both hands within 1-2 minutes. This should completely relax the muscles.
  • Try to move your ears. At the same time you should feel how the skin on your temples begins to move - from the face to the back of the head. This will engage the temporalis muscle. A strong temporalis muscle will prevent crow's feet from forming.
  • Having stretched your temporal and ear muscles, hold in the maximum tense position for 6 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

It seems incredible, but with just one simple exercise you can get rid of wrinkles and gray hair, and generally look younger

Do the “Birch Tree” exercise and see what happens!

It seems incredible, but with just one simple exercise you can get rid of wrinkles and gray hair, and generally become younger. We know it under the name “birch tree”.


You can perform the exercise every day in the morning. You should not have breakfast before this, but you can drink a glass of juice. Besides, this exercise is incompatible with alcohol consumption - the effect of such practice can only be negative. For the same reason as alcohol, it is advisable to remove all unhealthy heavy foods, in particular meat, from the diet. Women should not perform this exercise during pregnancy or menstruation. Those who have high blood pressure also need to be careful.

While doing the exercise, relax and close your eyes. If you are unable to relax in this pose, then you are doing something wrong. Perform the exercise only until discomfort appears and after some time you will notice that you can stay in this position longer without discomfort

It is important that if you perform the “birch” pose, be sure to do the opposite pose - the “snake”.

To do this, you need to lie on your stomach and rise with your arms spread wide apart, as if doing push-ups, but bend over top part back, the pelvis should be on the floor. To avoid health problems, make sure that the time spent in the “birch tree” is necessarily equal to the time spent in the “snake” pose.

Regarding the length of stay in the inverted position to achieve the desired effect, different sources differ here. Some sources claim that you need to stay in this position for at least 30 minutes, while others say that 8 minutes a day is enough.

But all sources agree on one thing: you need to start with 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise (you can add 30 seconds daily).


Modern medicine has discovered many advantages in this exercise. According to doctors, the inverted position of the body removes part of the load from the circulatory system and creates the need to overcome the force of gravity as blood passes through the lower part of the body.

Blood rushes to the organs of the abdomen and upper body, especially the neck and head. The blood vessels of the legs rest, the brain receives additional blood supply, and the thyroid gland is abundantly washed with fresh blood.

In addition, this exercise eliminates constipation, poor digestion, anemia, increases appetite and overall vitality of the body, helps neutralize and destroy toxins.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to do it Focus on improving upper body muscle condition and spinal flexibility, the condition of which determines the normal functioning of almost all organs of the body..published

Traditional Chinese medicine has over a hundred wonderful therapeutic exercises in its arsenal. Many of them simply work wonders with regular practice...

But there is one simple exercise that stands out even among these most precious gems of Chinese preventive medicine. Because it will help youkeep your brain healthy until old age.
“God forbid I go crazy, it’s better to have a staff and a bag,” the great Russian poet wrote back in the 19th century...

When a disease develops, traditional Chinese medicine specialists believe that the balance between the elements of Yin and Yang is disturbed.

But it is quite difficult for us to understand this, just as it is not much easier to imagine that the connections between internal organs. When problems arise with the limbs or the spine, doctors believe that the harmony between the internal organs and the musculoskeletal structure is lost.

And this is not easy to comprehend, especially if you don't understand much about Chinese medicine. Not everyone has the desire to go into theory, but I really just want to know if there is any simple way to restore balance and harmony? I will answer - yes.


In the arsenal of Chinese medicine there is a simple and extremely effective way, which is called the “Golden Rooster Standing on One Leg” exercise. I suggest you master it right now.

Golden rooster stands on one leg

Take off your shoes and socks (feet should be bare, as the channels of the main internal organs run along the foot). Stand up straight, close your eyes, lower your arms freely along your body, lift one leg and stand in this position for several minutes. Stand as long as you can. Surely at first it will not be more than a few seconds. Your task is to gradually increase this time to 3 minutes on each leg. To make it easier to maintain balance, focus all your attention on the foot of your supporting leg. Distribute your body weight over the entire foot, not just the heel or just the toe.

An indispensable condition is not to open your eyes. In this case, vision will not help you maintain balance, which mobilizes the brain to restore equilibrium and balance in the internal organs in order to maintain the overall balance of the body.

The channels of the six most important internal organs run along the soles of our feet. When you try to maintain balance on one leg, the weakened channels may even begin to hurt, but at the same time they will be trained, which in turn will have a beneficial effect on the organ to which the channel belongs. and on the part of the body in which this organ manifests itself.

Performing the exercise "The golden rooster stands on one leg" Helps you concentrate and get rid of distraction.

Blood and qi descend to the limbs, which has a positive effect for hypertension, diabetes, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other diseases.

It is effective for signs of cerebellar atrophy, Meniere's disease (the disease is manifested by attacks of dizziness, noise in one ear, hearing loss, imbalance), gout. Increases concentration.
This exercise, when performed regularly, is extremely effective for those people whose extremities are cold... This method treats the root of the disease, and also perfectly strengthens the body’s immunity.

Effects of exercise on health

Imagine the picture: a narrow bridge spans a mountain gorge. You walk along it, it begins to sway and sag, but you need to maintain balance and calm in order to get to the other side. Fear makes you feel hot and you get your share of adrenaline, which makes the situation even worse.

Why is this happening?

When you are completely healthy, then all systems and internal organs are firmly connected to each other by energy channels through which YIN and YANG energy flows in continuous streams. As soon as you find yourself in a dangerous situation for a minute, all systems immediately come into action, activating all the processes of the body to solve this problem.

But if there is stagnation in the body energy channels, there is a disruption of connections between organs and systems, which leads to imbalance. If you have problems with the spine, arms or legs, this is the result of a loss of harmony between the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.

This exercise is the golden key that will help you restore harmony and balance in the body.

I wish you health and longevity!

The muscles of the face and neck weaken with age, as do the muscles of the body. And with them the skin loses its elasticity. The contour of the face “floats”, telltale folds appear on the neck.

Cosmetologist Nadya Payo was the first to offer her clients a set of facial exercises. This idea came to her after meeting the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. Looking at Anna’s excellent figure, Nadya thought that regular training would be beneficial not only for the body, but also for the face.

After 3-4 months of exercise, all wrinkles will smooth out

As a result, a set of exercises against age-related changes appeared. It will tighten muscles and strengthen the skin, protecting us from premature aging. Nadia Payot claimed that after 3-4 months of exercise, all wrinkles will smooth out. This set of exercises is best done before bed.

Exercise 1 “Relieving tension”

Without opening your mouth, inhale through your nose, filling your stomach with air. Hold the air for a few seconds. Then exhale slowly through your mouth, drawing in your stomach. Hold this position for five seconds. Then relax. Repeat five times.

Exercise 2 “Tone your neck”

Place your palms on the décolleté area. Pull your neck up. Lift your chin and push your jaw forward. Hold the position for five seconds, then relax. Repeat five times.

Exercise 3 “Beautiful cheekbones”

To tone the area around the mouth and cheekbones, pronounce the sounds “yu” and “i”, using and tensing all the muscles of the face as much as possible. Repeat the exercise five times.

Exercise 4 “Fresh Look”

How to tone the area around the eyes and prevent the appearance of so-called “crow’s feet”? Press your temples with two fingers. Slowly, forcefully open and close your eyes. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 5 “Chiseled chin”

1. Place your fists under your chin and, overcoming the resistance of your hands, open your mouth. Then place your thumb on your chin and stick out your tongue as much as possible so that its tip points down. Perform twice a day ten times.

2. Sit up straight and lower your chin slightly. Place two clenched fists under it and use them to counteract the movement of your chin. During the exercise, the rest of the body and face should be motionless. Hold your chin down for three seconds, then release the pressure for a couple of seconds and repeat. You need to do it five times in total.

Exercise 6 “Elastic skin”

Place your palms on your cheeks so that your entire face is inside the cup formed by your hands. Relax your facial muscles and squeeze your face tightly with your palms. Hold for five seconds, then release the pressure. Repeat five times.

About the expert

Nadia Payo- French cosmetologist of Russian origin, founder of the famous cosmetic brand PAYOT and own School beauty. Her clients included Greta Garbo and Anna Pavlova.