Viewings of football clubs. Recommendations for selecting children for a football section or sports school

Answers to frequently asked questions about the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA

How to get to the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA?
You can get into the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA by passing a special selection for the army school.

When does the selection process for the Youth and Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA take place?
Selection for the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA is held annually twice a year: in spring and autumn. Recruitment announcements are posted in advance on the club’s official website

What should I do if I am from another city, but want to get into the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
Boys from other cities should prove themselves in their local teams, then the PFC CSKA selectors attending regional competitions will definitely notice you and invite you to watch.

What should I do if my age is not selected for the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
If there is no selection for your age, then you can get into the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA by proving yourself as part of another team. It is important to note that if your age is not selected and you have never played football professionally anywhere, then it is impossible to get into our school.

What documents are needed in order to come to the selection, and later to study at the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
Required condition To participate in the selection, you must have a medical certificate of admission to sports and a copy of your birth certificate.

How much does it cost to study at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School?
Education at the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA is free.

Do the Youth and Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA issue uniforms?
Equipment is issued to children starting from the age of ten.

Where do the trainings take place?
Training takes place on the fields of the Oktyabr Sports Training Center, located at: st. Zhivopisnaya, 21 (metro station Shchukinskaya). The guys are trained on two artificial football fields x and two artificial mini-football fields, in the sports and gyms. In addition, the complex is equipped with a modern medical office.

What is CSKA-2? What is the difference from the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA?
Youth Sports School CSKA-2 is a school created for boys who, for some reason, were not suitable for the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA. Training at the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School is carried out using the same methods and programs and with the same coaches as at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School. Training at the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School is an opportunity to master the necessary football skills, become more disciplined and feel like part of a real football team.

How much does it cost to study at CSKA-2?
The price of a monthly subscription for two classes per week is 6,000 rubles, for three classes - 8,000 rubles.

Is it possible to get from CSKA-2 to the Youth Sports School of PFC CSKA?
Yes. The best students will have the opportunity to study for free at the CSKA Youth Sports School and take part in official competitions and tournaments.

Are there any teams for training girls at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School or the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School?
No, there are no separate teams. Currently, girls have the opportunity to train together with boys. In the future, if there is a sufficient number of people interested, they may open separate groups for girls.

Where do non-resident players of the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA live?
Nonresident players of the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA live in a boarding school located at the Oktyabr stadium.

How does professional football training fit in with education?
At the Youth Sports School PFC CSKA, they carefully approach the issue of students receiving general education. In case of poor performance in secondary school, the player may not be allowed to participate in training. Let us note that many young army men are trained in gymnasiums.

What time do the training sessions take place?
For academic year training takes place in the afternoon. During the holidays - in the morning and afternoon.

Can citizens of other countries study at the PFC CSKA Youth Sports School or at the CSKA-2 Youth Sports School?
Yes, they can study, but they cannot take part in official competitions.

Relatively recently, football in Russia has received active development. Our Russian championship reached a new level, world-famous stars began to be invited to teams, and people in Europe learned about our clubs. But buying up stars is not the development of football. The development of football is the education of its own young players in the academies of the club.

The leaders of FC Krasnodar understood this best of all and created, perhaps, the best football school in the country. In general, the club from Krasnodar has chosen the right development strategy. The management built a luxurious stadium for the team, the FC Krasnodar academy is known throughout the country, and many boys would like to go there. The main team "Krasnodar" does not have stars bought for crazy money, and the team already often plays in European cups. This is a sure, albeit slow, path to success.

Academy of FC Krasnodar

Everyone is welcome here and does it absolutely free. If a child passes the selection, he is also equipped for free with all the necessary modern equipment for playing football. Children of different age groups study at the academy. In the future, any of the students of the FC Krasnodar academy can sign a contract with the main professional team and become football star on a global scale. There is something to strive for!

Branches of the Academy of FC Krasnodar

All branches are located in the Krasnodar region. There are twenty-eight of them. The academies employ children from five to eleven years old. The Academy has two special arenas with an area of ​​1200 square meters, which contain a football field with the most modern surface (artificial turf). In addition, the arenas provide locker rooms for players, showers, coaching facilities and even stands for spectators.

It is worth noting that not all branches have yet built arenas - they are only available at the team’s main sports school. Where they are not available, training is held in the open air, but also on decent fields (the academy branches have thirteen fields with natural turf and another five with artificial turf) and with all the amenities for both players and coaches, as well as spectators. training. And for the youngest pupils there is a special “children’s town”.

Address of the FC Krasnodar Academy: st. Zhloby, 114. Information about its branches can be found on the official website of the football club.


All people who are involved in the academy and its branches have sufficient qualifications for their positions. Head coach Academy of FC Krasnodar - Alexander Maryanovich. It is he who looks for nuggets and talents among young football players. It must be said that the atmosphere in any of the branches of the academy is calm and very friendly. All conditions have been created for the development of children's football qualities.


The main building is divided into two parts: educational and sports. The educational part is the most ordinary full-fledged secondary school. It has everything modern and necessary for teaching children. All equipment meets the requirements Russian ministry education and science of the Russian Federation. This school educates children from sixth to eleventh grade. The Academy of FC Krasnodar is a boarding school; it has a special assembly hall, the necessary office space, as well as hotel rooms (for parents who come to visit their child).

The sports part of the academy is a medical and rehabilitation center, a modern swimming pool, various saunas, a professional gym and gyms, as well as a trampoline room. The canteen of the FC Krasnodar Academy is a separate building (a four-story building with an area of ​​almost 2,500 square meters). About three hundred people can eat here at the same time. The academy students themselves live in ten of the most modern cottages, each of which is designed to comfortably accommodate thirty-four people.

Enrollment in the Academy

How to get to the FC Krasnodar academy? You need to contact the club's representative office by filling out a special application on the club's official website. If the data in the application is of interest to representatives of the academy, they will contact you. The application contains the child’s personal data, as well as parental data and information on sports skills: general physical fitness and experience in playing football. In any case, a medical examination of the child applying for admission to the academy will be required, as well as appropriate sports tests to pass standards and review skills. Everything is organized honestly, without any “clan” or “bribes”. Only the best of the best (in terms of sports skills, talents and development prospects) get here.

For the honesty and transparency of the system, special thanks to the club management.

Criteria for admission

You can try your hand at getting into the academy from the age of thirteen. Of course, competition for a place in the academy is very high. There is information that guys from Belarus are already studying at the academy. From this we can conclude that the main thing is desire, and then everything is possible. More often than not, those who have played in the club’s system since childhood are enrolled in the club’s academy, but there are always exceptions. True talent is recognized immediately here!

Famous students

If we talk about students who made it to the main team, then Ilya Zhigulev immediately comes to mind. This is the first academy graduate to receive a professional contract with the club. Zhigulev made his debut at the Russian Cup in a match with FC Ural: he came on as a substitute instead of Roman Shishkin, and a little later appeared in the Russian championship, when he came on in place of the injured Yuri Gazinsky. It is worth noting that the young footballer performed very well in official matches for the club.

Another example is Ivan Ignatiev (a student and player of the club). He is generally considered one of the 50 most promising players in Europe - according to UEFA experts. The main task of a football player is to concentrate on the game and prevent star fever, which very often destroys young football talents.

Oleg Samsonov, another football player from the Krasnodar academy, is a promising guy, but his paths with the club diverged due to a scandal in which no one can find the guilty or the right. Every year the list of talents will be replenished; there are many talented young people in the structure of FC Krasnodar. This is a real “forge” of professional, future, football players.

Academy teams

Currently there are 6 age teams - from 13 to 18 years old. After a player reaches the age of 18, he is either offered a contract with the professional team FC Krasnodar, or is released from the club. In this case, it will be possible to find another club: with professional training after the academy, this is quite possible.

To sum up

The Academy of FC Krasnodar is a role model for other football teams in the country. They all need to look up to the team from the southern region. And not to inject hundreds of millions in foreign currency into the purchase of world stars, who then play for the club without sporting zeal and receive multimillion-dollar salaries. And what is important, they go, after a couple of years, back to Europe, for money that is much lower than what was spent on them.

FC Krasnodar is a reference point for young people, a development prospect and simply an incentive to healthy image the lives of young children. This is what our football has always lacked. I would like to hope that the club’s management will continue to work for the benefit of our football!

The education of young athletes, in particular football players, is an integral and fundamental part of the work of most domestic professional league clubs. The development of the CSKA Academy is a priority area of ​​activity for the CSKA team. The school creates optimal conditions so that the maximum possible number of children go through all stages of development on the way to the youth and main teams.

General information

The CSKA Academy was founded in 1954 as a training group for young football players under the CDSA team. In 1970, the division was reorganized into a children's and youth department. Since 2001, the group has been part of the structure of PFC CSKA.

The youth sports school trains young athletes in 13 age categories, the total number of students is about 400 people. Main groups:

Gaming competitions

Starting from the educational and training stage, young athletes participate in various tournaments and competitions. Youth group plays in the Club League for the Russian Championship among sports and football schools PFC of the Moscow region. Guys from the sports improvement group also participate in the Robert Fulda Cup Tournament. Junior squads try their hand at matches for Federation prizes. The team is represented by two squads. Also, teams of different ages play in international tournaments.

Recruitment to the CSKA football academy

Every March, April and September, the CSKA football academy recruits boys aged 6-11 years. For viewing, which takes place on the sidelines of a school, a child’s medical certificate is required, sports uniform and birth certificate. Information about the time and place of collection is preliminarily posted on the official website in the “Announcements” column. The selection of candidates is carried out in two stages, which we will consider in more detail.

First stage of competitive selection

For an objective assessment, at least two specialists from the CSKA Academy are involved. Tests are carried out in the following mode:

  1. Gymnastic exercises (warm-up). At this stage, the development of flexibility, dexterity and coordination of the applicant is tested.
  2. Game test 15x15, or “magpie-crow”. Chips are placed on the corners and sides of the playing square in an amount exceeding the number of participants by 4. The “forty” team is placed behind the square, and the “crows” inside it. The Magpies must guard the chips, preventing their opponents from stealing them, while not entering the square and trying to pick off other players approaching the chips. The Crows must pick up the chips without leaving the square. The stolen elements are stacked in the center of the square. "Magpie", which was salted by "raven", leaves the game, just like their opponent, who entered the square. The team that collects the most chips in the allotted time wins. Teams are divided into 5-6 players, and reaction speed, dexterity, and game thinking are monitored during the process.
  3. Simplified handball. The next test at the CSKA Academy is carried out on a platform measuring 20x15 meters. Teams of 5-6 people play handball. At the same time, it is prohibited to take more than 5 steps with the ball, to be rude and to carry out painful holds and holds. Here experts observe game aggressiveness, speed, team thinking and agility.
  4. Mini football. Two teams of 5-6 people play mini-football. The same qualities are assessed as in the previous test.
  5. A three/quarter lap race around the stadium. Volitional indicators are tracked and summed up with the scores of passed tests.

Evaluation after the first stage

At the CSKA Football Academy, after passing the first test, the possibility of enrolling applicants is considered, taking into account all the completed tasks. The number of accepted guys should slightly exceed the permissible norm. Then, interviews and questionnaires are conducted with young athletes.

Assessment of tasks is carried out according to the “+” or “-” principle. The first meaning applies to guys who show good abilities or compensate for their shortcomings through other achievements. A minus means lack of initiative, weak will and physical qualities.

The main criteria assessed are: game thinking, sports aggressiveness and fighting parameters, strong-willed qualities.

The second stage of final admission to the CSKA football academy

At this stage, the student undergoes a probationary period, which can last from several months to two years. During this period, the degree of each boy's ability is assessed. The test is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the term.

  1. 30 meter run.
  2. Jumping test.
  3. Agility tests.
  4. Monitoring the development of playful thinking.
  5. Testing of sports aggressiveness.

Based on the observations of the CSKA football academy coach and testing results, a growth assessment is carried out young athlete and his ability to learn. Then conclusions are drawn about the child’s further stay in the group. The main tests are selected individually by trainers, taking into account age characteristics applicants. The main task is to record and compare the final and initial indicators.


On the territory of the CSKA Academy in Moscow there are two football fields equipped with modern artificial turf. There is a natural lawn for the children at the Oktyabr stadium. In addition, the school infrastructure includes a fitness center, a games room for training in the winter, a medical rehabilitation complex, and a swimming pool. In winter, classes are also held in the Army Men's physical therapy arena.

There is a boarding school for non-resident students. It is home to about 50 young athletes from various regions of the country. Medical observation and examination of students is carried out by leading clinics in the capital, whose specialists serve the first and youth teams.

Let's summarize

It has long been recognized throughout the world that talents in any field of human activity are born everywhere in almost uniform quantities. To identify and develop abilities, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. The CSKA football school is trying to discover talent in this sport. Security optimal conditions for the development of capable young athletes - the key to a successful future of domestic football.

In parallel with the good organization of classes and the educational and training process, adequate and correct selection should be carried out. The imperfection of some methods or the subjective underestimation of the capabilities of young men leads to sad consequences for both the student and the sport. Today, the base of the PFC CSKA Academy has an excellent material and technical basis that allows it to realize opportunities at a high professional level.