Names of rivers starting with the letter z. Rivers of Russia

Russia is the largest state in the world (its area is 17.12 million km 2, which is 12% of the earth's land), about 3 million rivers flow through its territory. Most are no different large sizes and has a relatively short length, their total length is 6.5 million km.

The Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea divide the territory of Russia into European and Asian parts. The rivers of the European part belong to the basins of such seas as the Black and Caspian, Baltic and to the basin of the North Arctic Ocean. Rivers of the Asian part - the basins of the Arctic and Pacific oceans.

Large rivers of Russia

The largest rivers of the European part are the Volga, Don, Oka, Kama, Northern Dvina, some originate in Russia, but flow into the seas in other countries (for example, the source of the Western Dvina River is the Valdai Upland, the Tver region of the Russian Federation, the mouth is the Gulf of Riga, Latvia). The Asian part is crossed by such large rivers as the Ob, Yenisei, Irtysh, Angara, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma.

The Lena River, 4400 km long, is one of the longest rivers on our planet (7th place in the world), its sources are located near the deep-water freshwater Lake Baikal in Central Siberia.

The area of ​​its basin is 2490 thousand km². It has a western direction of flow, reaching the city of Yakutsk, it changes its direction to the north. Forming a huge delta at the mouth (its area is 32 thousand km2), which is the largest in the Arctic, the Lena flows into the Laptev Sea, the basin of the Arctic Ocean. The river is the main transport artery of Yakutia, its largest tributaries are the Aldan, Vitim, Vilyui, and Olekma rivers...

The Ob River passes through the territory of Western Siberia, its length is 3650 km, together with the Irtysh it forms a river system 5410 km long, and this is the sixth largest in the world. The area of ​​the Ob River basin is 2990 thousand km².

It begins in the Altai Mountains, at the source of the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers. In the southern part of Novosibirsk, a constructed dam forms a reservoir, the so-called “Ob Sea”, then the river flows through the Ob Bay (an area of ​​more than 4 thousand km²) into the Kara Sea, basin of the Arctic Ocean. The water in the river has a high content of organic matter and a low oxygen content. Used for commercial fish production (valuable species - sturgeon, sterlet, nelma, muksun, broad whitefish, whitefish, peled, as well as small fish - pike, ide, burbot, dace, roach, crucian carp, perch), electricity production (Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station on the Ob, Bukhtarma and Ust-Kamenogorsk on the Irtysh), shipping...

The length of the Yenisei River is 3487 km, it flows through the territory of Siberia, dividing it into Western and Eastern parts. The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers in the world, together with the tributaries Angara, Selenga and the Ider River, it forms a large river system 5238 km long, with a basin area of ​​2580 thousand km².

The river begins in the Khangai Mountains, on the Ider River (Mongolia), and flows into the Kara Sea in the Arctic Ocean basin. The river itself is called the Yenisei near the city of Kyzyl (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Tyva), where the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei rivers occurs. Has large number tributaries (up to 500), about 30 thousand km long, the largest: Angara, Abakan, Lower Tunguska. Chicken. Dudinka and others. The river is navigable, it is one of the most important waterways in the Krasnoyarsk region of Russia, such large hydroelectric power stations as Sayano-Shushenskaya, Mainskaya, Krasnoyarsk are located downstream, timber rafting is carried out...

The Amur River, 2824 km long, with a basin area of ​​1855 thousand km², flows through Russia (54%), China (44.2%) and Mongolia (1.8%). Its sources are in the mountains of western Manchuria (China), at the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers. The current has an eastern direction and passes through the territory of the Far East, starting at the Russian-Chinese border, its mouth is located in the Gulf of Tatar (its northern part is called the Amur Estuary) of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin. Large tributaries: Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri, Anyui, Sungari, Amgun.

The river is characterized by sharp fluctuations in water levels, which are caused by summer and autumn monsoon precipitation; with heavy rainfall, a wide flood of water up to 25 km is possible, which lasts up to two months. The Amur is used for navigation, large hydroelectric power stations have been built here (Zeyskaya, Bureyskaya), commercial fisheries are developed (the Amur has the most developed ichthyofauna among all the rivers of Russia, about 140 species of fish live here, 39 species of which are commercial)...

One of the most famous rivers flowing in the European part of Russia, for which the words from the song are composed "Toa folk beauty, like a deep sea" - Volga. Its length is 3530 km, the basin area is 1360 thousand km² (1/3 of the entire European part of Russia), most of it passes through the territory of Russia (99.8%), the smaller part passes through Kazakhstan (0.2%).

This is one of the largest rivers in Russia and throughout Europe. Its sources are located on the Valdai Plateau in the Tver region, it flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta, along the way receiving water from more than two hundred tributaries, the most significant of them is the left tributary of the Volga, the Kama River. The area around the river bed (15 subjects are located here) Russian Federation) is called the Volga region, there are four large millionaire cities here: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara and Volgograd, 8 hydroelectric power stations of the Volga-Kama cascade...

The Ural River, 2428 km long (the third largest in Europe after the Volga and Danube) and a basin area of ​​2310 thousand km², is unique in that it divides the continent of Eurasia into two parts of the world, Asia and Europe, so one of its banks lies in Europe, the other - in Asia.

The river flows through the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, begins on the slopes of Uraltau (Bashkortostan), flows from north to south, then changes direction several times to the west, then to the south, then to the east, forms a mouth with branches and flows into the Caspian Sea. The Urals are used to an insignificant extent for shipping; in the Orenburg region, the Iriklinskoe reservoir and hydroelectric power station were built on the river, and commercial fishing is carried out for fish (sturgeon, roach, bream, pike perch, carp, asp, catfish, Caspian salmon, sterlet, nelma, kutum)...

The Don River is one of the largest rivers in the European part of Russia, its length is 1870 km, its basin area is 422 thousand km², and in terms of volume of water it passes, it is the fourth in Europe after the Volga, Dnieper and Danube.

This river is one of the most ancient, its age is 23 million years, its sources are located in the small town of Novomoskovsk (Tula region), the small river Urvanka begins here, which gradually grows and absorbs the water of other tributaries (there are about 5 thousand of them) spills into a wide channel and flows over large areas of southern Russia, flowing into the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of ​​​​Azov. The main tributaries of the Don are the Seversky Donets, Khoper, and Medveditsa. The river is rapids and shallow, has a typical flat character, and such large million-plus cities as Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don are located here. The Don is navigable from its mouth to the city of Voronezh, there are several reservoirs, the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric station...

The Northern Dvina River, 744 km long and with a basin area of ​​357 thousand km², is one of the largest navigable rivers in the European part of Russia.

Its origins are the confluence of the Sukhona and Yug rivers near Veliky Ustyug (Vologda region), it flows north to Arkhangelsk, then north-west and again north, near Novodvinsk (a city in the Arkhangelsk region) it forms a delta consisting of several branches, its area is about 900 km², and flows into the Dvina Bay of the White Sea, the basin of the Arctic Ocean. The main tributaries are the Vychegda, Vaga, Pinega, Yumizh. The river is navigable along its entire length; the oldest paddle steamer, built in 1911, N.V., plies here. Gogol"...

The Neva River, flowing through the territory of the Leningrad region, connecting Lake Ladoga with the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea, is one of the most picturesque and deep-flowing rivers in Russia. Length - 74 km, basin area of ​​48 thousand rivers and 26 thousand lakes - 5 thousand km². 26 rivers and rivulets flow into the Neva, the main tributaries are Mga, Izhora, Okhta, Chernaya Rechka.

The Neva is the only river flowing from the Shlisselburg Bay in Lake Ladoga, its bed flows through the territory of the Neva Lowland, its mouth is located in the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland, which is part of the Baltic Sea. On the banks of the Neva there are cities such as St. Petersburg, Shlisselburg, Kirovsk, Otradnoye, the river is navigable along its entire length...

The Kuban River in the very south of Russia originates in Karachay-Cherkessia at the foot of Mount Elbrus (Caucasus Mountains) and flows through the territory of the North Caucasus, forming a delta, flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov. The length of the river is 870 km, the basin area is 58 thousand km², 14 thousand tributaries, the largest of them are Afips, Laba, Pshish, Mara, Dzheguta, Gorkaya.

The river is home to the largest reservoir in the Caucasus - Krasnodar, the Kuban cascade of hydroelectric power stations, the cities of Karachaevsk, Cherkessk, Armavir, Novokubansk, Krasnodar, Temryuk...

The rivers of Russia, like a web, have shrouded the entire territory of the country, because their total number, from small to large, is more than 2.5 million. We will not count all of them in this article. Let’s just make a list of the largest, longest, largest rivers in Russia, their names. And we will try to describe each of them separately, especially fishing. After all, rivers are of great interest from the angler’s point of view, and there are a lot of them.

Top 10 longest rivers in Russia flowing under one name:

River name Total length km. Where does it flow
1 Lena 4400 Laptev Sea
2 Irtysh 4248 Ob
3 Ob 3650 Ob Bay of the Kara Sea
4 Volga 3531 Caspian Sea
5 Yenisei 3487
6 Lower Tunguska 2989 Yenisei
7 Amur 2824
8 Vilyui 2650 Lena
9 Ishim 2450 Irtysh
10 Ural 2422 Caspian Sea

Top 10 rivers of Russia by total drainage basin area thousand km2:

River name Pool area: sq/km Where does it flow
1 Ob 2 990 000 Ob Bay of the Kara Sea
2 Yenisei 2 580 000 Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea
3 Lena 2 490 000 Laptev Sea
4 Amur 1 855 000 Amur Estuary, Sea of ​​Okhotsk
5 Volga 1 360 000 Caspian Sea
6 Kolyma 643 000 East Siberian Sea
7 Dnieper 504 000 Black Sea
8 Don 422 000 Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea
9 Khatanga 364 000 Khatanga Bay of the Laptev Sea
10 Indigirka 360 000 East Siberian Sea

List of the largest rivers in Russia and fishing on them:

A Abakan Agul Ay Aksai Alatyr
Amur Anadyr Angara Akhtuba Aldan
B Barguzin White (Agidel) Bityug Biya
IN Volga Vazuza Vuoksa Varzuga Great
Vetluga Vishera Vorya Volkhov Crow
G Rotten
D Gum Don Dubna Dnieper
E Yenisei Her
AND Toad Zhizdra Zhukovka
Z Zeya Zilim Zusha
AND Izh Izhma Izhora Ik Ilek
Ilovlya Inga Ingoda Inzer And the way
Irkut Irtysh Iset Iskona Istra
Ishim Isha And I
TO Kagalnik Kazanka Kazyr Kakwa Kama
Kamenka Kamchatka Kahn Kantegir Katun
Kelnot Kema Kem Kerzhenets Kilmez
Kiya Klyazma Kovashi Cola Kolyma
Conda Kosva Kuban Kuma
L Laba Lena Lovat Lozva Lopasnya
Meadows Luh
M Mana Manych Ursa Mezen Miass
Mius Moksha Mologa Moscow River Msta

The Lena flows out of Lake Baikal, forms a bend and continues northward to the Laptev Sea, where it forms a large delta. The length of the river route is 4400 km, the basin area is 2490 thousand square meters. km., and water consumption is 16350 m3/s. In terms of length, Lena ranks 11th in the world, and the longest long river Russia. The name comes from the language of the Evenki (“Eluene” - big river) or the Yakuts (“Ulakhan-Yuryakh” - big water).

The Ob flows through Western Siberia for 3,650 km, flowing into the Kara Sea, where it forms a vast, up to 800 km long, bay called the Gulf of Ob. It is formed in Altai from the confluence of two rivers: Biya and Katun. It ranks first in terms of basin area, that is, the largest river in Russia (2990 thousand sq. km) and third in terms of water content (behind the Yenisei and Lena). Water consumption - 2300 m3/s. The name of the river comes from the language of the Komi people, in which “Ob” means “grandmother”, “auntie”, “respected elderly relative”.

The Volga is one of the largest rivers on Earth and the largest river in Europe. Its length is 3531 km and it crosses 4 republics and 11 regions of Russia before flowing into the Caspian Sea. The river basin occupies 1855 thousand square meters. km (a third of the European part of Russia) with a water flow of 8060 m3/s. There are 9 hydroelectric power stations with reservoirs on the Volga and up to half of all Russian industry and agriculture are concentrated. The Yenisei crosses Russia and Mongolia for 4,287 kilometers (of which 3,487 km are in Russia) and flows into the Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea. There is a division of the river into the Big and Small Yenisei (Biy-Khem and Kaa-Khem). The river has a basin area of ​​2580 thousand square meters. km (second place after Lena) and water consumption 19800 m3/s. The Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarsk and Mainskaya hydroelectric power stations block the waters of the Yenisei in three places. The origin of the name is associated with the distorted Tungus name “enesi” (big water) or the Kyrgyz “enee-Sai” (mother river).

The Amur flows through Russia, Mongolia and China and flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Amur Estuary). This Rossi River has a length of 2824 km, a basin area of ​​1855 thousand square meters. km and water consumption equal to 10900 m3/s. The Amur crosses four physical-geographical zones: forest, forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert, and up to thirty different peoples and nationalities live on the banks of the river. The origin of the name causes much debate, but the most common opinion derives it from “Amar” or “Damar” (Tungus-Manchu group of languages). In China, the Amur is called the Black Dragon River, and for Russia it is a symbol of Transbaikalia and the Far East.

The Kolyma begins at the confluence of the Kulu and Ayan-Yuryakh rivers (Yakutia) and flows into the Kolyma Bay after 2129 kilometers of its path. The river basin covers an area of ​​643 thousand square meters. km, and water consumption is 3800 m3/s. In the Magadan region it is the largest water artery.

The Don flows from the Central Russian Upland in the Tula region for 1870 kilometers and flows into the Taganrog Bay in the Sea of ​​Azov. Being one of the largest rivers in the south of the Russian Plain, the Don has a basin area of ​​422 thousand square meters. km and water consumption 680 m3/s. According to scientists, some sections of the river bed are about 23 million years old. The ancient Greeks mentioned the Don under the name Tanais, and the modern name belongs to the Iranian peoples of the Northern Black Sea region and simply means “river”. Khatanga is born from the confluence of the Kotui and Kheta rivers (Krasnoyarsk Territory) and flows into the Laptev Sea, forming the Khatanga Bay. The length of the river is 1636 km with a basin area of ​​364 thousand square meters. km and water flow 3320 m3/s. The first mentions of Khatanga were based on reports from the Tungus and date back to the beginning of the 17th century.

The Indigirka is formed from the rivers Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh (Khalkan mountain range) and flows for 1,726 kilometers through the lands of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), flowing into the East Siberian Sea. Its area water basin is 360 thousand sq. km, and water consumption is 1570 m3/s. The word “Indigir” is of Evenki origin and means “people from the Indi clan.” The river is known for its attractions - the village of Oymyakon (the northern pole of cold) and the monument city of Zashiversk, the entire population of which died out from smallpox in the 19th century.

The Northern Dvina flows through the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions from the south to the north and, before flowing into the Dvina Bay (White Sea) in the form of a wide delta, it travels a distance of 744 km. Two rivers, the South and the Sukhona, give rise to it, so that the river basin subsequently occupies an area equal to 357 thousand square meters. km, and the water consumption was 3490 m3/s. This is an important shipping artery, providing a water crossing between Severodvinsk and Veliky Ustyug, as well as historical center the beginning of shipbuilding in Rus'.

The Volga takes its sources on the Valdai Hills. This is one of the largest rivers in Europe, receiving up to one and a half hundred tributaries along its route, including the Kama and Oka, the largest of them. There are numerous reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations on the river. The water canal system connects the river with the Baltic, White, Black and Seas of Azov. Akhtuba is the longest branch of the Volga. The total floodplain of these two rivers covers 7600 square meters. km.

The Kama is considered the fifth river in Europe in terms of channel length - 2030 km, as well as an important river highway. Being a tributary of the Volga, it also absorbs on its way the waters of smaller rivers, such as Vyatka, Vishera, Belaya, Chusovaya. There are more than two hundred large tributaries of the Kama alone. The Kamskaya, Botkinskaya and Nizhnekamskaya hydroelectric power stations with reservoirs were built on the river.

The Oka is a tributary of the Volga (region Nizhny Novgorod). The river bed is characterized by differences in slope and width. Among the major tributaries are the Ugra, Moscow River, Klyazma and Moksha. Hydrological studies make it possible to divide the Oka path into three parts: upper (Aleksin - Shchurovo), middle (Shchurovo - mouth of Moksha), lower (mouth of Moksha - Volga).

The Don is a calm and slow river due to the slight slope along the entire route. Among its largest tributaries are the Seversky Donets, Manych and Sal. The river is actively used for electricity, navigation and irrigation of adjacent lands. The Dnieper in the European part of Russia ranks third (behind the Volga and Kama) in terms of the size of the basin, with an area of ​​503 thousand square meters. km. On a 2285 km route, the Dnieper follows from its source to the Black Sea (Dnieper-Bug estuary). This is a flat river with a wide floodplain and numerous branches and significant fluctuations in water level (up to 12 m in the Smolensk region). In ancient times, a section of the legendary route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed along the Dnieper (10th-12th centuries).

The Ural is one of the largest rivers in the European part of Russia and is located in the southeast of the Black Sea-Caspian slope. Its length is 2530 km from its source to its confluence with the Caspian Sea, and the basin area covers 220 thousand square meters. km. Due to the strong tortuosity of the riverbed, the Urals are usually divided into three parts: the upper (source - Orsk), middle (Orsk - Uralsk) and lower (Uralsk - mouth). A network of reservoirs has been built in the Urals, providing water to the cities and enterprises of the region.

The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers on Earth in terms of channel length and water basin area. On the territory of Russia, the Yenisei basin unites up to two hundred thousand rivers and up to one and a half thousand lakes. The width of the channel varies from 800 meters at the source (Angara region) to 2-5 kilometers in the Ust-Port and Dudinka region, and the width of the river valley varies from 40 km (Lower Tunguska region) to 150 km (Dudinka region). Research on the river began in the first half of the 18th century, thanks to the hydrographer Dmitry Ovtsyn, who was part of the Great Northern Expedition.

Lena is the most large river north of Russia. It flows through the Central Yakut Lowland, forming a wide (up to 25 km) valley and fed by a large number of lakes, swamps, rivers and rivulets. The Kharaul Mountains and the Chekanovsky Ridge narrow the valley to two kilometers, and a hundred kilometers from the mouth of the Lena it expands again and forms a delta of 30 thousand square meters. km. The Great Northern Expedition marked the beginning of a systematic study of the river, and its first scientific and geographical description was made by naturalist Johann Gmelin.

The Ob has the largest water reserves in the north of the country. It combines the flows of the two rivers that form it: the Biya, which originates in Lake Teletskoye, and the Katun, which is fed by the glaciers of Mount Belukha (Altai). The channel, deep at the beginning of the flow, is divided into the Big and Small Ob, then merges into one stream (Salekhard region), and in the delta it again bifurcates into the Khamanel and Nadym Ob. The arrival of the ships of the Second Kamchatka Expedition at the mouth of the great river marked the beginning of the development of the Northern Sea Route.

The Kolyma flows through northeastern Siberia. After a deep and narrow upper valley, on a granite ridge the river forms the steps of the Great Kolyma Rapids. In the middle of its journey, the Kolyma breaks up into numerous (up to a dozen) channels, and as many as three rivers come to the Kolyma Bay: Kamennaya (Kolyma), Pokhodskaya and Chukochya. The river basin is famous for finds of fossil animal bones and gold deposits.

All rivers in our world are different from each other, there are huge river systems, for example, the Amazon, there are rivers in which the water is bright red, like in Caño Cristales, which in Colombia, by the way, is a very beautiful river, there are seasonal rivers, in one for a while there is water in it, but after just a few months the river dries up so much that even a small stream stops flowing.

There are also rivers that have been very badly damaged by humans, like the Chitarum River - it is so dirty and littered that in some parts of it the surface is literally covered with garbage, so you can’t even see the river. Some rivers are very deep, reaching hundreds of meters, like the Congo River. There are rivers that are sour, very short, muddy, calm and high-mountainous, there are even those that do not flow anywhere, and there are absolutely amazing ones, imagine two rivers intersecting, yes, this is already amazing and the waters of which do not mix are the rivers Velna and Nelba. In general, all rivers are different - read about each below.

What is the longest river in the world?

Two rivers claim the title of the longest in the world: as we remember from school, the well-known Nile flows in Africa, and also according to Brazilian scientists who believe that the longest river is the Amazon.

What's the biggest river?

The size of a river is determined by the surface area of ​​its basin. The largest river is the Amazon, whose basin is more than 7 million square kilometers, for comparison, the Nile has only 3.4 million. The table below shows the official length of the rivers and the size of their basin.

    Lena, length, km - 4320, basin area, thousand sq. km – 2418

    Yenisei (with Biy-Khem), length, km - 4012, basin area, thousand sq. km – 2707

    Ob (with Katun), length, km - 4070, basin area, thousand sq. km – 2425

    Volga, length, km - 3690, basin area, thousand sq. km – 1380

    Amur (with Shilka and Onon), length, km, basin area, thousand square meters. km – 2824

    Ural, length, km - 2530, basin area, thousand sq. km – 220

    Kolyma, length, km - 2150, basin area, thousand sq. km – 644

    Don, length, km - 1950, basin area, thousand square meters. km – 422

    Indigirka, length, km - 1790, basin area, thousand sq. km – 360

    Pechora, length, km - 1790, basin area, thousand sq. km – 327

    Northern Dvina (with Sukhona), length, km - 1300, basin area, thousand square meters. km – 411

    Yana (with Dulgalakh), length, km - 1070, basin area, thousand sq. km – 318

    Selenga (with Ider), length, km - 1020, basin area, thousand square meters. km – 445

    Mezen, length, km - 966, basin area, thousand sq. km – 76

    Kuban, length, km - 906, basin area, thousand square meters. km – 51

    Terek, length, km - 626, basin area, thousand sq. km – 44

    Onega, length, km - 416, basin area, thousand sq. km – 58

    Neva, length, km - 74, basin area, thousand sq. km - 282

Almost all rivers are subject to strong anthropogenic impact, the possibilities of extensive water intake for economic needs for many of them have been generally exhausted, and thousands of small rivers have ceased to exist due to human fault. The water of many Russian rivers is polluted and unsuitable for drinking purposes. The most heavily polluted surface waters are in the basins of the Volga, Don, Irtysh, Neva, Northern Dvina, Tobol, Tom and a number of other rivers. The Volga River basin is polluted with petroleum products, copper compounds, easily oxidized organic substances, and nitrite nitrogen. The Ob is polluted with compounds of iron, copper, zinc, manganese, ammonia nitrogen, petroleum products and phenols. The upper reaches of the Yenisei contain high concentrations of iron, copper, zinc, and manganese. Lena is polluted with hard-to-oxidize organic substances, copper compounds, and phenols.

List of the largest lakes in Russia:

    Caspian Sea, area in sq. km - 376,000, greatest depth, in meters - 1,025

    Lake Baikal, area in sq. km - 31,500, greatest depth, in meters - 1,620

    Lake Ladoga, area in sq. km - 17,700, greatest depth, in meters - 230

    Lake Onega, area in sq. km - 9,690, greatest depth, in meters - 127

    Taimyr lakes, area in sq. km - 4,560, greatest depth, in meters - 26

    Lake Khanka, area in sq. km - 4,190, greatest depth, meters - 11

    Lake Chany, area in sq. km - 1,708-2,269, greatest depth, in meters - up to 10

    White Lake, area in sq. km - 1,290, greatest depth, meters - 6

    Topozero, area in sq. km - 986, greatest depth, in meters - 56

    Lake Ilmen, area in sq. km - 982, greatest depth, in meters - up to 10

    Lake Imandra, area in sq. km - 876, greatest depth, in meters - 67

    Khantayskoye Lake, area in sq. km - 822, greatest depth, in meters - 420

    Segozero, area in sq. km - 815, greatest depth, in meters - 97

    Kulundinskoye Lake, area in sq. km - 728, greatest depth, meters - 4

    Lake Teletskoye, area in sq. km - 223, greatest depth, in meters - 325

    Lake Peipus, area in sq. km - 3,550, greatest depth, meters - 15

    Lake Baikal is a unique source of fresh water. The volume of water in Baikal is about 23 thousand cubic kilometers, which is 20% of the world's and 90% of Russian fresh water reserves. If there were no other sources of fresh water on Earth, then thanks to Baikal, the inhabitants of our planet could live for about 40 years.

A pulp and paper mill was built on the shores of Baikal, which daily discharges over 200 thousand cubic meters of industrial wastewater into the lake, which undergoes insufficient treatment. This causes mutagenic changes in aquatic organisms and their subsequent death. The consumption of water by the population is prohibitive. Against the backdrop of the fact that the amount of water suitable for consumption is constantly decreasing, each country faces the question of rational use of water reserves.